Title | Beth Winkler Price Scrapbook: Ogden High School |
Creator | Price, Beth Winkler |
Collection Name | Alumni Scrapbooks |
Description | Scrapbook from Beth Winkler (Price) documenting her time as a student at Ogden High school. |
Subject | Alumni and alumnae; Weber College; Ogden High School; Theater |
Digital Publisher | Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date | 1924; 1925; 1926 |
Medium | Scrapbooks; Ephemera; Programs; Booklets; Correspondence |
Spatial Coverage | Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type | Text; Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications | Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG files were then created for general use. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information: |
Source | 14-01-02-004; Beth Winkler Price collection, Series 1; Weber State University Special Collections & University Archives |
OCR Text | Show 7 = ~= “4 es $at5* ie a, See ~ ia i. U " AP Ss apn: alist ‘ Bt ot Salt sa oa ana " i las \ . <3 oe 5, Sania: 2$eMelle = > oa ee oe eee reer Sia i Beare get pilates eee —s 4g RE — : ia tie. Sr Ries , er es ae eee a A 5% ee ; de Pyne ines aah 4 ‘ CELT = teed] an bl beer tt Et ee me Syu oe lara i AT wr oes Lemar! . C1 | bbb = Peet V1 Cer Ty we one Ebert | ‘ ee a gS eS - Ce Kee Ss : aee yee em “ei * a "aehew on ee PP - ” : a ann ras me res => y en mm. ~_ . — + _ by ~~. ee ao a“ a emenmanes pam Aft sc a we? mntitis red ¥ —s | f Agi: . aly - t\- a” ' - Prt IE | bt hoes * a VT ef. uu b. < ah < rT < a & Ca erie ey USA in printed 1925 Copyright > DESIGNED ae _™ Abd pt i aL\\_}TO(— FRADE Beat = m TEACHERS SUBJECT VACATION DAY $36*tetee > ~ Dbrrrre POOESOOCOOSH: 3 : aS $ &S on tennant casted gi eal tation» dibuon ommend meagan cee Fai Thirty-fourth Annual Commencement OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL 1926 Cj BACCALAUREATE ADDRESS Dr. Adam S. Bennion CRPHEUM THEATER SUNDAY MORNING, 23RD O’CLOCK ete eS ae ELEVEN MAY Commencement Exercises PARAMOUNT THEATER Thursday, May Eight o’Clock 27th OOOOOOOCOOOOQOOQOQOOOUY OOD DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGDOOODOOD Baccalaureate Programme May Sunday Morning, Theater Orpheum Eleven 23rd o’Clock 20} . Processional Lorin Wheelwright . Interlude—Largo, . Boys’ Handel Quartette—Trail O. H. S. Orchestra Mate Nolan Taylor, Sidney Norton Frances Hales, Smith Jacobs . Piano Solo—Liebestraume, Nocturno No. Liszt Gladys . Invocation President - Vocal Solo—The . Instrumental Yeaman, Quartette—“All Klea Foulger, Mae Verda Passey, Francis LeRoy Marriott the Night” Dorothy Perrins, Israelson, Grace Nelson, Hobbs, Edythe Ashton Dr. Adam “Onward Christian 5k eke cilia EDs RRO AIDE Coe Bee S. Bennion Soldiers” Fa 12. i Shaw, Louise . Address BIOTIC GUTOR Burton O. H. S. Quartette Frances be Frank Through (Boulton) Rachel Robert Selection..Max Woodbury, . Ladies’ Double Lochtrog Penitent, Zanze Water........ J. C. Crapo Wilford 10. Hymn, 3, Franz a Mille EEN Class sa President -Lorin and Orchestra Robert Burton Wheeiwright DO DOGOGSSOSOOSOOOOOSOSOOO}OOO}OOOOOODDODODODODDOOOD OGDEN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL COMMERCIAL {2 00 Tc OT Co DO -. Bingham, Chester H. Brown, Vivian Chamberlin, Lee P. DeHaan, Wilford - Doxey, Roy W. . Foulger, Walter Delno Garner, Ralph A. Green, Peter - Hart, Henry - Linford, George W. - Lobello, Nicholas Fred - O’Keefe, Henry - Paoletti, Thomas Francis . Passey, Louis . Piersanti, Nano - Price, Raymond . Randall, LeRoy D. - Read, Grant - Read, Raymond . Stanger, Floyd - Syphers, Elmer . Swauger, Frank Herman - Taylor, Vernal E. Turpin, Lawrence LeRoy - Whitaker, Ronald - Wilde, Alton Clifford - Adams, Dorothy Emily . Allred, Verba Ellen Berghout, Cornelia M. 1926 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 388. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Boyle, Virginia Browning, Karen Louise Burt, Opal Leon Cordon, Roberta Faulkner, Magdalene Flory, Jeanette Guthrie, Stella May Kendell, Eudora Mary King, Lucy Liddell, Flore Lund, Dorothy Eliza Mortensen, Edith Dorothea Mumford, Margaret Lucille Nelson, Grace Parker, Ella Passey, Klea Mae Perucca, Margaret Mary Pierce, Ada Randall, Edna Marie Russell, Lizzie Myrle 51. 52. 53. Smith, Lavina Storey, Mina B. Stratford, Bernice 50. 54. 55. 