Title | Student Government Minutes, 1963-1964 |
Creator | Calderwood, Susan |
Contributors | Wahlquist Junior High School |
Description | Meeting minutes for the Wahlquist Junior High student government, kept by the secretary. |
Subject | Weber School District; Students; Middle schools--United States; Student government |
Digital Publisher | Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date | 1963; 1964 |
Date Digital | 2022 |
Medium | Administrative records |
Spatial Coverage | Farr West, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type | Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications | Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG files were then created for general use. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information: |
Source | Wahlquist Junior High School Library |
OCR Text | Show WAHLQUIST JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 196581964 atudent Greg Body Officers Shaw President Terry Bailey Vice-President Susan Calderwood Secretary susan Stanger Historian Velodettes Joy Saunders Barbara Wyatt Shanna Johnston Andrea Moyes Phyllis Hadley Kim Melehes Jana Jenkins Boys Tim Wayne Paul Chatelain Sugimoto Orton Girls Elaine Shaw Marie Anselmi Mary Hodson Judith Joyce Sheila Diane Donna Linda KeNee | Campbell Beckey Favero Parker Boyer Thompson Garr Assoclation President Vice-President secretary Association President Vice-President Secretary Dennis Croberg Paula Yathy President Bingham Vice-President Storey Secretary Tom Markos Brenda Grittenden Jone Garner kobert President Vise-~rresident oeoretary Buswell _ President Margene Brown Ann Chambers Olga Vice«President secretary Quintana Ramona Rees Elaine Markos Marianne Colleen Joy Sorensen Nedra Lani hs Sette SNe Pig Agee 5 jor Christensen Crabtree Drake ?P: bat President Vice-President Secretary | HOME ROOM REPRESENTATIVES 9th Grade Mr. Mr. ure Viss Miss Mr. Miss Anderson Cheney Foy Mike Fent Kraig Gailey Nash Miller Miller Richard Rhees Steve Jorgensen Jolley Kellett Keyes Gene Endow iynn Clarke Pat Lambert Connie Wood Mike Jones lirs. Ledingham “Ye. Loveland Mr. Shupe Mr. Spencer John Roderick © Sth Grade Mr. Bench Mr. Mr. Mr, Mr. Mr. Colvin Curtis Griffin Lundstrom Orell Mr. Shaw Mrs. Mr. Kathy gerryis Miya s Rick Denn Barbara Quayle Ann Miss Bernards Budge My. Cottle Vr. Fullmer Vr. MIs Mrs. Mr. Ve Miss Dennis « Jenkins Larson Licton Rowley Porter Vrs. Shade Mr. Williams Bruhn ‘Whiting Marilyn Ellis 7th vy. Skeen thy Wade Ka Patrice Moyes Gary Yayment Busker Grade Brent Obin Val Markos Jon Usher Lois Thompson Kristine Burningham Debra Brown Buster Taylor Lex MeCormick Vark Melehes Paula Hansen Helen Hurst Craig Williams a Because in of the changes the homerooms at the it was necessary to ammend and role. The changes made in beginning are Sth the as class of the Student Janet Hadley Vre Call Trent Hansen Mire Shupe Vike Nash Mite Spencer Georgia lirs. Mire Cottle © Jenkins Liston | Lex Olsen Paula Hansen Jerry Washburn Shade Sharon Miss Stanger Debra Wilijams Miss Bernards Baker Grade lirs. Mr. Council Grade Anderson Mre second follows: Vr. 7th schedules gon Josephson Brown Usher Helen Elmer and semester, membership [ZZ MEMBERSHIP Mite Jarrett ur. Rose Mrae LZ Jenkins a. / Shaw Gree Shaw . Susan Calderwood Susan Stanger Tim Chatelain Elaine Shaw Dennis Croberg Tom wh Buswell Lynn Clarke Gene Endow Mike Jones Steve / Jorgensen Lambert Fent Yraig / Miller “Miller Mike Nash Richard John ) Markos Robert Pak / BRIS IAIAK Terry Bailey Vy Rhees Roderick 4 4 yt ROLE a Connie Wood Barbara Bruhn Mariiyn Ellis Jerry Miya Patrice Moyes Dennis Ricks Kathy Sheen Kathy Wade Gary Wayment Debra Brown Kristine Paula Bur Ana: Hansen Helen Hurst Yal Markos Lex MoCormick Brent Obin Buster Lois [cbc son Taylor Thompson NGARONNIS » conn Usher Vark Craig Melehes Williams SANA. Ann Whiting Janet Hadley Trent Hansen sharon Lex NIA Baker WAL Lhe, > Mi LS Georgia Josephson Olsen Jerry Washburn Z MLL AO Aegiccer2 Log, v */ (CVecliO72 © Ly Udy pes perti 25, SV OS | ~ . Student Body August of was held at 1:00 pem. for the purpose accquaintins the student body officers for the year and responsibilities. and we of 1963-64 discussed Wahiquist dr. to maintain to prepare to acquaint to prepare welgome throuch to only to add be The to interest. were meeting gehool, in the show for points The ideas (a) spent dismissed at of are year. us ve are school designed responsible then of p.m. in each disoussed, signing Student 3:30 to Officers the duties were also, to guide Body and related time was new activities fields 6th, eases purpose (e) Student also the activities: the these was leaders instructed our (b) in all remaining of as with school and education, officer, officers traditions officers several work Rose the sched foruled September traditions. Mr. with Cards. The SRO back leaders individual The displays related an mat com. expectations, responsibility graders welcoming by Nose our assembly year's duties, standards and and 7th their Mr. status. the our charactor. nody its an gain should High Rose bound with the everyone “Amt, is Meeting 1963 A meeting ing not 155 ~~} Body Meeting Student The Student 7th meeting embly for advisors, present in for made scheduled Our SEC be helda in connection period to rangements Officers Body addition the September Mrs. to Jenkins the with "Get 1966 5, September preparation the final Acquainted” arase 6th. and Student Mr. Body Shaw , were Officers. Lb 9th Grade Meeting september 10, The ninth ingham, rary of ninth grade brook, Perry lowing was week The to McGrew, choose The with was and made The a to committee somnittes Julee Pat to the chosen was then menbers Gordon, Paula in the lib- Ledingham. Bonnie purpose plan the are as Muir- Lambert. meet again committee assembly. meeting Groberg, held a meeting Mra. Masters, Gécision the KS3:SEC advisor assembly. Fred A for their meeting follows: officers, Dennis and Kathy Storey, with the grade 1963 adjourned. during to the discuss folideas Student Body Meeting September ll, 19635 The aration mind, of the meeting to the officers plan three matinee SEC the dances Mrs. the diring were Student 7th "Get grades. Present advisors, of period. Acquainted The were set for and Vr. held The the was prep- for in each discussed following Body Officers Shaw. a purpose Dances” activity the Student Jenkins Body and Friday. and their Girls issociation September for Porter, Miss bring in to and put money the on to time this At of thought They year. suit It Meeting The MA: SEC was in October ways to gell such to and for plans then advisor year. the things aside set be the throughout began help to selecting Girl's the Girls were Dance. Association begun adjourned. people Fathers assemblies, as the hold the Hodson, needs. officers and was meeting would sponsored committees decided which their the Daughters Party, of be to activities their meeting dates the They discussed for first their 1966 their with met Officers, association Girls Mary and Anselmi, Marie Shaw, Elaine 12, Meeting for it. = Studeht Body Meeting September 17, 1963 Second paration their uled Mire time for it present dances. the Miss hew the to Mrs. was Jenkins, to Body matinee The officers Mr. Jarrett, have be furnished were "name acquaintances, help made tags" winners supervise with for the the ir. Rose. and of spot the students Cottle and proceedings. gerade purpose with Dance” 'r. the 7th sched- by the teachers, pre- and met and a "Dollar would Education as dances the would used Officers to Physical furnish the were dollars Records Porter, Student 16th. decided silver periods plan September Arrangements _to seventh for advisors Shaw, and and of advisors making 9th Grade september The ninth the assembly 9th Grade gram were Oetober and committee to met about be sponsored were 29th was briefly decided (or to Arough be discussed Semblies officers, assembly. would ivities grade Mr. Anderson, discuss idea of by the Sth and the dates They preceeding) KS:SEC meeting was adjourned. then comine pro- Future acte- for are as Thursday and the Grade February. The the what established. upon. Meeting 17, 1963 Officers the ase follows: also, April a Neeting-Secretaries September 18, A meeting was held third period 1963 in the lib- — rary conference room to inform the secretaries of our aS sohool reoord organizations Student Seereteries, and Class Girls related minutes formal &e responsibilities Secretary, or of the 411 9th were Sth Grade Secretaries in attendance, following meetings informal, and Association who presided, Kose Take Body Boys Rose, Mr. ide their keepers. The and Mr. of points: (noe eoncerning activities) the officers and organizations. Advisors must be present to legally call be correct a meet- inge oe Secretaries' minutes concise, 4e All oS» Each 6. and should and of be approved of by the ad- other officers. secretary & gopy very | minutes visors should each Body Secretary, them in the must of be their and school she responsible to meetings té in will turn, present the Student reeord records, Zach secretury must keep a record of individual oacurances in their specific organization, continued: 7e The purpose of keeping records are-~-~ (a) T> have a record of all school to at dates, if refer to should arise. (bj) set To later a form of occurances a queation leadership for those who follow. Se All secretaries should develope an individual system of note taking for her own econventence. 8. Secretaries proceedings of her motions should of minutes feel free a meeting concerning to to interrupt insure the important accursof factors the Pep Grade Secretary of this The SEC ané carried, Assignments were made to Susan Calderwood contact the Club and Secretary and the futere was 7th inform them of the proceedings meeting, meeting to dismissed at 10:30 acm 8th Grade September On at Thursday, 1:25 meeting pem. was den, and Miss Jolley, The make were ber in Miss attended the purpose for by oveaber not final. Plans were Tom a meeting conference Markos, was room. Brenda the Eighth Grade held The Critten-~ Officers and advisor. of an 19, Jolley's Jone Garner, plans were, September Meeting 19, 1965 the meeting assembly. 