Title | Beth Winkler Price Scrapbook: Post College |
Creator | Price, Beth Winkler |
Collection Name | Alumni Scrapbooks |
Description | Scrapbook from Beth Winkler (Price) documenting her time after college. |
Subject | Alumni and alumnae; Weber College; Ogden High School; Theater |
Digital Publisher | Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date | 1929; 1930; 1931; 1932; 1933; 1934; 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1939; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961; 1962; 1963; 1964; 1965; 1966; 1967; 1968; 1969; 1970; 1971; 1972; 1973; 1974; 1975; 1976; 1977; 1978; 1979; 1980; 1981; 1982; 1983; 1984; 1985 |
Medium | Scrapbooks; Ephemera; Programs; Booklets; Correspondence; Photographs; Newspaper clippings |
Spatial Coverage | Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type | Text; Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications | Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG files were then created for general use. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information: |
Source | 14-01-02-004; Beth Winkler Price collection, Series 1; Weber State University Special Collections & University Archives |
OCR Text | Show . SR » ae © > a a =*. oe ies % 7 a <~, > Ee “ aa . % - = * ~* <st * ” Cine ~~ Be Re: Sn suet ~ a a 7" A Udemes push wo ee “oe ; bM3 53, ~ Fa UA ve. 4 been bah. yen —pengrewmm Snot ell — aeaa=—7"—" Verein. YOu Staaten g Nerdameriba —ga =7 ao- _ Stee : . ae : a oe = : - 2 2 -: - : : = Sy ‘ A = eee o— ¢ ——_> =F | tnt ~ = + = x Gs hem nity [bac Desbeck lth. / S9 3 : = << (Um a. fw bb hl, YS: YM congrtilatiiin A sel pe moe nerd Plt ca thal gonor 4b weg fh emitictio mt frre ete epee Le hee Ahan I awl bi ney Ke a tats fla (7h het by fad El! frag oe cote! frau i tlw OS eee en tosng be sartiling cygrtew Gpechuigis lautiare party tlt jesetd IT wed Se fo gl were aarbiad Lawetr, rr tranche thew of ug ay of Cillew Kitt Bad a Lb av Lot nytt » J purty Aad ia the el! 7," — Pie Lb dedet LA Loy a to. cl el fie gM hi Caan nae nk.’ abace a fe pu prcee oe he Al é “= dt Cf a BEE “a ee Uses e aa cae sci AL as ee a £4, oe see = ~ ets os fc ui PA. mo Qo. t e 1 Te > m < o.< z6 =< 22 -— @ . » - a5en “ > > << = Ll s > m= QO Li p> bs w PUB i the deer are aa Mule increasing : Pear a. - . of deer family of which therd-are nearly 2000 individuals in the park. The Wh\itetailed deer number less than a score, but the quite Bet rapidly. ) BRavreF— : e = ’ 2 COMI : a doe 5 ae . Ring = Pe 2 Oo - Pi reres, iE <4 3 went fa a Ss Me. lf = ee AS ed Ms . ew * we er. & hr . <¢ 4 > Je 4 = wv raags ry 4 ng oe —— i OLE EEE se ES ee se teltmatind - ee eaeemedintt ER “SP iseream stot RAE. 0) Re a o SRE PTE LEB LPS, EA. Ce EE PEER SE EESCE EEO eg, Om, ey EE rt ee SELON ac ae ee SERPs aS z LS rsee ee et nee gr ¢° pee oe te - SEER LE NCATE RAIL DA AERA EEL SI ON Ne END eta Pig & CBD s te q aa woe * a - é . i : o Te : m8 See - en ES RoR Lins Lg der ee OL OODLE NEP LEO Se PE a Se Bye Ut aly Y A. a Verein ‘ Shas fox O44 Aba Chi a Vig PIP DE A PPTin. (3) Leet op £: Welle Aa dre’ Lr, 27 = bE YL WH. \. pili tel Lh tent SF ACS Lhe A en. Cf court Lk gush ap Cob Sfeaye an jie, th pushers great i Alec ham te a Gm Pat OF nels aoy Lt , f eg 0 re a Me Ail Re ent! dun of da. Foch * At : ie yiari ae * a rex Ovi Be. BuguRiTa Sete aia res ait 5 a i th een i: in) Motsoan But ne ge a3] eye we aes Be ie Ms { ‘ ry REY tia Garant): it x ag seh ry Wo” we hu OF if ik ty,Hed "v io ve ‘Ohusa ‘Sal Thetinte) ve cit i 16 1g WeBia et Bo pea NON eit! to of miles passed of the fHS Grand 60 Cedar at altitudes through City Canyon National SPACHh-- FOR in to 9,300 feet. varying It is for a distance traveling the Park. North from Rim > MSeseacet 4 } anal 7,500 miles \ ite a m from of > Lying Down.’’ It area of 500 square 0 oO ‘‘Mountain covers an bhi The Kaibab Forest is named from an Indian word meaning ime | (o) / FOREST ' A) KAIBAB 2 — PP psy ‘he i A He, , NOR aga ? a i — — Sas <poere-: _— = oe is PE ae let es ” eee _ RS” te ¥. Ee = a Se ee mae < SS 3 & Fourth and oF | = Fifth Grade Pupils | : of the LINCOLN to be SCHOOL | presented } in a On | Reading Recital April Lincoln School Auditorium (Adults only} eight-fifteen Beth eS aes ° es fifteenth o'clock Winkler, teacher a e im, ~~ ne Re S = = ee reps 2 "17. coe The Bald-headed Man BLAINE HUN S - Piano 18. - 19. 22 evening, aliss Bat S: . 20. Wednesday at-etz at de . 2le A At the Solo | "April — (Delsarte) : Comes Tripping In" PAULINE BRUESCH Soda Fountain BONNIE MURPHY Young America HORACE TAYLOR Beautiful os Belinda MARION BALL St) (N@/S°?) | (Hare } (Werner } (Anon. | . s ce g i e f ‘ PROGR l. ee 3. “ox 4. Oe S-m-i-l-e | JUANITA Seein’ The ; (Hare) SEVWELL Things (Field} KARL KIEFER Duel WARLON Piano Betty 6 NYLAND Solo "Le JA PURDY at the Secret" Baseball (Gautier } Game MARY WELKER 6. 7e The Wind and the Babies (Habberton } Solo RAWSON "Uriss Jross" JANED wORRIN q Fo eli th Quest rons Norman Farr An Apple ll. Free Donald) (Williams } Anon) Orchard Years | lz. a > Piano "Alsataan NADA NYE a Secret Billy Keeps 14. Little Boy Blue EUGENE RITA LLOYD ; Dance" (Orth) ( Hare ) TALBOT (Field) HALL Cleanliness 15. Bud Discusses (bd } ‘Pavand (Martin } GLINES Solo Vespers Spring ( Hare} 113. a in the Old NA (Hare) CLIvFORD WILLIAWS Helen's Piano : (Mad WARGARET 8. iioon | 10. ROSCOE (Field) | PROGRAMME NORSETH the Monthly WARS FOR IE. ANDERSON (Guest } (Milne ) Bills (Guest) eee eee ESSeee eee Z y we 7 | 4 Sigma Chi Joint Formal a Beta Epsilon and Gamma Kappa + Biglow Hotel + Ogaen, Uten April 5th 1930 WD cri, Coal A st) Png —_ vy, Pe itl COMMITTEE HELEN ROTHWELL GEORGE McCLURE RUTH NOWELL VIRGINIA OTTERSTROM PHIL RAY REUBEN JOLLEY BLANCHE RALPHS LARRY JAMES LORNA WADE RICHARD FROISETH RICHARD BENNETT. Chairman Decorations by Kay Russon Lighting Effects by M.A. Strand te, Se ee DANCES A w BO EXTRAS MENU Cocktail Royal Anne Cherries Pickled Watermelon + + Creamed Turkey Croquettes June Peas Potatoes, Au Gratin + + Chocolate Ice Cream Assorted Cakes Coffee pe i | | | | | a hus Ma hs ¥ Ld ~~ re ee go ee ner Sree ie ee ae See ed Der. Mien - ver . be eel ‘ ; idl a le i‘ Bes ¥ a os bs : _ ‘ PN =, te m A “gfe Sa Se ese’ s a 11 12 i 14 | | | ET me ee Cxtras ey ] 15 16 Lxtras jdatrons COACH AND MRS. VADAL PETERSON MR. AND MRS. THERON PARMELEE ye¥, Gommittee WILLIAM C. VAN LAW, Chairman MARJORIE ALLEN ISABEL BARTON UNIVERSITY PRESS — ee Pe LR OTN il TT Re OE MN At ig AM: ROMEts TN gt PAOLA, bs. se owe, i = fale tees % vay ea” ns ee lb inAg a A ails in Sak lis isola ax F , 4 “ eSIG ae Pe > ‘ ll ee os » oy ae. oo , gs d n S “ vr eed Pots ha ‘7 t — < oa — . “i hia . a? . g . * ‘ ; ) ou S a FY . : é 7% ul vi & de P| - pe ee Apel Sth 1930 pat 24 4s 7x «+? = : ee* sD sewer Soe a 7 . - x vf E Dances gp BAINES Rew Se ae me wo Pata RATERSa pack ae es . ¥ y ix ee | ~ : 4 | Pes Fl oi a * * aera me oO » Me Ae ‘ ~ f * ‘Py - ’ a) . oe ah yl ‘ie, Pi Fare aed Qo 3 a : ¥% ¢ — tre $s, ae . ae > é As ; : . *<t 4 ct ” “a % “4 ib % 7 Paw cng gry ae - ) ; abe ' ab mt . ny ‘ : Tt - » 4% 1 * —_ ws . i . ’ ‘ ~ of, ot € _ _* a | 8 ' > P a (% LA ei sy a i ; - . . Oty ; * . my” = a He . . uy | i se ee ~ , : $5.50 Se eee. <4 “pee : nS <a : Fig~~ SS aes ot : 5 a ee .% “ Fi Sen ; > S — - S m4 — ~ nD em ee < — yey Fp,<> Sead ° SIGNO = = = aw Naw\er ISS JEANETTE MORRELL (left), charming young daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Morrell, who returned recently from Europe after a year’s study of music and languages at the’ University .of Berlin. Center: Miss Beth “Winkler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Winkler, whose. engagement to Raymond Price of Ogden was announced last week. Right: Mrs. -Vera Eldredge Doherty, sister of J.