56. 57. ENGLISH Ames, Reede Maughan - Armstrong, Hal C. -. Bingham, Norman B. Berlin, Jean . Burnett, Adrian Robert - Burton, Charles Bramwell, Wendell - Campbell, James Forbes - Crawford, LeRoy Crosbie, Ernest Edward Davis, William F. - Dowling, Edward F. . Farley, Arthur E. Glen, George Robert - Gwin, Robert - Gunnell, Clarence William - Hall, J. Edwin - Hancock, Winfield E. . Jacobs, Smith - dunk, Sam . Kellogg, Seott Douglas - Maher, Eugene Hugh - McCarty, James E. - Norton, Sidney - Osmond, William A. . Pincock, Ear] S. . Pugmire, Ralph W. - Quillinan, Jack - Richards, William Franklin - Rubin, Harry - Rushmer, Henry Eer!l Sawyer, Clarence E. Cc -. ©chu mers, Bernard . Shaw, David Glen - Scoville, Rulon §. . Stevens, Max . Todd, Harry James - Ure, James William - Verheek, Herbert Wallwork, Gerald Wheeler, Vietor J. Whittier, Murray Wilson, Garff Young, Odin - Adams, Afton Ashton, Edythe Marie - Barnes, Mildred . Belnap, Jean Minerva - Bradshaw, Monvilla Mary Belnap, Jean Minerva Burnett, Lola Isabel . Canfield, Stella Martha . Chugg, Iva Geniva . Code, Dorothy . Cowan, Hazel, Laverna . Coray, Blanche . Critchlow, Carmyn . Davis, Mary Fern - DeHart, Margery . Ernstrom, Elsie Sidona . Evans, Anecta Mery - Farnsworth, Janet Louise . Felt, Vircinia May - Field, Edith fae GRADUATES, COURSE Saunders, Coleta Walker, Laura Dell Weaver, Nellie Afton Wilbur, Wanda May Woolley, Carol COURSE 116. Forsha, Maud 117. Foulger, Rachel 118. Fowles, Mary Anetta 119. Freeman, Norma 120. Gibson, Isabelle 121. Gibbons, Dallas Lois 122. Grace, Helen Mareuerite 123. Green, Mable Alice 124. Green, Lucille 125. Greenband, Ida Olga 126. Griffin, Hildred Cathryne 127. Hawkes, Grace 128. Halverson, Edith 129. Hayes, Matilda Ann 132. Hobbs, Frances Adelaide 130. Higham, Doris Beverly 131. Hinckley, Mary 138. Isrealson, Dorothy Lillian 134. Jenkins, Helen Pearl 135. Johns, Norma 140. Johnson, Thora Marie 141. Johansen, Myrtle Wilhelmina 142. Johansen, Ellen, Maureen 143. Jones, Lorna Doone 144, King, Ramona 145. Leavitt, Florence Katherine 146. Lochtrog, Gladys Helen 147. Lubeck, Leota Ingebretsen 148. Lucas, Emily 149. Lund, Beatrice 150. Mans, Winifred Frances 151. Marcus, Veda Marian 152. Melle, Mae Eleanor 158. Milne, Maud May 154. Merrill, Phyllis Alene 155. Monson, Anna Rae 156. Monson, Mary 157. Mortensen, Martha Adelia 158. Muehl, Ann Eliabeth 159. McEntire, Virginia Mae 160. McKay, Elsie 161. Nelson, Greldon Lilly 162. Nelson, Ina 163. Newey, Eleanor Muriel 164. Pardoe, Fern 165. Peck, Maurine 166. Perrins, Louise 167. Phillips, Zella 168. Rackham, Evangeline Clelles 169. Raethal. Freda 169a Randall, May 170. Rawson, Nellie Elverene 172. Reeve, Verna Ruth 178. Reynolds, Mabel Pauline 174. Riley, Kathryn 175. Riley, Emily Winifred 176. Rubenstein, Wilma 177. Scoville, Rosemary 178. Shaw, Verda May 179. Shaw, Phyilis Theresa 180. Shelby, Frances Vilete 181. Slater, Norma 182. Skeen, Melba Trina i838. Smith, Adelaide Frances ; } DWOODHOSOSOLOCOOOHOOOOOOOSOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOD Honor Students 1926 ‘ SUMMA MAGNA L 1. 2. Adams, Afton Ashton, Edythe Marie Moore, William B. Nelson, Greldon Lilly O’Keefe, Henry Osmond, William Passey, Louis Pelham, Phyllis Granshaw Perucca, Margaret May Pincock, Earl S. Raethel, Freda Rubenstein, Wilma Scowcroft, Blanche Smith, Adelaide Frances 17. 18. Gwin, Robert Halverson, Edith 46. 47. Storey, Mina B. Stratford, Bill 20. Huss, 26. 27. 28. 29. 45. 2 1 ’ 1, n Taylor, Nolan King, Ramona Knight, Neta Knight, Wallace Lund, Dorothy Eliza 55. 56. 57. Wattis, Lorene Weaver, Nellie Wilson, Margaret Israelson, Dorothy Lillian Jenkins, Helen Pearl Johansen, Myrtle Vilhelmina Johansen, Elen Maureen Kimball, Ralph Cushing Craven, 13. 14, Davis, James H. DeHart, Margery 48, Riley, Emily Winifred Read, Raymond 49. Rubin, Harry 52. 53. Sharp, Clyde Shaw, Verda May 12, Cunningham, G. Jackson 50. Russell, Lizzie Myrle 15. Dowling, Edward F. 16, Ford, Eleanor Browning 17. Fowles, Mary Anetta 18. Green, Mabel Alice 54. Skeen, Melba Trina 55. Soderberg,Frances Clara 56. Smith, Florence E 57. Smith, Lavina 20. Gordon, Fannie Bertha 25. Johns, Norma Y29. Li 7 cas, Emily 58. Strickler, Beulah Rosalia 59. Gordon, Dallas Lois Hardy, Harvey B. Iverson, Wayne Charles Jensen, Dorothy Leigh 26. Johnson, Helen Elizabeth 27. Jones, Lorna Doone 28. Lochirog, Gladys Helen 2 5. 