Title | Box 40, Folder 9: 64th church anniversary programs and napkin, 1982 |
Contributors | New Zion Baptist Church |
Description | 64th church anniversary programs and napkin, 1982 |
Subject | Worship programs; Advertising--Churches; Church announcements; Church anniversaries |
Keyword | Programs |
Digital Publisher | Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date | 1982 |
Date Digital | 2023; 2024 |
Item Size | 11x8.5 inches |
Medium | Programs; Ephemera |
Spatial Coverage | Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type | Image/StillImage |
Access Extent | image/jpg |
Conversion Specifications | Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL, a Epson Expression 12000XL scanner, and Epson FastFoto scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG files were then created for general use. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit New Zion Baptist Church, Ogden, Utah and Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information: |
Sponsorship/Funding | Available through grant funding by the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board |
Source | New Zion Baptist Church Records; Box 40, Folder 9 |
OCR Text | Show DAP ADaSas) CHC Vaasa SS as as: voy SOOSSS. PLEIN LL Ca ARF LY Sunday, April 3:30 the in Roa 4, Y 1982 Afternoon The [| Built Church by Faith || 64th CELEBRATION "The Church Doing Every Day" Will Last. - Luke 7:3/-48 New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 Dr, N. Lawrence Liggins. Pastor Fa Only What You Do For Christ oo ay OD ES i} io" wea For More People More > Uo Sop Ia Wm | By Faith We Will Build=| AR maa Sew OO enUR HISTORY CHURCH of the Wall the Utah Baptist Some 64 years ago (1918), the lot hased by Avenue Baptist Church was purc was built Angeles, CA ; to Ogden and began a Sunday that had been closed for a time, Bible. the and y terl lochool with one quar came to Ogden and In August 1930, Mr and Mrs Neal a suggestion Upon h, became affiliated with the churc a M | Convention, 1 Re RRR x * wx | BAPTIST CHURCH ee | srateful, thoughtful and For kind i came c - their richest divi Because they pringa friendly They share a smile or EWO.--: that skies 1937-40; 3 WE ARE HONORED of |. 1952, gray I OF AND ALL, WE VISIT HOPE THAT WITH US oe NEW ZION es x Saree | | J. L. from Jones, Reverend 193/; May in was and for Paxton, - pe ok att KEKE under whose g prop rend Reveerty | the at 0. the pastorate shington's S | | 0 a the church T nths R First, things. a few and dedication church oln under and, 2959 1969, Linc 2957Piper E. e parsonag t at Watkins, 709 33rd 1970; Street Reverend oh, . T| in July ] s er acquired Y 4 R b 1 _ y po Weg : " ‘ | A N | R | ~ | 0 UY | cos | 1 | J. Speech, 1971; N |i | 4 ; D E P A R T M 2 | é D ( N 7 | | the purchased; 5S. . | Aveneue; pastorate whos was C 0 S 43 |e ot ‘ 2 1 © S | | : yg ly gee wep [ 4 on took hops Available records indicate succeeding Rever de -196 nt y,inclu 9, end 1962 to theL. prese K.- Curr rs from pasto j)] Mill Reverend 1961; 1961 er, CHURCH ST ee BAPTI BAPTI j go N: From suggested names for the new 1958. Zion, submitted by Mrs Jimmie Bell, New name lar, Thus, the Wall Avenue Baptist was voted most popu Reverend and a new name, iChurch had a new building . 