27th and made to was Suggestions iz2th. December meet to again on discuss and dates for dates These Friday, Septem- cOth. Miss DeMe IG:SEC Jolley them adjourned the meeting at 1:40 Sth Grade Meeting September The Ninth ir, Anderson of activities. Oetober Grade the c4th Day to or was Graduation The and Grade coming the meeting KS3SEC Officers held diseuss the ‘ve chose to 25th February and schsduled Exercises October was then for for 19, a meeting Ninth Grade Sponsoe was dismissed, assemblies; or May Wednesday, with calendar two 12th Tuesday, assembly 1965 18th. 26th, May briefly Ninth and 27th. discussed Meeting-lresidentsa and Viee-rresgidents September First of our period soehool ent Body Sth Grade Mr. these Hose, purpose officers 5S. Don't | wait to then. The use of as ideas should for We are S» No 6» <All organdzations the dates for the held the the Stud- 9th the and Boys and Vice-Prresidents, was to acquaint responsibilities. were presented react Body to by to his and disousseds responsibility fund to ecards Should vou, be you go enforced traditions, raising should year eontact school activities. past scheduled coming meeting advisors Ctudent for were; officers possible. way 4, reason Present Presidents their admission not the Vice-Presidents, this with best for presided, following the upon and of Hach officer in &. who helé 1962 Vice-President, .ssociation The ie and Presidents The was organizations. President and Girls and a meeting 19, projects, turn in a copy for their activities , no later than of all planned September 20, continued: Fach activity alternate should Movies and S&. Each organization nicht dances program given the outstanding Each primary activity or are very is allowed assembly to both g an per to semester. assembly Linited. sponsor (An award assembly should of the present talent. The and datee 7. G. have meeting was adjourned at &:40 aeme one may be year.) new Student Body Meeting September 20, 1963 During ecoupied by third the period, Student the Body conference Offieers room was and their ade visors. The specific the | purpose dates Student The of for Body this meeting activities to was be to establish sponsored Officers. activities were scheduled as follows: le. Assembly - October 4, 1963 &, Student Dance (co-sponsored Officers) - November Boys Body by Night Association by the S, 1965 S, Christmas vatinee Dance - December 20, 1963 4 Saint Patrick's Day Vatinee Dance = VYarch 17, 1964 Se Assembly - April 10, Bach of the officers 1964 was assigned to create some new ideas for the assembly scheduled for Ootober 4th, to be based The SEC upon. meetings was then dismissed, Student Body Meeting September 24, 1965 pose made were Decisions sections resent such sports page, comics, Officers. Susan Bailey, of of and Dear perhaps would assembly the newspaper the on the program the to base scenes The newspaper. Terry Shaw, Greg ase «, Stanger Susan and Calderwood daily were attendence in Those Body Student the by sponsored be to gembly pure the for forthcoming the for plans the establishing of hours sehool after held was A meeting repe as: The headlines, Abby and the society pases. were chosen ideas were established and brief The officers selected completing ing and SEC for Charactore the the seript, group then the to comic-strip represent scene other scenes. a committee to assist them in plans were made disassembled. for a future meete 9th Grade Meeting “eptember The storey, mittee and and The decided KS3:SEC Ninth Paula our dates and Grade the Officers, Bingham, 25, Dennis met with 1963 Groberg, the assembly advisors, for com| auditions meeting Kathy was for the adjourned. assembly were 8th Grade September On sembly Grade the September tryouts 26, were officers, 1965, at o:00 Meeting 26, 1965 peme, Sth held. It was attended advisors, and the script by Grade the ase 8th committee for assembly. The meeting Our next was meeting adjourned at is to be 4:30 held on p.m. September 30th. Student Body Meeting September 27, 1965 room, ence The objective, ly, which was to begun. ts] ‘4 The assemb- on the coming by request of the officers were attentions Progress Council Officers. working theme, assembly our seript Body Student and | The script. the Confer- continue postponed advisors. upon, were present those the in period fourth held was A meeting was made During Meeting meeting was was the to turned tofeas adjourned and at the the of course mentioned previously been having scene meeting briefly 11:26 of formation first the decided and the a Student discussed. aem. the Sth Crade september On the September eighth Jolley and Crittenden, After upon grade Mr. try-outs assembly. Bench, Jone It again was advisors, Garner, the attended and 8th were Tom Grade held by for Miss Varkos, Brenda Officers and the committee. seript mittee 30th, Meeting 30, 1964 met witnessing in Miss the students The meeting 0:00 Dem. Our ober 23, all the Jolley's who try-outs, conference qualified the room entire and com- decided for the Sth Grade pem. and was adjourned assemb- LY« JG:SEC 1963, began next at meeting 3:00 is to be held, Wednesday, at Oct- 9th Grade October October October The Ninth met mittee forthcoming with 9th The meetings The KS :SEC Officers Grade meeting the Ninth Grade Grade Meeting 4, 14, the 1965 1963 1965 assembly advisors to then planning adjourned, com- discuss assembly. were mainly was and 1, meetings. the ceeM Girls Association October 2, 1963 The Shaw, Girls Vice Hodson, was President, with concerning .ssociation their the decided be the Also, program items to to begin The MH:SEC and more sell by in order selling meeting Association was to working an then what committee the bring Christmas and Elaine Secretary, held Mary a meeting Meeting. The seveneeneate date were Rose, Mr. concluded officers and Porter, 21, 1963 decided they selected The Miss continued The officers on Girls with it President, \nselmi, advisors, Qctaber schedule made to Marie first to officers; Meeting on the talents in monpy. adjourned. to use in go them. members. meeting cards. to skits by discussing They decided TRE ee oe Student Boys Body and Association October 4 meeting Library, to the forward our and the were of the \rs. of for our of Jenkins autumn Body the and period important annual Student Boys lir. date would of be the depending on other the dance was Sponsored Se The 4 A contest be scheduled and be Se the for a lr, the that dance, the Pres. and Fullmer, iss voting of the or date 22nd, of 1963, 'Harvest oon’, Congeniality November evening from be &, Studant 15th activities--the would primary the November November and for be by on would November 7th. ‘he 5th, winners would dance. to be made in organizing the Student Council a decor. members to tielp details, The Ve An orchestra “he for dance voting Se &. set the for committee other night Association, jointly would scheduled Arrangements were ation make of final announced dance later theme the discussion: dance The in factors Officers, Body and Boys Association Officers, & Meeting 1963 second establish Vice-President Points The to plans advisors, i.e arranced purpose, “resent ident was 3, dance dance would be would committee a ‘sport dress,' be provided, | and Mr. Cottle will be in charge continued: «ee0f details cp tJ “> The concerning meeting was then the orchestra adjourned at arrangements 11:40 Geile e Student Body October The Student preparation dialog for in band the | Officers meeting, the its coming room Previously in the Body and on assembly. to The disassembled those Grd, at attending officers Susan ed the general east SEC and meeting 4:50 seript the took place p.m. was \T. conducted Shaw, cast members, Calderwood seript briefly ideas of the assembly arrangements to have another the f The explain- to the members. After the form and complete were, and all the Shaw a final a meeting Student Body Officers, Cree Meeting 1965 attended purpose; October gymnasium, S, group making was dismissed at &:00 asme meeting, 7th Grade| Veetine October 9, 1963 _ Beginning at their advisors Mr. cuss the meeting were 7th was 2:45 crade held p.m. Charlton movie in room the and Mrs. and 107. assembly No Grade officers Berrett met proerams. definite made. The meeting was adjourned AC :SEC 7th at 3:00 pem. to The decisions and dis- Girls Association October The Miss and Mary Hodson, Anselmi, Marie Porter, The and algo the Girls the Association was students to The Meeting. completed, getivt and it nounced. The meeting Elaine Shaw, had a meeting the completed different chose Meeting 1965 with advisor. officers members mittee officers, Association Girls ll, was then adjourned. for skits the participate selection would of later in com- be an- Student Body Oetober 14, Boys The by the Conference Student Body and ''rs. Jenkins. the basic plans night dance, jation and ms occupied officers The and and meeting Student Body officers jointly. &e The date Se The theme 4. The time Se It would Chatelain of was the appointed dance would would sponsored decided be be student Body eards student Boys annual Assoe- &, 1963. p.m. bady dance only. presented at the doore admission, An orchestra would 2. The dance would he doone dress. 8, Stag 9. Buses would be would the run be arranged order to of for . dates. transport students to and from dance. A popular would and the November 7:30-10:00 must be continue loon", Se 10, by Shaw upon: be “Harvest bs Yahlquist to vr. chairman, would from period forthcoming be Tim the our will and 4th Chatelain, desicned of ‘eeting during Tim was preparation discussed aS was 1963 which le way Noom and Association take the voting place, final for "Mr. The voting on and primary “iss Congeniality" voting November 7th. on November 5th continued: ll. A decoration Student They are Mike as members. follows: Gene Paula Hansen, The SEC was Council Jones, 4fation committee Connie and Endow, ‘ood, the selected Student was then Ellis, Body officers. meeting Nash, Mike Marilyn adjourned. from and the Kent Ann Boys Miller, whiting, Assoce Student Jetober First Room. and a meeting was held in the Conference The Student Body Officers met briefly to plan organize which Rose period Body Veeting 14, 1965 | is was to thoughts take present place to for on advise sented. “he the Student Tuesday, us when | meeting was then adjourned. Council October a leeting 15th. question was ir. pree 7th Grade Meeting October 14, 1962 The 7th Grade in room 107. Marjean Brown-Vice their advisors: The group Decisions aS the The were an assembly theme of Officers officers met to and Ann and Mr. discuss their have coming Robert Berrett sponsored the advisors are: President, Mrs. to and the movie by the assembly AC :SEC meeting was adjourned at peme Chambers~Seeretary. Chariton. Hands srade program 4:00 3:50 Buswell-President, progran. On Deck" officers. woulé the Clock", The at assembly "All 7th met poem. be shown Also, "Around Council *Student October in and 1 grade and 1 Shaw, the Student to all members. the responsibilities Council Student has important an members fore its must take and ideas and an dance, Student must any Body in imformed the the dance and representatives and that related and school the of the there- proceedings; They standard example. They in to duties the take must their express and meetings all the distributed school a high set problems Night many freely. Chatelain, then in part active called body governing the voice opinions disucss Tim is President, Greg members. Council Student other representatives, was homeroom the of Officers Body 6 homeroom then were discussion item of first The Body Notehooks orcere meeting Presidents, advisor. officer Greg were absent Those Advisors. 15,1963 homeroom were Student the ane Presidents, office Grade Meeting October & Boys Association Girls representatives, 1965 held Present period. 