36. Mortensen, Nelson, DODO Grace 60. 61. 62. 63. Taylor Trp Taylor, Rhea Todd Harry James nla Bernic 64. Ure, Marian 68. West Realen 10. Wilbur, Mattson, Marian Dean 33. Melle, Mae Eleanor ney assem 35Martha ee 71. Winkler, . Beth bs > ] J s J a + dehaeteapticeaa DPODWOOOOOOOOGHOOOQOES OOOO}S ] Fermen J Wanda May 72. Whitaker, Roland 73. Woolley, Carol ; 12 74. - Adeli Elma 69. Westergard 31. Manning, Roland Garner 32. Stromberg 65. VanSweden, Adrianna 66. Walker, Laura Dell 67. Wallwork, Gerald 30. Mans, Winifred Frances t Taylor, Bernice Vogel, Helen Louise Ward, Margaret Warner, Jean Binnie Waitis, Lorna LAUDE 47, Jack Herman Critchlow, Carmyn 50. 51. 52. 53. 54, 37. Newman, Robert Leland 88. Passey, Klea Mae 39. Perrins, Louise 40. Quillinan, Jack 41 Randall, Edna Marie 42 Randall, May 43. Rasmussen, E. Wilmer 44, Reeder, Jeanette 45. Reeve, Verna Ruth 46. Riley, Kathryn 9. Cook, Nora Ellen 10. tl. 21. 22. 23. 24. n © Anderson, Lollieta Alva Ames, Reede Maughan Beaudion, Heston Mark Berghout, Cornelia M. Belnap,Jean Berlin. Jean Brown, Vivian Brown, Beatrice Olive Burnett, Lola Isabel Burnett, Adrian Robert 19. Griffin, John Smith a a 1. 2. 8. 4, 3a 3b 5. 6. 7. 8. 48. Taggart, Bernice 49. CUM +t Stanford, Elizabeth Phyllis Martha : is Martin, Theodore Merrill, Phyllis Alene 33. 84. 85. 36. 37. 88. 89. 40. 41. 42, 43. 44, 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 0 LAUDE 80. 31. Browning, Karen Louise Burton, Charles James Forbes Campbell, Clark, Adelia Iona Cordon, Roberta Craven, Ruth Alice John Harper Culley, Emmett, Charles Arthur E. Arthur Farley, Farnsworth, Janet Louise Fisher, Ruth Freeman, Norma 19. Higginbotham, Dorothy Dee n CUM 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 18. 14. 15. 16. Griffin, Hildred Cathryne £ } LAUDE 32. Milne, Maud May 3. Bramwell, Wendell 2, CUM 5. King, Lucy 6. Reynolds, Mabel Pauline 7. Young, Wilford S. S. Wilson, Garff 1. Coletti, Tony 2. Coray, Blanche 8. Grace,Helen Marguerite 4, Hobbs, Frances t < OHODEOOHO}SHYOOOO “ - F @ OOOOQOOY HOOODOOOOOOOOOOSOOOSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOGH Exercises Commencement 27th Thursday, May Theater Paramount o’Clock Eight ONS Girl’’........ O. H. S. Orchestra Bohemian 1. Selection, “The 3. Vocal Solo, “My Love Is a Muleteer” Nogeron) ‘‘Work, Plans, Cn Quartette, “The 6. Reading, “The Echo 7. Ladies’ Double Ideals”............ Blanche Coray Nolan Taylor, Sidney Norton Francis Smith Jacobs Hales, and the Fairy”.......... Jean Warner Verda Passey, Louise Israelson, Dorothy Shaw, Perrins, Grace Nelson, Hobbs, Edythe Ashton ‘‘Dancers 8. Oration, Richards Quartette, “Springtime’”— Mae Frances di Builders”— Foulger, Rachel Klea (Francisco Franklin 4. Salutatory, . Boys’ Spencer James Rev. 2. Invocation Camp David Ahead’’- 9. Cello Solo— (a) Concerto (b) An Den Fruhling (Krieg).......-.. Phyllis Proudfit the Measure 10. Valedictory, “Work, 11. Piano (Goltermann)..........-- 7, Allegro No. of Value” Garff Wilson Etude Solo—Concert (Macdowell). Mildred 12. Presentation 13. Conferring of Graduates.......... Principal A. M. Merrill of Certificates......-... Supt. W. Re Se GP Br Se Class . Benediction.......-......... _......Rev. School 2 Or 14. Song Reeder Karl Hopkins and Orchestra James Spencer OGE OHOOSOCSDOOOCGOSOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOG DOOOC OOD . . . . . - Smith, Florence E. Smith, Jessie Elizabeth Smout, Zella Frances Sneddon, Edythe Martha Soderberg, Frances Clara Stallings, Doris Joy Stephens, Elva Margaret Stokes, Flora Armeda Strickler, Beulah Rosalia Stromberg, Elma Taylor, Rhea 195. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 208. 204, 205. 206. ENGINEERING . Akiyama, Karo . Bybee, Charles L. - Cooley, Van A. . Craven, Robert William . Craven, Jack Herman . Cross, Charles Warren, Jr. . Davis, James H. - Emmett, Charles Arthur . Farber, Milton Adam - Hales, Francis LeRoy -. Johns, Parley Thomas . Jones, Clarence - Kimball, Ralph Cushine 221. 222. 223. 