Title | Lori Memmott, Student Government, Scrapbook 3 |
Creator | Brown, Lori Memmott; Goeckeritz, Issac; Phillips, Leesa; Becks; Hunker, Harold Y.; Jensen, Bart; Gallego, Danita; Harvey, Jim; Farnsworth, Evelyn; Morrell, Jonathan; Jarrett, Elaine A.; Hurst, Dean W.; McGaha, Bill; Jhrelkald, Pon; Budge, Sally; Degraw, Stephanie; Land, Jayne; Holly; Faye; Boureeny; Deanne; E. Bret; Tami; Hancy, Donnel; Fields, Robert; Brady, Rodney H.; Miller, William P.; Shupe, Gerald L.; Frasier, Rex M.; Hurst, James C.; Smout, Curtis E.; Taylor, Stanton M.; Sherbakoff, Paul; Johnson, Marvin; Holt, Cliff; Varney, Bill J.; Berry, Chester A.; McColley, E.D.; Blackburn, Richard D.; Bebb, Ernest L.; Hover, Thomas M.; Weddel, Wm. D.; Seeman, M.D.; Black, K. Dean; Benson, R. Kenneth; Sant, Norman R.; Bernal, Philip V.; Pond, Earl R.; Christensen, Val R.; Clarke, R.A.; Foulger, James R.; Shepherd, J.F.; Ockey, Kathy; Dean, Lynn; Stevens, Beverly; Keeler, Kein; Blackham, Linda; Allred, Lorin; Gardner, Bryan B. |
Collection Name | Alumni Scrapbooks |
Description | Scrapbook from Lori Memmott's term as Student Body President at Weber State College |
Subject | Alumni and alumnae; Weber State College; School management and organization; Student government |
Digital Publisher | Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date | 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961; 1962 |
Date Digital | 2020 |
Medium | Scrapbooks; Photographs; Documents; Newspaper clippings; Ephemera; Programs; Correspondence; Books; Flyers; Newspapers; Calendars |
Spatial Coverage | Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type | Text; Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications | Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG files were then created for general use. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information: |
Source | Items on loan from Lori Memmott Brown |
OCR Text | Show at: Le eA ee ee ThA ha el ee ee te Pi a Oe ee ee ee ee Co aa PY aa, ae » ae ae oe ee ee be ee ee a td ee Pe a ea ee Dd eda SAVIN) WEBER STATE COLLEGE ‘4 OGDEN, UTAH 84408 Lori Memmott ———— He o- : ae endat: eee ane ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF WEBER STATE COLLEGE—2102 OGDEN, UTAH 84408 626-6349 INTRODUCTION The Weber Staté College Institutional Council has established a precident allowing memorialization of campus Structures to honor persons who have made significant contributions to campus and community. Under provisions of Institutional Council policy and procedure, the Associated Students of Weber State College are formally requesting the memorialization of: the W.S.C, Uviton..Buildihko’.: VOW Over a 30 year period se individual has shown himself to be teh a%friénd and advocate of students. His contributions to the quality of student life and his exceptional dedication, service and tenacity, clearly justify a memorlalizationh action by the'.W.3.0%..Institutional Countil. some This In this booklet you will find a documented summary of of this individuals' accomplishments and contributions. presentation has been prepared by ASWSC volunteers. We urge “your serious, studied, ‘consideration of the ASWSC request, that the Union Building bear the name of the person who served as a key driving force behind its development. Since student fees are the essential element in creation and continuation of this particular campus facility, we feel a student request for this most appropriate action Should be taken very seriously. LOR! BRUCE RICHESON—Executive FAYE HARDY-—Public Vice President MEMMOTT-—President RICK SOUTHWICK—Academic Relations Vice President TAMMY Vice President HAMER-—Activities ASWSC—Building Vice President STEPHANIE RICHARD DeGRAW-—Student Services Vice President HACKWELL—Cultural Vice President for the Future BUILDING Resolution MEMORIALIZATION 82-3 Lori 1. A resolution recommending memorialization of 2s. Union 3. WHEREAS, Exceptional 4, equal (if not 5. WHEREAS, it 6. while recipient {. WHEREAS, the 8. student based 9. well 10. WHEREAS, 11. anticipated 12. activities which it was designed to house; 13. WHEREAS, the Union Ta, Alumniis$ who has 15. work Weber 16. WHEREAS, 17. career to Weber 18. campus at all 19. complaint; 20. WHEREAS, Mr. Shepherd's ol. overtime and unused 22. WHEREAS, "Shep" 23; .of the 24, WHEREAS, "Shep" has 25. inculcate and exemplify the Weber Memmott State College Buitdineg. to the is most J. a, campus that appropriate is alive State unique donations with to devoted the Farrell Shepherd has been solicited, Student Affairs of the day, vacation which work, an untiring throughout the labored diligently United and standards of affaris; it®s recieved the to on are to an Student years Affairs professional call without of or a specific entire literally indicative "Union Philosophy" students career his with giving of being are as honor; memorialized nearly included recognized high be any and weekends, been the or the accorded constructed management and has enjoy thus distinguished night service in dedicated service be was rightfully and for Building Building recognition contributions; to J merits deductable enough has State hours have Union a long College; recognition role should State tax appropriations powerful Building accorded Union significant respect community and healthy state and and such College bonding, (not deserved, at greater Weber no service to and often on the slightest of uncompensated his total dedication; force behind promulgation States; Succedafidl ives personally of dedication service and Resolution 82-3 Continued representative ei. WHEREAS, 28. and 29. WHEREAS, J. Farrell SO. the role of the 31. unfavorable Sc. WHEREAS, "Shep's" 33% excellent job, 34. them 35. WHEREAS, J. Farrell Shepherd 36. government, church and Sts the 30 THEREFORE 39. The LO. College yi. any 42. Student 43. BE IT Yd, The ASWSC 45. Union 6. BE IT 47. The ASWSC 48, petition LQ. at of the Shepherd Mr. to the Buildings been the staunch Wi8:C. lives has also of country; students of advocate other students countless of to and an do elevated a policy and stating Union the request only of the Union Building and consent of upon advice of Board. Policy THAT: endorse naming the Weber State Council formally "J. Farrell Shepherd Union Building". FINALLY RESOLVED THAT: Council empower the Studentbody Institutional Council to ratify and expedite Jee AEF fos A ZL aig / (Eilean bits 1D Zi) pote Passed Date Failed Date Tabled the WSC earliest or the Legislative Legislative State Weber Council Institutional memorialization implemented the RESOLVED area. Ogden greater THAT: Council be the community enhancing thus endeavors, campus to substantially contributed worthwhile of fabric RESOLVED thereof Officers the and and favorable required those far beyond the the trends; professional efforts, in varieties all through development heights; IT FURTHER Union touched have to adopt portion finest personal Legislative ASWSC the and societal BE of at political greater entire the has prime planning, been Shepherd Union in mover has one of utilization advocates; he Philosophy" "Union 26. possible President College to actively this request date. } J Date Introduced A RESOLUTION OF THe OGDEN CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION HONORING J. FARRELL SHEPHERD AND SUPPORTING THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS EFFORT TO MEMORIALIZE THE WEBER STATE COLLEGE UNION IN HIS NAME Resolution WHEREAS, No, J. Farrell Shepherd ("Shep") will nearly 30 years of employment and and, College; WHEREAS, shortly service retire after to Weber State Over these past years, "Shep", through his leadership and training efforts, has significantly contributed, via his students, to the Ogden community; and his vast and varied involvement in community affairs has directly benefited the institution with which he is employed, the community within which he lives, the Greater Ogden Area, Wasatch Front and the State of Utah; and, WHEREAS, Those WHEREAS, NOW, BE who have known "Shep" can respect with which he is held by co-workers and associates; and, eagerly his attest students, the to entire the friends, high The current efforts by the Associated Students of Weber state College to memorialize the Union Building in his name are indicative of the endearment elicited by "Sheps" well-known selflessness, patience and dedication to the college and its students; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of Ogden City, that this council, on behalf of its individual members and the citizens of ogden, expresses its congratulations and heartfelt appreciation to J. Farrell Shepherd for his many contributions to this community. IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this council calls upon those bodies and officers of Weber State College entrusted with the decision to memorialize the Union Building as requested by the Associated Students, to weigh this in the light of Mr. Shepherd's energy and self. talent, time, day of October, a “Tg ATTEST: . ad \) | ~~ +] a = 198i. * First re this > DATED matter substantial carefully and contribution of agen NEW CAMPUS @ MASTER eet PLAN arate ans COLLEGE WEBER OGDEN, WILLIAM UTAH September 11, 1961 The new Weber College Union Building will be dedicated at special ceremonies to be held in the Union Building at 11:00 You are extended a.m. on Monday, September 25, 1961. this special invitation to attend. The construction of this new building has been financed from Student fees plus a loan from the Housing non-tax sources. and Home Finance Agency paid for construction and furnishThe loan will be repaid from student fees and proceeds ings. from the operation of the building. The completion of this new building marks milestone in the history of Weber College. Sincerely another yours, t William P. President mb P. MILLER PRESIDENT Miller important v.INUTES OF TEE ALUMNI BOARD \. EETING HELD AT 5:30 P.».., THURSDAY JAN OARS 16, 1958, IN PRESIDENT MILLER'S OFFICE, WEBER CCLLEGE, UPPER CAN. PUe. Present: Pres. H. Conwey Morris, LaMar Buckner, Robert Bischoff, Farrell Carter, Carl Taylor, George Frost, Athleen Fishburn, Howard Ogden, Roland Andersun, Pres. William P. Dr, James Miller, Lex Malan, Foulger, and Lou Gladwell, and Herbert Corkey. Excused: Elizabeth Wahlquist, lL, Howard Ogden gave a report on the building committee and the recommendations of President Miller and Farrell Shepherd were discussed as previously submitted to the Roard, and separate responsibilities have been assigned to various member: of the building committee. ll. The Committee would like very much to have Mr, Alma Eurrows invited to our next Alumni Board meeting to discuss all phases of financing our proposed Union President Miller will invite him, personally, to our next meeting. Building. IIl. Motion was made by Laluar Buckner that we hold our Alumni Banquet at the Country Club, if available -- on way 29th. LV; The following names were suggested as main speaker for our Alumni Banquet, and toastmaster: Willard marriott as main speaker, with Rolfe Peterson or Charles Peterson Ve V. : é as toastmaster. President H. Conwey iViorris made a motion that Lex Malan be assigned 6s ‘i. s:et Chairman for the banguet. passed unanimously, Motion was seconded by Robert Bischoff, Motion list of prices for the banquet at Country Club and Hotel | V1. Athleen Fishburn gave a Ben Lomond, VIL. Dr, James Foulger explained the new raise in student union fees —- to $20. 00 per year. Now in student fund $61,000.00. They are now planning to adda student union fee to the tuition for night students and summer school students. VIII. Lou Gladwell reported on new mailing list for Signpost and alumni membership IX. Next meeting will be held February 20, Meeting adjourned, 1958. HOUSING OFFICE COLLEGE STATE WEBER OGDEN, UTAH 84408 801-626-6828 March 9, 1982 Lori Memmott, President Associated Students Weber State Ogden, UT Dear Lori: During and tee, College 84408 it 1955-56 was At my this I served as a student time, the responsibility particular to be in body old officer at charge of TUB was when he Weber the moved social College, commit- from 25th and return to cam- Jefferson to this campus. J. Farrell Shepherd was manager of the bookstore and TUB. Many of the social activities were centered in the TUB, and I had to negotiate with Mr. Shepherd for the use of the facilities. He was always so willing to help us, as students, and pus I on remember Saturday more to than open one the occasion facility and would assist us with an event, In 1961 when I was hired as program director at Weber State, I learned how instrumental Shep had been in all phases of acquiring the original Union Building. I answered directly to Shep, and together we developed our activity program for the new facility. During those formative years, Shep guided the students and staff and was always willing to support student decisions, as long as they could be incorporated into the complete union operation. The second phase of the Union Building was just as exciting for Shep as was the original building. He had seen the student population grow to the extent that an addition was needed, and he had cultivated community involvement to the point that the necessary support was available for the addition. Shep has worked tirelessly from conception of the Union Building dream to the present to assure Weber State College of a "hearth stone and living room." He has touched the lives to ever of countless numbers of students. Student leaders from 1955 to the present will be forever in his debt for advice and guidance received from him. If the Weber State College Union fitting is name than bennamed J. after Farrell an individual, Shepherd. This I Sincerely, Yu thf Gerald GLS/jad L. Shupe there highly is no more recommend. Rex M. 1332 Ogden, Ms. Lori Frasier Darling Utah 84403 Memmott ASWSC Weber State College 3750 Harrison Blvd. Ogden Utah Dear Lori; As a 84408 former I would like to memorialize the Studentbody offer Union President at Weber State my whole-hearted support in your Building in honor of "Shep". College, efforts to During my tenure as president, and the years before and after in which I have been associated with the College, it has become quite apparent that Shep is the driving force behind many of the accomplishments of student government and the general well being of students at the College. My wife and I were head residents at Stansbury Hall for one year and became familiar with many of the activities sponsored or supported by the Union Building. I am convinced that these activities had a tremendous impact on the out of town students who lived on campus. College the activites create helped the could have been much Students “/4ff Sincerely, oe ctobér fe 5 24,1981 of more strenuous by Shep. The facilities that he the success of those activities. I am hopeful that the Institutional efforts of Shep and will honor this Associated ex C1 life supported guarantee Weber State Council notable College. without helped will recognize request of the to American Cancer Society UTAH EXECUTIVE DIVISION ¢ 610 EAST SOUTH TEMPLE ¢ SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84102 ¢ PHONE 322-0431 COMMITTEE Jerald D. Holyoak Michael D. Murdock Executive Vice President ee < J. Preston Hughes, M.D. President Harmon J. Eyre, M.D. a President-elect /3/ /94 C. Patrick Bates Chairman-elect D. Paul Gardiner Secretary {\ O ( S a / Lynn H. Summerhays Treasurer Chairman, 2 Finance Committee D. Kent Norton Chairman, Crusade Committee Rich Mavin Chairman, Field Services Com. ( ey ¢ A~t_ 2 Carol } . Thomas Public Education Committee Dawn Bain, Chairman Public Information Committee ctu Eve Sanford Petajan, Ph.D. f3.S5, Chairman, Service Committee “1 f eo LJ = q Dale A. Lund Chairman, Target Five Com. Joseph L. Lyon, M.D. Ch airman, Seed Projects Com. Terry Rich, M.D., Chairman, etection and Prevention Com. ie OO Harmon d3 meee M.D., Chairman Prof. . Com mittee Te Paro & a f? cv Ck —fve. 1A Woven Sos wrthik C Kes fe (Coke uv | ee J It4 eansor ve Efren) se a Yorum 15 ( : SC of ite, Arar fu) 1 nce 8 pies reed / ehepre Keeus cl adden’ itiaiat sak Sepport of fue ig Arsertecl, ZV" —_ Yor Do Make a Difference aes Syu ag, Peri y September 2, FR, PEREA, D.D.S, 1981 Lori Memmott ASWSC President Mailing Code — 2102 Weber State College Ogden, UT 84408 Dear Ms. Memmott, My college life and my fondest memories focus within the WSC Union Building. In those days we called it the "UB" or "Student Union Building". It became a santuary, a place to meet, make friends and relax. The Union Building housed Student Government and provided the space for Student Activities. Student activities would have been limited without the building. J. Farrell Shepherd and the Union Building, one cannot be thought of without thinking of the other. Since Shep brought The Union Building to the campus, he brought memories and activities for all of us to enjoy. It is long past time to stop calling Shep's Building the "U.B." and give it a formal name. The "J. Farrell Shepherd Building" is the only logical formal name. Sincerely, @ mea teen « Perea, D.D.S. PRP/dq 2330 RAND ROAD ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS 60004 UNIVERSITY THE UNIVERSITY OF STATION BOX 3066 WYOMING STUDENT AFFAIRS LARAMIE, WYOMING October 13, 82071 1981 Lori Memmott ASWSC President Mailing Code - 2102 Weber State Dear Lori: Ogden, Utah College 84408 Thank you for your recent letter informing me of the intention of J. I attended Farrell Shepherd to retire after nearly 30 years of service. Weber College State College during the Temporary the Union and was 1958-59 Building President of the Associated (T.U.B.) and Shep was academic year. During that Students time, busily of Weber we were involved in in help- One of my prized items ing us to succeed in our administrative activities. front page of the Ogden the on appeared which of memorabilia is a photograph James Foulger, Vice Miller, Standard Examiner showing President William P. President for Finance, Robert Clarke, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and myself as the President of the Associated Students, breaking ground for the new Student Union. Shep has, over the years, provided the kind of leadership necessary to move the Student Union in the direction of a facility that is clearly and As I have kept in touch with him over the years, principally a student union. I have felt a sense of pride in the work that he has done in the accomplishI know of no person who is more dedicated and sincere in ment of the Union. I believe Farrell Shepherd carrying out the responsibilities of his position. development of Weber the to contribution significant most a made has indeed in college life. agents active as students of status the to State College and I prize my Shep. know personally to me It is a great source of pride for friendship with him and the contribution he has made. Inasmuch as I have strong personal beliefs that an institution should not name buildings after individuals during their lifetime, I must be true to myself and my belief and not add my support to naming the building after It is a matter of principle with me and certainly is not a comment on Shep. Please do, however, how deeply I prize Shep and the work that he has done. with Shep, and years the add my voice to those students who have worked over Shep is an who have, therefore, had their lives enriched by that interaction. excellent professional, but more importantly, he is a superb example of a moral, I will look forward to continuing dedicated, warm and nourishing individual. retirement. his of spite my interactions with him in Lori Memmott October 13, Page Two Thank of respect 1981 you and so much for the opportunity to express caring for this most unusual person. my strong Ln James C. Associate Academic of Hurst Vice President for Affairs/Professor Psychology feelings UTAH TECHNICAL COLLEGE AT SALT LAKE 4600 South Redwood Road Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 (801) 967-4111 August 11, 1981 Lori Memmott, President Associated Students Weber State College Ogden, Utah 84409 Dear President Memnott: There is a rumor around the state that you are in the process of proposing to the Weber State Institutional Council an idea that is very appropriate; naming the Student Union building after J. Farrell Shepherd. I wish to add to your list of supporters my name, and please feel free to use it as you see fit. "Shep" has been the but the State of Utah grams get started and I worked with It would be Shep "Mr. Union for over as a fellow union director. and meetings and assure you "J. Farrell name Weber's Utah If call have I can asset already help on me. an Shepherd promote seven their your of not only Weber has given years and with of himself College, other him for over eight State Other the Union Building unions project College to name and is appropriate institutions in it any way, of higher education please do Sincerely, [yt Co Curtis E. Smout College Center Director CES/dw State to help pro- years I have participated with him in conferences that he knows the union field. | to Weber Union." named as well. Building" as well. He operating. to also not in the officially hesitate to THIRD CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF UTAH THIRD CIRCUIT JU Ogden Department — Hon. E. F. Ziegler Hon. Stanton M. Taylor Hon. David E. Roth Hon. Robert V. Phillips Hon. Phillip H. Browning COURT EXECUTIVE Margaret Satterthwaite September 17, 1981 Lori Memmott ASWSC President Mailing Code — 2102 Weber State College Ogden, Utah 84408 Dear Ms. Memmott: I understand that there Union Building at Weber has been some State College consideration of after J. Farrell naming the Shepherd. I became acquainted with Mr. Shefherd since my graduation from School and tenure at Weber State College and can honestly say he is one of the special individuals upon my life. In view of the impact that that myself and my contemporaries and College, I believe the naming of be most appropriate. contribution to Weber State Union Building after him would I would like to lend Y, / G y stanton Circuit M.\ my his the whole-hearted has Mr. High that support had tremendous impact Shefherd has had upon to that 2 Faylor Court Judge SMT/as P. O. Box 9699, Ogden, Utah 84409 act. HYATT REGENCY KNOXVILLE AT CIVIC COLISEUM 500 HILL AVENUE, SE KNOXVILLE. TENNESSEE 37901 USA 615 637 1234 TELEX 557352 PAUL SHERBAKOFF GENERAL MANAGER September 11, 1981 Ms. Lori Memmott ASWSC President Weber State College Mailing Code - 2102 Ogden, Utah 84408 Dear Lori: This is I active an unsolicited letter. I just wanted of College add my name to the list endorsing the naming Student Union Building for Farrell Shepherd. was International in the from early on in that ship through all Association 1954 through period and have these years. 