7th during 25 roon was Council meeting student A 15, accurate notes homerooms. committee Student that of Chairman Council would be the members held on autumn of a November sth, continued: page 2 The theme would be "Harvest }oon" and it would be held from 7:60 best sport; = 10:00 PeMee dating, are invited to for the attend; Vahliguist Stucent shown will be scheduled in accordance with ber to by 7th (finals) reign over school and the everyone's Tim the dance the dance dance a be is announced the Chatelain- chairman, Gene ike Hansen, and The the Nash, Ann annual committee "Miss conducted co-opsration Marilyn a strictly cards activity. areas contest popular and Novem- Mister The dance an Buses only. by and in be Body Sth(primaries) activity. also Jones, general be ecraders will to in the 7th dance Student select must the would The and on November to policy Greg and be held run dress Body as admittance to of stag. however, be would order preferrably must vote The Congeniality™~ as stated orderly way vital, decoration Endow, Tllis, commettsee Kent Connie members: Miller, ‘ood, Mike Paula “hiting. ned Cross members Drive were »as briefly announced as: discussed Richard Hnees - chairman, Helen Eurst, Jon Usher. The conmettee was instructed meet with the Student Body officers for further to Terry Miya, Lynn Clarke, Patrice Moyes, details. yO ee » continued: Greg page cailed located in Council members in The were a in an in of gather of issue was up the would homerooms called of the as per to annual take importance Halloween part by activity. enthusiasm imformation during litter in that order le a Sponsor to the the scattered for Have Student in spon- Members homerooms, whether Student Body reply decorations. The and issue till the pro table the date. established prize the order, for assembly more telephone homerooms homerooms tow new instructed their build used the discussion all was question to and working item Suggestions @&e remind 4 grounds a to activity, A big was hall which can be attention main to later blem our instructed funds was it next Carnival to the keeping soring 3 to a it Council on contest school is essential maintain "Clean our meeting Up between our to school Campaign" the Girls was grounds. have The clean status and fact school spirit. were: ona boys, offering winner, officers pay particular attention to offenders. a specific date each term ag an annual day Designate 3. lockersSe out to clean 4, Hola 5, Use the who é@o rizht 6. Announce post names against (mot practical). Use 8, Make was motion Greg terested responding. committee from those chairman, Gary “ayment, Skeen. Kathy other the committee jons the for next The the to free was solutions, meeting members. Council Student the members on President any then any results. to for Gonnie ‘vood Patrice Moyes, and of approved Greg mentioned or all of them questions encourage in- to select a were assigned and called representatives use were are: They Lambert, Pat committee The then proceeded and in the campaign who members those of show a for called The action. into put and upon agreed disposal. committee. eampaien 4 form to suggested then was proper for locations displaying posters homerooms. in reminder constant also disclays- in offenders of or a 2, offenders. the degrading than rather those encouraging by approach psychological practical) ( not azainst - Decided Court a Kangeroo decided It 4 page continued: and that report then co-operation by suggest- the to in at instructed the home TOOMS « The meeting was then SM 7h putes YO Mug adjourned.. - C72 hccrnbes B, 1963 Student Body and | Boys Association October 21, 1963 A meeting to make for further the held dance. Student rs. 7th period in and plans arrangements autumn officers, Shaw, was Present Body Jenkins, were officers, and r. the Clothing of the Lab decoration Boys their Griffin, ‘eeting Association advisors, and the Mr. decoration committee. A executive group Tim to execute was the plans final Chatelain, Susan and Marilyn meet a committee and Ellis. work detailed pleted. with The and other The committee was of Dennis, the the plan was of the original details. Comnie diagram committeo and from Calderwood, ''r. diagram chosen They “ood, ‘ike instructed art teacher, decoration to be presented members by Friday, to are: to and when the October Jones, make come advisors 25th for | approval. Suggestions yellows the and stage. pumpkins, of colors browns. It was and The center decided cornstalks and color attraction to use perhaps schemes wergfolds, authentic a couple scare-crows ag decoration hichlichts. Noon" be printed a rustic the would in wood stage. The meeting was adjourned at would 2:42, “he be autumn on leaves, of stuffed theme appearance "Harvest above Student Body October 28, Boys A meeting and Mr. was Dennis nection with meeting was during called to the A brief Le A Oe It te A was for the the further the plans autumn Library overall concerning to list Seat was have in dance. Conference cone The Room decoration smaller a made (swing) for details back-drop scene made ag of the Miss following and Ir, ideas; Congeniality 9care-crow Ce Back-drop de Check cost and ee Check cost of f. Rope Ee he amount pumpkins of crepe and for swing Materials for fence and Materials for the title Calderwood was assigned Keyes and crepe paper The and scene board Susan plan « make committee attraction, check b. decoration were: of decided main Be iis diagram discussion the in the Meeting 1963 period, Accomplishments 1. and decorations conducted 2nd with discuss and Association check and meeting on the cost construct was then and a basic paper (order) straw and cornstalks for the band area lettering té amount talk of drawing adjourned at to Miss ordering of 9:35, the floor Student Body and Roys Association Meeting October 31, 19635: A meeting iod. was Present Association advisors, The final Mr. of approved and general and then main and Drop work scene Susan to the the and Mr. making explained I’r. in the A brief had committee and Boys chaw. appearance executive per- and the decorations. advisors were be were and been group, Rose. The detail td plans the group of done the meeting among the distributed lettering as - Susan was té assign committee the members. follows: Calderwood and Stanger 2. Ordering Se Corn-stalks 4, Pumpkins 5. Pins, 6. the objective Assignments and dance 7th committee, continue decoration by lay-out to during officers, Jenkins, designed up by Body 25 discussed. The 1. Mrs. over-all of room Student the autumn drawn in the decoration was for the and the Griffin, meeting previously duties were officers, plans scetch conducted of - tape Susan crepe - Mike Connie and paper and styrefoam Nash and Gene “ood other and Terry supplies - Endow Greg Shaw | Bailey needed - Susan Stanger Calderwood Swing and fence - Mike Jonea and Tim Chatelain continued: 7. Bales 8. Searecrows - Susan Jones, and Greg 9. of Gifts straw and - Susan Calderwood Stanger, Susan Calderwood, Mike Shaw elections for "Miss and Mr. Congeniality" ~- Student Body officers LO, Advertizement ll. Ceiling 12. Hast and - Student decoration ‘vest - wall Body Tim officers Chatelain decoration - ané Greg Shaw Cadnnie Wood and Mike Jones iS. Stage decoration it decided check on was SEC to Susan hold accomplishments arrangements The - to meeting suit was the then in Stanger a meeting and again assignments, need. adjourned. Susan and on Calderwood Monday make to future Student Boys Body November Third room. the period, Present were the Meeting 1964 held in the Conference committee, made up of other Officers, Association Linda Ray and Perry Dennis, and Mr. committee members, was 4, decoration Boys and Body Student a meeting and Association MeGrewe back-#rop the discuss assignments the in ments who Chatelain, report and Every decoration of asked Vr. the committee each The and Slst, October on accomplish- on check-up with scene accomplishments. on-his planned given conductor and Chairman to called was meeting The to Dennis. Tim was meeting to member briefly were details discussed furthér. one was td assigned materials present have and ready props their all be used to anc by Thursday. The gcene and The SEC sroup its discussed adaptation meeting was then the to preparation the scenery adjourned at of on 9:55 the the ae. dropstage. Sth Grade Meeting November 12, 1963 On November Mr. Bench, Tom 1£, ecrade officers Sth discuss the coming The ed at JGSSEC meeting 2:42 poem. room Brenda the committee in Markos, Garner, script 1963, Sth Grade was also had begun 15, Miss Crittenden, and Jolley, and met advisors, assembly Jone program. to The in attendanée. at 2:00 p.m. and was adjourn- Girls Association NOvember The Girls advi Sor, Party and met items Le Association the to committee discuss of the 20, Officers, for final the 1963 Miss arrangements, Decorations &. In b. The the gym cafeteria tables Prizes Oe Selling tickets 4e Serving of the meeting BP3S Ee the refreshments was adjourned Porter, Fathers discussion: at 3:45 Pele Meeting ana the Daughters student December A meeting in connection ember £0, period the Body officers, Grade called with 1963. in Student was the The by Matinee meeting Conference Officers, the 9th, Officers the Sth, were asked was Bodv Those 7th Grade Officers scheduled conducted and to 1963 Student shaw, and ‘'eeting 3, Dances room. Mr. Body for during attending by 6th were request of Officers. participate in Dec~ the the The sponsoring dances, the read the The meeting was the minutes from foundation Those who ficers begun the as the meeting Student Secretary that was held the danes for the future plans of attended the meeting were the and the Presidents Bodv Student representing to Lay activity. Body of- the other Grade officers. Greg, Robert the Buswell, assignment way to were: given encourage a. These idea to was use then took charge the 7th Grade at the previous meeting, dance A balloon Sticks. dance, chairman, items a gas President, participation. dance were b. balloon to suggestions for an e. broom- additional the balloon upon on concerning dance and called report His snow-ball discussed filled and an a continued-page it was should inal ussigned Plan their ideas, then Ufficers. the 2 Tach gifts in Uther to each the way report the results group was accordance duties to were 9th 8th 4. Officers Grade Officers Grade Officers stage 7th Mr. Shaw ovganized 00d related and ready judgement the skit. ber 16, will in The Student to orice Bodv distribute plans, follows: prizes and make arrangements and presents that go all an under for the assignments time. Selecting decoration students to the skit was tree be well tree must Also, of he encourdced participate in set for Decem- of the prizes, 1963, Student buy them, them Bodv officers, purchasting evenly Suecestions Chocolates Peneil among for three the 2. prizes Tie tacks Set eect ~~ using they skit « to the that in charge of each officers one to and use then dis- in the way Pen and wish. they . as records deadline The tribute - to own assizned Sroup choose, assigned their &e Grade they also Student Bodv officers for the Christmas tree on Office dance ie os Grade allotment — were: Se Necklaces 4, | for 1, GS EELEKEESS is $30. OO; vl. 00 for continued-paze It was cheaply body to us to tie "Letter who mentioned for Next to & if be discussed in with judge bers. rr. Budge could order the candy necessary. Santa” would that the - was a activity. involving them contest ob. among the Suzgestions the Snsiish Drawing using student were: team a. department, Student Boay/nun | After cided that a period of conversing it be was mentioned ing and staff. would that releive Mr. the the Shaw an added could be arrived by would be made sponsor would be dropped. Greg to called for imposition P.7.A. advised subject, on the officers could responsibility us that tomorrow, a any the if more December contest; questions if and it was de- teachers. It do from the the judg- english substantial 4th, further not, the then ideas plans issue adjourned the meeting. After prepare other thoughts officers officers ments adjournment and for used individually the Student a Student the time to Bodv officers Council NVeeting. discuss the preparations responsibilities. with met The their for their to fellow assign- continued-parce The are as sugcested for Student Council discussion follows: Caos Ee Clean Oe Behavior 4s Resvnonsibilityv De Safety on balls ce during Up Student December The LC items Le The day, 4 sroupd 5, lunch periods Camnaign - in and halls as continued was in Qe the Veeting during then meating students running 1965 iast classrooms schoolerounds Couneil from 7th dismissed. snowballs be snit halls was scheduled period in room for 23 Thurs- and 25, *Student Council Meeting December 5, 1963 A during Student Council the period. 