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Show ‘marriage of their daughter Joan os . LAYTON Mr. and Mrs. gown styled with high draped Robert Jay Harris of 706 W. neckline, longs tapered sleeves SAntelope Drive, «announce the and gathered flared skirt. 7 Mid- Sill Coreiftia? Joins Two In Marriage Miss Karen Harris as maid of honor, wore a_ yellow seerThe bridegroom is a son of sucker dress styled with mock! (Mrs. Ernest Argyle of 198 S. turtle neckline, gathered sleeves !) (Lakeview Drive, Clearfield, and with ruffle trim, and yellow and? blue bib effect overdress. ithe late Mr. Argyle. Other attendants were Mrs. | | Marriage vows were ex- Mary Pettingill, Misses Lark ‘changed Thursday in the Ogden Harris, Shawna Holland and LDS Temple. Ann Harris, and Mrs. Dennis Later the young couple Arnell, Mrs. David Mont- (<9) Mh evan Led cas jto Jay D. Argyle. with mock OX ‘Aytayoe 90-72 urAey “AON) ulo~ :({Z/: ‘Roger Argyle serving as ushers. The couple will reside in AD SNTUV.LLIOVS following a wedding trip), “unj “eton, ork. ynoge Aqymb jaey 4,u0g 0} Ajay, eleov] pue Snizenby| ATT OF UMO oA ez[Bol VU dnois wee dresses WA blue 99) NYOOTYaVO “‘Surjoour ayeAtid ofnpeyos turtle neck, and yellow and blue OIPIpouTUE +94} puoksq yoo] print bib skirts. Craig Fisher performed duties suozli0oy [euotssejoid ‘jeuossed uedxa Ajayewnyn yorum sued of best man. with Greg Brown, | yew ‘woryezuesio —_—etaeds| ‘Dennis Arnell, Gary Poll, Curtis: Randy Harris and yim Surnesedo-oo Aq ures) ‘Harris, AY They wore alternating yellow ‘and uer-7z AY crepe ay in a full length Oo. oS pattired ar greeted friends and relatives at gomery, Mrs. Barry Hunt, Mrs. a reception at the Harris home. Mark Bitner and Mrs: Craig | CREPE MODEL Fisher. > The bride was_ attractively PRINT SKIRTS JNOA JO- of]. eABY ‘MATA Joyjeq jos [IM nod — op jng “Jaquet Jeaj2 0} onp St Sty, ‘sqrejap JO! | ooo fons BAInnR Tad |