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Show Weber Couple Married In Logan LDS Temple . SOUTH OGDEN — Impressive -ceremonies in the Logan LDS Temple united in marriage, Miss Mary Beth Kimble and ‘Nolan B. Costley. President A. ‘George Raymond performed the rites. The bride is a daughter of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Howard Attending the bride were Mrs. Dan W, Van Kampen as matron of honor; Miss Kathi Brewer, maid of honor, and petite Nannette Yearsley as a flower girl. They wore models of purple organdy, fashioned with empire T. Child waistlines and featuring double of South Ogden. puffed sleeves. Completing their After the marriage, the bridal ensembles were matching veils “party was feted at a wedding caught to purple feather flowers. -breakfast at the Chuck-a-rama BEST MAN Restaurant by the bridegroom’s David Dixon performed. the ‘parents, Mr. and Mrs. William best man duties. Crale C. Cost-S. Costley of North Ogden. ley and Glen Stockings were LACE CAGE ushers. Po The bride was attractive in a A number of pre-nuptial pargown of white taffeta with a re- ties were held in the_bride’s -embroidered Alencon lace cage, honor. | ‘which gently extended from the Following a wedding trip to shoulders Velvet into a chapel train. leaves adorned Jackson Hole, Wyo., and West with Yellowstone National Park, the seed pearls and white feathers newlyweds will return to Ogden secured her elbow-length veil. to make their home, : She held a bouquet of white They plan to continue their feathered carnations, baby roses education at Weber State Col_and lilies of the valley. lege in the fall. |