7th Officers, the Girls Boys and 9th, resentatives, and one sent, Meeting 8th, was conducted Present were and Grade 7th the in room Student 15 Body Presidents, the Association Presidents, 27 .bsent 4 Home Representatives, advisor. were Ceorgia representing Mr. Baker Room and Spencer's Home Helen and room Filmer Miss rep- were pre- Bernard's home rooms. Greg meeting the Shaw, to order. minutes read and from asked the She of to assisted the Students of proper had their used up. Connie for cleaning She stated, Still more lated the by to be lire in that lockers campaign done." seriousness of the results Dennis's Neeting been members. art their to had remind the ‘The committee for campus a day In Successful, but campaign. com- ecamp- classes denied. the were Campaign supervise Following the and posters a request was Secretary of locations. had the Council Clean-Up to called Council the hanging periods mentioned “The on disposal lunch by the Student ‘ood, committee out taken the that President, Student report reported Body was last Connie chairma @ign. Student Roll approved Greg mittee the report clean- specified summary there Greg Littered is re- halls continued: and campus school Greg 2 lead to zrounds then udent of pase by asked the for solutions ideas presented discussion Le Gonsult the for the classes sym up the ae Locker rut an the persons be. "X*" the the problem last scout were the from meetins. as our visit re-discussed Rdueation all the offenders. It may here. the Ste several “hroushout follows: teachers. campus and area and arrance clean on strive for messy was lockers, then publicly mentioned that emsev- the publicity. the clean lockers rather than 100% clean lockers - reward the dis- ones. Campaizn specified for assembly Patrol the Agssicn assiznments. or miss to frequently council suecestions Thysical Desicnate organized be. in to of checks barrassing ae new The who impression litter. Mae 4. officials members. the 3. unsatisfactory Council the eral an As being a program. candy store patrol (must punishment be area duties through approved the a school activity during of offenders while the the before must eleaning lunch recular action stay periods lunch is taken) after school up the grounds. TTT RE continued: page Greg as 3S called patrolling for the a vote, halls ststing during offenders then being obligated their time. own a motion patrol the The have specified areas. The items ivities scheduled ie Sth Grade &. Girls Se Ball Dance 4 Christmas near Student was were those 15, - dance sponsored irts be the Grada issembly Proxzram - Presentation December 19, 1963 = Night Performance would be The ‘elodettes, activity and ealandar the act- to the by 1963 the Student Student Body Concert Choir, orchestra vosted 12, - 1965 Band, the officers. 16, participating of December 196% Fine over-ruled,. 1965 ~ December 20, by officers futures Tournament supervised The Body motion - December would suggestion periods. December Those Se and the lunch the discussion for The ChriStmas Body of issembly Volley Matinee called best to clean the campus on to next was the the in musical the Yagle groups. cafeteria was mentioned. S. Students leave i965 return and The meeting SEC for was | 2 for Christmas the then new vacation vear - December - January &, 20, 1964. adjourned. es , inutes approved SE A aie on Ata date® mes i tii eo che. i s, /9bdp Student Body Meeting December S$, 1963 A meeting quest. The was first period. Mr. Rose, the and The David and to in Pleasant of be given allotment was included paper. It ing chocolates. a clean later in date, the He in Susan and drive at as the purchase that can we © and money $10.00 would be consult order The res- the officers, After to Humphreys Ir. of trees, allowance matinee ample for dance, grade act- wrapping Budge them wholesale con- leave the per pure nee, seleetion the - to of in order- through the | the proceedings. We halls out Christmas 900.00 upon arranged their was tree. proceedings. period were the the see plans father sells Rose to the placed whose facilities. in was “r. away suggested discussed up tree discussion decided trate. Up-Campaign during Jarrett, Terry, Christmas and View item The Also briefly re- office were Mr, discuss participate third Store officers' Jarrett's Greg, student the prizes the a during the Body Officers, the officers was Mr. school decorating the candy the the to in attendence to Dave, Another Student Humphreys. upon residence the in Body Humphreys, called school Those assembled of David sulting place decorating ponsibility was took Student group chasing by meeting the Susan, called plans were and drop ‘ for executing instructed the locker to the Clean- emphasize checks until | continued: page It the was 2 suggested Homeroom to Grounds during execute selected the the for “Ord the and Sible. both assigned was the school Lunch- Gree Shaw decided as well, types of charactors. body's Brown to remain as present- campaign. then obligated to the being The inconspicious to list observe school ground's as responsibility to construct would the appemrance as pos- a list of be posted be responsible for the attention. Jarrett the are who contribute offenders, matter with the Council were: , students their getting using posted. is Mr. week period It student patrolling Debra Bruhn Student by periods. Miller Barbara campaign other of Rhees luneh the -2nd lbyes citizens the lst Patrice lst The good and Lunech- Kent duties begin duties lunch Richard no we Representatives members The that assigned campaign those into students the officers action chosen by to first discussing to help participate the in for continued: page 3 We, as officers, approach in all The Note: meeting of were our was Immediate instructed contacts then to during use the a positive campaign. adjourned. action towards the campaign was dropped for the present, but it will resume in full responsibility after the Christmas Holidays. student December A meeting was held third period. Those attending Tom Markos The that and and were the a basic of to designed the organization, in The officers on grade the Shaw, secretary be made with discussed ations dance original ideas to give used; drawing officers to had been the the checked for gifts assigned in with obtain their of the their away body to grade prizes. Sth previously) accomplished disThey Student numbers ordered of 2rOup. distribution (arranged had was card the officers Shaw, officers responsibility their body Mr. grade to who in Student a note the 9th the meeting meeting | the aac concerning The SEC the candy the room. grade and/the assigned 2 Greg the inform of records duty. to the be the | had student officers, 15 minutes of officers, £TOUD of body Body matinee reference Student 19635 Conference the would Zach the for value use plan all Student (candy) numbers. a list 7th was (10.00 in Meeting Buswell. gerade office assigned ecard the 16, the last conducted Robert the prizes each was were meeting tributing but It during Body the was body in grade the President records officers and also that to dismissed. check on that céntact in relation skit. then requested to the the must ideas prepar- Student Body December Susan and Stanger, Susan Shaw, Greg Jackson, irs. Rose, Mr. Jarrett, Mr. were fourth the of first Present office. Jarrett's Mir. in period 19638 the during conducted was A meeting leeting 16, Galderwood. The Jarrett Mr, to gether would It was then to Mrs. Markos. to these service Holiday later of box or chose equal take to and men and the Student funds and purchase an women ordered ordered The responsibility publicity Pink the gift. SEC group then school was (The stressed. candy the “ither box. appreciation store $2.50 officers & Gold) of wrapping dismissed. to- 9 cooks, the gift boxes senting them was given to the Studeht Body Officers. The issue a gift. the our showing from &rGold P the of body | plans; making these without appropriate $2.68 in custodians, importance The as the action the presented He 3 full-time the traditional and faculty the chocolates upon agreed years. decided and was past contribute presentations A box the as; officers the this in school at here that been has event said of custodians. and cooks school our to gifts christmas presentation the was discussion of problem and pre-_ Student Body January Debra Bruhn, the Rheese of the meeting was to ibility of be The of (ire hose connecting Body student gested the a a sahool worst Officers punishment name offenders or for offend respons~ Their duty the and “Fallen campaigns must be brought Gouncil. offenders. name is listed no action will be taken, The titled be Bagles" the not would lists Eaglea", It was Grer aethe before first re- cise then and lists two those and erounds. Me the Student the the she of the to | stating that suggested into be put ‘l'embsars performing "Falling now solution of patroll- who of clean- the briefly by individuals those names Barbara perform to of Willer, will periods. line Jarrett, resume the proposed on one published Zagles", as; “Flying that meet ing appearance the to be would cided the observing revealed. thus the be in would cantribute played. campaign lunch the during halis Council sults The and restating Student who began Jarrett re the problem, ing Richard proceedings. campaign force. and purpose The up Brown, Ir. were Kent Officers, Body Student the Rose, Mr. and second first the Present room. conference the in periods during conducted was A meeting Meeting 10, 1964 suse time a continued: It from being €round sehool 2 was decided results is page the extra to publish dailay lists each day. show that an observation responsible appearance the his name for the in contributing should be | two weeks. Student duties responsibility of The/chairman also would would be be rotated It was suggested that forming the duties class just voted upon was then individuals the the school in the Rose present). third lunch to be issued to them from excuse ##es¢ lunch onee every among the those per- their fifth begins, The motion campaign into action sustained. decided (Ifr. admits in order as and imme@iately. of the rotated at the same interval. It individual recognized body officers was the paper. Appointments period to If to put the proceeded Terry to Bailey period,and Greg issue was admits to appointed those chairman Sienfacendabes to the second. The shall campaign ineonspicuously their observations. will organize Calderwood, for would the them. and display. she proceed observe They The will must lists be as and follows: then present will construct the then responsible ‘The lists progeed to type committee a to to list from Greg, who Susan several copies page continued: of +40 the Greg the owner not If should that report signs be lockers. individual the locking to made is or atvertine proThe telling from taken Rose Mr. to or lockers something it the was the Mr. Jarrette the need lcckers. Shaw, meeting. from taken as; discussed briefly was combinations. suggested Rose lock the the lockers, Mr. related were reasons others being things of that item Another blem 3 the Student Body President, then adjourned “Snare Student January During the held in the conference Body Officers The Student and matter The it decided was allowed in Yraising funds a the committee to discuss It was help mittee is as follows: Dennis Ricks, Jerry and the Student The and group topics The to Body Clean-Up was that no and that obtained. work out the the before auctions of the officers further details. a Dimes, Stu- would means The Lois of coming Vareh ¢khe other Mike Nash, Miya, preparation campaien related be of selected The con= Steve’ Jorgensen, Thompson, Helen Hurst, Officers. and outlined before the Campaign related then proceeded to select responsibility of patrolling periods. the Student scheduled for the were as the problem distussed discuss was to be prominate be a meeting was Present were discussion must periods, Jenkins. homerooms to third room. Meeting most Council. and Mrs. of Council weeks dent second Body Meeting 17, 1964 “improving”. wags Student aslo The another the ihe problems Council, discussed. Student committee halls Body Results Officers to take during the The committee consists of the following: the lunch ale tig page 2 continued: ~lst Val LunchMarkos Buster meeting lLunch- ~ord Mike Jones Kathy Craig Taylor The ~Z2nd was then ‘Villiams adjourned. Lunche Skeen Marilyn Ellis Patrice Moyes SX *Student January A meeting 4th period honeroom room Office absent Greg the were 106 Shaw, The of been made. ing in the The sented Dimes was The before lish a new then called now Steve placed for in Greg in action the that follows: the that assignments had problems existe presented.). meeting it must | minutes He related forany related and as new were The call that be was the then Varch completed faculty pre- had of by ruled- raffels, or sales within the homerooms. before effective Jorgensen, @ eommittee discussed He mentioned liiechael Nash, and questions council. was the roll Campaign. President representatives. Secretary. that residents, called the meet- proceeded and the Body Officers. Body President, Clean-Up the were Association 4 homeroom by the during Present the Student business (No held 1964. Boys well the and and was item of business the 51, 1964. problem and going on out any auctions, The &&, advisors and The problem Drive was January January the minutes homerooms. main Council Girls first approved. campalen _ on the Student reading then the sg Mentioned the Student presidents, were ing to order. and the representatives, the Grade Those in with Council Meeting* 28, 1964 the the way Student to Jerry Miya, as raise of the Dimes were was funds Lois Thompson, chairman, March Council estab- for the Dennis appointed Drive. to to drive. Ricks, act as — page 2 Suggestions le Distribute would per Be be would suggested rather to use the between numbered the to tickets the office. tributed to the drive also the highest amount | same principle three was in was with the funds grades or on either a the boys and girls, it on the homerooms, or it which a prize. selling to homeroom,in receive than basing pradze each wares homeroom suzsestion & 4a in funds The Another “rooms the necessary jars collected. competition Se raise quart capita It was bo the lucky and use a cents ten The funds collected a drawing to raffel for person suggested modified apiece would possessing distribute badges in the would be the system, home- be hela to conaward selected ticket. to who those contributed to the drive. Se It was sugcested variety the to time the to have more than one contributions. and the elenent and the confusion activity drive. involved to add 4 (Because of this idea was Council, the discourared. ) After further discussion before the Student Pregident csiled positions. The dvewing« the Shaw, the meeting. wear issue décision PFuether later with «Greg the details to a vote was to for the sell and restated the tickets drive were connittee. the Student to and be he Body President, oe eeMinutes the prohold a discussed. a then a approved. on adjourned— oe | Body Meeting 28, 1964 Student January Grade The and Dimes of March conference/after the / topic of discuésion was be at a to ig which group to change the decision necessary for the assembled policy school the with co-ordinance in not was a drawing tickets gelling ideas of the that stated was It viously. pre- held was that Veeting Gouncil Student the in on voted was it meeting the of proceedings the During against stand deffinate a is there month. this of S51, drive, Dimes of March the January by close that related Jarrett lotteries. for Presidents, the from in meeting a attended Office Miya, the hours. school Mr. the Jerry and Jorgensen Committee, Mr. Jenkins, irs. Shaw, Rose, Officers, Body §tudent steve Mr. Jarrett, Mr. or the theme of contributing to the March of Dimes, The cause... Mr. Jarrett ceedings on on posing It was would played A prize grade for basis sake the of basing the proime economically individuals. to do would funds a from refrain to suggested 4 worthy to giving of thought the emphasize to is ideal finally decided in the would kept show be and collected case given as to most the the funds be to donate be that in the homerooms. in competition the practical jars then and between membership of the thing The dis- homerooms. winning continued: page homeroom ed to < having the the drive. sented i ividual the highest Also, winning must, an percentage individual homeroom however, have through per capita prize would a contributed drawing. some mittee Student Body Officers and chairman, were assigned to resentatives meeting Steve the The SEC pre- The to ind- the | The to be amount drive. the contribut- and and relate to ask Jorgensen to for was the them their Steve contact the drive body of group then disassembled. the ideas the homeroom discussed comrep-= during approval. instructed student Jorgensen, and to make its an announcement proceedings. © with period Association Girls The assembled that group officers Dance reaming" different ways was select as the theme for this The officers Cottle decided to was it and "Drifting year's Girl's Dance. immediately started planning the that could be used for de instructed Orchestra" for the High” Orchestra for Tt was decided was coration. to mak e arrangements "Hull The meeting in- the Using this formation available on themes for dances. imformation, advisor. up ali gathered 7th the during met their Girls Mrs. Busker, “eetinge Association Girls the evening matinee dance, and it. for the the “Weber dance. to meet again on January 15th. then adjourned. Student Body Meeting February 25, 1964 My. discuss The 10th. for April ference Student the was meeting to obtain was talent new ing more ed to present time than rather talent They program. 1. Neil Blitzer - piano solo 2. Hawaiian Dancing 3S. Mr. 4. Double 5. Mr. Curtis - piano solo 8. Mr. program quartette Porter and displaysuggest difficulty are for as a simple follows: the Concert Choir number - ukelele i]. assembly but becaus e of the - vocal quartette from - fiddle an It was humor. group daughters Shaw's Lund type in order then were good" Miss Con- of pre- over-ruled by the group. 3 and 7. selecting the over-all and idea was the Budge in a one or two act play, juggestions Mr. nd a different preparation and sentation, 6. the room. The major objective in m topic in conducted to scheduled assembly sponsored Body period second the during Mrs. Jenkins, and Shaw eivisera, their with met Officers Body Student The number Hansen - cornet duet “new @ page continued: ll. Miss Keyes 12. Numbers by 15. Faculty Ba: ie 14. lire Curtis 16. Yoeal trio brothers oartie, solo - vocal - vocal re - Mire » Call li. and narration quartette bershop e Bennett Mrs. son Pea: the Anderson, 15. and - reading act Fawaliean brother - comedy his and Brown 10. David arrangem - musical Be | (iss Porter’ s father 3019 Moyes, «- Jos nu Parker, Darlene and Susan Holley prans senants aw suggested point Note: that we made were check for the for the bt ig numbers. approval on ap- the ed by next week. olv inv ple peo the h wit e mad ts men . The meeting was then adjourned Later, the assembly proceedings were dis-co mbly program cancelled because of other act= scheduled for the same date as the assembly pro- — 6th On February aE 4 Miss 26th, Jolley met the during Grade Meeting Pebruary 26, officers of the 1964 the 6th period eighth in the crade con- ference room to dis cuss the Eighth Grade "“Hootenany" No It was decided cefinate to mest arran cements again on Friday, during the sixth period. The dG SSEC meeting was adjourned were February | at 1:55 pete | made. 28, Girls Mareh Association 17, 1964 The Girls Association officers; Elaine Meeting Shaw, Marie Anselmi, and Me ry Hodson, met Mar ch 17th during the 2rd period to in the Library matinee dance. discuss Print the Dress Day The officers also wrote a Thank you note to Mr. Don3 Poppleton for cor ing to talk to the girls of the student body about chai last Girls Association The MA: SEC meeting was mand Mee then adjourned. | beauty at the inglish scond period depart- to plan ing was scheduled for April } 1964; the specific time of day would be arr later date. The officers discussed the items to be presented at the meeting for the bilities of Body Student the also They com: ne month. officers arranged for the item to be discussed at the meeting Mr. to Rose for Student of business, officers new the precedures The the for present to SEC meeting was next the year. Student It is the was