Title | PTA Minutes, 1968-1971 |
Creator | Garlick, Joyce; Johnson, Francine |
Contributors | Wahlquist Junior High School |
Description | Meeting minutes for the Wahlquist Junior High Parent Teacher Association. |
Subject | Weber School District; Students; Middle schools--United States; School management and organization; Education--Parent participation |
Digital Publisher | Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date | 1968; 1969; 1970; 1971 |
Date Digital | 2022 |
Medium | Administrative records |
Spatial Coverage | Farr West, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type | Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications | Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG files were then created for general use. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information: |
Source | Wahlquist Junior High School Library |
OCR Text | Show Historian Wagazine -~ Hospitality -Health Room Mothers --Mrs. Agst. Adult Education - Mr. -~ Mr. Public Redations and Vrs. Jack Ronald Read (Jean) -- 5959 George 200 (Jeralyn)-- (Carol) S. Jackson West Weber 1008. Lane S. S. 9050 2433 W. ~-1,382 S. 2200 W. (Ashlaug) 39-3758 Warren-~782~708 Hooper -=-39)L918 5900W. (Donna)--1685 — ----- Ne 6700 W. 1987 -—-—- 39-3803 Ne 46hO We - Plain City=---762-790: 5413 (Norma)—- Lew Ypight Ulibarri ~- Mrs. White S. Hooper------- 773- 1691 W. -- 2097 Marland Davidson -- Mrs. -- Krs. Safety- Scholorship By-Laws George - Mrs. Education 782-0267 ( Dorothy) — Thomas Arave Gene Mrs. Dr.--------~ Wilson W.00 23 S. 229k, Velvin Child (Luduana) Adult Legislature Bobbie -- Mrs. Room Mothers-- Assit. Farr West -- 700 (Mayy Lou) (Gladys) -- Gibson Gary s. 393-9713 --- 6300 We 985 (Lela) Reed Hancock -- Mrs. -- 1,88 (Joyce) Garlick Lyman Cotton -- Mrs. Membership C. Owen Mrs. Sec-Trease-- annem Jarrett Ray -- J. President 2Qnd Viee 762- 6257 -- Warren Utah --- Hooper, Widdison Francis -- Mr. lst Vice President 5900 W. N. -- 1797 ( Donna) Stewart F. Junior President -- Mrs. Chairman Offivers and P.T.A ~ 1969 1968 ee Slaterville. W. N. 4150 W. Plain City 2550 S. Wilson--Kanesville 5100 ¥. Roy--—-— --27419 W. -- 394-372 ~—391,-4316 825-078 - North 394-3992 Plain City Rd. 7820 7955 av & & ra 3 e % UTAH STATE PTA MEMBERSHIP First installment Additional , A y of Op if) ft fi membership dues . ‘ : BLANK to dues be i q Up es Utah 3 of Parents Number of membership and 1958-69 Memberships previously Number of Enrollment of families remitted today represented in i o)/ " ! i” f tal tall oe tec | Region st State i yh City 4” 27F date number p attendance Sb 7 By Zipcode 30 Lv .4U S PT Enter @40¢ each $ Q._@40¢ each $ number Do ; 227 dues office HWoOVa?™ remitted school 15. foe Address now on hand?_¢ in November thereafter. A membership from by , ~ cards families 15th) j of Looe received being number office the oS Teachers Memberships Total / (on and Teachers membership dues be remitted to Utah Congress remittance to National Congress) cards of membership J street 1968-65 Number state monthly f ! President Congress the CZ got/ City where located f Nat. Congress of Parents Amount per membership to (Utah Congress will make reach *) A A | sHMiwary of to remitted a4 K te of Local Unit (PTA) Name Name REMITTANCE membership fo CONGRESS OF PARENTS & TEACHERS 1037 East South Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 841vu2 you need more 1 number Y/ here Qo Amount Amount cards? Yo area membership .~2o6 in school ss! Number of teachers Number of memberships: on faculty of Parents - Male Parents - Teachers Teachers Total Female a7 fa — - Male ay - Female f ae Memberships f pte ff gp “ 4 (et ghee ese? 9 Ain - eee 7 . ot / r Keep one copy of this report for your files and Additional copies of this blank will be sent to payment. Thirty cents of the above total sum sent is payment for one years subscription to Parents and Teachers, which will be sent unit each month by the national office. 2 send one copy the President with your remittance. for the next monthly for the national portion of membership dues the bulletin of the National Congress of to the president of the local congress eh re pen a eo etait ans / \g 4.6 ee, \ - was of the Wahlquist Jr. Jigh School F.T.A. The first meeting held monday, August 19. 1966 — at 9:00 ame Francis WiddisonThose present were: Donna Stewart - President, Dorothy ‘nomasdent, Presi ist Vice President, J. Ray Jarrett - 2nd Vice r Chairman, Mothe Child - Room Hospitality and Health Chairman, Luduana visiting was Vrs. Francis Widdison. it was decided on Friday Activities of the year were discussed and Septemeber 20, Fbruary would we 27 would 1969 have be to "Back founders the School m and Day Progra Other be held. the elections for the new officers would . be held on the third thursday of each month would be chosed Room Mothers luncheon would At this by all. asked man agenda an them would on be luesday given - September to if she would be given an assistant Mr. had It was Mrs. times given be the week of Spptember Jarrett given decided a explained luncheon to give to the that all in the Dorothy Thomas was deligated to help. past teachers, trachers them for the cooks, a luncheon 17, the April and 1969 1’, would ist - and a 1968. year. officers luncheon. Child Mrs. on agreed mainlainence on Tuesday to be over this parents. activites This was ».T.A. the all for Night" August and men. 27, chair1968 Presidant us departments and Chairmen names were suggested for vario - August 2h, leadership meeting would be held Saturday Stewart stated a a, After A.-M. to 2:00 pem. 1968 at the Clearfield High School from 9:30 meeting. this d atten to them of selceted she urged all the chairmen were After a meeting for all P.T.A. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 A.l. after the luncheon for the officers and charimen was decided to meet teachers - Tuesday August 27. 1968 The annua} luncheon High School Jr. Wahlquist served was Luncheon 1968. After was Meeting Executive at 1:50 held the vere of and maintainence PT.A. members on 4ugust included which peoples (62) introduced one “leven members and conducting Wahlquist Schhol. Stewart presideing cooks, by sixty-two to each luncheon the given was P.T.A. and custodians faculty, for faculty, 27, the selves. p.m.— August 1968 27; President president, at Donna Room Vothers.Tea to be held September 17,1986; Announcements weres at the school; Weber Council Workshop - August 29, 1968 at 7:30 p.m. year for each per $1.00 is hip Members P.TA. Magazine is $2.00 a year; discussed were: Plans and Froeblems to have 1. Help listening by a better to be will night Scheol to Back persong Spptmeber understanding suggestions between eritisisn and 1968. 27, school 2, Membership and Magazine drive talked about so build ( September 2%) enthusiasm for Back to School Night 3. he. up more for Adult Education was discussed what to have for the programs coring year and how to get more to participate the the Pictures of P.T.A. Officers and chairman will be taken for 7 history book. S. Mr. prinicpal Jarrett, paans for Tt was A at for class Wahlquist. announced registered Meeting of the was called school, ae Room Mothers Assignments b. Agenda for "Back to School c. 6. and parents this adjourned parents that Wahlquist year. at 3210 p.m. to Night" explain has between the on to help with grading system 830 - 850 students % ; \ if" : } ‘ 4 f ' oe wa od see * FY q 4 L * i? : ‘ ’ Zi 4 yi 3 | : “et f promote To raise To secure home, protection | the - 3 church, School, the community. and of standards adequate of children i ‘ u of children the welfare laws and home for youth. the and in the training of : Ne care social, end spiritual ? é and — sek ort e| ibn HER G+ ie fe Sf i iy) child. To develop between educators and the genera” public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental, ye -s hax t\ I % life. ONCE ta at the rn E4F bf { youth — To bring into closer relation the home and te coopera may s teacher and school, that parents intelligently o i ‘ ii _ — ee Se he RP 4 P 2 / att oo? Ee sl ee education. wad eens Night. Septarbns # Bact a be She no Aye Nee \} matey is, a in To . af The National Congress Parents and Teachers *oO ‘ s o Of Of ae i ps Eght Holy [Ofefogs) | wt OBJECTS | ei ? 3 — 168 WAHLQUIST JUNIOR Mrs. President Junior lst Vice President- - Mr. Francis 2nd Vice President- - Mr. J. Stewart G. Ray - - -782-6257 ~773-1530 ~393-3072 - Widdison Jarrett - . Lyman Membership . Reed Hancock e2 +e 782-8267 ~ - - - -773-1691 a 394-3803 Magazine . Gary Gibson - Secretary-Treasurer Historian - Mrs. -----* Hospitality-HealthRoom Mother Owen Representatives - - - Scholarship = Mrs. Relations- aller - Sel - Mrs, George Girls Girls Girls Body Body Body Body Mr, John Association - Mr. - Mrs. Owen Reports: SJ Mr. and ~782-7955— 825-8703- - Ronald Mrs. 394-4316 Read- Instructions . * President Vice President 6 Secretary. ° e e e « e . . Lord Keith Knight LaDawn Shaw . Doloy . Pat Donnell LaRee Slater Charlton by Francis G. Widdison Garlick Education . 8:20. ., Dies Sie nm 5 aun ; «..s j 8:40 . Stau . Soe, 9:05. 