Title | Box 43, Folder 05: Church programs, January 2005 |
Contributors | New Zion Baptist Church |
Description | Church programs, November - December 2004 |
Subject | Worship programs; Advertising--Churches; Church announcements; Church anniversaries |
Keyword | Programs |
Digital Publisher | Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date | 2005 |
Date Digital | 2023; 2024 |
Item Size | 11x8.5 inches |
Medium | Programs; Documents; Calendars (documents) |
Spatial Coverage | Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type | Image/StillImage |
Access Extent | image/jpg |
Conversion Specifications | Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL, a Epson Expression 12000XL scanner, and Epson FastFoto scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG files were then created for general use. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit New Zion Baptist Church, Ogden, Utah and Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information: |
Sponsorship/Funding | Available through grant funding by the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board |
Source | New Zion Baptist Church Records; Box 43, Folder 5 |
OCR Text | Show ante — Ry, ei) ae ae Pe + eee PRR ie Secs Leer ———__—_——_—_———_ ——— In remembrance of Me, always love. of Me ; don’t look above, win In remembrance SNe “In remembrance of Me, search for truth. —- Do this in remembrance of Me.” - Ragan Courtney - 5 a fa} © a i S © >> & S bab aa , look in your heart to God. NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH \ 2935 Lincoln Avenue s* Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: (801) 392-3433 newzionut@ aol.com FIRST SUNDAY = JANUARY 2, 2005 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” Coit tO Ware eas oe ars skew vs PICVONMONE Ba Bae had ia kwh TAG TCANTCH COVOTIONE a Rev. Robert Hall Deacons & Praise Team asics Gas as tages [Please Stand] avs Rev. Robert Hall Modet Prv6? isc5 itv dee fiymn Nao. 526... ties “Let the Words of My Mouth” Congregation [Please Stand] Congregational Hymn............... (NQ. ZAG) Gg casceieis .Congregation “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand” [Please Stand] Welcome of Visitors & Announcements............. Sis. Sally Holmes PERI SOLE iio cae ss 0 So sds cde vee New Zion Senior Choir Tithes and Offering........ Rev. Michelle Boyer, Deacons &Ushers PE sh as eh a oda ta NANSIGOL SELOCCIION vo, 3s Fa. ag CO kk Rev. Betty Hall fon Ros New Zion Senior Choir CORPTEGGHORGL TIWII iwc ices 5 has eas adeno Congregation [Please Stand] DECC es FO es aps int cca ts eas eet Rev. Cal Carter Invitation to Discipleship.............00....0000+2-----Rev. Lillie Holman Ealy COmMIION ice rie et en cs Rev. Cal Carter Liq The Church Covenant LZ4 Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, And on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, We do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ. We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love, to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain to worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine: To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations. We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements and exemplary in our deportment; To avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger. To abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; To remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; To be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rule of our Savior to secure it without delay. (All Together) We moreover engage that when we remove from this place, we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word. AaZzyv, “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand” VERSE f: Time is filled with swift transition, naught of earth unmoved can stand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. VERSE 2: Trust in Him who will not leave you, whatsoever years may bring; If by earthly friends forsaken, still more closely to Him cling! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. VERSE 3: Covet not this world’s vain riches, that so rapidly decay; Seek to gain the heavenly treasurers, they will never pass away! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. VERSE 4: When your journey is completed, if to God you have been true; Fair and bright the home in glory, your enraptured soul will view! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. Thought for the Day... “His destiny was the CROSS ... His purpose was LOVE ... His reason was YOU!” New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah * (801) 392-2211 Scheduled Events & Activities for January 2005 Sunday Reminder!: Pastoral Reminder!: Pastoral Candidate Visit (Rev. | Candidate Visit (Rev. & see Derrel Hughes of Mrs. Michael Hopkins} Wake Forest, NC, of Woodlawn, MD, Jan 5-10, 2005) Jan 12-17, 2005) 2 Sunday School | 3 (9:30 a.m.) Sunday Worship (11:00 a.m.) Pulpit Cmte Meeting | (5:00 p.m.) Mill Creek Bible 4 yyiccion & Laymen Meeting : (600 bere) we Pe Study (1) 7:00 p.m. 5 Prayer & Bible | 6 Tutoring/Mentoring Prog (6:30 p.m.) Mill Creek Bible Sunday Worship (11:00 a.m.) Unity Baptist Church Usher’s Day . Pulpit Cmte . me 00 Meeti a Mill Cre Z k Bib le re 11 Mission & Laymen Meetings (6:00 p.m.) Study (1) 7:00 p.m. tudy (1) 7:0 (9:30 a.m.) & Meeting (5:00 p.m.) (11:00 a.m.) Meeting Sunday Worship 23 Senior Usher Board 24 Pulpit Cmte Meeting | (5:00 p.m.) (11:00 a.m.) Study (1) 7:00 p.m. Mill Creek Bible Sunday School | 31 (9:30 a.m.) & Sunday Worship (11:00 a.m.) 18 Mission & Laymen Meetings (6:00 p.m.) (6:00 p.m.) Mill Creek Bible Study (1) 7:00 p.m. Sunday School (9:30 a.m.) & Sunday Worship 3O Pulpit Cmte Pulpit Cmte Meeting (5:00 p.m.) Mill Creek Bible Study (1) 7:00 p.m. wes fr Dr. Rance Allen, Pastoral Candidate | Pastoral Candidate Congregation Bible Study Preacher/Gospel Artist, Evangelic Deliverance Temple COGIC (SLC) Jan 6 & 7 (7:00 p.m.) 25 Mission & Laymen Meetings (6:00 p.m.) Step Team Practice | Men’s Prayer Breakfast (8:30 a.m. ‘ . (5:00 p.m.) (1:30 - 3:30 p.m. & e 6:30 — 8:30 p.m.) Meeting cai. oe ee Youth Choir 15 14 12 Prayer & Bible | 13 (4:30 p.m) Rehearsal | Practice L.T. Bell Memorial | Step Team Study (12 Noon & 6:30 p.m.) Men’s Chorus Pr 0g (6:30 p.m.) Mill Creek Bible (6:00 p.m.) Rehearsal Tutoring/Mentoring (5:00 p.m.) Women’s Chorus Bible Study (1:30 — 3:30 p.m. & | Pastoral Candidate Congregation Meeting Pastoral Candidate | Rehearsal (1:00 p.m.) 19 Prayer & Bible | 2O Senior Choir Rehearsal Study (12 Noon & (6:00 p.m.) 6:30 p.m.) Tutoring/Mentoring Prog (6:30 p.m.) Mill Creek Bible Study(2) (7:00 p.m.) 21 Step Team Practice (5:00 p.m.) Youth Usher’s 28 Step Team Study (12 Noon & 6:30 p.m.) — Senior Choir Rehearsal Practice(5:00 p.m.) WSU Annual Gospel sa ‘ ——, [ jse Deacon Board ' (7: :30 30 p p.m. oe plage Study(2) (7:00 p.m.) 22 (6:00 p.m.) Meeting (6:00 p.m.) ( on aia een > Youth Choir Rehearsal (4:30 p.m) Meeting (Time TBD) 26 Prayer & Bible | 27 deg. (3:00 — 6:00 p.m.) 6:30 — 8:30 p.m.) Study(2) (7:00 p.m.) (3:30 p.m.) 16 Sunday School | 17 (7:00 p.m 8 Finley Temple COGIC Senior Choir Rehearsal (6:00 p.m.) Study (12 Noon & 6:30 p.m.) — es: 10 mS a gd Study(2) 9 Sunday School (9:30 a.m.) & ; Saturday Friday Thursday Tuesday | Wednesday | Monday Zg / a> / De i / % Resp Tel | Spintual Warfare for Every Christian Place: Ephesians 6:10-18 New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue «Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Starting: January 5, 2005 When: Wednesdays (12:00 Noon & 6:30 p.m.) sessions: Twelve (90 Minutes Each) Facilitators: Rev. Robert Hall & Bro. Stanley Ellington ¢ This course is about overcoming evil...if we are to walk as Jesus walked, it is impera tive that every one of us understands the biblical basis for spiritual warfare. * The class structure shall be a video presentation followed by classroom discussion. ° Workbooks are a aillable at $10 each. lhey are rec ommended, but not neces very (0 attend. * Session Lopics: Introduction to Spiritual Warfare; Putting on the Armor: The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail: Shutting the Gates in Your Life; Structures of Authority; Principalities and Powers; Angels ; True and False Authority; The Legal Basis of Authority; Why Evil?; The Nature of Attacks: and Ways to Wage Warfare. NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly Offering Sunday School $ Name Tithes Special Building Fund Offering $ “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him.” I Cor. 16:2 Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Homer Washington — Bro. Clifton Hester Bro. Ed Taylor Sis. Tommie Watkins Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Thelma Tucker Dea. Jimmy Long Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Selma Hutchinson MOUNT OGDEN REHABILITATION CENTER Sis. Lola Ellis WASHINGTON TERRACE NURSING CENTER Sis. Carrie Price WASATCH CARE CENTER Bro. Charlie Reynolds Sis. Zetta Browning, AZ Bro. Chest Burton Sis. June Smauldon, VA Bro. Bob Simmons Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Floyce Brown, CA Bro. Elmer Dickerson Bro. Corky Pentacost,WA Sis. Mary Smauldon, WA SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Norvelle Walton _ Sis. Gertie Bland Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Ben Christy Sis. Julie Alexander Bro. Warren Beck Sis. Lucy Donaldson Bro. Cleo Myles Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Jimmie Bell Sis. Lula Christy Bro. Jack Pearl Bro. Myrle Hill Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Loraine Warwick Bro. William & Sis. Margie Gowins, NC MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Capt Turon Humphrey — Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Bro. Bishop Tillman Dea. Benny Frazier Bro. Griffin Brock — Bro. Chris Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson, Fullwiley and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your prayers are most appreciated! ! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT S.... ww coming week. Pastoral Candidates Update Our pastoral candidate visitations will begin this (1) Rev. Derrel Hughes from Wake Forest, NC, will visit New Zion January 5-10, 2005. He is scheduled to conduct a special Bible Study on Friday, January 7” from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and will meet with the congregation on Saturday, January 8", from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (2) Rev. Dr. Michael_& Sis. Janet Hopkins from Woodlawn, MD, will visit New Zion January 12-17, 2005. Rev. Hopkins is scheduled to conduct a special Bible Study on Friday, January 14", from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and they will both meet the congregation on Saturday, January 15“, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Copies of their entire visitation schedules have been posted on the bulletin boards in the church vestibule. Please be in prayer for spirit-filled and enjoyable visitation experiences for our candidates as well as ourselves. Special Worship & Praise Service Pastor D.E. Newsone and the congregation of Fresh Start Evangelistic Deliverance Temple COGIC has invited NZBC to join 27. 2them in special praise and worship services on January 2005, at 7:00 p.m. each night, featuring Dr. Rance Allen, noted international gospel recording artist and Pastor of New Bethel Dr. Allen will be Church of God In Christ in Toledo, OH. ministering in music and the word on both nights. Please contact the church office at (801) 467-5333 for more information. Annual Usher’s Day Celebration Unity Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate their Annual Usher’s Day on Sunday, January 9" at Their theme is, “United We Stand in 2005” with a 3:30 p.m. scripture reference taken from Ephesians 4:3. Their program guest speaker will be Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (SLC). They are requesting that all our ushers come in uniform, as there will be special seating reserved for them. Please contact Sis. Jeretta King, Usher President, at (801) 595-0049. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) fo Annual Prayer Breakfast Ty The Ben’ « S Fellowship of Finley Temple Church of God In Christ have invited New Zion to attend their Sixth Annual Prayer Breakfast to be held on Saturday, January 8" at 8:30.a.m. Their theme is, “Men of God Rising to a Higher Level of Commitment”’ [Luke 19:1-10]._ The program speaker will be Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (SLC). You may contact Min. Grant Clinton, at 393-1252 for more information. Christmas Acknowledgements Once again the members of our Mission and Laymen Ministries would like to extend their heartfelt appreciation to all our church family members who donated nonperishable food items, monetary donations, and their time to assist in the preparation and pickup/delivery of 30 food boxes given to those in need in our church and local community families, as well as gift baskets/tokens for our sick & shut-in and our convalescent home members this Christmas holiday season. We also want to express a special “thank you” to our Benevolent Committee for their monetary assistance and Dr. Donald Carpenter and the OWCAP for their donation of a large variety of nonperishable food items. We could not have accomplished this very successful outreach without the numerous prayers, donations and support of you all!! Weber State Fifth Annual Gospel Music Festival University will be hosting their 5” Annual Gospel Music Festival on Friday, January 28", 7:30 p.m., in the Val Browning Center on campus. This event is free and open to the public. Please contact Ms. Toni Price at 626-7330 for more info. Utah MLK Human Rights Commission Luncheon The Utah Martin Luther King, Jr. Human Rights Commission’s “Drum Major” Awards Luncheon will be held Friday, January 14", 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel (150 West 500 South) in Salt Lake. This is a free event, however, $25.00 donations will be accepted. For more info and to RSVP ASAP, please contact Mr. Michael Styles at (801) 538-8754. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.’’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: 1 Lowa WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: 1° Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 6:30 p.m. 1° & 3” Saturdays of each month at 1:00 p.m. Note: 4 Saturday of each month for Mission (5") Sunday. Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3" & 4" Thursdays of each month. Men’s Chorus Rehearsal: 2” Thursday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Step Team Meeting & Training: Every Friday at 5:00 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsals: 3” & 4 Saturdays of each month at 4:30 p.m. Deacon Board Meeting: 4 Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Usher Board Meeting: 3” day of each month at 6:00 p.m. Designed Broadman by %niteVouth Ushers Meeting: & Holman Supplies BROADMAN Printed SUPPLIES © 2003 Nashville, Tennessee in the U.S.A. Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. HOLMAN efore the 4 Sunday of each month. 0-8054-3987-0 www.broadmanholman.com NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH <\ 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com 84401 (801) 392-3433 FIRST SUNDAY s JANUARY 2, 2005 “THE CHURCH BUILT A ADPKD AD ies V eV eV BY FAITH” » ADA KD A eV es \ > {4 > a NZANZANANANZANZANANANAN? \ ORDER OF WORSHIP Call to Worship. ... 1c. ccc cee cee cee cee cee cee ees veseee eee REV. Robert Hall D@VOLION 10. cee cee cee cee cee cee tee see seesseee see ses Deacons & Praise Team The Church Covenant... voc ccc ccccc cee cee sseee cee seeee eee REV. Robert Hall [Please Stand] Model Prayer ................ Hymn No. 528... 12... ........ Congregation “Let the Words of My Mouth” [Please Stand] Congregational Hymn... ............(NO. 248 ).cccccccces Congregation “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand” [Please Stand] Welcome of Visitors & Announcements.............Sis. Sally Holmes Musical Selection... 2.0.6. .00 cc cee vee vee cee cee es. New Zion Senior Choir Tithes and Offering........Rev. Michelle Boyer, Deacons & Ushers Altar Call wi. ciecececceceeeeee ste te tte tists tes testes tee seeeeeehev. Betty Hall Musical Selection... 00... cee cee cee cesses ues vee New Zion Senior Choir Congregational HYMN... 1... cee cee cee cee cee ceeee ces see eee ConQregation [Please Stand] MeSSAZC00 eee cee cee cee cee cee tee ceece cee cee see tee eee see eeesee eV. Cal Carter Invitation to Discipleship... ANNOUNCEMENTS 00... eccccccccccccece vee oes Rev. Lillie Holman Holy COMMUNION 0.0. . cee eee cee vee cess tee cee tees eeseee ee eV. Cal Carter (Continued) Annual Prayer Breakfast The Men’s Fellowship of Finley Temple Church of God In Christ have invited New Zion to attend their Sixth Annual Prayer Breakfast to be held on Saturday, January 8", at 8:30 a.m. Their theme is, “Men of God Rising to a Higher Level of Commitment” [Luke 19:1-10]._ The program speaker will be Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (SLC). You may contact Min. Grant Clinton, at 393-1252 for more information. Christmas Acknowledgements Once again the members of our Mission and Laymen Ministries would like to extend their heartfelt appreciation to all our church family members who donated nonperishable food items, monetary donations, and their time to assist in the preparation and pickup/delivery of 30 food boxes given to those in need in our church and local community families, as well as gift baskets/tokens for our sick & shut-in and our convalescent home members this Christmas holiday season. We also want to express a special “thank you” to our Benevolent Committee for their monetary assistance and Dr. Donald Carpenter and the OWCAP for their donation of a large variety of nonperishable food items. We could not have accomplished this very successful outreach without the numerous prayers, donations and support of you all!! Fifth Annual Gospel Music Festival Weber State University will be hosting their 5" Annual Gospel Music Festival on Friday, January 28", 7:30 p.m., in the Val Browning Center on campus. This event is free and open to the public. Please contact Ms. Toni Price at 626-7330 for more info. The Utah MLK Human Rights Commission Luncheon Utah “Drum Martin Luther King, Jr. Major” Awards Luncheon Human Rights Commission’s will be held Friday, January 14, 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel (150 West 500 South) in Salt Lake. This is a free event, however, $25.00 donations will be accepted. For more info and to RSVP ASAP, please contact Mr. Michael Styles at (801) 538-8754. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.” IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... Pastoral Candidates Update e Our pastoral candidate visitations will begin this coming week. (1) Rev. Derrel Hughes from Wake Forest, NC, will visit New Zion January 5-10, 2005. He is scheduled to conduct a special Bible Study on Friday, January 7, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and will meet with the congregation on Saturday, January 8”, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (2) Rev. Dr. Michael & Sis. Janet Hopkins from Woodlawn, MD, will visit New Zion January 12-17, 2005. Rev. Hopkins is scheduled to conduct a special Bible Study on Friday, January 14", from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and they will both meet the congregation on Saturday, January 15", from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Copies of their entire visitation schedules have been posted on the bulletin boards in the church vestibule. Please be in prayer for spirit-filled and enjoyable visitation experiences for our candidates as well as ourselves. Special Worship & Praise Service Pastor D.E. Newsone and the congregation of Fresh Start Evangelistic Deliverance Temple COGIC has invited NZBC to join them in special praise and worship services on January 6" & 7, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. each night, featuring Dr. Rance Allen, noted international gospel recording artist and Pastor of New Bethel Church of God In Christ in Toledo, OH. Dr. Allen will be ministering in music and the word on both nights. Please contact the church office at (801) 467-5333 for more information. Annual Usher’s Day Celebration Unity Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate their Annual Usher’s Day on Sunday, January 9", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “United We Stand in 2005” with a scripture reference taken from Ephesians 4:3. Their program guest speaker will be Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (SLC). They are requesting that all our ushers come in uniform, as there will be special seating reserved for them. Please contact Sis. Jeretta King, Usher President, at (SOI) 595-0049. Lif The Church Covenant Lt Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, And on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, We do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ. We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love, to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain to worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine: To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations. We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements and exemplary in our deportment: To avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger. To abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; To remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; To be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rule of our Savior to secure it without delay. (All Together) We moreover engage that when we remove from this place, we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word. Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand” Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 VERSE 1: Time is filled with swift transition, naught of earth unmoved can stand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. VERSE 2: Trust in Him who will not leave you, whatsoever years may bring; If by earthly friends forsaken, still more closely to Him cling! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. VERSE 3: Covet not this world’s vain riches, that so rapidly decay; Seek to gain the heavenly treasurers, they will never pass away! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. VERSE 4: When your journey is completed, if to God you have been true; Fair and bright the home in glory, your enraptured soul will view! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. Thought for the Day... “His destiny was the CROSS ... His purpose was LOVE ... His reason was YOU!”’ SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Ed Taylor Bro. Homer Washington _ Bro. Clifton Hester Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Tommie Watkins Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley —__ Dea. Jimmy Long Sis. Selma Hutchinson MOUNT OGDEN REHABILITATION Sis. Lola Ellis CENTER WASHINGTON TERRACE NURSING CENTER Sis. Carrie Price WASATCH CARE CENTER Bro. Charlie Reynolds Sis. Zetta Browning, AZ Bro. Chest Burton Sis. June Smauldon, VA Bro. Bob Simmons Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Floyce Brown, CA Bro. Elmer Dickerson Bro. Corky Pentacost,WA Sis. Mary Smauldon, WA SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Norvelle Walton Sis. Gertie Bland Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Ben Christy Sis. Julie Alexander Bro. Warren Beck Sis. Lucy Donaldson Bro. Cleo Myles Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Jimmie Bell Sis. Lula Christy Bro. Jack Pearl Bro. Myrle Hill Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Loraine Warwick Bro. William & Sis. Margie Gowins, NC MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Capt Turon Humphrey — Dea. Benny Frazier Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Griffin Brock Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson, Fullwiley and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your prayers are most appreciated! ! Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: owport WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING o “9° Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. © +,° Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: 1° Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 6:30 p.m. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: 1" & 3” Saturdays of each month at 1:00 p.m. Note: 4" Saturday of each month for Mission (5") Sunday. Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3 & 4" Thursdays of each month. Men’s Chorus Rehearsal: 2” Thursday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Step Team Meeting & Training: Every Friday at 5:00 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsals: 3” & 4" Saturdays of each month at 4:30 p.m. Deacon Board Meeting: 4° Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Usher Board Meeting: 3" Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Friday before the 4” Sunday of each month. New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly “Church Bulletin” Format Template JUUaALy o- Sunde Feet , 200% are of Worshi Call to WOrSHID 0.0.00 ccc coc cee cen cee cee cen eee cee ce. seecen ee Devotion .. D., ~ LAr /, Ly MAT Model Prayer " Deaco Ae CC_ & Praise Team obert Ha CO ........... Hymn # 528 oo. cee cee cee cee. Congregation (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) [Please Stand] ie, Congregational Hymn (No. ) ecseee + ete, —" Congregation Hymn Title: (“This Is My Mission” — 5“ Sundays Only) [Please Stand] SIS. DG Clee Welcome of Visitors /: SW ILL ICL) 0h Musical Selection o.oo. ccc ccc coc cnc cnc vnc ccc cce Tithes and Offering... 0.0.00 cc cee see eee cee see es v2 Musical Selection 0.0... Congregational Hymn .. Mow ein anne Cho lied Ltt or Alter Call ... 0.0.00 ..0.. 0 occ coc onc occ vnc vec vec cee ccc cee " §Pleave Stand] MeCSSAZE oo. cee cee cee cee cence (Subject: Mhynee, Puy & Deacons Rett a Ie CLL Nuw Zon LEE Chon Congregation 42 Cpl Carte L wy, (Scripture Reference: Invitation to Discipleship ... 000.00 .0. cc cee cee cue ceeees Holy Communion (1° Sundays Only) ... ... 