1961 l unti Zion New at ored | MeehisereS past 26, the October church, : i ‘ 1954, and whose N E t ei : " Second, two lots were purchasec, They ch. Chur ist Wall Avenue Bapt 1955, 16, P 1942-1948;x. Reverend Reverend purchased 1960's corer 1948-1951 ‘Under early the 1936 to b : c : S : Pocatello, Church, M ae E until service had pastors a parsonage May M | Accord- Piatt. A. C 0 extended Church faithful Baptist two noteworthy parsonage came true ee verend | L, Reverend Bethel at Rollersen, Sunday, COME a % ; WILL Baptist doors Church We are presently occupying that qT built a new church. breaking gervices were held on nd | structure whose grou place | TODAY AND WE WISH TO EXTEND A WORD MOST BUT YOU. OF ALL TO OF WELCOME : YOU a new dream Los Avenue Conner, Reverend Jessie L. an ; accomplished church the from rendered He 1930, Reverend Wall | on Reyerend Platt preached his first serm pastor past : BY YOUR PRESENCE HERE pastor, -1961. on, 1952 ingte, Washorat which began ae | R. Holt the ID in 1936, include blue. a brighter Become i a tinge had to 5, Succeeding : word, October Idaho, friends... lives on called a God to A, Wall Avenue first its Ceall later, Eres reopened , time Georgia Mrs, ing to records, bring our it's folks like these that dend oa s and 1929, In from the Neals, WELCOME TO NEW ZION You know how much we're congregation. the s by Some NO State : ber ro. pastored from Septem W jllie Davis who ate in Re tor pas ept acc to 1978 when he left 1972 to July the ate and un der whose pastor d Las Vegas, Nevada, 33rd Street was pai 7/09 at ge ona s par mortgage on the ved as ac P. Brantley who ser off; and Reverend Iss ruary : 1979. Feb il unt 8 197 y Jul Tnterim Pastor from to rch extended a call In February , 1979, the chu: gins. Lig ce ren Law N. a nt pastor. Reverend when in Texarkana, Texas paceoe Liggins was pastoring May 1979. Ogden in church continue call and : moved to he acceptCed: our % e seen our Since that time, we hav / progress f oet Ourix f: firs Liggins was to this, need - win to us e a dir aireection another. recog nized of Liggins Pastor for st. emo most fore and for ant one ye Love ue more st connection, on the Fir sed nes wit n Zio New 1979, Christ. re | ; , . | ny / a to. In sionn Missio Sel spats "9 EEO the this i : ‘ two for souls seven continue 4 our added to be Pastor that * our to oul about ur ut Father's Lay ¥ : Ob tne 4 < abe s business Shirley H. Brown, Clerk a aks . saat eR op 2 ; * - { ; ‘ . Report 2 a ATLS ape ga ae Vee ee & Offering... .Mh se Cah NT ¢ * 2 é + + © e ee e 2 ® ® Cle @ 6 > & * * en he maw : ee Call as oa & Pastoral ee R gir. tar | | C 0 * * Choi LOLLY reiyty al ok Clerl ty é “ M ere os st) of Gospel. nvitation A ie : PR Hymn e e Choir (Allow RREAREKL, ate Worshipers 2 to pass, * e * Lor please) may Enter : ae 7 OLE - Pas | ? é e ae) ae : . . Lie gins Ligei 4 oe eo 6 Coes (P ease no Walkin: g) (Pl enediction es es | Pee Ob es x wie ay t eo ie * Liggins bo ef - H T fy 2s a ei 3 ee ca 2 21 i x 4H oe Y la N : we A. & p | Fe ift | N he Bl ol j a ol ! yy 5 : ‘» C 4 ae ’ . | a vo . ; 2 ; N “ D Ce ‘ A 2 |codA | N ~ | T | Fa et M | | » F P N wT | \ E a 1s | i z £ E q Vi W A st : C; ‘ a 0 . Deacons roe i w" Flo Blessings 13 Ra E M e tor M: i ek = )6Ushers 2 ‘ ‘* oe ee All m om Ne Foot easly ey Sene Sn ne ee Preaching es M Congregatio es RS i he e Shineetae 4 | 10:45 A | | Offering Ieee & Sick 4%, d UP ees tel : * e & s 2 KHERRAE I we i SGYVAEL ae : So whether . . pa . Fd cation & Edu . Tithes our Father song, with s by example, in others the good