224, 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. GENERAL . . . - Bachman, Kasper Eugene Banford, Theodore Beaudion, Heston Mark Beuhler, John Durlin Byram, Donald E. Carter, Henry A. 239. Clarke, Clarence C. 240. Couch, Howard 241, Cunningham, G. Jackson 242, Coletti, Tony 243. Droesbeke, Albert Edward 244, Engstrom, Darwin 245. Francis, Frank 246.Gunderson, Ralph E 247. Hansen, Rowland M. 248. Hardy, Harvey B. 249, Harrop, William Vern 250. Heep, Milford 251. Holmes, Mosiah Martimus 252. Hussey, John 2538. Irvine, Joseph 254, Johnson, Leslie 255. Low, Alma 256. McLean, Lloyd 257. Olsen, Joseph 258. Phillips, Vernon 259. Rasmussen, E. Wimer 260. Roghaar, Andrew Paul 261. Slater, John H. 262. Stecker, Fred 2638. Stoker, Marlowe 264, Taylor, Nolan 296. 297. 298. 299. 200. 301. 302. 303. 311. 312, 313. 314. 315. 216, 317. COURSE Manning, Roland Garner Marston, Arnold Martin, Theodore Newman, Robert Leland Sampson, Gerard Sharp, Clyde Slate, Harvey S. Stevenson, Ralph Shields Toone, Clair VanCleave, Robert Lewis Weir, Robert T. Westergard, Fermen J. COURSE 265. Taylor, Reed Ed. 266. Thurston, Archie L. 267. Tingen, Henry 268. Turner, Clarence James 269. Vanderhoof, Kenneth 270. Wangsgard, Owen 271. Watson, Henry 272. Anderson, Lollieta Alva 273. Bolander, Alice Regina 274. Brown, Beatrice Olive 275. Burton, Mildred 276. Chadwick, Vera Elizabeth 277. Cook, Nora Ellen 278. Condie, Melba 279. Davis, Eunice Louise 280. Grange, Thelma 281. Jack, May Major 282. Johnson, Helen Elizabeth 283. Knight, Neta 284, McFarland, Elizabeth 285. Morris, Florence 286. Peters, Leora 237. Reeder, Mildred LaVon 288. Richards, LaPearl 289. Shurtliff, Blanche A. 290. Shurtliff, Marjorie Fern 291. Stevenson, Helen Claudia 292. Taylor, Viola Marie 293. Taylor, Susan H. 294. West, Marie 295. White, Jane MODERN LANGUAGE MECHANIC . Bingham, Howard - Chuge, John A. - Knight, Wallace Wilson 504. Rufrano, Jennie 305. Shaw, Beatrice 306. Smith, Eliza Josephine 307. Stephens, Carman May 508. Taylor, Hazel 309. Tucker, Bernice 210. Ward, Naomi 321. 322. 23. 324, 3825. 326. 327. 528. 329. 330. COURSE Huss, Phyllis Martha Mattson, Marian Dean Pelham, Phyllis Granshaw Proudfit, Phyllis Marion Reeder, Jeanette Scowcroft, Banche Stanford, Elizabeth Ure, Marian Wattis, Lorene Wattis, Lorna ARTS COURSE 334. Shields, Bruce G. 335. Wangsgard, Keith 536. Maw, George SCIENTIFIC Burnham, Lee Culley, John Harper Foulser, Clark Joseph Griffin, John Smith Griffin, Herbert :af Higgs, Edgar Iverson, Wayne Charles - Loughran, Louise Jchn - Moore, William B. C209 WO 02 KW 09 OD Co to me pee pe ia a het COO C OoBRWNrOO MK =) West, Evelyn Cecilia Wilkinson, Elva A. Wilson, Margaret Winkler, Beth Zundell, Alice Valine ECONOMICS Camp, David Randolph, Wallace Upp, Fioyd Beck, Kathryn Louise Clark, Adelia Ione Craven, Ruth, Alice Fisher, Ruth 91 ot . Ford, Eleanor Browning 319. Gordon, Fannie Bertha 520. Higginbotham, Dorothy Dee - Weir, Ellen HOME Badger, Olive Ilean Berrett, Bessie Hannah Bingham, Esther Lucille Bond, Ruby Parker, Stella Powell, Violet Jane Raty, Edith Irene Rhees, Mildred LATIN Thomas, Beulah Mary VanZweden, Adrianna Vogel, Helen Louise Ward, Margaret Warner, Jean Binnie 546. 347. 348. 349, 550. $51. 352. 553. COURSE Rawson, Rulon W. Stratford, Billi Stitzer, Leonard Terry, Lewis N. Woods, Casper Young, Wilford S. Jensen, Dorothy Leigh Taggart, Bernice The Senior Class of the Ogden High School announces the Annual Commencement Thursday, [May the twenty -seventh Nineteen hundred twenty-six The Paramount Ogden Viah les Eve wt = pomltlene inp Christmas on lave s3 Pe qaze s rom lagpe Nem +8. Tkiwecarnbh < Wh: {dri Sen ji Fink Yares 4 ~ _— Js & Aj heleds Ox 7 Faarge 2/p_ tet Hap Me Fis yp High NC @ aS thog, / V4 ei 7K Kasts + Se es yA ae : | | ALUN A dennis Racquet VRE/E/N Te/ A_fead. Ong (Garman) ia Ee Deval ee er + See Ae te Ma ae. Re ae a OE Titliiiteeeret pis ’ ; ; ro ae arr ry. rif rit OR AG merit. - ar Th Me 6 Lert Y RR ph NE She Seem er a gS eine errr TY Or ERE 4 he Peg EIGN. a MLE PIE oe eno OOT Acatt The at ires Seuniar Ball Hw! Ab matrany Weer Ly ns -Hosemary + T/fary & wat & a Nears HL. Party Charles bm met} duniar Brit Ate a ty ard Parpe | WMelune Lance Them ~ fernn Bill Stent pork Stelle ill pard VwptMealy Bru “Wrelad Then yen Jere ae hae dng Hance alah n Antd p ste Biilzteateard ae Charias Gal C* ‘s+ Cast Piaas mA “Nhie her (might tiem ee Ate mie Waker F Perce Beth) OV tharies) Ffarth p) i. " kmmett Barraws hE os iti 5:Eteatrard BK — Carpe Hem Undet Ha Edpthe re i Band Mau ret 2 77 