0... ...... (As of January 9, 2004) ny (AitcoW an YAW By laf lajtt anal led ee a HE REST ORES My SOUL NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH \ 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-221] Fax: newzionut@aol.com SECOND SUNDAY (801) 392-3433 s~ JANUARY 9, 2005 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” Cath WO WO ccs a EAAVONAR 6h A Ss I Sigs a as ee Rev. Cal Carter Deacons & Praise Team Responsive Reading.......... INO, PO on cck cdc cssntes Rev. Cal Carter “The Church” Model Prayer s..iawnae PE [Please Stand] FR D0 eo. no ent Congregation “Let the Words of My Mouth” | Please Stand] Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........... Sis. Roberta Dixon Congregational Hymn............... IV 27 eben Congregation “Standing on the Promises” | Piease Stand] Tithes and Offering........ Rev. Michelle Boyer, Deacons &Ushers BIMSICG, SEICCHON cass. uctii yec BUGT CO ee. 8 is. oe. A ss el ae New Zion Mass Choir es Rev. Robert Hall WIUSIGHL SOlCCHONE: gob os ceceBA New Zion Mass Choir IOS. i Tae ae, PRE Gen sv Pastoral Candidate Rev. Derrel Hughes <« Wake Forest, NC Invitation to Discipleship. ............cccccccsssseeeeeeeeeees RCV. Betty Hall PEROINCHONS sf eS eee Rev. Lillie Holman The Church (Matthew 16:13-19; Acts 2:41-47) =a When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, Whom do men say that | the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that Thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that | am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed are thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock| will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And ! will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shalt be loosed in heaven. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. ; And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart. (All Together) Praising God, and having favour with all the people. added to the church daily such as should be saved. And the Lord hs o “Standing on the Promises” j SAYS e-* —~ VERSE 1: Standing on the promises of Christ my King, through eternal ages let His praises ring; Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing; Standing on the promises of God. CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. VERSE 2: Standing on the promises that can not fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail; By the living word of God I shall prevail; Standing on the promises of God. CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. VERSE 3: Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord; Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword; Standing on the promises of God. CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. VERSE 4: Standing on the promises I can not fall, listening every moment to the Spirit’s call; Resting in my Saviour, as my all in all; Standing on the promises of God. CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. Thought for the Day... “When we walk with the Lord, we'll be out of step with the world!” (Remember .. Romans 12:2) z, Ih; ¢ Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME | Bro. Ed Taylor Bro. Homer Washington _ Bro. Clifton Hester Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Selma Hutchinson Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley — Dea. Jimmy Long Mount Ogden Rehabilitation Center .«« Sis. Lola Ellis Ogden Regional Medical Ctr. -«« Sis. Tommie Watkins (Rm 325) Davis Hospital/Medical Center .« Sis. Julia Nelson (Rm 302) Washington Terrace Nursing Center « Sis. Carrie Price Wasatch Care Center « Bro. Charlie Reynolds Sis. Zetta Browning, AZ Bro. Chest Burton Sis. June Smauldon, VA Bro. Bob Simmons Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Floyce Brown, CA Bro. Elmer Dickerson Bro. Corky Pentacost,WA Sis. Mary Smauldon, WA SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Norvelle Walton Sis. Gertie Bland Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Ben Christy Sis. Julie Alexander Bro. Warren Beck Sis. Lucy Donaldson Bro. Cleo Myles Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Jimmie Bell Sis. Lula Christy Bro. Jack Pearl Bro. Myrle Hill Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Loraine Warwick Bro. William & Sis. Margie Gowins, NC MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Capt Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson _ Dea. Benny Frazier Bro. Mychael Williams _ Bro. Griffin Brock Bro. Bishop Tillman — Bro. Chris Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your prayers are most appreciated! ! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS“.... Pastoral Candidate Welcome Our NZBC family would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to Rev. Derrel Hughes from Wake Forest, NC, who has been here visiting with us since January 6 We were all wonderfully blessed by his Bible Study on Friday, January 7", focusing on Acts 17:16-34, and we enjoyed a spiritfilled time of congregational fellowship on yesterday, January S. It is also our prayer that Rev. Hughes has enjoyed his time with us, that we send our warmest regards to Sis. Hughes and children, and that the Lord will provide him safe travel upon his return on tomorrow. ) Upcoming Pastoral Candidate Visitation Please remember Rev. Dr. Michael _& Sis. Janet Hopkins from Woodlawn, MD, will visit New Zion January 12-17, 2005. Rev. Hopkins is scheduled to conduct a special Bible Study on Friday, January 14", from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and they will both meet the congregation on Saturday, January 15", from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Copies of their visitation schedule are posted on both church vestibule bulletin boards. Once again, lets be in prayer for an enjoyable visitation experience for them as well. Pastoral Search Committee Acknowledgement Our NZBC family would like to acknowledge all the members of our Pastoral Search Committee for their dedicated work of prayerfully and faithfully fulfilling their assigned tasks/duties during their tenure as a committee. Please know we are here to support you in any way we can, we’re praying for you and we thank God for you! Annual Usher’s Day Celebration Unity Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate their Annual Usher’s Day this afternoon, January 9" at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “United We Stand in 2005” [Ephesians 4:3]. Their guest speaker will be Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (SLC). They are requesting that all our ushers come in uniform, as there will be special seating reserved for them. or — ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) — Church Revival | Griffin | Memorial COGIC has extended an invitation to worship with them in Revival this coming week, January 11-14, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. nightly. Their Revival keynote speaker will be Rev. Alicia D. Norton, Co-Pastor of the House of Prayer Deliverance Center International in Moreno Valley, CA. Please see the notice posted on the church bulletin board for more information. RR Ogden Branch NAACP Meeting The Ogden NAACP will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 11, at the Marshall White Center. The Executive Committee will meet 6:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. and the General Membership will meet 7:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Please see the flyer posted on the church bulletin board for more information. Utah MLK Human Rights Commission Luncheon The Utah Martin Luther King, Jr. Human Rights Commission’s “Drum Major” Awards Luncheon will be held Friday, January 14", 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel (150 West 500 South) in Salt Lake. This is a free event, however, $25.00 donations will be accepted. For more info and to RSVP ASAP, please contact Mr. Michael Styles at (801) 538-8754. Annual Breakfast ~ $e The Ogden NAACP will host their Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast on Monday, January I 7" 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., at the Marshall White Community Center. Their celebration theme is, “A Call to Action” and cost is a $10.00 suggested donation for adults and children are free. Please contact Sis. Betty Sawyer at 394-0924 or see the notice posted on the church bulletin board. Weber State Music Fifth Annual Gospel Music Festival University will be hosting their 5" Annual Festival on Friday, January 28", 7:30 p.m., Gospel in the Val Browning Center on campus. This event is free and open to the public. Please contact Ms. Toni Price at 626-7330 for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: ponit WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING *° Mission & Laymen Training: * Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. “* Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: 1° Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. *“* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 ‘“* Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: + Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Noon & 6:30 p.m. Note: 4 1" & 3” Saturdays of each month at 1:00 p.m. Saturday of each month for Mission (5) Sunday. “* Choir Rehearsals: ‘“* Men’s Chorus Rehearsal: “* Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: “* Step Team Meeting & Training: “+ Youth Choir Rehearsals: 3” & 4" Saturdays of each month at 4:30 p.m. ‘+ Deacon Board Meeting: 4" Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. “* Usher Board Meeting: ei.” “* Youth Ushers Meeting: © 1999 Broadman & Holman Supplies, Nashville, Tennessee Printed in U.S.A. Image © Tony Stone 1", 3 & 4" Thursdays of each month. 2" Thursday of each month. BROADMAN &SHOLMAN SUPPLIES Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Every Friday at 5:00 p.m. of each month at 6:00 p.m. before the 4" Sunday of each month. 0-8054-0958-0 3 . bs NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2 S\ 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com SECOND SUNDAY s~ JANUARY 9, 2005 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” COLL 1 WOTSIEDG janis ati ee Gente DPOVOUOR fo iirc ieee ls Rev. Cal Carter Deacons & Praise Team Responsive Reading.......... (NO; DOG Fi os ik Ga iae Rev. Cal Carter “The Church” [Please Stand] Model Prayer oiccics. icscices fynin NO: S28. aa “Let the Words of My Mouth” Congregation | Please Stand! Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........... Sis. Roberta Dixon Congregational Hymn............... (NOG 279 a “Standing on the Promises” /Please Stand! Congregation Tithes and Offering........ Rey. Michelle Boyer, Deacons &Ushers Musical SElECHION «esa cccibiis ocicestnneeas New Zion Mass Choir Alar CON specs, « heseiskccldt at Gia een Rev. Robert Hall Musical S€leChOn.. ics aeons MOSSE Hiss aa Ga a ee Pastoral Candidate New Zion Mass Choir Rev. Derrel Hughes <« Wake Forest, NC Invitation to DIScipleslUp: oo. essweis ccssapivessscas sic TROV, BORY Hall BORBOICTION SS eo Bais eh Rev. Lillie Holman The Church (Matthew 16:13-19; Acts 2:41-47) When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, Whom do men say that | the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that Thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that | am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed are thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And | say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock| will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And ! will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shalt be loosed in heaven. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things in common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart. (All Together) Praising God, and having favour with all the people. added to the church daily such as should be saved. And the Lord Qs “Standing on the Promises” VERSE 1: Standing on the promises of Christ my King, through eternal ages let His praises ring; Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing; Standing on the promises of God. CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. VERSE 2: Standing on the promises that can not fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail; By the living word of God I shall prevail; Standing on the promises of God. — CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. VERSE 3: Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord; Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword; Standing on the promises of God. CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. VERSE 4: Standing on the promises I can not fall, listening every moment to the Spirit’s call; Resting in my Saviour, as my all in all; Standing on the promises of God. CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. Thought for the Day... “When we walk with the Lord, we'll be out of step with the world!” (Remember .. Romans 12:2) | Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Ed Taylor Bro. Homer Washington _ Bro. Clifton Hester Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Selma Hutchinson Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Dea. Jimmy Long Mount Ogden Rehabilitation Center « Sis. Lola Ellis Ogden Regional Medical Ctr. « Sis. Tommie Watkins (Rm 325) Davis Hospital/Medical Center « Sis. Julia Nelson (Rm 302) Washington Terrace Nursing Center « Sis. Carrie Price Wasatch Care Center -s Bro. Charlie Reynolds Sis. Zetta Browning, AZ Bro. Chest Burton Sis. June Smauldon, VA Bro. Bob Simmons Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Floyce Brown, CA Bro. Elmer Dickerson Bro. Corky Pentacost, WA Sis. Mary Smauldon, WA SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Norvelle Walton _ Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Gertie Bland Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Jimmie Bell Bro. Ben Christy Sis. Lula Christy Sis. Julie Alexander Bro. Jack Pearl Bro. Warren Beck Bro. Myrle Hill Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Bro. Cleo Myles Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Loraine Warwick Bro. William & Sis. Margie Gowins, NC MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Capt Turon Humphrey — Dea. Benny Frazier Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Griffin Brock — Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your prayers are most appreciated! ! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... ) Pastoral Candidate Welcome Our NZBC family would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to Rev. Derrel Hughes from Wake Forest, NC, who has been here visiting with us since January 6". We were all wonderfully blessed by his Bible Study on Friday, January 7", focusing on Acts 17:16-34, and we enjoyed a spiritfilled time of congregational fellowship on yesterday, January 8". It is also our prayer that Rev. Hughes has enjoyed his time with us, that we send our warmest regards to Sis. Hughes and children, and that the Lord will provide him safe travel upon his return on tomorrow. Upcoming Pastoral Candidate Visitation Please remember Rev. Dr. Michael _& Sis. Janet Hopkins from Woodlawn, MD, will visit New Zion January 12-17, 2005. Rev. Hopkins is scheduled to conduct a special Bible Study on Friday, January 14", from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and they will both meet the congregation on Saturday, January 15", from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Copies of their visitation schedule are posted on both church vestibule bulletin boards. Once again, lets be in prayer for an enjoyable visitation experience for them as well. _ Pastoral Search Committee Acknowledgement Our NZBC family would like to acknowledge all the members of our Pastoral Search Committee for their dedicated work of prayerfully and faithfully fulfilling their assigned tasks/duties during their tenure as a committee. Please know we are here to support you in any way we can, we're praying for you and we thank God for you! Annual Usher’s Day Celebration Unity Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate their Annual Usher’s Day this afternoon, January 9", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “United We Stand in 2005” [Ephesians 4:3]. Their guest speaker will be Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (SLC). They are requesting that all our ushers come in uniform, as there will be special seating reserved for them. ANNOUNCEMENTS asi (Continued) Church Revival ; Griffin Memorial COGIC has extended an invitation to worship with them in Revival this coming week, January 11-14, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. nightly. Their Revival keynote speaker will be Rev. Alicia D. Norton, Co-Pastor of the House of Prayer Deliverance Center International in Moreno Valley, CA. Please see the notice posted on the church bulletin board for more information. Ogden Branch NAACP Meeting The Ogden NAACP will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 11, at the Marshall White Center. The Executive Committee will meet 6:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. and the General Membership will meet 7:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Please see the flyer posted on the church bulletin board for more information. Utah MLK Human Rights Commission Luncheon The Utah Martin Luther King, Jr. Human Rights Commission’s “Drum Major” Awards Luncheon will be held Friday, January 14", 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel (150 West 500 South) in Salt Lake. This is a free event, however, $25.00 donations will be accepted. For more info and to RSVP ASAP, please contact Mr. Michael Styles at (801) 538-8754. Annual Breakfast The Ogden NAACP will host their Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast on Monday, January 17", 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., at the Marshall White Community Center. Their celebration theme is, “A Call to Action” and cost is a $10.00 suggested donation for adults and children are free. Please contact Sis. Betty Sawyer at 394-0924 or see the notice posted on the church bulletin board. Weber State Fifth Annual Gospel Music Festival University will be hosting Music Festival on Friday, January 28, their 5 Annual Gospel 7:30 p.m., in the Val Browning Center on campus. This event is free and open to the public. Please contact Ms. Toni Price at 626-7330 for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: N Lowel pont WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING ** Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: 1” Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 6:30 p.m. 1° & 3” Saturdays of each month at 1:00 p.m. Note: 4” Saturday of each month for Mission (5) Sunday. Choir Rehearsals: 1", 3 & 4" Thursdays of each month. Men’s Chorus Rehearsal: 2" Thursday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Step Team Meeting & Training: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Every Friday at 5:00 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsals: 3" & 4" Saturdays of each month at 4:30 p.m. Deacon Board Meeting: 4 Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Usher Board Meeting: ineae Copyright 00K outh Ushers Meeting: © 2000 Broadman & Holman Supplies, Nashville, Tennessee Printed in U.S.A. onday of each month at 6:00 p.m. = eee oreee ; ay before the 4 Sunday of each month. 0-8054-3571-9 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH \ 2935 Lincoln Avenue s~ Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: - Griffin Memorial COGIC has extended an invitation to worship with them in Revival this coming week, January 11-14, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. nightly. Their Revival keynote speaker will be Rev. Alicia D. Norton, Co-Pastor of the House of Prayer Deliverance Center International in Moreno Valley, CA. Please see the notice posted on the church bulletin board for more information. (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com SECOND SUNDAY JANUARY sy 9, 2005 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” ye) va yr we PEN (yr o eB 2 C\ + ra ye ro AWN DPS Nt ANIAN PW ORDER ys ra oR) VA rE 4 ED * CD) ava BY eB Pe eallew. OF WORSHIP Call to Worship. ........ccccccccccceceneececenceneceeseueees Rev. Cal Carter De@VOTLION 0... ccc ccc cece nce n cee ceceeseeceesenseees Deacons & Praise Team Responsive Reading.......... (NO. S60).........ccceeeee Rev. Cal Carter “The Church” [Please Stand] Model Prayer ..............4. Hymn No. 528...........0064- Congregation “Let the Words of My Mouth” /|Please Stand] Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........... Sis. Roberta Dixon Congregational Hymn............... (NO. 279). .....ccccees . Congregation “Standing on the Promises” /Please Stand! Tithes and Offering........ Rev. Michelle Boyer, Deacons &Ushers PEUSICE SCLOCTION: ccsessass cxsacscreectoucewesen New Zion Mass Choir PE I Church Revival sree neaneseevemnaninesesspiqureassaeusavacens Rev. Robert Hall Ogden Branch NAACP Meeting The Ogden NAACP will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 11, at the Marshall White Center. The Executive Committee will meet 6:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. and the General Membership will meet 7:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Please see the flyer posted on the church bulletin board for more information. Utah MLK Human Rights Commission Luncheon The Utah Martin Luther King, Jr. Human Rights Commission’s “Drum Major” Awards Luncheon will be held Friday, January 14", 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel (150 West 500 South) in Salt Lake. This is a free event, however, $25.00 donations will be accepted. For more info and to RSVP ASAP, please contact Mr. Michael Styles at (801) 538-8754. Annual Breakfast The Ogden NAACP will host their Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast on Monday, January 17“, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., at the Marshall White Community Center. Their celebration theme is, “A Call to Action” and cost is a $10.00 suggested donation for adults and children are free. Please contact Sis. Betty Sawyer at 394-0924 or see the notice posted on the church bulletin board. NIUSICG DOICCUOR os cnc ncncocicnaccsmscuiaciensinas New Zion Mass Choir cake ca at saves sete cha ined ee eens ai ice as Rev. Derrel Hughes Pastoral Candidate -«« Wake Forest, NC Weber State Fifth Annual Gospel Music Festival University will be hosting their 5“ Annual Gospel Music Festival on Friday, January 28", 7:30 p.m., in the Val Invitation to Discipleship............ccccccccceseseeseeeeeees REV. Betty Hall Browning Center on campus. This event is free and open to the public. Please contact Ms. Toni Price at 626-7330 for more info. Benediction. ....... ccc ccccccccccccccccnccccccceccuccecceces Rev. Lillie Holman (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.’’) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... Pastoral Candidate Welcome Our NZBC family would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to Rev. Derrel Hughes from Wake Forest, NC, who has been here visiting with us since January 6". We were all wonderfully blessed by his Bible Study on Friday, January 7", focusing on Acts 17:16-34, and we enjoyed a spiritfilled time of congregational fellowship on yesterday, January 8". It is also our prayer that Rev. Hughes has enjoyed his time with us, that we send our warmest regards to Sis. Hughes and children, and that the Lord will provide him safe travel upon his return on tomorrow. Upcoming Pastoral Candidate Visitation Please remember Rev. Dr. Michael _& Sis. Janet Hopkins from Woodlawn, MD, will visit New Zion January 12-17, 2005. Rev. Hopkins is scheduled to conduct a special Bible Study on Friday, January 14, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and they will both meet the congregation on Saturday, January 15“, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Copies of their visitation schedule are posted on both church vestibule bulletin boards. Once again, lets be in prayer for an enjoyable visitation experience for them as well. Pastoral Search Committee Acknowledgement Our NZBC family would like to acknowledge all the members of our Pastoral Search Committee for their dedicated work of prayerfully and faithfully fulfilling their assigned tasks/duties during their tenure as a committee. Please know we are here to support you in any way we can, we’re praying for you and we thank God for you! Annual Usher’s Day Celebration Unity Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate their Annual Usher’s Day this afternoon, January 9", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “United We Stand in 2005” [Ephesians 4:3]. Their guest speaker will be Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (SLC). They are requesting that all our ushers come in uniform, as there will be special seating reserved for them. The Church (Matthew 16:13-19; Acts 2:41-47) LY When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, Whom do men say that | the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that Thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that | am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed are thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And | say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock| will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And ! will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shalt be loosed in heaven. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart. (All Together) Praising God, and having favour with all the people. added to the church daily such as should be saved. And the Lord dd SNE: “Standing on the Promises”’ VERSE 1: Standing on the promises of Christ my King, through eternal ages let His praises ring; Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing; Standing on the promises of God. CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. VERSE 2: Standing on the promises that can not fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail; By the living word of God I shall prevail; Standing on the promises of God. CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. VERSE 3: Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord; Overcoming the Spirit’s sword; Standing on the promises of God. daily with CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. VERSE 4: Standing on the promises I can not fall, listening every moment to the Spirit’s call; Resting in my Saviour, as my all in all; Standing on the promises of God. CHORUS: Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Saviour; Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God. Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Ed Taylor Bro. Homer Washington _ Bro. Clifton Hester Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Selma Hutchinson Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Dea. Jimmy Long Mount Ogden Rehabilitation Center -« Sis. Lola Ellis Ogden Regional Medical Ctr. .«« Sis. Tommie Watkins (Rm 325) Davis Hospital/Medical Center .« Sis. Julia Nelson (Rm 302) Washington Terrace Nursing Center -« Sis. Carrie Price Wasatch Care Center « Bro. Charlie Reynolds Sis. Zetta Browning, AZ Bro. Chest Burton Sis. June Smauldon, Bro. Bob Simmons VA SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Norvelle Walton Sis. Gertie Bland Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Ben Christy Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Floyce Brown, CA Sis. Julie Alexander Bro. Warren Beck Bro. Elmer Dickerson Sis. Lucy Donaldson Bro. Cleo Myles Bro. Corky Pentacost,WA Sis. Mary Smauldon, WA Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Jimmie Bell Sis. Lula Christy Bro. Jack Pearl Bro. Myrle Hill Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Loraine Warwick Bro. William & Sis. Margie Gowins, NC MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Capt Turon Humphrey _ Dea. Benny Frazier — Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Griffin Brock — Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans Thought for the Day... “When we walk with the Lord, we'll be out of step with the world!” (Remember .. Romans 12:2) BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your prayers are most appreciated! ! Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: port WEEKLY REMINDERS “* Mission & Laymen Training: “* Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. “¢ Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: 1° Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. “* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 6:30 p.m. “+ Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Lowa & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. 1° & 3" Saturdays of each month at 1:00 p.m. Note: 4" Saturday of each month for Mission (5) Sunday. “* Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3 & 4" Thursdays of each month. “* Men’s Chorus Rehearsal: “* Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: “* Step Team Meeting & Training: “* Youth Choir Rehearsals: 3 & 4" Saturdays of each month at 4:30 p.m. “+ Deacon Board Meeting: 4" Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. “+ Usher Board Meeting: 3” Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. “* Youth Ushers Meeting: Friday before the 4 Sunday of each month. 2" Thursday of each month. Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Every Friday at 5:00 p.m. @ Biographical Information iu of Reverend Derrel A. Hughes Reverend Hughes was born in April 1, 1961 (April Fool’s Day). Tallahassee, Florida, Biographical Information on Reverend af Reverend Derrel A. Hughes Hughes was born in April I, 1961 (April Fool’s Day). Tallahassee, Florida, on He has been married to his wife of 14+ years, Sis. Ilene Hughes, and to their union God has blessed them with three daughters: Deja, 10; Bria, 8; and Yane 2. He has been married to his wife of 14+ years, Sis. Ilene Hughes, and to their union God has blessed them with three daughters: Deja, 10; Bria, 8; and Yane 2. Reverend Hughes’ formal education includes an Associate of Arts degree in Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management, both from the University of Maryland. He also has also earned a Master of Divinity degree from Duke University. Reverend Hughes’ formal education includes an Associate of Arts degree in Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management, both from the University of Maryland. He also has also earned a Master of Divinity degree from Duke University. He is currently Pastor of First Baptist Church in Louisburg, He is currently Pastor of First Baptist Church in Louisburg, North Carolina, where he has served in that capacity since April 2003. He was licensed at Roseville Missionary Baptist Church in Willard, North Carolina. Reverend Hughes was ordained at Best Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina. He was an active member of North Carolina, where he has served in that capacity since April 2003. He was licensed at Roseville Missionary Baptist Church in Willard, North Carolina. Reverend Hughes was ordained at Best Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina. He was an active member of the Base Chapels in Aviano, Italy, and Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina. He has held a number of positions faithfully serving God, church and people, for example: Vacation Bible School, and BTU, Sunday School and Bible Study teacher, an Usher and Youth Outreach Coordinator. the Base Chapels in Aviano, Italy, and Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina. He has held a number of positions faithfully serving God, church and people, for example: Vacation Bible School, and BTU, Sunday School and Bible Study teacher, an Usher and Youth Outreach Coordinator. NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH S\ 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com (801) 392-3433 THIRD SUNDAY syJANUARY “THE CHURCH 16, 2005 BUILT BY FAITH” STRPTRARTPRSIRT IRE TS ORDER OF WORSHIP Call 10: WOFRD. nia ie eas DCVOLGN cise eile eae Rev. Robert Hall Deacons & Praise Team Responsive Reading............ (NO. S7O iat “Christian Unity” [Please Stand] Rev. Robert Hall Model Prayer oi... iin PAVIIE INO: OZ. «i iiccaceisss Congregation “Let the Words of My Mouth” [Please Stand] Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........Sis. Charlene Wilson Congregational Hymn............... (NO. 24S \icscicsiss .Congregation “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand” [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering...........Rev. Lillie Holman, Deacons &Ushers Musical Selecnon | .6.. tienen Altar Calica SAS eA a MiSiCal SCleCHOn a ii Gio MONSIEUR New Zion Mass Choir Rev. Betty Hall New Zion Mass Choir ACA oe Rev. Dr. Michael Hopkins Pastoral Candidate « Woodlawn, MD Invitation to Discipleship. ............ssssesccceceessseeeees REV. Cal Carter PR MOIIONE cs os as idineion sos GU ae Rev. Michelle Boyer <Z Le a Z = Christia4? n Unit~ y . > (Psalm 133; 1 Corinthians 12:12-20, 25-27) i ee~ AS Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments. As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing even life for evermore. For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, Because | am not the hand, | am not of the body; it is therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because | am not the eye, | am not of the body; it is therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it has pleased Him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body. There should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it: or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it. (All Together) Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. apy “Hold to God’s apy Unchanging Hand” VERSE 1: Time is filled with swift transition, naught of earth unmoved can stand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. VERSE 2: Trust in Him who will not leave you, what so ever years may bring; If by earthly friends forsaken, still more closely to Him cling! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold VERSE 3: Covet not this world’s vain riches, that so rapidly CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. decay; Seek to gain the heavenly treasurers, pass away! to His hand, they will never God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. Thought for the Day... “Love is giving for the world’s needs, Love is sharing as the Lord leads, Love is caring when the world cries, Love is compassion with Christlike eyes!” fat) Biographical Information of Reverend Doctor Michael W. Hopkins Reverend Michael Hopkins, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, currently pastors the Lamb of Life Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland. He has led this congregation since 1994. He and his wife, Sister Janet Hopkins, have been married for 11 years and out of this union God has blessed them with two children: Michael Jahi, age 9; and Megan Jaha, age 5. Reverend Hopkins has spent 10 years in the service of our country in the U.S. Navy. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Religious Studies and Sociology from Saint Leo University in Saint Leo, Florida. He obtained his Master of Divinity degree from Howard University School of Divinity and his Doctor of Ministry from Virginia Union University. He has organized street evangelism, many ministries at Lamb marriage ministry, youth of Life including and young adult ministries, parenting ministries, and discipleship training. Reverend Hopkins is an ardent believer in Bible study and hospital and sick visitation; duties he performed in the five years prior to becoming a pastor. We are pleased that God has Hopkins to our congregation fellowship. brought to join Reverend and Sister us in worship and Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Ed Taylor Bro. Homer Washington — Bro. Clifton Hester Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Selma Hutchinson Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Dea. Jimmy Long | MOUNT OGDEN REHABILITATION Sis. Lola Ellis CENTER WASHINGTON TERRACE NURSING CENTER Sis. Carrie Price WASATCH CARE CENTER Bro. Charlie Reynolds Sis. Zetta Browning, AZ Bro. Chest Burton Sis. June Smauldon, VA Bro. Bob Simmons Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Floyce Brown, CA Bro. Elmer Dickerson Bro. Corky Pentacost,WA Sis. Mary Smauldon, WA SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Norvelle Walton Sis. Gertie Bland Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Ben Christy Sis. Julie Alexander Bro. Warren Beck Sis. Lucy Donaldson _ Bro. Cleo Myles Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Jimmie Bell Sis. Lula Christy Bro. Jack Pearl Bro. Myrle Hill Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Loraine Warwick Bro. William & Sis. Margie Gowins, NC MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Capt Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson — Dea. Benny Frazier Bro. Griffin Brock Bro. Bishop Tillman — Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Nunn, Hutchinson and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your prayers are most appreciated! ! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS .... Pastoral Candidate Welcome Our NZBC family would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to Rev. Dr. Michael & Sis. Janet Hopkins from Woodlawn, MD, who has been here visiting with us since January 12". We were all truly blessed by the “spiritual meat” we received via his powerful Bible Study on Friday, January 14", anchored in the text of Exodus 17:8-16, entitled “Keepers of the Flame,” and we enjoyed a spirit-filled time of congregational fellowship with them on yesterday, January I 5". It is also our prayer that Rev. & Sis. Hopkins have enjoyed their visitation with us, that we send our warmest regards to their children, and that the Lord will continue to encamp His angels around them as they travel to return home on tomorrow. Pastoral Search Committee Acknowledgement Our NZBC family would like to acknowledge all the members of our Pastoral Search Committee for their dedicated work of prayerfully and faithfully fulfilling their assigned tasks/duties during their tenure as a committee. Please know we are here to support you in any way we can, we’re praying for you and we thank God for you! Combined Dr. Martin Luther King Service New Pilgrim Baptist Church will be co-hosting a Combined Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Service with Southeast Baptist Church. The celebration service will be held at New Pilgrim in Salt Lake this afternoon, January I 6", at 4:00 p.m. Rev. Mike Gray, Pastor of Southeastern Baptist Church, will be the service keynote speaker. A meal will also be served at the conclusion of the service. This event, which has become an annual event for both churches since 1999, in co-sponsored in the spirit of Dr. King’s dream of racial reconciliation. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Annual Breakfast Annual The Ogden NAACP Branch will host their Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast on Monday, January 17", 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., at the Marshall White Community Center. Their celebration theme is, “A Call to Action” and cost is a $10.00 suggested donation for adults and children are free. Please contact Sis. Betty Sawyer at 394-0924 or see the notice posted on the church bulletin board. Memorial Luncheon The Salt Lake NAACP Branch will also be hosting their 22" Consecutive Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial America Hotel, 500 South Main, in Salt Lake. Their memorial Luncheon on Monday, January 17“, at 12:00 Noon at the Little theme is, “Salute to Greatness” and their featured speaker will be Ms. Julie Cunningham, Executive Director/CEO of the Conference of Minority § Transportation Officials, in Washington, DC. The cost is $50.00 for individuals, $400.00 per table of eight, and $25.00 for youth up to age 18. (SOL) 250-5088 for more information. Please call Fifth Annual Gospel Music Festival Weber State University will be hosting their 5“ Annual Gospel Music Festival on Friday, January 28", 7:30 p.m., in the Val Browning Center on campus. A number of local community choirs, to include New Zion, will be participating in the festival. This event is free and open to the public. Please see the flyer posted on the bulletin board in the church vestibule or you may contact Ms. Toni Price at 626-7330 for more information. IGBC Executive Board Meeting The IGBC will hold their January 2005 Quarter Executive Board meeting on Friday, January 21%, at Second Baptist Church. Pastors will meet at 6:00 p.m. and the Executive Board body will meet at 6:30 p.m. Please contact Rev. Harold Fields, IGBC President, at (801) 595-0028 for more information. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: porif ; WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: 1° Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 6:30 p.m. 1" & 3” Saturdays of each month at 1:00 p.m. Note: 4 Saturday of each month for Mission (5) Sunday. 1", 3 & 4" Thursdays of each month. Men’s Chorus Rehearsal: 2” Thursday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Step Team Meeting & Training: U2365 “CHRISTIAN Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Every Friday at 5:00 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsals: 3 & 4" Saturdays of each month at Deacon Board Meeting: 4" Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Usher Board Meeting: 3" Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: F rigay before the 4" Sunday of each month. ART’® WARNER Qo Made in USA © Warner Press, Inc. Design by John Silvey Choir Rehearsals: NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH \ 2935 Lincoln Avenue ~ Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com THIRD SUNDAY (801) 392-3433 JANUARY ys 16, 2005 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” FERFLLRSRSREITIRIRT ORDER OF WORSHIP Call to WOrship.........cccccccceccccecencecenceceeneeuens Rev. Robert Hall PIT eset stn cess enc inca sce daca Deacons & Praise Team Responsive Reading............ (NO. 575)... ccc eeeeees Rev. Robert Hall “Christian Unity” [Please Stand] Model Prayer ..............4. Hymn No. 528............0665 Congregation “Let the Words of My Mouth” [Please Stand] Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........Sis. Charlene Wilson Congregational Hymn............... (NO. 29S Jossvsesscasas Congregation “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand” [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering........... Rey. Lillie Holman, Deacons &Ushers Musical Selection ...........cccccccc ee nceceenenens New Zion Mass Choir ANGE GGT oces cxnswhhsowasenxeed boi tkecumanisaramsrieeersensanees Rev. Betty Hall OSCR, OCCT Olin scurcarsseemoneuenmuaners New Zion Mass Choir WAXY re Rev. Dr. Michael Hopkins Pastoral Candidate <«. Woodlawn, MD Invitation to Discipleship.............cccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee REV. Cal Carter cose sen ainsse iss prs museauscetasnars ations: Rev. Michelle Boyer ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Annual Breakfast The Ogden NAACP Branch will host their Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast on Monday, January 17“, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., at the Marshall White Community Center. Their celebration theme is, “A Call to Action” and cost is a $10.00 suggested donation for adults and children are free. Please contact Sis. Betty Sawyer at 394-0924 or see the notice posted on the church bulletin board. Memorial Luncheon The Salt Lake NAACP Branch will also be hosting their aa” Consecutive Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Luncheon on Monday, January 17", at 12:00 Noon at the Little America Hotel, 500 South Main, in Salt Lake. Their memorial theme is, “Salute to Greatness” and their featured speaker will be Ms. Julie Cunningham, Executive Director/CEO of the Conference of Washington, DC. Minority § Transportation Officials, in The cost is $50.00 for individuals, $400.00 per table of eight, and $25.00 for youth up to age 18. (SOL) 250-5088 for more information. Weber State Please call Fifth Annual Gospel Music Festival University will be hosting their 5“ Annual Gospel Music Festival on Friday, January 28", 7:30 p.m., in the Val Browning Center on campus. A number of local community choirs, to include New Zion, will be participating in the festival. This event is free and open to the public. Please see the flyer posted on the bulletin board in the church vestibule or you may contact Ms. Toni Price at 626-7330 for more information. IGBC Executive Board Meeting The IGBC will hold their January 2005 Quarter Executive Board meeting on Friday, January 21", at Second Baptist Church. Pastors will meet at 6:00 p.m. and the Executive Board body will meet at 6:30 p.m. Please contact Rev. Harold Fields, IGBC President, at (801) 595-0028 for more information. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT S.... Our NZBC family would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to Rev. Dr. Michael & Sis. Janet Hopkins from Woodlawn, MD, who has been here visiting with us since January 12". ae. < Pastoral Candidate Welcome | - We were all truly blessed by the “spiritual meat” we received via his powerful Bible Study on Friday, January 14", anchored in the text of Exodus 17:8-16, entitled “Keepers of the Flame,” and we enjoyed a spirit-filled time of congregational fellowship with them on yesterday, January I 5" It is also our prayer that Rev. = = Christian Unity (Psalm 133; 1 Corinthians 12:12-20, 25- 27) ioe, Le > Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments. As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing even life for evermore. & Sis. Hopkins have enjoyed their visitation with us, that we send For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members Pastoral Search Committee Acknowledgement For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. our warmest regards to their children, and that the Lord will continue to encamp His angels around them as they travel to return home on tomorrow. Our NZBC family would like to acknowledge all the members of our Pastoral Search Committee for their dedicated work of prayerfully and faithfully fulfilling their assigned tasks/duties during their tenure as a committee. Please know we are here to support you in any way we can, we’re praying for you and we thank God for you! Combined Dr. Martin Luther King Service New Pilgrim Baptist Church will be co-hosting a Combined Dr. of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, Because | am not the hand, | am not of the body; it is therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because | am not the eye, | am not of the body; it is therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? The celebration service will be held at New Pilgrim in But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it has pleased Him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body. Gray, Pastor of Southeastern Baptist Church, will be the service There should be no schism in the body; but that the members should Martin Church. Luther King, Jr., Service with Southeast Salt Lake this afternoon, January I 6", at 4:00 p.m. Baptist Rev. Mike keynote speaker. A meal will also be served at the conclusion of the service. This event, which has become an annual event for both churches since 1999, in co-sponsored in the spirit of Dr. King’s dream of racial reconciliation. have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it. (All Together) Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. “Hold to God’s Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee Unchanging Hand” VERSE 1: Time is filled with swift transition, naught of earth unmoved can stand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Homer Washington _ Bro. Clifton Hester Bro. Ed Taylor Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Selma Hutchinson Dea. Jimmy Long Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley MOUNT OGDEN REHABILITATION Sis. Lola Ellis WASHINGTON TERRACE NURSING CENTER Sis. Carrie Price VERSE 2: Trust in Him who will not leave you, what so ever years may bring; If by earthly friends forsaken, still more closely to Him cling! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. VERSE 3: Covet not this world’s vain riches, that so rapidly decay; Seek to gain the heavenly treasurers, they will never pass away! CHORUS: Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand; Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. Thought for the Day... “Love is giving for the world’s needs, Love is sharing as the Lord leads, Love is caring when the world cries, Love is compassion with Christlike eyes!” CENTER WASATCH CARE CENTER Bro. Charlie Reynolds Sis. Zetta Browning, AZ Bro. Chest Burton Sis. June Smauldon, Bro. Bob Simmons VA SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Norvelle Walton Sis. Gertie Bland Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Ben Christy Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Floyce Brown, CA Sis. Julie Alexander Bro. Warren Beck Bro. Elmer Dickerson Bro. Corky Pentacost, WA Sis. Mary Smauldon, WA Sis. Lucy Donaldson Bro. Cleo Myles Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Jimmie Bell Sis. Lula Christy Bro. Jack Pearl Bro. Myrle Hill Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Loraine Warwick Bro. William & Sis. Margie Gowins, NC MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Capt Turon Humphrey — Dea. Benny Frazier — Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Griffin Brock — Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Nunn, Hutchinson and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your prayers are most appreciated! ! Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: port WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING “* Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. “* Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. “* Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: 1° Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. *“* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 6:30 p.m. outta © Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: 1° & 3" Saturdays of each month at 1:00 p.m. Note: 4’ Saturday of each month for Mission (5) Sunday. “* Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3" & 4" Thursdays of each month. “¢ Men’s Chorus Rehearsal: ** Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: “* Step Team Meeting & Training: “* Youth Choir Rehearsals: 3 & 4" Saturdays of each month at 4:30 p.m. ‘“* Deacon Board Meeting: 4 Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. ‘“* Usher Board Meeting: 3’ Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. “* Youth Ushers Meeting: Friday before the 4" Sunday of each month. 2" Thursday of each month. Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Every Friday at 5:00 p.m. C—O Biographical Information Biographical Information ITI of Fr0,\ of Reverend Doctor Michael W. Hopkins Reverend Doctor Michael W. Hopkins Reverend Michael Hopkins, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, currently pastors the Lamb of Life Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland. He has led this congregation since 1994. Reverend Michael Hopkins, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, currently pastors the Lamb of Life Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland. He has led this congregation since 1994. He and his wife, Sister Janet Hopkins, have been married for 11 years and out of this union God has blessed them with two children: Michael Jahi, age 9; and Megan Jaha, age 5. He and his wife, Sister Janet Hopkins, have been married for 11 years and out of this union God has blessed them with two children: Michael Jahi, age 9; and Megan Jaha, age 5. Reverend Hopkins has spent 10 years in the service of our country in the U.S. Navy. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Religious Studies and Sociology from Saint Leo University in Reverend Hopkins country in the U.S. Navy. Saint Leo, Florida. from Howard Ministry from Virginia Union University. has organized many ministries at Lamb of Life including adult Reverend Hopkins is an ardent believer in Bible study and hospital and sick visitation; duties he performed in the five years prior to becoming a pastor. brought to join in the service of our He has a Bachelor of Science degree He obtained his Master of Divinity degree University School of Divinity and his Doctor of Ministry from Virginia Union University. street evangelism, marriage ministry, youth and young ministries, parenting ministries, and discipleship training. We are pleased that God has Hopkins to our congregation fellowship. 