9:10 — ; 4 ead 5 ‘ Reed Mrs. George White J. lst period 2nd e Announcements = and and - =< - Teacher February Make The = -= period Jarrett ends begins 3rd period begins 4th period begins 5th period 5th period 6th period 6th period 7th period begins ends begins ends begins 7th ends ends period ends period ends period IN CAFETERIA <= - 2© 2+ = Conferences 27 Future Ray period 4th es ee Parent ae Hancock Mr. 3rd ; REFRESHMENTS Let's Mrs. 2nd tiicca ~~” Stewart Teachers 7:55 W F. Arave . os Markos Groberg Junior 7:50 po Duff Mrs. Membership. Adult -782-8669 Ulibarri President . Vice President Secretary . Historian . Association Association Prayer -782-7055 -394-3992 Jackson - Led Opening - Wright - Dale Pledge - - Len President Bugler Minutes Davidson - Room) (Home Period Ceremony: 394-3750 USHERS Student Student Student Student Flag SCHEDULE in First - Assemble Introduction Child Marland Mrs. Public P.M. - ~----- 782-7903 Gene Arave ~--+-+-- 773-0554 George White 2 + ee 394-3718 Melvin Mrs. Safety Thomase- 7:30 nae—lUOeOlmlmlmClClU Ml OelmlClCUDllCUWD Mrs. Education Cottom Bobbie Mrs. Mrs. Adult Garlick PROGRAM a OFFICERS P.T.A. SCHOOL HIGH of America = = = © © - November Great in ew wo 13-14 "68" PARENTS DON'T FORGET TO VOTE - November 5, 1968 Let's vote for those who will do most for our homes, schools, state and nation. Minutes od the "Back to Schhol Night" at Vahlquist Jr. High 1968 at the schbol. P.TeAs held at 7230 peme on September 27, Meeting was Introduction to called by order bf President Mrs. Principal Junior F. Ray J. Stewart. The flag and the pledge of where parents had ceremony was conducted with Dale Arave as bugler allegience led by the ‘teachers in the home rooms assembled. Opening Minutes Jarrett. School prayer “as given by Mr. francis Widdison Owen C. Garlick were read by Mrs. Reports were given by Irs. Reed Hancock on memberships and by lLrs. George White on Adult Sducation. Wr. Jarrett then gave instructions on visiting the calss rooms. were given the opportunity to visit all the class rooms of their Parents choice of the where they classes. Refreshments direction of Mrs. had students were served bobbie enrolled in Thomas the to learn cafeteria - hospitilty at the aims 9:30 Chairman. p.m. and programs Od under the (terreneet! was Minutes of the Executive Meeting held Deeember 5, 1965 at 7:00 p.m. Principal J. Ray Jarrett conducted. Studies Teacher, explained and discussed eard and grading system now being used of the Yahlquist Jr. at the school. in High P.T.a. Mr. John Ulibarri, Social the Social Studies Report the school. Those present were President- Mrs. Donna Stweart, Mr. Francis Widdison ~ ist Vice Predident, Mrs. Owen C. Garlick- Secretary, Mrs. Lela Cottom — Historian, Mrs. Carol Wright, — A report was given by Mrs. Stewart on the Adult Education Classes that have results of The been held. “he the membership Founders also gave drive. Day Program was 1969 at 7:30 pem. at the schhol Meeting adjourned at 9:}5.p.m. a report planned and on the membership discussed for and February2 0, Minutes of the Founders by Troup colors the of Presentation direction the under held Bebruary in the Nahlguist of Mr. Elden Curtis, #276 of the The Eagle Band, "Occasional Suite". Dr. College ident song at Quinn was the Remarks of The the quest were F.T.A. Eagle ,"Battle McKay, Benediction 9:10 F.P. the Dean of speaker made by Band Hymn under and of was given of Ray J. the the direction the of Mr. School the Hooper Concert Eishop Choir Gerald of Business Orvil Principal closed Holley sang | “ard. Third President Donna Saunders with a remarks. evening. Jarrett, Republic". by a few offered Saunders lr. Fin. Presidents 1969 1969, Invocation was offered by Mr. Noland Nelson. Greetings and a founders day message was given by Stewart, after which she presented past president Carl Past 20, 20, held February A founders day program was auditorium at 7:30 F.¥. The concert choir, "This Is My Country" Day Program the reterson, State at Weber and s:cond evening - Meeting played ¥ res- Vice with the adjourned at Meeting Those attending commenced school, the Francis Gibson, irs. Widdison, teachers. Mrs. the for P.T.A. were Mr. 3:00 Dorothy was about Tt was moved and seconded names were suggested. p.m. J.Ray Jerelyn “White, Mrs. Discussion The at appointing to have nomination Wright Carol last regular meeting will be held school and students. A discussion on the Mrs. Denna scholarship fund 1969. ‘hursday April 1’, Jarrett will will Stewart April followed. be Several Chairman. as year next for committee act Elections will take place at this time. Ir. Literature Dept. to Help with this progran. The P.T.A. Members will put on an assexbly the Ulibarri- and Mrg.John Jackson George Gladys Mrs. Child, LuJuana Ers. Thomas, Lr. Stewart, Donna rs. Jarrett, 5,1969 March held was Scho@l High Jr. Wahlquist the check with 11, 1969 chairman It was of for this. decided to This would amount send in ten (10) cents for cach student of “ahlquist. the P.T.A. takes when up made be will This ) to eighty-two dollars ($82.00 charge of Play Day the later part of May. The By-Laws were read and discussed. Ulibarri rather would than use pattern Wahlquist a copy of the would be easier to read hn the Dismissed at 6:30 perm. By-Laws old by-lavs. future. | It after was the decided Utah This would that Congress Mr. correspond by-laws and WAHLQUIST Annual Presentation of Colors . Invocation. . Welcoming | Spring P. 17, | _ April | | | JUNIOR Miestes Election 2. Remarks Ty 0 ee of 1969-70 ie, of New Installation + 1. 1 2 . A. 7? a .... oe : ke . .Troop . + Bin « . .. . . . .« . . . « . « RK - Plain City Ward 42 Donald + ees President Mrs. Junior Secretary Mrs. e « « « Lic Dial. ».... Officers Meeting 1969 se eo wes 6 see Officers ESM! T. SCHOOL ae met ee ye HIGH 6 k xx . Stewart Owen Garlick Nominations | we . Mrs. Hall B. Committee | J. Wardie 1 “TRASH FOR TREASURE" [Ne One act play directed by. Randy Price « _ Sen .....-...... . . .... . Richard Stoney Karla Funk ....... . Debbie Chatelain... Doug - John Petterson... Phelps Colleen Meibos ..... .... Layne McFarland | j aes .. .- .- ... . _ Dale Farr -...+s Debbie Baird... ...- .. . > « . Midas Oe O'Brian, _ Midas O'Brian'‘s . An Actress The Mother. en Borgason Sg Custodian Friend | a A Woodworker . A couple whose _ crushed and aspirations then revived A Boy who is saved by the barrel treatment _.. Problems are solved trash barrel around are trash the ~ raw 99it3tmmod eur YIsss enoijamtimow tpo4 ... * % * ss... * * « s > a hd +--+ gees. * s * * ® ” 13a ew g 2 w a Bee * * * © esoovns ga tmoolel strane . £ . se es te * rt . ....-8 daebieeyte 20 Geagsesns2sz9 . B1OIOR « a es o MD erm ee, Pa wolaul Sxacod® es ie ce 2. . eae Mew Gieeod lief - S® dtet?. oast@ 2 besW etiD EERE , Ci Liss eae! TEETER ench f te .4 fpr .T .A ren reTuOTHAW JOOHD2 HOIH BO THOT gatisoM RR RRR a aodunié @reoittiO OF-Pac! Ie aolsoeld ergok320 welt io solssiissenl . « « «« Yd BS399EEb ysIq Jos ond TeA0 as iboteu9 bBroixd | sis a'asizG@'O asbil . asbiM @eevgoA gA sedgoM ofT tednowbooW 4 enolisriqes seodw ofquoo bay! ‘vot aes bre bersiuszo dasz3 of yd 1 a3 eiwa'O Brive 8 Ti . . js . .'. owe . bovioa Loxxed exe emoldovl lexried deat alg ss . . « s =. 4 —— wh. « 2 bevse af ofw vow A... §genrtse73 gp ..... . .. ~ietle . .. ee HE . Yomes2 oo bustotz we + 6 6 Me OTe « SisisjadD siddsc a Cree See a Cl ele 6 GodzaM geet ion baslintoM omysl : .«.- . + =SRt ois so a» ¢ Bae pideeg ie ene Wahlquist 1969. ( Juntor Following High the act for their help throughout approved, The P.T.A. Objects were Then the time was President was turned Donna over to on the committe also next year. They as lst Ashlaug Mrs. lirs. Francis President —- Mr. Jackson. Treas. The held thanked minutes were everyone Aprilly, everyone read repeated and the Objects. Stewart-- nominating Carol Wright introduced committee..eThe and the Virginia candidates time Tanner for the Widdison and Vice motion The the Willey was Stewart follows: —— Mr, from Donna Donna Mrs. —~ Mrs. the Mary — — President Nominatations made Pres. intcoduced Willey Meeting posted, Vice sec.& Thomas year. and to P.T.A. Pres. past over Barbara are the Stewart were Spring play found turned President "‘ annual one -— the Mrs, floor Cunningham was J. Ray Francine ere to pptithem in voting Edna Jarrett Johnson called. by Kerab There acclimation. were none, It was Mrs. second-by unanomious,. from the Weber Council gave them the Dorothy oath. Mrs. TREASURER'S Dipticiaenictinions S 2 Cash recieved Palance from previous Total Paper L968 ~ 1968 ij ~ 1968-1969 Cash year Membership Dues Playday Reciepts American REPORT $147.70 | disbursed —1968~-1969 Teackers Luncheon Nerth Ogden P.T.A. 9259.77 (Backte school night—punch, ) 3.65 (Treat for membership 129.33 refund Muirbrook 392. Reciepts 75 . Candy Tony's Farms Apples Sport 40.00 , 700 contest) 9294, 1.68 111.20 SheB(engraving) Utah Congress P.T. a. Fisterian's Supplies Memberships 10.00 Weber Council P.T.A. Vahlquist Lunch Past Utah Pres. pin Congress P.t.A. (Treasurer é tickets ef weber to anual State Convention Stencils te send (corsage Wasatch for Mrs. Gardens Schelorship councild banquet By-Laws Jackson) Jerelyn White (supplies) Waklquist Scheol | Total Expenses Total Total Reciepts- Expenses-— Balance~ Treasurer Joyce Pe Sept. L. Garlick 1, 1969 $500.45 423.14 Fund 1.75 Lo 82.00 4.00 30.75 2.50 3.50 40.00 OFFICERS AND CHAIRMEN 1969 -1970 P.T.A. President....Mr. 1st 2nd vice Vice President....Mrs. President....Earl Histortaneeece Wore Membership....Mrs L Hansen... MagaZine€essees Hospitality-progam....Dorothy eM4re Beverly Room Mothers... Health-Mental Adult Health... Education...Mrs. SafetyrcccroeeMr. Wayne - Thomas...1987 N. weWw. a elmer oSry Carolyn By. Gibson. .489 Gibson. ..e+489 Relations..Mrs. Scholarshtp.. Bonnie N. S. Biew Drive, 5900 W. RIF 2 73a. GO’. od. 5Qb61 Jenkins...1878 Legislature..Merrill By-Laws...eMr. Jack Ulibarrt...5959 Public Wo. Johnson...1110 -. Pleasant Principal..1016 Cragun, B. Hetepe Betty Korab.... Edna Francine Sec-freas....