Title | Box 44, Folder 5: Church programs, April 2006 |
Contributors | New Zion Baptist Church |
Description | Church programs, April 2006 |
Subject | Worship programs; Advertising--Churches; Church announcements; Church anniversaries |
Keyword | Programs |
Digital Publisher | Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date | 2006 |
Date Digital | 2023; 2024 |
Item Size | 11x8.5 inches |
Medium | Programs; Documents |
Spatial Coverage | Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type | Image/StillImage |
Access Extent | image/jpg |
Conversion Specifications | Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL, a Epson Expression 12000XL scanner, and Epson FastFoto scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG files were then created for general use. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit New Zion Baptist Church, Ogden, Utah and Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information: |
Sponsorship/Funding | Available through grant funding by the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board |
Source | New Zion Baptist Church Records; Box 44, Folder 5 |
OCR Text | Show <a - \ NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue » Ogden, Utah 84401 Reverend Derrel A. Hughes, Pastor Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com (801) 392-3433 FIRST SUNDAY » APRIL 2, 2006 “THE CHURCH ¥ r ~~ wee | aS x~a@ es EAN ee | a BUILT BY FAITH” BDNe LR) KD LD BD ST, A: ii ah ORDER A, if GE: 6 > DA sed 77 eed] > SU AR * stl] RSA Se ] / tet / Neel / ac / LC / Snel / Lael / rn See Wepre pea . psn ssssee eee Gasiscsed . arse ee ES Site bsciseoe OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion ............00.0000 Deacons & Praise Team COLL 10: WOTSIID ois neh csittvis once svn eed ta Ui saan Lab ond Pastor Derrel Hughes Prayer:Of INVOCOMON 4... cswasipdheilaha dead: Pastor Derrel Hughes RESPONSIVE REQGINGoi sisi oa cascusin ssh dag ate 1 Bbeice Sis. Jaleesa Simpson “Revival Litany” Model Prayer ..............06++ Hymn No. 5286.........000+ Rev. Betty Hall “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of ViSitOTS...........++. Sis. Sally Holmes Bro. Michael Davis, Jr. PGSIOVOL IROMOIKS winks bte canst chp hn sk secure hud Pastor Derrel Hughes Congregational Hymn..........(NO. 191).............00.... Congregation “Glory to His Name” SCTIDUUTE REQAING i scccerinictetebess ase Badeclivens Pastor Derrel Hughes [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering....Min. Stanley Ellington, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selection ........ccccccccssssecccessecceenenees .New Zion Mass Choir Altar CALL .. 0. cece ccccesscccccsssscccensecccceccccccsseccceeseccceenes Rev. Cal Carter Musical Selection.........cccccccccssecccceseesceeeeeseens New Zion Mass Choir SCHINONis anata apamiss cwasnanedenainasansaaseecaBentes Pastor Derrel Hughes Invitation to Discipleship............00.00ecceeees Pastor Derrel Hughes Holy COMMUNION, ...... 0... ccccccseseceeeceeeeeeeees Pastor Derrel Hughes x Leader: “Revival Litany”’ The pathway to the burning fire and refreshing springs of revival is faith. We remember oppressed peoples that stole away in the darkness of night to celebrate salvation in Jesus! Congregation: Lord, God, your people are still in need of repentance and renewal. They are seeking sacred hiding places in the hope of finding You. Leader: Like Moses who approached You through a bush which burned but was not consumed, we desire to draw closer to You during this revival. Congregation: God of Strength, the power of Your divine presence enlightens our vision, empowers our mission, directs our ministries, renews our spirit, transforms our minds, heals our sufferings and cleanses our souls. Leader: When Joshua battled the Amorites, You caused the sun to stand still over Gibeon. defeated Before David slew the Philistine giant and King Jehoshaphat both the Moabites The battle is not yours, but the Lord's.” and the Ammonites, You _ said. Congregation: God of Victory, we confess that Your strength is seen in our weakness, and that our best efforts are feeble attempts unless Your divine presence and eternal wisdom are called upon. Leader: Through the faith of a Hebrew maiden, the Israelites secured a leader — Moses; through faith Ruth clung to Naomi and God redeemed the future of all generations; Rahab’s faith provided safety for two of Joshua’s spies. Congregation: Through faith a widow provided food for Elijah when the brook of Cherith dried up; through faith Hannah gave Samuel to the Lord; through faith Mary, a young virgin, trusted that the life