-U. Eldredge, Jr., who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge and left Saturday for her home in Chicago. Mrs. Doherty is an accomplished musician and composer. She studied in Milan, Italy, for. two years, eraduating there from the Conservatory of Musie last June, Mrs, Doherty composed. 12 classical songs while studying abroad, two of which will be published by the Harris Musie company of New York ‘this winter. After a short visit in Utah, Mrs. Doherty returned to her home to reopen her piano studio. Below: Mrs. E. C. Crowley of Idaho Falls, who with Dr. Crowley, is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ezra Richardson r ae | In Early Autumn Social Activitie Upper, left to right, Mrs. Frank L. Coons and } son, Eugene, who have returned to their homeae in3 Seattle er spending the summer in | Ogden. Mrs. George Oscar Russell and children, Carol and Janeth, of Columbus, Ohio, who are guests of Mrs. Russell’s =. ding to take place October 1. Mrs. John W. Hyslop, the Protestant of ee : ; to 1 the woman’s auxiliary delegate dessa Bolt des Spies —< ~ ; eg 3,get alsoar and o October eptember nit speaker at the N ational: Elumane sociby con- } 3 vention at Grand Rapids, Mich., opening October 19. of the Holy parents, Dr. and Mrs. Edward 1, Rich. Mrs. Horace } Miss June Emley (above), new president Heart Sacred the of n associatio Alumnae Cross Taylor Peery, formerly Miss Mary Rich, a bride of 3 Jackof (below), y McKinne ellie N Mrs. Walston, Lone left to right, Miss Beth Winkler, 3 academy. after d Hollywoo for Saturday left who Mich., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Winkler, whose en- 3 son, Nye. M. Fred Mrs. sister, her gagement to Raymond Price is announced, the wed- 3 visiting a TOVelTand., uk- Tiffany = —— —Zink-Tiffany man; Miss Esther Lund, Miss Vida (Hendricks, Miss Ida \Mrs. Blanch McKay. May Dotson, through interesting parts fof Idaho, Oregon, Montana anc Washington. They visited thelr sor and daughter-in-law, Mr. and. Mrs Floyd Abbott, at Seattle. Miss Yvonne Grass left Monday & attend school at St. Mary-of-the-Wa satch in Salt Lake, Mrs. Henry P. Jensen has returnec to her home, after spending two week: at Midvale with her daughter, Mrs Walter Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Jen wins are receiving congratulations or the birth of a son, the first son in « iamily of five children. Mr, and Mrs. A. O. McMullin, as Lejctand hy Miss Hellen: McMillin. en 4 vs ¢ Couple Depart oon 5M arriage Temple “OGDEN diausheer Winkler, ‘of Mr. Miss — Miss of Mr. and and —_ i oneymoon After Beth and Raymond “Winkler, Mrs. Mrs. John.G. Ernest | Price, Price, son of and the couple left immediately afterward for the Great Basin experiment station of the U. S. forest service near Ephraim, for a honeymoon ‘They will be at home in Ogden afte |‘November 1... j be pa Mr. SS and Mrs. BK. C, Bader a ——— ‘Ogden; were married Thursday in| ithe Salt Lake temple. A wedding breakfast followed at the Hotel] Utah: TI, Ray mond Price. Ogden, 0; fullback last year on the University of Utah! Rocky. mountain conference championsnhip football team, and Miss Beth Winkler, also of Ogden, obtained @ marriage license this| imorning from Lawrence A. Van Dyke, Weber county clerk. i. Mr. Price gave his occupation as) junior range examiner and Miss/ Winkler, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Winkler, as a| teacher, - Ydeenses were issued late ‘Tues-| day to Ersie H. Beus and Anna M. ‘West, both of Clinton, and to Henry/. Hart of Ogden North Ogden. and Mina storey +4+—_____ ws oad oe FORMER STAR OF | GRIDIRON WEDS ~ SCHOOL TEACHER Bride of T hed Entertains Friends At Tr rousseau Tea | Winkler, and Mrs. Arnold R. StandMrs. Ralph Stevenson. presid-| ing. ‘ed