-Mrs. ere ee II3-9713 Utahsicececs Widdtson....e-.-Hooper, Francis S. Veo W. 700. W. S. 4700 W. Ogden 782-6653 ee Dk WY ecepew 6700 a 392-3944 ...782-6331 +973-/607 782-7254 Rt. #2 «ee- 782-7055 1.42222 3935-7/02 Road West West 773-0631 . 393-9677 Weber. Weber ...393-9677 Pioneer Rd. Plain City...+- 782-7455 cee 2200 We, ROYocerereee ee e 825-8703 Pezzopant..1050 W. 5100 S., Riverdale. .392-7158 i UTAH CONGRESS OF PARENTS & TEACHERS 1037 East South Temple — Salt Lake City, Utah 8412 STATE PTA MEMBERSHIP REMITTANCE BLANK First installment Additional ‘ ay of membership dues to reach the state office by November 15. dues to be remitted monthly (on the 15th) thereafter. eek membership ee ee, 4 Y A iff | } a ; . te Gn ee “City wher ne —— Unit ih. APTA) i /of Local Namehit a DEMS Of EPR a a Utah Congress of Parents Nat. Congress Amount per of S500, VA oy oO Street Addrés . 2 fe ig 4 tan er ge Re as Tera abe e Hy , : ‘| a pian eh ee ‘ i sh e) a Ss yest and Teachers membership dues Parents _— and Teachers membership dues ~~ membership to be remitted to Utah Congress = —$ (Utah Congress will make remittance to National Congress) =» Deb Cree ti aah Number of membership cards received from State office a A i fe, SW) . ae Baber number here Lig itt rems ngip sh mberbei _as Les Me aes | se ie e Ee ; _ Memberships Number of 1 a ae Roae AEE: ed today/QV/7 /3, @40e each$ SH, we | previously remitted membership cards now on Gate gambar’) < | = hand? _ ( @40¢ Do you need “0 _ Amount each $ more rae * ee cards?_ Total number of families in school attendance area Bae. Number hoe’ fad ih 158 Enrollment rapetent el: iy ia songs : acesieett Oa! ae Number, GE, ted@hers: on’ faculty At memberships: Parents - Parents Male - Teachers Femle | phe e ae SX : - Male < re Female | hia m ae RS. Eo Teachers | Ur a Gy Namber ae SPORE SE GEM SeRo Total ao a sls nD —_ 9 S . rool . Keep one Additional payment. Thirty copy of copies | | cents of this report of | the Memberships we. D for and this blank | above | tocal your files will be sent | sum sent to for the send one copy the President national with w for portion your the . remittance. next monthly - of membership dues is payment for one years subscription to the bulletin of the National Congress of Parents and Teachersy ich will be sent to the president of the local congress unit each month by. atlonal office.~ : | ee } UTAH CONGRESS OF PARENTS & TEACHERS 1037 East Salt STATE PTA MEMBERSHIP REMITTANCE First installment Additional of membership membership bi bi dues to Oa te Local(unit South Lake City, Temple Utah 841vu2 BLANK be dues to remitted reach the state monthly (on = located. Ee Se = e a _ ao Congress Congress ‘Number eo y ae | membership Memberships being ‘Memberships of Number of memberships: oe — , ee a ae We now Zipcode neg dues ee aie State office 3? - Enter number There each $ date number | Aoount oe fg 440d: each $ 24, ZO on hand 77 number you need more Do Amount cards? a o eelc- Parents - Female Teachers - Male Teachers - “Female. ‘Total | : Geienca Memberships | ae ae. : Te | | 22 menbership i" ee K be Ss ae 2 . oe of, oo, 22. Keep one copy of this report for. your files and Additional copies oF this: blank \ will be sent to _ payment. $ .4U | | @40¢ . 30 ae in school attendance area EEE on faculty of . teachers from | remitted | _ e dues membership remitted coday/haloe school Nusa | received Ganda oS i membership Teachers Gee eis iskk “Enrollment in a Teachers and previously membership Giaseat eh ge tf. and cards Total number of families | £E of ee _ Nomer Ms of Parents 15. ne). “City Amount per membership to be remitted to Utah Congress —s©T a an: Congress will make remittance to National Congress) a | of Parents thereafter, re anus Wallac. ZBI, 5S) J ale President | Street Address © Utah by November 15th) ee Ce (PTA) Name of Nat. office the send one copy the Ereeseene with your remittance. nor. the next G BORN ‘Thirty cents of the abave total. sum sent for che tae idnad ae of eeubhivship” du is payment for one years ‘subscription to the bulletin of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, which will be sent. to the president of the local Sener? a unit each month by the national office. ae : B diiery ee ba © 4g RATE Me notch pee ee hake Executive held April V. meeting 28, 1969. for new Those P.T.A. present Officers were and Mr. Principle Jarrett, J.fay Pres. Jarrett Francis was Widdison, Pres. Edna Korab, and Sec. Treas. Francine Johnson. It started at 5215 P.M, Chatrmen positions were discussed and some names presented. It was decided who would cantact some of the names presented. State P.T.A. Convention was discussed. It will be held May 7th® 8th at Weber important day for the ts most Thurs.&th Unton Butlding. State College chairmen, Those people who accept chairmen positions are to be told this them. when we call Sec. Francine Johnson was to find how much money P.T.A. has in the treasury, and have past Pres. Donna Stewart Sign cards so we can register. Meeting adjourned until sometime Aug. date to Secretary: Approved? be decided Francere Aug: aoe, later, 4 Getursor 1/164 Minutes 1969, of at 6:00 Pahlquist P.M. Jr. The High PIT.A. P.T.A. Executive Officers met with Meeting the new was held Principe, Aug. 25, Are Earl Cragun. Present were Pres. Francis Widdison, 1st Vice Pres. Edna Korab, Sec. & Treas. Francine Johnson, Delma Fox, Health Chairman, Mrs. Bonnie Pezzopant, Public Relations Chairman, Marie Haws, Historian, and Mr. Widdisons wife. Some health problems were discussed, espectadly the poor facilities the school has to take care of the physically retarded students who attend at the school. A project was proposed by ¥. Pres. Edna Korabjto improve and expand facilities at the school, she proposed our project be called 'Project Improvo, Expando’ it was seconded by Pres. Widdison and all present agreed, It was proposed by Principaé Cragun that we take a tour of the school at this time and see for ourselves the conditions at the school and the facilities that needed the most attention, As a group we found the wiring a fire hazard, the lighting bad, no ventilation in the sick rooms, or counselors rooms, Not enough drainage for rest rooms, (appearance and overall conditions BAD), Art rooms, not enough sinks or sforage facilities, Kitchen area small, no adtsposals (flies a problem), no storage. Shop area overcrowded, hot, no storage, poor facilities, Halls to dark. Gym is too small, (have to have gym classes in the lunch room, BAD). No storage for boys or girls gym equpment, shower rooms cold. not big enough, Not enough drinking fountains. In general we found many things lacking that are needed for conditions contributive to good learning. We returned to room and Bach=-to-School-Night was discussed, also dinner for the teachers. It was Suggested by .Princp&b Cragun we combine our dinner for the teachers and Back-to-School-Wight, also that we invite Supt. of county schools Dr. William Boren to speak to public. Hospitality Chairman and Room Boren They We | and and Mothers are would set up to invite ask like a to him him and for at was with set a Board dinner, progress of him for adjourned the the commitment gmeeting Next meeting chatrmen. Meeting serve at of report priority. and Sept. 9:20 P.T.A. Education let 15, Mrs. Mr 1969, and Presidency to just Widdison Korab 7:30 and P.M. be to contact present where is Mrs. on Wonlguist to for call Dr. Oct. Dr. 16th. stands, Boren Johnson know. 1 Gpbuon all offtcers and P.M, Seoretary; Janene Approved: tit. JS , AGOF Wahlquist Jr. High P.T.A. Executive Meeting was held Sept. 15, 1969. Convened at 7:30 P.M. Pres. Francis Widdison conducted. Prayer; Francine Johnson Those Present were..Princpal Cragun, Francis Widdtison, Edna Korab, Francine Johnson, Mrs. Carolyn Gibson, Mrs. Dorothy Thomas, Mrs. Beverly Kidman, Mr. Jack Ulibarri, Mrs. Betty Hansen, Mr. Widdtison explained our project, ‘IMprovo, Expando! to those of the chatrmen that had not been to any previous meetings, then the plans for our Backh=-to-School-Night was reported on to those present. Mr. Widdison reported that Supt. Boren had accepted our invitation to attend the dinner and to speak afterwards to the public. | me Principal Cragun outlined our plans for the dinner and.mass meeting and visit to class rooms. Mrs. Carolyn Gibson then proposed we expand the dinner to tnclude any and all parents who wanted to come, she reported that Harmans would provide chicken box lunches for 1.25. The proposal was put before the group and everyone voted to accept this proposal. Plans for taking care of publicity, selling tickets, and serving food was discussed. It was decided to send 4 notices home. First two notices would provide information on dinner and program for the night, the third notice would have two envelopes attached, one for P.T.A. member~ shtp and one for the box supper money, fourth notice would be a reminder and return of ticket for supper to parents. It was decided we would make enough money to cover the dinners for Supt. Boren and the Board to be our guests, also the Student Body Presidency. Assignments were made to Dorothy Thomas to take care of punch and ice, also she was to get two people to provide some light musical numbers durring the dinner, Hrs. Mrs. Beverly Carolyn Gibson Kidman and the was to call in orders for the dinner and room mothers are to serve, also decorate delivery, the tables, Principal Cragun will see to lunchroom facilities, P.A. system, Gymn facilities, and the notices to be sent home. Edna Korab to make some posters for the school. Francine Johnson will collect money from the school and let Mrs. Gibson know how many dinners to order and will make a list of those parents ordering dinners, Program times were decided... 