Charles E72 m é¢- far of vec tea ae EP : Maids oe i Fis shi Giels Lire) Dagce ote S ils Lharles ) BM Uharles me faa L+n Lhrrles Dances LANCE d Emmett tr Lome Lhearles - eee And Banque # TY (pet 5Tevensan pte naga Yangquet Lan ace Ganima Keppn dele bammett Charles iis nd a Ames Lancert- Lance Wlatinee gas Feede briggto7) mary) exonia nse ard ahr dhnner Gay Marty i l/ Fraty Ashton) Then Larpe Biff Strate ard Dianerd (Tin» er Barraws Pevce fyé Atca/ade (Ceepe Vem Friggin Gril featsard dim Ure hip ter} W, gs h Party (Wins J Lance Bartha na) Dr ph een Treat Eirls’ xallagg od Pia Treasure ESET On mee tad Lon LChaeles won Haoblrave e Larn Game le Em nove rddstellve Vance Ohi Fe we // Charles tmmett Commencement +Dance r Pe ie A ‘ cee __ ——r eee eS PICTURE (T/ ee ee ae) a ee ee ae et ta A N:P ‘fo -— . ‘. e ” - } ae eet — ee —_ . Ld... a + eee LL — teeta SN ee OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL Sunior Prom — APRIL 26TH 1Q24 BERTHANA PROMENADE ~ 4 7 i taesk 12I OFFICERS Ross Sampson, President EMMA BEuHLER, Vice-President ArTon Bowman, Secretary Miss Epna Romney, J. E. BEEson. Class Class Advisor Advisor 4 4 4 COMMITTEE Ruton Ross r.MMA JEAN Doxey, SAMPSON BEUHLER WaRNER CLARENCE | —— » ~~ - Se eR — . | . : ) Chairman M, CLark PATRONS SupPT,. AND PRINCIPAL Mayor Mr. Mr. ann and AND Mrs. W. Kart Hopkins AND Mrs. A. M. MERRILL Mrs. P, F. Kirkenpai Mrs. I. G. Sampson Mrs. Jesse S, Ricuarps Mr. anD Mrs. J. W. Lovepau1 Mr. AnD Mrs, Frank Francis Mr. anp Mrs. James Brennan h nd CILB Secretary . JOE Chairm a Committ ER ee IR VINE n: MAR IAN U RE BILL S TRATFO RD ©CINBO THAy HAL AR MSTRON G Advisors. MRS. NE WCOmpR MR. BEE SON Os fis GIRLS ASSOCIATION a v eer a Aa ler, uy Eller OFFICERS | te EMMA BUEHLER. LUCY KING, MARTHA PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT WRIG HT, SECRETARY ADVISORS MRS. GERTRUDE MISS COOLIDGE GRACE STONE PATRONS AND SUPT. AND MRS. Ww, MR. KARL AND MRs. A. DR. P. AND MRS. MERRILL J. MR. R. AND MRs. MORRELL J. MR. A, AND MRs. BUEHLER A. C. WRIGHT MR. MR. AND MRS. MRS. J. NAT J. HOPKINS BELL BOYINGTON MR. AND MRS. J. MR. A. AMD LEE MRS. J. W. URE MR. MR. AND PATRONESSES AND AND MRs. MRs. J. W. J. W. FARNSWORTH PARKER COMMITTEE MARJORIE BEATRICE MARGARET VINETTA ALLEN BLETCHER BELL MARTHA LEE RUTH WRIGHT MERRILL ee ae + - e , MRS. DEAR biiaig ee + E ONE MISS creel ° nis oe 7. MR. MER R IL| ) HOODO O MAN’? ‘PAerrw..- 4, aa . ee rag a ee Lucy iti — WHAT a en, “UNE NIGH} <r Oe aG —4 MARTHA ES, YES iN ee | oe pad POR RO ; 2 ng, a a Oy —— ge ee OES me - OF Ue SALLY” « * ie of = LOVE” — et e 17. - a — a - Bre 3 | le ‘ ee" i ing eatin ie Mer 2, oe . | q Lanes ee ee a ff - — ®ND AND MEY “RALPHE “DOopL E DON r DOO" oe a nahn fp, ” 4 x, f nn et KAT HRYN MEMORY nts Co ~ ies. ” sa a a Boy — e , if Py, a 16. . s BOYS “THE ~~ Vie co md p Bn iAOk oe ae rt 15. i : / e r PE ee WE nee f . N s E TER’ '4; | BLANC HE Dee, we the ee ee N CON OMANY | C Yor a 3. OH — R ee 3. ee EMMA WONDE DE z “ STONE LiPte® some n s i 2. MARJO COLORA RiF DO» COOLIDG a . < nok F cox eomnmtte® — (Chairtnam) 3. Fox Troy DANCES Sweet Little You Swee tie Insufficient " & z eg a ¥ ¢ j oe es ERS (tee cane ‘. ak; | OGDEN HIGH MILITARY SCHOOL BERTHANA BALL Ogden High School KR. BO. T. C. Cadet Hop February twelfth ~— —— ree —— en ee Fe rr me + hermes ae fe Wy . a . ee err eee wee < Q i = 3. 8S ®.j = pein AE. as: -9®9 Nae Sk 6 WY > ory 4g # a a cere Wa aman Salone ee lee le SR > p,, ott Png (iin hb A tennis a i — ee a eee . Mayor Mr. AnD anp Mrs. Mrs. Wapr SUPERINTENDENT N HIGH s¢ rARY TARY ys: 2Ist ty ii PRINCIPAL Mr. anp AND Mrs. Mr. ann Mrs. GEORGE M. ~ Patrons and Patronesses E. Browninc JOHNSON AND Mrs. Kart Mrs. A. M. Merrity H. F. IRWIN C. S. GUNNELL Mr. anp Mrs. Grorcs Mr. anp Mrs. J. F. CAMPBELL Mr. R. E. WILSON AnD Mrs. S. GLENN Mr. anp Mrs. C. E. ARMSTRONG Mr. J. W. anp Mrs. URE Hopkins et _ OT UE NA ata a Fam io haeCOLI ag THE CADET Fox Trot THE SPONSORS GLIDE Fox THE SIDE Waltz THE REGIMENTAL THE -N HIGH s¢ THE HOP STEP SERGEANTS ‘‘CHIN 2IsT 10) THE RECRUIT BLUES Waltz 1] Fox THE PLATOON SLIDE Fox Trot Fox Trot 13 THE STAFF GALLOP Fox Trot 14 THE BUGLE CALL Waltz 15 THE T'rot Waltz GUIDE Concert by R. ©. T. C. Band and Military Brill THE TRIGGER SQUEEZE THE SPIRAL THE R. 6. T. Cc. FROLIC REVEL SWING 12 1-2-3-4 Fox Trot