in the tea room, assisted by Miss! Margaret Price, Miss La Von Rees} and Miss Dorothy Israelson. | Two hundred invitations were issued. : stontlitbiaisiios IMrs. Ernest Winkler and Miss Ella’ —_———_- -OGDEN_—Miss_ Beth Winkler, a ibride of Thursday, entertained at a | trousseau tea at her home, 578 Twen|ty-third street, Wednesday, from 3 ito 7 p. m. Assisting in receiving} | were. the bride’s mother and sister, —__-—_-~ —+- MRS. ORA BUNDY (upper left), who has recently been appointed state chairman for the American Legion auxiliary convention to be held in in the com- i edy “She Stoops to Conquer,” by Oliver Goldsmith, to be presented at the Weber Community theatre. Performances will be given for four evenings, commencing on Wednesday, February 22. (Lower left), Mrs. Ogden next } Austin O, Malan, August. An as Constance as the barmaid, and erine Hardcastle. attractive group Neville. of performers (Center), Miss Louise Peterson, (right), Mrs. Ray Price, who takes the lead as Cath- — Che Weher Community — . an <-: Cheatre tt | Presents ahe & toops to (Songuer 22:23, 24,: 29, en ee Sa el bs ee ee eee | oi GL On fA oer ; Om a \ 19 0 Pine Fh Cy of: , & Season® \ a i ‘ 1933 Se Pebrtiary, Cr | Se al i at e halen gl SF Se ONE : i ‘ J ORE! > ES eee , ‘$e ie & Avi ee aR ae Re Bde ar f ae uN iho tins. Moots tect 0 My ate es : oS i . eee SS op ena acne tt e ee Se Fiat By Diver Goldsmith Directed by Mrs. BERTHA | ECCLES a | eet : ~~ —- _ = Pe SS SS ee SeeR ene ee ee TO CONQUER | SHE STOOPS WRIGHT a Characters ORY. i. Sa REMMISat eas Se es A Orville Winkler Oe Mrs. Austin Malan a Ge, Sone ae co Peterson ~ ; Ng toe ‘ = _ Mrs. Hardcastle a ee Miss Kate ‘deast eee ee, Re ana neces Mrs. Verm Ekans = -. 4 Hs | : Mrs. Beth Winkler Price # eC ea mT PYOM ae Migs Constance Mavic 0 TAG AIG: Ce ae i OREM pees sic a Nes), 2. a Te SORE aS pe erst) LO Ae Se ee 6 ce ae A Ie he | EEL ama eae ee | ee eee Se SEE a ae We Se ee eA mente OP) ey Ron The The te... Bea a setting is in England time. ts the late e1gh teenth century. “vf Lee Cain Richard’ MeKec te 8 Cet ald Heber Jacobs Matt Muggin, Tom Twist, Jack S lang and Aniinedeb, Orville Winkler, Heber Jacobs and Richard McKee. ff I Loe Rar Carruth are played by eee hae ee Sa DU eee,tee eae ee Mr. Georve Elastings .1.....: siacecesecetnecceeeipecneccennseetteseen ease Dr. Frank Douglass Tony Lumpkin al ace: rh nated ae SS aE ahi Ra Uthat Glen Judd at Lain Nae rl Tanner = = C. nm Matt. i ne = NLS ere denen =>— ONE 2 = mia, e— eet eee ie ‘~ REE et a ee ee ee a en es ea Ae” co “ston IMR iC — ee or Charlies wilartliow .....c9.0... cee ee Ee ene ieee one _... Niel Clegg Youngs. Charles. Marlow 04... sy jute Eee punted a on-gesee score ee Te S: ia ONGts ENae nen There production, has been no definite but it has been selection rumored that OF NO. IMPORTANCE and, THE considered. ee The PARAGON made RIP SPREETS for the VAN next WINKLE,—A OF. NEW PRESS. ot Ogden iais still generously for each production of the The the play. SALT. LAKE | Weber ee COSTUME | COMPANY Weber : WOMAN YORK, giving are. beme the prone: the costumes { ‘ i a Mg Re idi las le ae a il ae wo ee programs ¥ ae Lin Theatre Aue ee ick pabalege W for - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1937. Logan: Society Clubs LOGAN—Mrs, Mrs. Kenneth Lil at. a bridge i in the bang {Bluebird. The kt hall were decora chrysanthemums, for 100 guests. | dinner. Score ed at the close Mr. and tained day at a Mrs. 4 din evening dinner at tables we roses. Covers w lowing guests: Professor and Professor and M lin, Professor a Floyd, Dr. and gren, Mr. and M Dr, and Mrs. D. fessor and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. tenant and Mrs. and Mrs. R. H. Mrs. John N. K Mrs. ©. N. Wo Eastern Star Di the tables were Three score pri Eastern Star dinner and card | ning at the