Council elections. Body officers listing the the together then drew up an order items of discussion Councile The these in executing . The major of the ‘respons im discussed activities. election activities scheduled reviewed the and briefly adjourned. before the 1, Girls Association Meeting Maroh 30, 1964 The Girls Association officers; Elaine Shaw, Anselmi, and Mary Hod the fourt matinee period dance, and Son 9 my at with Miss Vickers during to make plans for the Print Dress Day to decide on a theme for ite 4@ group considered “Roses and Lollipops", “April and “April Love", as possible ideas for an edjourned at the sound of the beil *Student Counetl Meetina* April udent Body Officers Association President, Association and 1964 | savhaiwa the Boys representing officers, Grade Presidents, and the Those absent one advisor were and officers vth Grade 1, Homeroom the 7th | the ciris and 8th Representatives. and resentative, Sroup then the proceeded minutes € The for any (There with specific problems and the during the the Constitution The the existing the Of the secretary reading of approved, follows: Cres in the The President procedure The qualifications and then as who related next call were business proceeded was no replye) officers roll “he minutes over to Mr. Rose, place the to order. called home POOMS ¢ then turned the qualifications for elections to tata few weeks. of the officers are stated as: ARTICLE III Seetion 1: Candidates for presiden President must be at the tine of e.eotiont ana vice eighth er in time students with a acholastic time of nomination. averace of B or better at the Seetion 2: Candidates for secretary, historian, or any other office not ctherwise stated may be a student from the seventh or eighth grade, with a scholastic average of B or better, at the time of nomination. | neetion 4: All eandidates for office must be passed by the Bligibility Committees. A known sluff in the year of nomination or a record of general misconduet in or around achool will bar a student from holding an offical position other in the offiee not Student Body, otherwise Association, Class stated, or any procedure for the elections in the weeks to follow. copy of whioh reference Mr. would be available in each home A room as a material. Rose then called our attention to the OVS Assosilation upon commenc ing them on their fine activity for the month of April. galendar Mr. Rose continued The faculty is before ins #ituting the availability of the Girls student bodye- student must teacher. {(b) on would councilees a new program Seva ané (a) To have axcess now obtain The new procedure then schedule Counselors slip would be to talk those concerned and their blem. is of importance, case to wre. Jackson and wr. them jater about the to the particular the from their to conference with If concerning to the healthroom, a healthroom counselors betweeh classes. rieks the the rred- arrance specific the pro- page % secure should swam attention. prompt for so, it as stress should student the to time more in the health busy counselors ané eliminate the confusion room, for the benefit of all concerned. of then stressed Day activities. Day would related She be on April spring a nice to wear tell the 0 tation secretary, outfit, would There the dre A matinee with nection the day. erades be to wear be dance A year's this that not no is voting to their best contest to be will for dress held Print the but in is girls, for good jud¢eing scheduled in bo held Dress within ¢con- the to determine whether the two grades combined as one dance. sports represente council of the print Dreas The trend, 24th. school wear. the of Mary upon called then Greg condition meeting of this actions ing the cone the that of the homproom importance the the determines body student the Auet related He behavior. Library (4) and (¢) Lunchroom (b) Cleanliness on campus.. fixtures.. areas: following school property, lamage to lockers, gonduets. the in body student the of 1 member responsibility individual the stressed then Rose My. coats and The boys are requested this es tion par ticular dates and related were activities forthcoming Other as follows: gam softball le Baseball 2. Sehocl Se Speech moe tat T.H. Bell ~ April 15, 1964 (Seience fair « April fair) 2, 4. view at Weber Hig Physical Udueation Re The menbera of the council were Markos all encourage April 1964 Wahiquist well and $e foi partments Tom h=- instri and represent in these events, 1964 then erades in charge of each activity. an appeal made to tr yout for to the eouneil to the Sth Grade assenbly on Monday, April 15, 1964, sting President. to have 4a e@r was then adjourned by the Student Kody (After which the council proeseded outdoors oup picture taken.) CGO A / er ae fo HAGOCERLM ETL | Z SA (Late) Lee sy. 52 arty @, Meeting April 2, 1964 The Student Body Officers and the 9th Grade Officers held a meeting attended ing Lab, beg inning ligh's Student officers, Student fore the at 3:00 High peme Present advisors, their and 9th Grade © Weber body officers, and bedy at Junior hool in the Cloth- were the “eber and Sophmore elass and officers. High Yeher Tt was related that in other years each senior class and the selection to (in the yoming year) rine that convert would uating class, anced and color sehec 1 tc not be altered However, if they every year with each crad+ the emblem 3 placed on the ring should become out~dated. This -e plece more often than over a three year period. The ing discussion the cost, ificance of related continued; mentioning quality, emblems durability, ‘style represented on the ideas and ring concern« Shape, and sign other questions. After comparing the qualities of the sohool and class rings, Seott Hadley, the Student body t resident, called for a vote on the accapta nee It was then decided; of the all present new were “sehool"” ring. in favor of adont- itandard style ring as the Weber High School Ringe ibility of selesating to rep- resent the school on the ring would be left to the 1945-64 fguniors anc then presented for be their Sonn approval. to the Junior FH J Student Body Meeting April The Student conferenee of the running the room of the to Eligibility members of the scholastic qualities first present for Committee. approved of by the 1964 with names of charactor in order These names - PP for in the elections k MECCA fe. Rose The of those students had faculty and the pre- other in citizenship, qualifications and to be to run eligible be placed on the President- Layne Powell Paul orton Grant Protzman -~Historian- Barbara Bruhi Brenda Crittenden Karla Josephson Kathy Powell other primary body offices. Stude nt Tom Markes Paula Hansen Jennilyn Rhees year to These Sheri Charlton | are as nenbers Kelly Kidman -Secretary- who approval ~“Viee ~President- the their | are: in objective for the coming Blicsibility Committee leadership Mr. period, the body offices standing, office. the body officers, been ballot during for student viously for Body officers met meeting was student 8, They , Rose then proceeded to exp been restricted, (Details withheld the officers had for office to run individuals desiring why other to from records.) The officers, having appre we: un for next years officers ; role they should play in partis They were instructed to refrain from opinions ne others’ away from and voting, on the elections campaign and merely parties, to cing about the elections publicly. They shoul a do all possible to secure individual and unbiased The s the part of others who vote. opinionon how aver will officers, dueting the campaign election procedures. am that elections, Social out the detaitis The ca neriod. assembly and setting is to be set up in the Studies refer in the meeting was and heads, up the final of the adjourned 8 ac to meet with together we rk (For situation. to the minutes con- school for the instructed department particulars for Mr. Nose briefly discussed The officers were the responsible be next at the further maeting.) end of the first wy Student Body Meeting April 8, 1964 n The Student Body Officers met with Mr. Griffian Me. discuss to period second of 15 minutes as follows: ‘The new system was discussed probably would areas These of voting. in up the school building in and about locations set will be booths voting Le Official in the procedure to be heid on April 16, ine the final elections 1964. the first during room conference in the Library Bench convient for the purpose Indust- in the be riel arts, Homeliving areas, the gymnasium or Stage, the Se S,. will There pe 4. to free select lished the for those The method quire several These students and "ereen" as to wh o used baie % in the be A "gold"™). in order to will (A system privilege. have the representing them best. emblem registors would as the candidates would and be designed the voting * in the representing body card is essential The s€udent evercise 5. also would parties political (referred eondidates symbol be L rent | elections. political used ballot the official in eopying possible deper ened, being as realistic des: be would <A ballot studies social the and area Core 7th grade purchased & card) election procedure to monitor selected the from be estab- will re- proceedings. the officers of each 48 of the organizations « location voting each one officials; four or three needed At eheeck to naster list of the student body m one the receive to others nunbering the rked ballot and amber ah ip 8 individual no and deposit the tab ballot. provide would of voting method ‘This ma identifi- the ballot, to issue another may vote more than onee, so that card body student the to punch there good experience for voting when these students are adults, It will fanus flarize our exercising It was the them the , The Note: rights then candidates su for acti ons *, to the simpliec ity of in a d SMO CPacys vote gested that the officers nest wi office and their manaz ers to relate of this meeting. eroup then disassembled. Some of the original election with ifdividualis, , as procedures plans wel ¢ later established altered and im for the to Meeting Mr. and Jarrett, the student Eligibility body officers met Weaver, Fredrickson, (members the inpose girls of Jensen, third in the was above for a student should ‘iss Flaine during period the meeting mentioned Jackson. the Jolley, Lana Buek, Mary ALana Jacque entire Mrs. constituting with Miss Keyes, in the Conference root second and The p these Mr. Kathy Powell, Vilda Gathy Wade of Rose, Committee) Barbara Bruhn, Peterson, \r. Favero, the later part on April to and &, 1964. determine whether paragraph(two of body office)should or not be bared from holding any office or position representing ninth the student body during the coming year as graders. Me Jarrett quoted from the Zagle Notes handbook ARTICLE III; Section 3 of the Constitution of the school: “Ali candidates for office must be passed by the Eligibility Committee. <A known slurt in the year of nomination record of general misconduct in or about school will bar a student Seatens » Body, from holding SOUROSER TET otherwise “stat