within her was indeed of the Holy Spirit! Leader: “As a deer longs for flowing streams” we stand before the altars of our hearts asking for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit. Miracle working, Supematural God, stir up our faith to such an extent that we may fulfill Your purpose at this time. Congregation: God, who has answered by fire, send again the wind and the fire of your Spirit. On Your people pour Your power. “Lord, let there be a revival and letit begin with me!” IWMI “Glory to His Name” (NANO VERSE 1: Down at the cross where my Savior died, down where for cleansing from sin I cried; There to my heart was the blood applied, glory to His name. CHORUS: Glory to His name, precious name. Glory to His name, precious name. There to my heart was the blood applied, glory to His name. VERSE 2: Iam so wondrously saved from sin, Jesus so sweetly abides within; There at the cross where He took me in, glory to His name. CHORUS: Glory to His name, precious name. Glory to His name, precious name. There to my heart was the blood applied, glory to His name. VERSE 3: _ I have O precious fountain that saves from sin, Iam so glad entered in; glory to His name. There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean, CHORUS: Glory to His name, precious name. Glory to His name, precious name. There to my heart was the blood applied, glory to His name. a i Thought for the Day... N O>s\_nrger “Let us always remember ... The beatings Jesus endured, His sorrow and humiliation of being rejected, the compassion He expressed while on the cross, and the ‘VICTORY’ that only ‘HE’ could secure for us, by His death, burial and resurrection!” Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Bro. Clifton Hester SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Sis. Tommie Watkins Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn McKay-Dee Hospital -«« Sis. Lenora Burton Mt. View Health Services «6 Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center Wasatch Care Center Bro. Bob Simmons Bro. Marion Carter Bro. Jerry Carter, Jr. Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Homer Washington Sis. Martha Greene Sis. Renae Owens Sis. Debra Ashford Sis. Bobby McQueen 6 Sis. Carrie Price -« Bro. Charlie Reynolds SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Georgia Harper Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Irene Turner Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Dynetta Bumpers — Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Julie Alexander Sis. Mina Arreola Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Doris Green Sis. Jerry Johnson The Martin Family Sis. Mary Griffin MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Nichole Martin — Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House — Bro. Chris Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Tucker, Myles and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... NZBC Revival & Church Anniversary NN We _~=Cwill:~be celebrating our Annual Spring Revival and 50 Golden Anniversary tomorrow, April 3” through Wednesday, April 5. Revival services will begin nightly with prayer at 6:30 p.m. and worship at 7:00 p.m. Our Palm Sunday Anniversary Service will be held at 3:30 p.m. Our celebration theme is, “Activate the Power of the Church” [Acts 1:8]. Rev. Daran Mitchell, Pastor of the First African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in Brooklyn, NY, will be our guest revivalist and Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (SLC), will be our Anniversary guest speaker. Each family has been asked to contribute $150.00 or their very best donations. Let’s us remain in prayer for this Celebration. Unity Revival & Church Anniversary Unity Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their 14" Annual Revival & Church Anniversary. Their Revival will be held April 3-7", beginning at 6:45 p.m. nightly and their Anniversary celebration will be Sunday, April 9", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “A Church Reaching for the Mark” [Philippians 3:12-14]. Their revivalist will be Rev. T.P. Fields, Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Union City, CA, and Rev. Charles Petty, Pastor of Second Baptist Church, will be their Anniversary Service guest speaker. Stroke Prevention Screening New Zion will be hosting a day-long “Stroke Prevention” event on Thursday, April 6“. Pre-registration is required. Please pick up a flyer (orange/pink) in the church vestibule for more information. . Usher Board Meeting There will be an Usher Board meeting on Saturday, April 8, at 11:30 a.m. All ushers are asked to be in attendance. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, Usher Ministry President, for more information. Drama Ministry Easter Presentation Our Drama Ministry will present their Annual Easter Performance on Saturday, April 15", at 6:30 p.m. and Easter Sunday, at 3:30 p.m. It will highlight the events of the Last Supper. Please see Bro. Charles Dalton, Bro. Dennis Carpenter or Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more info. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Bethel Spring Revival Bethel Missionary Baptist Church would like New Zion to join them to celebrate their Spring Revival, April 19-21, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. nightly. Their guest revivalist will be Rev. James Gates. Their theme is, “Regenerated with a Purpose” [Philippians 1:6]. Calvary Pastor’s Anniversary Calvary Baptist Church (SLC) will be celebrating Rev. and Sis. Davis’ 32" Anniversary on Sunday, April 23”, at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “Worthy of Double Honor” [1 Timothy 5:17 & Titus 3:2]. Their celebration speaker will be Rev. Dr. Steve Hall, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, in Houston, TX. IGBC Usher’s Banquet The IGBC Usher’s Auxiliary will have their Annual 2006 Banquet on Friday, April 28", 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. The theme is, “Serving Boldly Through Christ” [1 John 4:17]. Adult tickets (19 & older) are $15.00 and youth tickets (18 & younger) are $10.00. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, Usher Ministry President, for more info. Calling All Congregational Vocalists! Efforts are underway to establish an “Inspirational Gospel Choir” to sing during Sunday worship services. If you are interested in becoming a member, please sign up on the sheet located on the Usher’s credenza at the rear of the sanctuary. Please see Bro. Thomas White for more information. Debt Reduction Update We are steadily reducing the balance of our outstanding church loan. To date, the outstanding balance has gone from $25,355.54, the original amount at the time we began our weekly pledging, to $7,370.95. Please know your continual sacrificial offerings are most appreciated. To God be the glory! In unity, we can reach our goal of being debt free soon! (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.’’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Mill Creek Youth Bible Studies: Mondays (Boys) at 7:00 p.m. & Wednesdays (Girls) at 7:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon [2" Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.] & 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3" & 4" Saturdays of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: 2" Saturday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Usher Board Meeting: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. 3 Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m., 1" & 2" Saturdays: Youth Dancers at 2:00 p.m. & Youth Step Team at 3:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: ey Saturday at 11:30 a.m. peel 4354-67 OLMAN SUPPLIES ISBN# 0805477764 NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 52935 Lincoln Avenue ~~ Ogden, Utah Reverend Derrel A. Hughes, Pastor Telephone: (801) 392-2211, Fax: ANNOUNCEMENTS 84401 (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com FIRST SUNDAY » APRIL 2, 2006 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” (Continued) Bethel Spring Revival Bethel Missionary Baptist Church would like New Zion to join them to celebrate their Spring Revival, April 19-21, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. nightly. Their guest revivalist will be Rev. James Gates. Their theme is, ““Regenerated with a Purpose” [Philippians 1:6]. Calvary Pastor’s Anniversary Calvary Baptist Church (SLC) will be celebrating Rev. and Sis. Davis’ 32" Anniversary on Sunday, April 23", at 3:30 p.m. Their ORDER OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion ............ 60.0000 Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship...........c0ccccccceceececsnneenee ees Pastor Derrel Hughes PRAVEF OF DVOCHIION o:20sacessxessmeseesienisiexensses Pastor Derrel Hughes Responsive Reading.........cscccccccceceenceesseeees Sis. Jaleesa Simpson “Revival Litany” Model Prayer ..............066 FV ynttt INO. DZ0s«ces uaseanss Rev. Betty Hall “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of ViSitoYS...........++. Sis. Sally Holmes Bro. Michael Davis, Jr. Pastoral Remarks 1.0.0... ccc. ccc ccccencenseeeeeees Pastor Derrel Hughes Congregational Hymn..........