new smile, we are a h wit oF ching, sermon, throu igh tea every day.’ ple more fer more peo the church “doing talents as s , support, and We ask your prayer a greater c llenge of doing nding cha we face the nevere Building. work in Kingdom be about 1 Prayer tae a ee e e Ee Visitors ‘Ss rs We business Lord's Fe ee Fe es upon us faithfully impresses tinually con t mus , th’ ‘baie by fai l i s Liggin church, # church te family. : & The Choir ee a Oe OE ee ES NE Sr Selection ues GE Be FT i were purchased Additionally buildings anot Mor forty: In 1981 there were ter. souls. the cen wih 3 . nnouncements 4i3 T e our church ae gre 1980, During Deacons e. 2ading Rea COCLON ie é 4 Aaderson KREAKEE a es or, AG * s s parents. 4 ree’y £73 0% F \ ¥ A pty - ae f . mi Sac , &. Deacon: « ge et acy : Welcome were hers and daughters fathers, Sons, mot when ed. tiz bap s ve person among the twenty-fi ad for New much work iy aheLe We ean see Pastor Liggina Saw as : ie “ our eprese 7 4 ‘ te renovation ea jon, including com iie Le t ity development projec and structure and a commun ter 1oFr all cen al ion cat edu consisting of an ane working for : senior citizens service programs w by sixty~ . . WORSHIP Seale Seiids fe CRRA 6 ~ é s a siv Paspon ponsive | er Sunday Night in Novemb its biggest baptism ever . .. 3 Processiondl. astor fro romm Pas’ Along with emphasized Worship to Call Devotion rt * “ to and < ; 7 : ; MORNING j N | T > THE | RESPONSIVE READING : te our God4d is MINISTER: TOT. MTN very present | 46 Psalm help in trouble. CONGREGATION: roar the midst Though and y be mountains the : ea ere ‘ . ‘ wens sont There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the City CONGREGAT of God, the holy tabernacles of CONGREGATION: God is in she shall not help her, and 7 CONGREGATION: doms The voice, 4 f4 2 earth his behold what hath made in the 2 wor still, ¢ I will the heathen,I in the earth. 7 s - the The | God in-to in-to in-to Tw ms eae change in my -@- a é ee ren, 1856-1933 a eo Sic - “= == life has been wrought Since Je-sus came my wan-d’ring and go-ing yo a-stray, Ee —9»—» Pe Les Since Je-sus came eas Lee ate aGh ee FA = ge i gs ee —) I’m hap-py, j a = hf ee ee a oe ewe ~ as a on-ward I , ao) re a ee ee re REFRAIN ’ } Since Je-sus came in-to alle my wad : Je-sus Since eee pee | ’ heart! Since camein-to Je - sug came : my in, the works "1 of * desolations cS Lord of be : earth. , know that will be exhalted of exhalted ad Jacob hosts is among = is Qs our \ t » I am 2 with refuge. OR C came R H = - j | xe E i os 5 2 og heart, 5 jx. + - Since Je-sus camein - to my ne ay hear oat oe hee Ix€G tH or se Copyright 1942. Renewal. us, 5 gue in- to myheart, Since J @- At 3 PY oe me ern iS ; POs, ‘ Z ae re since ; @ | | N (A i . DTT: a IN pf Pod | G| | | ' Floods of Came m-- ey tO 2 E E | S : og4 4 @ * : . D E P : ; M N T 9 2 to my ‘heart, -8us T ce — Oe em j | é ' he and 0 N “ eed vd C; tH + . . 5 P 5 a + E | ; go, e- te t 5 eh Be M | Sa ceroe so hap-py, i o: 0 M eat? —— oes iar C e+ oes AS ee —ot ei - 5s ENO———- my heart! And : ge | . | ee havelight in my soul for whichlong I had sought,hs my heart! I my heart! And my sins which wereman-y are all washed a- way, my heart! And no dark clouds of doubt now my path-way ob-scure, in-to ae SONGREGATION: ae le x eA eh oh ae ee= : iyee tg ew CONGREGATION: He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. Be ete 9 Lord of hosts is with. God of Jacob is our Selah. Lord, God: won-der-ful ee si tasee kineg& uttered a Heart ised Bes ehty ~- gi es haveceasedfrom ee qe the melted. he 1 7 -@- --g into My 12. 