6:30 P.M.--Prayer eS 7:30 6:00 and everyone eat. Mustcal numbers announced durring meal and ’.T.A. Pres. Francis Widdison will welcome ‘eo teachers, He will then introduce P.T.A. provided, Guests and Officers to parents everyone, Mr. Cragun will introduce the Teachers and school staff. Time turned to Dr. Boren and he will introduce Board members, P.M.--Fveryone will adjourne to Gymn for mass meeting. Objects to be posted.Record of National Anthem to Standing salute, Then Pledge of Allegiance, Mr. Wtddison will welcome and introduce Dr, Boren, Approximately 15 min. of question and answer time. P.M.-- Back-to-School Classes: for parents. Next Executive meeting to be held Meeting dissmissed at 9:35 P.M, Oct. be played, 13th secretary: Approved: Lanai. (Jot, ie) IGE Sok eed at Wahlquist Jr. High 7:30 P.M. at Wahlquist Jr. High. Pres. Francis Widdison conducted.. Opening prayer..Principal Earl B. Cragun Pres, Widdison welcomed some of the 13,1969 Oct. held were who Mothers Room was meeting Planning Officers P.T.A. us with meeting tt on our to launch and spoke on our project for the year and how we planned around pictures some pass to Korab Edna Pres V. asked He Wight. Back-to-School tmneed that school the at facilities poor that she had taken of some of the ty provement. Room Mothers were advised of their responsibili in the Project. We were advised by Principal Cragun that a School Board Meeting was going to &e held right here at the school right after our mass meeting. Some things will probably be decided upon about the school, so we need all parents we can get, here to help influence them. The Room Mothers can call parents and help influence them to come. Mrs. Gibson reported we would save on our Box Lunches tf we buy tt in bulk and serve on paper plates. more punch and The plates would be provided by Harmans' and we would same amount chicken,salad, and rolls. It was opened for suggestions on whether to have a desert or not, and to get box lunches or bulk. This was debated pro and con. Then Mrs. Gibson was to find out if we could save anything by boxing our own lunches. It was decided to. have wrapped mints and not a desert. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved, Principal Cragun suggested having name tags available for everyone to sign and pin on when they handed in their tickets. Francine Johnson Sec. Treas., to take care of getting all the supplies needed for this and also to come to school Tues, the 14th to pick up money turned in for lunches, also call Mrs. Gibson with the count. Room Mothers' were assigned to call parents and decorate tables and serve. Mrs. Korab to get the mints. Mrs. Betty Hansen will take care of the Membership money turned in. V. Pres. Korab to make posters for the school. We were notified there were two more notices tc go home to parents. Fueryone present wepetreated with cooktes and punch. It was then decided to serve left over cookies and punch to parents after classes were attended, with get as the much Different cookies awcwemeh. added assignments school at 6:00 P.M. on Meeting was dissmissed Officers present. were verified with as we everyone. Thurs. the 16th. at 9:47. There were Secretary: Approved: will 9 Room asked Mothers’ and of Vou need, Everyone A by IVES 8 to be P.T.A- Sahnen— at Minutes of Night. Back-to-School P.T.A. Officers Prayer was given teachers and wives, realized these and decorated arrangements and meal was commenced P.T.A. Pres. Francis by Room some 16,1969 . Oct. Arrived Mothers’ were tables and 6:00P.M. at for taking tickets and signing name cards were completed in Wahliquist Jr, High caffeteria. with serving at 6:30 P.M. took charge. Widdison Norman J. Assistant Shaw Princtpal. Linda Mr. Gerald Petersen presented 2musical numbers on the clarinet and Miss. meal. the durring guitar her playing and Reese presented 2 musical numbers singing Chatrmen. and Officers then welcomed everyone and introduced F.T.A. Mr. Widdison the School Staff and Teachers and Custodtan. introduced Mr. Cragun thanked P.T.A. for inviting him and the Board to Supper and introduced Boren Supt. the members of the Board who came with him. There were etghty-five to the Gymn for the Mass meeting. then adjourned Everyone thirty-eight four Student Body Officers, etght School Board members, parents, and two program people, (one-hundred thirty-seven and total) the Ye had more parents join us for the mass meeting swelling to the dinner. total people to approximately four hundred, lead the Bledge-Of-Allegiande Principal Cragun had student body Pres. Robb Miles after everyone had stood for the prsentation of the National Anthem. He then Sec, V. Pre. Ricky Surnett, introduced the rest of the student body officers, Nancy Kawa and Historian Gaylen Ficher. then told of some of the needs Mr, Widdison welcomed everyone who had gotned us, The P.T.A. had that needed attention right now. of the school and facilities things needed attention and invited had Supt. come soren to to held out to the school and let the patrons of the school know of and tf the Board intended these things and give us a committment of their intent. to do anything about Van Drimmlen of the Board, Time was turned to Supt. Boren who turned the timetl¥r. the P.T.A. for the supper that they he thanked everyone for coming and especially | had provided for the members of the Board. He spoke on they could do for the school district. Dr. Boren then spoke on what and state, bonds, taxes, the money that was available from different sources, in debt even though they pay off one million The District still federal aid. _ they sell one million dollars worth of bonds every year. dodlars every year, the available money will tis now being planned and all The new Weber High School to be needed there, And the district will probably need another bond election He asked the people it and give more money to build and remodel schools. complete tonight He could not give us a committment tin thetr School Board. to have faith but 1969. Mr. would The meet time Widdison Officers would the was then meet P.T.A. then Officers turned informed with the to at the question the Board and Board of next and Board every Educatton meeting ansewer period. one present on Thurs. Qet. be thet the 25rd. Oct. 23, P.T.A. at their next Board meeting. then informed Parents of rooms to go to for Back-to-School Principal Cragun a bell would ring at the end of each period and they would go to next classes, Everyone was thanked again for coming and told punch and cookies would class. in the Caffeteria. be served at the end of class attendance and P.T.A. Cookies and Officers, Punch we¥eserved Secretary: Frama Approved oFel- , /3 by Room A 19-70 Mothers Sobese FINANCIAL AS REPORT OF FEBRUARY 19, 1970 Balance. beginning ef school year----<=----------- 417.51 to date---------------------------- 334.45 Cash recieved Expenses Balance for year in Bank te to date~---------------------- 261.40 date--------------- 9-H 190. 36 Wahlquist Jr. High P.T.A. officers, Pres. Frances Widdison, V. Pres. Edna Korab, Sec. Treas. Francine Johnson,Adult Ed. chairman Carolyn Gibson, Safety Chairman Wayne Gibson, Program Chairman Dorothy Thomas and Bob Thomas visitor;: attended the Weber county School Board meeting on Oct. 23rd 1969, as previously announced, [he School Board at this meeting promised that certain things would be done to update Wahlquist Jr High. The These things were printed in the Ogden Standard Examiner Sun. Oct. 26, 1969 Newspaper. This P.T.A. organization is representing some of the oldest communities in Weber county. These people represent generations who have paid their taxes and helped build thés county into what it ts, we deserve more than Just a little paint and patching; which really should of upkeep and maintanace anyway. But this was about promise us towards updating Wahlquist Jr. High. Secretary all be done the ; Fun as Board Cnn part would ob Qebinenr t Construct New Gymnasium fahiquist, Board Tells PTA~~ Weber School District has no funds to build a new gymnasium at Wahlquist Junior High School and probably wouldn’t build one -anyway, the Weber Board of Education has told a PTA delegation. Board members said _ they have to look at the school —Upgrade showers and _ lock- would be a mistake to spend ers and improve restrooms. ‘money for a gymnasium. I think Carpet some of the rooms in it would be better to put the the older part of the building overflow pupils in North Ogden where floor tile is worn out. and Roy junior highs and when _-—Improve storage facilities. |we need a new school, build —Improve the appearance of one. | | the building, especially the front “This is just my opinion—the district “as a whole” and as entrance which needs new walks the situation stands at present and steps. oie board may disagree,’’ the supa new junior high probably will —Improve garbage and sew- erintendent added. be built to replace Wahlquist. age disposal. —__. Board members, however, The PTA delegation, headed The superintendent