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Show B STAKES PLAN Public Bidden to Attend Thursday Evening Without Charge TRO ene ere Honor Day Assembly, | Banqut and Dance Set - tor lriday nt foe body otis officers, debaters, publica- orators and athietés of the Weber college — dent body will -be honored Hes. Friday morning and goer Awards will be presented oe = college auditorium, aces 11 o’clock in the morning. ae annual honor day banquet oes dance will be held Friday night. Twenty athletes of the school { will receive awards for Bee tition in football, basketball, track field. | aul Budge, Clarence Clark, Rober Veil Joe Irvine, Robert Weir, EHZimer 4 Randall, Frank Mouritsen ane | | ! | Bill Stratford slipover will be sweaters Eressntod with the *W’ for their first year ketball. Raymond Price, year player, Si ae at with a block in bas- | — swe Pe 2 Tg playing their first bee in fo6tball will be given eels medals as awards for peg a championship of the ee oe Junior College league. : a i playing the second year " Le given coat sweaters as eS uy awarded gold medals in nee) 3 of 1926, having won the 2 amp ionship during that time also. Floyd Bailey, Vrank Mouritsen, | Othello Wheatley and gree ee verson will be BA ven: t 2 ee medals. Raymond pense 6 ig ait Fred Carr, Clarence Budge, Francis Bott, Edward W ard, Se | Wangsgard, Leland Newman, SY lication. 9 Halver-= Larmowe reaters. track aes only cuet his staff,: Acorn The STAFF. pubyear book in es oe porns Ellis, Grant the staff are associate Scoville, herma Cardon, Ardell: Charles Emmett, Ss € assistant ma business advertising | Douglas, rank agver:..F $= => On| pins. gold receive will Os Griffin, John Taylor, lord and Wanesgard i iv Eudes oe earn to athleté ACORN literary Nielsen, Evelyn manager; 9 z : iIsraelson, : Fee Dorothy ditor | Palmer, artist; Arcaitom Evelyn Clarphotographer; Marble, thur ence Clark, athletic reporter; Al- | and editor, calendar Gimlin, ice Rubenstein, typist. Wilma A). Cy * — c = = ‘ zreo ee -s 4(3 c> - Ss - bloc : See B 5 Rais ETI The Seventeenth Ward hall, at Twenty-ninth Street and Quiney avenue, will be the Scene of an M. FA: drama contest on Thursday night, May 19, at 7:30 o’clock. Well trained casts from five stakes comprising each of the District 14 Will be seen in the one-act play, “lhe Unequal Yoke,” by Blanche Kendall MeKey. Hach presenta. tion will occupy approximately 209 i minutes, after Which the jndges Will render a decision, awarding first and second places. The points of judgment wll be 2s follows: Makeup and costunie, 20° per cent; scenery and stage etting, 10 per cent; character portrayal, 40 ber cent; genera] effectiveness, 30 ber cent. The stakes competing are Ogden, Mt. Ogden, Weber, North Weber and North ‘Davis. The Winning cast wil] represent this district in the division tryouts on May 31. ‘The Me Le committee in charge of the event includes: Margaret North Weber, chairman; Wilkinson, Ann BarOn, Mt. Ogden: Luly Child, Ogden: Jatherine Wright, Weber, and Em. ly Evans, North Davis. The public is cordially invited to attend free Of charge. STAKE Contests ENTRANTS, of Ogden stake Mutuals to select entrants for the district finals were held Tuesday night in the Sixth and Thirteenth wards. Mrs. Bertha Eccles Wright and K. R.McKay had charge of the prosTams in the Sixth ward and the winners were Harry Foster, Eighth Ward, public Speaking: Kizghth Ward “M” men’s quartet; Homer Brinker, Huntsville, harmonica Solo. In the Thirteenth ward the contests were in charge of Mrs. Mary A. Schaer and Ralph TT, Mitchell, eS Jr. The winners were: Gould, Seventh Ward, public Speaking; Laura McEntire, Huntsville, retold story: branch for the deaf, dancers: drama cast, Beth Winkler, Lawrence A. Van Dyke,. Jr., iMrs. Laura Chambers and Jess Lilly white. a JONES MADE PRESIDENT 0} STUDENT BODY Wallace Jones of Morgan was Made student body Dresident of Weber College for 1927-28 in the annual elections Wednesday, He Sarnered 417 votes, compared to ‘ S competitor, TLester Young. Jones . came to. Weber college fro m the Morgan High mSChook where he served {WO years aS student body President. Miss Beth Winkler, daughter of MP and Mrs. - Ernest Winkler, 22a2 Adams avenue, . was elected gic the yice Presidency. She was Siven 112 votes while her op-§ ponent, Miss ~ Mable Reynolds. Sathered §}. Miss Winkle r Starred Ak the - sttdent body Production, “the Lion and the Mouse” a reader, Others elected were: George Bianch, secretary; Jessa LillyWhite, President -of the public service bureau: Dorothy [sraeison. ivice President of the Public gery. ice bureau: Charles Emmett, athletie manager; John Griffin, de. bating Manager; Jack Craven, dramatic manager, and Charlies ; Burton, manager Lillywhite was acc of Publications. orded the high€st vote of the day, 177. |