1969. enjoyed I to of the Unions met his Shep friend- I can think of no greater tribute for all of his work with students than to have him permanently recognized by the J. Farrell Shepherd Union Building. Sincerely, Paul PS/gw seo hiceces THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87131 ADMINISTRATIVE VICE PRESIDENT September 2, 1981 Lori Memmott ASWSC President Weber State College Mailing Ogden, Dear Code UTAH - 2102 84408 Lori: I want to add my enthusiastic endorsement to the movement that would result in the naming of the Student Union Building at Weber State College the Shepherd Student Union Building. This would be a fitting tribute to my Old and very close friend, J. Farrell Shepherd, who has served as Director of the Weber State College Union for nearly thirty years. It was my good fortume to meet Farrell Shepherd at his first Association of College Unions International meeting. At that time I was Director of the Student Union at the University of Arizona and was serving as the Regional Representative for ACUI, and one of my constituents was Weber State College. I remember well meeting Farrell in the ballroom of the Hotel Utah at this national ACUI meeting. I was impressed with his sincere dedication and efforts to bring the very best to the students at Weber State. I have had an opportunity over the years to observe and follow the I first met him this facility was just in many both commmity career of Farrell Shepherd. Today he is a recognized leader within the Association of College Unions International. Much of this recognition comes because he brought to fruition the facility known today as the Weber a dream and his State College steadfast Union. Farrell has given When leadership made it a reality. of himself of Ogden and in church and youth work. and honesty. activities, in the He is a person of great integrity I consider it a great honor to be a neighbor of Farrell Shepherd for these many years and consider it a great privilege to have an opportunity to endorse an action that will bring great credit to the State of Utah, to Weber State College and to J. Farrell Shepherd. Best personal regards. | Eras LINM THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87131 September 1, 1981 Lori Memmott ASWSC President Mailing Code 2102 Weber State College Ogden, UT 84408 Dear Lori, Your proposed naming of the Student Union Building after J. Farrell Sheppard is indeed a fitting tribute to the man and his contributions to students, colleagues, and friends of your Your fine facility speaks well of the insight in University. by "Shep"; more important, the countless hours directed design went into the planning of the facility of committee work that makes an even greater statement about his dedication to particiThere truly is a little bit patory m magement at all levels. of each graduate of Weber State in the building and its programs for Farrell has always practiced the long standing committment of deep involvement for and with students. Regional ACUI Conferences have traditionally been wel] attended by Weber State which definitely illustrates Farrell's committment to always broadening student's horizons in their educational pursuits. Outstanding conferences hosted by Weber State again illustrates the high degree of professionalism insisted upon by Farrell. You are most correct in your assesment of being cautious to not name the facility to one not actively promoting students and Student Union ideals; indeed, you have not run that risk with your nomination of this fine individual for such a distinct honor. Sincerely Cees Cliff Cr.3Te NEW MEXICO UNION OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Holt, Director STUDENT Unindroity : {- ; - ARIZONA ef eT, - RJ —- oi ce it Ht . gan a a August 31, I : OTe aaa tt | am eacemmaiat a 7 ’ UNION TUCSON, , te em iy ie ; MEMORIAL ARIZONA, eet ; ——- a 1 att Were BUILDING 85720 le" rie a : 4 baa 1981 Lori Memmott ASWSC President Mailing Code - 2102 Weber State Ogden, Dear UT Miss College 84408 Memmott: It is indeed a privilege for me to write this letter in support of J. Farrell Shepherd. When I arrived at the University of Arizona as Director of the Union in 1958, Farrell was one of the first union directors in this region that I had the privilege of meeting and becoming instant friends with. In those 23 years, Farrell has been a strong supporter of the Association of College Unions and in Region 13 of which Weber State is a member. He has participated on the international and regional level, and given freely of his time and effort to the association. He has played host at the international conferences and still participates personally as well as bringing delegates to the conferences to insure that the students understand the purpose of the college union. Farrell has been a dedicated union director, by his continued support of students and their role in student leadership in the college union, and by his management techniques of operating the Weber State Union. In all my years of knowing Farrell I know that his first thoughts have always been of "what is best for the students". I wholeheartedly support your recommendation that Weber State Union be named after J. Farrell Shepherd. This is indeed a tribute to an individual who has contributed to his community, the institution and the college union. of Va hehe Director BJV:mm BY / : ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE UNIONS—INTERNATIONAL —™ c : a september 3, Mr. Protzman Grant Coordinator Mailing Weber Ogden, Dear UT Mr. Thank of Code State 1981 Student - 2102 Government College 84408 Protzman: you for your letter of August twenty-fifth concerning Farrell Shepherd. Certainly Farrell has been a quiet source of support for this association and I know first-hand what a splendid job he has done on the Ogden campus. Harold Bullough, one of Shep's students, served as our administrative assistant here for a couple of years. I don't think it is appropriate for ACU-I to get involved in what is basically a campus affair. It would please us no end to have the union building carry his name. And if Shep is retiring this year we will certainly welcome your recommendation that he be made an honorary member of ACU-I. I am taking the liberty ence to Adell McMillan, differ with my analysis I do wish Yours Ch luck. sincerely, e Executive CAB: gb cc: you of sending a copy of our correspondpresident of ACU-I. She may wish to of our position in this matter. Adell ‘ rry Director McMillan President/Adell McMillan/Erb Memorial Union/University of Oregon/Eugene, Oregon 97403 President-elect/Dorothy Pijan/Student Union/San Francisco State University/San Francisco, California 94132 Immediate Past President/John Ketter/Maucker University Union/University of Northern lowa/Cedar Falls, lowa 50613 Vice President—Regional Affairs/Joseph Benedict, Jr./Hillwood Commons/Long Island University-C.W. Post Center/Greenvale, New York 14850 Vice President—Committee Affairs/J. William Johnston/University Student Union/California State University/Los Angeles, California 90032 Chairperson, Education Commission/Cynthia Woolbright/Student Center/Trenton State College/Trenton, New Jersey 08625 At-large Member/LeNorman Strong/Noyes Center/Cornell University/Ithaca, New York 14850 Student Member/Jack Carrel/Ole Miss Union/University of Mississippi/University, Mississippi 38677 Executive Director/Chester A. Berry/Box 7286/Stanford, California 94305 NORTH S05 OGDEN CITY 2600 NORTH ® 762-7211 NORTH OGDEN, UTAH EAST PHONE 864404 September 4, 1981 Ms. Lori Memmott Associated Students Weber State College Ogden Utah 84408 MC 2102 3750 Harrison Dear Ms. Memmott, I have served with Mayor and knew of his many years of of Weber College. in My your purpose in writing effort to have the in honor of If I can Building. Sincerely, EDM/ba him, be J. Sheppard for many years service to the students this is Student to offer my support Union Building named Farrell Sheppard as the of further-assistance please Student call Union on me. 47405 BLOOMINGTON, lin S INDIANA UNIVERSITY DIANA MEMORIAL UNION September 1, 1981 Lori Memmott ASWSC President Mailing Code -— 2102 Weber State College Ogden, Utah Dear Ms. Memmott, I was as Director union the surprised of the profession College to in 84408 Union to Weber for to me. learn State that twenty-six Having Farrell College years, Shepherd Union. and he will soon be retiring always been Mr. Weber I have been has first started union work conferences, where I will in the college in Colorado, I came know Farrell as a regular participant and supporter of union conferences the Rocky Mountain Region. He has continued that involvement also at annual ACU-I staff certainly miss his presence. I know of few persons in the college union field who have conmitted their entire professional career to the development of the union ideal at one college, as Farrell Shepherd has. He realized early that a dynamic union facility and organization can contribute in major ways to the community life of a college. Many times I have been impressed by his unusual underStanding of the potential of the union in the personal development of young people, and his quiet but firm conmitment to this idea. There is no better testimony to the success of his labors than to have the Weber State College students now take the lead in recognizing him. While I am not familiar with what your institution's criteria may be for naming campus buildings, J. Farrell Shepherd seems to be a clear and logical name to affiliate with your union. Higher education, indeed our entire society, is blessed with few who choose to pioneer a Single cause and remain committed to it for thirty years. We need more like him. Richard D. Blackburn Director and Executive Director—Designate, Association of College UnionsInternational RDB/gmh CE MEMBER & ASSOCIATION of COLLEGE UNIONS- INTERNATIONAL A. RAY OLPIN UNIVERSITY UNION MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE UNIONSINTERNATIONAL SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84112 THE UNIVERSITY CF LI TAH September Lori Menmott Dear Ms. ASWSC President Mailing Code - 2102 Weber State College Ogden, UT 84408 Menmott: Grant Protzman has recently informed us of Farrell Shepherd's forthcoming retirement and of the Associated Students intention to give significant recognition to him. We are pleased to have the opportunity to endorse your efforts for Mr. Shephard has been a professional colleague of ours for many years. Of course a college union is the result of the efforts of many groups and individuals. However, it is well known that Weber State is probably indebted. to Farrell Shepherd more than any other Single individual for its very fine college union facility. Students and staff of the union here at the University of Utah have attended innumerable meetings which have been hosted by Farrell and Weber State College. In every instance the care in planning and carrying out of those functions was very evident. In our observation, the enthusiasm of the students who are active in the programs of your college union is enviable to all of us who work in this area of higher education. Farrell's committment to people, education, and service is as eae as his conmittment to the union facility itself. Should there be an appropriate of Utah Union Board or our union staff any function which might honor Farrell ment, we would J be honored to do Sincerely U Js ck Luthi Assistant Director so. yours, opportunity for the University to participate directly in on the occasion of his retire— 14, 1981 September 11, 1981 Lori Memmott ASWSC President Mailing Code - 2102 Weber State ee Ee aa College scsi thai ides ich Ogden, UT 84408 ee TELEPHONE WILSON BODY MECHANICS I was appreciative of the letter received concerning the appropriateof naming the Student Union Building at Weber State College after Se cca ness Ferrell Shephard. I first became acquainted with ‘Shep' and the Union as a student attending Weber College in 1964. I can still remember my first exposure to campus life as a freshman student from a small northern Utah community and how attending the College in Ogden was a tremendous adjustment. The days spent in the Union building made my adjustment so The stiff structure classwork would be left outside much easier. door and the Union gave me a place where my mind could relax and unfold my inner desires. mean to a somewhat Now as a Union I now can offer the shy I remember the importance student. lender aamactide CHILD CARE AIDE CLERK TYPIST DENTAL ASSISTING DIESEL MECHANICS the Union? TeAc sey 8 AUTOMATION ELECTRICAL that a Student Union . ooo nccuanicas ELECTRONIC Director myself, same experiences perhaps a self-fulfilling desire, to other students coming into our FASHION Professionally I have known 'Shep' for eleven years. I've learned a new comer to the Union field at his feet. I've looked to him as a warm personable friend I can say with about. examples of what the and found what Student all honesty 'Shep' has profession needs more of. Union programming is all been one of my personal A sincere, fine dedicated in lifting the burden from students while improving lives through association in the Union programs. MERCHANDISING FIRE SCIENCE ART TECHNOLOGY RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT HUMAN SERVICES INSTRUMENT REPAIA individual, their TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY GRAPHICS‘COMMEPCIAL Union. as president AITO AUTO can 224-6161 SORENSEN ACCOUNTING * Lé6ri Dear W. LEGAL ASSISTANT LEGAL SECRETARY MACHINE a SHOP NURSE 4iDE teenie! pani A eee I would hope that those who have authority to dedicate a building, POWER SEWING will truely understand how great a person ‘Shep’ is and what contributions practica: nuasins he has made to the lives of those students who rub shoulders and become — ** >ressiona opine RADIOLOGY I for one am a product of such part of the College 'Union" family. influence. AIR CONDITIONING Sincerely SHOE REPAIR SECRETARY yours, STENOGRAPHER TELEVISION & RADIO TECHNOLOGY ——" . Thomas M. Hover Student TMH/nb Center Director WELDING : CU Colorado State University Charles A. Lory Student Center Fort Collins, Colorado Office of the Director (303) 491-6395 80523 September 11, 1981 Grant Protzman's letter concerning the possibility of naming me. d and excited W.S.C. Union for Farrell Shepherd both please the Lori Memmott ASWSC President Mailing Code - 2102 Weber State College Ogden, UT 84408 Dear Ms. Memmott: I have known "Shep" professionally for almost fifteen has been his years, I feel he is definitely deserving of such an honor. He has been of providing ideal sincerely dedicated and committed to the union college students a place and a plan for growth and development outside the classroom. Your beautiful facility with its attendant program offerings is already a testimonial to the many things Shep has contributed to Weber and its students. and I am also community. aware Shep of how active is a gentleman Shep of quiet with strength and and church a’ delightfully whimsical sense of humor. I have learned to appreciate him through fifteen years of active involvement with the Association of College Unions -- Intermational, another organization to which Shep has made many contributions. He has also made many good friends through the Association; and I feel proud to consider myself one of them. I could continue for several more paragraphs about my respect for Farrell Shepherd. But in summary let me say that I am convinced that a well-run college union contributes a great deal to the life of a good university and the growth of its students, that a successful union must have a continuing leadership force behind it, and that at Weber State College Farrell Shepherd has been that quiet force. I sincerely and enthusiastically encourage you to approve and implement ‘the. proposal to name your union in his honor. Sincerely, Wm. D. Weddel, Director Lory Student Center WDW/ gn OFFICE OF THE P.O. DIRECTOR She Wyoming Union UNIVERSITY Laramie, OF WYOMING Wyoming September 82070 17, 1981 Ms. Lori Memmott ASWSC President Mailing Code — 2102 Weber State College Ogden, Dear UT 808 Lori: It has been my good fortune to have J. Farrell Shepherd as a friend and colleague for over 20 years. A wealth of experience, the ability to work with people, a caring attitude and a sincere willingness to provide time and talents readily come to mind when one thinks of J. Farrell Shepherd. It has been my observation that Shep has always been a positive force with the Association of College Unions - International organization and I have no doubt that his influence has been even greater on the Weber State Campus The value involved and building of the provided experience. buildings out-of-class tools a available very Professiomls, are constructed education to important tool and to such as used depends them. who their | upon the enhancing the The for Shep, important to the general Union movement to the individual campuses they serve. J. advent strive full and people of to the see advantage especially union out-of-class that are important I find the efforts to have your union building named after Ferrell Shepherd very commendable. I can think of no more fitting manner to honor this gentleman who has given years of of assist- dedicated service to develop the facilities and programs so important to a college student's total education. ance Please give my regards to I would be most delighted Shep and if to do so. I can | be Sincerely, Jt ill ; that any are 4 Metanis: M. D. Seeman Director MDS/emce Box UNIVERSITY 3105 STATION LD S Secial Seruices Conporation Georgia Agency 4823 North Royal Atlanta Drive Tucker, Georgia 30084 (404) 934-3830 September 11, 1981 Lori Memmott ASWSC President Mailing Code-2102 Weber State Ogden, Utah Dear College 84408 — President Memmott: Thank you for your letter in regards to renaming the student union building, I certainly feel it is appropriate to name the building after Shep. I did work with Shep for one year as activities director and then I went on to receive my doctorate and continued to work in the student union area for another seven years, Shep has had great insight into the development of the student union concept, and has significantly contributed to the ACUI organization, Therefore, I think it is an honor to have a student union named after a leader within the field rather than some obscure individual who had only a vague recollection of what the student union concept is really all about, Singerely, on K, Dean Black, Ed.D, Agency Director KDB/kf _ 7 <p ome Learning Lives Forever SOUTHERN COLLEGE STATE UTAH Sept. Cedar To Whom it May 17, 1981 City, Utah Concern: In 1968 I was employed by Southern Utah State College to create a Student Activities program built around our Student Center building. At that time I was instructed that the person in the State with the greatest knowledge of how to run a Student was J.F. Shepperd of Weber State College. Activities program I made an appointment with him and arrived with my tape I spent the whole day recorded to ask him questions. and showed me his building questions He answered with him. and how it had evolved from a small bookstore to a beautiful example of a college union. From the instructions I received from Shep that day came the In the years since that birth of the SUSC Student Center program. Shepand consider with relationship close a developed time I have to SUSC to come has he occasions two On him a real friend. instrumental been has and center help us plan our new student in helping us with our student center program. Shep has held several positions regionally and nationally in the ACU-I association and one of the biggest testimonials that can be given to Shep is that most of the colleges in the Btate has people responsible for their student activities programs that were trained by Shep and served as his assistants at WSC. Shep has a very understanding and positive way of working with He gives them the opportunity to grow and college students. develop in an environment that is created by the Student Union Personally and professionally I feel that J.F. Shepperd ideal. is the father of the Student Union in Utah and he deserves some token that would express the appreciation of all of us in the State of Utah.. Sin R. Director RKB: klm Cedar City, Utah 84720 (801)586-4411 ay, Kenneth of Benson Student Activities Mayor Norm : Sant E *suncil ; Bruce Watkins Eugene Kidd SUNSET Scott Mikesell ET Sunset, Peterson CITY, UTAH Utah 84015 September TO WHOM IT MAY 17, Recorder George Dickson Oe ear Chief, of Police Daryl Conger 85 West 1800 North D. Ned Shelley J. Clayton Treasurer Janet Groskreutz 1981 CONCERN: It is my privilege to know and recognize J. Farrell Shepherd for his many accomplishments as Mayor, Director of the Weber State College Student Union Building, and as a leader in many other capacities. In recent years, he has been elected Chairman of the Wasatch Front Regional Council for two consecutive terms. This reflects upon his success as a leader and as a man who is recognized by others for his many accomplishments and abilities. Based on my knowledge of this fine upstanding leader, it would be my recommendation the Weber State College Union Building bear the name of "J. Farrell Shepherd." I believe this would bring additional honor to what the Weber State College Union Building represents to students, faculty and the community at large. In todays world, proper examples must be set for our youth. Especially those found in our academic environments. J. Farrell Shepherd represents what is good and decent in the promotion of Student Union ideals and students themselves. I believe Mr. Shepherds’ name will enhance and bring continued pride in the services and activities provided in the student union building. Sincerely, Norman Mayor NRS: jg R. Sant ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE UNIONS—INTERNATIONAL REGION 13 »gional Representative Philip V. Bernal Associate Director University Union University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 al r : August 26, 1981 Miss Lori Memmott ASWSC President Weber State College Ogden, Dear Utah Miss 84408 Memmott: It has come to my attention that J. Farrell Shepherd will be retiring after this academic year and that you will be personally involved in a tribute/recognition project related to his retirement. On behalf of Region 13, Association of College Unions-Int'l I am pleased to say that members of the Association have known him not only as a membership coordinator for the intermountain area but also as a friend and colleague as well as a continued supporter of College Unions. Needless as well to say his as to Weber Please retirement State College. let me know if I can be will be a loss of any help for honoring him upon his retirement. to you Sincerely, Regional to the Association Representative in your plans Idaho State University Pocatello, Idaho 83209 Director, Student Union General Manager, ASISU August Lori Memmott, ASWSC Mailing Code - 2102 Weber State College Ogden, Utah 84408 Dear 31, 1981 President Lori: I am responding in honor of Mr. to J. the letter regarding the Farrell "Shep" Shepherd. Your idea and plan is an excellent one. Weber State College long and faithfully, honor, especially when he can enjoy it. naming of your Student Union First of all, "Shep" has served and is certainly deserving of On the National and Regional Level he has always been liked and respected, not only as a person but as an administrator. His name belongs on your Student Union. I have been in the Union and other fields at Idaho State University for 33 years