said an agreed with the district’s chief by Francis G. Widdison of electrical engineer already is administrator, Hooper, president, was told by working on the lighting and reThey stated that even if they the board that a number of wiring, conducting surveys and had the money to build a gymprojects are planned to upgrade attempting to determine the ex- nasium, they wouldn’t use _ it the school. | tent of repairs that are to be for that purpose. Lae No new construction is plan- made. . “G John Van Drimmelen, presi-| ned at the facility, however. as ‘‘We have no idea what we’re dent of the board, told the PTA board members believe the lo- going to run into. As soon as the Wahlquist site is not suitable | cation is poor for future use. the engineer is finished, we'll for expansion. | Supt. William R. Boren said know what is going to be need“The school should be somethe board plans to: — oe ed.”’ the superintendent stated. where else,” he added. _ —Rewire the building to pro-| | He said he is unable, at’ this Supt. Borenexplained that it vide adequate’ .electricity and fime, to make an estimate as was the board of education that improve | in the class- to the total cost of the improve- “brought the attention of the! rooms. | ewe iments. public’ to the condition of —Enlarge the shop area. PTA members the Wahlquist asked when it held a re-| —Improve lighting and acous- board to build a new gymna- cent| meeting at the school and/ tics in music room. slum to “give us a little pres-. toured facilities. : “jagger: 4| —Repaint many of the rooms, tise,” and asked that it be: He said not until after the| replacing dark paint with light- made the number one priority. board met at the school did wv ' er shades, But Supt. Boren opined “it, ‘‘all of this start fomenting.”’ | Meeting convened Thurs. Nov. 6, 1969 at 7:00 P.M. at the School Principals" office. There were 7 members present. Officers Jr. High P.T.A. Wahlquist P.T.A. Pres Francis Widdison took charge, Mrs. Francine Johnson prayer, then the minutes of the past meeting and back to school gave an opening night were read and approved, The time was then turned to Mrs. Ronald Kidman, Room Mothers Chatikman to discuss having a Room Mothers Social and get acquainted hour. A discussion was held on why or tf we need this social. Question was asked do the teachers ever need the Room Representatives help? Not really. Secretary asked for a list of the room mothers, She also reported that Mavis Bastian Weber Council Treasurer had called and asked that checks be sent to The State P.T.A. and Weber council for percentage of membership money collected so far. she was authorized to send the money to them immediately. A discusston was held on ways tin which the teachers and Room Rep. could help Mrs. Betty Hangen, Membership Chairman, with membership dues. It was decided to hold Room Rep. and teachers get acquainted social on Tues. Nov. 18, 1969 right after Faculty Meeting (3:30 P.M. approx.) in the school paffeteria. Cooktes and punch will be served, The use of post cards for invitations would be used, Mrs. Korab will get them. Mrs. Kidman patd for stamps used for lists mailed before, she was asked to hand the bill to the Sec., Treas. Mrs, Hansen ts to have a paper mimeographed off with a list of resposibilities on to hand to every Room Rep. Mrs. Kidman will make arrangements for ghe refreshments. Jt end was Dec. decided 12, 1969. another Candy big bars ender ehip will be drive given to would each begin student on Nov. 25. that brings 1969 in and a nentivitieh ip. A skit or song etc. was discussed being put on for the studen$# to start the drive, Mrs. Hansen will make a member meter to hang in the hall so studen$s can see their progress. Mrs, Carolyn Gibson, Adult Education Chairman, gave a report on adult ed. classes. She said the Jr High should maybe offer the classes that the elementry schools could not offer, Type, Sewing, Cooking etc. Mr. Cragun is to host fomr other principals, Four P.T.A. people and Mrs. Gibson and Mr. Ron Stephens, Area Adult Ed. Chairman on Mon.next for lunch at the school. Principal Cragun had to be excused at 8:30P.M. Mrs. Dorothy Thomas was aleo excused and some information on the Founders Day Day Frogram was to be program as such, Dismissed at 9:00 gtven P.M. to her another later. Mr. meeting to Cragun be called Approved... BOG sevinves does Daw on in “6 : not VWw4 APA a Founders Jan, /9 ZO {>ff & ¥ LL want XJ f a / J 7 J A é} : Diaieiinin “o Wahlquist convened a at Jr High 3:30 P.M. P.T.A. on Officers, November 18, Room 1969 Representatives, in the school and Teachers cafeteria for get acquainted Social. Francis Widdison P.T.A. Pres. took charge amd welcomed everyone. Princtpal Cragun gave the opening prayer. Mr. Widdison turned the time over to Mrs.Beverly Kidman, Home Room Representative Chairman. She had all the teachers and the Home Roam Representatives intfoduce themselves. Some special assignments were given to the Home Room Representatives by Mrs. Betty Hansen, Membership chairman and Mrs, CarolynGibson Adult Ed. Chairman. The teachers were asked for their cooperation and thanked for their concern and help given to the P.T.A. in the past. The P.T.A. offered their help anytime the teachers felt they could use US. Cookies and Punch were served to everyone. Dismissed at 4:40 P.M. Their were 10 P.T.A. Officers Home Room Representatives and present, 44 Teachers Secre and | tary zZ re VA School 1 | ?70 /6,/9 dan ed Approv es Staff, xo. do and Cheer 25 on The Jan. Wahlquist 16, 1970 Jr. at High the P.T.A. Wahlquist Officers HIgh Jr. Meeting Schaool. at convened were There P.M. 7220 present six and two excused, The sec. The Meeting was called to order by Pres. Francis Widdtson. They were approved as read. read the minutes of the November 6 meeting. it was suggested A discussion was held concerning our Founders Day Program, and that Mr. Jay Taggart assistant that Bhe music be provided by the school, on what has been done and ls report a give and speak to be invited Supt. the Oct.23rd School Board in promised work the accomplish to being done at to hold the meeting, upon decided date the 19th was Feb. meeting. 7 200P.M. A nominating committee was needed and some suggestions were made as who it was seconded by Dorothy Thomas was nominated as chairman to ask, Mrs. LaMar Wardle and Mrs, Edna Korab were suggested Francine Johnson. the motion was seconded, to be on the committee March 19, 1970 was the suggested new officers. Mr. Widdison said he would contact the musical humbers from the school. thinking It was suggested we start and also a project we could use some school. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 for date Mr. our P.T.A. Taggart, and to Meeting Mr Cragun install is to get to make some money about a project of the money for that would benefit P.M. Secretary: Approved: Pan Tord cere’ sAG 19, 19°70 f, | the in the Meeting convened Midwinter Wahlquist Jr. High P.T.A. in connection 1970; 19, Feb. om P.M. 7:50 Wahlquist Jr. High gymnasium at choral Curtis, Eldon Mr. of on under the directt with a music festival . Band. director director and Mr. Gerald Petersen, ir Wa t tddi .T.A. Pres. welcomed the under a —— scr iatten “ “The Fady Harrisville Randy and Barrow R. Scott Randall. Ralph consisting of musical was presented, Glee and the Clarinet Quartet. of the Music Festival the Boy's Cadet Band, The first half numbers from the ook charge of.meeting. g nets” me: 3 ‘Warto Max Cunningham, scouts, Mr. by given was 46. troup from Thornock, Prayer Opening and Scoutmaster Ward everyone an direéti on ne P.T.A. Business was then taken care of--=The Minutes of Oct. 15, 1969, Back to School Night, were read by Sec. and approved; also the financial report was given, S. Johnson, Franéiné A Past Pres. Pin was presented by Mr. Widdison, .to Mrs, Donna Stewart president Mrs. time to Gibson, at the the from Hazel Community classes school. nominating Thomas Mrs. 1968-69. announce evenings The for Carolyn Warren as from School are Candy-making, committee Searcy that was Pres. Plain Program being Gardening announced and Mrs. City and by Edna are Mr. the going and was to be gtven taught Landscaping Widdison, Korab on Chatrman, from with etc. some in the Dorothy Slaterville, and committee. Mr. Widdison then introduced Dr. Glenn Miller, from the weber County School Board, who gave a progress report on the improvements that had been made and were going to be made at the school. He congratulated the school staff and the P.T.A. and the young people, and invited anyone with questions to talk to him tonight after the meeting. Princple Cragun took a few for the work being done this classes betng such more information Mr. Petersen and Mr. Widdison Petersen and the fine minutes to thank Dr. Miller and year. He commented on the Adult classes and that on them. He expressed the young people. turned the rest students for of the the rest the students appreciation time of back the to would for Mr. program Mr. the P.T.A. Education bring Curtis Curtis as and outlined. home and Mr, The Music Festival was a fine program and seemed: to be enjoyed by all present. Me Widdtson thanked everyone for coming out , especially the young people, and had. everyone stand and give them all an ovation, to show our appreciation. Color Meeting parents Guard was and retired dismissed young the people colors. at 8:45 present, P.M. arys Secretary; Approved} There was Lane, L 16, 1970 Olan dpa approximately SA ~*~ 542 Yen. MID-WINTER WABLQUIST JUNIOR February Cadet Band Boy's Glee Clarinet re — PIA. Girls iii ina 19, FESTIVAL HIGH Busines a SCHOOL 1970 7:30 .... + »« « . ....... Keep America Singing . Streets Of Laredo. ... Down Cur Way . 