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Show _ Weber ‘College ~ Phursday- evening, December 22, at 8: Kiteeare m. in the’ Weber ‘ballroom, found the Weber students just begin-. ning one of the most delightful par- ties of the season. one of the two The Acorn ball, big parties. of the Weber year, is held annually on the night that Weber dismisses for the holidays. ‘chosen by At this time ‘one girl is the students to represent Weber. This girl is queen of the Acorn ball, This is one of the highest honors Weber college has for any girl, and she who wins the coveted crown knows that she has been chosen because she is the girl in the college who most nearly symbolizes the spirit of Weber. ~ The queen is first presented to the students at the Acorn ball, which was given Thursday evening. The ballroom was decorated in, not the customary red and green colors, but in the softer rose, silver and _ blue. Countless Christmas trees were) grouped around the dance floor, each tree glittering with ornaments. The| ball room was dimly lighted with | rose and blue lamps. — At the main entrance of the ballroom were grouped many evergreens, representing a forest in winter. At 9:30 p. m. little children came out of the forest scattering roses. Following, clad in silver and white, walked the 1927 Queen of the Acorn ball, Miss Beth Winkler. Following Miss Wink- ler came her attendents, among whom were the court fiddlers, Miss Virginia Anderson and Miss Lorraine Skidmore. ‘The queen ascended her silver and white throne dazzling in the, light of the numerous spot lights in! different parts of the room which | were thrown on her. : ‘After the presentation the queen | dancing was enjoyed until 12 o’eclock, | when the students left for the holi- days. ‘The | Acorn sponsible staff was for the success largely re- of the ball. ‘Miss Manan Read, instructor of Engdish and advisor to the Acorn, was chairman of the ball committee, and to her should go the largest share of credit: for the success of the par- |