PARADE IN JAZZ’ Trot TARY UARY @®roder of Mances @rbder of Mances Fox Fox Trot Trot Fox Trot ON Fox Trot €xtras 1 Fox Trot 2 Fox Trot 3 Fox Trot @rganbation of the KX. 6.T.C€. Regiment Cou. WILLIAM Major GUNNELL-—Commanding HERBERT VERHEEK—Commanding 1st Batt. CapTaIn ForBES CAMPBELL—Regt. Adjutant CapTaIn Lewis LAUGHRAN—Regt. Supply Officer Ist Lieut. WiLtFoRD YounNG—Asst. Supply Officer Ist Lieut. GARFF WiLson—Batt. Adj. 1st Batt. Ist Lirut. GERALD WAaLworK—Batt. Adj. 2nd Batt. Capr. LELAND NEwMAaNn—Commanding Co. A IST LIEUT. GERARD SAMPSON 1ST LIEUT. WARREN CROSS 2D LIEUT. CHARLES EMMETT 2D LIEBUT. JOHN JUNK Capr. GEORGE GLEN—Commanding Co. B IST LIEUT. ROBERT CRAVEN 1ST LIEUT. CASPER WOODS 2D LIEUT. WINFIELD HANCOCK 2D LIEUT. EDGAR CALDER Capt. Morris ALLEN—Commanding Co. C IST LIEUT. ALBERT DROESBEKE 1sT LIEUT. KENNETH SKEEN 2D LIEUT. ROY DOXEY 2D LIEUT. VERGIL SWENSON Ist Ligut. Mirton FarBER—Commanding Co. D IST LIEUT. SCOTT KELLOGG 1ST LIEUT. JACK CRAVEN 2D LIEUT. EARL RUSHMER 2D LIEUT. HENRY HART Captr. LEE CHAMBERLAIN—Commanding Co. E IsT LIEUT. HAL ARMSTRONG 1ST LIEUT. BRUCE SHEILDS 2D LIEUT. RALPH KIMBALL 2D LIEUT. ARTHUR FARLEY Capt. Francts Hates—Commanding 1ST LIEUT. CLIFFORD FRETWELL 1ST LIEUT. WAYNE IVERSON 2D 2D LIEUT. RAYMOND LIEUT. LEONARD READ STITZER Co. F Serstll emarns Aenea md o) -) >) Oo ” 9) 0 oo) Zz, fx) Q Oo °; BERTHANA BALL MILITARY Baye shee, ein aie PROGRAM PROG RAM ee= eA “2 PES Dave * > isla: ig FL a | ey : ( oncert — H t= Hittin ROH #23334 HEE a HHH Fs : O. H. S. CADET BAND Direcior LESTER CUEEEE TERA aN i We ke ms Stee etc wr HINCHCLIFF Sh Wi ¢ |= diy "| ——— W. AND MRS. MR, AND MRS. WADE DR. AND MRS, E. MR. AND MRS. R. MR. AND MRS. AND JOHNSON I. RICH H. HODGE FRANCIS FRANK MRS. AND HOPKINS KARL MR. MR, wae €9 ‘Patronesses Patrons MAYOR o M&S. P. KIRKENDALL F. BRENNAN JAMES MR. AND MRS. G. L. BECKER PRINCIPAL AND MRS. A, M. MERRILL MR, AND MRS. JAMES MR, AND MRS. |. W. H. | RILEY LOVEDAHL (Commandant L. E. RYDER, CAV., D. O. L “Assistants ime ans j Fa apne aX Fa 1 ; aay PBI lay fest dit eetee y } a . + ge ee cg 8 AA A ett ce STR * ss ie See Fe a BE, RD SERGEANT J. SERGEANT HOLLOWAY W. ; MAYER —aaa CAPT. : , < :: : nets eee - 7 . * | . 3 ee) ; .*. : 9 : | : as hs . 6 ahs are * el SP Oe ft : 4 *~| 5 3 $ , era” ° a ~~ . 7% ° : : = *."s 7 *.*. . 7 . . 7 7 ” . . a - : : +. Pp 7 we .* . *.*. a. : _ See _ aaa nee TO ee ~"s se = : */ . a 7 a saan a“, Puta > ‘n'a aN nin *.- PP = Nas nn Men, >. ate < . sh - oe oe - oe i _ “. ee se _* > _ Pa is > 7 7 «© 7 o 7 _ s ade ' 4 _ . . a, : . . . ew Them ee ee ee me ee hes, Pi AN ad — Carpe is MWerated (under permit from the Wasatch pnal Forest) by the Timpanogos Outdoor OPMBmittee. All receipts are devoted to maintfg@ing and developing the Cave and camping eniences for the bjnefit of the public. ength, of levation sength a SY trail One of Cave of main Eee abovexoad mile EER 1200 feet corridor \of Cave.. 540 feet 4 uBLUYSot JOOYIS wodf yon Yyo1H nae IBvd 3 a1ouloydog V SPUD TPA "i illite hy ‘aupadsaynYysg 4 ‘SLO IL Z Apotuo") Pag Opy -2% jo x sik Noqy , ‘BuryJO\NY - UL ae yes, at ——Ab9 K f “ Ay a braekty + mea ~ ni Lon TOROS SAG 7 Pu TPA te Sa ES F340) 7 SV—1b9 eo foi > NESEY SP iy STV —7B°A , no iy =P La | yj * ay 7 aay “$1 M 7 t le Wasatch os Outdoor ed to main- nd camping ie public. One mile 1200 feet 540 feet . ery ON pel ay wWrmnAIICY yiorl JO jnoqy ‘SIOLIG ‘SULYIO\ aAaAUIC MSIL Vike youy-—te9 nox Apautor) Opy ‘VoO«OyTT | ron LOTUIS f uewysel | adtouloydog V J BIL TPA SPUA WAL TPA SATsy —ie9 a ma SP ~” Pa a y .. 5 : ere, oo i ‘ ; us Me ia Freshman Year—A Comedy of Errors. Sophomore Year—-Much Ado About Nothing. Junior Year—As You Like It. Senior Year—All’s Well That Ends Well. Aeon —All’s OW. it; That Like Well Ends Well. Soe enue qeUT TSA eA spugq weyL TPA > ATV —1¥9 AXK ron { yZ axFT MOR SV (fp IOTUIS e. Fy ‘SY Ss ay Ka ee > ‘@?) pt ane. oo ae —_ ys f] | = a: a; J99Y9S fa~- © — OD pes 7 © +is me! ee Se, -—- o~ ee Se Pa TIAN wosf a~ — _ ote —— ie ae — aje) = adsaypyc eat a ee ——— a _* ee i. Eee p High Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Year—A School from * Comedy Year—Much Ado of Shakespeare. Errors. About Year—As You Like It. Year—All’s Well That Ends Nothing. Well. 7s = * OP ieEITA PTR oT Christmas ance BERTHANA DECEMBER 1924 IQTH THE