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Show WEEKLONG AFFAIR _ —N. Ogden Coed to Reign At College Homecoming A dark-haired beauty, Leslie of the week’s events opening Ann Taylor, 20-year-old history ‘Monday expected to attract as major, is queen of the Weber participants or spectators many thousands of area residents. State Homecoming celebration, Opening event is Monday at |Monday through Saturday. 1 p.m. when students climb the Her first attendant is Janet mountainside east of campus to Jensen, 20, a biology composit whitewash the “W.” ALUMNI BANQUET major, Second attendant is Kathee McBride, 20, education On Wednesday at 8 p.m, stumajor, dents and alumni will present The three were introduced a series of free musical and as the celebration’s leading la- comic acts in the traditional dies at the home coming coro- Feline Follies to be held in Fine nation ball Friday night in the Arts Center at 8 p.m Union Building. They were A principal attractionos the picked by vote of students prior| ieee to the dance. 10 CONTESTANTS Their parents are Mr. and Mrs, Thomas. J. Taylor, of 428 E., 3000 N., North Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jensen, 2904 ae a. ie Van Buren, and Mr. and Mrs. old grads will be the sliknni banquet. and reunions in the Union Building Thursday at 7:30 p.m., with the emphasis on visiting and cordiality and short on speeches, according to prexy Ferrell E, Carter, Banquet tickets are available J at the Alumni Office, phone 399-5943, Ext. 329. Prior to the banquet, starting at 6:30 p.m the classes of 1948, °48, °53, and 58 will meet for reunions. On Friday at 8 p.m., internationally known pianist Van. Cliburn presents a concert in the Fine Arts auditorium. This homecoming attraction is sponsored by the Ogden Symphony| Guild in cooperation with Weber | ELECTED — Mrs. Jens Traeden will be installed as. the new president of kwa tapes SSOCtgtion, tonight , p.m. at Rothey’s Fort Pitt Room. Other officers are: Mrs. Evelyn Jones, vice president; Mrs. Dennis Dajffron, secretary-reporter, and Mrs. Dennis Wood, treasurer. Charles W, McBride of 1070 10th. The pretty trio, who won the |honors over a field of 10 charmers, will preside over all events of the celebration, which include a parade, football game, banquet, dances, and other events. . They will be mounted atop one of the parade’s outstanding floats in the 35-unit homecoming parade Saturday at 10:30 a.m, P RECEIVE TROPHY Queen Leslie Ann and attendants Janet and Kathee were presented a trophy and bouquet of flowers. All contenders received a necklace bearing a college seal. Miss Taylor was sponsored by Delta Phi Kappa, a men’s club. Miss Jensen’s sponsor is LaDianaeda, and Miss McBride’s sponsor is Otyokwa, both girls’ social clubs. Gov, Calvin L. Rampton will ride in the Weber State College Homecoming parade and _attend the football game. OPENING EVENT The parade and game come Saturday as climatic features a Jeanne Nowak andJ. D. Stokes (back) along with Mrs. Kent D. Iverson and Mrs. Carl ter (jront, eft to right) rehearse a scene from the Feline Follies to be presented by the alumni and students on Nov. 1 |