and am proud to have been a friend and business associate of "Shep". Please add my whole-hearted endorsement to your plan. Sincerely, Sebo Earl R. Pond Director, Student Union General Manager, ASISU ERP/SJA ISU Is An Equal Opportunity Employer ¥ CAN bet + ef ek ‘ ‘< [Eo FG 5° Fe Eafeeit@ fers ay UTAH STATE LOGAN, UNIVERSITY: lea” UTAH 84322 STUDENT SERVICES TAGGART STUDENT CENTER OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT UMC 01 August 25, 1981 Lori Memmott Weber State College Ogden, UT 84408 Dear Lori, I would like to offer my support to consideration for honoring Farrell I have known Farrell Shepard for his contributions at Weber State College. his dedication to with impressed most been have and for the past 15 years Over the years, State. Weber at programs improve the facilities and student UnionsCollege of n Associatio he has been a very active participant in the regular a on ng International, holding important positions and contributi Likewise, I have basis to the growth and development of that organization. watched him on a regional basis participate in a number of conferences, always willing to give of his talent and time to the benefit of students. Farrell's contribution to Weber State College and to student growth I am not aware of any.one in and development have been very significant. I trust the Intermountain area who has made any stronger contribution. from retires he as him honor to way t significan some be will that there his position as the director of the Weber Union. Sincerely, Wl. C YurtonkD Val R. Christensen Vice President for Student Services jc _ Area men given alumni awards Four area men have J. Farrell Shepherd is been selected to receive ' currently mayor of South Alumni Awards from the Ogden: City and director WSC Alumni Association of the WSC Union Buildfor their service to the. ing. In additi on, he is college and community. They will receive plaques during the alumni homecoming banquet scheduled for Oct. 24 in the Union Building Ballroom. i Receiving the Distinguished Alumni Award are Louis A. Gladwell and John A. Lindquist. J. _ Farrell Shepard and J. Spencer Kinard will be awarded the Distinguished Service Award. Edith Hester, executive director Of the WSC Alumni Asso- president of the board of directors of the WSC Employees Credit Union. Mr. Shepherd has been a city councilman, a ‘member of the Utah State Fire Prevention Board and is currently a mem- ber of the Association Unions. J. Spencer most noted tion as acle Choir weekly International of College Kinard is — for his posi- ‘‘voice’’ Mormon of the Tabern- broadcast, ‘Music and the Spoken Ciation said that the. Word,” Sunday mornings awards were limited to on CBS radio and teletwo per category. Nomi- vision. ‘ ? nees came from WSC AdHe is currently News ministrators, _ Alumni Director at KSL-TV, and board members and the has also spent two years . community. i | as a writer and producer Ms. Hester said, ‘‘The for CBS News, helping to criteria for the awards produce CBS’ radio covwas based on the indivi- erage of Apollo Flights 12, dual’s service lege, the to the col-: 13, and 14. or. ' Louis Gladwell community __ the nation.” — given the award in was re- cognition for his work in developing the current dent of Lindquist and Sons Mortuaries. He has served on the WSC WSC Alumni Office, said Ms. Hester. _ Alumni Board, the Weber Mr. Gladwell was the Wildcat Club Board and first full time news -buron the Advisory Council of eau diretor at WSC as the WSC School of Busiwell as director of the ness. | Alumni Association. He Mr. Lindquist is a has worked in what is former pres ident of the currently the Division of College Relations. John Lindquist is presi- Greater of Ogden Commerce, Chamber former president and district go- vernor of the Exchange Club, and is presently chairman of the Weber County Industrial Bureau. _ The banquet is open to all interested individuals. There is an $8 fee which will include admission to the banquet as well as the homecoming dance that follows. Tickets can be Obtained by _ calling Vilar eg tiaee Derk — Crnnty — §. Ogden CouncilmaWn ins M SOUTH OGDEN — Two-term [ Councilman J. Farrell Shepherd won the mayor's seat here Tuesday, easily. outpolling Councilman Ralph L. Cottrell. election for up municipal balloting. Shepherd Councilman PERDANA IEA” 2 : Marvin J. Peterson and Orson| | © Mower won the two City Council | « seats 3A W/7/73 bSE | in the led mere = eS a bee eae ee son aera he eit gtetete ly oe 7 Se Eg HB, from the start to roll up a 1,287 to 983 margin over Councilman, for Cottrell seat being: | r a Weber R. oes. State, ‘ the by Mayor vacated Hegstrom. Mr. Peterson, Harvey ¥ ae 2 Be College official, led the six-man' field for the City Council with: f..=">}. votes 1334 balloting. in Tuesday’s, Bs%<) ss pie see Pa CLOSE THIRD Mower, a businessman,| ” Mr. lled 968 votes to Sarold J. Finch who edge out ee inal § close third with 938 votes. Gordon Cutler was fourth with ey ir c ARRELL 4. te _ Bee AE bet 4 | Bid Bo Ser SHEPHERD Wins Easily ae == en he a is at a — bye Diem 359, Richard Sadler finished Build ent activilies ing an | Smith t Rober and 243 ffth with at Weber State College. , During his eight years on the \ South Ogden voters also gave| Councilman Council, City 415| to an overwhelming 1,677 a strong |. been has mass ‘Shepherd the for endorsement ams progr youth of ate advoc transit proposal. all |. baseb and ll footba Councilman Shepherd will be including ams. progr | after sworn in as mayor Jan. 2 completing two four-year terms on the City Council. _ —- ——-—_ - « : For the past four years, he}, \/has headed up the public safety). department which has seen) improvement and expansion of police and fire the both a errr was sixth with 131. ae ew eee departments. Councilman Cottrell will continue as a member of the] five-man City Council. He is midway in a four-year term he {won in the 1971 municipal ae. 4 elections. is son Peter t -elec Councilman assistant dean for veteran affairs and military adviser at Weber State College. IN CAMPAIGN . ~ * In his campaign, he em- phasized law enforcement and recreation. Councilman-elect Mower is office manager for the Carter Supply Co. and endorsed con}: tinued improvements in fire | protection and recreation. ers memb l | Holdover counci Lure Cotincilmen Cottrell, Thair| Blackburn and Lucien Foulger we ® — ed a A - > 6 : MARVIN J. PETERSON Leads in South Ogden _ aay O 4g ° £e¥ -. ORSON MOWE 3 Wins Council Seat Area Council Leadership Réo rgant red Ge =- 19977 South Ogden Mayor | J. Farrell cousin on o, Fe mai nd sai he does not know Front body. Mayor Dirks did a has been reelected joined others in reelecting Mr. not attend the Area Council who will be elected chairman. of the Weber: Area session. Shepherd by acclamation and He. agreed with Ogden Council of Governments. “I get concerned the mayor is naming North Ogden Mayor Councilman DeBoer that the ‘He has represented us well, a member of the Wasatch Everett McColley vice chairfought for Weber County and man. Weber agency’s vice chairman Council but never appears (at Should be returned, too, to the Mr. Diamond did not seek should reprdsent the county on meetings),”’ Mr. Arrington said. Wasatch Front Regional reelection, explaining he had the Wasatch Front Council. AGENCY MEMBERS Council,” said outgoing Vice Served three years on. the Mr. DeBoer suggested the Mr. Arrington, County Chairman Richard G. Diamond, *!Wasatch Front Council and rs Commissioner Keith G. Jensen, Ogden Council determines who Bah Pleasant View mayor. would represent the city, and —& $ igh “someone else shoud _ But Ogden Councilman John thought and Ray Mayor Joseph Dawson go.’ the other Area agency members § B. Arrington said, in all respect to the agreed to-have the municipality Bit He noted Boyd K. Storey, were _ reappointed to both Mr. Diamond and Mr. Wasatch Front Council. make a recommendation for § Shepherd, the chairmanship whose term expired as Weber Harrisyille Mayor William H. voting upon at the February eee County Commissioner, would should change. have been probably ‘elevated Shurtleff will succeed the town’s meeting. Mr. Arrington also refused to from vice chairman to chair- former mayor, R. Tom Larsen, Riverdale Mayor Keith N. yermit the Ogden mayor to J. FARRELL SHEPHERD on the regional body. man of the Wasatch Front body. Oram was named to represent ‘ejoin the Wasatch Front Retains Position Both Ogden councilmen the Area Council on the regional NEW FACES council. His opposition was refused to nominate Ogden transportation committee, will retain his seat as a director: supported by Ogden assistant There will be new faces on Mayor A. Stephen Dirks to replacing former Mayor Larsen. of the Regional Conservation mayor, Robert DeBoer. » the regional council and Mr. continue serving on the Wasatch Plain City Mayor Lee Olsen. and oe board. %e “a ‘% ° a . Shepherd chairman a OE AOS NOE. icc EE cil GE ee s Weber College DEPARTMENTAL DEPARTMENT To DEPARTMENT William May DATE: Dean of Faculty ———; MEMORANDUM P. : 1958 SUBJECT: Miller ~ Farrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory W. D. Stratford Margaret S. Jacobs W. D. Baddley 2, . James Hurst Niles Herrod Mickey Pemberton Dick Welker Farrell R. Collett Louis A. Gladwell James R. Foulger Raymond E. Rhead May I remind you of the meeting of the Student Union Building Planning Committee in the President's scheduled Office. at 4:00 p.m. R. mb A. Monday, CLARKE May 5, Weber College : DEPARTMENT To DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM May Dean of Faculty DATE: president William P. Miller SURIRCT _¥ Farrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory W. D. Stratford Margaret S. Jacobs W. D. Baddley arrell R. Collett Louis A. Gladwell Raymond James E. Rhead R. Foulger James 16, 1958 Hurst Niles Herrod Dick Welker Mickey Pemberton Lex Malan Howard Keith W. Ogden Wilcox The Student Union Building Planning Committee tour to the Utah State University Union Building will leave from the south end of Building No. 1 at 1:00 p.m. Monday, May 19. R. A. CLARKE Weber College DEPARTMENTAL From MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT Dean ci Faculty DATE: To DEPARTMENT President William P. Miller SUBJECT: “Farrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory W. D. Stratiord Margaret S. Jacobs W. D. Farrell Baddcley R. May 20, 1958 James Hurst Niles Herrod Micxey Pemberton Dick Welker Lex Malan Howard Ogden Keith W. Wilcox Collett Louis A. Gladwell James R, Foulger Raymond E,. Rhead ing Planning Committee will leave from the south end cf Building Mo. 1] at 1:00 p.m. Friday, May 23, 1958, for a tour of the Univexsity of Utah Union Building. The Student Union Bui Ka. R, A. CLARKE mb Weber College DEPARTMENTAL DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT May DATE: Dean of Faculty William P. Miller egies MEMORANDUM 2 ‘James Hurst Niles Herrod Dick Welker Louis A. Gladwell James R. Foulger Raymond E. Rhead Lex Malan Howard W. Ogden Keith W. Wilcox — Farrell R. 1958 SUBJECT: « Farrell Shepherd Marva H,. Gregory W. D. Stratford Margaret S. Jacobs W. D. Baddley 23, Mickey Pemberton Collett The next meeting of the Union Euilding Planning held Monday, May 26, 1958, at 3:30 p»m. Committee will be in Room 208. pose of the meeting will be to hear subcommittee progress and to make arrangements for Porter Butts' visit. — 44 — R. A, Bs ‘ VS CLARKE The pur- reports Weber College DEPARTMENTAL DEPARTMENT To DEPARTMENT R. Collett 1958 SUBJECT: Miller . Farrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory W. D. Stratford Margaret S. Jacobs W. D. Baddley Louis A. Gladwell James R. Foulger Raymond E, Rhead Farrell May 27, DATE: Dean of Faculty Pres ident William P. MEMORANDUM ‘ James Hurst Niles Herrod Dick Welker Mickey Pemberton Lex A. Malan Howard W. Ogden Keith W. Wilcox Another meeting of the Student Union Planning Committee has been set for 3 o'clock Wednesday, * mb May 28, 1958, in Room 208, ; - HAG ASH s ww Sd gee Yale $ ae : - ee Tht 2 Tey cose ee he OGDEN, sa = ~ ae eH = = ae oe “x fuse ae Tomitt¥e Pepa MLSE J. Farrell 598 Leona Drive Ogden, Utah Dear Farrell: 444 fe img AA Bet WILLIAM UTAH 2, 1958 Shepherd The planning committee for the new Weber College union building has secured the services of Mr. Porter Butts as consultant. Mr. Butts is the director of the University of Wisconsin union building and is a nationally recognized authority. He assisted in planning the union ‘buildings at the Utah State University and University University of Utah, and is now building. assisting with the Brigham Young He will be on the Weber College campus June 9 and 10. We should like to invite you to attend a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 9, 1958, in Room 421 of the Physical Science Building (geology lecture room) at which Mr. Butts will discuss the program and uses of a union building and answer questions. He will also show a film on the activities of the Wisconsin building. Sincerely yours, LaiilG PL Vij] lb, William P. President RAC:mb P. MILLER PRESIDENT June Mr. ns TMH ee Miller Weber College DEPARTMENTAL “rom JEPARTMENT To JEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 17, 1958 SUBJECT: . Farrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory W. D. Stratford Margaret S. Jacobs W. D. Baddley Louis A. Gladwell Raymond &. Rhead James R. Foulger July DATE: Dean of Faculty . _ Keith W. Wilcox “James Hurst Niles Herrod Dick Welker Mickey Pemberton Lex A. Malan Howard W. Ogden A meeting of the Weber College Union Building Planning Committee has been scheduled for 10:00 a.m. Monday, July 21, 1958, in At this meeting it is proposed to report on union buildRoom 208. ings recently inspected throughout the Northwest and to propose the problems which must be solved by the committee before plans can We should appreciate your attending if at all possible. be drawn. Sincerely, Ra R. mb A. L Clarke LL Weber College DEPARTMENTAL DEPARTMENT DBP Ares Dean of Faculty eid Marva H. pare: Shepherd > Gregory W. D. Stratford W. D. Baddley Louis A. Gladwell Niles Herrod Lex A. Malan Keith W. Wilcox Howard W. Ogden President William MEMORANDUM aa July 23, 1958 SUBJECT: Margaret S. Jacobs Farrell R. Collett James Hurst Mickey Pemberton Dick Welker James R. Foulger Raymond E. Rhead P. Miller This is just a short memo to remind you of the meeting of the Student Union Building Planning Committee scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, 1958, in Room 312 (Blue Room of the Home Economics Department). é R. mb A. CLARKE Weber College DEPARTMENTAL DEPARTMENT Dean of Faculty MEMORANDUM DATE: To DEPARTMENT \\y_ Farrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory W. D. Stratford Margaret S. Jacobs W. D. Baddley Louis A. Gladwell Raymond E. Rhead James R. Foulger August 29, 1958 SUBJECT: 5. r Keith W. Wilcox James Hurst Niles Harrod Dick Welker Mickey Pemberton Lex A. Malan Howard W. Ogden A meeting of the Weber College Union Building Planning Committee has been scheduled for 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 3, 1958, in Room 208. The written report from Mr. Porter Butts has been received. Enclosed are his recommendations regarding the facilities to be included in the building. We propose to review Mr. Butts' report and to receive the committee's reactions to it. We should appreciate your attending if at all possible. Sincerely, A, R. dt Enclosure A. f Clarke om | Weber College DEPARTMENTAL m PARTMENT To DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Dean of Faculty DATE: lai Shepherd Marva H. Gregory W. D. Baddley SUBJECT: Mickey Pemberton Malan A. A meeting has been 1959 James Hurst College Union Dick Welker Howard W. Ogden Keith W. Wilcox of the Weber scheduled 27, W. D. Stratford Margaret S. Jacobs James R. Foulger Raymond E,. Rhead Louis A. Gladwell Farrell R. Collett William P. Miller Niles Herrod Lex January for 2:30 p.m. Building Friday, Planning January 30, Committee 1959, in Room 208, At this meeting the architect, Keith Wilcox, will present revised schematic drawings. We should appreciate your attending this meeting. v4. R mb ° Bis Lbeh Clarke Weber College DEPARTMENTAL “rom DEPARTMENT To DEPARTMENT Dean of Faculty . Farrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory W.D. Baddley Louis A. Gladwell Keith W. Wilcox James Hurst Niles Herrod Mickey Pemberton Raymond E, Rhead MEMORANDUM DATE: * April SUBJECT: Farrell R. 3, 1959 Collett Margaret S. Jacobs James R. Foulger President William P. Howard W. Ogden Dick Welker Lex A. Malan W. D. Stratford Miller A meeting of the Weber College Union Building Planning Com-~ mittee has been scheduled for 2:15 p.m. Wednesday, April The purpose of the meeting is to make 8, 1959, in Room 208. We final decisions on building elevations and floor plans. should appreciate your attending if at all possible. Sincerely, RA blidhe R. A. mb Clarke Weber College DEPARTMENTAL m PARTMENT To DEPARTMENT R. A. Dean Clarke DATE: Keith W. AC warrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory William D. Stratford Margaret S. Jacobs W. D. Baddley Louis A. Gladwell James R. Foulger Raymond E, May 23, 1959 SUBJECT: of noes Farrell R. William P. MEMORANDUM . Wilcox Howard W. Ogden Lex A. Malan James Hurst Niles Herrod Dick Welker Mickey Pemberton Collett Miller Rhead A meeting of the Weber College Union Building Planning Committee has been scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Thursday, At this meeting the architect May 28, 1959, in Room 208. will present the latest revision of the plans, and it is hoped that final approval can be given to the preliminary drawings. We should appreciate your attending this meeting if at all possible. Sincerely yours, R Re mb ca A. Lhaik Clarke Weber College DEPARTMENTAL PARTMENT DEPARTMENT Dean J. MEMORANDUM Margaret S. Jacobs W. D. Baddley Louis A. Gladwell James R. Foulger R. Collett Farrell’ Raymond E. Rhead of the Union Architect Wilcox and Mr. decoration, will review interior appointments. possible. President William P. Keith W. Wilcox Lex A. Malan Marva H. Gregory W. D. Stratford Howard W. Ogden “ A meeting scheduled for 3:00 p.m. Building Monday, Roy with Planning October Hilliard, the Please Committee 26, 1959, consultant committee 1959 final Miller has R. A. Clarke been in Room on interior selections try to attend this meeting ithe mb 20, SUBJECT: Shepherd Farrell October DATE: of Faculty 208. of if at all | Weber College DEPARTMENTAL PARTMENT DEPARTMENT, MEMORANDUM Dean of Faculty : Farrell Shepherd Margaret S. Jacobs W. D. Baddley James R,. Foulger Howard W. Ogden Lex A. Malan W. D. Stratford Mike Dean Murdock Christensen DATE: | October 29, 1959 BURIHOS: President William Louis A. Gladweil Keith W. Wilcox Raymond E,. Rhead P, Miller Farrell R. Collett “Marva H. Gregory Ralph Peterson Paul Halverson This is to remind you of the next meeting of the Weber College Union Building Planning Committee being held in Room 208 at To be discussed are 3:00 pem. Monday, November 2, 1959. the possible bidding alternates on the building and the working drawings. Sincerely yours, ? N\- R. mb 2 A. Clarke Weber College DEPARTMENTAL PARTMENT To Dean DEPARTMENT -4, , MEMORANDUM | Farrell R. Collett Dean Christensen Paul Halverson Margaret S. Jacobs 1959 SUBJECT: Farrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory W. D. Stratford Louis A. Gladwell Keith W. Wilcox 16, November DATE: of Faculty President William W. D. Baddley James R. Foulger Howard W. Ogden “Mike P. Miller Murdock Ralph Peterson Lex A. Malan Raymond E. Rhead Planning A meeting of the Union Building scheduled at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, Committee November 18, has been 1959, in . The agenda for the meeting will include a dis-~= 208 Room cussion of Porter Butts' recommendations regarding the working drawings, and a revised report on finances. A den R. mb A. Clarke Weber College DEPARTMENTAL PARTMENT SUBJECT: Farrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory W. D. Baddley James R. Foulger Farrell R. Collett Dean Christensen Margaret S. Jacobs Ralph Peterson meeting Committee at 2:00 p.m. has President William Louis A. Gladwell Keith W. Wilcox Mike Murdock in Room College scheduled 208. Miller Paul Halverson Howard W. Ogden Lex A. Malan of the Weber been P. W. D. Stratford “ Raymond E. Rhead . Another November 30, 1959 DATE: Dean of Faculty DEPARTMENT A. MEMORANDUM for Building Union Planning December Thursday, Items to be discussed your attendance 3, 1959, include the electrical and plumbing working drawings (including lighting fixtures), new data on folding ‘partitions, and kitchen specificaWe should appreciate tions. if at all possible. at this meeting “4 hee. R. mb A. Clarke Weber College DEPARTMENTAL i To m PARTMENT DEPARTMENT Treasurer's Office Dr. R.A. Clarke Farrell Shepherd MEMORANDUM DATE: December SUBJECT: Kitchen 8, 1959 Equipment ¢- I have an attentive appointment with Max Beesley from the F.F.H.A. to meet in Keith Wilcox's Office, Monday morning December 14, 1959, at 9:00 a.m. to discuss problems relating to Kitchen Equipment in the Student Center. Can you be present at that time? MB2 QE so James R. Treasurer mbb a Foulger, Weber College DEPARTMENTAL Dean PARTMENT T DEPARTMENT o MEMORANDUM DATE: of Faculty 8 Farrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory W. D. Baddley Ralph Peterson Keith W. Wilcox W. D. Stratford James R. Foulger Raymond E. Rhead December 17, 1959 SUBJECT: President William P. Miller Margaret S. Jacobs « Louis A. Gladwell Mike Murdock Paul Halverson Farrell R. Collett Dean Christensen A meeting of the Union Building Planning Committee has been scheduled Friday, December 18, 1959, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 208. The meeting is being called to hear a report on proposed paint colors and floor coverings, room finishes, and doors and windows. away from We should appreciate your attendance if you can break registration at that time. Ree iL, R. A. mb Clarke Weber College DEPARTMENTAL From DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Dean of Faculty Ud. Farrell Shepherd Marva H. Gregory Margaret S. Jacobs Louis A. Gladwell Mike Murdock James R. Foulger Farrell R.' Collett Dean Christensen Lex A. MEMORANDUM February 2, 1960 DATE: SUBJECT: W. D. Baddley Ralph Peterson Keith W. Wilcox “W.D. Stratford President William P. Raymond E. Rhead Howard W. Ogden Miller Malan A meeting of the Union Building Planning Committee has been called for Thursday, February 4, 1960, at 3:00 p.m. in Room 208, to make a final inspection of the working drawings. mb “A. Ch. the R. Clarke A. he Weber College DEPARTMENTAL DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Dean of Faculty DEPARTMEN x DATE: Re ine Shepherd lt si William D. Stratford W. D. Baddley James R. Foulger Farrell R. Collett Raymond E. Rhead SUBJECT: : - March , Marva H. Gregory Margaret S. Jacobs Louis A. Gladwell Keith W. Wilcox Dean A. Christensen President William P. 15, 1961 Miller Mr. Roy Hilliard of Hilliard Associates, Inc. is expected to be in Ogden Thursday, March 16. A meeting has been tentatively scheduled for members of the Union Building Planning Committee to examine recommendations which Mr. Hilliard will present, at 11 o'clock Thursday, March 16, in Room 208. Final examine ations take precedence over this meeting. Ki A, Ce R. mb A; Glarke . ms —y ~*~ - 3 “ay ee * ‘ . > _“™ {say . ~ hoi é ge Co ’ a os “~» a « ° - r ‘ e Bs wt 4 7 ee ey . sat ig ! f 4,8 >. : ita fr j " * 3 ; ‘2 : cs ae g Ea j. Fbm) =ys ‘ . bond ‘a — ~ ns Sa cot : a R o — il gag ze ( eee ‘ . : 2 ws : ‘ s, “1 ‘ . j ss yy A eei % e : as: ‘ hissy . a 4 ~ (“3 : ; ft gwd . ‘ poe ah *) Sh ° ed , % " ® - ket Ss aes ae é , tog my jae - as} 1 ony ‘ ie : . . i e os Y. oad ; 7 aa! ‘ 2 e., - és . ~ oS , : é E Ss se j mya ey ; — re Pa? =e 4 LA a7 ny a ‘)Ber aewae , *ey y : ~ , ! . " . 