ad.” m" and iscussed those of the preceeding well individually, Jolley an official position in the Class or any other office not individually, an< the actions of the morning week with Barbara Bruhn with Mise apo Keyes ePoup or and Miss eiris ag~ and ng sented nesting from all view and over-all the points, eonditions of those involved. NOTE: and before them during considering of the themselves the each opinion outeome and welfare | The particulars of the lengthly conversations the diseussed within oontained of materials and their sontent are not these records for reasons of securing the individuals involved in these actions. When all. others but the Bligibility committee were not present, Mr. garrett ealled for a vote using the instructed to vote “yes"..the aither m The committee secret bailotting. of method SNDere were eligibie are is gir run for office and hold other responsible positions, re not eligible. The with the “no were counted as: was then decided in unz nimously It | "ves". & votes votes Constitution, and with accordance the discussion and evid- These girls; Barbara Bruhn, Kathy Po Peterson, Jsengen > Elaine Favero, Lana Buek, Vilda Weaver, and Cathy Wade will not be elicible to any office or position r epresenting the school. Jacque took ‘He the actions the or effect in the body student 3 he eight of a week old admit from sluff them of certain any official be ers considered be prominate that depriving thus, in school] the represent a the comi ng year’s during in the Constitut 1oMme challenged unfair however and to use in the 1964, 6, to is class or activity office Jarrett experience present, Ap. 41 opportunities as stated activity; wee an act of true ted that an act of general misconduct, and and mittee had ruled that the actions of these on the morn ne of girls school during the meeting « The democracy had been exercised Eligibility Com the ahneads years Jarrett “TP. Therefore; han determine may of being well and before ané present the at do we what that stated place the Constitution upholding and policies to explain the Mr. Jarrett proceeded eroup together. as a into the meeting The girls were then called their in the in a responsible giris the or unpleasent true quality He future. role, to to ané stressed live profit it may from seem at charactor the this need, the might as lead- above reproache ver. Jarrett adjourned the Girls Association Meeting April 13, 1964 The Cirls Association officers met again to discuss the plans for the Print Dress Day activities. They met during the fourth "Lollipops propriate The MAS SEC theme meeting period. and Roses" was decided on wh ich to base was then the adjourned. upon day's as an ape activity. Student Body Meeting April 1964 assembled a group 23 room period in 7th the During lo, general points of instruction cancerning theuss to disc the campaigns for student body officers. Greg Shaw, Susan Stanger, were Mite Rose, the volved on activities this in exclusive on the He stressed students as individuals, Mr. le will begin the at this actual now the the 15th in and these of the tests future. points: the following Wednesday morning, pested 2e related Rose and of because mportance the 14th. en April parties that will be given all day Tests California Achievement campaign evening particular te refrain group to the began by suggesting Rose My. body of- student year's next Susan Calderw 004d, mansgers. their and fices for running candidates Those present April, of campai emning.e et Fosters 6:50 asm. may be tins. must be All posters initialed for approval by one of advisors. bodyent the administration or stud 3. in 4. Cut the lercer posters in smal sectionse masking tape or er There is no pap office available from the supplies. 5. No favors may be distributed. be The campaign assembly will be held on the (probably page? Stage) must 7e on Wednesday, not exceed The 15th. All speeches and skits a maximum of 5 minutes. actual Thursday, April voting April is scheduled 16th. (Mr. to take place Rose then briefly on explained the new procedure for voting.) €~ The be before in an final announcement the entire assembly, for student student which body of will the incoming body on friday, conelude officers the the eanpa ign will 17th, act ivities elections. Mit. Rose stated that if there is any cuestion to refer to the mimeographed clearification on "May best the The meating sheet the procecedi man was posted in Re e wint" then adjourned. seach homeroom for Student April vee * Body 1964 13, od, ur ing the 7th period:Greg Shaw, Susan Calderwo from displays The to the execute to will adoption school ring, end now they had decided de- of a standard r inately that the on yote to fubure, craders 9th district the of Sehools in the High “eber attend High Tunior the administration the permitting considered had previously achool the high that related "erry be situation. ring sehool the again | aéiseusa with Class President, funior Weber High's Terry Hancock, Bingha: mn met Paula and Susan Stanger, Kathy Storey, eroup and ring atyle new of the leter | plans. these in the placed were presented for showease ob- servation. explained ferry would be present tend a general ifieance and a L5th, qualities the to ninth voting the ex~ graders in 4 brief | | and to nation of the rf ~ and its algne expla actual Hadley 14th April on the morning of announcenant . The he or Seott either that would take plate on Wednesday, results g then The meetinwas would adjourned then be se nt to Veber. ne } : ovetens | Body test of part last the Present period. 7th during Jarrett's office in Mr. A meeting was held Jarrett, vr. were Greg Shaw, Susan Stanger and Susan Caldez wood » wr. Jarrett proceeded to relate the purpose of the that He explained ting. eight girls those involved had in the incident that took place on April 6, 1964, met with him earlier ¢ nd had requested permission to meet gain with the Eligibilty Com ittee. marks were not were the group of girls, they, that view given a fair che. noe to freely express their expired on events on the meet to an opportunity Like morning, that once hought was eonsidered their pressed future in the near po int ™ ould mores and the officers Eligibility the they and It action. in this approval re- Their ex~ was decided; Comm mittee should re- persons assemble with these eight ¢ irls and the other involved avain their on their future this matter was After SB a es that the and to make a de~ restrictions. satisfactorily discussed, zroup disassembled. the , appeals to hear all, eight due the to the Later it was decided Note: of circumstances, and for the best good Eligibility girls. Committee would not meet again with student April “ MP « Grit? in, WaS called Me body officers, next year and in the Colvin, the Mr. methods and the voting. He be used to Bald Mr. Rose, for Student to explain the body Student offices of procedures that explained official the ballot represent the will newly used two to the candidates take Tom Markos, Layne of then proceeded blem, and Karla Josephson Paul Orton, the to Sheri "Golden AYN candidates, whiting, Chariton, Eagle". a elections. selected adopt the during ballot, in political parties Powell, place developed Hagle and the Golden ik gle were Crittenden Present were their managers. the the Meeting 1964 library. Bench, candidates Mee Griffin proceeded copy of Body 14, and and "Bald accepted Brenda Hag: vgennilyn ‘These The Rhees, croups were then instructed to meet together and decide as a grou on basie platform Each mend three group was the poles jJudses.e individuals propositions instructed representing would party. to seleet five people during the actual voting; A meeting their be in order to introduce held tw later to and with these them to the official page & be completed student le body ong specific BES to see that 6 no Blaine glasses, voting stations to new in the losated be would addition. selected be by irre gularities The Girls Shaw and the take boty student piace, and Boys and to officers secure Association Preg- Tim Chatelain, were selected and the position. A brief voting be- This area the @ legel election. this assembly wili be operated by respobsible studente. will inspectors in a short the centralize to of day final results will be body. location. hall east of that student decided was It an & the officers body by the Student supervision, The period. fourth the be should and 17th, the of conclusicn entire 4, fili on Wednesday, aelie progr. m ia to be held on Yednes 7th period the fdents, the concerning week 16th. Aprii Thursday, be tabulated will announced Sovth 6:50 from last would by the teacher fore the of rest will be on Friday, completed under 15th. of April. Voting ballots would ballot the of is to v6 as foilows: Campaign agsembiy the 15th 3. elections through 15th the the for Gampaignning April 2e by Wednesday, schedule The a draft that related Griffin My, explanatio procedure the 9th will gerade be introduction given Englich in the classes, of 7th grade and new core in the to ie gooial (Student arre neements. two studies parties ther Colleen Ferrin . ~ . Sutee policies and met as Dabbling Susan Sweider Richard | Elaine - clerk Mees these The meeting Markos and « , Jedge ~ judge | Kathy Storey hairman was to Jone Garner - clerk judge = party G groups propositions, Jay Price ~ judg - indiviauad platform Lynette Jones - clerk Bob for 16, ) party Wood on Thursday, April body officers az @ responsible aiseuss Connie department adjourned at 12:45 Pele - party. chairman silso Meeting - April 16, 1964 The Mr. Eligibility Rose, Body Me. The last Fredrickson, Officers, conference met of meeting were was the then AMENDMENT Constitution activity Jackson, asked read I; to the and to Giseuss with of the the to represent other schools, our minutes of the The in participating school. By Laws to the school school was then faced with of the girls that had cirls of the elig Sble to compete as softball in this any in competitive — maintain mustent a stud group school, the elicibility representing Geotion1 a member | in the approved. at tke been "“sluff" incident of April 6, 1964; the period Student states: order one cerning Jarrett, the a reference. grades and display good citizenship asee ing to his or her ability." "he and 6th read as committee, aports eompetitive "ln Mrae Mr. room. The group met dn consisting of duri ne again secretary records Committes, team, sports in oo-ordinance with ali acsord- times, a decision involved con~ in the should Vilda Weaver, be considered activity the in- representing Constitution. The group could decide on one of three possibilities; | | (1) to be put on probation eligible (2) considgr/to play or (3) page & It was then mentioned that Barbara Bruhn, another of the girls who were bared from running for any official position, held was permitted on April point 15, to 1664. and decided compete The in the committees thet partteipating speech meet disesussed this in thing syeseh uects, foreign language festivais, science should fairs peting in sporta should be delt action must other who such as be and school