8. 12. 8 with Refrain Caries H. :i i, te: Came 4, —_h—-b_,-0—«——-»—-1___-_ & the moved: McDANIEL. a hope that is stead-fast and sure, Since Je-sus came 3 I’m pos-sessedof I know, Sin teers shall go there to dwell in that cit-y, 4.1 the midst of her; be moved: God shail that right early the CONGREGATION: e r High. raged, $ the Come, + of most heathen were CONGREGATION: The us; the refuge. CONGREGATION: place the Jesus r- ee 1. What ' the swelling o the 3 : ee 2 " | though with # oe pF! # thereof ‘ troubled, Selah. \ sea. the waters shake thereof. ist ONCRECATION: i * of . fp CONGREGATION: Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into LIF Sihce Rorus H. McDanrez, 1850-1940 a strength,. and refuge CHRISTIAN 310 my 7 es near. | } The Rodeheaver Company, owner id | 6 | = Will SHLECTION Last" OFFERING REPORTS George Anderson el OF ‘eet og OS" THEME tse Rob iak CAPTAINS 1s iat Ble Sister THAT .0acc.¢ Donald Beother So . c++. ..- . Brother. a 75) Jr. Carl Hill, Junior Deacon et = * * 7 2 2 e e 3 % 2 ® . Reverend ie ; = 2 % & 2 & 3s & @ € ° ef eee bined Pilgrim 1 re Reverend 4 Hawthorne t irk a a.. F. ims Y 2 a GPRAKER gut aoe Fieids VE os ye a Baptist ‘ te OHO . .Brother Holy.Spirit". Church < 405 [oe 3 ant) hb ie New Gh Se) Pastor, a Otis Ry Lawes: Ligeti ne 1 C Zion Baptist INVITATION Reman (8 Oe ee eee onde -NeLeon ee Brother Jessie Tucker Brother Donald R, Carpenter o BENEDICTION a KRRRKE x, $e oh Sort he haut Sere Ge oS te eREKKAEE oh. abe ak ake Mr. Robert Commissioner, Weber Mayor ¢ * ® ® A. we Hunter County Stephen Dirks Ogden, Utah FELLOWSHIP 2 e (c, ° Choir 2 Jack % mie 4 * Sua md & + ¢ ‘ New & e o Ellis are C3 « 7 Sammie oS » £2 e s s @ € és e * * e * e Choir IN EVERYONE LOWER AUDITORIUM IS WELCOME ea eR eo PP ee * (84 gree a & oi we: * in ae & “ - € 2 Congregatiot 2 . . a * if woot a Sing’ and pe Voice Every tn A. tA ."Sweet France oa }b 2a. -Reverend x OF Amo .. SPEAKER. PRESENTATION hte rel . Deacon e, ees sa OF EXPLORATION 5 Te . ogi) . e a EO” Christ & & re Yousyp = 2 @ HSE = : : sorts : : SS Stiemecannoen 7 _ For he t' ZION... NEW OF OFFICERS TO : ¥ oe * a ¢ @ & * e 2 e ~~ >, | icc re ey Waa, ag aes SI naitiveewe eet ial nT ee TRIBUTE 6 e e ECTION SEL Sister . . . FAITH BY BUILT CHURCH THE OF ECHOES TO AVOID ALL TATTLING, EXCESSIVE ANGER; CONGREGATION: TO CONTRIBUTE CHEERFULLY AND REGULARLY ~~: FO THE SUPPORT OF THE MINISTRY, THE EXPENSES OF THE CHURCH, THE RELIEF OF THE POOR, AND THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL THROUGH ALI MINISTER: ee NAT LER: . TO BE SLOW TO TAKE OFFENSE, BUT ALWAYS READY FOR RECONCILIATION, AND MINDFUL OF THE RULES OF OUR SAVIOUR TO SECURE IT WITHOUT DELAY. TONS. WE ALSO ENGAGE TO MAINTAIN FAMILY AND SECRET DEVOTIONS; TO RELIGIOUSLY EDUCATE OUR CHILDREN; TO SEEK THE SALVATION OF OUR KINDRED AND ACQUAINTANCES; PASH Wm Asie Jo * “eS ile!ag fe ans Nt oma we w tht £9 ' Ce Pet EX] oA 4 po et TO REMEMBER EACH OTH AID EACH OTHER IN SICKNE TO CULTIVATE CHRISTIAN SY ING AND COURTESY IN SPEE fe Se Ww TO PROMOTE ITS PROSPERITY AND SPIRITUALITY; TO SUSTAIN ITS WORSHIP, ORDINANCES, DISCIPLINE, AND DOCTRINES; Ps HOLINESS AND COMFORT; Cr MINISTER: IN KNOWLEDGE, Oa WE FURTHER ENGAGE TO WATCH OVER ONE