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Show MRS. JAY ae D. ARGYLE Mid-Summer Ceremony Joins Two In Marriage MRS. KENNETH Terri Nilsson Weds 7 — styled with high draped (Robert Jay Harris of 706 W. neckline, lone tapered sleeves ‘Antelope Drive, «announce the and gathered flared skirt. Miss Karen Harris as maid of ‘marriage of their daughter Joan to Jay D. Argyle. honor, wore a_ yellow seerThe bridegroom is a son of sucker dress styled with mock! iMrs. Ernest Argyle of 198 S. turtle neckline, gathered sleeves (Lakeview Drive, Clearfield, and|With ruffle trim, and yellow and’ Other attendants . . ‘changed Thursday in the Ogden Harris, pery ee Shawna LDS Temple. Ann Harris, were F Mrs. | ee Holland ee and and Mrs. Dennis Later the young couple Arnell, Mrs. David Montgreeted friends and relatives at gomery, Mrs. Barry Hunt, Mrs. ,a@ reception at the Harris home. Mark Bitner and Mrs; Craig [ CREPE MODEL > The bride was pattired in a full length Fisher. attractively crepe PRINT Lelal eX- ere were 149 Me mvs vows SKIRTS AY Marriage az blue bib effect overdress. ithe late Mr. Argyle. | AUGUST BRIDE | LAYTON — Mr. and Mrs. gown | C. EDWARDS a a a a> AS A> A Pret They wore alternating yellow land blue dresses with mock uer-7e 99d) NYOOTYUdVe _ ‘Zurjoau ayeatid opnpeyos turtle neck, and yellow and blue ayeIpoulut ey} puodeq yoo] print bib skirts. Craig Fisher performed duties suozII0y euoIssejoid ‘jeuosaed uedxe Ajayeuryyn yor sueyd of best man with Greg Brown, ye ««‘uorjezlues10 §=—-_[etoads Dennis Arnell, Gary Poll, Curtis| | Randy Harris and yw = Bunesedo-o0 Aq ures ‘Harris, OX ‘Aytatjoe dnols ulor :(1Z ‘Roger Argyle serving-as ushers. — The couple will reside in 00-72 AON) SNTUV.LLIDVS -(pe¢ton, following a wedding trip “unj ork. urAey ynoqe Ayinb jeej 3,u0g 0} Ajay, ele oe] pue snizenby| | ATT OF UMG JINOA JO- ojTT. eavy “MOIA Joyeq Jos [IM noA — oA azeot op jng ‘“Jeqwow ego 0} oNp ST STUY, ‘sprejep Jo! | VT LO Oa po bonne ary Tor) —InTemple Setting © NORTH OGDEN — Dr. and trimmed in dainty lace appli‘Mrs. Richard E. Nilsson of 1012 que. E. 3100 N., announce the marBridal attendants were Mrs.| riage of their daughter Terri to Dave Hill as matron of honor, Kenneth C. Edwards. Miss Julie Kapp maid of honor, The bridegroom is a son of and the Misses Pat Edwards, .Mrs. Elaine Edwards of 1524 Julie Edwards, Janet Edwards iMountain Road and Cleon Ed- and Sharon Nilsson, brideswards of Salt Lake City. maids, and Mrs. Edward King, / The ceremony was performed attending matron. ‘Thursday in the Ogden LDS Temple by Elder John L. Zundel. : 4 Parents of the bridegroom hosted a luncheon at Maddox for members of the wedding party, and a reception was held in the evening at the Ogden Golf and Country Club. | ORIGINAL MODEL For the nuptial events the bride was lovely in a full length original gown of satin and em- broidered Venetian lace, deep V_ yoke accented with with small the covered buttons, and train was edged with accordion pleated chiffon. | They PLAID GOWNS wore matching dresses of green and _ white plaid, styled with an empire bodice and puffed sleeves, which were accented by matching hair bows. | Kelly Edwards of Pocatello, Idaho, performed duties of best man, with Brett Nilsson, Bruce Dickamore, Dolph Woods and Randy Tucker serving as ushers. : Following a wedding trip to Southern California, the couple will reside. in | Ogden. |