Title | 028_2014 September 16 |
Creator | Jeffs, Warren |
Description | The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was founded in 1929, when it split off from the original LDS Church because of the suspension of the practice of polygamy. The FLDS church continues to practice polygamy. This collection includes the church publication "Warning of the Lord Jesus Christ To All Nations on World," published from 2009 to the present. |
Subject | Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Jeffs, Warren, 1955- |
Digital Publisher | Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Date Original | 2014 |
Date | 2014 |
Date Digital | 2017 |
Item Size | 8.5 in. x 11 in. typed pages. |
Spatial Coverage | Palestine, Anderson County, Texas, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/4717232/ |
Type | Text |
Conversion Specifications | PDF files were scanned at 200 dpi using an Epson Expression 10000 XL scanner. Transcription using ABBYY Fine Reader. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit the Special Collections Department, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Source | Sp. Coll. 291.211 R454 2014 |
OCR Text | Show Jesus Christ Jehovah Son Ahman Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ Given to President Warren S. Jeffs Palestine, Texas Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Pure Holy Peace 1. Jesus Christ reigneth! 2. He is God. 3. He hath all order right to rule all world, even all world order of His creating; world order meaning Celestial order governing other Celestial, terrestrial, telestial orb order, and all the inhabitants thereon each earth portion. 4. I am the First and the Last. 5. I speak, and worlds come into existence; some eternal in full Celestial order; other order for time unto the dissolution law claims all on lower glory of telestial, terrestrial, sons of perdition order of no happiness. Amen. 6. Celestial order hath full order one hundred forty-four thousand Gods in their own right; who ascend to full Godhood order, world order of new world order; each as a Prophet on new order holy foreordinating power on all appointed to progress to perfection; thus, advance to higher intelligence by actual experience order. 7. No one can ascend to thrones, dominions, all heights and depths of multiple world experience thereon, save all time increasing in pure holy living all will of the Lord. 8. Learn to follow by hearing the voice of gentle love-joy-peace of my Spirit; unto perfect obedience, making you to do like God, all time increasing in my Holy Spirit; perfect order to obey. 9. I am thy holy God. 10. I live only pure order. 11. I am only holy. 12. Nothing of me is evil, nor carnal, nor jealous. 13. I am the great God over all world that speak judgment of God soon upon all on Zion land — an earthquake of devastation in town of full wicked living like Sodom, Gomorrah ancient place of sin called Sodom of no order child loving; murder of unborn child order throughout all dwelling there. 14. I am God. 15. Nothing is hidden from me. 16. I know even intent of heart's desire, all things before God seen, heard, known by Celestial order governing power; like sun in sky; all time shining through all eternity; light eternal of all-consuming fire order. Amen. 17. Love power of the Lord is so open way known, by breath of living on organized world, by thinking ability, by organized nature of people on an organized world. 18. Earthquake will destroy California, most city order there soon, of part of earth returning to deluge land order along coastline order on world around large portion that shall replace portion of ocean unto north area on globe; the water going through conduit inside earth, so all is not pushed onto land; only to disturb all on coastline along Zion land order. Amen. 19. Let all living in California, Oregon, state of Washington, of British Columbia in nation of Canada, other state of Alaska, other coastal land of Pacific Ocean as far from California as Hawaii and Samoa named island order, Guam also to be inundated by water tidal wave order. Amen. 20. Amsterdam city in the European continent, London on low elevation, other coastal, or near coast of both Europe, Asia, American continent order; all shall know I, God, have warned all nation order portion of world, spoken of by John my beloved apostle, recorded in New Testament, as seeing vision of last days, preparing the order of all world for coming of the Lord in glory-power. Amen. 21. Now prepare, all nation order. Amen. 22. Myanmar, Burma by old name, shall be of no people on world when cleansing taketh place. 23. Also Thailand shall be same no inhabitant if continue; yea, Pakistan, Bangladesh, neighboring nation order to Myanmar Burma land; selling child order; also murder of both unborn child order, other violence evil harm to many, even in own land, each I have named; verily saith the Lord Jesus Christ to all people on world, sudden order judgments of Copyright 2014 by the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 1 Warning of the Lord Jesus Christ To All Nations on World God shall disrupt all nation order soon; judgment of God on all earth, so none can do murder of war, of unborn child order, other murder way doing among all nation order. Amen. 24. Jesus Christ also telleth all ruler order of nation of United States, to stop war bombing in all land order, nation order on world, all who did not first attack you direct order in own land. 25. Al-Qaeda is no nation alone. 26. Will you do world war attacking, President and Congress, both Senate, House of Representative order, military leader order? 