2 * ~ sf mae e 5 ~ / . 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GE ine Sas v eh Ee? —S be ne °F we WAebuty act Sere oe oe is o> Cea. 1 TF do ane a Re tae nese 7-4, - = e em if Nec te NS qat% YD © —_- é & e-« * . wae oe eee » Ea hacen ed dn ey 8° ore, 294 cr d¢d -~ an ~* op ese% Cale * 5 PES aA nee we o> Ve ey +e —e -e% “© =.? ae Q macaty4 o ow de hE aia oe . ° ts “- i ee Gost ied ween 7 wow o- ree, ks oh deine peste: 2 seme? we GF > Tr “ae Le OSES °- <, . - Cs torr : 3 8S he = Ty Bote ~~ , dat ~~ o-, on < Fat neo. bees OG * oO any eas ee im LD Jal vep an tent C2 he m+ 3 a> we ey ec eee Cyt.) : ¢ ow Ae MMI 84 “wee eave one ¢ 4 c *. om Cstksibue. orre YG ” ~" Udo a ----* > . gp ae ELPORES aS tla ei } Rese eee : -3 Te Pes CTS Sue ade ” Cit bic 69 Re Gia 62 Wish. se sts & an Me “-, {—- + aad ~ (Os Seed tut ‘ ° C7 e Dey, de ” : 4 of Ee! ~ ers a ote wet we os Qo * tee . F 2° oe & EI? arr 9 oy er Torres | a ae << Ee a bom Cher tah... -~+ oe,» 7? . Fe @ MAGES ous “. i TO re oy on, : ws oa del Fane So od re EAD ae beet ae uM Fee - ea EF pens S00 & = > ce sites Ate. aad TEE ete ome: oe s Fa Cee ON ~~ Sety Iuhe Fae tog Cow o a 2 Cote de eStore t - SD de ~ 3 OBS araces -_*# tar li Gre iies Gach- ou Si dtp Gis PS 7 te." tes 4 « 2 Yi[Myistctun tv warewbutentite orne { tr = eh oe Fare ot: te as ~o& Fe, at r% te Suet SS » ate Ox -~wuee ‘ i ¢ 5 Se Ge kee Ee Swan éhiawe in ci. eee - rep Ts = x *. x ea 2 ‘at’ > A,aR i Wt Efe § <2 « @ a, = o> b tele wee wy SIEM oe ees ¢ he WSte ened - ser eS & Cet dots 62 om Cee Rae Mie ~ : an ee ss i me ee fas Bc winded ees Qe ye © Cre: a @ ->* O25,’ : y -—, ; ian: P &= , gr2 3 4% grat eS, ®*e-.t~ ge eepe . Rater wate t © rae re e - f ve BD a av > ure it aw dae~A it Sern sret 2 OP 6 od ci. Beh tO? ~~ ~ Se8 - ge tos 8 7 eet the | ~y Sens Pees -« CSRS Y kit ~~ Wypasisoent wh & ent Get Wand: ay . a . ee S ee Gee Pd Ce Lhe a- ae es CSR ae g 2 Or BR. e st kee ; Caos o © —b> F< Uren \g™ * Uric nT “> ¢ ‘ -@¢° a, 42 or ™ SS an reFOVeC EX él 220 t PECPrPCE €. re- cot S we Fa nO FETS . . GEo toca& 274, Or S2iG wo ¢. . xv? eZ . : ao 3 Seer Cease cnrSse TiA© ? Ke ty sur Pt a= a ‘ BBP & u £& >< ote .. ¥ > } os t . eyKe Find~ or cm be £ . ° 3p $ vg +>, o> Co ove, é > bee. ‘= 7 ow t. ele . omy “wee MY wns Fe, Nak eee ¥ Toe - 3 om La - “3tO steed is Atak ES. 5 73 Cain » ir ar SE =Gaus peace fsx Sh & i» Ses wees EFES Sat eX -' ey wert le. N= - Pt FL em” ae gte es £ ~~ © scCelow yA “em rs * 3 Oem suis oom Colva- . wee t -. whe Barend ESOP ; * EUECEG™ ; > —~ tae PUG nw te ee ® ON s or Le mtn cag: - I ay = wee «. . t SIs O22. ior SaraIS +e Pe os Soi eae * ¢ iS ~ * Oe Pe ee ON, UREVETEsLy. c x Ge re = ; +t eye “f = ¢ e bc> ed , oe £ we PER21 _ . Vinton ra ho Saf oc ~~ °F Cx Fucks Woet we? et el an Ts Qi Enos ~” y “on ort RTL SUIS Sr 4! " Besant Y é3 &: we x wast c HPA -. SIS orm 7 S GOS B2eEES i=] Torcer + &\2 as rue é ee he he oy er. oe G ip on Ys wes 2 Oe Sey, av eS fog ~ ¢im 5 wYVICLwuwss " % Pisces & 7 -oe ‘? % *z ? Sesied a % ein opin sol me das CEP roe an wee err © @ phen Go mes oy Fe <n? es o & = Cale by, EOP Sr, wf x ~ g feel, oan \eo“e wv . = *.>. ePtye weed Ets @ = tor ors Oe tt. 3, © “>: Ga Ee 1° fa orn OA MIsNRelenen Ss 2 EO ey BS é.7. YeGewrrs tree, owvee &: wie hee By « Ess war ge 2 & a6pom * ry3 eyes Nee Ace wee OF ad SCuay tte, © ef Ch ERPS ey £,ie be’ GoOSZE & =F Cs TACLGR e 3 cathe Z i LED28 r > ot te eure &* sy yo e rogers < ate se SS Aes VET £ FS . 5 S palks faa ae! we we 3 - tuitd ae &% Sins adh Tre=>? . € “es rer n¥ee eh Se ees sate e me. gr EURO eet Ee ca? a ae > *&- ere~ > bomen ce:= 8 *. Se CEtORSE SE o>, “ kom x be “v ts wees . onde Gin co °C KET PKS Cose tit . 962 PS <g&% 5, T3 we eae do Vey So ee tae - % EXLCe _AS om Ee AYs CF7 “ctr tts 72 Ge Stele a 9 et 45.4 ee x ors ls =e - MINUTES OF THE MEETING GF THE STUDENT UNION BUILDING PLAKNING COMMITTED HELD MAY 7, 2958, ES ROOM 208, AT 4:00 P.M. Present; President Gregory, W. D. Collett, Leuis Welker, Reymond xcusead: Stratford, A. Gladwell, EB. Howard P. J. Farrell Margerct S. Jacebs, James Hurst, Keith WF. Rhead, Ogden, Milter, W. Niles and chairmam introduced Mr. Evan N. Mr. Sceverncan described the Union Buildins University. studentc, He et Logan. Steveneon, steted that the pregrem muorried students, R. Marva Baddley, H. Farrell R. Lex Malan, A. Clarke and James The State Unive rcity Studsat Union D. Herrod, Wiicox, Mickey Perabarton, Snepherd, R. Dick (Chairman). Foulger Manager program of the et Utah Utah State must meet the needs of single foreign students, commiufting students, and dormitory students. He deacribed the functions of twelve ctudent comemiitteer which carry om rnost cf the plenning for the program. Some of tzese: At. OF committees Fi: mie are: arte, dance, movie, khoopitality, games, oi the evemts which wouid 4 sroup, Eatse Cemais << cient. taternt 2 shew, 6 exhibit, bowling - setucent-kids syraphenic contournament, warty, etc. af _ nr Comumente on howoe the £9 22 Pe 5a building Sits tke ? on = U propram were: ~ * A&A. B. C. TYke building needs« small theater seating un to 256 people. The six msecting rooms are oaly two-thirds cnough, of tne mocting rooms Mecting and diining do uot mix because rooms are used &s & radio He recommendec that a room -E. He recommended that a commutsr boys grgeupe could of the damage to room for es rough house be planned so that relax witkout ruining the furniture. lunchroom be planned so that stucerts bringing their own lumches would avt use up val tuable ecLete ria table G@ elthough three furnishings. Mr. Stevenson recommends that a refreshrasnt be built edjacent to lounres and mecting reome. BD. Fr. siz:tion. He spaces. stated that the modern faldinge ot sufficiently noise-preot. coors between " I. William Tucre ts & nesd for more small dining rocms. dining rooms are MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE STUPRITY URION BUL LLDING PLAN KING ca MMITTEE HELD AT 3:30 P.M, WED Freeent: Groagery, Ei seecons, We} D. ‘Bad ley, 2Louis President Wilkiaenm P. Milke W. . Stratierd, Marcaret §. cS E:usst,;, Niles Havcrea, Gincucil, Vrileoz, Jomes R. Foulger, and R. 4. Les Maien, Dick Wselhor, Clarke (Cicirmes}. Excused: Howoera W. REECKGE Piiateninbbed : E. Reprnonad Rheed, Farrel? The encirmssa introaucsd Mr. Mastin Evicheon, 6 Univeraity ef Uta tiston Building. Rr. R. Keith W. Collett, and uecisctess insanger of Hriekoonm deceribs3a Mr. Azdrew G. W varie's dects = thesis entiticd "'Eesic Designs tor Colisge Unica Activity Frogs nee a aetine from Mr. Welt's article im tics Map, i¢53, buiietin Oi ae Ascoacioticn of Cokkege Unlona: Buy | point GE view, unicas & college union ig a cienifia st 2 "Trem eS Sauenstive xeres iz the eumnus ecromunity it hac me jursifieatic £Or beiog. EQ Sez! thia be olgnEe 20, t2e umiom zauct be cone ceraed first auc foremost with the development and csoncore atip ef en activity pregram that meatea the reex vorsiongl, social, avg eainval necan of the: campus comm rm E sincerely balieve thet a considerable number of uniens at the present 20 iI, Orocn, A. time Are operating net és uniosws cimilngs ta ae hetec?.' "Orteris tor program «2} pond es So esineas OrrvenmiBgalionug celection: the aeltyiey broaden cocial and celtural Gupe ricuces end develop cecial compaisree ? (2) oes eins activity ctimuinte creative celles SEressica end Gevelop niw icisure time skills? (33 &s the activity geared te the lcisure tisne interacts and neads of (se campus community exd/er dess it Open up new poccibilities? (4) Does the activity bring imte action lensorehip from within tao greup? (S$ Bseo tke activity provide fun end equality ef eppore funity, S bainace batween passive and active participation? fe it readily acesocibia 7" - oe - ee od 92. tec c L = — cS é -<¢ “ Nat é * . o e ~ ° ‘ i wa’ dt ’ 5 pub ve ~ ‘ st ie i eS ‘ Mie . = ms - ‘ . . ° *. oi o ‘ “A ‘y ‘ eo am A&A QO - - * ‘ ‘ 2 ° : oe “ ‘ a zy ba me tee * b7 : * 6 » a - » ; . € .« ee - ‘ - a 2 -« . m4 .* "4 oof « x Gene ~ serd Po ~ <2 14 . . ~~ « te Tomy aw - - f “#45 “i x‘ 2 . 4 b : + 23 ‘ oe rn & - * Vv + balm . * . Ree “* , ean *. + yd f? - eY — “ ers ‘ 4 ‘ Re per"? he AK aa icon ri eae OC ae ° mS - . A <e- 6 ns -~-* . ‘ . ‘ a. bs tis ° . oa bi ; “ * i De é - “ BiasesSe Rol ‘a 2 7 @. at ’ hem ‘ ae - < ~ wei fis ¢ < awe % £25 r : ‘ - ‘dap Mateeta Weigeaes. ° o~ ¢ - * ‘ 4 o * - aa. ’ ° 4 pivanaie i - ~~ . t 5 oi > " stk . o . ‘ ie meron? - cn . _— we SR os ag mh Ty nes - en. ° . * f - he ~-,6, aa -« us = ’ ‘ ** - os wo . « < Sh » if F %, oe ‘ ‘ ee - - ~ ce ‘ . : y ° - 7 . ; ser - o-% « ~ . : tA ° J —.o Ph ~*~ re ee 8 y ~~ —% es oe ey 8 e+) Pee Vs o".3 -~ - , * ; « ‘ s } 1 s e ‘ © e - ; * oe -.- % ae e . . « wbal's ral . - “ wr . 5 e | - fu . * a *#& \ « e-Waw ‘9 ane «4 ‘es , te ~ © arw.° te . +2 ‘ . ¢e ’ “4s > “ wg . ' ‘ 6 - Ca w £ ve? a T. @ " t . s vance’ « o , a —- & 2 - — & * oe — €¥ s € = set -e at.* # = et ‘ é . t alt: - eee Sem. tH . ven o> ee g™ . Ue ‘ —_* Se Ak a . '. » eters 4 pee? , . ae « ’ oe e+e . * 4 ~» Met > +6 oo’ if ore ee Pe . . » . Ered? P ‘ ¢ ® % a ‘ e- Z be ah om iA tO? aera ere fw ds + ee Ore OI pst ue 8 a te- c A . ¢,. ~ : oad * + . « . é é . et » . i “Ss : e . ea" -—.® ao Me wp ~* r ht eotentege ty: Se ® we” bee, o . --* er te iv mee as bo - “ é J pont - * ‘ o* oo - . > #» % ee t's eos 5 = * e* © ine ~ G7 ° , A eu oe Fe oe um ¢ VIS , o< « re - ’ oc esep? won * we > > , - ee . big © ies tnt prt = ee 3 : £2 ween, 8 ye ee ae + Cetin Mt ~~ >< + tw #12 Y te CE Se ae é « »* . ey ea roruatie - +. & at , =P 7 ; a EM Ja PO etn t a% ° CEN ©. <a. ¢.% ~ * ‘ e “ a . tus - n-ne Be Vd +> oe ~~ * “ew tg - a * qi er Gag & ~ Gna vet sibs #4 . ome “et pee i é - —- + oe fy oe + * € & s-. . A ae 4. etio oes @ £pee seg . a oy ee! o.® viel ow “a , " d 7. -- ae » - eT a. aos * gee 2 ar i & « * ? r a” ~ e Sov, fs 3. rh, pe ie rece O° — yr Bee roia er. 5 f nek oo’ “i 3 wus - , ean =a »- . Te to ww - ‘ ‘ ’ , bees ‘ Zarrye -”* ‘ie "? & © ed . Nu . 3 2. o En ee - . mye - ~ ; a Stya 4 ya ~. , oe é36- “ & ’ e2 Mets ae uv 4 -~ .* ¢ 2 ~ ” tis om > 3° . %'s eo wa. ‘ - - 4 ois ¢ se « y t wa ‘ Da 2 , > f3%,3 € ~Sae ae tea? Seat Tr . £ ”~ 7 Goes, 3 * ts SATs a c 2 Oa 8 ry ¢ c~ Mt fh ete . OP FRO : & 770 ™ E Bin. . *. che ee . Pal, as. % ot * 33 SIM s - > a \ P tvs ~% 7 - e * a ‘ ° S}‘ ) as ee 4 Os eb Freete “ on v » 0 we a - Aa +> ~* a7, i-etae « -~ cn . ‘ «} B omeHt ers owe : ~ s ~ ‘ @02 gS R'6 P Wey e~ ose < RRS “7 6: ° ’ / ° -~- wi het Go ere ; ~ es .‘ . sored 4 -* « . PA So iis < ~ ee - &.% -- | al 2 $-3 . in > « marie OO ata > P . 4 ¢ 7 4. Buy re * : .4 . foe «& s ¥ . % ’ owe et tue tee > 5 ‘ > = — Nbw bo tov o> §.*% “oe ck 4 + +7 ae . = . ~ - wt zDe oe —- 2 wal * az) ‘\ # ‘Lo. 5x 25 {. . ‘ ° . os . ese ae g Mh , é . e ‘ ® - oe an ‘ ~ Pief n “ et ON. See S Om fs ft ‘ -* * es eI ~ - ‘ ‘Se « ee , “ + Sp Pe a . ‘ os * 8‘ - s = t, r os . gt - 4 ~ e > t — oe ‘ . eee ese 4 oe > o- 4 e » ** « ee om a ‘ * aot * 2 re 6 : - . “mee ° e ‘ -* ‘ ' - ‘ & ave ab “oy oh - “ ° So i? S be wr! tN Ste . s ‘r ~ * saa a6 . . a * . + ~ . e : . wee -. - 2 £ ws no se e ste < > ew: * - » wis oe i953 e r? e~. wes a+ fac) 4 © t Pa5% i- lee gar ose ~ -* state ey Y ~~ * baw ° e' as & +. os ee | a Oe oI; . “ee é rs? =~ J”, * s e £ v tex : dee Ae & a - e ~ > ™ s sous > Gu * + “+ ~> .78 t » és we : Sn @ a er yn mee 7a ts oy ~ 2 ~~ On le Ve e * . ie € = enti Pe oe & 4 es wh uw ory . ~ _@ a he - eige -_- — 2 te) eg? 4 4 met 47 + We Te OU > o- Se PF FP O8L of “a ve TS re 7 See ce tae LR KAA 4 HEe? $f * OF Ft “wt. + Ske: £ 27 ° * aa Fo eo ~ Pe oo a da AGC te gn Ss * 9" L2T de Fie £2 ome Gre me +. - ee CA ™ a ty me Kael ay v4 or %— rn, Se BArwtae ts é 2 ot . =z , 2 8 4 e- “> Ba oo 82s is e% ‘ & RS wart ta fore @ f © * CF fF - c ">< ee Mees? 7 . f Sen te "eo. » Pao Ge Co Fs ems RY * TESS . - [CRY ° og? PhS 32 o> oe H8 9S me x be eon ree 4 ii oe ee we A wa 3 > , 5 be FS GH ee". ‘3 § vuneets €.- 9 BMS yak oe Ce cok tr ees wo -~ ~~ ts. Me Bsiei ff ti ? one Re % Vere he At | -@ 2 SP HS <3 er fe , -* AIT ~~ wee » Oe eea. Ss rr = ste ef CF ot © — ~ . 7 ~~ ’ . ¥ F ee Te - fa Srepeg:: Boi ¢ Te. we SR. 2 23% t COL of bb @ fee ™- er. +t? oxa & ten GUN toes oh 5 Nabe we . i t & & le Muay tke i~o—* es at . oo eS oe = Trt7 > E on bee ca’ = see . aces - PE Steer: Ot = = - dnote eyhte LS Qe v7 wee 3s on << «9 7%, nm PR, oe % 3 « on : GUT hing « UF @& awh teins we 4 OSE ONE ' PSO Be KL OY A727 aw aw UC e be « = co C.- ent 6 te “% Se ~ Space © Wei ee, gs: ee ar item ‘ - ° Fe 34 . : cee WP . ¢ *a Mn we | teed i) SL? é. eee “aes Poets 4 3 tims x Rewram == 9 VW ‘~ BC ae Cr, fo Oe 4 ow : ree ty OS & . ™ Ae « S Ms GS Bw eth Seba. ** $n) One "ki @ Fe ee one ; we Le <p ~ ~ oe Ol “senee “=i « . “7 3. ee Se ee ove 2, fo.0% qec ee Cys re bh ~ tage o rs c ; Pe > Kees FAIRS eer 34 o a ee ee d. <.* - Criienas” pyar ° . ele Pie e. Sew e_ at at t* < - on G2ee ~ tet Ola Seren * ech y * eae es".* er + m~. err, | ~~Reet aww ‘ : ern . ar, | =o _ oe ‘ oy or, x 1 a. i ae a o -_— . Go . An 2 ae : “a & § , o~ & - rs, “oat Me Yh es O57 5. 3% ne b¢ te “Sos; vist eS < - me OF xo". £3 + ee? 6 Ans Poe ehi aye $ = - eet ~~ éPIE ty Linn emt . CTT 3 TIEN ’ 52 ap See. 010 Ge or . stett BE aReign & Bian wes Weare .* SONI ? OP ian ~~ vf ‘ EGE a f+ & ° Male® ee” ETN ae a 3 * at ee ha Prt» '. o.% h*s & hw w Wtaset 28, CATR OTH set oSe Ben ste « F. 88 om@ oe—_ Gate.) gh G wenn . _ rt C 8 Pe ee « PO ae , ee one <- e%e | s! ° -~-? eye Nee Poe » ae * ro Veet * 33k. wo e- a’ Shhu. win ~* ‘en's , a tM . -« 7? a . os wore pee . & es Ps ¢ ~* ane | Geo baw _- PASE TRT Jee SS Pe wae ‘ te o . * . . oe ‘ ‘ . ‘ r- e . e «: 2.62 é - ‘ ‘ ~- 9 ae fae <a . 172. a . oa bu eo -* *s le “> . * , 2, <5 sa * 3 4 - te * . "~ - cs t +. .«% : > pet e* ¥~ pte Bn ” o Le . eee a . ~ ~¢ . oe = - - vf > < P «* a ~ ~ + oe ~ “- ae. . ov, Sane . emt tas = > it eer £ Gr Oe gt as So «SEs * . . oe i a ° - r 4 ~" * > e oo. . Pw ® +0 Pa] - re i + &- . “oe ue ‘ me m os ; uy ; f \ ae “s) “, ? J . io 4 ‘ a 7% ¥ a day tT > oom, ee ws. we . ¢ w OF ~@ Oe f- rk er . ea te 3 « A ee ¢#Ow Cs Gane ALY * - oe 1 W {.- } a * a y ah edacen me td He > ct UL + ee ese CUE at ait Se ly” - f f+ ex be } aw "4 c det ~ oy 3 f ¥2 Yee ~- 2 ce =t re -* = gues e a oer ~~ . oo*me Gs ~~ “< te £7 F2Faey wets &" bs a OL et; oo “4 ES Hee, a eyes, 8 dei ke y er: Vg a7 we &~ > ~ : Oh tes Lie o* . 38 sx 24a i = 2 ae 34° wl R ee i [ms - &Y « ew sO ’ f * sO ® 4% € <p Ly GY OF 96) Wl ™~ SF ATs +r a & ame ow up) i °* .% ‘3 tard ‘ a Sf) 35 pang a » a --; Om Sf e & G 3 we My wad ged CNY “uy 5 4 2 we} we Ce Sp of PNJor GF on CS Ch OS = sl * > & ‘ ‘ &a * th ee * Se 4 us i BEET CES “ah ‘oo “* at | & (Ps fe, $5.7 ees <2 Ont Lt ew &? <2 & ee ‘ ou (*s {3 om t me. vay snd “9~ 4 > e ee | eo% pany 43 S. y° a) 2) 2 18 ry wT eet in § ww ¢ Sot 5 a ? View ¢ << % tr Peta’ OF n a ’ tx}‘as we ty o> tf — 7 & o's a * 3oXé : ad ia! tee o- , of os ve Ne - wad 49 } “hd 6 eg we} remy <> MM te F 5 ™~ * « oF a ¥ &: 2 eal~ oe «i? 2% ie OY ¥ Pers & ~ ey a : -, GY oe »s tes af? = im ‘. « act Lise ct é CATES A . . ee re? «* Siw 4 been « TY ee ee 4 / 7 oO b& AS ~ a big ured & is ay é | a 4 -. ) és Gee ors ‘? o™ oe a> ‘s . . < 8 Pete a S&S, i o 29 ® bern “-F ar% al Fens Reh . Sia Eid ’ s on f “-« ‘an ey S250 devsvé ¢ r ee oo enead ° ce ‘ : & . . °. * ’ 4 ° ‘ OC we . “we ¢ Be d. © a Cx fe We 4 ’ ot - . . >i? Nebo - Ri £33¢'.¢ . Se : m Re « eur js Ge we atts - > « , ~~ é ~-* ‘ = + ve ft ® aa- *¢ at é e -* bef = : = . . ta AY > ML wh‘ id ta Cals « t } . ee y “ VAS beds coronene « 4 ~ é ~tos oe - tne «© . py t m-2 ° eer ‘ > ‘ * ~«—e+ fe are ” ce Oe 1* we * ar. . oe ao we o> oe - te 5 aX) 4 ey % erm a we Mar ¢ - >< ‘ ~ ) of g st & 3 et ‘ t ns* Fo a &: whd de 2 Saw ae 0 ted Hhiee ‘ Cos *. ° * th * -. . Oe” ee ‘ee ae ante a>é « « bf, Pfs & —s @ % 4 % i’ y- Gb } - '* : - wc $ * f+ “4 ¢ , ‘ we ‘ is tame . +é ’ “~~ » HN 42? tes * ~-« , Nae 4 . ‘i aD ee be. co ows 4 Oe Cee CR WS Om ries ; , - is ~} *: ’ f"* ne > we ~ gore: °¢ & a %° 2 Byers se Ride ee ae ee eit» FUL , ’ é NES — MS , any - eet Cat ee ; a, © : “« awa ey 3 ¢ 28h a. 4 ~ cs. ~ omere ee ? ‘ 0S "8 & =ow ¥ ‘. ‘ 3 e~ te>& = ¢ * PHO ™ : ‘ i “9 . ao eae Miawwaccl é -. g 4 FD 42 bos ete’ « s* » wf a t . 62 om, a eens % “ tt @> 2ryert Bos" ‘ ‘ ~ Leg em ; i ate, wee 4 ‘ ee ‘ “+ “e ere i “ a; obs “ e. . ~« ee eos 7-8 oS - 4 « ; Goww z 6a “ ; swash ‘ etn &-. ~ Ce wre Fn Sy OP 4 ~ BR s = ew on . ede ‘ FF , Getar.% Sek «© GAM TAH wt‘ £7, vr y~ ‘ . buy Cie . ’ * : Creer &. + . “ad t « o ” fmt iwrwitele-s 86 — ~ §és @ % owte * o> alot - ; @. ¢ %. #6 oe « ~* | “ett ‘ s ae 4g. 2 rs bow 4 os r C3 sah Lee . Tate eta Be" be d's *, aso . edt * , tens. ‘a - * — ow > . ¢€ ° 9 a Kanes ed r | ecto tee Jie ° - & a c. a “ uae BO ~-* ¢ 8 e.e ‘ / %. ct oA . ° 5 y y; eo . oo ? » rt t « ‘ JS Oe of e * hs 4a. 4? 7. wt <4 . fw. He : - o o. al -~ £ - - « rod i» e »4 ore ot ‘ fi _ Feb Soe e Rsen ; >» «thew! bs | ne ~ ~ 5° a” eers ee ;* - we rn ope * ag sai Ss a = ar Oe Wes &. 4 en 123 . , e he ¥‘ Asean _ et bieeh ? ° ‘ ‘ sf * 94 ’ ae oe « *% « “9 - es > ¢. > bene ‘ : ‘ . : > “ ‘ ‘ Sos « ‘ ‘ r . auwdcw > ° at . 4 -¢ ge ners B Woke . ~~ ‘ cp 1" > af . ° . -. ¢ €-€."* ae: tee ~ .3% wr weit? @> _ ne 3 wy>, fe S wen ’ ‘ ° - . - “ ‘ & ’ ° a t ~_* e 2 . ** ic - Guta ade 2 5 ’ . H ‘ Va €“ a> % a . a c's o- © Pe f s ~ ». =* 4 a . a rss at oem . , - * a . A ies 1 \ ° < ‘ ’ Ne - ‘ . ¢ ‘ ts = , a +? ——- &.z . ‘ - . -_- . a oP ‘ aw 9 ‘ 2 atthe oe * 2ANTt Gee r , , ai # a. mmerie t ‘ Be wae . ee . . ee WS slo ® : ‘ wun haere co - , - - en" ¥ ; ¥ BP ¢ tw . — v7.9 - f+ « ‘ & tee s+ ‘ “8 dee ee . 2 * LC 7 Pf A‘ s os be Daw . . t ‘ erelee sh «hs e 1 phty m Geta * i a4 wo “a yy Tt ew ‘ tae es ti < a O én Guta ‘ x @ , we ss 4; . ‘ we ? ‘i : } é.* os ‘ ‘ ’ © - ‘ =) ot -_s ‘ Ls en manne ~ ‘ f we be we < 2 ‘ ‘ af ON a.wtos 7 - 4 wu. Ls a. ‘ ‘ * . : ers ees ~ a 5 Nek oem ° +4 ° YR < Be . ‘ P . ++ +e rae t->e-< Lx ? “ ~ . es eneee 6. “+ s teow e oc . ‘ . ‘ gta v« ’ 4 « ’ 5 > - ~ e ‘ ° “= ‘ . . « e< ‘ e ‘ ‘ “ « «. * ~aeee + ° ‘ w Rm \ w . 4 we~ . |a or oo= - : bis at % e~ eo * o, g ers. « “. ‘ , ws wea ‘ ‘oe a “ieee i ° ‘ 7 = . Gomi * * pte es.” ex.* ‘ » *°* i r be i ig + p a ¢ * a ® en pra . ° * « « . i to ™s. ° we quo ‘ - PI < ‘ 9 ~ * » ofé r » ~ . ’ Sank 7¢ FY Po ("4 1anec Ness ‘me ahd’ pore ! Cote Ls ue $Y Se es aes . wWectent: Tec wae ney Cah LTP - ao AW wees S Leg Lu fucllew, f ¢* > ce we as €62*Ou ~ ay oF C-wc f i a gc. * sf et deten* gual do e, Tet. oS FR OC D. Streatsiorad., Oe on Samet RS *> Saad evel : Gat > £6 . “3 F fe tyt fake ST fee oe et ices. i” oh aE a UTE 5 2 Ls Ose ots a P LFF Wiiiturs £ 4 Fereise yer d ie vs 1g Ries: Oks QM TS 6 ‘2 Oe Pi * BEE eS ‘be ts ee “~ Ke : Fi Tire 73%. je Wie dveo Ce. & : > * S aa & the YP . fen that « » fo the » ¢ the comtents er? VfaberrE Pers se d ets PA 4 3 Bo pet «Say eS¢, ‘gm Dye i i ate i . => on p t ee hm. 2 Led 7 ee oe tT Vi tleaes: Nil > v c Ls 5 hiitckey 2* > R. ~ Ruend, Jarace KR. Foeulgar, n= of Cres any and Howard <W. Ggden. "3 and VLEEE oT oS , Ciarke - Colie&, em, Roi A. “<< ® 9 2%. c BALLS qi. RS ee dese . . ee r, purrose . - of Portar é. & fw, Linion BIO rmine > ——%. eo oy © (.%. 7 ie = e.* da « Butts’ & Segre MULES wiitisr r ox the > as 4 meeting om os was ° to .. *) SA Eu, row * s proposed buildiag becores t rene ad em y o i8 the i J necd . oe 2 © “. progrem 235 WG i€< ti€ ¢ imeom Pate ea, coransittee ~ . E me “> ’ ; oO ESS e237. omy e aes v ? : ctated am ~ om ot ¢fEE 20F a, <2 cSoR, °¢ # op £4 EMF + ah, <> or ret eee farniliar with ae IR “_ Cunirmens . IES. Boden ~ at” ao <. he ws Ph Surrcii * Mere BE. Gregory; Roymerd 2. About: : Ts ote Ce FY -— Permberten, Biek Welker, Lex #.Bee Melen, e TIS fete 6. ££ arrose SLE PE, RRS S Fs ABE GE “a CC Baer ts Thn2er. %3 Res Slew, ht § o ¥ o ED > a POET: és VY ee FPreswacnt f _ . fe de Gade - (wed a eee TSN Wiikte ke ot a €. i738 PFE ia ; wo stesteteck — o>, Cm 2 5 ee AIAeMaAs diseuse for e.2 mocifieca lic: \ » se 2° { Vise A. The - 4 » i —_— «+ + > ore, - = © 7 CUMS purpose a 2 IEed ee at. EUS ef & udion « & -” a & tt cee EOLOW ~ Wi a* fue = =: €. 2 wit Ao - Cs ~ the « re port: ‘ Luilding. : = & ESStLone 4° z ie s ‘Lhe tplomuring copreach which wne used. en es the secon: of 2 the pronosed buliding pro fF PEN P c exit 7? ‘ i - Net » . - ae “ . ‘ c her! S. Notes end ¥F. H. I. = CHEISTECU — \ recomrmendstions cavcerning aids te building ura end operation. o the facilities lict. Site pee Salon: * Proecdural sugpectionc. Porticules attention wac given to the proposed building budget end te ths proposed facilities list. Ti, Some A. B,. C. D. E. of the fecilities Ciccussod The general lounge. The inclucion of a 2560 OPSEA o were: equers feot booketore im the future bowling : Tho use cf the caicteria and cneck bur for dancing. The deorzitery ctudent service table im ths cafeteria. The photographic lnboratery. Discussica on these indieatsed itemin. that the commitise , : would like to de mere thinkingto ° < e * et’ . . ‘ * é 5: : ~ fq be pod e ae . « . i 2 7 ee Ag ars» + mt ” os o.38 a4 ‘ iat ” % , ) . ‘4 ? ~ » s ,°¢ ‘ «| = . rr ~~ ‘ , 3 ’ ’ * } } 4 ~ 4 » ¥4 ® : t ’ 3 . ‘ 4 7 5 ‘ . . . eo ~ * i ? i ‘4 | : ‘ - ; ‘ ¥ a, : Be wre 8 7 Sone § 8 . ig Ye ° % za! i ‘ eo ; 3 > ‘ “4g 4 a @ f : 3 ° bed- , ; : — 2 es Ss a nae * oe t« " ? : s , ‘ > oa é ee ‘ ~ “4 . “ar? a << anal | yay eet é a 6 e ° o‘ e3 43 ~~ Cg” : u a“ ad on ‘a é 7 - : ‘ ~ ‘ : ; % é ; i : . a * ew $ « - j 4) Sha t “ * a #7) I : Pa 7 <: t q* ;% } -~ °ee a4 ~ —_ : , $ : ‘ » - oe olés x on To oe f .4 po rr z s at af 553 Ce ey nt a : . < wr 4 ne ’ ° ™ . ‘ a 4 : i,:¢ - ‘ - q 2 -- oa? . é , oa ae " es : eee oe a- dali we 4 3 NyCis ts ved> Sates is >% i. or a .. ~ 5 . i > i } a ? 2 4 ; : e *. * *) Ry ¥ <e ° »o Pe «3 eo-3 4 oe ; a be 4 fe, ° s°3 = rs > és a oes : : ‘ etd¥ <1 : “7 ¥ as w~ ; ey aes 2d ” os ~e . - Ke ‘ ey iooe eo. _ ‘3 ‘ . “J > t ay ni v <j i ; * »~ ; -~ j ©) = ‘ tamed « i : e e ¥ * 4 : ae ‘ > : rs j 4 , — er’ y - pie = ~ oe . : , ,& Bd : * 8 ~-4 > ~ ee a ee oe 4 . ” ~ . : i F Se..! Os ae ‘ "Gi \ “ MMe ve*. “ ; ate salts 7 ¢ et os ; 3 ra Na es is : ee ~ 4 4 wh ~ ~~ ‘ ay . i % 44 °. * we we i © ‘ ; ‘ ~ os - as } * A ‘ . ne! . . M ‘ = ‘i 2 a[ d c ; 9 - 3 ~) ? } J ay ; 3 ” 4 ~ : , i - ee wt a at . * ce» €, + } sae] ea; . ,~ . ss = 3 cigs a. oe tem. Nea} wees sa > ¢} é ” 4 -3‘ nn 3 - eae 33 wn, . ’ ; ? . . ; ee ee & ee ° ‘~ "te ey oe - % ; Gg at? . - — = e pe it~ ° e - . ‘i Rites 7a Ns; > 3 fs ee = ; A : ‘ ¢* _¢ tne Suu oa Bone a a ~ a «n> i , wn ay & {2 way oS +. a“ 5 ] 4’ o, at <3 . ms ~-w i 3 . Rs sean ~} ae out, us© cu ; =} ew A € PP]* re one “ws oy ~ e4 * ™ &£ rcer t3 Z e “i ee ‘ “ -“ ;j Gh we s] J J - 2 te ¥+ 4a zy eh * at : ait «‘f , x wid basag ¢ . aa ¢ 2 23‘ so eee~; r a3: eei . m , + 2 core “ ‘ bo ws -& Pas wy i ~ “4 tn 4&3 e . ” . aie oN “yl e or tu . ° : ’ ~ oy 4 « « rt wi “4 e \/ - ~~ -" ‘ i? 3 ; 7 ' i ae ere Soya + ea a - \G oat “A ; os ." . re “7s a mm, : eS ae v% ~~ . i tA ’ ‘ nial “Ss . « nares wee “ oie os +o ww -” y ‘ , bn + ast” a*eaAi { i 3 - om? , F 4 we* ey ‘ ~*~ ‘ orgs 7.) oe a ree i* a ~— mad ms . * wn, . ;a j 3: m sf +4 : . oe ° gee aoe &, 4 -- 's e» . y ~~, 2 2 ™* me . Ps‘ =! ~~? ¢ ’ ‘ cox“ é> =o. 1 “ "5 afl ot yj A ~~? e ai a“> 3 ae. - ~ + Be ry See Sec 4 oe ts ‘ ts es a “7 3 Ae sg «2 3 4: is oe : ‘es yw ~ a ., 4 Di _ jo ; KO .’ vw * . os Z el <j 33 . ee ‘ Gey po Ms rd pep t<4 , + mi . }: oS ep. ® “ 4 . = se ~ ee ~ youd lar 5 mt — i oO . oa “oq ry ; ; of i |e ee? a o ne ‘ , ' te . : , ’ 4 : Y . ‘ my aged < e J “~ ; ~ } : oo — e793 ‘ ** »*? ) os : = sul phat ¥ ? ‘ ys . #45 ’ ats 3 oe eZ ae gad ? fs Z ‘ Te a at =; od , — <. “ ‘ 4 : s me 4 : ene . 5 os s ® J > 5 a ‘ 5 : I eat x ‘ j ey. a oo , ed ~ ‘ ey “* . . ee 3 g ks i He wks S 1 -# xy ow ‘; * 7 cs Gein .” owe ‘ wre . wee. J : ’ ‘ 7 ‘ nm, toe ‘ ‘ : ae th > r J ‘ : :‘ } d . ? ‘ aan) eee rt ey © 2 rid — < * * ? , s . , “db st we a 4 e: Me é by ’ vt , 4a4 - wt ' é ; f f 4.8 > : es * - ont "- .i : ; a £8 ’ : 4 7 : id , ° ¢ +° a: ™< a + 98 ; x ; mA , “3 a ‘ led gee a é . es? < acs , a re , : 2% ¢ ‘ a = ~ oe ' . aN aa ze ~s ‘ xe va S f. > . ‘ . A ; . 2 ‘ ' = sy = “ 4 ' . , . “%es" «.%- le ‘4 fj ‘ 6 > oe ‘ “* e ¢ ¥ « ' , f *s wt J . oy < 1 j e —~ ad 2§ ak i ze ‘ we” a e p< 7 =a rips nue ’ ne oo . ve ‘ eid , ) 4 io # Ay oJ . » ; ' s ‘ « &.4 Sed «~% . a4 o ~~ es sie ts « <7 3 ‘ev f , és 9 «4 ° *. > t Bat! : 3.28 666, 2 . aa oot 1 j : es a 4— ¢ vad aa 73 o canteen oe ‘ | 8 rY ‘’ « % « o > .a! oi i ton a? 4 ‘y —s t .>? Nia ' ws .* eo" 3 & ~ BoP 3 ’ ~/ et 7 gen owFa “ a‘ . ; ’ bes had . ‘ a a “ “Se ied Gre Pe a .” Ee Hs : "a , ‘j-6 ' ¢ asf ? he > ye) * An NS Rak 9 “ et Sid as { - AF i ' e 4 4 . ee ; 4 »4i ind 4 ¢ £ : ~~ ue ; ; a” - -« . he ; ~ i , to = »! oak sy ” ’ 2 , rea 4 > ye 4 : ; aa t > vad ' ' c Ps < os ag . 489 ” t 7 ~ 5 \. Pee sn ; sti‘ Xe > oe t ‘ sed og . «3 a é - 4) Ve - . ba : > BP ie ‘ =a :; aes —4 “GS = ent “ ¥ ware ‘ . 42 e”, > cP ‘ \ i se +J : 3 ? : . ; 5 } . Seay oot ‘ «J ‘ - om ae m 4 ee 33 ‘ ’ ; ‘ ’ 4 a e4 y A oe ‘ D ¢ : . ; ‘ 4 ~} , ; “tee as ° avg gooey ‘ ej ae ize F ont g a *, . ¢@ m es , * ef @e 2 ee RA. oe ; . Q ; * i ;4 ‘ .; 4s Ma < ’ oer t.«J . - <d as :: : é ak Me 4-4 «? ; : od 4 * . ? Aj t x : { ehl a oe ‘ sep . Ds ’ a om es ~@ BS oe ; tact ee is ¢ ’ . <3 * .- 3 ’- ‘ 43 ; ‘ \% 4 oy" - os i ° »* yew ; : . J a/ ef J ’ e- : why ~ ” é =~ Py } i ren 5! ° _ ae Y 3 ee ~ at - ved Me : weti% - od ae' - > ¢> 4 °° ue : e we +> 8d ; (ae we " e ests j @iee : Y <5 . e } . .s $ wad >3! hi - od 4 Tae < e , s. $e -4 wt e thd <\ 3 ma by *\¢ ; sa OLS % od v7’ ot - ad 13 ‘oe 0 a * ae ~ aa te 4 Sues , sine. a! 1st 4 :: = »pea ¢ . v s ru “ig se 2 2 ie ’ oa : ‘ s eer)OF mets i" ’ ee. hg ecg , 3 ;2 i a8 © xa. oye oS BS ev : 2, ¢ +} * AS > ChiOe ae oi on cal 2 = ¥ of ~ r® ** se 4 $ 'i be ae - 8 e.‘ “< } } “ ‘ * g - ? ’ ay ~* ¥ wae ps 4 . ; = ar “ ; ’ \ ' ‘ a . “eJp ” . % y . 5 ‘ "4 4 : ‘ Sas . : » 4! a t - . sy ~ - i i. »,/ um ~ “ teem , e a a - v e ¥ ‘ z 7 ’ ‘ . 4 :: ’ ¢ : 4 3 a . , $ '; : } 7 “ Pr a “ 3 io eas tueh : ‘ - ‘ : j 4 “; ‘ a : i ' “ j. x wt j t *7 Vee + , ve J ’a j we re “f a i : 1% , cat a , % at ‘ ty B bane ; ey Ae, ah fy : ya i > vs {J i gre S28 % “> ge Be *, , cc. * ow eget sare i to EY “oer . = ° hd 4, ~~, bkom X y og °) oo sel gut 2% D E Js r <> e-a, > ™“~ o? aa . ’ * gi yr; i; 4 ‘ ty am ; t. . nd ‘ ~ . 2 2 * Rye s Fete as Xe ent ‘ 5 wt 5 ka ’ iE a ers i erie”. 4 : , 4 tad Lio arg : “ > ead ree 9 + eas; r : ~ - = eS ’ :} ; ho r é Es ees Soe a er] ~” pee st 3 ‘ a Ps ] $57 3 . t? w ye ; =] * a ges * gt} 7 ’ . -_ be d si ; ‘ ery D He- et - 2&3 Loh a2 . 4 eZ e - = i 2, * XY a { wT j Gi “te < a z S54. ‘h 7” ° a? qt ° 2 1 r - <.€ > 9 werd Ene tm ‘(~c! bath2 XK & a ’ 5 : a Re e ce 6 & & ou r Be & t5G 4% c ¢ v > 4. / yf if ennte < \ . is “acd - ~s 4 rs bi '” ¥ ‘ . 2 j > . 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Or OF i 1% ty wa , ws? ee pony ty 7 . fs} oe . a Dow ty ‘ ee oS ~ O .tx Cy we mo Ve Ms 3. rie ee 7 . t) 4 "La 3 oe - 36 gee? 3 ws -* W ; i” BA j aeJ <) {2 ees: , oe pel ted «ped epi el v— res j ; oe ies ae gg oe, wre on 43 ae, « ait be te i ped 3 ~« iD te 2 OV ; Te Ree 4 re Yo ft ~ 0) - } WJ i > Uy +9 cs } to. s wf mG "oO {: 2 3 ‘J * Kj . 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OC nd ts cy eee *, ee C73 : ne OSs Ws 4 tor . sa a oo O age os a oo . v yy ws re s t .* od rey & a“i » £34 GO Ms * ‘ : me iay eS es es a rf ° g 4 fy wa gy GQ v.. ee 4 « OS 6.8aya Sy Ga mG ye ng 3 Cd ts \) Bs HES ¢ « Ss ee er , ES ot <' “ey ~ v= “s ‘ usined wy re a ey SE Oe ° tee gt ed in) we ‘ : ee By 77 G pmed ~ = =~ es} oes? ies - gs oery wey ; ~} ro a (} oy ; ° j a = oat! + . me and om : C3 4 23 » ra . w& 7. q . sue @ en co .3 SS ed ‘ tS 0 a *ps} le eS, we fC Qa we vow en t* b a om, ~~, ‘ - te etd Ae a ee4 eeCr ge@ © ot ef 5M you! fs gh fo yo ad ws oS o”* 6 vy ‘’ > wi es . ee C5 et ous - - r ge f in, omy i; C3 pt wrt t ( a , sat gut ow et eh he ome = *€ =| bs a ‘ ary Bs . ! wrtwat . 2? se, .* vy {hy aa ‘ we S tag ‘3 es > uf 1 ; co cost? a ad f pas ig ae ov 2. , we BBY €)} wes fae ’ pen} tJ * Sy f ocd —! « ‘¢ yA é oute rs as : poqi re sy “3% ty : Ne f 7“ Cue f 4 Sweni ‘ i " a a 3 '4 3 = ‘ ' ae «> ¢ a? roxy} Rey ta ee wh4% 4 ; A(3 t Ww ww - pe Ww ‘wwe f ere ge L, Oe get oat i wr e . Ma ‘a a>") : Ss *y edt 4 a: us a) {> 3 até G3 eg (4 ey i? u ' ‘ a, : Ge I3 th Sg w ri : ae? : > wns (3 phen a “ sii C3 O _— ee pie GS pred pt . 85 a: r ve ae oo vd - t.2 to 4 BS :a as 2 4 ” “yy “ eos “3 : a ont mow * i8 Vi) \ os ’ Sane’ F t is) « BS La e “ ag of ve I E eS = ard i ae and 5 = ? ty v2 £2 ‘ ie of OR ° . i 7 be ¢ pA . t ‘ + st ae a i 4 “r ‘ * ie j Ts; eS ky ee Ey" pnt 4 - ¥ ; a; ; : So s> bein $SR 4 « . ee ’ ia 3D , owt ‘ og,at ‘ew? wt - as “ ve} «* ae oytis 5 td ” »at AJ Le VA v4 Bp ee a va eS ge)ot& rmeae - oa bab ‘ ood 1 a4 4 {2 be, y's ae ~’ e uw 0% a ww ~4 f e we pe f. eri > stuw e ' E 2 *, om oH i - 3 why Qo} oD ud ~ eu Goede “st ; : ww oe i Ee nad gid} ‘ eed e a oy ow oeec = ‘ eae ts 3 fa us e aa +. me * ; | Bom “tS Se 8> reSe oo ‘A a . on Bes ~~ fo $ wy ef e £Sa t e ee * of ee ' L 7. a , = > i xa} f ra 4 Mw j ETgk eee Be A at hae ge : Ru tat es test r eee aS hg 4 y=) de CF*. A. Ca ps ke AOS ! Ro ONS 0wre ~2 yy CD CS 5 ee ’ : a) ¢ oy ets rt} % cont , a em _ oe Ks eek er } dé : =! es ted a. *» ce S Geo pany wor e ee Gg ie Ee « pepe | OS 8 a seoe f-3 a:. C; ft *% é3 “5 * ver ae , igs ectedc oe. t 2 “} yn) 1") er Oete eo <n Cy e ot sea7 c% ‘ s ra‘ £8 ai dis 7 5 rr Rend os 3 3 ao pty os alt oy. * ey.ty a5 ns ogg 36S * ok a 3 a fe > rd oO a Wiig < oxy 32 : e | eet sew az ‘J Gp. ‘ im & c+2 ated th ot > ry Sead ae ‘ we ij ah ail eu ) mf a 4 tis ~ dace ¥ ’ ta OE) ’ ta fy : 08 Rs e § opeb . Bad - 4S igs » 4 C; 4 « es > $4) de ” Ct mt us - iJ i? fh. oath ty ) md a ‘ qed uf : x e ys ni “4 Vi id ZS tie i Cc} ey +} + » t » svt Dd t. %, ey 4 at ed 7 wd ms t., > ae 3 ~ & ss; B e er *3 qa aT. sed ez <3 ye tea . 5 C3 > of1 " Dugq Ua oS Wisne ca Sen ied ed ‘ |: | > Ey - {bil on b 23 ehus . "yd = o~ % x Ow . e) f.3 ° (2 ; te me Yet oa . ny ee: fos vr we we : f.. ae bon pee ( Ww © _* ond et ‘ ‘t$ j ~ ie 2S jo" ee & >° ev~ ee oO ~ +s Snag . : Oo aye eres ri ed ke ’ 5 orgtv 01 ge : i : Ry @ 9 ca Wp oh bi“¥ omy as. ws wwoe : wal e ws . . “5= PY) oe‘o t: ons _@ wal = eT3 vs v' G on wey ees oy ‘ rm ‘3 e* bt oa re - ‘ e < deny ~ > vd dP Sa a eo #7 Ua ~w r c : j ghia , ie tt e oP g ona A ~i ot os #74 the 2 rt oa . *. ip $ : nag 4% eA iy © v4 j ae Be prs es ai of oN er 8S fa eS Pee oes <f a.” “e.7 <3 oa ’ ’ ae ; wo ae i ; * ‘ i Ra ant ge OS , ’ pend we > _ be i a = t c a Y4 | ; 4% Se -i we ry y sod @ : nit rs * ; w exe a mJ gt ond fr ¢ ry : oe f oj “3= vd 4 ; & Bz Vee ESoe ty ‘ =i} er eo . , 3 ere _ ‘~~ ond te Me i 4 du. ia, ee god + y vy 3 we Bs2 { : a2 por} #“ {4 * d ge i ul “ i ” Rx, : ‘ e hen > 4 = 7 ° i gee ee i om ™ Rs 3) io om ‘4 Ms Mo Py Sy 7 *. eg: P iv fed - at: g% - » syed sy e.. “oly _, beg Bed » RD 4swo a 3 a o ; be Bee 2 €e9 Ww ¢ a id ~,- ™ oye avg a Spe j “a Soy ~ Seg a r cone 7 ¥ ry ss a4 at 2 = ) ui. t ria ’ ‘ ; bg 4 3 5 ; % 3 J art eS) ec, ‘. i~ Pro4 as ? 3 ait ’ King CG oe eat aea oa) ~ a CG) behie ° Be *. Oey i ol ae . $ r a) ta ; tw h. ° 2' a “ . ou a ay s % a 3.8 x ae ri ~*~ a ; ’ } Somes wy “e ‘ vad “J @ J Io RA P: mS eh s e Sat a £ id i oo & 304 ab oe a ya o - a Ps ‘> pay 5 Sogn ._* ~ a> ~ ;f TS; ye noe : je edé rs + . sede’ ey age ; . t ae eRe <a t a sf “,\oe a 7% a , Ca aa é e So 2 OK* ® ‘ ie “ °°" iy ‘ s 7 ~§ 7 4 a g ertiehp» Ps ’ | : 2 Se S, ’ i ‘ te : : 3 . oe eee ae } ° ? t¢ > ees’ on AY o :. : ‘ a Sie ‘ B;de Me 4070" — sous : ‘ : > - wong 5 “~i ' std , . e vet . ‘ ad e< 53) el. Es ; “cS . -3 Og ’ . rs e * LF Pa : ie % "* “4 aaa gic} ce t ay fa-» \é i “y . gio i “4 “"s wad ~~ ‘ a, og “ ‘ 4 i x. rs - , \\ “af ‘ we f . Fe: . . MINUTES OF THE MPETniG OF THI UNZOR BUILD = ree ary eee COIMMIPTEL Vecms TT ; \ k: BLS Ge mY J. Farrell Fresent:: dJecobs, Margaret &. & » | ey Sy: Shepheré, Louie Williem and R. A. (Cheirray}. Niles Herrod, ‘eymond ©. Rheed, fi tt 3 Vine ye “~ os s tee a 7 Mick fe reviewea ioe RtstT i the a. ee - acer wit} Set, dames 1959 LT -~ “—2 - which ee 5 heve , - pm & — ae | ee, f= Keith W. Ww. Ogden, A. Malen Lex F : © / enFo ee f ok * staan P o WLS Baddle; and Farrcli R. Collett. 7 j {§ y 2:20 He alae MickeyP ember “son, 4 So fet, rr 9 hh. &Poulos, HRurct, James ctepas ve ee Grogory,, W. Db. Marva H. Welker, . ~ ff JANUARY W. D. Stratford, . cheirman fC Miller, P. President Absert: » Z2Cc, A. Gladwell, Wilcox, Clarke fF ROOR, . “« been + ‘ toizen 7 ae, " on Union * © November 24 «-« The commit iee reviewed the firct set of schematic GLENN & end epproved ents oxging e the building from 42, 00@ square feet tr * GOO square feet, which automatically increesed the cost of the builéins by aepproximcat tcly $200, 00 0. January 16 -- Presicent dfiller and Dr. * Foulger ecnferred with H.H.f.A. o officials in fan F'rencisco on the details of the epniicetion. They reported thet the San Fvrenciscoe office is retcy, as scen es some additional in~ formation is suppliec, ta approve the application and refer it to Washing- ton for the final approval by that office. ~ gf 7 ~- Mr. Wilcox received Porier Butts! esardins the first schematic crawings. report and recommend- Cc Jenuary . {vn} i . 30 aa ++ Myr. Wilcox is pres mting today the second set of schematic 7 @ revision of the first sct. Architect i icox described the new schematic drawings. Mr. Wilcox steted that if the first and second floors cost $18.00 per square foot, entire basement would have to be finiched for $4.60 per square foot. the first end second floors cost $17.06, finished for $5.90 per square foot. $7.40, $15.00 6143520: + $8.90, $14.00 the basement would have toe be $12.00 - Comperable figures are: ~ $10.30, $13.00 - $11.80, $16.00 - on recent bids he is retisonably sure Mr. Wilcox stated that b stant the firct and s i leors can be built for $12.00 - $14.00 per aguare foot, including placem: int of ductc for airccenditioning, but not ~ & inciuding airconditioning r the Ff NY ’ ‘ a ; te < . { :NYQo \) \ \ D ® ‘Y . y af oC maar Sy = e, i 3 a)‘ \ ° oe 4 } | inse = vot dy ~- + “ty oa ; z, Ko g ae co 5 ® > tot re gfe O ee amt * =e Hts jay He ¥p os 2 TN Bee a ”~ xy : a ’ a " @ nef &) fy tS 6. o tmp “3 a oa.° a) pg os +3 fx EN O . own, ct ty -8 i gi 5 QO Lb vt ¢ “5 : “4 Ve 4 a 8 ss "0 ee a Ls U4 a . . ct int bed sia ~ <B e i : ” i ; [2] i oO 5 ‘. i ee o : 2 oe “4 [=] : H re 3 ° rt root AUR. i) ey f) rhe ” nt nt << > éaik . r :} aa eT < Zo a polw * Ma §eee at) iQ “a's i a4) © fa ie s. ; ° ‘ Gh: ‘ ah oc : . Fe ‘ HM . alt «4 eh * 8 ogBe t- ‘4 ple; @ rae A p eit : Awd on ~ oS = 2 > meee: () } Lie ~j al 3 Li) by f fSag "7? et rw} a po} ei ~—, te a Pee a” ” Sa ag no a * “hy e~l re ; A ey ce AD = fe teo © : ~ qo id te) ‘ 44 >. 1 kaa RS er ~~ 4 Sig eG td tess aige. is© Poa bs 8 8 San | | at esQing cj - SC BES co — eee tant C ’ ‘ a a7 S ey ee ae ee re eM ~~ Sy Tek eo CeO fet Sot an et cot O . fl, ‘ a) (4 — be a a 0} ee rat = i iar in)oe hh cs.- o ea WY gO pot3 Py rea ~j {c bon OM a ik t~) . 6 cng ae gee Sion Tt a in - . i} fix) vj > 4, +4 ft a os 3.08 $-< ZS id * " ha: 's! r—4 ag 2 rj be) “ne 5 ‘3 nd ; : ie . > ie b v e pte: | hay 3 C3) hod éy a Se HOS OOH. lee ie Pe rt Cal = oo tit a ud i 7 5 ®) { c} od Sod> - oSOe mae a fy i> gy r} ’ 9 ‘wo 3 0oO «dF at v oO “bo oe “4 a... A aeT2 on a mn wen ‘ SF f oS) eH) oe | eal, aefj ~ «) i mt fy 4 ) t ‘ it c { ‘ =) ~ q 7 ee is aa i? “) ‘ C Cds bs O {) |4 0) 84 okt a 3 eeLj oes oy fg oe he kh on ree. eS e 3300 oe B8G 0) 8as Soe ur a oe oe ~~ 2.3 Sad Xin} oO - ane mm! <> hoa et “3 & - — i : . & Oo O “ , . = - ° = Q) 2 : O 1 y re, rs : ds ; v BOCt *.evi 2 oo poa rt () Oo ° : ey ae eS } oar’ t “s a :a4 + : ro re} id rs ee su . ¢ j .Q { fi OS as UG Y 98 (3 fo 0) i (J : S 8 ~ 6 : os cw oD at sn et 6) a. ¢ Q, Swlo ~i. O 86 CA Cig, ws Oe Oo Se TO 4 S Wy Mm wee eyl @ cf 4 fi Co ol) tg} re . 4 e) J qe +Oo wd KC 0: oe () J Rog 16 : ad gee Wy wh ro} eR nS el o MYmj 2 VC »~~ & “oy f3 ee H 2 ff og a 8an s VY "A,Cy QQ vat Fo Boys.0 fo: iy , ty Tw? Gi) > t) * & mi 8C) ‘ ri ¢ ae aes ‘ : "O 4 Cj ae m Lg) We CU wpoeelfps ¢ Oo nO i emt | 48 0 &‘ oO 3 + J a S CO ea yy @) ) w ° o.8 qe O43 2 eo i fo aa =: O ye te I = Do J ae Ch 5» 8 : C3 ° ¢~} ®@ O eed Cc t ; i = « : fq ay iy . i) g | ci 3 bi ' Q @o ey 8 ‘ . a4 0 Oi a) ats it o i q) a Oo 2 3 re "Sa UD wad gt a ood “. a7 a f2, tid a 0) Cj a. O n ™ ry) i. > 9 3 ‘@ ba a | ha \ , & oY ‘OS ed co ors be DO ” i FD) o- ” i - a fc < 13 . \ : * ‘ty om ot oO waGo. rlty tee 0a3 PE ct fen ‘a : GO°F5 © Ls 4 *.° @ he G tent ao ceag :% go . oe ¢} > eke 4 ed f-y a) : {J : a Oe osChe Jago te) ®t ’ rd W os bs ao “sop: Q¢ 4 et O 2? ay Co Y & OF t pee a eo w ty sy iw aS() -Bh aesQO © f { a 4 wi w t . eyCj Sei . fF : Ooo © 4 Be oe a 13 8.9 .& . rs} dW tI >mi 9 @9 a e® of on oO ow oo ra i ete bed = a {) ' ©) end i @ © es a5 U25 O 2 ret > fet <j ae G4 {) A a 22 EO 2 tony | ° ce t a ant {or 0 rf ~ 2 8 eecs *. c OB Qo i - by ls ong vt eed ” “Ce 54 3 as el a4 es o c cs ¢) ci Oo — L 2B O aS ole? @ SO Aas YoA, On © i Qo Fo at oo gael fas agri “o ON Ot vw cS © Sa oh > Fan of c* e srt a om i Be S998) Bo vr Cj Bg 3 08 % : 4 ; orl 4 i = So". oY } Ouse “J ri 6g 7, 0 7h Ba 22 aea4 o oe 3 as SES 2 R Oo ‘ §2Oe ORY a ‘2 u 0 “| @ ob V3 (93iad a ) med AD yor epee ee = iv) BO Seok qi of SUsds toons7) . cae” ky, ¥ © omit rHwma eo. 14 ao fej Bm ~a tO o* @) G 332 ¢: 4 ° ef 4 ri clO.-2Q: es© o~ aet) 6 oo G3 w? gd S "A ot 0 zg ‘ a oi é ond 7 a oe J er“ c} | © m By oe wl - oe &) i ol.3 Cia ty acts hy fi é ® oO vied ° ) Lt yw 5 BE: %; ge . 3 » f° wa re st 2 - ae y re \ c3 “| eee ae 0 OO i See . OD of Ue m GP *% ee : EL t tw} *O ‘ en} AUGHmMO J Sa Oe O09 9 ie ii ces OP 0S 8 aus BO og gens © oc eee “tf mM: ‘ae ve > ”yO. © Gt © “ ee ; 38 oO Yo Of — ae ew rw 1% x trtl b+) me “a #3S 8 es 4g e iW . 99 Ok a) DB 2 Ue‘O s = ae & u he ss 3 J ()fi : 7 Pay tat ee tt! ow” 3 GS as | c : md oe s no d5 ed at aed ee : ‘ re 3 -+! ; att ‘ sagas f* tH ry ght ar. od S ~ee 2 BN eres pe onf nj : : ee hee aT a 7) ” TuLo Rao J SE ses wouSs og Son 'GSoBee 9 & Oke. ff ee oo i ss Oe , fe a > ao H8 Op oe 1 Mie m. ; B BW 2 oo vo a ® ae Osi oe oe a? : eel ® , FO ) wetgy ay 4 Ge 6ee . t) 3: >: ¢ OP 29 t) “YO @ * (888684 P Xe’: 3 ti ry o ae ag . oy UW rf i hy st CJ 2 9 oO of] 2 > 5 DG 0.5.% v ond ” VE oe 4 et ‘> O = ‘ =} 3 4 2 o r © OU 67. UO ~% > U ne Go oR. of ~ 78 es 4. 00s: @e ty tA: © ee O at] . se ofes2 058.075 haa 3ape oye ob * fa, } 14 ied t: ¢i* Gs ‘ 4s A at (5 t, os 4 6 ‘ ww 5 a; = t O ? a a eee « og, Se S * J, as w& tame | oe me "4 Sw 7“ ‘ wi o mi po} go cnt . wy ~ t} S Se et ud } a “gt - eV aed. OT OE Bet on: ge 0. Oe Sod’ a qe U S ea A ‘ DHA eset 2 q S ef® UY ¢ at reat , a t) @ 72 ‘ax ond os ci ‘ et a Oe <o'af bo} iy , J vy) is ~w ‘ q‘«) : < mo 0 © Y 5\ 3 A ® . ‘ S~ ae m ON > ', “ my La ~ fap h, yy D4 e ° i“; ps CJ s OS o‘e (my Xo oe c a ra Cay i -wf a i on “Sy fy. ¥ pt ES ; r fe 4 3 © a he fey ted phy i“ .% ams [>] (7 m1 om pe eS age a un Be . R O om} G o. a =~ i ved 3 8 a. = et) ® a=| © ! a a nm} t. i a By © 4‘a as ec at ® Ae iu ts hs © o| fx} ae}> «S& a fht el - (3 tte ee ae 2 a} ~ “ay ar a ey ee ONG e} a = oe oo Oog ty © yog "tTj - OY 4 ws = tS reya fy 2 . , PwAs @ 0) 3 © (Q bk C) be — 3 in3 ee Pe oa * wed Cy) oe e6 4 hey ve s 0) ; C4 Mh OS Ce oy 5 ; <f~ 2 el emt i) 3 . aes “in ae ey Pr . Fy : ek rt+ i. at, 2 o6 v2 y oe Oo s a ee e ee - oy i an Soon = 2 ba VY sosie “a, 8 WH ‘S I (3 + Um a} (2 Sa“@g f OU) .n) “4“4 - ode O voo a "gd i ¢ fy r eS fw ., 2% ty te, rm “3 os iy § “1 eet “ 3 Q yo st . bé band Obi es , wro ong, c; 44 A "4 ws "Oo 5 @ ty ¥ Q y , “o sO rp a 8 § “¥ ci 0 SG -f : Ao : F4 ask”$3 set@ Lind ¢) rcy ~~O; 2) od 9R¥R op wW& s VG uD 4 to * OS oo : e “eG + a ee: qa wy zs te oi fo Go itOo 4 (Q : ¢ &) ced T*s ott ‘ ~ 8: with see : iN = + 8 xh S i i ! . os %. 8 iu OD =“ . .. 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Go - i+ ~ : o~ e+ be © ove - r OA te ‘ oe z ote *.¢7 tae ewes. we ° . ~ ie ow Mer ° ‘ je — i wt° we Oe ° pon pew ~_- - ° . . - at ares - :oss - ects ibe .* ° # -- f nt - °° _—“—-—- “-“—< o a eee ote ome 8 eae : he. ° . ’ ’ ff & a Llijee % + + “i yt | ; oJ - eee fn s+ & ts a O® : oO oo as ee ” ay “wee «¥ o & ot}: 0 wt HK teh ~ — ° -” = ole Ye eve + » ian] ty Nee ee 2 er ° 3.0) - ~“e- “3 - ante et —~ ‘ 8 nm ‘ Or ot 8 a Ae ° "a a er -~, Aa co oe a ~ - “- €2faritie ee ee -* : a "i. . ‘a a y *s ao »& 3 es + 234 ‘ow . -“* s+ awe - - @ 7 ~ is ed a - - cage ee ‘ - | - - om ~_—- s.° gy, Ce - « <3 se &.. am we om & any - ne et we ‘ we -* ¢ oo ty, bed “wer on ~ cc * SA re the ote at wehe wg ne’ ° Pi em wey Ow oo ww a oe 3 =m _* = i; ha wm tee — -_ = ee ee Pe ee eee ee ee —~-— 4° * o ed “yes ‘we? x - INE be “¢ ae aan fos 4 a OS ~ i~ ee rN wy *. ye es ie : a - “oa ~, a 4 4 . ren - = 29 rem ; agen ~ « wer ge. teot 5 ” > ° or ae :° ; 1 ' tise ww * oo ~* on * ~s +4 a ¥. e . +e om a . 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PLS it Lok @ LAY dnp o Spee on Ge . - wm +. fe ba! 8 an? — ° «- we pn 3 ~_ o at ohdp “ho Oe Bee ot bine re o,. o ¢ t= 4 . -_— it e ees TH * -~+ . - ~ wet te > umn -* - iis wm SOS 7 ee en - 7. ~ om - . O tant ; Fi ° ~~ we Te 7+ . ‘ o f= me et . o-% ‘ etn . - ee ZL See 3 4 wo \ orscc ihe td ep Goo ie . - 5 ed wim er hs ed ~ - ‘ oS e- oy % o _ ~ ¥ 4 - - - oe be . -* o ~ i & «4 ‘ « es 4in *- ~ ef ae ae eee +. ~ i . te, -_- 7 -« ; at . re . e meee . oe Pet wo . Ree Se Afe~ a eB é Ass .m, Pe - ° erage. -¢ e - *» { en ee - FX a - et at 60 -y a cab 0 + ~ oo. « “p? os ‘ si? ewe 8a” Sats + my . ised ~ - ‘ trae ® -- -~ o on ow - a — i . me I oeae wit CE de BWSt eee She ee Sw set 4 +9 woe - we ne . _iemy ‘ ee Sk fe ‘ ee tts 0 ° ee oe 4 - +" we - e - « « éae ae >= ° , ee : w~ -s -4 ls Sia Ee wt wide =e 4.8 es eS we we St won me » + — 6 ey o ° o< - “. Ss ie ee J °-* * ro = , ~- os “ok <—* se am PS rod SF ye ° ‘cin © , ay . 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Ft ©) + ke Pe 34 "' i . meee ips oe gt ~ oo a ‘ © ‘ oy os. e** a ro def & os pa * hed, rst ~ Om % tM} ad oes Gy eo Su, as (3 ted! ny Mey: et "3 x > ‘ gt pe rs * a oo A 0 a ‘>* %. <A 2 wd >at r sad a we ‘ nied Jed O wud . wane +4 <# i~ fs a x —s *¢ ae) ty . ered ee OD sions ° GC} C 4 r iJ Ons >? ee: wt Pond ‘a CG} 3 ri} tt; a! . Ww ees rs ‘ eo 4 io | wef ree niagu * od a ~ * Ly 4 Fi’ C2 * 4 moo 3 rr © ; ad a | — 3 © «4 . 5 a} me ae ~ na vy _™ oie = - SS ‘“™ CJ 2 C} et ons ° . 4 i oeae e O49 ag?8 ‘ est » y t Es ; 4 ' ‘ ' ' d 3 a fe ¢ ~ ie _ “+ ~~ rN ee ee 4 ‘as Act ™~, t;-! a c .4 ew ‘ re’ gp et f f Des~ ws ~ L a > i O ao! Ws 4= _ @ ‘ : ro : Set Nt aes¢ cso ND Pe ~ : 2 “iD C*% . = Sane uM = ~~ sa 4 n see i . tom re ee re 4? ety Vnwe as ‘ ‘ 3) 2 ef t ¢ { ed «'. ma ® * eo . P be ‘ a ait t~ Cu vs! wo~ XO ’ ry “a i} pik 7 mt OD + * oS *, o 0 ° 6 le se ua ?"* wed ’ ~ ~4 ‘2 = o£. wo oS % = 5 "aa se - %ww ‘ (} beat aay cy : t. peed $ A; 4 ;"* . - 4 84a . +8} & ° al* +s use CA:. “= : 3 & qey ici » aaaa CN ee * \ ‘ 5 “© H ox : 2 - to ‘ * 4 > b “ co - ma* Oy} or} = ge Ni , o <0} 2 . “at. ce); iy = 4 we) ~ wy}; r - >. x tha . ' ¢ n Leg ee a27? ¢3% iN ub as : ry \ ™ <4 ( ¢ oa rsa - , ! ‘ f ef) 6 . co ‘ ‘ : <r 3} « {\ Ai ‘ as "s 1 [> aed = 69 mi « tod : ‘ oo oe a Cry cn em Ww co “4 Niwhy - 2 ~ % iN “O 7 } “s° a ty , ; a? @ i>} ‘ ‘ . : 4 ge . J ron , ° ‘ ? on, «at ae avemnt ay, ei 3 ‘ Os . s j . rel Mae ~~ ¢ ie c* vlad . “2 Salay > iy . 5 fy C - me “ “is ej ¢ = . . cc ” * c , i 4 = 3 vy2 by =) rf > si . @ ? os NS 2 — ©: mx (s! . “3 rs ©) cS es a. ‘ 5 5 (= 4s} 4! anes. oN . e. 1 3 } f ; ~ a) co od ce k ? ae ‘ : EN. cat we 1 2 ae ‘ tod 4 ca ae °* Ss , as ‘ch . a i f°.” ; 819 5 , Ser dt 4 : — 2 o $ CU iO 8 io ( bayo. 7 a9 o - jens ¢ c; is $<¥) fi fc Cc ort re e pws ~ 2 ve “ yet grt Sed a3 a r xq: Fut oy 3 in es 7 C3 gre? t , ; ae Ane’ yas 5 ete a ? f* ed: ys ts} c *~ “ee a? * j © aeee O Soy @ sao e1 ~ rd ‘ we peal . ‘ Sate 4 oad e~ A or ra ot. C5 oS i tea 3s io a a 4 Rg phe it~ rot co ; " ae (sg c , Sa i) C3 nN °- @ 3 29 pe by 4 (Qj “. nv * baled fs Zs f CO . ro ie “ RN 7 © + ‘.syed e4 * i . on é wD “F % ~~ $6" ae : 4 ° s qi \. = we tuA t; < $ sos r ad . -) (%s ~ i te , ‘ ‘ SS -— w : ; ND ~ ‘ raw Kine} ¢ . . m3 " a ‘ @e .¢ “ ‘aw a ” nd SS Gu . * ‘ Ou wt 4 =. 4 wed » ms ‘vs2 ; . ‘ > a: . a % we i yrs % _ ; te? a) } a) ma, -% ‘ ” ° f * ‘ ese. os ~ «3 oe yw J . oo i , ” o~ 2 q t 4 rd % os ke ’ i, at “+ ry ¢€3 - 5 : ‘r 2 - é yt .ad ? 4 4 / S Y os. an ‘ ww! 6 I au —' / i 2 a f-. we f a ' Me Va 4 Gy Ba Rsk ea foo e¢ fi, - et 2: sv ; | gee a ‘ m.* rs .; $2"9 ft a = ' “ oes eg! e* ® ¢ ° : d ed rs ¢ A ne. ow oN" * tS a@ 05 s 7 pes — in . et T.4 ‘ i eA 4.% ee a amy J w * ° ae , 2 ‘ ais ‘ 44 re oe a gd) J . * e “ Bye! wd 4 end us * ° > ; ‘ - 2 on™ “ a ‘ > ‘ 4 - 7 oboe v = % . : vod : ‘ * s ae. ~~ i i . 3 ; ‘ ’ } ' ts _ a 5 : . » ce a 2 } ‘ « a. o = 22CO ~* at on = ‘ : da - . gf Fat “ ‘ ; : . : r. e es en , : ra . J 4 ‘5 . -_*%* t's oe 8 i am or we di . a a pinvemret de¥.?.¢ pray - coe ewe Sostrme eaten ae Pi Ley Gan - oat ° ene = * et he - har f @ ae. Abeont: be o- 1: * ~ fairy - , oon Me i ne " Net Ze ee nF case dacs mn o- & .. « ; « be, ‘ o*4 . ee a ome < « ae 6 gunis 34° c we i ~ 3, "4% : ~ ae obi - ” e ee ~ ’ =? @ af T+ ao as tm ° BP Fanedt< ~ Tra 09 wo ce, ur oe - 2 7 » CSawe co. am Rit aS 11 hee. . eS bes ’ { > wr ese . - ro Pa Ze - As fr aZ oe ee SBC Se - . oe 3 w Sei a. i -_ ry © le > — A 2 “ ~ - fy o~ ro aa Be pt me 3 7 STOOSI g WA ed gy g Incorporated 8 Wh o Fouleer - Veatew de 3 AVEELE ee ns en R. ———s 5 “ oy eS hoe tte ess “* a «e+ 94 oo” Oe uA ' - ¥ devote ee _ oe . ——* io - Ly Bs @ - ’ 6 fee doe 5 Ou’ =a-20@ BA . a _—e- of 4 Jomes a iztes xa .omb ~~ bs age wo te Suni at Se! ye trea" ane hm i Le Oe ern, Ul ELnabaee eae 0 we din-Wydnt Tank oe Neo 0 - ee Seucnvdelsecbercs ° aelee SX OB Oe Diliierd e* DeLale ‘ @ wi v any k 3 Vs nom s&s wet'idose os J ont Claceustl, - ° ve a , f sa pac - * Ped -es0 Vten ‘ , * ~~ gy o> is ~~. | : ae yar Pag - - * 4's ? nee te . Oo I> “rg u's. oe cere cs tae “ . kt : : ~* - se Mets - he Sy ; > ‘ e of fis Fs o? £2". . wewee _— tee Ge. Jan We zg 3 fom Gio wt» re 06 om wes ; iete te Gs iene Lo * fi , we 2 o£ ve iw “7 - 8 ILLSE Raymond Ty ~~ - oe Cha e+ “- . s owe ae fo an qr ~ we a eee &? osso fo 7s “ys 2 ae | at wns eikartaa or Oe ee o- oe ee Oe ee. UWS oes ~ het - iz. * — ~ ° ee +* - 6 a oy Sa aa SUZIQIBeE we oe em be we tree §— Gece Read. ‘ =~ ~ 3 i os z Preiwcce a - since - -~ q£45 oo ie Sw Tiw se o; a: ~- . — 3 atv’ « and <LA ow 6 ny i ‘ coum de '- +i en mae ol §3223.3 San, Nabe tod oe ? : [FT m% lead 7 wc wn, Le cir - ee Se An os : Cinw*. Hye aes oo bo FS . BESALS@ e:.