Mas various small ta were seated for} rated with marigolds, 120 guests. Car¢ Score prizes werg Matron Mrs. C. |] in charge of art Leave for Washington to Reside OGDEN—Mrs. ington, D. C., forest service. —* lerg, local delegate to the conven- ion, also reported on the national neeting. Vocal selections were givn by Miss lied by Mrs. Lula Logan Dance ¢ son’s series of d dance Tuesday a of the Bluebird. | Raymond Price and son, Richard Raymond, who left last week for Washwith Mr. Price, who will be assistant to the chief ranger of the U.S. The Prices were extensively entertained before leaving. ecent national convention held in *hiladelphia, Pa. Mrs. Joseph Soel- Winget, Warren suests at the meeting, .accompa- Ross..Special in addition to “rs, Gager, were Mrs: Thomas Villiams, Oakland, Cal.: Mrs. Frank fouritsen and Mrs. Milton White ff Ogden. Hostesses for the lunch‘on were Mrs. W. M. J. Manning, Mrs. Frank S. Price, Mrs. Arthur 4. Jensen, Mrs. T. D. Hooper and Mrs. M. A, Mouritsen. dear Menuhin | Ogden women attending the violin ‘oncert of Yehudi Menuhin at the s D. §. tabernacle in Salt Lake vity Tuesday evening included Mrs. spencer §.. Eccles, Mrs.. Royal Ec- was y% mf Mrs. J. N. Kinney, Mrs. F. C. Koziol, Mrs. Kenneth Maughan of Salt Lake City, Miss Pauline Ann Koziol, Chicago; Mrs. M. H. Lewis, Mrs. Walter Mann, Mrs. George Nichols, Mrs. Orange Olson, Mrs. Dean Phinney, Mrs. Harold Price, Mrs. George Rigdon,.Mrs. D. E. Romano, Mrs. R. H. Rutledge, Mrs. George chr Covi Stewart, Mrs, day evening, October 30, in the Moose hall under the auspices of Perseverance lodge No. 98, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, and Golden Spike lodge and President, H. mums. Covers | guests., New off ing year were é and treasurer, of arrangements for the party were: Bullen, Bryan . Thompson. Rt charge of arrangt ner f V dance. ed her nesday birthday ] by ente! Tickets, Mrs. Agnes Crites, Mrs. and John Houston. The table deco- Amber Roeseler, Mrs. Vallecita Hill, rations formed a miniature scenic Mrs. Nellie Carney, Mrs. Bertha Tuncheon table roses. Bridge ‘les, Mrs. J. F. Campbell, Miss Kate highway. Favors were tiny valises. Blackburn and Mrs. Hazel Byrnes; ‘enton, Mrs. George S. Eccles, Mrs. The evening was spent on an imag- decorations and entertainment, Mrs. Mrs. Gid- Albert Bickford, Mrs. Mary Crites, Patricia Noel, Mrs. Frederick Mont- inary automobile trip. eee ae pee tieert To Uys Kassin DUB KATINIOSN ASTIN anes | mame I-qui9d ! ary retry A@porr TN Carr Cnc olin et ie! J.| the following sta No. 410 of the ladies’ auxiliary. Din- Mrs. Milton R. | ner was served to 80 guests at a Randall and Mr; table attractively decorated with D. Sawyer. t fall flowers in shades of yellow clude G A. Li and orange in black bowls. Orange tapers were in black holders. J. W. Stokes, Mrs. Ernest Winkler, Mrs. C. N. Woods, Mrs. Francis Wood and Mrs. Clark Miles, |The guests. were in costume and prizes for the cleverest costumes were awarded to Mrs. Evelyn RobHold Dinner erts and EK. P. Nelson. Mr. and Officers of Miriam chapter No. 14, Mrs. Wilford Crites were the winOrder of the Eastern Star, enterners of the prize waltz, and Charles tained at dinner Thursday evening E. Preece was awarded the housé at the Green Gables tearoom in prize. The committee in charge honor of their worthy matron and worthy patron, Mrs. Elinor Giddings decorated lavender . Z7EBEB EEEE EER E BSE m o o' Sin 2 OD ROUBLES EVER LASTED THIS MESSAGE COM ES WISH GU the JOYS WE USED TO A [JALLMARK CARD COPVaIGMT 1928 MALL SROYNERS, INC. 25 B 805 PL, BI. PAT. 1,970,285-L12 Mrs. Raymond Price | and small son, Richard Ra ymond Price, of Washington, D. C., who, with Mr. rice, are spending a- month in Ogden with her mother, Mrs. Ernest Winkler, and Mr. Price's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Price. NA