ANOTHER IN BROTHERLY LOVE; CONGREGATION: WE ENGAGE, THEREFORE, BY THE AID OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, TO WALK TOGETHER IN CHRISTIAN LOVE; TO STRIVE FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF THIS CHURCH, TX WE MOREOVER ENGAGE THAT WHEN WE REMOVE FROM THIS PLACE WE WILL, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, UNITE WITH SOME OTHER CHU FRCH , WHERE WE CAN CARRY OUT THE SPIRIT OF THIS COVENANT AND THE PRINCIPLES OF GOD'S WORD. oS AS ONE wad Pe ws AND JOYFULLY mae SOLEMNLY bd MOST ENTER INTO COVENANT WITH ONE ANOTHER, BODY IN CHRIST. met ‘PATS ASSEMBLY, CONGREGATION: TO ABSTAIN FROM INTOXICATING DRINES ie - snckeblapih re AND BE ZEALOUS IN OUR BFFO > TO ADVANCE KINGDOM oe OUR SAVIOU MH IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, ANGELS, AND AND td “ss WE DO NOW, = ‘MINISTER: BACKBITING, eZ HAVING CONGREGATION: AND ON THE PROF ESSION OF -.OUR FAITH, BEEN " BAPTIZED IN aH E NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY GHOST. ZOO BELIEVE, BY THE SPIRIT LORD JESUS CHRIST AS tda; fe HAVING BEEN LED, AS WE OF GOD, TO RECEIVE THE OUR SAVIOUR, TO WALK CIRCUMSPECTLY IN THE ~ WORLD; TO BE JUST IN OUR DEALINGS FAITHFUL IN OUR ENGAGEMENTS , AND EXEMPLARY IN OUR DEPORTMENTS; i MINISTER: CONGREGATION: COVENANT * CHURCH Jounson Oarman, JR., 1856-1922 ahah ‘fy. flefa @ iA L 4 +3 ff Sy 2 [Gye es 8 e/ we - 1. When 2. Are ;: vue 4, 30, bd 97. 21. he. Ss er you = 8 ctl 112. Biessings 11. with Refrain y| Ss i Eowin 0, Excess, 1851-1921 s i om { —— 2 t= wee Zs up-on life’s bil-lows you are tem spent tossed, W hen you ev - er bur-dened with a load of care? Does - i = Mi @ G2 ~h~ Eh ae porta dcgtticds terre, wees i. Bre be i he agli nana ph a a aie one = ys wonetner se s Bm ez. FE con-nict, he ee hale oth fk eee a ae a Nag —_ eh bs Pott aa ue a a" sg Pe ail a cpl ae ae i i es ruil ae ae ey ee | r a ae 2 Es SE - not buy & a will onan 5 ae es Bis 1 , at-tend, wf [i — toa REFRAIN f ee ic PE ty dil 5 ™ Dy 7 si ‘ ay e v clashes sa a ok i it sh ee a ee { FON Help ane VES - RISE, _———t oY AS ryt son ®. you what ia Re! i. DP De ees - «4 ‘ give you j { of ee a to = } en a Ly : ee y S yourhome a, Look Ee | . ‘ sh ' : +4 Count your bless-ings, name them one Count your man - y bless - ings, bless-ings, bless - ings, See what Gods see what name them done; hath done; 5 ceae eerie by one: Count one by one; Countyour man - y . THE ey et - ROLLING a PAST 2 TILL ae EARTH ey LISTENING SKIES, SING SONG TEA SEA. HAS RT TAUGHT ~ A US, “he os AND HEAVEN BING» IT RESOUND LOU D n LET ETT nergy aw FULL SING C LET OUR REJOICIN A THY r OF SONG : THE FAITH FULL OF rt 2 ? THAT C tHeVTS THE SATY IN ere THE TROD, wit ” DAYS of WHEN BITTER THE CHAST'NING Ar on HOE FE ay VN SRT k UNBORN a PLACE FOR WHICH OVER A WAY THAT OUR FATHERS SIGE she WITH TEARS HAS BEEN ot th | ny ert SLAUGHTERED, STAND AT STAR IS mf ‘ ve your : Count your bless -ings, Count your man - i we OUT LAST PFE FROM WHERE cur — ue 2 SUT THE THE ie FTIAT * WEARY C we THOU THOU WHO WHO HAST HAST KEEP US FOREVER FEET STRAY FROM THE THEE, LEST OUR HEARTS, WORLD, WE FORGET MAY OUR G R E C‘ T E : B PUES DIET $ ¥ GLOOMY WHITE YET 5 £ poy en pay [ T PAST, TI OF OUR OF Pyar stm OUR7 0 N* COME WE HAVE ze z D mMmirsTp Sud NOW BR CHT . WE c IN THY THEE; WE FOREVER STAND, NATIVE LAND. PATH, PLACES, WE PRAY. OUR GOD, DRUNK WITH-THE SHADOWED TRUE TO LEST WE MET WINE OF THE