(No. 191)................... Congregation “Glory to His Name” DCFIDUIC IRCQGING cesis nes veseiasteniarasensmieess Pastor Derrel Hughes [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering....Min. Stanley Ellington, Deacons & Ushers DASE ALO CTOUA iscsi wscresnaivs xeccasnia ma as .New Zion Mass Choir Altar CALL oo... ccc ccc csccccccceneececcccenssescecaseeccccnesceeeaaeeees Rev. Cal Carter Musical Selection..........ccccccccccceseeecccnnseseeeenes New Zion Mass Choir BOOB cenecanrsesercensersesmarcrmeswe mena mex Pastor Derrel Hughes Invitation to Discipleship...............0c0ceeee0 Pastor Derrel Hughes Holy Communion............ccc00100ecee0eeeeeeeee Pastor Derrel Hughes theme is, “Worthy of Double Honor” [I Timothy 5:17 & Titus 3:2]. Their celebration speaker will be Rev. Dr. Steve Hall, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, in Houston, TX. IGBC Usher’s Banquet The IGBC Usher’s Auxiliary will have their Annual 2006 Banquet on Friday, April 28", 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. theme is, “Serving Boldly Through Christ” [1 John 4:17]. The Adult tickets (19 & older) are $15.00 and youth tickets (18 & younger) are $10.00. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, Usher Ministry President, for more info. Calling All Congregational Vocalists ! Efforts are underway to establish an “Inspirational Gospel Choir” to sing during Sunday worship services. If you are interested in becoming a member, please sign up on the sheet located on the Usher’s credenza at the rear of the sanctuary. Please see Bro. Thomas White for more information. Debt Reduction Update We are steadily reducing the balance of our outstanding church loan. To date, the outstanding balance has gone from $25,355.54, the original amount at the time we began our weekly pledging, to $7,370.95. Please know your continual sacrificial offerings are most appreciated. To God be the glory! In unity, we can reach our goal of being debt free soon! (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) WU 7, ae IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... NZBC Revival & Church Anniversary We will be celebrating our Annual Spring Revival and 50" Golden Anniversary tomorrow, April 3” through Wednesday, April 5“. Revival services will begin nightly with prayer at 6:30 p.m. and worship at 7:00 p.m. Our Palm Sunday Anniversary Service will be held at 3:30 p.m. Our celebration theme is, “Activate the Power of the Church” [Acts 1:8]. Rev. Daran Mitchell, Pastor of the First African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in Brooklyn, NY, will be our guest revivalist and Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (SLC), will be our Anniversary guest speaker. Each family has been asked to contribute $150.00 or their very best donations. Let’s us remain in prayer for this Celebration. Unity Revival & Church Anniversary Unity Baaptist Church has invited New Zion to Join them in celebrating their 14" Annual Revival & Church Anniversary. Their Revival will be held April 3""_7" beginning at 6:45 p.m. nightly and their Anniversary celebration will be Sunday, April 9", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “A Church Reaching for the Mark” [Philippians 3:12-14]. Their revivalist will be Rev. T.P. Fields, Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Union City, CA, and Rev. Charles Petty, Pastor of Second Baptist Church, will be their Anniversary Service guest speaker. Stroke Prevention Screening New Zion will be hosting a day-long “Stroke Prevention” event on Thursday, April 6. Pre-registration is required. Please pick up a flyer (orange/pink) in the church vestibule for more information. Usher Board Meeting There will be an Usher Board meeting on Saturday, April 8" at 11:30 a.m. All ushers are asked to be in attendance. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, Usher Ministry President, for more information. Drama Ministry Easter Presentation Our Drama Ministry will present their Annual Easter Performance on Saturday, April 1 5" at 6:30 p.m. and Easter Sunday, at 3:30 p.m. It will highlight the events of the Last Supper. Please see Bro. Charles Dalton, Bro. Dennis Carpenter or Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more info. “Revival Litany” Leader: The pathway to the burning fire and refreshing springs of revival is faith. We remember oppressed peoples that stole away in the darkness of night to celebrate salvation in Jesus! Congregation: Lord, God, your people are still in need of repentance and renewal. They are seeking sacred hiding places in