A rices Can Fos Washington For Vacation in Ogden OGDEN—Mr. and Mrs. Raymond. Price and their small son, Richard Raymond Price, have arrived from Washington, D. C., for a month with relatives in Ogden. | They will visit Mrs. Price’s moth-| Ernest ~ varents, well Winkler, Mr. and as oth’ and Mr. Mrs. J. G. alatives. Mr _, end Mew -- Reeser THE 1938-39 Miter fos PROGRAX { arch 29 Nomination October Bridge 12 "Hospitality Mrs. October on Elm George 9 Dinner November December January 30 Tour ileeting of 14 Christmas Party Program by 26 Election of Officers Lirs. Istas and Sterling April Baker Officers Party "Personality" 26 Parliamentary Law iy. Henry IT, November Street" Pierce of hiay Bridge Party kemorial Library Yale Study Dames LO Tea Honoring New Officers Given. Oy brsse, Glvte Groups 18 Reviews of Current Fiction Miss Helen McAfee February 1 "Setting Mr. Februery 25 The Cren Parker Situation Programby Yale Dames ClCAL Hy Driver in Europe | 1 Study Groups tn farch Stage" Political ie Larch the Kearns irs of Sorine” Stanley aha C. Bald Edwarc oo Porter Lie Bild Terrill) Dy. iirSe Lies Lint Laws. Harold Le Arthur:Wy ait Frenk ® &. ee ite Steveus President Vice-President Carroll G, Recording Uassidy la on oe i eS xe: le [> se Sullivan John se we | = ——_ Treasurer Secretary Corresponding Peas Honorary Secretary Fe liembers; ‘irs. ~ lirs, r. Charles Edgar 8, Bs Se Seymour”°*— Furnigs ° _ v 08 ni i Theodore Tire, irs Life Ls. Lirsés Li?’ Ss. ‘ Le OUnaries 7, Frank Sulliven ly Groom Giil Beatty Iit Gavett O. Prickett A. Joel Warren Urs. Phigiaver Riegee iat Ss Francis Joseph veining Chamberlin Froctor, Re ~ Social JY. Civde Ly Stanhope Auxilirry hembersnlp Program Publicity Hostess Lartin Simmons Charles Callins Bride Robert li. Corwin Allardyce 1 coll bdgar i, Sturtevant Dance 5 Gs memend | tnd an Re. Eorar Ey Leslie REE aaa Sulliven een harold FE £, Collings frank FR eee ies, Sturtevant shee James A < ” G,. “ amen reac i eae 00 4 pea ee a a ete mel eo Editi TY i all (Instructor) > Cassidy Simmonds onfiendl (ee e eee Bridge Current sa at i a Fine arts Literature Lgsiec Drama - Edwin Li. Borchard Service James | Ib. Clark Henry S. Greaves Ntaniey Cy Bali novosoy Bure. Charles Se omnmendl Hill, Chairman Bayne-Joues & D, E, Trask A. Winslow - - MEMBERSHIP LIST liistory lursSe Holand HE. Aiden 76 Grove St., Apt. $08 > ‘Mrs. William J. Archibald irs. Richard 70 Lowe St, Bacon irs. Beker 70 Gresory Howe Ly < ‘Me. St. Su... espn ha! 31 Seaview Lite Studies e 5 Rducation s rm Yrs MIU im G Berere he Ave., 3. Eaven pilliam .lirs. 1375 dames A. Collins Chapel St. RG. Sts, t ; he prema Letallurgy Zoolory wa 8-71 Ve Fublic Pealth “cc Dillon Kenneth P. ‘irs. Saville Dorfman Well pa ae ° 511 cae Burch Homden Tedicine Danfortc Ave., ys, WO) rerric ‘esearch 307 3 Cheney G. Vhalley firs, | 5S. ao B. 40 Bradley Apt. Heel Charles 174 Linden St., 6-4291 Brown Oo “irs. liedicine Chamberlin 8-8110 lirs. Christopher 1°. Davson 188 Bishop St., 7-OC16 Forestry Ripe iss Herbert. S, Bowers’: 186 Sherman Ave., 8-9502 42 14 Le Pl. irs. George B, Duvis oG Whitfield. St., Guilford,Gutl. Lote J000 B, Bis ise lie Dwirht Bt. LYSs ‘Theodore 476 Chemistry b-2086. ear, aera t $ Ca Le | Lis. Cassidy 170 Linden St., 6-9462 Forestry Mrs. Lowrence L. Bethel ae SOF L108 armen Sts, nema en >. By Chemistry La Se Gp. Crop oe Wiltow Harold’G, 28 Lynwood Physics Gent]. ‘irs. 164 Ivy St., 6-1380 Zoologr 224 Humphrey St., 5-6539 Haucation =: 2 . Dougles G. Adair, Jr Urs @i Canner $t.. 87155 irs. John S. Carroll 565 Orange St., 8-622 Ci YALE. DAMES Law , G= UOCL v {x ~~. St. Robert Tovarc Apt. 601 1. aves, Anct? CNT 7-578 Dunlap Russell Medicine Governmnent St., 6-5504 J. Flanagan sve.., Yet O=6414 Preis ron Georre ® Parmalee Sol Researci wtb paucation AS irs, JohnA. 