5 Bill Grogan's Goat . Quartet Minuette Glee Wahlquist | Toyland .. Sherry Lynn MUSIC 2 © « » ow « . Eriekson Osterling Diekema Hunter Steaman & Hughes S.P.E.B.S.Q.5.A . . 0 tw oe P.M. ed SCDMIdt Op. 15 | Green Cathedral ..... . .Hahn Sing, Sing a Song... -Vecchi New Is The Month of Maying. -Morley How Lovely Are the Messengers Mendelssohn Band Commando Overture ... Carnival for Percussion Thunderball ..... Carnival for Clarinets. Accompanists Beverly Reeey Melanie Report from the Announcements Progress Report Gibson Che Gibson ~ © nominating on building . «+. . . . . . + . «. » . , . . .John .John .Arr. .John . Boys « Girls Kinyon Kinyon Robert Kinyon Powers Glee Glee committee improvements .. . Central Staff Spectacular” Arts Rooms. Wahlquist Jr High P.T.A. Meeting and Program#P.T.A. in the Language 16,1970 convened at 7:30 P.M. on April A welcome was given by Vice President Edna Korab to the Flag was led by V. Pres Edna Korab A salute Mr Donald Hall Opening Prayer 19,1970 were held on Feb. Minutes of the Midwinter P.T.A. Meeting, read and approved. introduced the nominating commttteePres. Francis Widdison P.T.A. Hazel of the comnittee was excused, Mrs. Mrs. Dorothy Thomas Pres. taking Searcy her Wardle, LaMar(Gail) Mrs. place. Pierre(Edna) Mrs. and | Korab were on the committee. introduced Mrs. Wayne(Carolyn The time was turned over to Mrs. Searcy who of the Wahlquist P.T.A. She asked if there were Gibson nominated for Pres. Hazel Heslop moved to put Mrs. Gibson Mrs. floor, the tions from any nomina ed Mrs.Kathleen Lupcho. by it was second in by acclimation, Mrs. Gatl Wardle was introduced as being chosen by the nominating committee for V. 1st. Pres., it asked was for nomimattons from were there floor, the tt was in by acclimation, Mrs. Hazel Searcy moved to put Mrs. Wardle none. seconded by Mr. Shaw. it was moved Mrs. Francine Johnson's name was presented for Sec.-Treas. ation, tt was seconded hnson acclim by in Mrs.Jo put to Kidman By Mr. Ronald by Mrs. Edna Korab. Mickey Worthen moved nominations cease, Mrs. Slaughter seconded it. Mrs. E.J. VanWagoner from the Weber council installed the new officers for the coming year. She also had everyone stand and repeat the P.T.A. Objects. Mr. Earl Cragun representing the new officers told everyone how important P.T.A. ts to get alot of things done no other group can accomplish. The P.T.A. has been working quite hard this year to get some improvements made at the school. Mr. Norman Shaw took charge of the program for the evening. Some of the different classes anddpartments in the school presented different learning projects that g° on during the school year. Fifteen Sctence projects were sent to Weber College, eight of them took awards. Don Worthen, a student; took ist in Biology, 2nd in reporting, told about his science fair project Oral Anatomy and Histology. He plans to go into Dentistry so his project was very important to him. He recteved an ovation after his report. Peggy Simpson, representing the Language Arts took a Supertor at the. regional Speech Meet for her humorous reading,”"Boo Hoo I Want my Mom", It was well done and entertaining to all. Mrs. Leddingham & Mrs. Lupcho head A skit was presented by the Spanish Dept. with students participating who went to compete in the Language Fair at Weber College. Laurie Favero introduced Karma Child and Kim Beveridge to do a dialogue showing how much spanish is being learned. Mr. Max Allen Heads this Dept. Mr. Hall's group represented the Soctal Studies Dept. Utah History was depicted with a game type learning program on the Capitol cities of the countys in Utah. The last presentation was given by the German class of the Foriegn Language Dept. Mr. Ralph Rowley introduced 2 skits to show the fluential german speech Learned by some of the students. Sweepstakes was taken by this group at Weber Cotlege at the Everyone enjoyed the of learning goes on in Mrs. Edna Korab language Fair. presentations the different thaked Mr. Shaw thanked every one for coming. Refreshments were served, Meeting There was were adjourned at approximately and all was well demonstrated at Wahlquist. who participated and also | that she alot 7 failed to note earlier Mr. Therald Quail and Mr. Ronald DeVries head the Science Dept. 8:50 128 and it depts. P.M.: present. Sesratarys Approved: “Gaal taut Oynd 27 (970 Gehman this Dept. aie TREASURER'S CASH RECIEVED- from Balance REPORT 1969-70 CASH 1969-70 previous year...117.31 Nuirbroek. (membership Utah Back to School Hembership Night Gue@@s.s-sa0 Total Dinner...163.45 00600000171 .00 RecieptS..c..ee 454.46 envelopes) P.T.Ac.e- chicken eeoe 6.312 Fereah.wccccecsscvces £eiD Weber ceuncil Utah congress P.T.A.... P.T.A...+ 13.60 54.40 Gateway COo.cseceee 7.65 Muirbroek Betty Bdma Past Utah | Gtah Dairyrcceccoee Dist. Hansen..Stencils paper EOPG@B. «i eceencces cee FPrea@. Pimesscccccee Congress Congress Wangsgards Total Reciepts...451. 76 Expences...272.06 Balance....e1/9. /0 TreasurerD yy pine 4 SQ Francine Oct.20, JL, ; > S. JoAnson 1970 2./0 & 3,53 Lee 5ee3 P.T.A...2P.T.Aceees 14.80 3.19 cookies...... 3.96 Weber Counet!l P.Psheeeee Mutlroreegh Pairysscseccses Total Total 3.92 Dinner..129.12 Wangagards...ccscses Bdne@ 1969-70 Dairys..sceee«Fl2. 50 Congress Harmans DISBURSED 3-70 352600 Expenses....272.06 1970-71 President...Mrs. 1st 2nd Vice Vice P.T.A. Wayne(Carolyn) President...Mrs. Historian...Mrs. and Earl B. CHAIRMEN S 4700 Wardle..3315 Cragun, DeVerl(Francine) Bob(Dorothy) Mental AND Gibson...489 LaMar(Gail) President...Mr. Sec.-Treasurer..eMrs. Health OFFICERS W WJ West Weber...393-9677 Pioneer Principal...1016 Road..393-9606 Pleasant View Johnson...1110 No. 5900 W. Rt.#2 (Warren) ... 782-6653 Thomas...1987 Health...Mrs.Melvin(June) No.6700W Rt #2 (Warren).. 782-7055 Meyerhoffer..1260 Ogden. eee W 400 N.. © 39942779 A Comunity Representative Program was organized for this year with one or two couples from each community representing that community on an advisory council to help solve problems and suggest better things and ways for the students and the school. The Representatives chosen....e.. Farr West....James Harrisvtlle...Mr. Marritott....Mr. Plain and and and and Hazel Searcy Taylor...-Mr. Mrs. and and Warren...Mr. Weber...Gerald Mrs. | Davidson Jack Elmer Lillian and and Larsen Stevenson and West Leon Myron Slaterville...Mr. Wilson...Charles Mrs. and and Donna Mark West Kégthanay Mrs. City...Kenneth Warren.eeNorman Mary Mrs. Verla and Lucas Isaacson Platt Marlin Penrod McFarland Janine Farr April 29, 1970 P.T.A. Officers Meeting was held at Wahlquist Jr. High School. Carolyn Gibson, Pres.,Gail Wardle ist V. Pres., Mr. Earl Cragun 2nd V. Pres., Mrs. Francine Johnson Sec.-Treas., Dorothy Thomas Historian,were present. We discussed changing from Room Representatives to having couples from each community represent the people and be a sounding board for the P.TA. and the schoolas to what the people like or dislike at the school. Each officer was assigned a community or two, to contactpeople in and get them to serve on this board. Some different théngs were discussed help the P.T.A. and the school. Mrs. Johnson ts to get a copy of the to Mr. Cragun as soon as we get them. We were all asked Meeting to was think of someone dissmissed till as to how officers to be these and people would committee community people School Chairman. June.4,1970 Seoretary....gantint! SF Qobaen June 4,1970 an officers meeting was held at Mrs. Carolyn Gibson's home. Present were Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Gail Wardle, and Mrs. Francine Johnson. We discussed names of Parents of students going to Wahlquist and Jotted down some names we could each contact for representatives in each communtty. We were asked by Mrs. Gibson to think of some things we could say ina letter to these Community Representatives. P.T.A. Membership was discussed, how to handle it etc. It was decided we should hold a me ting in August to find out what had been done at the school to improve it and also to get started thinking about the new year and the projects to be undertaken. Some fund ratsitng projects were discussed, with roller skating being the foremost project. We could maybe rent a popcorn machine was suggested and afew other types of refreshments were discussed. It was discussed we could maybe have a teacher Appreciation day at the school sponsored by the P.T.A. Valentines Day was suggested with maybe corsages and boutonnieres being sent in for each of the teachers. Meeting was dismissed until sometime Secretary... a in August. ee, ( pabecwo— Aug. 18, at 1970 a P.T.A. Officers the Wahlquist Jr. High Those present were Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Thomas. School. Gibson, Meeting Mrs. was held Wardle, at Mr. 10:30 Cragun, A.M. . Mrs. Mr. Cragun commented he really ltked the tdea of Community Representatives and the way they could help him find out how the parents felt about alot of théngs. We all reported on the couples we were able to get to accept the Job of community Representatives. There were two Communities left to find someone in. | Mr. Cragun briefed us a little on some of the changes that would probably be made,because of the bus schedule changes, at dle ccheekd. Back-to-School