BENEATH OUR GOD, OUR WHERE THY HAND TRUE TO E P A G a M } BROUGHT US THUS FAR ON THE WAY; BY THY MIGHT, LED US INTO THE LIGHT, D f : ae eae A WITH fi COME TO THE ee GLEAM Th BON “7 Vary we HAVE WATERED, “o oh ROD, area es CAST. +7 M : eo3 VE M 2 0 A 4 ses 3 O , 2 TONY THE ROAD ie oT FERSE ie ? SING, Sap Se toa COME, ew TREADINGOUT OURFROM PATHTHTTHROUGHMY = £PAST,BLOODTILLOF THE a : “ DARK FELT | end. BO AS pies A STEADY BEAT, HAVE NOT OUR WEARY FEET, ys Gop L @—E ‘ high. year jour -ney’s aj ea o tsi | ; done. on eer SING ; HOPE THAT THE PRESENT HAS BROUGHT US; FACING THE OF OUR NEW DAY BEGUN, LET US MARCH ON TILL RESING SUNIS WON. VICTORY La _ Pe hath HIGH THE THE gps «| See oy VERSE i ein oer 7 ee VOICE AND : ida ~~ ¥ + peamee si car agnenact ied eeea san Eee OH ES | 4 + EVERY bi m. a fh SO eeheav-en, eeenor re- ward in 72% Your = Som AND VOLCE 1 Lt “espa LEFT bless-ings, ev - ry bless-ings, mon - ey bless-ings, an - gels ss oe EVERY RING WITH THE HARMONIES OF LIBERTY: “ a 7 ie ees LIFT VERSE VEROR eas gies rc id at lost, Count your man - y bless-ings, name them ef ae “gg TAO ean ya ‘on : | i he t ne: 2 is pic cntas oe cour-aged, think-ing all is heav - y you are called to bear? Count your man - y prom -ised you His wealth un- told; Count your man - y cour-aged, God is o - ver all; Count your man - y ~~ O82. © 7 of a oe Se ane eae =e you are disthe crossseem Thal Loe. { ! ete eg" =e éGit=s oS si ae . . fran t Your BLESSINGS. No Count Renn ? > THE CARISTIAN LIFE 318 , R t oa = N N - G 5 New Members Possible President President Warwick, Liggins, Wonzie DECORATIONS Nelson, OFFICE: Chairperson & FLOWERS Financial Deacon Chairperson ness Sis Isabell Brigham, Deaco Sis Helen Knox, Choir ns Deacon George Anderson, Deaco School Sis Loraine Warwick, Sunday Sis Ruth Cato, Choir. Willie Martin, Ushers Bro Bro Bennie Hall, Laymen Sis Martha Graham, Mission Sis Shirley Brown, BIU , Bro. George Anderson Sei) Chairman: Bro. L. Chairlady: Sis. Georgia Sis. Ora Pastor Aide: Treasurer: Sis. SCHOOL :; = Selma Hutchinson TRAINING UNION: USHERS : Jessie Allen House C. Lee Leaders.of Service Sis. Martha Graham Bro. ‘Ta Bro. Dellie Department Brown Bro. Gus: Bell | Trustees BAPTIST CAPTAINS Secretary: Chairman: Shirley Deaconess SUNDAY PUBLICITY Campbell, 621-6381 Mme Director e Anna Hawthorn Sis. Sis. Jimmie Bell, Chairperson Sis. 2935 Lincoln Ave. Ogden, Ut 84401 Phone 392-2211 Or Clerk: Prof. Donald R. Carpenter, Bro. Deron Hutchinson Sis. Jacquetta Brock Sis. REV.Jack President~ MUSIC FOOD SERVICE Senior Choit Youth Choir LIGGINS PASTOR: REV.I.P.Brantly & Jessie Tucker, of of N.LAWRENCE TO oa Loraine Mary Jo DR. ASSISTANCE a Bro. MUSIC Pe Sis. Sis. OF OM PASTOR: DEPARTMENT 84401 See Day Utah DEPARTMENT OF Sis. Brock Dula Bro. Bennie Hall CHOIR: Sis. Loraine MUSICIANS: YOUNG ADULTS: Bro: Bro: Sis: Donald Carpenter Deron Hutchinson Jacquetta Brock Rev. Jack Bro. Sattiewhite Frank MISSION LAYMEN: SENIOR Tucker Aw This Made Who RAH The aS All Baptist .Church Ms To Zion Ogden, Warwick Hawthorn 14 Thank Thank For you for doing Thank For helping, and far New Zion Baptist to THANK of uses this method Sixty-four and of today our laughter, foving Family this sharineg- you The making You day a years and say caring. success. ago we Church YOU for It was started out we say THANK YOU hearts and then some! with all |
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