108 irs. 55 Dwight Frank B. lirs. Charlies. lines i Richard (alt St. Gill- F. Ladford, ; H, Sis Mil. Haigh | [vee Hemeere Le Holl Lyme, urs. Lyme Albert 204 St., j ls, 84 Bernard Howe 3 C,» ot. ° 2000. , / : lirs, 32 Ge : oe | 7 irs. S12 ae Jolm Orcnce | B-O501 Houston. St., 87489 ge Lee)oe Cle ? Ire Gen'] is | far Lae ric. Researcn on | ae Education © Die. <7 L0URS (re daicehing . VwyY Urs. Francis G. James ee: iiGe Hovard Beh Bes 4 Vansfield Linden | 5=-5489 Indian Bran. Prate : Uress . , Lo Ka. , Clinto on, Williamby. Nett | Gus, : i Uline e he 92 Studics oaks Glen | itse LEER, Henrybe reaneie | | ere, 5t., Ee | ee erro) LS. 202 : Bllis G wls Vista for, : Hamden, axey 54213 | meet | LON : Ge oS ainoese ae | ee Education | : : =O | | — : 1» CGLC Lie SO | Forestry , < eites | aka Crivieisn ete 5-9090 | | PP Ora GC 2-0443 LArtin 7 : 3 ‘ 399 orton Parlway a Relations Ur. Littletield 16 Bdeewood Ave., : Gentil | 34 Wiestminster Vis, : ioe : B@eeee von ; Parkway : Of, Leven | ben | OT GE : Eee tg ; Vee Foul lye Kramer oil Oranre Ue, DaeO he J , History _ : Kearn is : Neck, : Zeoloe ; ’ 289-2 irs. dames Karr, Jr. | tote 8-6542 Jones. Be “Peali ie Research - St., Ave., Branford, : Ove | 584 Vii.itney Ave., | Education lirss Titite h. iowle 70 Linedin St., namecn ! Intcrnation-=- ol lifes oh inkorust Lon oboe Hard 3 ‘' | ee - Hartuac as ? Bdwec tion \ Stopliion\i, Loovo Wish NE FredWy SUN - . : 88-8640 : AAP eae ye yee Deleino.. pendren 548 Orance St. . ojo) Education "+4 106-5 lirs. JamesCG. Heart 820 Elm St., &-2738 | | J. larder Fountain j Tpetiie. lirse Ge ] Research 699 Orange St., 8-8570 Old eae Forestry ; Woodmont Garrett . Gite, iLedicine | , Garin St., irs. De 7-2920 & George. Cherry SO Howe | Frank St., : EB. MePartland Charles ‘irs. HW. Ave. 046 (Ocean 91507 HBeven sencen Le telnick MPS. 36 Blake St., 5-8679 Liolnar W. George Mrs. Hea lte Public iirse Frederick A,.Keickert 86 Mansfield St, Enginecrin Physiolorical Chomistry ips. tnriave:L.. $00 Crown St. Architecture Zoology Mrs. Bducation irs. Liota%, i'oulton Old Lyme, Lyme 366 Botany Robert R. Mulligan ifes., Gi bos 751 Orange ryers ees G-4625 History irs. wewere i. Opton 229 Bishop St., 68-2265 Zoolory Pas Tr irs. Oren irs. 80 i Li Se 390 ee ot G e. bi ry i. Ave., Highlanc 160 Haven 9-270217 v Forton ro re Parkway, ; St. 4 Botany —— ae LPrs ta Ge orce sof Vinbtmey Proctor, ee é ifee | , - 7 Law ‘OO irs, Forestry sigeot A. Ranney, Jr. ave., GOFlita Education 324 MyM eae a a wears = Ci Fae Clin, J. Frances. ».oreison | . } 447-2 © tor. Bowe 1145 Chapel mM... pms Research St., 90-9317 Forcstry a FP, St.;, Fronk CL Stevens Cottage ive. Terral) De Stevens 143 Cotte fo obe, SeFoL? iledicine J¥. ras pe ci i pat . phinister Scott S0'Gs George Lie Sixby 246 Park St. Liss stry ade eo CAS GE TEE: ure, Borolad 52 High 74714 Cavett 0, Prickect tre, f ate 1 7 eee 6=-250€8 toward Ave., rs. Be 4 PE rh 143 rrice LTS. Seager Bk A eae, irs, Jcscpa orgon Senool, e Pluizb a twee ase We Clinton b 208. ffic Research GeorgeL, 7) T Drama Farker / Tar. kirsy Clinton, Son, Sawyer 146 Gofse 6-G447 Sed Edgewood (AVEs, Ralph Ruiz English Strauch 2pte. 209 imelish Spulilsvan St. Lirs. Paul Re Trumpler eoy Church S8t..,. 68-2970 Leech, s10— Bog, Fredcrick ae 86-Howe St., she B, Educction mars ORY 1497 DemmiStoun Boulevard Vi. VerPlanck 6-0489 vrs, Arthur .i, Os Elee. Staanley ‘< TO Gowe Tacs Lik oR Se 80 tie qowe Wires 84 WL aia * Ps, ro oes JO SU., St., evcPrra oot . Saas ioe WJ Ee ws vate ea har eee. uv Blec. Fy a see eRe w @ Zahn 87 Siwin Bercncre 144 idgehiil "-0068 Durr Loomis Pl, ,5<0080 Loured id. oy toroid Sy fHeriles iv 26. Clore Povert. &, Vorwin borer o. Furniss ]l QW “ ve ' ©. Joo Groves e. Z of Studies St. ,O-ecle. Kd., Graduate 565207 Prospect Ot., 66-2445 Coco Pr Trumbull ig LOO Mail G- 7185 Bs - 3 iS. 4 flxrTe filercyce Roek: nua., Ee Ligeia TTS