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Show ‘Lien and Mousse - Still. : . se Boards After . = Pe _ Twenty Years. ee ' = The ter : Lion ore the Kiien’s play, ae which # — has been | “HESged throughout America for, e-past score years, will be presented by the Weber college dra- matic elub on Friday and Satur- day evenings, January 14 and 15, | it is announced by Harvey I. TA lor, head of the dramatic art. dei partment of the college, 1 “The Lion and the Mouse” was _ played dn Ogden | December, / to run 20 years ago being popular. enoUsh | for four successive | It-made a record Broadway, | and since then. the rights ies, not One when first staged, | had professional being _ teur players nighis. run for its. time | 'on | retained by released until hundred last ten ‘ic college: tried parts : in cast, pee out been | for ama-— year. students at | for 17 the giving an ex- the role of John Burkett Ryder... men Critchlow, in the “Kathleen play are: Elsworth O’Connor, raelson, Winfield Watson, Jack ‘fin, Wright, Car- Weaver, Dorothy IsHancock, El- -eanor Stark, Casper Woods, Henry Craven, Francis, Nolan Taylor. Vida and Charles Many Ogden. high : J ohn Mildred Emmett. Carma Grif- Rhees of the cast played in =. last. 5 aa | nchagl Production ——00-~ — pee — : compan- nd Rulon Budge “will See Others in the of |