SENIOR CLASS OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL Wrogram I Love Dream FOX rrot—Oriental rox TROT—Man dalay 4 _ Se ry be iyi Bs R07 —) FO x 4A j Te SSS , - eS Cy . pain ¥. eee ne wAbL.Tz—Colo raae ~ FOX NS PROT— /UuNe Night FOX |me | j | 8 Time TrroT—May e "Ss OT—9 4 Weel Littelea You FOX TR wALTZ—Il wonder what’s become of Sally a oe Wh SUR RRR EIS. trad?” st ke rox TROT—By, the La } <= 1O India FOX TROT—SPng Of Each Bante to re co En e n O ly On ee = i" Spends al a lana mia 2S —————-iS . = = y = , _— 4 er II 12 = : ‘< rox TROT—Bagdad~ iS > a . a — t—Yes, Yes in Your Eyes FOX TR * 2 po 7 Cay Blues Rock-a-byeBaby w av+ eze# i ox/trot Nola *a -_ Sealous ox TROT— TROT—Doodle Box Doo Doo attz—Penfect Kiss TROT—Do00 FOX rox/TROTA-Hoo0do7o ™ i” 20—= > f : ee . Doo Wacka Man : ) rox TROT—Romany Love Dance Ouly One Encore to Each Bance = , —-—— inn) + er filler Hat rs Senior Class @ffice Jake REYNOLDS, WILLIAM LAYLOR, President Vice _President y &3 Treasurer Emity Lynceu, Secretar Apvisors EVELYN Miss DoBBS Mr. J. E. BEESON Committee Gorpon AGEE Marton HorTON HELEN STOREY CLEONE SHANKS ARLAND HANKS HeLeEN Dan KENNEDY HaROLD OLSEN Ross SAMPSON Dick FoRBES ALTON PARKER MERRILL ay sses e n o r t a P d an s n o r t a P Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. rKENDALL AND Mrs. P. F. Kr IGHT AND MRs. A. T. WR PKINS AND Mrs. KARL Ho BLETCHER AND Mrs. FRANK STOREY Mr. anv Mrs. J. E. RRILL M. ME Mr. AND MRs. A. Mrs. C. A. BoYD DAvis Mr. AND Mrs. J. C. N OLSE Mr. AND Mrs. J. E. cers lent oasUurer KENNEDY OLSEN OLD ;:s SAMPSON K on FORBES PARKER INLSSLS IDALL iT INS CHER 7 LILL I - CAVE is operated (under permit from the Wasatch Committee. All receipts are devoted to main- | National Forest) ; taining and developing the Cave conveniences for the bb\nefit of Length of ru.) Elevation beasth by the Timpanogos of Cave '7 A and camping the public. eS Saas--One mile above. grpad foe 1200 feet ¢of main \ corridor ‘pt Cave. Melly : Outdoor : tin | ud “TIMPAN OG0s — tt b- gt as = tt aaa -~ ee -—— — —__ 540 feet , ; . . ASSOCIATION GIRLS’ was October..7. presias the. on by meeting. order to met Cri! Reynolds new vic Varner. be to held tine of discussion October Triday, which were after place, committees took: then following WAx«thea Sa, By Faeaeatp shm ents— Edythe fre Bingrl Viola chairman; Clark, Lone Burton, 1m—Blanc he < Ruth Parke. | Gr ace, Clarl] a g ‘ > ; 5 r Tita. 4 Beth Winkler, ~ 3 T> Dorotny Storey. was made motion The sell girls the ihat tried wate! scda hand raise to lurday. arner Jean | sociatron. oO - making charge 'en zs oo ‘ a Fea | anda ~ ~ ~ Late ~* a — . } piaCK Aare i! be worn by t committee Further ing. tomorrow. iannounced ae SE : Meeting BETH . _ a” adjo T irned. WINKLER , i Hobbs, ay rment—Francis — | Marion irman, s t publicity— sponsors » fe a hot ry - Mina © + 5 — Scoville. Louise } tee u+D Nursery—Helen man; gatt! : Jessie on president. called 605 order by the. ‘meeting er ‘Minutes of the form duced Jean to A vice. new the | Warner. discussion of the Friday, held. be intro- then“ preadenty: mothers” tea! October 16, tric which then took’ place, after were following — “committees: s pointed: wee > : read and approved. Reynolds: President ; qf... r meeti The. the | ap- i | Ashton, Refreshments—Edythe Hattie. m, ha ng Bi a ol Vi ; an rm ai ch Shaw. pr aagne Ione Clark, Verdaowcroft, ; Sc Program—Bla iche. Craven, Carol ‘chairman: - Ruth ns (Wooley, Jessie Parke.Graceee, : chairman, ‘Davis, Fern Mattson, Jane Clarke. | Entertainment—Francis Ma | “Hobbs, Winkler, Mary. ‘Beth if‘chairman: Youns:. Mina \E dinckley, — Dorothy sae motion was made ‘and car-. dogs hae the girls sell hot SatBoor water at the game to. raise money for. the as- the orange which. will} lpe worn by, the girls who Further commitices tomorrow. announced Meetin ) ‘4adjourned. WINKLER, aE giv-. ‘ are sell- will i eS be Secretary. Mernn ead Sound of making la : and iE ck ‘arm bands ing. was Warner re Jean Fe Tot P| ; ‘man; Louise | Scoville. | blicity: Us 1ers, | sponsors, ) pu rion oo e chair- Nursery—Helen | A eewe ‘The. ‘me ‘called to chader ‘Minutes of tt d appros om esun B ihcPr ident. @uced. the. new Jean Warner. — 0 le A Ola | st ey. me On motion Be CLASS OFFICERS President CHARLES EMMETT? GILBERT BECK, Vice-President