the hope of finding You. Leader: Like Moses who approached You through a bush which burned but was not consumed, we desire to draw closer to You during this revival. Congregation: God of Strength, the power of Your divine presence enlightens our vision, empowers our mission, directs our ministries, renews our spirit, transforms our minds, heals our sufferings and cleanses our souls. Leader: When Joshua battled the Amorites, You caused the sun to stand still over Gibeon. defeated Before David slew the Philistine giant and King Jehoshaphat both the Moabites The battle is not yours, but the Lord's.” and the Ammonites, You _ said, Congregation: God of Victory, we confess that Your strength is seen in our weakness, and that our best efforts are feeble attempts unless Your divine presence and eternal wisdom are called upon. Leader: Through the faith of a Hebrew maiden, the Israelites secured a leader — Moses; through faith Ruth clung to Naomi and God redeemed the future of all generations; Rahab’s faith provided safety for two of Joshua's spies. Congregation: Through faith a widow provided food for Elijah when the brook of Cherith dried up; through faith Hannah gave Samuel to the Lord; through faith Mary, a young virgin, trusted that the life within her was indeed of the Holy Spirit! Leader: “As a deer longs for flowing streams” we stand before the altars of our hearts asking for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit. Miracle working, Supernatural God, stir up our faith to such an extent that we may fulfill Your purpose at this time. Congregation: God, who has answered by fire, send again the wind and the fire of your Spirit. On Your people pour Your power. “Lord, let there be a revival and let it begin with me!” (NANO “Glory to His Name”’ (HAM VERSE 1: Down at the cross where my Savior died, down where for cleansing from sin I cried; There to my heart was the blood applied, glory to His name. CHORUS: Glory to His name, precious name. Glory to His name, precious name. There to my heart was the blood applied, glory to His name. VERSE 2: Iam so wondrously saved from sin, Jesus so sweetly abides within; His name. VERSE 3: O entered (801) 782-8337 Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Bro. Clifton Hester precious fountain that saves from sin, Iam so glad in; glory to His name. There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean, CHORUS: Glory to His name, precious name. Glory to His name, precious name. There to my heart was the blood applied, glory to His name. “Let us always remember .. gpa The beatings Jesus anlured His sorrow and humiliation of being rejected, the compassion He expressed while on the cross, and the ‘VICTORY’ that only ‘HE’ could secure for us, by His death, burial and resurrection!” Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Tommie Watkins — Dea. Ray Finn Mt. View Health Services «<« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center Wasatch Care Center Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bob Simmons Marion Carter Jerry Carter, Jr. Willie Daniels Bro. Homer Washington Sis. Martha Greene Sis. Renae Owens Sis. Debra Ashford Sis. Bobby McQueen -« -« Sis. Carrie Price Bro. Charlie Reynolds SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Julie Alexander Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Mina Arreola Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Doris Green Sis. Irene Turner Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers The Martin Family Sis. Mary Griffin MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Prince House — Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Dora Herrera Thought for the Day... SHUT-IN AT HOME McKay-Dee Hospital -«<« Sis. Lenora Burton There at the cross where He took me in, glory to CHORUS: Glory to His name, precious name. Glory to His name, precious name. There to my heart was the blood applied, glory to His name. I have Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Tucker, Myles and.-all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. you in your time of bereavement. May God bless and comfort Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Mill Creek Youth Bible Studies: Mondays (Boys) at 7:00 p.m. & Wednesdays (Girls) at 7:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon [2 Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.] & 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3" & 4" Saturdays of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: 2" Saturday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Usher Board Meeting: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. 