@ . (me wees wet Sage tet ge Seed ene gee HS ~ a2 « WAR ten - £5 rr ee 3 ov Cec - «6 DHree Posen bs ee ww &> - se I ~ Ps eens cite rua ow ve A. . Bode - a's Ohne Ne ait oe ve ae “* - e -—“et mh. Bia tet OF wé ‘ $ : or *~- a spies wae : Oba i doce ty? Bstri awa Oe NP Oe We gas "+ se ho ‘ 92 oe iex “+ oom “ Tones - ‘ a rhet ks 6 oe ~. . ss g™ og ~~! ea? fraf Sas o oe Shaken Subse so be *meen as et), . . 4 . om, § eur ; Qs Cree © SO a wm we Sr-8.% ee a Wet Se le ° SeKele “, 2" o- bet } 6 -. te Mepet ae we Sires ss ah fF - as Ga" ee A @~ i nae tile bc5-0s ab cbs dun Candee Coe : 4 ** - e> ne - isd oa; wee Ouine B. and Sno : 2 Te zt ne - SO bal - Cian teu”. Ci ‘a 4 a ee ua tccae ’ fr 4%Wi a ae a eve ; . ¢ é ‘ . Sg « o - « § ° uta “ -Sree 8 bow’ ws oa ete ee e 6 9-3? Soe . Ct SUM heeTU 6: he cakaas HM Jisoe -~ ta? and Bw? Bae ae aad * 4... @ yt t.44 er @ , hinitverson, 1 in deme gia Senlensothy “Se‘ votre get “: = BE NF cad s« Le one fr were ee 7 *- . = onCee 0 i oN cat oo % = « bey + y Gat ‘ we . ; - fasta) mE, : Urle wei Baul 2 ° “~ nes’ ted Tea ae : > ; “8 Be. ~ o &- Seater ome. . a 645 . a ° f be i tiiawt ¢ 2 om ob daqecetetes Se - % - aonb edn> st5 bw “7 i Sint nadie. oe a ae i -~-* e-6 erty tte ae . ate .* ww? coone, mechani © ~ ~-— ¢ : . i 4 Oe 2 the han 65 Gila’ . r e ay . wets We t6 “v}* o va . 2 — UP -. ix f SRM . TT Titer a @ - Coe )% ¢@ f+ . * i ape Ne ut come che ~* Htiwee | ee , e-s > ~ LF Aor ww = f t' . > < : Soe e fn‘ Sa - - Hee abate ° roe ~ . Rig ® ; wee ~-* —* t.- WA en wi Este se. em * ‘t @ <2 : ak 9am 2 tue S48 cn OT, e kc oF Se fa wage ~ a es i £02 Org HD oe tite » ° ~~ da o 7 «- vg © om Oe om om, ate \% Ge re b? ¢ a YPUTN Geae Hs se “3 C247 SON Tos devs Gr CS s nO he - oe eteetl® Whence ic Mah ves = ee nee Cut ss dno ¢€F , & tbh Ww mF wi Wahew ‘ a 2 we Vy 7 ee o ty - a oh © aa ms * Collee eere 1.37 cm Yam SFiS £ diok me? a. a~<- @ - = ot oe © yon?‘ PA CD a Sede Ned Unitted Sr a pert Canada REA memcoctis¥ - " 73 ae Pee Se ey. Ge Pr ova Wats Rated 8% i. 405 ~o 7." ‘ onwte@ » co pte . ‘li a om “s+p @ ae on ¢ °F > tee Ot we +4 z ee 7 x Ot ate cr =< te rent eae -, LS Tif “2°. 4 £afo° CP4y FON mt CtS ne ECounmyneS . 6° % MCs Cree * ons 5 WVAiS w GSSae ct oe ATR °<, ‘> yes o mE ha Cis Sed wiribe fa, er Zits qc ~ Sr <a} aS ae =rs. eid . oe > - > Oz ye TEP CeCe S is or . o- % 4? f° F% By" CSSA rt -—~ "Cc es - 3. 7°RPTS + VP OSs ae ore wnt ak fess Vv S hts tt 3 we > © ne R3¢ g. wee 24539 oy ° e«¢ ” >. , 5 cy & OF. - i eee ge SIL Cs - , “ ene Tee % 3") ec CEstS hee 8 op tien: A oad de ee “” £42.& Lea _ -_e-ae i ee ee a, OO om hay = se - oea he Ricdedc we te 4ee : ie ek * ee f ~ “4 15002253 { L . - a? lf te tet, bg Linoue i A tewesdilees tat ole -. CFG =<. + = - ee Net co C7 7 es - eet io a > ‘ Gn yt es “y =a ow Say de te tates dts aw tcrbbaoast SL 7es OU ~~ 2 ROI YET »* S° OF Mistae deta ds ~ 3 ° 69 . ae Ee ON, ° fs pers po SED Ge L Gete Bt en dea tx = .- ats pe ss S2I7 C3 vc os few ter OF ES oR. : ~s set O10, 6%. i Mmrreti = > Gade - oy Ge oo, a ® S$ s 71 eve: tb at =. * ELON ES Mies we “A 7 > * ~ oy oe bt ee ¥ Sle om EG my Gee e em pseien wo apehet, eat ML acon 3 , Hs. ** @. f= ho 4 oN I, oa ~~ t e a ” yitoe mMreiet 50 Wh Re ole wife 2 - PGEROLESd t.™ Gi i LS “2s + ee eee fl. « Cx F “ See OR S ty SF i SE OE maa Nw ot Oe SE OF Fel f° SCLLSCTiG:: f. dinar %. Ea 6ZaSE rey - Sie eae b aa tee Soo ee ae SSE MOM Mas SkBE ow, Nig RR “eA oe UV £avss Or tA - of i SS OF ¢% 4 Ee ¥ Rett Oe . oe im a STUCEM 2 - ~ develeprecnes ’ C 8. pt° eee és 4 ee 3 +3: 4 lw We eeae we et: - - LESS f to? va iA . ru: > WES a oe OL rayne a 5 oN La we cr ° PYOETeCS Sing 2. 3 7 > ~*~my wo Gs we ~ erieemecisp das A drcnWow Swe ew? oe C2 cnr - Yr.SS G 3¢: + (Lé.6tiastai., : £3, 4%; Wud coda «? the | -- r ~ wer de eye Pe 5 aa we es4 +> 4 Coed o.% ene - ~ cn 7 , -@ "OG «wi 3 ~ 2 ° Qe: 2 @ . ° er -- Po saamee’ ae « tente ASKS SSbe wwtc Cre €F cae Fim ~ = — Te TIS Be ~-— Te CueTe ee he? to e- v2 St VATS S bene tertengs ° r Ta a~ ~ ee ee GAS, ° Sem bn bh lat “es 5 ERO -ChEL- - - fre wo: é Or fy. haz OF75, NPTOROSHO Fd, UF iS ee ELL ° Meteo on U2 _ tT —e 8 =e rs ¥ yO ’ eed 32% Tiew fom hk. ° ® Eee: nsdn ee watbtide Gale ate Mees - CO!O7 Oe hs on — Se: «8 $25 : eo Keni Hore ed ee me ee . . a i FF c * -W Cc _-- ee EES. - -yes wir ~ -The, - pe Vee ef, er oe OB . a ORV. © C5 Me El er te & «¢ PUTRI 2 Sele on Kacey s We howe a i -_s- . Ee VSS Es Set - EAE ee * PT Beas @ e- é 65 tw a STS ws Lo & ore ~ ° 2 ° Se, eet tie whe - ad - C48 ter fe, ww F Oe, 3 at ree ~~ emer — eS SS > ieee ViLirch @ . weaw a SFPTALLSBCBes de os ween pov, YP wwewhn oan of TSN Ce CLEA -4F e YS . - he ta et ” 73 MAS GVA Sand ace , Sho EO who ain ta > ~, - «eT = ceaVW Eacte MERE wwe aoe ’. * - Lifestins ener fonsvee = F- eo 4 bm -—— - tee Crist CPM YU Fa eo a . WINUEES OF Lis MEETING LETTE HELD AL 2:00 Policy, Present: J. Farrel: Shepherd, : Louis A, Gladwell, James Mike Miurcock, President % i a bsent: oxcennies 3 hoit. ” W. Fiowerda Ll | DB. We. ‘ce - ine 3 - on Mertva H. SAT « +e e- Dean , ees 4 q ; oe ~ 3 - D. Baddley;, ey Paul and Lex — W. W. Tages Farrell R. Collett, Roymond E. Rhead, and - Chfistensen, Reiph Peterson, . Gregory, £ BR. ‘ Fculgser, Keith Wilitam 5’. Miller, - Stratford, Ogden, 37 OF THE UNTON BULTLDING PLANNING COM NOVEMBER 16,1959, IN BOOM 208, —_ P Halverson, Margaret A. Malan S. Jacobs, Phe Gheairman gave the comm ttee a copy os the minutes of a mecting Nevermber 4, at which Architect Wilcox outlined in detail estimated costs of the uni dings anc aiso che costs involved in each of eleven a Ca we Mes Pha + ~ ——- e re? ao one a * st - we , A ie : 1437 : 2 xa ‘ * . opwe anne fe Ry 2% . a ~~ £ #4, —- 2 : o : & ~ £L ¢. - . 2 y on . ” nutes showed “het if the bids equal $15 per square and $6 per square foot for re 1 paris of the basermcnt, that the total cost ef the building, bookstore and adjoining corridor, pus shelving in the bookstore, Oa barber shop aud the toilcts wese included, -vowld equal $806,079. The total funds wiifinished evalickie the: are £706,000. the additicnc! Dx. which 2s of July following sources: A., Escess Income 5. income for on Foulger $100. 000 1S260 the loan begin > Fund (present and and President i: needed 1, can be Miller have mede 10,000.90 19€1 before payments 87,000.00 time} 3,500.00 additive i five, to include alternate aliornates seven, S axe citached. Architect Wilcox cight, number nize, presented to which have beds returned from Portsr recommendations. A. Problems six in the base ten and cleven. the coney Cs and 100,500.00 of this estimate, the A-schitect has beon instructed to delete one, two and three, to replace these with deductible alternate 5 tour frorn the 1960 Lote! eliernstes estimated available Butts with bid and Copies to include of these a set of working drawings his suggestions and coensilered by the coramittee were: Precent plens show a double door entrance to the outings khceads, Mr. Butts’ r:icomzendation is that this be reduced to singie dcor widtz. Tire committeec hod no objection to this on / y ‘ ; i =) ~ o / _— ses . 4 , < ‘ ? ' - * 3 Raa Pi wo —« 4 ee af jf 5 ed 4 ear <r « s ; ’ ‘ 3 te . oe - -~-* - ~ . e. ‘ * ea n'a Dee * _ aor soe we em Cee ¢ 64 ws - - a ‘ 5S: hyp Ae /» . . a . = -- . oo ‘- tn e e ‘ oon . - ‘ad . e Raia g atte esas, -- ones mF - eccae S* ~~ oo © wwe “ ’ ‘om ~ * oe . 5 eA 1 ~ am -— ~ew* Se p*omw + ’ woe . “ 4 eer vcmee ds ot TT 5 ant . “rs > ‘3 - ‘ ‘ OY BSF ** = - ew '; oe t \ % 98, £ rere Se* err e ° oo 9 ers . eo° ~~ om ae “a? wet - e = ans,© te” ed ° 5 er win Of “nme 4 eee we awe - +7 meer ee 7 bee . oom 6¢ . > — ‘ R=2 tee 9 ‘ & = - , pert oft “a ae c 4 . +." 16 4 , an * . a wee Ff “ act f%; few bie . Om a a, wm at - o- 6 - e -_* als © ~” s - Po a & ¥ he ee 3a0 3 ane wee - ~- gee @e ° 3 ie 4Wh we ow, 2 tone os 7- . . ° ~, ‘ ‘ o c . - ww & oe = et¢ -* + @ wn+e 7 a< * we o- ‘ = e a , ~* ; ~~ ¢ - ‘ ag ‘ etn - © %* om < 4 - o | Awe tee o. a ° “ « o* aot “ss an > ; oe“ % °« . - an le on Se tk - & » . a --* .\4 ~~ ~ oo f° - fS ee - ce 1000 “ ¥ ke ae-« - Yat Sas * ‘ aoe s i“ y os ont . “++ ‘ re - Mee «:-& . “—-—* y ‘ « «we & t + st * * “+ . . ~~“ ey _™ toa om_s e~ ~ .« bat 4 « pwr Ss - @e . is ‘ - o * * Fa ~ _ 5 - a ps ot WM monS wnt e - a». SS tae -eer - . aes « -* ~~ ~ «- . ae y ¢ — . < - . 4 . tas® o- * ea 5 mel yrree 's eres = 5 éc0 ** ? Yen ous i“ - , wt oer . e NM ° »* eke --° , - . ta «* ~ . * * iy ! ge + , ; ’ - ° ! - Fo . +27 eae ° * ° e."7.8 - - ° . . ° s s sg . r -5 . ‘ . ~ ‘ ak ~*-— ee —* - wimae. im ‘ eo o~< v ~~, @ o ~ ma ite id See® Oy “ ae '-‘ i+ ~? eo oad: 9 ”a , -* ’ & & . - = 2 z = ~ a ‘ *s z ~ i e = pe 6 ~ Li: Se , s : . - a dpa ° $ 2 “ 7 os ° é 4 ee - ye ° ’ ’ “~- . e ~~ e . wee - . - Rte “Aap ‘Yew -_i o. ~ <= em -o¢ ee — = %& ~ co =~ -—- w ~~. eee 3 a e >© aw & - aod 7 ° “ae - > - ss . - o3 ae awe” ae a ew te ae 6 . o- * s A ‘ mos — wt : ‘ mitt o~ a tof 8.0 4) ee oe oyws Me Bee o OD oo “ys . on we ye se « oo ee .¢ ° ~ wee ay «2 a. «sf e 8 ~~ = * tee WS “ ¢ é on ~ ce 7° . ke Fee ee ive = -* ? » wee ie -* : a Pg i> e+ . - . “- &~ » - ged te r ee ow &> a enea eS st. - ge ‘ tee “es 2 - we ° (ut «we et & « e - +. we % ie = ws sie ‘ ee wt nee : ¢ - : + me - ._- 68 oe a ~- to * ae ss ow as ._- ~ « sme ° cs tia Co a’ * . we - Seka - ~ . ov - . ae m ae “sore beak eu ‘7 fe Be t* © . “mo ee } . me is", eo ~ @ | -- . or - owe of eet wt ~ ‘ * P ¢ FN &@ - -- ° “~-s oe som . ee ter wast pee jt: ae we = ta? me +e - ose me * : ‘i ee “remiss . -* 2S oo ° ee “«@ oe 4 ~* = rtm <~ee a o-- Sw os’ ote . + e “—_—*ie 8 es eer dnt’ Pre . eee > aenee Co 5 ey et - -— > _—~ « * ane at -~- ‘at ~ es sen « ae a 7 n'~ - a . . oF- - Serae wae oO « $ sme 0% é - eo e+. ~ -_—_ wees 5 20 ‘ oe ome, oy bom ah, Oe wae _~ ms O49 get Ser wre je j . , ow - ~ i, tm gy Ble oy dete hk we - c--va@ a- = * “> heme vie e - oo ry” . ’ - Oe -+-* 6 . * Oe ae ccte es ewes . < ~~ e% tm, - te! a 8 iM se ew 0? ce cw ‘ « * . oi ‘~~ * «00 - d ome ; :. . - ” e* 8 - te , ~ aol qol, - aoe oF —o ° . ae Seon8 e - . ° « “ --%* » yom -< - ig a tn? e e .oe : -s = e \ om : ~ PT, R* @ “oa tt ake - te - ~ . ae. fe cups emer _* i- « a eatser mare ‘ + ac ee ect ‘ onto ~ . Kase ° * ee Oe e~ awtw ce te ee « « “1 Arey ° er - oe ee ue : ° “es ioe ’ Sew er “ . _, - ia me - ** ~~ . oe 3 ~ oe Py “Nae! “6 a . ¢ . ¢ teed cap bie -t tne Se ove ° eae be ~ - . ° oo - mm Na * one r Qes* a et . e aa a —s - s > + -us > -“o > % -~ . *& Awe. v. oa e« ee 5 ° a : -» © ikp,.@ -? te ~~ pay « * - ‘ - Soe fr 7% «oe o% ~~ . ™ t . ° ee ee . o- - ° . - teh © & dee -* $ + ‘ ‘3% tre , ’ . - “ -- rs é ° * y . ome. o» ° on Gb ° . tate te er . 4a wed © % 2 , wo, s ace b- —— c ae 7 ~ wa ° he - = . x. tie. . we oi ? . oe - . . Oe, — “7 " 5 mane * - os @ wt dew. ee - « - gem $ 3 ~ 7 . ~ eee in ees . a rd »* a ‘ 3 , - ee - 7 ~ . e we oe oS ie ° = . - ‘ an : - . ‘ “ee ~~ * ‘ <n ‘ “=~ . ‘ - . z , " -s at ‘ “oe © ~" . . ; bs ett ‘ e “=, a ne - ~- . * ‘ as eS 56 - a - * . e “4s 6 toP ° n st. «= 6 wt oo ° sd em 4 - s f es 5 & . ‘ a . — b o~- Go o=— 4? ‘> . . ew cows ¢ s e+e e a eww 7 * : os “ ~ « we - «a: 4 ~ - on, Geaw oF QL gg PAwenses - 3 ¢ - “—; seem <7 . ~~ 2 wt - . =< £ ‘ : aT - as mem 3 “ emir : eee = * ~- sa ; - a ae = . é - bas tain a - « . ie oe Wak . osa , oO are we eel eS 2d ™ S Oe 6% t ~~ © ee ee Pr " NR ae :Kenee Out ot me we - : a > i ee Lew ae was us o ~e me ree om Gui VU al 2 & ° a ee o abe -! ener om Lon ca $ = ie ow Ss ete emt wwe Om ‘ we ¢> - fy am *- coe =F <2 oe owe a‘ ~ i * . . Tey ~ - ° @ ~~ . tes . , ’ ws wo . - Mo -, nao > Ye) cece Sac ws tee we cots ® wos a iB ce fy te oe ~— 5 Nt ee ed ° ahs ee t . - i . oe o~ . ’ ‘ ' fas wt sty “ty, me «= %~, : * gm, ce eet UP Mew 7 @€ mee ; > we et woe & ~ ” Oe © - ~ . e ++ oye ; : ‘ S18 Sie Ww) wane ber c , y s © ~ * + 3 some ‘~- -a*, one 7 « € * . « + e's f% ee, ¢ c *- ee . ee Se . hea n+. be + —ciwee tent th wet. Ba > . -* oo ws ee 7 ute ne “ew Mawun 8? a or ‘ * weer « ; wo we leeres eo mom 7 ot yoo a : 9 + et s *.9 Bo ~ 2 foo le . eisCs, fois weet Vint Set * er : oan . FS how . ee * ee ev? oh com ° : ~~ * Ae x Outen : «am , fe usts ~~ - 2 is ‘ - e ° ° res oe r a, © ‘ ‘ a - — te - * ° -* -- ot - © -y us. hy? ‘ t — ~ es 4 - te wee - * (20 we Woe 4 ; 0 ~ oc 6+ae'w -.3 ~.°* ‘ het te? » ~ tA ~ esas swt a a ’ ert ~s ° we te oom se _—-— *. oe tat Sie 60 ae onde by ns ~~ . , 2 - ® -2 4 ’ i oa we - a a “ al . er oe t | ~ a “, the ,# : ~ ewe ‘wae oo & Be + bee oo ve wy. te o- os ° i . ————‘ nee “ee - ee = - ‘ ee we we >. ore est - neh C+ wt eg dete ap . he Pt ten - TS oo Ws hoe etco 26 ¢ 9 “ey 7" Vrwce 5 D = & CA i A rm . dae bt ~_@ ae A -« Be tee 0 @ * mae ae’ ttre Gro se # oo rm Eee Tee oe Oo ta! eed 4 ose * omy tS ee og - .- o o! ~~ 0 « te A *- ? 4 . : ; che wo ot, '% . 08 ~ w- } ‘ > Yah = - ee ® me Fi - e : e everrqgs yo , t: ee ee ee oe mete + 2 eo." a oe 4 . is. at ll -~-* ~ een es ne ew ed Bet aude * &, an ‘~ - ' oe xy -* ese ve» are = ~ . * ‘ . Se ae ~~ 1..* <a en: ~ vw 2 2a tem ete Lae we) wey ~- 8 o ee - mise ae Oe 7 ‘ = 6 - - kee ~« - be o0 s * 6 Ss . * o* wwe ° ~~ o- + on ca > - ow os Be at' Sa phatase oe . z ‘ - *% - ~——- ~ oe ° * - “+ rc -~ ot ~ -~~ - ew + - o' ° ¢ o er. “- e \ - Ve iewe ~ ter ee . BB oe “ - : WS « OD ove ~ eu . Su" . a € ee ¢ wlew-r a ee ~ : wm ed . oe em NP Re @ « te oe — *- OF 5g 2 ‘§ oe ew : ne, 37 "+- a te, o> A, Aaweee $a we - - . a ee . .o~ b-.de€ we - :* “2 ee 7 ~ ~~ 4 “* - les a eee ot + ome ~ ae as a 428 a. _ del * a” -* ~~ ee - ~ . y - mm ‘s ~ < ete -_+ ee ~* ee ‘ <3 ~ 5 > °A”4-> ; . - ee o> 6 . at ee ~~ ° ss ~ 9 tee _- a ° & - . 5 oo. é + * ~* + ee aR ~ ~~ - ea Wi” ° ~ ; os . @-s “nent * aos é ~ ‘ ~ —— ‘ ‘ - « -* . Se - ate‘ ; & or . - o~ e- * WH - * ee - .-. y ot'a ye . Pe 2 . e e . e oe e Rie - e we ot - o oe oe 1 04 oe one -— oo -, ame? . ¢ - - eg o* — - - . a ee te” - 1 - us « _ « 4 me oe : e736 ° eo - 2 .~" ee ee + «* *.: ee ee ~~ - - = .f , < Ra Mow we te » tv ¢ © —_ _- c S ‘ ‘ wy?” *s eyrm> a ~ CO . eee ~ - oe > we ° - + a? yous . -ee & Om - oe ho we Nm, owe ~s «= : ewe of « = rete 2 . ee ee ° ~~ . maw we ” et 6 tesa “ ee « , ee . oF ee See? ee * Gee tee we bw oe j . ~ " 4 eis *. , ae | ‘ md — >. 2 MoO YO ry od i to) vase io i ‘4S € (xy 34 “*, ‘ , : i] . wi- 2 Y ceed» 4 _ es " ’ = ? ™ . EF, Bt 4 i 4 ; cle > oa Ww ~~ ei YY R 4 ¢} e ¢ . : 8 + swe ‘ 3 4 et ‘-" oe werd i 0) jv} “pw i) a Feat , ©) ‘‘ @ ie gue i “ re ted «: MS ey se 8h r™ > e ‘ey, ™ "Te “4 %& g 4) * j ‘ o ty, ~ 24 Cd ba -" are fms “3 ~“s 4 oe _ = af a 3 . j "4 : a ‘ = aT 7" ¢ots3 ? as) 2) is “. ’ O es a 2 vw? nm oy ee " Ga = as ; : “y U3 ’ m4 a FS som <. is ] ih Ps AY oO any ‘. Nad : : 7 “ D8 ? e os — ay ”~ geen f’ a joo] : ~ + Ae $ ~ iv ee a amt es “4 we" r Sint >O wm: eg rN € Cj wid 2 eS G). Solas --} ree 2my aveet G?- ent ¢ > ve et = ‘ . J ‘ Se om o~ - fa aa rs © , - oft~ 2a, ~ ix] dg.“4 =) Yo ~ mot f ee <¥ vend o* i 2 - wt Lia Fag" a 4 ~ bby ~ i rT fi - -e 4 \ ra wel } avd oo ue 2 Bae sf joa =. coiae poe ‘ at Was > . ib) ga ~t ¢e* <7) col 3 Pa n . rm? vm f Meters". itod J fi} es ait . \ % ; ; : = ” “~hag © a3 y4 so qr ma a) - bn 'T _ ° tu : Ls ane ty ~ edt , 4s - os i? ia ‘“ » oO wee ; es 1 ot od FS -7 ) . ‘ ; ” | Sa A rc jal ote y 4 -.4 asoa sf re? ~ pont -Goo su wa . t? wt .’ as iy ‘ G) Gee 4 ay ae Ped a s “Gdiwes ou s a5 Gs eka -* Sed ‘4 J” a wr > ¢ pe! q+ “cj —< io Chr istensen, 43 i s Pe» « rr « , . "So a = ° root Nps . er S mas! ” a’ Oo4) Ft \. oe on JG ” a q mB ; eee { a - me oO gies gy io “i = 2 es . b . ~ ge e hem 3 Y $ “3 i on “5. We * Oo , mm.o =: 3 Se (ye e OF 3° z ‘ ~‘ Bee aM &) ec . i baa ~ e) 6 4 ’ O* ; oy ‘ . ye a? ‘ — _es ra a eg td on $a aa oe en id Su 2 ° ved ted . : i §why He pew est A spel ' © i"a 4 : weg« +5 ay onat .* CG) ae £3 ote? gr oh va) Co ° ; 6 : () x 9) » * fi, G3 a ve ones> , ESA * : e i- « By -t ae e vrs s ' ; () i 4 © ° t 4 $5 th} a ee ° “~~ C2— “> : “ % ; fart - cy oct x evil aa . paket . ‘ ne “5 4 ® = ‘ ‘eel ‘ J ~n iv} 3 , . ysis fe ‘ iv by : : 3 “¢ j prec} ei” oy 4 - ben C4 ail a3 ry —_ © a t ¥: r ° ma ial af 4 te anes ei oF =. o | ag © ‘tt y a * wd ei it a “4 id ey t+, 5 - bans Oo) ee r $ en | a a: , a C ? OD es ; st pied *, wel 7.Ly » aon ay 4 ) “ad — . “4 ot i ; $5 : t (3 te} ats wf et 3 jose ” ¢ “4 Md dowd ee ‘f Y z “~ be yo , 4 cs iv} 7 \e gS “4 tt ‘ ’ avg.133 _ ry ‘ ’ee . ie 18 " S cs oo ge rs a. pik ‘ . ' j . es f+ 4 Pi - oy cy el : & cs ey 4 e me — ed ? 1 Vis) 2 ee eett , i } cy a? Ee. wae ae it a}a + op 0 eo. et me ws = t C} . cs a ‘ cS4 § SS ee ONES ees ee wet f So ms Bos wi > gel . oe 0) o $ » ore ‘ ' in i"! z : RE i) (s4 owned ¥ ea eae oo @ mt (3 cs: =) > *.¢ t fy O) . wt2 pe 4? 2ne fey. gm Q st 3 te ,:h 2 rd ot ® eat fi} ~a4 ee : ibe gut NF. eri Pa } e ies 11 Vy od . 9 et at Ee Mea Ee --, gst {i> wee. . i 3 gion} a} cS . “a n) is oe of - g a it - wv 74 04 a (NI wD 41 ian é j wa i VW v4 ¢ i ; ¥ ys Py 4 O we od (i) ’ Got ** ie iis ri ap : Fepe ct ae: i ot er ~ we ag ~ o ord 2 et O rra © 5 $4, 3 aint : o aed| *, t ei OooO ~ ‘ad Rt whe : W : me e oO b cot es es ‘ 3 ° ct 5 nj ent ces * im Poo ort ee yon} is . ee wet UW WD pa 4 ve ' "oO rt 7 Ss wi _ «£22 c} ond * fy ? Cane iM wo . - (MD 8 ee Se: ery4 ‘ vy 3 ('3 As Bg. bey ‘ a i ? cme ee +" ~ Ls ot oy on i ae, 1 +5) at sd ot pod 0) ee w ie eoren§ YU GS 4 ey +, +i CO tee set MS v 0) Pe ( } e 1d pve 3 Ye - BP Cc ; teca gs: : *S aa -; 4:4 eo WwW sed ‘ ma ¢.3 ” a) J o o) : ~ ay: ) . = a8 ¥ - © — ei (AQ ‘ } . Oo . n ont ee << s © +) Pa ae . bf Co oe 7 ti} SS "2 a + xa + ¢ Ne ' wele .rs “r «9? ni e ~} oe = on & og of we uw= : aj > oe. eee . eo we} Sen é = ves £9 a = Py ; c 7. ‘ 7} 2 . = ; is) GQ) et c. ns tS we. ek 's Ci ‘ Te 3 ny i? Cac3 ~ = + M 0 <a re wo . &.. eee ja ,4 } * 3 bun - oa oN pe i o- ee 7 o@ ae . wid ee a4 el Ps ap ld O “ss ¥ aig >« evil > a, ont V .eeery Sage cea 20 eo, 6 i cold ‘ ’ ' gers a 4 Gyaf it} de 4° wn *bs ; -—. q°..¢4 ~ . " g "ae 2 hy 9 Vi - a ty * Se~~ eg i Cte ot m fs ¥ ties, fe = Fhewe 2 mm id ; s S CQ Cc G Oo fy e fig > a a? o if 9 a eye : % i J te * a Ags : &) e*s ai)4 uy ox. ra * +e M4 ’ yi ‘ody ret = J Ry og! « 4 73 ord pF wa ae: ws iad , oat tae a see ee ° G)d “J "CO be ae oC ‘I : : et ~ os 5 Lo @ r, avd fs , x s.7 . v r rt Ww‘ ) - 4 a on fr ~ 24 3 : \-*s * ot i 3 4 @ a Ooet 0 4 a. Mm Og? 40 ‘ e 4 CJ"4 = a} 'e) e- ce ae Ry ‘ Le ra : 3 san weil fo y eon) 2 ee o4 GC) a c c7 : . ete . ; wed o a? - O«| 4 es Pi ’ a ‘a es Oo we ‘fe. 2 . hey : : is gh 83 eo” {4} q) uh 2 ; tp} OO cp. ; ui) ¢ f : ¢:} OF:a s* ok aa° 4 i L e) eae wt a9 ct CJ es its © ‘ ' 2S } ii w 0 : i. bY co are a? i ' "4 ie oo OE > , oR Bh. 4? tL: ~} eA Peeod a * . na oa te oe ) rn “a AN ~ vs e) C3 a a . 2m8 BP : 4. et -— eens ati 1; ty vel re : teow “a 9a J eei “ * eidake rt ont yrwed a) i] € © fi 4 ow} yoot ¢ & Wed “3 ’ eo Go 2 pe Ooms ot ey YM eo fey Ws ae be ws es GY c3 ei ee ~ : . Cu od a 4) 3 , : oe fe a - | otgt ,. \ Sere san 2:3 4 : ) 4 it 2 é4 9 ee a 8 5 : 3 ; 4 <i * oa wd , a veal pce +i 3 {3 eee - i 2% ire so tw ees ’ ® 5 hed qs ed « . a f . ated 4 y 3) ~~ &* {3E . iD g's <3} <* 3 . Nery gm © me. a ue rm. ry y"nd ~ gd “J ~ x gis a eg a bey {3 6 84. wal . , a be we fer ‘ es 3: fon ti cL f Pte’ q ht “ ee _— Xe w ©} ‘-—a , wee — ay foe J z} wf o. a?! fz ) Z's na C3 4 6 . a = el wey ae ner i ret. si YU weed eg 8 , a Os oy Pest? aoe eine repo ” fa yt Ca te fs° to Hod. ~ Yq ei (rs — = e e3 ks ~ 4 ReaD tsi n g to be r repl Le c thet tions n regar ¢ "med ri —ag at each st nese rr r4 pd aout Oo f Ty corm Q > ast 4 C an G ected = ~———— i oo *¢+ £ C si1e ¢ rooms 3 Oo r orr r A. | OF /. th ia i a > . — ee 1 4¢ Lo Ie ussed any outstan aging = = iS rs 8 am K > ~*~ e | . y ei So yean —_ -OSGHKh: dé ro oe << < C59 ==} €: ‘el ; ™ W. : eaDe, had eet A Howard i fis ewe on Lyi —— T D tOULS TEE COMMIT NG * , y + av eT A ahs Le ore —~ Berk? em Nats ee ee Sek . ‘ a BUILEIMNG PLANNGIN: COMMIT MARCHE 16, 1961, IN ROOM 2G3 Present: Keith W. Wileou Excused: Margaret AE a REGS |Arechitect}, R. bode SVL AT A. 30 + “ee, “ a oe a 3 li:tG A.M. Clarke haefedicak oR ‘ sik CF ing EO Pe THRURSDAY :Chairmen!, Presi- dent William P. Miller, Charles A. Groberg, Farrel R.. Collett, J..Farrell shepherd, Marva H. Gregory, W. DBD. Sir sa iouis A. Gladwell, James R. Foulger, W. D. Baccley, and Raymond E. Rhead. . S. facohs. i. The chairman reviewed the list of prab lems yet fo be solved in connection with the union building. This list has been submitted to come mittee members and will not be repeated in this memorandum. Ii. President Miiler ee around anew topographical map which has been prepared, showing t: © location of the union building, library, EYINHAGIUM, and tine arte center. Tix. .-Mer. Wilcox presented« saroples of flear tile which he is recommending Yor the cafeteria and lobby areas. Ne definite Gecisinn was made until Mr. Hilhard i's vwecormmendations are received. VW. Mr. Wilcox estima : eu that the portable ba She present connnaet Or. Foulger reported wick © AMM PAnY oN, 3.G.j tha wou kd re £ kitchen eauipment amount te $24 not included ,5G6C Pe a requisition had been written to the Brunscost o § bowling lanes, pin setters, and associated equipment ia the amount of $125,000, and that a change aster. was being orepared to authori e the present contractor to install v. the L ce@33bin covering , electrical which wiliccomplete muchas _ 1Z o'chock Mr the 2 & + the ouftlete |bowling Hilliard unti 11 , and the floor of the spectator area, had area. not arrived, o'clock. The 3x the meeting was adjourned , ee a 18 0 p- XFS wirmen intreduced Mr. Roy Hilliard, after which Mr. Pooh that he hoped the cammittee would be able to approve or revis the plan for furniehing the first floor so a that plans and specifications could be prepared by Mr. Hilliard. Mr, Wilcox advised that this ghould be done during the next month if furnishings are to be oe available before the fall quarter. BCTACEeEL at Q e Ret fer > ive Pa a tuiliard PSA ented 5 hese fsatchees ork proposed furnishings for the firet | Sh Vesine’nee a rT : ee tacit ©. =2-- een za 4 -> dud a Th sq <= Ma —¥ ~ ih ++ i .- ae. ft: Ho ; & or ! bala i. SN: es Sree oe s “ms weay,” : wi Wied aol eeeNe aby ae ke _— F ptt Nt WEBER GROUND se eee “54 See mene nies ea COLLEGE Pele st gy E ‘at ee M ORB, : wie * es heh. ee: ; é fe Ot biigh. i5 dim = 4 - ets wre STUDENT BREAKING May 18, 1960 11:00 a.m, : qe re te Cato cy UNION BUILDING CEREMONTIES A Cri) ade er... ~ Py Seon : rars ae st > ge a ieee OS 4 3 May 9, Bie aR 4 etare ee afP| - 1960 Location ho i it * ao git ee Pom eee before Ground Breaking Start before Breaking * 9.9 9 Ground iP ny ~~ ‘ 4 ’ : ‘ ‘.. e « . ; , . . 