27. Will you go on to bomb Russia, then other of the violent aggressive order; thus do world order war? 28. Stop thy proud folly of no sense to bombing, save own land is attacked; then bomb not any civilian no-violent location all over world. 29. I justify you no more in fighting war far away in nation order not of any first attacking United States of America order. 30. Do not send army where no supply can be constant, when alliance order faileth to feed or help do war order in time battle of losing on thy side of war happeneth, soon; as I shall not defend the order of bondage of God's own servant on world; a nation now like Noah's time of before flood; a people then of violence, of immoral Sodom, Gomorrah-like sin. Amen. 31. Thy nation of United States is on brink of precipice, to fall unto full war, both at distance, also on own land, when you lose battle at distance; navy, also army. Amen. 32. Come to reason by the Lord's word sent to thee. 33. I am God. 34. I know what cometh to the land of Zion. 35. I shall send my holy justified judgment of God soon, to stop full bloodshed order all over the world soon. 36. Stop emotional judging, ye lawmakers of United States of America. 37. ISIS is not justified reason to bomb either Syria, Iraq, or Somalia type sudden, United States sudden missile bombing, even civilian no-violent order people in war land of Afghanistan, innocent of all of thy justification to bomb power way. 38. Do not bomb. 39. Do not war; only true self holy justified-by- God defense labor; no more world emotional opinion to cause sudden announcing more missile, powerful missile bombing. 40. Even Ukraine hesitated allowing NATO to assist them to not go to world conflict order of all nations now of anger emotion way doing. Amen. 41. Jesus Christ cometh soon. 42. Do no more war starting; only defend in honest labor, civilian innocent order. 43. Russia cease all aggressive war order unholy labor, both in own nation of secret bombing of Chechen Moslem, other order, not in own land; also private planning to take back nation order of Soviet Union previous order all nation order once of so-called Soviet Union; an unholy government communist order of no freedom to dwell peaceful holy living order. 44. I decry against Russian hypocrisy of open violence upholding Syria, other so-called allies of communist way governing; many secret government citizen murders, slave camp bondage or mock trial order falsifying reason to place in slave-like labor order dwelling. Amen. 45. Now do no more communism way of governing own and other fearful nation order by murder, force, army, navy all time ready to attack any not in harmony with communist policy of lying to all world intent of violence was to bring false order freedom to few so-called friendly people in other nation order; as Hitler also other violent leader order did. Amen. 46. Also know, President of China, I know thy plan. 47. I know you make the technological advances to be help to Russia in secret future planned war to do harm to NATO, America of alliance with Europe of freedom-loving land order; own people of economic freedom now taste future more free way; such as was shown in time Tiananmen Square event of million gathered across nation to show support of no more unjust violent, nor secret government forcing of own people, many secretly murdered by secret police action in own unholy violent governing own nation in communist order, not allowing personal choice; even to force abortion of now your nation greatest number of murder number, murder of unborn child order, ofttimes by force of governing order. 48. I, God, who sees all things, shall not allow such when I appear on earth suddenly, to rule all nations in true peace, love for truth, for happiness in all peaceful, loving peaceful way of living; no force of violent living on earth. 49. I govern by revelation to my Mouthpiece on world in my Church, Warren Jeffs; not to do the forcing of conscience on anyone on earth; yet just to Warning of the Lord Jesus Christ To All Nations on World Page 2 Copyright 2014 by the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints all; defending all nation order in God-given right to worship God. Amen. 50.United States now stop own aggressive doing; now stop bombing for public approval to support thy violent order bombing any other land. Amen. 51. Jesus Christ also calleth on Great Britain citizen order to remain alliance living; not let England, of the main governing of alliance of Scotland, North Ireland, to lose support. 52. Be Great Britain still; not separate Scotland, Northern Ireland from England land type, people order separate tradition by name of own land in alliance, government of United Kingdom of Great Britain. 53. Continue alliance as one nation; united to do good among all nations on world. 54. Overthrow law in own nation order allowing free promiscuity of immoral living, of murder of unborn child order in own nation order. 55. Know you not that I, the Lord, favored your nation to do good to all world for a time when truth, justice, and equity were thy true living representative governing in own allied nation that helped set example for such representing holy way doing, voice of the people in yestertime order history more for moral purity living. Amen. 56. Let France, Germany, other Western Europe nation order cease war making; also no murder of unborn child order by legal consent; lest God-sent judgment cleanse own nation. Amen. 57. I, Jesus Christ, speak to leader order of all nation order on entire world: 58. Cease war. 59. Do no attack on any nation in economic influencing any to join in war with nation order who did no attack against your nation. Amen. 60. This is God speaking through His representative, Warren Jeffs, Prophet Priesthood holy authority ordained of the Lord to deliver word of the Lord to all nations, peoples, kindreds, tongues, on earth. 