night was discussed, What night to have it and what we would offer that night in the way of a dinner, letting the people go through the school etc. Mrs. Gibson read a draft of a letter to send out to the Community Representatives. A time was discussed as to when to meet with these representatives and some of the things we need to discuss with them. Mr. Cragun was to take the letter Mrs. Gibson brought and redraft it and get it to the officers to mail out to the Representatives, Pres. Gtbson ts to be the correlating person for our activities along this line. | A fund raising project such as starting Community Skating, was discussed. Mr. Cragun liked the idea of roller skating as an | activity all the young people at the school could enjoy. We could sell refreshments to help finance this project, was suggested. We were Aug.20, informed 1970 at of a 7:30P.M. Weber at Council the P.T.A. Pioneer meeting School. Our to unit be helgbn was asked what we thought of proposeing of paying $2.00 per family and beLong to each school P.T.A. Organization, at the council meeting. It was decided that some action had to be taken and sombody had to make a stand sometime and see it through, so we are going to make this proposal and stick to our guns on this matter, Mrs. Wardle was asked to contact Principle LaFever of the -new Sandridge Jr. High to see if the Wahlquist P.T.A. Council could tour the School, Meeting Adjourned at 12:00 noon, Secretary... Jap ceue sd. Jabueo at caput Ye High. Offi Va felirng dep. 30, 19°70 Uber urine ait pour. Dw. Wegh Frineple ffir Wablgucd Ms, tomrumidy sbebwcl prgranr 1002 olacueruds onl ub wee Chbeck The gpterey . Hh QA bate y, Bat .7, 1976 ard Ga sa Ae co Ararckun, on BN .17:- LACtr— Oa Ly A tonlack 0 melae put Aour Deo PTA. Baudet - heboel Yow 12,1970 My. MorPabard por a pie, : Vy Mea) ~ ee | traces arsh Taal are) Otc he “halfo- clay + kevt 130 a A etre pM. Wie kt <q alartid . FB hacntion Qhanrrcornw Aha Ap tecoh tan <] at at 7 He | 4 have Te “wWobdenick ww og psd Peper Wal by rccat AMBCAL book olasucssd, an letg Jk. olan) ov te Abe, Pla CG Elona ok Abas freyorn~ 77/7 | cilia eal 7d std SA une oleisled Ahi “ | | prpeck was’ cacuel . Mv. Co Corremumty Feller thealing agur~ amd plarmcl Jr 2a ersten Fa Geceation Alait ih, GR, tf "a i be. chasse WL Meght sae Ab ark ack Aven 1976 bly olrietae » Peper oH Oo OF, 7" al f0-00 All. , alae plarrd AMAL the, fer <_ . TA. Lo fi . rn | f* diatasand, <ercbe VV Ou Dpediing wes) hyowrmed a (2:00 rue v7, 707" Mh ; ole Coenreclker Cn. Jo vt 90 La AO ow Ww, Ock. haw 7, 1970 Ghar af Hthe PTA. Faw. chook poracclid suing cmpotlanct fol te dle thes) Years phone 10 te Aakp the Ahicnbs the ae plana’ te oo Ake : ene Yering diay suthemel neashorg lad rme barsbag) A Anata. bach. puller and OM) A) a - bee cng | Speck Cp gil Aeberng ey 7 ackery , Conky canoe ew: 7 cated, . & ‘ih etvas Ht thAL, —~thurns free ustag, cabol Aba ectng ili) te oe Abe + Lt the I OW pa prc) darren Har AAD ened, at ‘ We ees Hh Or, ; htcny Mae : So ose ¥ Fiore = Defi Nrmewte. et rr conmmente) obec frrdinga. J0'00 PN, Auth, ed a / / 7 Chnesey sur, —?hnraern; sohetelen., a ae: 4 Guew broking Ort Manning change Conk Asatte 2 ¥:00 PMN. : Corre Ww te tthe 4 "rw Mba Aber Leng eg ht he of acme AAs usr Merreds huge Herne Aa at anether ) 1971 Officers Meeting was held Oct.12, Wahlquist Jr high P.T.A. at 1:30 P.M. at Pres. Carolynn Gibson's house. a Roast Beef meeting was discussed, Night’P.T.A. The Back-to-School later cancelled, Dinner was suggested, things The different Meeting was discussed. ntative Community Represe Community School classes etc. feedback, they could help with advertising, were discussed. and The Community School classes were discussed as to what classes to help with the different classes. who would be responsible Ist Quarter...to 1..Ballroom begin Oct. 4..Sewing Dancing..Thursdays 2nd Quarter...Classes 2..Typing Reading 6..Sewing 1..Gun Quarter... Safety Classes 2..Cake decorating 3..Furnture Refinishing 4,..Small Motor Motor with 7 -senitting 8..Ceramics 3..O0tl Painting 4..Welding 3rd Offered... 5.-Large class Carolee Jackson 9.. Physical Fitness by 5..Woodworking Mr. Liston 6..Flower Making by Vicki 2..Ceramics by Sharon Carson 3..Candy Making by Mrs. Shade 1..Speed a & 22.+-$4.00 21 Tune-up per Knits Offered... ee 5..Parent-Child Pere Relations Tune-up Meeting Adjourned secretary. at Sapte: 2:45 P.M. st GJobnae——§ # Stratton Community at 7:30 Representative P.M. at Wahlquist Mr Longstrth at the school to Mrs. Gibson discussed on parents discuased working the at discussed this hard school the to school, Mr. on we activities told parents reaction what line about at each 1970 they were the of of education. having a school. how Mr. P.T.A. Mr. Longstroth up to feelings on different changing the the modern Math. set meeting Cragun student to doing date. up of was He said programs parent-teacher presented. asked subject, was should should P.T.A. skating espectally The has about and a discussed have be a certain math Program. teachers Mr. McFarland classroom behavior, . was dicussed--with question. introduced recieved and for time It and was dancing agreed presented, being upon that the only some other with roller skating approval to the our of this the coming School summer Boards’ they will resurface use the gym Gym floor skating. day and the days of the week to offer the skating program suggestions for discussed. The different projects with of 12, project. The were Anow Curricular Activity activity for to a He Oct. and this programs records held Scheol. minutes minutes. the Platt etc., Extra few High along few the was training, studen$s fora needs was this grading, a also Norman talked the about get staff conferences matn for Jr. vocattonal help attttudes Meeting a to make "Smokeless projects money we to Smoker" have decided finance the especially on roller decided and other Skating on for time. Meeting was adjourned at approx. 9:00 P.M. were next discussed, spring some- Wahlquist Meeting Pres. - Mrs. Carolynn Gtbson Posting Mike of It Jr. Della Scout Minutes of Gibson 7:30 Master colors and Ben P.M. Backh-To-School in the conducting. welcomed Lucia, and P.T.A. at the everyone was Maec taken Stocks report care to from was Night Language-Arts back Patterson. financial was moved A parents" P.T.A. High convened Representatives- Mr. Oct. Rooms by by scouts: 39 29,1970 with and Gus under P.T.A. Mrs. Leon Checketts, the Sec.-Treas. and seconded that minutes be approved Prayer was given by Mrs, Gtbson, then Community held school. of troop read was direction Francine as read, she introduced Larson, Johnson. the Harrisville | Mr. and Mrs. Norman Platt, Warren, Mr. and Mrs.James Kogtanes, Farr West, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Stevenson, Marriott, Mr. and Mrs.Kenneth Searcy Plain City, McFarland, With Mr. Mr. Wilson and and and Mrs.Jack Mrs.Mark Mr. Lucas, and Slaterville, Mrs.Elmer Davidson, Isaacson, Plain ctty, Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs.Charles Taylor Mr. were present. Marlin Penrod, West Warren, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Farr, West Weber excused. ist Vice Pres. Mrs.Gayle Wardle explained the new member ship preposal of consolidation and that everyone must hold a membership in P.T.A. to vote on the proposal. A vocal Solo was presented by Rochelle Ward, accompanied by Mrs. Paulette Silvester, Principle Cragun greeted the parents and welcomed them on behalf of the school staff. He expressed pleasure to have the Community Representatives as an advisory council of parents., and hoped for some feedback on how parents in the communities feel about things at the school. He told the parents about the new Reading Skills Lab and Some of its func the each The students member parents tions through of the were and the staff then the use and hopes of this their instructed for lab. better Mr, teaching how self Cragun image positions to find their then at Approved.... be the of tt. school, rooms at 10 MUN. Mr. Cragun | | farce oe a given introduced students They were to begin at the home room and visit each room intervals. When the parents reached the last class room spoke over the inter-com thanking everyone for comming. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Secretary... to | 1 so — Qobiwemn 1977 | 3 | | In AMERICAN Observing EDUCATION WV - 25 October WEEK 31 AMLQUTIS TJ Fe HIGH SCHOOL Presents TO SCHOOL NIGHT October 29, 1970 Welcome....President, Flag Carolynn Gibson Ceremony....... haa es age -Troop 39 Directed by Ben Patterson Boys participating: Gus Checketts Mike Della Lucia, Mare Stocks Reading Report of Minutes *oe¢enmereyreeese Sec-Treasurer, Parent's and Financial i en Francine Prayer....... Carolynn Introduction : Johnson Gibson of Staff............... Principal, Earl.Cragun Introduction of Community Representatives and P.T.A. Executive Committee -ee++e..