6* wheres “ « L o* ao a ee ety, ‘a + BFS ~~ Se ae ae a $* ae ; PO Ks \ , ed : eae Sl Groun d + . es 2 + - } Breaki Peng je Ceremony ROM eee tee mp Ta re eee Fe FAG oh ® _ te etetonyek 7 eco ; a é j ! ee ? + 4 Pree ~~ ae Ne eho ee Piaei ee sae or nN } o , bt ‘ “ot: { , ’ a ‘ ; t : y ; ‘ Fi : : : t e , | * i 43 (2%? ; La ' Be | c 4 / ‘s Seem 4 ’ % : c 5a ” a ae ees ~ ‘ aa Pate OS Be Stach ort : wf ued oP, ee a - 4 : ce ae ck has <> wie i x 4 4 ' = . Ir: 4 ' rf. ‘s 3 . i,eR f: ! } b ~ = Reig wae e a ’ pee . a CONE . ea. Fa fa “ LR % 8 ie ‘7 { I: . I f | ‘ ! . | y am ‘ r ee NR BOE ” ty ‘s&"3 e: Rta ; a , : é Lf , ‘ wd Pe, ‘ nner aoe 4 % , ci ga wma a - = e> ae 4 / a> vee ; i ‘ t xs he wef ate ‘s : as - - v oe oer sie ca teyrtet a at oe a2 * aided fe - ees 2 4 “ss on e “y eA : i ee ea Se e or j ss BR oy BS wan ae ee ¢ ; & ss 2 Fe Re | : ; ; 4 g : 7 : $ ¢ * : ~ me eo ee x . e Eas ‘ o aes e #5 “ . attrSok, Bhi sf * Pee ry 4 ; moh vie, -) BASan * ey, ; be RE nana ir ‘3 3 i t™. i ‘ \ as oe os ot. Mer 4 in cone 3 EUAPORITY + 0. Vane ~ TS. ’ > ae PTH tee we te™ ys bod Lene 2 * ~\ % sere oe tes mie a as ee eS \ . r : “ at . » fe > : ‘ | Peer. / : {) $ ‘ % > ‘ ‘i Po Py ‘ a - eer J BY [3 ti eS Saae ( ‘ ‘ 4 ene eee ae ’ } Por a otsee ale e ye aAt $856 a pak Bite wey utty ay ‘ 0 bo “4 4 ytts ie BOO ¥ hae Py Los « 2 ' f ee ge Ppt FS ad a: tt - Maree ‘ * * ; ee gat aire, 4 PRAY. . wet the Dt Ld 0 Naeem aes AO! on ame Nem ey gp * rote nae” ett te bth tae tS et De AO 6 meeting nn ae” IS = : ie ™ a ¢ \ ; i : ny May ing wn pour@ 24, 1960--Cement York. continues--Mr. ~_— “S| | May 24, 1960--First Cement---Inspector York--Inspects,Krebbs by * footing r with ae pecs shovel Ja aera ee eee eee ——- 7a ee * , ~~ e+ ees as ie oF June et ‘at ew: 1, 1960----South- Foundation forms ro cae Ts re South ae ) Foundation i , ei Te we ee ee roe aE S pees ay rm So . r Piiniy,) aes irae Sars a4 £ oe a A / June 7, South SF iy a fey ae if: 98 x, Cr ASP” a eee 1960---~~ a om ‘? hy ee «© or “ Foundation ad ea r Hay? — a o a = 4 { June 14, North Bowling poured 1960----- looking alley South-- cemen a) : “~~ ere -me- -emew- 4 e oe her R 2 2 ty * oar 4 Deepens ee as ot Bde ree OU Pete atte a oe eee eatie Fe Asd ‘ —? ¥ 3) June 21, 1960--—North Foundation = te oe gg See ee mp mt — aan ee ee gt ee : ‘| dune‘21, North 1960 Wall from S.E. Corner ee Sg eae “t a oT eee Se ee eee pai on 4 oe Peiigtea i tas 6 a 8%. E95 1° ' a sf. : ' . ro r4. ? S ’ na sweereeeterey> aw ; ; |, ae cer | sf” * | } aa , - = gma, Cage ; , . WE eee nn, 4, ’ ag? 2%, iil . a RBIS CPZ wee ag7 : be bh. —- <] < 3 re we. we a8. — 5 ee Se G.s% : . gune 28, 1960--North From ee erry ey thes. of. Med ee le at, Y em a ‘ oe ae ee to South ae , Sune 28, 1960--- East, North, & So. Foundation from old ---on East Side Foundation : <j ne ° ai — oe eect canta i tee “ ; a oe ¥ * ont “7. ata OLE: oy : eats omanpa cna : . i > oa 4 ~ Team . Rea PS . ; ae ee ey iy > hg wae! meee es A AM RO. SIN“4 ew Dien gua,CreBE SSPEee BSoF! A DePges5oY Sf EEE yO poh bee Wass e ae me “Qa ; +4 oh ix” ae re $4 Fe . * ~ Psa se a vr *s i es - A » « = E.R rie ry iL bd Be a Ae8 e.My ee. z a ay OP Wa" 7S; eee ‘ FFP ‘1 ; 2 © ii ‘ a4 4 ‘ Sut 1 Sig . ' So tae ol i 26 -. empl - us eg” come 2538ske . oe + en oe ata OO Fe. gis ae ; ots * ney tet, OA 5 . qe va Se ‘es oY tem or Oui wee North from West-- Freight for Forms | Pe ee ‘ ’ x eee mes oR 7. or 3 . =o ‘ n°? 3900--"-=2,. from N.E. Corner-— Kitchen pillars being ; 7 — Elevator 3-8 ta "4; 43a 8 Ce Tih, Joly View ** 5 OE 4 1960------- 5, View — Be70% shite at aa July as ek ; ; dA pe por.» 4 2. res - § ? : SO Pais aoe BancBip RPO ~ 8 . gp ao 4 formed Se yrs o~4, L , wae, eh VS Tt y ~ *- ‘ zagtRaye 2 BAL. ‘<. 7 Sethe. Snty Ei : POM ‘xe AOS Sey TA aes SSR im okt ; Pig < ‘ t Ou on notterigs he Lienante hs mb . as .4 ON ES # Cus 5 q ag os ;* a July a be ey: i Btn, a act ak aE Re e: a EG ee f we , Be erg e Reise, oa) 18, - % oat bres ERE Oe oe 4 gem ve Sykeay . oe ie 3 baat yeas ot it a ab Po eS ety beg, ie By CV a pone eeS + me eg -- wt bh Min ty 3 he pe 1, a Loe » ae aregey tes RE =% , AN ig ot ork ¢, =. . 2 ItPs Meeetefr ery : ft <4 are ce’We a See set$$ gt eae . . oe SY eeo ete pais? 4% 2 eer. pie Ap s SHARES SAAS Fay nes Rip. e a. hi ty Sr. Sayeed. Ya ds 4 ha oy ee 4! Pipe. Fs eRe es Rona 2 | 1960------- From South to Staging--York ; “wees ‘ Ser AS 5 > ARS, dee 4a use ems ,* . opted Mh WHA Sse oii *t OSS ae > rose re North-inspects o) *y nail ee i yrs : i 7, -_? . . - as ro ae ili 3 BF gh RR PR RR ihe OED TR aS phat pe Ree eR e Oe a Pe pare 8 3 3 A gata + es) be “3 ato te oad ss ; 4 aie Sop san ae ake TaN 3 OE sgt olan ‘ ee ee LS oe reget RS TP on ie AS sy see LIP ESE ef ag Ee: Vee SR SR Pet > “ a hy tke ot ats 7 407 BCR LD « nee warm . e July 18, 7 1960------: From East to West--floor Staging for main : ! | ) ike i ede oN =e --Gordan job. looking over : | i 2h ; : pase “> Sis Ao 2 os Sa 4 a aes ety es S43; : l¢€ _ nah ey hea. eSNG « so8h, Ve..5¢- ¥ : a ei 4 ree agar oe < > oe ee se BAT Se as a o4 . Le 3 : July eo ‘on ° 4 Se . no nl 2 de 4 Ci En te : era wae « os t ; F Pie in Y / Fe 26, rag a oreha SE oe Pi ane On hs = ME ei ae ; y oa raat | * Ps Scat cree elem LEO weet i he tc, re a spe arn 1960---—-~———— First section ready to pour--—-Staging for cement 3 . te re ee rennet = het Ss tes ri ia tr? Ee Juiy First 28 ,229960-+------ cement poured ge hE eee ae ati on top ers Sa 4 ae weee ee : an Sl ee i | i " August [i2, 1960-------= 2nd : Finishing | Uf A y Vedi. ‘4 cement floor. * on ee er Vy ‘: : ¢ i atte August 12, pouring 1960--------~ cement on 2nd Pe fioor -_ ‘(= re eae ot gig”ye , t % cg ae wie ts tial . 5 Peay: Posen ben 5 ig ak fy a BE, es ; : ; is / “4 “ero sie of 16, 1960---- heating Carr ac* 16, Hilton HSE aging aS Ps ta Be by “qf KG “eugyst v3 | Start Aencnntinanlde * a August | ; re au tunnel 1960-— 3, lookings.S:2 ss 2 South “to nore: Be f Re eae Ree oS os . e: as : . Deg ‘a os “ . co ae ee ey Ps . \ =. es the = oe ngs ETON 6 ghee ! Ce eeebee ee lini A ae i “> 1 fas ey =~ ea | ee er. ; aa / a Dette mee enc eee tet ts a, ES ae et CN a A mo Auguet Staging part 23, of 1960---. for 2nd final Floor. August 23, 1960---Jordan looking at plans--Freight Elevator | | Bred ae 3 E eran ep: B el call ee f , - August "y a 25, Pouring 1960<---— N.W. 2nd Floor August 23, a. eT? : tewe - ee : ten . 8 ¥ , —— : Corner 1960---- Main elevator 2nd Floor. ‘ lok above — PF pe Eee | os ae . ss . “Fi : Ba e oy <3 s ‘ Hilo Wen rae sete eh Ts ; a ee on s 3 Es. ns ¥ ) . August Main "1 ty By | a ny es | ; 30, 6a Nene a 4 einaiad 2 BOPP i > Scie being Gee aka Se.’ ma f %, bEwens 3 SP a tege ee a eee ye. “2 bat or , ide OS= ‘ 5 above meee ee ee eee 2nd —— = - Corner--2nd poured. Floor 3a os - Floor Sod Og &Fréight August 26, 1960---N.E. “ Bete 1960---- elevator elevator ne ee sak be” eg : —-. se | ss we © | , : rr Ss fa se pt ne Sa ena _ Se Bee a 2 7 ee: 2-3 LS tc ¥ ae . ewe ween * Ad ee | memati = ne Lo eh a et le Rl S+o.m- ite ie ao 4a + 1960---- 6, September Steel on 2nd Floor-Corner From S.W. ~ * as ee : "t To . ee? a e« ae REE “Fete ; So ha e ve eg Ae coh wrei-; ° , i 4 © ae 5s erage eee, Sete PR We Sap SO AN Ey 4 . ', wey% he ee AA! Bo Ge: +e te, o « - . - ‘ i 2 ee y A 7° Naan aa September Steel on ee. Oe " OR OO": ae ie i? eae re ee , aoa: i el ach TANTS atte 6, 1960---2nd Floor ‘ ae ’ pe tn" tte: et!9 ie. | ‘ s a bad - Si st e Wass R. y me? os Liieg TE Redd|” i | © WO oo Oy v @ nal cS 4 wn) 4J om qo v w 4 3 M $4 = 0 4 UO U * os jo From 1 a% September <r ne ore . Gen ere Ease eRe ac r , ieee wr 2 “TT eee eee ee me SLO ae eee PL me : RAMS 8 8 OSL TO rw mereres Wg rep & e =~ fr y / September 20, From S.W. North. | September 4 20, 1960-- looking 1960--—-—- From S.E. Corner to N.Steel Structure continues. ats * 3 :, awe ‘ee ee work | avd . 7 | ee act October From North. 5, 1: 1960---- South Side to ——— eae Norta-- <= ae al ae to continues. - Steel Corner 1960---- ———- “8 8. be | 28, Septenber - % Sieh! ot Bre + @ Neete 4 “. e! és ot hee§ 7 bck eo Erg geri ol ~ a October me cms Sa ea 14, WN -Cnemel oe -- ae & ‘ 1960---- from front--"East" to West--Work progresses. eR _ ne eee a ot oi te a ~ . aera ry ees oe at : | P OL ee 2 by re ve vet Pe = on gee tee Es os iS . IES Aeee 7S Po rn fab oe ST epee ee he - BS ee rer. My eA © ae - Ps P et te | - ee ost vet eS- os = : ly i ; mes hug sharpepthe oe “wot 2 -~ EEE ye. € FS a; re September Heating Foulger ~~ ers Fy i es 3 = Wf en re "7 es # BET rye oe 4 } ‘ es ° aS ae “ Pit FP “ vs 13, eo — ‘aaah La - el ws men ~s ad bo re be oe. 2 i ey Sidewalk ‘ ae 1960---- tunnel--Dr. on 4 Sey ry | ? | | : 2 r ae Te = uray) ee ia == Ac ie RE SERS Sie? 4 Lao SEL : a y" ele ve" < a a Pa Su, e re oe : | ? Ci ina arm. | 1960-October 21, om South Looking fr top: —--Trim on to North | ,ei be 9S vo ee aye t : ° z - A, sh oS * mel | : oe4 6 ‘ . ‘ ‘ - +, 7 =e $s ge OY . eee st emy: es wine @ Qipwov T ° = -se Pe » * ° . . a . . . | ’ he a ee Tae . i. Nae, one a: . att ame tee SS . te : a gs a ecu : ; ie te ay’t ——— a ee a. : | . October 28, 1960 Looking from West to Bast ~-Kitchen brick completed. t cae ~eS & - i re es Pe werees 2 Meer aes 2 west . eS 2° eee ee Sipe November 16, 1960--Looking from S. E. corner-— Windows in on top floor-Brick completed on outside. - East From and Snow eee ? 1960----- 4} November * leatees lian tien Nese satin daentinalnatialh ¥ ee West-- to Rain. v PET z w3 ‘ . 7 . ; "te . . - > eos “aga ee eae eae December Taken Windows Bat aoe 3 20, from December in. 8, from Taken steps. N. 1960---—- W. corner-- 1960--~-— Bookstore . EES A . eT TL Eahy | on 3 ape ger te ¢ in SLT 1960----29, December from taken Front entrance paras! facing East West. ee 4 es co + yee hee et ee eee ae spe oo oe oven a Codecoees eatsie ols fe eS tah. eT ot November From N. Windows 30, E. in 1960------ corner-~ North side. : a“ | ’ . ’ ~ * im ‘ ; ° i ¢- ‘D> » . ; oe ‘ . - ‘ J ‘ in ‘9 ze ig? V6= ee edie: ! ‘ . ne." e tat. - oot wet ee Zee Sh centage he aed 2 lt ok ed e Sis SRS ite 7 age 4 ee : * at wine ol etree +,* ‘.¢ aul -yade RO? > ey . @ : ee BY LORY yite “ Paw tS ~ <- eet Se hh. we ~ oon oe te a, a Meee “J : _ t#ie <a Go Ae . fea “" o> age ee Ble, ae fs Sy gna ath ys a> adh ih - “oi 4 > o.- wi,’ NNT ~~ types" abe mi ale Si io. ‘ ss Ae Ae pn) OY ye ee eEea al TMoe*, ft 5 Sas at+ 9 Wie AIRE I” fatmgeee ESoF SAMUS gee TIN aA epee: a we. As Oh Bdge es A on QP EN or Be Mette MOS i em TY str Fw amy hi then oi Lee Tie eos tts Beaks ~fs FO erect,” Sha. er t s Loe Sueeae pres wee are . ae Mae Z a tee Pali: CT “3 ever i Ah os «8 “- od wie me i. e eae bt ieee eee ~ es eee te ee a ey ‘ ~~ RT be es . zB TP ete—_ S . wah +: ae bey 4 4 ‘3 SR a ES ’ .; -———4 ~Seoe Z fh A ita er January — ~~ ‘7 _-- ——-- ome eee - 196 )+—— 6, West e view--All trim CS Oa x {’ @eer ws Bt anathema Be 7 tag ‘J BN Pages ar ge thas* ee ? . . —“ 7 2 : ke ge 4 Try eS Soe oe e PEsseer ee Eis AE. ple ° ee a / of, we x Pace F*,". tgp et ET Yr, Oe ‘ wate? a I. January 19;,: From site S.E. 1961<<-<« of new gym. corner trim complete. . wae seremets amen wacintnntetentes Th 3? . ere o's ame®> tem 8 ? ‘ ae =+ . e . on. | | ——— bs ae ath cent AT Ti ae ee, I aa a al oe ee ee aes ee ee : ee eee ee 2 aes UP WASHED ALL Tee meee Pe. = es e ie Meo » {RAE elated Be FT a a 3 ” ” te t TRS Wasa HOURS MON % FRI 8:6 -430.« ; m ain ead ~ , " ) : ee ——_ - ds spincainaeeihecmsininaeneen ite seein riarbalt see su ie <a aa ae ~ C7 hg ye re at pega? - ie hangs (geht Rime . Ahm - iy 7 Poh as ve i! aa a LOT it a i ; ~~ 4 a ee a¢ é si 6 are Ky erage Re - x - a AM Di i, po AO ELLE ee OS a ER OS — ee o—_ tere nee agg. ais NN 1. 5 I as = 6 ot WR t Po a ot etieleeeeeeeites Rie as nee 7 ‘ ee ie = a : i * a 7 ‘ aa ~ porn t ‘ _ e" ~ ~w { Pp ’ Nee ~ ;t . ' fe 6 ; ° x > OE een an) ¢ 3 * - ° re. ~ teme é.. ane a sia 5 ¢ . « - ——- . ee f =e i! SONS ° q _ were te - ge - ¢ Be * od ~- oe WILELE COLLEGE ‘ mini Ss< ¥ + APve BOE: » . : a < < ‘ 2 . ¢ . Ss erence ~ = * . si " ; ¥ id &- 9 Aty “ + ‘ ¥ * ve 5 ~~ * . ‘ ’ ee 4 : Sree eee get re cre aes eam . : o* ” ~~, we we, “ * Sk ° seer + ae eae oe AH 2 . Nay "ee “ee he ak eee af he aw eee i Oe ret oh ot, a Re regen PM DB SERN f Os ye ee (eee) oe es TK ( ; ae ME5 Si a ;a pe OOS eee e -e *. ek | LONG MOpea ror vinvit Building Nearly Ready; | To Be Opened Sept. 25 y of polishing; under present plans, for a brief a mateer r _.. Jw onl fixtures, and ceremony that officially puts the few a hanging _ floors, with keys matching million-dollar ‘the 4 before | facility into daily use. jocks Weber building, three-level . The College| includ- Union: building is ready. The 196162 student body members| ing all furniture and fixtures, costs os «= $1,915,000. . ture at upper campus with the open25 ‘ing day -of. fall quarter. Sept. cost them a penny. The obligation will be paid off from student fees, paxpayers needn't flinch. It won't e the. lucky ones. They will be| ‘are ‘ the first.users of the modern struc-] . The doors’ will open at 11 a.m.}| income from facilities of the build-" | ing, and from other non-tax sources. —=—=~ Facilities include a large cafetermore if used for iia to seat 350, oS banquets, snack bar and booths; an | ! alley, bookstore, eight-lane bowling ‘lounge, music listening room. | | Small auditorium for students, |faculty and other gatherings; a wooden paneled conference room, . main desk for reserving facilities, ofiting headquarters, small ‘games | room, pool and, billiard room, barber shop, offices for publications student officers, hobby and crafts room, ! | and other units... and| MODERN FACILITIES. 4p sagvited aher stadenis with | , #2000 » Oe Se Se ae ee 7 : eS 7a activities” ery a ep known as the inspection tour. modern and convenient facilities| on the isang so same as well as the general public, will , students, ~ we will plan ; the : program and}, invited to use the ;building. social: _Tecreation, seal : | committee, : — | ‘cultural activities. is Union di-| of activities under direction of the Shepherd Farrell J. supervises staff A professional Bs a staff.° nal professio prois Shupe Monty and , the program and sd@nedules use of|rector The Union furnishes a new world } of seven; facilities. All college related groups, gram director. A group | prog bes _ : iamiat alae aie ac ee si | Ss ES | RS : of attractive and modern accomoda- _*__| ED es 3 rane ; Pies | ost “ee tions unknown to all previous stu- fice dents who have been enrolled at the pioneer institution for the past l 6 oe eo 71 years..:. |. Until this year, students were |' | obliged to use classrooms for their | 9 | club meetings and many of the} other outside class gatherings and| projects at upper campus.” ‘Students into paying been have the “Wition building fund since 1953,' college Union has long been{ anda a dream of thousands of scholars. | With the college growing in popula-j tion and in process of phasing into a full four-year collegiate program, } ‘the need for Union facilities will Increase each year, Dr. William P.: Miller, lg 7 president ae college ee pointed | ee ~ Architect is Keith W: Wilco€ and) Associates giso and the. main, of Ogden, contractor is M. of Ogden: Morrin and Sons, "0°". 8 ki ” Details of the dedicatory program| oJ are being arranged... ~ : 4 STANDARD jam = i © September SES BER Boia = Zompactly lo: _ HEART: of the ‘Unioh is ‘the fitchén, ‘sér¥ing and eating areas, all checking a soft shown is director, Union cated on main floor. J. Farrell Shepherd, snack are left On service. food for trays drink machine in area where students push a. HE gM x ge i bar facilities and on right, cafeteria service.. ——_— . , ‘ ‘ . a) . + ® : | ~_ See SE e Union entran: MODERN, DRAMATIC lines of the Weber Colleg he enters the. as , college the of or well, public information direct SNAMINER abate te 10, heb NA Soe 1961 mae catia stellate ‘saeealilianetanspe) >= be 3 e he! a, = : ern PF os ee ae - — men wl Fans ae a ms rag nat : TT RA ~ oe, > ~& kage * arcu o PY s a -* na 2 — >.> ae — Satins Te Nak ; e pein” s'f Bn -* * . 2 it we TS Ie 4s = er ~: Set ok ne Oe ot 2 matin» : saesgn SPs sores ; : ee 7a ~~ i LY 7 4 wt HAVE =n , pe .< TO WE ~ * po «ape ENJOYED nie om 24. —e we: gee eee . Fo % - ties, gee Lon™.io . alti wabitueae ‘i ont . a. eo) ame Ne sporSea. t . ites ‘ * eS ~—s 2 atm, oe se oy) tl A COLORFUL PAST. The Moench vide auditorium Building on lower campus continues to pro- and recreational! facilities for the college. Cornfield to College Campus — This sign marke d the beginning of a great future for Weber College — a future of great on beginnings. The entrance to Weber College was the first construction the upper campus. ~ Highly influential in securing the new campus, tive Henry Aldous Dr. E. Allen Dixon Bateman, of (then Weber the Utah joined the elated crowd in the ground-breaking ceremony. Project expansion future growth. — 175 College State Pledge spacious Board Representa- President) and of Education, of Allegiance acres insure at the unlimited The whee three-level was Student built at Union a cost of to student use Sépt. 25. after a brief ceremony at 11.cae The building will house. recreational and social facilities. Building at Weber College, $1,215,000, will open its doors Million-Dollar Weber Union Building Due Monday WORK ON THE structure} desk for reserving “facilities, as the public, will be invited is about half done, according to use the building. small games’ room, pool and Tribune Staff Writer to Thair H, Blackburn, archibilliard room, barber shop, ofOGDEN — It’s now only a fices for publications and stu-j J. FARRELL Shepherd is tect. The lost time situation} union director; Monty Shupe has not been overtaken.. matter .of polishing floors, dent officers, hobby and crafts is program director. Seven Work is progressing'on the hanging a few fixtures and get- room and other units. students comprising the ac- concrete and brick walls and ting the keys to fit the locks will plan IT PROVIDES Weber stu- tivities committee By Ray Wright A since other parts of the superstrucbefore the million-dollar Weber dents with modern and con- the activities program under ture. Every effart is being} | is Building Union College venient facilities for carrying direction of the proseaslane: made to gét’ the roof on and}, ready. © ) on the . extra-curricular - pro- staff. enclose the building ‘before sUntil now, telnet of the winter begins, , | THE "1961-62 student ‘body gram of recreation, social and 71-year-old school were obliged cultural activities. A professiona] staff will to: use classrooms “for~ club}: “AS. SOON AS. the wails are}: meetings and many other ac- up,, workmen. will begin plac|of the elegant structure on the supervise the programs and ing the heavy beams and ed way. of the schedule use of facilities. All tivities on the upper Campus. campus |upper “%: Students have been paying ers for the roof deck’ ©. eo groups, as well ‘|fall quarter. — The gymnasium will include | into: the oe Building: fund The doors will open Monday’ the basketball court with a | since "1953. i at 11 a.m. under present plans, seating capacity of 5,500 perfor a brief ceremony that offi~ WITH THE. college growing sons, a swimming pool;: locker cially puts the building into : | in enrollment and phasing into rooms and other facilities. for daily use. a four-year program, need for a full Physical education’ a , Union will increase. each gram. Jthe THE THREE- LEVEL build. sat : tmembers are They will be ~ the lucky ones. the first ‘users OE a ay ne ee 9 ee eee A “ leita Ve= ; ” ty, we ‘ 4 It won’t cost them a penny. The obligation will, be paid from \from_ student fees, the building’s i and from other nontax to sources. seat 350, more if |used for banquets, a snack bar ‘and booths, an eight-lane bowl‘ing alley, bookstore, lounge and music listening room. It also has a small auditori- um for student,. facylty and other gatherings; a Wooden paneled conference room, main Ee — den. — BUT porters, are : a“ WHILE | Weber sup‘ faculty and students pleased the over Union;! ) to major boon another campus is not faring so well ; Because of an underground’ water encountered) problem last June, the new 1%4-million-' dollar gymnasium will not be completed before early spring, rather.‘than planne in December ae a . as ’ yes THE 4 ‘ hs NEW. structuxe is Jo- iS cated ‘on; a bluff overlooking the Weber campusj south. of Architect is Keith Wilcox ‘and the prime contractor is M. Morrin and Sons, , also of Og- income’ facilities, FACILITIES include a. large’ cafeteria col-|" Se and fixtures, costs. $1,215,000. But taxpayers needn’t flinch.’ year, Dr.’.William Miller, jlege president, said. the classroom. buildings and} | southwest of the stadium, , «a furniture} meg including all —~ ling, ne 7” mt Se a 4. f * . ——— ee eel ml ellen, alla ALA tne — ee b. , * a ; ae é a “ : ' a noe gras t : ; $ s ° 4 4 : So . ee . » = Fund ee ‘ ‘ “« +9 Sela . nee L thy ‘ i i r D ‘ ¢ ; , | DI q ‘ = ‘. ox 5 : 2 % * }3 / ion Brse Re Sir ‘ ies { . ee » , . es é ‘ ‘ > > s i ‘ . 4 some *% * Been ‘ ; « io ; ~ . we “a > . 4 } { z ~ 4} ; o 4 i ! . 7 ; a! ee : \ F . : a | . i ., « - tae ' ee ccaec < e e , i 5 tien @ 5 ’ } Ss . A . ‘ s ° « s —r* = ’ 4 } ‘ ° } 4 : a e; ” ; 2 f fe : 2 a . i s pas 5 ree = e. % =“ ‘ | Sie en : . ake 4 x ree ete gee z ne ae eet - -~ ote ote ae mcg A? —=_—>—- : Lad WEBER ¢ : . r ie tig 2 a 5 ; cf ¥ COLLEGE UNION TEITH BUILUING, : ARCHITECT W. WILCO%, 2 aN > “ s fe pin Se ‘ r Ts ae.t eyes = 4% i \ a . e ° . - eS - : i Sc E PRES . SEPTEMBER pee | niga =“ : Frege ° . . i ae . ‘ y és « > : : < . % - =e Papi ° 5 7 te * % wy - a ; & FL %. 2s + : . . ‘ " * . aa Wg ~ ft ee ey is . ae > . 44 . 0 3 * - ~~ eee . = . : 5 s - + { ; é vee ONS IS - ——- SES - ; ~ - —* ee acne e - ° . ~ ‘ : F. Ps e . . n - % ae : af 4 ; c o oa Se j ‘ é . fa.-"o. ; ~s i wea Ge eas ol eS s 2 ely ~~» es x ‘ alae a? : ae ES a % ‘ it sok tt a7 w Ne Ne goo aie Sas tap kes * r - . ~ vs . ad vn . ie - . : : : eae -* bs3 wetei Fes 8 AP » 7 : Me 3 £8 AH % : > » ‘ Ke we . a * Pits ‘ ss eee - is ‘ + y *" ~ are er ~ es oe ? » oe fave ee Pes ‘ *: SNe gad > .= * wt “ fp tongSop heis: Moiscae tareie ee ee 5 hey te aS : 25, 25, 1961 : * > aa a? , Bs i € i ; ae OF pe. : ret e - a * , t af Ry 4 _r eal ry :. oe = ed oe 4 bP — Fare Ge > : x Me - . oe “t rs agicey . = ata: ; . ‘ Pi, | fem ~e “ a. . 2 : “ i s — . - : + ‘ ; rae nN 2 , 3h . J TTT ‘§ - \ a ‘ " ? e “~ -- . Tne ROLE Union is the OF cammunity THE COLLEGE center of UNION the Collece, of the College family--students, guests. It is not just Together they represent of the College. a building, it is a well-considered As the "living roecm" the provides or for the services, is part of faculty, "hearthstone" conveniences, for all the members administration, alumi, of the also plan the and and an organized program. for the community life College, amenities Union the members of the College family need in their daily life on the getting to know and understand one another through tion outside the classroom. campus and for informal associa- The College, Union the educational orogram of the As the center of the College community life, it serves as a laboratory of citizenship, training students in social responsibility and for leacership in our democracy. Adie <a end: @ Fide irae cultural, cCime 2 ue ie Des pe oo “ nee y Wel LOUS a : social, activity . -_>~— a saa oe DOGS, and a a me a. ap _ crees, -and ~ + 7 ~ recreational program, cooperative ~*~ Coal . factor = with wen % 3 ants chia Sn o i it Sa DIEOVidesS ma ‘ aiming to make study “sie smy:cheg tiem Stall, in . education. a < ‘ free ~ a In aii its processes it encourages self-directed activity, givine Maxim oooortunity for self-realization and for growth in individual scclal competency and group effectiveness. Its goal is the develorment or persons as well as intellects. The Union serves as a unifying force in the cultivating enduring regard for and loyalty life of the College, to the College. ol * *. ne P A ea 0s tpg tn . oe pen Malem Ae ‘ahs « Bs Shara | Welcome to the Weber Union. It is a gracious, modern architecturally integrated of the and the SPL oT Se social center for the college campus foot Ae, ye of the with community, the other buildings impressively situated at mountains. RE: ———- - re Pr. SO See Let gee: mm ; Saeed antSe te Arg ee tg p: a at gee St i 4 Fry te SEA 4E ACTIVITIES BCARD (under the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of student vernment): from left to right, seated, Paula Blackington, Joan Orr, Judy ppson, Jackie Miller (éneeling), Paulette Lichtenstein, president; standing, OSS ate 43 AG ; Ay ak bAAese geo . Bai A Fs, 3 ae or es i deat sar pink a 7 Pee tows, * BA pet Fe m4 70 <. <>, dead sre “Rete Kathy Dayton, Dixie Lee, Dean Black, Boss was absent when photo was taken. 