Ellis, Ann OH26_011

Title Ellis, Ann OH26_011
Creator Weber State University, Stewart Library: Oral History Program
Contributors Ellis, Ann, Interviewee; Harris, Kandice, Interviewer and Video Technician
Collection Name Storytelling Festival Oral Histories
Description The WSU Storytelling Festival was implemented by the Friends of the Stewart Library in 1992. The library sponsored and managed the annual festival until 1998, when the festival was moved to the Department of Teacher Education, with the Library continuing as a sponsor. The three-day festival entails storytellers from all over the nation, including youth storytellers. The events are made up of workshops and presentations, a fund-raising banquet, and a wrap-up of wonderful stories from gifted performers.
Abstract The following is an oral history interview with Ann Ellis, conducted on March 19, 2021, by Kandice Harris, via Zoom. Ann discusses her life, her career as a storyteller, and her memories of the Weber State University Storytelling Festival.; The following is a video clip of an oral history interview with Ann Ellis, conducted on March 19, 2021, via Zoom Communications Platform, by Kandice Harris. In this video clip, Ann describes what the storyteller and the audience members experience during a storytelling performance.
Image Captions Ann Ellis 19 March 2021; Ann Ellis speaking about processes that happens when a storyteller tells a story to an audience.
Subject Ogden (Utah)--Maps; Storytelling; Storytelling festivals; Digital Storytelling; Storytelling--United States; COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-
Keywords Virtual storytelling; Professional storytellers; Weber State University
Digital Publisher Stewart Library, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA
Date 2021
Medium Oral History
Spatial Coverage Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States, https://sws.geonames.org/5779206, 41.223, -111.97383; Roosevelt, Duchesne, Utah, United States, https://sws.geonames.org/5780699, 40.2994, -109.98876; Hawaii, Hawaii, United States, https://sws.geonames.org/5855797, 20.78785, -156.38612
Type Text; Image/StillImage; Image/MovingImage
Access Extent 20 page PDF; Video clip is an mp4 file, 35.3 MB
Conversion Specifications Filmed and recorded using Zoom Communications platform. Transcribed using otranscribe.com.
Language eng
Rights Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes, please credit University Archives; Weber State University; Background music for the opening of the video clip was downloaded from https://uppbeat.io/t/sky-toes/the-long-ride-home; License Code SHMYB9XWFGM8KLVU; Background music for the closing of the video clip was downloaded from https://uppbeat.io/t/yeti-music/gentle-breeze; License Code IWGKRYG7XHQOMZY0
Source Ellis, Ann OH26_011 Weber State University Archives
Format application/pdf; video/mp4
ARK ark:/87278/s644e4vz
Setname wsu_sf
ID 111929
Reference URL https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s644e4vz
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