JOE IRVINE, Secretary J. E. BEESON, Advisor FLORENCE NEWCOMB, eo PATRONS AND Advisor — PATRONESSES Dr. and Mrs. Edward I. Rich Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gunnell Mr. and Mrs. W. Karl Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. George Glen M Yr. and Mrs, P. F. Kirkendall Mr. and Mrs. Harry Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Wade Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Claude Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stratford Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Felix T. Moore Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Rushmer Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Craven Mrs. W. R. Emmett Mrs. C. A. Boyd Mrs. Heber Scowcroft og EQ OF Oho: FCC Jirogram +--- et EUG: FS FLD Jirogram + j &ALAr a sea Cc e 971 oy Ee 4 771 COMMITTEES for Santa BILL Claus Strut GUNNELL, General Chairman Refreshments RUTH Phyllis Merrill FISHER, Chairman Frank Francis Griffin John Advertising Francis GEORGE Hales GLENN, Max Chairman Stevens Floyd Upp Programs Blanche JACK CRAVEN, Scowcroft Earl Chairman Ralph Stevenson Rushmer Decorating MABLE Beth Winkler » Verna Reeves REYNOLDS, Casper Woods Frances Chairman Leland Newman Hal Armstrong Bill Stratford Hobbs Tickets GARFF Bob Craven WILSON, Bill Moore -< Chairman Mary Hinckley —s kar | ¥ ; ¥ ce. . | it P 3 . er i. fe s : Siskin cya ‘is ae >Be “i sa 9 P 2 ; ' = 3 , 7 ' os 2 _ se F : 6 — € = % ff) yy Kf . - : o z ’ a 3 ay > | 4 ng v 4S Of wd 1,he *: ~~ : — 2., att _— t oy | sit | fe — ere « a fe a : f % Pon - £ , -- &Yo =e- xo ‘ » “ $ 7 ‘e é « =f : . : , , * - : : 4, Ape | :: . r. oa « 7 “rye ann y id ha : _ . : rg “ms a . ewe “ie ; heme a | mea) Zz 7 () ns ‘ of Shen fr ss Pic a A ‘ ~: fi SF t: te _ ‘ #; ; a4 ) | . | 7. : em i?) ; ¢ h a A bé fee », boot? , bid (For : ere ) ~ R + : : : _ - ; —~ ‘ * ' “= 2 — a > x |res | : Lormmni;tiee he PER COUPLE CCO L. WN JES wh ' se. P a i, ip 6), Si % tM age Arccolai le a 4 Ph :, ~*~ f & © . fh). oo » St & Y 5 dt 7 i . *, Z a i > & «a Ce t Pag a tee Sai \. os fe yr ioe 7 a | al il —eeeeee ee we ee | ee ee ‘Sha i a ae? EPPORSSOSSS STF F STEFF FS FSSSS SSS SOSSFSSS HGS an _ 7 I a I mn » t nd 7 =o = a bas - CEC a oN ¢: :* t5t Gantuaryp J ; > =" _ E . : . . : : \ 4 - Patrons MRS. || || | OLDS E)YN TOL RE D- mn. : Vi s.Fu. GiFildca J ur un. and “ee s atroursse « si MRS. , ‘ | A- BOM EN WINKLE EST R’ EpN BE. ; | [AX ER Mi rOHN rowU .R1 HOPA \ | N } : + ‘ ee Lf Sa cpo< 4h Rit ; {) I | A} 4 ; a¥ te ini ara , am aoe e ee Te if itn 34,5 na & OP et ad pre ot A ha rope th ee tar. “ag :‘meetin: sone intre P ce otheuee oe yetober _ i which ti “were f me neis y as: , nktler, a rOung, ry _M ade ‘wi ¢ ell | Hotas de who asd are } will R, Secret Al erat Olde rs Funiwr Prom eee dye -_ 4. inert , mis A pea a. ii Che Junior Class cordially invites 4 + ee é 4 Pd a ¢ A ' a. . : ——_ =« ¢ a EE - etna to attend Che Annual Junior Brom Hriday, April the twenty-third Nineteen hundred twenty-six Berthana Light thirty * . he , ” : Sy hd ke ie oY, > wot ae ky ~~ re ~— a Mtnhewe . ee1e Wer \ £f se Dede ne ‘Ba aM. os oh a Vier i Yas TESTS BEFORE RESTS Into the room I gaily walked, In time to see the blackboard chalked With questions large and questions Until there was no room at all Left on that horrid oblong wall. small, Into my desk I sadly slid With every merry spirit hid; The paper swam before my eyes, I felt just like emitting cries For silly tests | do despise. The clock ticked loudly, pesky thing! Oh why did not that school bell ring? If it but knew how me ’twould save. Just then a loud clang! clang; it gave— And so | scrawled, ° “Merry hristwds. Dave!” Beth Winkler. ea ee ae et ue ee gl : tas ET a. a - ig: ei ee See s . ‘ ‘S. re ? ee te ae “yl x ee eee Pa Mcrae sagan : ARK -——— te = — he ‘ oo sea = 4 iw , ‘ ) I i . 4 . P ; j 4 E # : oS z # $ “ . = F a ; A = - { eed og “4 ~ ee ce REDhein a th = . . j ROS epag Pea, higy eees DRne Sad BURT:aint hg. NC RR Enns le tdigre ean agg fi peel ng . = Pa aaak P rs =e . > f —— ; Se an + eee, ae 4 } tema so Se | i , | | : Ot , ’ * ved r |
Format | application/pdf |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6839yfx |
Setname | wsu_alumni |
ID | 143615 |
Reference URL | https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6839yfx |