3 Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m., 1 & 2"4 Saturdays: Youth Dancers at 2:00 p.m. & Youth Step Team at 3:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 4" Saturday at 11:30 a.m. New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 ae “Church Bulleti ” Format Template f - (Sunday) LAMLL, A , 2006 Order of Worship Baptismal Litany ..(As Needed)... .......... Baptismal Scripture ..(As Needed).. Congregational Devotion Rey. Derrel Hughes ‘(Matthew 3:1.1-6) 0... coc coe coe csc csc csc sec eee. Deacons & Praise Team wa Call to Worship ............ i t ay l con Prayer Of INVOCAtION 0. 0.0.0. ee cee ces sae cee oo o00 cre senee [Please Stand] Responsive Reading (No. ke (Reading Title: Model Prayer “ta ).. [Hjpase Sed y ACQe eb AA tes (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) [Please Stand] ................ Congregational uy (No. { Hymn Title: down f AA (“This Is My Mission” — ‘| { “Le f (} rT ¥ ee Congregation ¢ £ CI y J, i A, Nol “h N alll was Bush K AL Rev. Derrel Hughes eau concurs , : Congregation ef] ~ (a A [> ae : bw)wW ys? 47 Sundays Only) [Please Stanwl Scripture Reading ... 0.0... 000.00 ceecama cee os i anaes ae Tithes and Offering wo. ccc cec ces cee ese cen dC Musical Selection ... 00.00 occ ccc ccc. con es Obs Ce 7] Ls aa NM PCIE CH MICSSAZEC occa 400 seven cee cenees eae Cc wilh “i _ pe i — fon. a (..<4 dey (Subject: Invitation to Discipleship ........ OF “Ad a al thtice decal * J Kon! Rates. Holy Communion (1* Sundays Only) Chemis a labs to kk Musical Selection ...... 00.00. ccc cee cee cee cee BOMe@Aichion 0.0 ooc ccc ccc ccc vnc ccc cus coc coc cee eee ene fif. 29 ” tsenon ate Altar Call oo. cic cec ccc ccc ccc cee ces cnc cee cee (As of June 13, 2005) yp. bo ) ............ ELymn # 528 oe coc vee coe snes Pastoral Remarks Ls 1 | 4 . Announcements & Welcome of Visitors } Ania a3+y a ee ¢ fo i { ue & bas a —— Hook (te), rj ; a: PE NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 935 Lincoln Avenue » Ogden, Utah 84401 Reverend Derrel A. Hughes, Pastor Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com SECOND SUNDAY » APRIL 9, 2006 “THE CHURCH IOS ORDER BUILT BY FAITH” OF WORSHIP is ss evn vinvtaes aiisveecaiise ee Pastor Derrel Hughes Baptismal Scripture oo cie0s ive Bro. Danny Nunn (Matthew 3:1-6) Congregational Devotion ............0..0000 Deacons & Praise Team Call 10 WOPSIID: << csccccscevisccsccsss¥esse ee Rev. Robert Hall Prayer OF INVOCATION 64..0.c060550. ee Rev. Robert Hall KROSDONSIVE KEGGING, .. ioiisicccciscos eee Sis. Rachel Blacken “Triumphant Entry” WAOGEGL FVGVEP oi. iescinitices Hymn No. 526........Min. Lillie Holman “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Roberta Dixon Sis. Christina Blacken POSOTELTROGOIKS is Pastor Derrel Hughes Congregational Hymn............ (NOS). cece nee 2 ation “Revive Us Again” Scripture Reading ............c.cseeeseeeseeeeeeeeeebastor Derrel Hughes [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering.............. Rev. Betty Hall, Deacons & Ushers MUSICA! SOLECHON v.05ssssciccsitsicne .New Zion Mass Choir AUG? CGY sia Min. Stanley Ellington Musical Selection... cn New Zion Mass Choir ce Pastor Derrel Hughes DOITNIML., . i.ckcnseiei eck eas invitation tO DISCIDIESRID.... 55.5000 Pastor Derrel Hughes BeneGICNOR Pastor Derrel Hughes aii ase “Triumphant Entry” Leader: Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Today we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Congregation: Hosanna! the name of the Lord! Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in Leader: Jesus humbly rode into Jerusalem on a donkey for the Feast of the Passover. The crowds spread their cloaks on the road and laid palms to prepare the way for His victorious coming. Congregation: Rejoice! The King arrives! Leader: Five hundred years before Jesus, the prophet Zechariah told of the Messiah's coming in humility and peace. Congregation: Rejoice! Rejoice! The triumphant King has come! Leader: On the journey to liberation from sin, we celebrate Christ’s victories, sorrowfully contemplate His sacrifice, and we revel in His resurrection, the ultimate victory. Congregation: We remember the long road to freedom that our ancestors traveled, filled with triumphs, death, and new life. Leader: Ride on, King Jesus! Ride on, conquering King! Congregation: Jesus came “to bring good news to the poor: to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind: and to let the oppressed go free.” Leader: With excitement and joy, we welcome You into our lives. With loud hosannas, we join You on Your march toward liberation, justice, and love for all people. Congregation: Rejoice! Rejoice! The triumphant King has come! “Revive Us Again” VERSE 1: We praise Thee O God, for the Son of Thy love; for Jesus who died and is now gone above. CHORUS: Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Revive us again. 