eee aa - er i “ERO CETOI o ; 3 é ® Bayne-Jones Henry e641? Hd, ,landen. Stanhope Baucation - ron Fickwick Eng. ese MV ESIC, dfa St., . Bomdon, Prodorick NR beucetion 6-4683 ood Gee S Cm OGal ta. Williams 24 Bali. oe A ran GOAT ° GEE 4.6 Ot 4 rt OTs, re) uur wah Vor a iw a 5 : Hamdon, lips, Floyd Ge Lz Scott Plas ae Yinecnv: ht, Wickcus 98 Lako F1l., 7 Ee. Se Warron PRT Oo. 8 Quentin PSs at iit Ss a AD 2~- 5578 iat Gites CG. Re St. wemos is, Eel sh “St: VillieCy Howe Voss oe Eng. aE ALe * 73097 oe lirs, 420 mo ee Charles E. A. Winslow eh Eumphro- o14. Prospect o=-0464 ,5-9055 St * 9 & DDE N D A . : bib —— eh OR Oe ee AN Oe DA ee ene WHY To establish a permanent JOIN THE GUILD? local theatre in Washington. To give Washington writers, directors, an opportunity to develop their talent. To foster a Washington Theatre actors, artists and theatre technicians for all of Washington. To promote an organization where everyone development and maintenance of a real theatre. interested may work for the The Little Theatre Movement is making theatrical history in our country today. Let Washington be among the leaders. ‘ DRAMA act a ee ee Six and GUILD PROGRAM FOR THE 1935-1936 SEASON major productions—A professional director—A permanent theatre—Onethree-act playwriting contest—Theatre school—Laboratory Theatre. eee I hereby accept membership to assume the following [| Single Memberships | Double Membership ] Sustaining Additional The Drama Guild of to indicate.) Washington, and wish Payment Payment $3 (1 ticket to each of 6 productions). $8 $4 (2 tickets to each of 6 productions). $25 $10 (2 tickets to each of 6 productions). $5 Membership CHECK in membership. (Check Full Partial CLASS memberships OF MEMBERSHIP may Balance of partial payments be secured at $4 each. must be made to receipt of tickets. DESIRED on or before October Ist and prior Join now and receive free gift ticket for “Crime at Blossoms,’ 3 which is playing at Wardman Park Theatre April 29, 30. Curtain at 8:40 P. M. | I wish my ticket for April Name Address City Mrs. Make Jane g mn all checks Plummer payable Rice, 413 to the Drama Cumberland Guild 22 2 of consideration your of Avenue, Washington Chevy Chase, a interest in and mail Maryland. to ce thealre the and civic affairs Guild Diana Ohe lakes pleasure im of "Washington announcing your | election to membership. todieale Kindly you deaiae Yo adaume. on. Mie ancloscd. bladk the type of membership ‘. Ce a ee a a: DRAMA GUILD OF WASHINGTON 413 Cumberland Avenue Ayer . oY, tes rad ‘Wes Fs & pale a oF werd it er Fs : & i , 4 ] af . % 5 hare ik ort tm iy age ty atin tearm ~ ts Tan, ree ee at ge * eS Sgah We ‘ a. i ee. pity. & SS ed age : a = : 2 to , -: y ee PR Chevy Chase, Maryland peo tt atid at yb) Rater = ” are 2 & o% oy ai o av? ate : sign OR ¢ -~ y f . ~ " et , 4 Pas : ~ . — re \ Gi . * ies : : ‘ . % “oe “a . a . a A ‘, . iis cn ae Pastea 4 a a aides > . . > | THE TALE OF. -THREE LETTERS A. L. — Rose (Per BABLY Crabb a Bergen, IN ee Director ~ TFTEIESEN, FIR ZO ve - Samey:~) 1947. Wre. Fin «+ « + eer Mrs. Horsley. II. 1922. Scene + we a ee Nea i BIR ean Hen e « + + & « Pek Veeelanad «MAE Wilson woe 4 s * ® Uh whl }l} . ° ° Blanche Smith Dorothy Slagle dhe Carson hee: Mee ater «lw Mrs. Lewis ° et ° ° ° e Alice Young i Mrs. Stiles Wee, Seren ww . «tw NeVratey. The . Oe el we lw ° Same ... « ° Scene - GOWe + 8 schoolhouse néar the isgo7. re. +. » home appearance) - * a Characters of Brooks... e Béfore of Mrs. e L. scene order * Cast (In Froney MacNeil Ue e EG Taylor we e Bred Votaw Price Eaton Wothersingers and Director Mcenery - «es . Accompanist we © wm ee 8 Ann Josephine zemsky |
Format | application/pdf |
ARK | ark:/87278/s61gd201 |
Setname | wsu_alumni |
ID | 143881 |
Reference URL | https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s61gd201 |