or different Competitive atudent from come athieties covernment and some taken. then motioned menbers might sconcidered activity. with be It was be such as to turn participating ecunsidered the in our discussion competitive ineligible to to the athletics vartisipate. These persons are Jay Price, Paul Hough, J4l1 Rhees, Margee Powell, Dave Wayman, Chambers, and have unfavorable made in class and Olea Quintana. their ‘The committee stand action let in them of and for the next remarks what should school. these Mr. be clearly that is in jeopardy, to take Jarrett current their dons, individuals on in the understood ge ume concerning responsible be Davies, faculty must participate be known Several attitude. the placing Seots general in determining Constitution Alan Hadley, Randy members behavior a correct abiding by the recommended probation came. But their unless and yet it must eligibility evidence of improved citizenship is shown in the near future. iI? egative comments continues other action must be taken, declaring them ineligible This remark in favor. Those ing paragraph action and of iowever, Vilda effect eligibie her the the circumstances. upon to that ions The in this play to in must that sther of consider — this profit Vilda on her record made a motion in the from past should be the this ballots were and 7 “no*. previous interest of in- team; basing sivoff. ertect. (dbnait- paragraph} then prepared for 2 secret sports counted during and the recorded ballot. “yes”..she is eligi- or "no".eeshe is not eligible The also experiences. a previous to wiil deciarec softball of at iONS.e case in the best act on above competitive votes ware a preceed- notified Directions were given to either vote in any All in ke involved currently then eommittee ble to play, motion. a particular giris(those expressed Ross stated are reauires they may inelicibility ‘MP. coashes position other giris, It was to mentioned and The committee “sluff"). calied individuais decided seven these then participate. because of a recent act of mis-conduct, Weaver's fhe action was to to participate suheel as: year 1 vote of 1965-64. “yes", page 4 It had been decided. Yilda Weaver is now to be eonsidered ineligible to com pete in athletics represent-— ing the school for the rest of the 19 62854 school year. She will be informed of this action by Mr. Rose and Mr: The other members of the teams pre gently placed d the proceeding probation must also be notifieof The meeting was then ad journe: SEC a of on April 15, 1964 ix. Cheney met alternates) to be with participating ing the second period. to hear agein, at sented the final speech in the speech meet the dur- The purpose of the meeting we a final time, the contestants (not their me at at T.H. speeches Beil to be pre- Ir. High on April 15, 1964. April The and Mr. _ their social Griffin, duties and studies advisors, met with all the responsibilities 17, 1964 Mr. Colvin, officials at the ing took place briefly before Mr. Bench, participat- $164 schocl hours April The bodv sbudent Mr. with croups ividual place took meetings the day, lasting for only The purpose was the various taken of These pictures year SEC Hooke and to seperate at The select asse: ablies captions are throughout times captions during to ind- photosrapner. each. minutes several in met school the assoc- boys and officers evade Hall, 1964 giris officers, the officers, and jation 17, pictures for the appear school in the year. school Student Body Meeting Mr, during Rose and the Mr. second May 4, 1964 Shaw met in the period Susan Calderwood, with Tom Merkos, : and Brenda Crittenden. The item presented group 44 for discussion students and the ayne before Powell, the with a group of about Ashley Valley Ir, Figh our school on an outing. to visit llth, May on Monday. arrive will group The from scheduled are School who was concerned advisors room Shaw, Terry Bailey, Grez Susan Stanger, cenference for stay and a few hours. them our event gchooi functions, organization tions in our (both present activity. these them student and The people from government. nett officers around a student's chasses Greg ‘He and will ification of the The will have grounds view be and point. as requested to fill procedures. Student this in Rose the the func- Body responsible campus, Mr. spokesman to meet and and Officers in an opportunity to for the officers in order preside Tom were will our it will tbe nevescary several vear's) activity, functions body student the to explain to be particular view of over-all will this in ibility respons- officers’ body student the that related It was this show explaining to related that to be excused from responsibilty. executing with Mr. Rose these for plans. clear- | page 2 MI « for Rose the their mentdoned incoming tsarents. future et there Mr, will revisions school Rose and are with discuss further oath ASS emably Mr. 65-64 gram the Rose After studies for in the the and near coming the student government. will changes and be Tom department to were year school These in the instructed advisors and be made. wer @ reminded during the 2&7, that of their res-— Budge in his the evening process in of and and Sth grade the other preparation retirement. of May discussion 7th Awards 1964. Gree Ledingham Mr. the sponsored in the new Student Body Officers. on May Mra, a brief during in coneerning revisions Officers taken that Greg possible Body of time. suggeste a with honoring dismissed. the be is Officers place made asi there social to be held scheduled changes of swear ing will meet sented major this Student ponsibility that Body take briefly other by-laws at to meet Student will related necessary, program The event dinner establishment. be some constitution annual outgoing This a local Also, The and the 15, of This officers the of pro- event 1964. summarizing the items pre- the meeting, the group was is On Monday, May 11, 1964, a group of about 44 honor High Sehool from Student Body Officers, people while visiting and groups invited to tour by one of the accompanied to ceeded ions of our This to explain student event Constitution smaller was: group Each other ehd pro- who Officers activities funct- the other By-Laws for year's coming the school in the of revisions plans experience; profitable a very in resulted and about one for lasted Body Student the at Wahlquist. here our sehcol. observ- of desirous government. with eo-ordinating them These into several devided was group large the hour, which in of the two groups were school our condusted and Mir. Rose. Shaw, Mr, discussion the Following a meeting student government of methods our in present were Others the cafeteria. ing » Usah, Verna: Ur. Valley Ashley represaeite, advisors their and atudents ace tivities. Student May 12, ing in the conference Resulting with met the to from students discuss room any during the Body 1964 Student the thoughts 6th Meeting Body that related were met period. from Vernal ; on May.11, ideas Officers at the 1964, suggested meeting the officers that might page be & adopted The ai 1. to improvs following possible our ideas revisions Officers and in the other reeaive efforts and participation a pin or mandatory class should positions Se The aéovtion the 4, More opportunities 5. The After the SEC sports adoption of ea house others in and was merit 16 honor destinotion 64-654: resog- for their activities in be availablie in National should be the for student Honor those students government. Society. available for giris part- activities. a two unit Student Council, consisting senate. further relating meeting a of discussed like. responsible leipating who in the various holding of and constitution for a special the government. suggested students should of suudent were nitions the form own to diseussion of these the event adjourned. that ideas proceeded and various the day before, Sth The program ninth for American will It the movie, and “held from ninth and as run followed grade finally}, officera grade in Paris ule. ninth ecrade The day. a special Next the Completion are then Security Bank. K3:SEC be the the a movie plan will the Fred with prepared for the assembly A dance would to attend. : a guest speaker Baker, Vice President for him to discussion, be (Students on Mr. "An sched- begin Awards program. decided Commercial further lunch on welcome.) Mr. After to day all who wished program; arrangements would éécided ordered The Completion made They follows: class. officers and proceeded by schools met Meeting then that. evening for other Crade Jarrett then calied | for the of the and speak to us. the meeting was dismissed. th with te The ninth Mr. Anderson write to the and letters Board sent ade to Stuéeat of that invitation to and and And it our parenta, Members through was President decided Board The meeting KS 3SEC and Members the Vieoe Grade Meeting The they Secretary wouls be would be the ninth gerade students then adjourned, apprpriste Completion letters met procran were written presented on ¥ Ay BOe« ¥ Giris Girls The Book a Fistory This beok will be during the summer of 1964 with Mr. 1964-65 of Hall, collection of the in prepared and the pictures the of their During the meeting the officers appreciation had helped After MAI:SEC and thanks them during further to discussion school. officers the new also met for a activities. various expressed their and r in office yea the making arrange té their advisors their to officers The photographer, school present presented then fall. past the the by Meeting to discuss from activities their year. officers met Officers Associetion of Association mesting others who at Wablquist. was dismissed. i, Susan the school cords of of year which school they may their be step progressive are Student verify during content a useful guide for years and and con~ genge a 7 trust ahead-«another sovern- student in re~ I am with to acoursey, of nine months completéee improvement towards past refered and Secretary the minutes the and be may Body that aceurate records these in the compiled activity réliance that 1965-64, I have that fident Calderwood, ment. truly I have end guist, various I have performed my as a Student Body sponsibilities this in serving enjoyed duties Officer at Wahi- office and of best the to re- my ability. May continue the be blessings in many Schoo] serse His of to years inspire to the responsibility examplary high come; leaders the with the that outstending in leadership standards "Oh, Wahlquist, I love of student sehool that Wahlquist thee! of grand this body spirit may and characterizes Jr. High The best school Sehool. in the Having have been read the minutes compiled within past year of 1963-64, and complete in Mr. Norman Btudent Bedy Dates noma: Mr. even hry this school record records that book during the I can verify that they are accurate content. J. Shaw Advisor Heres Mrs « Vera Be Jenkins Studen eoaye 2 dviso Ghee fomes-decers Je. Ray Jarrett Principal DACSseceeucvsveere Remarks: and Date hp tien ca the — hits Ce Dean Rose Assistent Principal ae ee Mt |
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