10 years in Religious Studies and Sociology from Saint Leo University in Saint Leo, Florida. He obtained his Master of Divinity degree from Howard University School of Divinity and his Doctor of He has spent Reverend and Sister us in worship and i He has organized street evangelism, many ministries at Lamb marriage ministry, youth Reverend Hopkins is an ardent of Life including and young adult ministries, parenting ministries, and discipleship training. believer in Bible study and brought Reverend and Sister hospital and sick visitation; duties he performed in the five years prior to becoming a pastor. | We are pleased Hopkins fellowship. to our that God has congregation to join us in worship and New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly “Church Bulletin” Format Template Wir db (Sunday) aa ULQNL - Order i i [ (> , 2004 - Call to Worship ... 000.00 ccc ccc cee cee eee bint Ha D@VOLION 00. oee cee ccc vee cee cee cee cee nee cen eee acous & Praise Team Responsive Reading (No.5/)DModel Prayer LO OUpaI Lbynetty ............Hymn # 528. (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) hsChint dy LU, Congregation [Please Stand] ie a — O Chevati onratty a Hymn Title: (No. 2446 —)....... Wolal (“This Is My Wa Welcome of Visitors [. vv Cd 6 Samm Adina a ” _ 5" Sindays Only) [Please Sta a pnoeurcement.. Musical Selection 0.00.00 .00 cee cee see ee cee eee Or 2. 6.6 oec coc ccc ccc ccc uce [Please Stand] WAY (Subject: (Scripture Reference: Kd nal ‘ si. Uhgnley Wiley —lunw'Zion Ne Musical Selection egation {\ nes Beta, (hone Tack Nw eon Wass Ono Con Ra On Michal. Nop bine ) a) Invitation to Discipleship ... 000.0060. ccc cee coc cee eeeee daw. (bap wt munion (1" Sun BeNCAICION 00. cee vee ccc cee vee cee cee cue cee cue eee cee aun eee eee (As of January 9, 2004) p tN. Wiichelee Boog en Biography of Reverend Dr. Michael W. Hopkins Reverend Michael Hopkins, a native of Baltimore, Maryland currently pastors the Lamb of Life Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland. He has led this congregation since 1994. He and his wife Janet have been married for 11 years and out of this union God has blessed them with two children; Michael Jahi, age 9 and Megan Jaha, age 5. Pastor Hopkins has spent 10 years in the service of our country in the Navy. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Religious Studies and Sociology from Saint Leo University in Saint Leo, Florida. He obtained his Master of Divinity Degree from Howard University School of Divinity and his Doctor of Ministry from Virginia Union University. He has organized many ministries at Lamb of Life including street evangelism, marriage ministry, youth and young adult ministries, parenting ministries, and discipleship training. He is an ardent believer in Bible study and hospital and sick visitation; duties he performed in the five years prior to becoming a Pastor. We are pleased that God has brought Pastor and Sister Hopkins to our congregation to join us in worship and fellowship. Biographical Information of Reverend Doctor Michael W. Hopkins Reverend Michael Hopkins, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, currently pastors the Lamb of Life Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland. He has led this congregation since 1994. He and his wife, Sister Janet Hopkins, have been married for 11 years and out of this union children: God has blessed them Michael Jahi, age 9; and Megan Jaha, age 5. with two Reverend Hopkins has spent 10 years in the service of our country in the U.S. Navy. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Religious Studies and Sociology from Saint Leo University in Saint Leo, Florida. He obtained his Master of Divinity degree from Howard University School of Divinity and his Doctor of Ministry from Virginia Union University. He has organized many ministries at Lamb of Life including street evangelism, marriage ministry, youth and young adult ministries, parenting ministries, and discipleship training. Reverend Hopkins is an ardent believer in Bible study and hospital and sick visitation; duties he performed in the five years prior to becoming a pastor. We are pleased that God has Hopkins to our congregation fellowship. brought to join Reverend and Sister us in worship and NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH \ 2935 Lincoln Avenue ~ Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com FOURTH SUNDAY “THE CHURCH ORDER JANUARY ys 23, 2005 BUILT BY FAITH” OF WORSHIP Call to Worship..........c.ccccccccccecccceccuceseeeeees Rev. Lillie Holman De@VOTION 00... ccc cc ccc cc eee nceneneececeeeeueeeens Deacons & Praise Team Responsive Reading.........(NO. 597).........0008. Rev. Lillie Holman “A Father’s Instructions” |) lease Stand) Model Prayer ................ Hymn No. 528.......... 0.00: Congregation “Let the Words of My Mouth” |) \ease Stand) Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Amaya Taylor Congregational Hymn................ (No. 10 ).eecccceeeeee Congregation “O How I Love Jesus” | lease Siand) Tithes and Offering...............Rev. Cal Carter, Deacons &Ushers Musical Selection ccc cc cece cee ceeeeec eens New Zion Youth Choir Altar CALUL 0... ccccc cece ccc ccccececec ee tnenececeesessseeseusuees Rev. Cal Carter Musical Selection. ....... 0.0... ccccccccceeceeeeseees New Zion Youth Choir WKY ee Rev. Michelle Boyer Invitation to Discipleship..............00000000000002+ REV. Lillie Holman BenedictiOn........ cc cece ccceccsccscecceccccecceccscesceceesecesse. MEV. Cal Carter ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) An Evening with Danny Glover Calvary Baptist Church will again host “An Evening with Danny Glover” on Friday, February 18", at 7:00 p.m., as part of their Annual Black History Month Observance events. Members desiring to attend this FREE event may contact the NZBC Church Office no later than Sunday, February 6 "to reserve their seats. Our church van will be used if there are sufficient members desiring to attend. Church Business Meeting There will be a church business meeting on Thursday, February 10", at 7:00 p.m. All church ministry officers and members are encouraged to attend this meeting. Let’s continue to be in prayer concerning our various pending business issues. Please see Dea. Wilder for more information. 2004 Membership Contribution Information For personal information and tax purposes, individual New Zion membership contribution information for the year 2004 will be available for distribution on first Sunday, February 6° . during our 11:00 a.m. worship services. Please contact Rev. Holman at the church office should you have any questions. Pastoral Search Intercessory Prayer Let us all continue to be in intercessory prayer to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our selection of a pastor for our church family. Also let’s remain in prayer for our pastoral candidates, their families, and for the members of our Pastoral Search Committee as they continue in the faithful and dedicated performance of their duties/tasks. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT S.... Fifth Annual Gospel Music Festival Weber State University will be hosting their 5” Annual Gospel Music Festival on Friday, January 28", 7:30 p.m., in the Val Browning aS A Father’s Instructions (Proverbs 4:1-4 & 10-27) ss Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. For | give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law. For | was my father’s son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my Center on campus. A number of local community choirs, to include New Zion, will be participating in the festival. This event is free and open to the public. Please see the flyer posted on the bulletin board in the church vestibule or you may contact Ms. Toni Price at 626-7330 for more information. mother. “The Question of Hate” Public Forum Utahans Together Against Hate in conjunction with The James Bird Foundation for Racial Healing will co-sponsor a public forum entitled “The Question of Hate” on Saturday, January 29" 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Ogden-Weber Community Action Partnership, Inc., Multi-Purpose Hall located at 3159 Grant Avenue here in Ogden. The keynote address speaker will be Ms. Louvon Bird-Harris, the sister of James Bird, who was slain by being drug to death behind a truck in Jasper, TX, in 1998. Please contact Mr. Forrest Crawford at (801) 626-7420 or see the flyer posted on the church bulletin board for more information. | have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths. When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened; and whey thou National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2005 We have been invited to attend a Candlelight Vigil at Emmanuel Church of God In Christ, on Sunday, February 6", 3:30 p.m., in observation of the Second Annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and a Rapid HIV Counseling & Testing Session on Tuesday, February git at the Northern Utah Coalition, 12:00 Noon — 4:00 p.m., at 536 —- 24" Street, Suite 2B. FREE test results can be obtained in 20 minutes. Please contact Sis. Sarah McClellan at 393-4153 or see the notice on the church bulletin board for more information. He taught me also, and said unto me, let thine heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live. Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many. runnest, thou shalt not stumble. Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her, for she is thy life. Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away. For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall. For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence. But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. The way of the wicked is darkness: they know not at what they stumble. My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. (All Together) Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy food from evil. Put Let Turn Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee t a (801) 782-8337 VERSE I: There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; It sounds like music in mine ear, the sweetest name of earth. CHORUS: O, how I love Jesus; O, how I love Jesus,; O, how I love Jesus, because He first loved me. VERSE 2: It tells me of a Savior’s love, who died to set me free; It tells me of His precious blood, the sinner’s perfect plea. CHORUS: SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Homer Washington — Bro. Clifton Hester Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Selma Hutchinson Sis. Thelma Tucker Dea. Jimmy Long Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Bro. Ed Taylor MOUNT OGDEN Sis. Carrie Price WASATCH CARE CENTER Bro. Charlie Reynolds I love Jesus, because He first loved me. CHORUS: O, how I love Jesus; O, how I love Jesus,; O, how I love Jesus, because He first loved me. VERSE 4: It tells of One whose loving heart, can feel my deepest woe; Who in each sorrow bears a part, that none can bear below. CHORUS: O, how I love Jesus; O, how I love Jesus,; O, how I love Jesus, because He first loved me. Thought for the Day... “In today’s world more than ever, our children need positive role models ... one of the best we could ever point them to is JESUS!” CENTER WASHINGTON TERRACE NURSING CENTER O, how I love Jesus; O, how I love Jesus,; O, how VERSE 3: It tells me what my Father hath, in store for everyday; And tho I tread a darksome path, yields sunshine all the way. REHABILITATION Sis. Lola Ellis Sis. Zetta Browning, AZ SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Norvelle Walton Sis. Gertie Bland Bro. Chest Burton Sis. June Smauldon, Bro. Bob Simmons Sis. Jerry Johnson VA Bro. Ben Christy Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Floyce Brown, CA Sis. Julie Alexander Bro. Warren Beck Bro. Elmer Dickerson Sis. Lucy Donaldson Bro. Cleo Myles Sis. Margaret Garcia Bro. Corky Pentacost, WA Sis. Mary Smauldon, WA Bro. Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Jimmie Bell Sis. Lula Christy Bro. Jack Pearl Bro. Myrle Hill Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Loraine Warwick William & Sis. Margie Gowins, NC MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Capt Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams — Dea. Benny Frazier Bro. Griffin Brock Bro. Bishop Tillman — Bro. Chris Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Nunn, Hutchinson and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your prayers are most appreciated! ! Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: XX BPA 3.a o “° ANY WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL Mission & Laymen Training: TRAINING Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: 1° Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 6:30 p.m. 1" & 3" Saturdays of each month at 1:00 p.m. Note: 4" Saturday of each month for Mission (5") Sunday. Choir Rehearsals: 1”, 3" & 4" Thursdays of each month. Men’s Chorus Rehearsal: 2” Thursday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Step Team Meeting & Training: Youth Choir Rehearsals: 3 Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Every Friday at 6:00 p.m. & 4" Saturdays of each month at 4:30 p.m. Deacon Board Meeting: 4" Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Usher Board Meeting: 3™ Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Friday before the 4" Sunday of each month. New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly “Church Bulletin” Format Template Ly WA smi) aru Uy KD , 2005 Order of Worshi Call to Worship 00.60 ccc cee cee cee eee eee eee me | Ub Hy lyn De@VOtION 0... .oc coc cee cee ccc cee cee cee cee cee es cee tee cee cee uaees DLaArCONS ¥ bay Responsive Reading (No. ) ec cec cee cee cee. ad VY. A (6C (et. ty [LAU lian, (Reading Title: Model Prayer ............Hymn #528 vcceccec cece. Congregation (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) [Please Stand] Announcements & Welcome of Visitors ... 00.00.00. Congregational Hymn (No. SS. ) ev cee cee eeess LO rVY¥t UO 10 U 6. Congregation Hymn Title: (“This Is My Mission” — 5“ Sundays Only) [Please Stand] Tithes and Off Cring 2. ccc cec ccc ccc cee cee cee cee sun eee cones EN Cho Harter Musical Selection oo. ccc ccc ec ccc ccc ccc cee vec uee cee nee uees Now Altar Call oc ccc ccc cec ccc ccc ccc ccc cee cee cee cee cee uae eae ane ens oy Musical Selection 00.06... cec cee ccc cee cen eee cue cee nee cues Nous con oo. cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee eee eee eens MeSSAGEC My. V0 MA (ora. (| Col (WYTDY (Subject: Of) You (onal Chol te (obey ) (Scripture Reference: Invitation to Discipleship ... 000... 0c cee cc vee cee eevee Holy son & Deacons Ay KtucH / Aye Cll ion (1"Sundays Only) ...... 2.00.0: Benediction woe cec ccc ccc cec cee cee cee cee cec cee cee sae see eae ens (As of January 21, 2005) v/INAN _ ow (lap Cantor an NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue ~~ Ogden, Utah Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: ANNOUNCEMENTS 84401 (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com FIFTH SUNDAY JANUARY ys 28, 2005 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” a (Continued) Church Business Meeting There will be a church business meeting on Thursday, February 10", at 7:00 p.m. We are asking members to come out one hour earlier, at 6:00 p.m., for prayer. All church ministry officers and members are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting as we have a number of important business matters to address prior to our upcoming special call meeting. Pastoral Candidate Special Call Meeting There will be a special call meeting on Thursday, February 17", Call to WOrsNIp..... ccc cc cc cccccccccececececcececeeenceeeuees Rev. Betty Hall Baptism 0.2... ccc ccc ecc ee eceeceeeees Rev. Cal Carter & Rev. Robert Hall at 7:00 p.m. to discuss issues regarding our pastoral candidates and the prospective selection of our new pastor. All members are encouraged to remain in prayer concerning this important issue, make plans to attend, and be prepared to discuss this DICVOTION os seacesaxeereissacistciaen Mission, Deaconess & Praise Team matter in a manner that glorifies God. Responsive Reading..............(NO. 564)..........0005. Rev. Betty Hall African American Open House The University of Utah will be the location of the Third Annual African American Open House to be held on Saturday, February 12", beginning with a VIP Reception at 9:30 a.m. and keynote address at 10:00 a.m. at the Family History Library in Salt Lake. Dr. Ronald Coleman, Professor in the Ethnic “The Missionary Church” | Please Stand] Model Prayer ................ Hymn No. 528...........0060 Congregation “Let the Words of My Mouth” | Please Stand] Announcements & Welcome of Visitors...............S1s. Alice Glenn CORGTORATONG FIIs ce ccccsccnccncsasanpes seecresesaveceseess Congregation “This Is My Mission” |Please Stand] Tithes and Offering........Rev. Michelle Boyer, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selection ...... 00... .ccccccesseeeees New Zion Women’s Chorus Altar Call ..... ccc cc cece cc cccccec ence ccnseneececseceeeeceeeeeees Rev. Betty Hall NEUSIOGL SOLECHON a sia sssacsecasvesmasmanes New Zion Women’s Chorus sre censactoe a aceon nacional ase LOA ge ap Ree Rey. Lillie Holman Invitation to Discipleship..............00cccceeeeees Rev. Michelle Boyer Benediction. .......... cc cc cccceccescecceceecescesceseseeeseeee AREV. Lillie Holman Studies Program and Department of History will deliver the keynote address entitled, “African Americans in Pioneer Utah.” This event is free along with free parking. Please see the flyer on the church bulletin board in the vestibule for more information. 2004 Membership Contribution Information For personal information and tax purposes, individual New Zion membership contribution information for the year 2004 will be available for distribution on first Sunday, February 6", during our 11:00 a.m. worship service. Please contact Rev. Lillie Holman at the church office should you have any questions. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) Zh The Missionary ChurchPTI IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2005 We have been invited to Candlelight Vigil at Emmanuel attend Church (Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15-16; John 17:18-21 & Acts 13:1-5) a of in But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Coalition, at 536 — 24" Street, Suite 2B, 12:00 Noon — 4:00 p.m. And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. } God 7 In Christ, on Sunday, February 6", 3:30 p.m., observation of the Second Annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and a Rapid HIV Counseling & Testing Session on Tuesday, February 8", at the Northern Utah FREE test results can be obtained in 20 minutes. Please contact Sis. Sarah McClellan at 393-4153 or see the notice on the church bulletin board in the vestibule for more information. U of U’s 2005 Black Awareness Month Program The University of Utah will begin their observance of Black Awareness Month with a number of events. Their annual theme is, “Jubilee: Through February campus. African the A Celebration Visual Arts.” of African The first American event 4", at 7:30 p.m., in the UMFA will be Culture Friday, Auditorium on The keynote address entitled, “Shades of Afro-Deco: American Art in the Age of Modernism,” will be As thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have | also sent them into the world. And for their sakes | sanctify Myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray | for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in Me, and | in Thee, that they also may be one in Us: that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me. Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and rendered by Dr. Leslie King Hammond, Dean of the Maryland Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. An Evening with Danny Glover As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto | have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands upon them, they sent them away. Art Institute. The Calvary Baptist Church Mass Choir (SLC), will provide the music. Please see the church bulletin board in the vestibule for more information. Calvary Baptist Church will again host “An Evening with Danny Glover” on Friday, February 18, at 7:00 p.m., as part of their Annual Black History Month Observance events. Members desiring to attend this FREE event may contact the NZBC Church Office no later than Sunday, February 6, to reserve their seats. Our church van will be used if there are sufficient members desiring to attend. So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, Seleucia; and from thence they sailed to Cyprus. departed unto (All Together) And, when they were at Salamis, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews: and they had also John to their minister. “This Is My Mission” (Sung to the tune of “Blessed Assurance’’) VERSE 1: Blessed with His goodness, blessed with His love; Blessed with His showers that come from above. Blessed with His sunshine, blessed with His air; I'll go on helping everywhere. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. VERSE 2: God gives the courage, faith leads the way; Onward we travel happy and gay; Thinking of others, willing to share; Taking God’s message everywhere. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. VERSE 3: Re-mem-bering others, whenever I pray; Looking to Jesus, He is the way; Onward I travel, He’s by my side; I'll never falter, He is my guide. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. Thought for the Day... S44 1\°G, 4» «= “God’s Word says ‘He will make us fishers of men.’ (Mark 1:17) ... So when we fish for souls, we must cast our nets in faith and draw them in with love!” 4 Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee iN is ce (801) 782-8337 Bro. Ed Taylor Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Georgia Allen MOUNT SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Homer Washington _ Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Selma Hutchinson Sis. Thelma Tucker Dea. Jimmy Long Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley OGDEN REHABILITATION Sis. Lola Ellis CENTER WASHINGTON TERRACE NURSING CENTER Sis. Carrie Price Sis. Janet Burton WASATCH CARE CENTER Bro. Charlie Reynolds Sis. Zetta Browning, AZ Bro. Chest Burton Sis. June Smauldon, Bro. Bob Simmons VA Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Floyce Brown, CA Bro. Elmer Dickerson Sis. Debra Ashford Sis. Mary Smauldon, WA SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Norvelle Walton Sis. Gertie Bland Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Ben Christy Sis. Julie Alexander Bro. Warren Beck Sis. Lucy Donaldson Bro. Cleo Myles Sis. Loraine Warwick Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Jimmie Bell Sis. Lula Christy Bro. Jack Pearl Bro. Myrle Hill Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Artysha HolstonDaxter Bro. William & Sis. Margie Gowins, NC MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Capt Turon Humphrey — Dea. Benny Frazier Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Griffin Brock — Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Nunn, Hutchinson, Manzanares and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your prayers are most appreciated! ! | Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: X SAS > a S72 , WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL Mission & Laymen Training: TRAINING Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: 1° Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 6:30 p.m. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: 1° & 3” Saturdays of each month at 1:00 p.m. Note: 4" Saturday of each month for Mission (5") Sunday. Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3" & 4" Thursdays of each month. Men’s Chorus Rehearsal: 2" Thursday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Step Team Meeting & Training: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Every Friday at 6:00 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsals: 3 & 4 Saturdays of each month at 4:30 p.m. Deacon Board Meeting: 4" Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Usher Board Meeting: 3” Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Friday before the 4" Sunday of each month. New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah ' 84401 Weekly “Church Bulletin” Format Template FF AY (Sunday) \durua ef 3), 205 Order alti of Call to Worship bie cee cae cue aes uses V. Hirt, : DICVOTIONNAY | cscs cannon ane eevee Responsive Reading (No. Aso Olirl ) ec cecaee cee eees Model Prayer IL ind et | ES Let, Hymn Title: (No. ‘hid [Please Stand] (“This Is My Mission” = Wi, CS Al tee C] | Cf Vy) Congregation WV Sundays Only) [Please Tithes and Offering 2.000000 00. Sei) Stand] ‘uN Musical Selection... ccc ccc ccc ec cec cee cee cee cen ee anes Now Altar CAL CH Ug. Buyre Deacons ZION LCoMVels Conus oc cec ccc cee ccc cee cen cee cee cee cee cee cee cue aaaos eee eee Musical Selection... Neo L 22. ccc cee ccc ccc ccc ces een see cee cee cess Now Cl Of \ MESSAGE occ vec cec ccc cee cee cen uee cee ce cee cen ase cen eae eee, ey ABecucHon (Subject: (Scripture Reference: DEVIRTEION 10 DISCHNESHID se xanssenve voneoe aanane eo0ess Holy (_ Congregation Das do Ae QO} LU a Announcements & Welcome of Visitors ....000....... Congregational Hymn WWoMLNs Benediction oo. cee ccc ccc ccc cee cee cee cee cee cen cee cee cee cee ans Coles ap ) = ) Ky. Michele Aoye Gemmunion (K Sundays (As of January 21, 2005) rt Nal PraiseTeam ............Hymn # 528 woo ccc cec cee cee. (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) > oul v.Cal (nity wit Sh & ons (Reading Title: Nu Hall qv. din Aon Homa ay) } |
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ARK | ark:/87278/s6at3zks |
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Reference URL | https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6at3zks |