5 at Bh DeAnne 2 . Bitton, Larry Smith. Lynn ¢ Farrell Shepherd Union Director 9 - ere > NOR SAIS Fs he LS J. Seat teekeWeta th at oy eS AVE Pee as cat yk 2.6: ee #: Des ‘ or" be: rs es &,.% ¥ % y x x ~ é Se $ he bo Me ee ae: cotati serew 8 MBP 6 , © 4. Bs oy EM G. Lamont Mee Nae tees eice Eas cle aie Sal s Shupe Program Director 45 ete, Tee ‘e i ee “4 Re Ges... PS «1, ‘ Va, RR 3. < f sa Th Se sass SOL enh wy5 ap 4s~ iCRy GEEaEL a aii j wh) btn NN Bt Mi,we . ws cad ake as ke a sak ae Cra By anes Z “ ae =<. ane ary poi A, (MinMe,“ Y vant es * Bic ZB 5 > = ‘ « * ~~ we , ie - - 4 n A 4 ~~ s ’ ° “ 7 SS SS (AY RSS Dee s se = ee a pan 2 2 oo be yee) ea a .- oo co WEBER PAW Zz a << © ea ae ORDER OF THE PURPLE of the STATE GOLLEGE UNION Es@> THE ROYAL o Wht i gine - Bees WA ONE i. Paper po DEL AES “*- ” . e ead field e (i. he Fy “Ty Activities. rR, Recreational the ¢ s and in . Cultural service h a+ at he” ae > outstanding A T* a a ae rr en Of Social, for ' eS a ae 2 Awards to: this certificate ‘« i > rs C NAT > > ~ a ~ CS * At 4 = a ya rh, a fee ay * La ~ oe . 4 ‘ . | 3 a ey {CCRT bP veSe ae aN F ray fee, wi wae nes ERrecHeS SeEE. a jw eer “ys nas ace - a sat mk Shee ee tt ait, Na oy POPOL ec let am eee TAS sas é rt en ae we % Wildcat Chairman es vaRe % WN er. we -awe Mey s 69,NG Wy: wwQs hy F. aa 4M99 its 4 fe fM EOHEQEEOS Fthe. gta Co gh: Sty PRR AN a 7 os4 os ii ted, , et cy “onySa ‘ fin, ray ee “ > : . Sa Me ‘4 , Pe ‘ ° | JP SEIN, ro Ve —— a” Top Kitten sok. * > oes ,a P¢ r. Co-chairman : Wildcat « OF : on Rei oO Top Cat Pies eepe . ‘ *, J .: -° % at “ < te | Sa 5 > é of . is a member . ae a © on eae SS) as “ mentioned 7. page ‘ * LET IT BE KNOWN, the above the Royal Order of ® os bad J - ee ee a a ao Pe Wty es Fd heaDeane Este DA ye if OM, aN) "Ci Union of the famous Dutch | out many { Jan. 27. The public is| Appearing artist and painter will remain \ | invited to look .sper over turned|in —_ etchings. RAMU include The Amsterdam,’ to the “View of| Windmill, first etching mewn’ ie the | stel River at ‘De Omval.”’ Shepherds,’’ In the Biblical group Rembrandt’s| ead te A | ss ole worsieaseeeni ae wees ~ Amsterdam : : set Included in the display are ‘Angel | ‘‘Six’s Bridge,” and “View of Am- on| the pictures Ae: we pussewen Bireiwow Rembrandt dies “aili tras he : ae St LSS rh are mem _ . | COLLEGE WEBER “ : a vs ee: : ee , Z UNION om presents gece oe AND DRAWINGS ge oe ~~ ETCHINGS of ’ REMBRANDT'S | OeRETIN Bere | an exhibition (Fifty reproductions the Rijksmuseum, of the originals Amsterdam) | pS ee in ON OE ra Vi WG all time, Te | AS OLE Union's t | The works | . project of the + 7 as a cultural srimitiee. 2-27, 1962 tFeai ee ee ee January btchings RE - | | ’ a title of the 4 y featured Union. This e tome. fifty ae originals: Amsterdam, @& opens ' pe ge ~ the Netherlan r high ice. -‘ All: juni = sche eneral publica .. _ the 2 until ye before his deat d with tthe etc rin. Indeed, du 5-1631, while ls birthplace, gs only. And li nedia in Amste 1e was establis. 1e ] of of the times. _ in gres etching the w: Nethe } ! |. College Union Building Already) |. .Soccesaful After Three Months __Ae 8 a During loperation, its brief vase Weber cutie ‘of | College’s million ; dollar Union Building has drawn more than 5,000 students into its programs and’ the. winter quarter should see this activity, stepped up considerably.. These are the views of Ji Farrell Shepherd, ° Union director, and Monty Shupe, program director, --who supervised the activities during fall quarter, “!!5-< ' Many special ements including ‘banquets: and dances, have been scheduled for the Christmas holiday period. The games area will be open through ‘the holidays, with the. ' exception of today and New Year’s. day and Sundays, from. 10 a.m. ito Il p.m. © );+ hop AID students, alumni sian: and the general public are invited to enjoy the facilities during the , vacation days. Only” the cafeteria will. be Closed. ktiy ising hee -Income from. the’ bowling. wi Jane Mozely ie ; Weber . alley -been up to expectations, officials Said. The structure’ -is financed through these- sources, plus fees paid annually. by students. os “The union is still a new facility at Weber and the. students. need more time to realize it full poten- ae tial,’ oberved Mr. Shupe. °° . « queen for one y chosen through \Phnenixmembe - * Jeagues * will .be one SHtinLare new {functions of the winter quarter and| _|there will also be billiard and table calpain SEASONAL DISPLAY of panels depicting Christmas customs of foreign lands are being hung in Weber tennis tourneys. A photography in. College Union Building by Max Brown and Carol Cope, , . ‘struction course is. another new . Union activities officers. New exhibits and programs | activity. te aE 4 During - Galan: a ‘events: Y attract growing number of students to tne 4new ceacuity -(e = * Re ee + CN SO 1s secretary. Committee ai are Carole A ee social; Brent Moon, games; Larry. Bryant, special events; Lori- +S ee “go*# rf ba Me ‘ 3 SN ns ‘lee Hayes, cultural; Corrie Oborn}. hospitality; Dave’ Vandehei, .pub-+ icity Carol, ie, ants: “fend | BE ahaha °- 2% \ RES Wine the a tates re am ci ee are 4-4" ‘Committe To EF The first of a series of student-| faculty retreats, a project of the| |Special Events Committee, is} "me a ene ; {2% included dances, forums, barbecue, _{lectures, hikes, movies, seasonal grams. Max Brown,. chairman dur. parties and others that attracted ing fall quarter, Will leave for a = than 5,000 people, -. . > church mission soon and will be. re-| More than 100 students are on the placed, by * Val Parrish. Carol Cope | *g eight conmmaittees oe 7m - & | Dece mb: 4 “bowling of. the ‘~ : atmosphere,”" - he added... = 1+ -Formation.. of ’ ‘student [lege Union Bu: | The dance Ww | Pheonix, ” “ain | and Jane! will ““The modern, convenient struc\ture has added "enormously to student enjoyment and has enhanced ithe .. collegiate Colleg "| epown. followin i the: snowball¢ F and games area, the bookstore and other revenue-producing units, has E ‘slated ne ny «tala, to get under way soon, for: of the Lar-| par ‘ry Bryant, committee chairman, | aro 'said this week. _ pro , Retreats are designed to bring| 17 ie rk Exam ner “4 “SFanda December 255 /40l) student and faculty closer togeth- | sc! er while offering interested stu-| it : 'dents the opportunity to talk with} ‘person of authority ‘ten fields. | “The rereats in will their chos-| be, fun { 4 [Tange in-| off tne osT’ a 3 © gr: ge. {o, eteee revere | merger eee: agers ee Ree ae ee pass Wee cae. # qs a’, Rte goa cascada _ awe aia The Miss Weberr State ‘which will he*held anna} “sented by thé Special Ey. mitteeof the. Studentbo: ties Board. : Chairma) an sis sen, ‘With, Steve Parker's ac and promations head;: ‘Jez ian as entrants and win) man, and’ Judy Gerhlin host: a a Fer Pes ; ie .. % | Judges are: M -H.Q .Mrs. Wayne Wilcox, 'M | Jones, , By Steve Parker af: ieee ‘Miss Weber. State College will | Mr. Vriens Bernie Darwin Larse: Jr. f=: : 2 Diamond ae ay will e be chosen tomorrow at,8 p.m, in ‘Show and fine music wil the © Ogden att ofDiageo MEGEH HighAMER Schoof WChOGs Audit AUGILO- ‘haure Makoffs, andae ¢s rium. She will be selected’ from a field of thirteen cantéstants on the basis of beauty, intelligence, | tings by and talent..The pageant fs an offi-. eant cial Miss America Pageant. -pre- | UB. liminary, with that nal enn Annette a. sub-franchise event. Batés, will Mi be crown the first Weber The Miss winner will Utah Miss on to ee: Firemen’s Ball, which elled. * “ Admission * is Utah, ‘eant stubs or $1 per coup! to will be State queen. lard Combo. go directly to the Pageant, supplied by ere in May, ‘With re | Sater, Te, ee 3 S : student admission is 50c with: nc- : REE aaee tivity cards. Tickets.may be-pur- j.2 020° chased at the Union Building: main | eee a ~ MISS UTAH: Annette Bates, General admission is' $1,’and -~- --State oa agecaenarmeamess = patenting will crown new rites. : Miss Weber | | Ee | °4 here opehier’s gteonor a poe dace, gramjs- will be furnished: free. of charge. Students and‘staff. are 5” Ng PEI the’ door Baturday . mighty, Pro "Baers: -|Nominations Due for seat) a. ES ie = : WN “The Bes = : _ | ‘event g)* parable ‘ben AWS, AMS and class officers| | Be will be held’, 20 at 12 noon in rooms 106-108. Ea oh. is. April He aS The. CES. "open ‘ox nomination are: Ko eRioe) 0 BERG quet, held and talented “OES @ trophies we py Eth The WSC. contestants are‘: Don- na Bell, a freshman ; Singer; Clandia AMS, president, vice-|co-ed and currently and senators arse gee one be: tects | er oe * eo} pants of the ao and AMS offices.- ~ aa Ce ~ ee Orr ei ea 2, rt AyTF ae Str Oe hoes VeCN eeie Wee oe AGE P sadn Raeacu al aS | TagNG ae. ete Titty e tor » * Creat ta pen ibe ee Ur ORE Be Pot art, RD BAGoP geeFo a Pre pet ee 9 See be i ve ey core ptt va ‘ by Dat - . . teams Gwen /- experi pianist; ee ae rox Bee wah : waite, a freshman with blonde hair~ °° State Future Farmers . of? Amet- .- ge 0 oP (fica Sweetheart contest; Helen Carr, Poet, ,&. charming freshman, . presently | pst Oe BRE A petition with 25 names must be turned into the main desk. serving as.secretary of the Presh- © of the UB for each nominee by noon on Tuesday. man Class; Alyce Ann Hull, ani... rs 1964-6! ning iit ie FP. =) ~~ 1ents for AWS es Sa ” Qualifies ns~for: sophomore, junior “and senior offices are|and blue eyes; Nyla Berrett, also a minimum. Jef 2a; ‘0 and 110 credit. hours, respectively with a|a freshman and past winner imthe : * erade point of not less than 2.20. There are no credit require- Asae “ 4 area. Bets ge secretary Junior and senior classes. 4 Kens cellent quality of women that rep- i220 }ajo> § program |resent Weber State and the Ogden Pitot ~B year. At tl secretary; AWS, vice-president and secretary, and | Phoenix Snowball Queens ‘Carroll Beg kaa Sad president, vice-president, [SE 1 meee Set eg ~ see, first-hand,’ the ex- c rane a eis vA ck class . and putea reigning president, atid 3 tan be) # a SS lO = ‘ ta i roe ae possibilities of competing'in At- | 0) 0800 BAY lantic City in the fall: ; be NES e ces =] ij} the | “s E ieee. a dance will be he! This will take the Utah, hand Arvin City Parks. » inmedintiabe following he ohh ! fet Idaho eral student previous: q Darleen ‘" ‘| active }man; Jehnsen,. winner a sev- sophomore Madsen, dancer: of beauty: ‘pageants; Union -;Committee; Penny ‘talented and and chair- a junior and Irene Robins. a S : $+ ; < _ + se . : es : Perry, an Biene Rays Competit to two § | pendents, ia winne d Dianeda the highes division a! The Funst * April 1, 1966 GOTT - “t * Ta ere ttn ote SRE ee TTT at 7 . Aware yee x: wig 6 sins ‘i T aN Radio and Television Personality, will Emcee ‘Wonders’ ad Ge {> . Ae * eee > or2% ow. orden Owen, me : segs ¥e << Dees « ein + ~, bs % 4:4 ye ot.” » ne - « . ‘ ‘ hyd ’ Ses — Student talent’ in -music,. dancing, | and pantomine “will be “seen in the annual Weber State talent show in the Fine Arts Auditorium. tonight> at 8 p.m. ¥ “Mr. Weber’s with sentation, Wonders’’ is performances popular and classical divisions. os KSL-TV on the Owen’”’ and *‘Gordon ‘*Midday’’ program, and is heard on KSL radio on ‘‘An Evening with Gordon ee Owen rte ate ne eT wy ewe a. * Vy “Gordon Owen™ i c wwodey : tuetigeans CRECREY AS Note- He has ‘published five volumes of his TV and radio talks, and has achieved national cizeniation of his three books of humor,The Salt Lake performer holds. a Doctor’s Degree in Bio-PsychoDynamics Education. _ Judges for the talent show are Mr. William F. Christensen, Mr. Albert) Fallows, Dr. H.-E. D. Redford, and “Mrs. Larry ‘Baird Smith.~ « ; yA teeldaner hss Winners of each: ‘division: will represent Weber State at the Intercollegiate Talent Show at Utah State Dupversity this Saturday. fu C into ae - Master of ceremonies. for the event will be Gordon Owen, popular radio and television personality. He is currently seen on 5 ue of the pre- “being divided st oe ow PS, . the name book.”’ ‘He has” “spent 15 years working in radio ‘and television in all the major cities of the United Stee States. — ~~.’ et Pg are at ph KER oar HAGLER ba Pie ivi ai b i r Ae: Ses Se A Gh 2 tsSee te nm weve: wee oe Sy 9 i ee, Met . re . , hae pon ‘Rig. eats on Lieto be a we eel ee Brent Qui - *. strange si in long dr iri ..” ‘tin «Sie the UB in a beaut ~ ~ } ler ‘ e when : Seb ass ES oP sittbeme d be iN Vandehel, ham, Dee of decorat Every ' Monday tc o% os > $e OP Mes one Og ay ee | ee ae a, Woy oe Smt ee ‘ 8 Bg hg hep he ale < ez eT . ooh 2 ‘Aer! dais + ~ tie at LP ate. xt Ruceetee Ls) a ipaatte Rata otocann eatin te Pe 5 iOE SRN Peves tee sre, Ae eae BangDet Gear hei a tees ; BE ; NE ck ae SG 4 EE 2 steer Seen eee Pe ee ere ; rmisict: a 4 7 din.POS 7rd setae ot: gE PME ie. 9 ot EGE Rpts! d Bogimp? pad Se + bt cieaocbihBe off Myatt b it tet tn Mr. In ack hit tables. Dinner mz In chz | aif rack. AER ‘ to the mu. Can-C a 4 Highl _— Galt epe ef ome ee ee ope gre eee COLLEGE UNION has bookét: 'the Hi-Lo’s, nationally prominent singing appear Friday as the featured attraction: at a: dancing party. Members , Puerling. Bob Morse, Clark Burroughs and Bob Stasen. Night Club Songsters Booked To Perform at Weber College popular singers a? iti ee ee The Hi- of join with the students. Tickets cost be Dance music for the evening will furnished by the Four Sounds Plus. Two said.» -*. orchestra, ve Miss = Fisher The Hi-Lo’s, have performed in night clubs, ‘televiion. and radio, | $1.50 per person. _They may be the nation’ 2; Aeading night spots, will appear in a 40-minute show as! bought at the. main desk in. the including the Waldorf Astoria, New: the highlight of a- dance in Weber Union prior to the dance. | York; Crescendo in Hollywood: the: College Union Friday, Carole Fisher, chairman of the Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas; Waikiki. ne: top-name eatin, is spon-| Union social committee, said stu- Shell, Honolulu, and many others. | sored by the Union ‘committee. of | dents. who arrange the Union proThey also have had sequences in students in the nature pf a- grand grams plan to broaden and inten- four motion pictures, parts: on. TV. opening of the- Union’ Ss. ancing sify the offerings and to occasion- and~- radio programs, . and’ are’-a pavilion, "= ite: AT ally book the better known enter- leading records recording “Tyrical: The general public’ ‘tainers for the growing college. troupe. — = Ry ae nee 2 group, to are Gene (eee me ~— » > : | e a % e . eo : ; oe tame Ae yee eto+ ts + - trsiclard Oe teber ENG Ube. 22, 196! nnn meer iC Ne PCr —_ - se ‘ wessaterecsetstecesatgeatetceterstetetetetettetetetetetetatecetecctecetetateteteteteteteeseaementent enearstatsteretatetetetaseteeatatetetatapanateeatsessesararsreete ete etetetatetatatatatet Set Pdtete’oPehe’sshaheisee.8.%,' eset", eleletedeteretetatcestateeceleceletetetetetetet. Metetete eee e's ee a sete ate eta ea ene eta nein serene a a a eee ata ats a ata e nates te hehehe teh Se eeMee Olt ereeel eee Pe ee ee era ate tet a ete een ate ts atate eta tatetets tatetgtetsMetstet etree eres te a tatgt eta atghs i Oeeti MO Ore Oe ee setae tets etetate etete tsetse teeeeeteeeere trate ere eens ete safes ere ens ea tatc tate etetetetetet tate eee wr eral ete erela ste sMetarate tere eteters®. stateteretetetetetetets’s Ae ae ee ae eae eae aera ere ae ee eie re area ee eaten e eae ate ete ate ata e arate ate anata tatennte terete a eet eraetetatae tae atetattatetatetate ts titsece Let Be Ne wee Be Bern ataatanataetnstatstte Ooo Oe ws meee Engh nee t OH ee Ow Bares wpe gt erete atnenaratetetatete tence tM statettseit Oe eee wee a weann ee atgenae ate tate ae atetanetatetate ate’ ahatetstetatatetstatetatstatstetststeteestserereseretasetacetetetetatetatstatetetstetrteterrers. WILLIAM October P. MILLER ll, — PRESIDENT 1965 Dear We are and football The pleased game that you on October following will 16, be our guest at our Homecoming parade 1965. is a schedule of events as they are planned for the day: The bands will line up between Grant Avenue and Washington Boulevard at 28th Street no later than 10:30 a.m, The parade begins at 11:00 a.m. sharp and will run on Washington Boulevard from 28th to 21st Street. After your busses unload on 28th Street, have them go to between 21st and 20th on Washington Boulevard to wait for the bands who (if they are going to participate in the football game) should be transported immediately as they complete the parade route to the Weber State stadium for a short practice for the pre-game activities. This practice will be under the direction of the Weber State Band, If your band can participate in the pre-game activities, please have them practice the Star-Spangled Banner in A flat concert. We would also like to have your band participate in playing during the game, We would like to invite you as band director and your partner (if she is able to attend) to come to the Weber State Union Building following the parade to be our guests at a special luncheon, This luncheon will be over in time for you to return to your band before game time, The band short rehearsal, Would you members please We are pleased enjoyable day with us, will | be served fill in and to have you lunch return the as our at the stadium enclosed guests and following card, hope you have Very truly yours, MS:ms J. F. Shepherd Homecoming Chairman an their November Mr. Farrel of Union Ogden, Utah Thank visit Building College Dear Mr. 1961 Shepherd Manager Weber 2, Shepherd: you for your very kind invitation to your campus and new Union Building on Saturday, accept, forward College. and to November 4, to tell you spending the We are happy to that we are weekend There will be approximately at looking Weber eight persons in our party. This includes our executive counsel members as well as several of the Union Board, Thank you again for your thoughtfulness in inviting us to visit your campus. We are of looking pleasure. forward to it with a great oe dad Sincerely Union yours, Board Secretary deal © az... First VICE Associated Students PRESIDENT Seo KIMBALL KEELER MORRILL SUSAN SORENSEN ASSOCIATED MEN STUDENTS ASSOCIATED WOMEN &phraim, Shepherd Dear Mr. Shepherd: us “Utah feel very your that helpful building. The 20, 1961 Union your to us Building building as suggestions we are which on Union Board the day of beginning to draw is very you your beautiful, offered us, Thank you again for your cooperation Sincerely yours,- xecutive Council Associated Students Snow College in Board would for showing Homecoming. and seeing up Mr. very helpful, and we feel that the use of them union programa great deal more successful, EC/1b AIKEN MARSHA HUNTER EDITOR MANAGER CHEERMASTER The Snow College Executive Council and to thank you and the Weber College Union through DOROTHY PUBLICITY Union Building Weber College Ogden, Utah We ACORD Ci.us Farrell EDITOR CLAUDIA MARLENE November KELSON SNOWONIAN STUDENTS like ANN SNOWDRIFT Snow College SECRETARY DoYLE Betty plans it was for Shepherd, will make this respect, our were our SORBE COORDINATOR saps SR RR, sy OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL 64 East 600 South * 3 ta ‘ > ways $29 By-~ % Se nee: - Ta ; P &\ ar im:tcat apes +a: WE; bt 3 esa Se es 21D, tel Ae wees 8, * ty ae eS + 44 . OSS > aE : a Oe: gh bate : 9). : murs, EE ing ca ~ eS Te p ¢ 4 HEBER CITY, UTAH ge ier Mr, Farrell shepphord Homecoming Chairman Wehor State Orden, Utah Dear College dir: nacticina h a véqen eee » + GB , ae re tr a etiicnan inant a . “Yew High school Band *n vou homecoming has decided to activities Oct. 16. “lace Piease send us ‘ietails of narade etc. a3 +o time ~8iydlv pave the director of bands us if the Star Snaneled Banner will be than the A-flat v-rsion. Thank and inform other vou. Sincerely, oko GLA Lorin Allred Rand Jirector NORTH SUMMIT RAR. 8. SCHOOL CHIPMAN, COALVILLE, July DISTRICT SUPERINTANDE il 9, UTAH 1965 Mr. Farrell Shepherd Homecoming Chairman Weber State College Ogden, Utah 84403 Dear Mr. in Weber Shepherd: We State appreciate College's Iam a of our band, a band due instructor. your invitation Homecoming parade little hesitant to accept to the I am fact that at the sure the for our band Saturday, this present students to participate October 16. invitation on behalf time, would we do not have like to participate in your Homecoming parade, but I am afraid they will not be able to represent our school as it should be; hence, it is my feeling that we should forgo this privilege which you have accorded us. Yours RSC/jm very truly, Nalt Lake Trade Technical Institute 431 February SOUTH 3, Dr. William Weber State Odgen, Utah Dear 6TH EAST © SALTLAKE DIAL DA 8-S521 P. Miller, College President gained President Miller: considerable information continue to plan our Thank you for courtesies Yours sincerely, bn. 0 Bryan Union BBG: cg UTAH 1965 Our Union Development Fund Committee visit with Mr. Shepperd, director of afternoon. We CITY, the own Student B. Gardner, Development that Union extended Rabo Chairman Fund Committee had the a most union, will be Building. to us. interesting yesterday helpful as we 4 a 4 ieee den eat pasSa ee >. ee Ee ek al iy eget ee Bote ihn dah ie ee Oho a % tine no ants Adee ait ne: a:LS 3 Nao pres he pe caw eSe Se Er _ ae. ee a) PARRY pe | TREN ood,RAG NernR MERA ° $ !, 7 = “ ‘ “, 2 s . ~ ° s * . ene ‘ ~f - 3 * ; \ 4. ee ee ean AO ct ‘ satcctietine Deasth ed ” - ‘ — A aa . f é , i - me > . as : “4 { 4 | MODEL of how Weber State Union Building will look after a $2 million addition“ ; ' / 4s examined by J. Ferrell Shepherd and Dr. Robert A. Clarke. This is one of sev- "| x eral new construction projects totaling more than $42 million scheduled to get un- | , der way'in Ogden area this years-)8"'s2q)serrt at ‘te ees, “ pice i ee : Sa oe hae . ee BR . s ce , °: . @ Se o ' } > ° * 4 4 L¢ a a ; P i ry : & PU Bsa epee . PT F 5 : TE SATE ETA PLATtdRie ha Pde : d “i \ Jain! « SULLATray LELL Lhe ah y oe Pere erie : —\ Lek ie. Peer ee Bar LL Ld GL LL5 ES. LdBS LdPet Led ad ta 5Le Ded fos | fi x 2 4 Pm i yi CEUTA hel el ee 2 ee * F 4 aaa ECEeeLECH HEL: PALL Ta Rae Pe teh Pes Bae ml : a eee LE EEL ae oe ie ee | , 5.9 eRe ae tbe et . - Ok TL Perio be. MUNA 5 oer 2 Si etaleiah hele telah aed Creat, ’ Ne ha bo tes bak te " |
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