61. Thus have I done in last few years, compiling and mailing my book of Jesus Christ Warning to All Nations. 62. Thus, I continue to mail, send my own word revealed to all people through my Priesthood of God on world, though in bondage, held illegal holding for only living my Celestial Law of Eternal Plural Order Union in supposed nation of religious freedom. Amen. 63. Now do own nation cleansing of war intent; of murder of unborn child order; Burma, other neighboring nation order to Burma, Myanmar name now nation; cease selling into slave labor child, female, male older order now, of governing power knowing of such evil order, crime order against innocent people only for different religious state of belief; or the parent order allowed to sell own child order. Amen. 64. Israel, O Israel, come unto Jesus Christ, the Holy One of Israel. 65. I come soon. 66. Do no more gentile compromising living. 67. At time I come, all must do full accounting for dilatory no-member living. 68. Complain not to God about Priesthood presiding order. 69. Go to they who are appointed to discern truth-telling about confessing order. 70. Be purity thought living away from world entire order, all time of final preparing own living. Amen. 71. Israel is Priesthood, pure Priesthood, all time life of holiness living. Amen. 72. Come to Jesus Christ, all ye ends of the world, for I cometh to save all who are ready with oil in their lamps of the wise virgin parable in my New Testament holy word. Amen. 73. Come soon to repent in full order purity thinking all time, all on world who desire an eternal salvation hereafter this life. 74. I am eternal, holy power, everlasting order of power Celestial holy Godhead order ruling over all. Amen. 75. Know I speak by authority. 76. No man can judge God. 77. I am forever God. Amen. 78. Fear and tremble at my power at my coming, all sinner order who would not hear my voice in their understanding of mind pure thought I send by my power of Spirit of Jesus Christ to all who are not of willful murder of innocence, of unborn child order; or of sin of Sodom or immoral living. Amen. 79. Jesus Christ is God. 80. Allah of Moslem religion is not god over all world. 81. Other false gods are not God. 82. Prophet Isaiah called me Jehovah. 83. Moslem religion majority of nation order in Middle East region, all Moslem order say they worship Allah; then many go bomb, suicide bomb evil unholy so-called religion order, full murder Copyright 2014 by the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 3 Warning of the Lord Jesus Christ To All Nations on World order, jihadist so-called valiant to their god Allah; then hide murder behind enthusiastic religious zeal of no power on world to make peace. 84. How is suicide murder-bombing unholy labor of a god of pure love for peace? 85. I, Jesus Christ, decry against all hypocritical Moslem order who use false violence of beheading Christian order, or all other order, to prove you are love-loyal to a false idea of God. 86. If Allah ever speaks to the order of the Moslem hierarchy in any nation, where are your proof of new revealed word of God to all Moslem world? 87. God you call Allah is silent to every Moslem order. 88. Thy Moslem world is hypocrite living if some Moslem leader claims murder, force on women, children in own family; even national leader order claiming Allah god of Moslem world are doing his, Allah's will; thus, I, God over all world, decry against Moslem violent order in all nation order. Amen. 89. Now learn peace, saith Jehovah, who is Jesus Christ. Amen. 90. All Christian societies also are hypocrite order if of murder order, war violent doing unholy bombing, chemical bombing; nuclear bomb preparing to so-called deter enemy from nuclear bomb using. 91. I told all nation order to dismantle all bomb order nuclear order. 92. I come to preserve purity living in all nation order. Amen. 93. All order heathen nation order who worship idols of man making — Buddha, Confucius order China order; Hindu unholy order of Caste system, murder of lowest class for generations in Hindu false god religion — verily, where did thy God say murder of unborn child order was good to family order? Amen. 94. I am Jesus Christ boldly telling all false religions, truth. 95. You murder own unborn offspring to do immoral family living all time you say a god did so also, an idol of thy own making. 96. Look at scattered Israel for two thousand year order; before Roman scattering, was Babylon, then other nations used by God, Jehovah telling Israel through several Prophet order Israel would be of no nation order unto latter time of gentile order having Gospel of my saving power among gentile order, so-called Christian nation order of now world. Amen. 97. I, Jesus Christ, am the Light and Life of all people on earth. 98. All live by the power of my Holy Priesthood, mine holy power, heavenly authority. 99. Do no more sin-living of knowing way, lest sudden judgment come on all nation order. Amen. 100. The Lord hath all power to redeem all from grave. 101. Come to He who is the Resurrection and the Life. Amen. We solemnly do tell all nations, kindreds, peoples, tongues, nation order on world, these words in this solemn letter sent to all leaders of all nations, are in all true order written by Warren Jeffs, spokesman holy President of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ on earth. Amen. Lyle S. Jeffs Elder in the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Ben E. Johnson Elder in the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
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