-.Historian, Dorothy Thomas About Membership ....... Gayle Wardle VOOREL BOLO secvesvccccus Rochelle Ward Accompanist Paulette Silvester Direction to Classes ..... Mr. Cragun | A Wahlquist Jr. High P.T.A. Officers Meeting was held Dec.11, 19/70 at 1:00 P.M. at the school. Plans for the Spring Quarter of Conmunity School Cdasses were discuased, with assignments being made to each officer for the class they were to be in charge of. Jan.6th. and 7th. are the dates for the classes to start. Plans for our Next general P.T.A. meeting to be held on Feb.11th at to The 7:30 be PM. the were speaker business of discussed. after voting a It was posstble for or suggested dinner against the Mr. Longstroth being offered. change in the P.T.A. and membership proposal is to be taken care of at the Feb. Also Mr. Widdison last years P.T.A. Pres. is to be invited reciteve his Past Pres. Pin. The roller from him. Skating project was discussed, and it be was asked consolidation meeting too. to attend and decided to proceed on a small scale and especially to wait and see how our fund raising projects progressed, Mr. Cragun asked our optnion of the classes being offered at the school and we discuased what classes should be elective and what classes should be required, with praise being given by all for the interest being shown by Mr. Cragun and the staff to give the students the best program of classes possible, and everyong was happy with the feedback they were hearing about the classes from the students themselves. The Secy Mrs. Johnson was instructed to send Mr. Widdison a check for $20.00 to help the new Sandridge P.T.A. get started, invite him to the Feb. meeting, and to get last years P.T.A. History and the history book Meeting adjourned at 2:45 Bran ene P.M, Gobusen She, Wahlquist Jr. High P.T.A. Officers Meeting. "Jan. 15,1971 at 12:00 noen in Principle Cragun's Office Four officers were present. The P.T.A. fund -raising was discussed, especially the Smokeless Smoker. Mr. Dickhamore the gym teacher is going to help of tickets with this. He — came in and talked to us about some of the things he had planned and a definate date of Sat. March 6th. was set. The P.T.A. Annual Dinner and Meeting was definately settled,with Mr. Longstrotv to be the speaker and a Roast Beef Dinner to be offered for $1.50 per plate. The distribution of tickets was discussed and asstgnments were made to each officer, Further discussion was held Smoker and other fund raising Community Representative on price projects. Meeting to Meeting adjourned be held at Secretary.. for the Jan.28th. 1:30 Smokeless at 7:00P.M. P.M, Peas tise A rhrnaen Pebchs Officers and Community Representatives Meeting convened at 7:15 P.M. Jan. 28,1971 at Wahlquist Jr. High. 4 officers and 10 representatives were present. Pres. Carolynn Gibson asked for any feed- back from representatives, some was gtven and questions were asked on math program and teachers. Pres. Gibson discussed the spring quarter community school classes ane asked if there were any more suggestions for the type of classes wanted. Welding, landscaping, furniture refinishing, parent & child, and fly ttietng classes were suggested. The roller Skating project was discussed, and Mr. Lee Dickamore, athletic teacher reported on some plans and research betng done for the Smokeless Smoker", There will be approx. 6 events that will last 15 min. each. It was dectded to charge everyone 50¢ admisston,cand that it will be held Sat. Mar. 6th at 7:00 P.M. A Fashion 1:00 A for vote Show will be held taken as to adults, was refreshments on what Mar. will 19th, be kind of with admission included. skates we should that the clamp on would be the most economical and The Community Representatives were asked to help projects and to help sell the tickets. Meeting Adjourned at §:00 25¢ get, ele., it adjustable. advertise the 50¢ was teens, decided fund raising P.M. Secewiary.. st. faawtwce! bneer~ Feb. 11,1971 P.T.A. Meeting and Annual Dinner was held in the Wahlquist Cafeterta at 7:00 P.&#. Welcome by Pres. Carolynn Gibson Prayer and blessing on the food by Mr. A.W. Macfarlane The meal was served cafeteria style, and everyone enjoyed a delicious Roast Beef dinner. The table decorations were presented to those with lucky numbers, and everyone then adjourned to another room for the meeting. The colors were posted by troop 44 with Blaine Draper, Brian Ylney, Von Allred, and Brad Slater partictpating. They were directed by Leonard Meyerhoffer. Minutes of the last P.T.A. Meeting were read and approved. Pres. Gibson presented a Past Pres. pin to Mr. Francis Widdison. She then spoke about the upcoming fund raising projects and how exciting they were going to be. She made an explanation about the proposed unifted By-laws and how the new County "Cone" Organization would work. After a few min. of question and ansewers ballots were passed out to the P.T.A. members and they had a chance to vote on the new organization proposal. Election from the floor was made for two members for the nominating committee Mrs. Harold Buck nominated Mrs. LaMar Isaacson with a 2nd motion by Wayne Gibson and nomination: for Mary Kogianes was moved by Mrs. Edith Zuech and 2nd by Mrs. Maw. Nominations ceased and Mrs. Isaacson and Mrs. Kogianes were put on the nominating committee by unanimous vote. Mr. Longstroth then presented students: Reed Hall, Debbie Zuech, and Scott Slater, who had attended a seminar on drugs at WeberState College. They each talked on different aspects of the drug situation as 6t pretained to themselves and other students and what they and parents and teachers could do to help the situatton. tnvolved? Do you care? We Mr. are Longstroth then preparing young spoke for people to a few min...Are you do less and less, let them, help them, encourage them to make own decisions when very young, and help them take time to make the right decisions as they grow up. The results of the balloting were given with the voting unanimous to accept the new organization proposal and by-laws. Meeting Adjourned at 9:0O0P.M. Resnccary ae beset Sohneon A P.T.A. Officers planning meeting was held May 6,1971 at 9:30 A.M. in Principle‘Craguns Office to plan the Annual Wahlquist Play Day for the students to be held the last day of school. It was decided on aecarnival with Bingo game, Dart throw, a cake walk, ball to sold; Mary Mrs. will and take all and agit Kogtaneé charge the 1 Lemmotn . @an .be footnote..The Plq@ the students seem effort thet appreciated was ri to nevp counted have Zuech help @t 21230 [dered Cc e sno=cones, wrt to AG SOU Ee day was to on a ind. in pill mamy head and the Janine ball ££. i. great sess sut by almost gtlv r Jr. convened in the Wahlq everyone there, anda President Carolynn new officers All nominations Mrs. Francine for Representatives The and and Students Al figh Gi the coming Johnson.as vt and they ag sear, a 2 ted ; ne were thanked rditecch of the : were sold There was a crowd partictpated in the P.T.A. Officers and in the ator, heartily music the Students an eacher visiting thanked for coming. The program was Sundeas arfolynn ad the Cafeteria after ) 725% mt assistant Corre were mo. and one G ome OM May SQ ‘Letaa’ 13,1971 | inciple » n to-—temein as Correlator lith Zuech as Sec.,Treas. sre sustained unaimously. Officers and the Community Gib Mrs. Por everyone Mall the time, cakes and and P.T.A. people,was greatly. Wahlquist Farr toss ways. sdew., The gum,etc. bubble balls, corn > Cones Edith e Wen howe lh, Mrs. of* teachers eting A and o games ball “gaia movte a toss, be a Cragun 2e he ppesented most successful dept...we re introduced and welcome the year. thanked, North Ogden Jr. High were waleomed presented as was outlined and Nut the concert. of approximately 400 present and it was believed most Sundea refreshment afterwards, where several of the Community Rep. prepared the Sundeas and served them. Meeting Adjourned at Approx. Secretary.. Fear Approved.. 9:30 P.M. vive rf Johnerm a, ALD, , SF Syiag SE % A & gt te 4 a BO 1. fh ons oe Sy OTE AMO ‘ Bis a ifthe * C7 ins, A Pee at - "SPRING SWINGS" at WAHLQUIST JUNEZOR HIGH SCHOOL Musie, regardless of the i, title, has Because rythm that appeals to someone. various and ons compositi “of the various , hope you will rythms of our programwe find a tune that will give you delight and a feeling that "Spring Swings" for Le . everyone. HAKKEAAA RARER AREER ER PrincipaMe......-0.++.-.- Earl Wragun Vice Principal ..... A. W. Macfarlane DIRECTORS: Vocal. .Paulette Silvester Band......-Russell Orchestra...Dennis Germer Hansen PROGRAM Orchestra: 1: Lyric Melodettes: "Symphony #1”. .Williams II: "A “Prayer... Snirit I1i+March Flower". .....-. TREASURER'S CASH REPORT 1970-71 RECIEVED CASH DISBURSED aa Balance from Membership previous Dues..... year...179. 70| ne 45.00 Braue Dinner. os can 028s bea o 10, 75 Smokeless. Smokher.cevccvecveseeL208.00 FPRERTOR SHOW. ec ccc asesecses dG le Spring Concert Sundeas,......139.10 Wahlquist Play Daysoeseeeees114, 32 total....894.97 Carolynn Gibson 6.36 (Poster supplies)°*°°°°**-* Utah Congress P.T.Aeeeeeee16.28 (Past Pres. pin, History Book, Envelopes) Sandridge Jr, High P.T.A...20.00 Gayl @ Wardle@svccccscscccees Jet (cookies & punch) Membership Engraving dues, Past council... pres. pin.. 4.50 2.61 Utah congress P.T.A. dues.18.00 Dorothy Thomas, (candy, ...26.62 film, etc.) Klenke Floral (teacher....50.40 appreciation) Cream O' Weber Dairy......59.60 Regtonal P.T.A. dinner.... 6.00 American Paper CO..ececeee 6.61 American Paper Cocceeeseee 7093 Gateway Dist. Cosccrcccececl4e25 Warehouse Foods...ccesesercleee2 Cream O' Mountain Utah Mary Total Reciepts....894.97 Total Expenses.....406.35 Balance. ..2+2488.62 Treasureryyay/ Wy 3 LODZ Dat Lda. Dy SI DA Weber.cececceees + 60.00 Sales (play day.. 8.45 prizes) congress P.T.A. conu.40.00 Kogtianes (Sno-cone...17.77 supplies) American Paper Coceccecceeel 3458 Gateway Dist. Cor.ssccccece 3045 History Book Supplies..... 6.47 total....406.35 |
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