2: VERSE Hallelujah, amen! We praise Thee O God, for Thy Spirit of light; Who has shown us our Savior and scattered our night. Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Hallelujah, CHORUS: Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Revive us again. amen! VERSE 3: All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain; Who has borne all our sins and has cleansed every stain. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Thine the glory! CHORUS: Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Revive us again. amen! VERSE 4: Revive us again, fill each heart with Thy love; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Thine the glory! CHORUS: Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Revive us again. Thought for the Day... AZ “% !L Y “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey.” (Zechariah 9:9) amen! UsKO) gH H Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Lenora Burton SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Sis. Tommie Watkins — Dea. Ray Finn Mt. View Health Services « Dea. Bentley Christy Bro. Clifton Hester Washington Terrace Nursing Center Wasatch Care Center Bro. Bob Simmons Bro. Marion Carter Bro. Jerry Carter, Jr. Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Homer Washington Sis. Martha Greene Sis. Renae Owens Sis. Debra Ashford Sis. Bobbie McQueen -« Sis. Carrie Price «« Bro. Charlie Reynolds SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Irene Turner Sis. Dynetta Bumpers _ Sis. Julie Alexander Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Viola McKenzie Sis. Mary Griffin’s Mother Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Mina Arreola Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Doris Green The Martin Family Sis. Gwen Jackson MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Prince House — Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Tucker, Myles, Nelson, Griffin and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. and comfort you in your time of bereavement. May God bless Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! NZBC Church Anniversary We will culminate our Spring revival and 50" Golden Church Anniversary at this location on this afternoon, April 9" at 3:30 p.m. Our celebration theme is, “Activate the Power of the Church” [Acts 1:8]. Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (SLC), will be our Anniversary guest speaker. Unity Church Anniversary Unity Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their Church Anniversary also on this afternoon, April gf" at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “A Church Reaching for the Mark” [Philippians 3:12-14]. Rev. Charles Petty, Pastor of Second Baptist Church, will be their Anniversary Service guest speaker. Drama Ministry Easter Presentation Our Drama Ministry has been diligently practicing for their Annual Easter Performance on Saturday, April I 5". at 6:30 p.m. and again on Easter Sunday, April 1 6", at 3:30 p.m. The performance will feature the events of the Last Supper! All members are encouraged to come out and support our Drama Ministry and bring a friend. Please see Bro. Charles Dalton, Bro. Dennis Carpenter or Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more info. NAACP Monthly Meeting The Ogden Branch of the NAACP will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, April 1 0", 6:30 — 8:00 p.m. ,at the Marshall White Center. There are a number of civil rights issues currently affecting our community and the NAACP needs your input and support. Please call 394-4734 for more information. Noonday Bible Study Reminder Remember the Wednesday, April 12", noonday Bible study will begin at 12:30 p.m. due to Rev. Hughes’ monthly ecumenical meeting commitment. Please adjust your schedules accordingly. Upcoming Celebration Chairpersons Any members interested in serving as chair and/or co-chair of our upcoming Men’s & Women’s Day Celebrations are asked to contact the church office for an appointment with Rev. Hughes ASAP. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Calvary Pastor’s Anniversary Calvary Baptist Church (SLC) will be celebrating Rev. and Sis. Davis’ 32” Anniversary on Sunday, April 23”, at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “Worthy of Double Honor” [1 Timothy 5:17 & Titus 3:2]. Their celebration speaker will be Rev. Dr. Steve Hall, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, in Houston, TX. IGBC Usher’s Banquet The IGBC Usher’s Auxiliary will have their Annual 2006 Banquet on Friday, April 28", 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. The theme is, “Serving Boldly Through Christ” [1 John 4:17]. Adult tickets (19 & older) are $15.00 and youth tickets (18 & younger) are $10.00. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, Usher President, for more information. Second Baptist Church Challenge Competitions Church will be sponsoring three competitions in Paradise, Utah, on April 22", June 24", and September 16”, each from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Each event will include games, fun, food, and Christian fellowship for the whole family. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. Calling All Congregational Vocalists ! Efforts are underway to establish an “Inspirational Gospel Choir”’ to sing during Sunday worship services. If you are interested in becoming a member, please sign up on the sheet located on the Usher’s credenza at the rear of the sanctuary. Please see Bro. Thomas White for more information. 125" Church Anniversary The First Baptist Church of Ogden has invited New Zion to Join them in celebrating their 94a Anniversary on Sunday, May 7°, at 5:00 p.m. They would like our choir to participate in song as well. Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast The Mission Ministry of Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, May 13, 8:00 — 10:00 a.m., at the O’Jam Grill. Tickets are $10.00 per person. Please call Sis. Anete Foster at 773-3843 for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Mill Creek Youth Bible Studies: Mondays (Boys) at 7:00 p.m. & Wednesdays (Girls) at 7:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon [2" Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.] & 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3" & 4 Saturdays of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: 2” Saturday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Usher Board Meeting: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. 3” Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m., 1 & 2" Saturdays: Youth Dancers at 2:00 p.m. & Youth Step Team at 3:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every fourth Saturday at 11:30 a.m. HERMITAGE ART No. 9198 NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) © > 2935 Lincoln Avenue »~ Ogden, Utah 84401 Be) Reverend Derrel A. Hughes, Pastor Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: TN. s “THE CHURCH oe a te ea q Baptism .. ae q ane q es (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com SECOND SUNDAY (se ane q A ae ORDER ~ and Sis. Davis’ 32" “ Anniversary on Sunday, April 23”, at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “Worthy of Double Honor” [1 Timothy 9: I7 & Titus 3:2]. Their celebration speaker will be Rev. Dr. Steve Hall, Pastor of =» APRIL 9, 2006 Bethany Baptist Church, in Houston, TX. BUILT BY FAITH” Gs q ag q (ie 2 Re q (se ae q iA ene q ae ee q “ene eee q Re OF WORSHIP ...Pastor Derrel Hughes Baptismal Scripture . ...Bro. Danny Nunn ~ (Matthew 3: L 6) Congregational Devotion ....................Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship. ... 000.060 ccc cee cee vee teeee tee cee eeee cee eee RCV. Robert Hall Prayer Of INVOCATION 1.0... ccccccccccccccee eee eeeeeeeeeeeeeees Rev. Robert Hall Responsive Reading... ... SiS. Rachel Blacken 47. ee Entry” Model Prayer ...........006064: Hymn No. 528........ Min. Lillie Holman “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Roberta Dixon Sis. Christina Blacken Pastoral Remarks ... 22. ...c60 cee ce vee Congregational Hymn...... Rave ...Pastor Derrel Hughes (No. 1 8)...Lecceeeeeeeeeee ees Congregation [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering..............Rev. Betty Hall, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selection ......0..0cccccccccccccceccccceee vee aes New Zion Mass Choir oo. ceccc cccccccccccccccccccccccceeeeseeeeeeeeeees Min. Stanley Ellington Musical Selection...........ccccccccccceseeceeeceeeeeeeees New Zion Mass Choir Sermon... q IGBC Usher’s Banquet The IGBC Usher’s Auxiliary will have their Annual 2006 Banquet on Friday, April 28", 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. The theme is, “Serving Boldly Through Christ” [1 John 4:17]. Adult tickets (19 & older) om ae oh es ...Pastor Derrel Hughes Invitation to0 Discipleship... ...Pastor Derrel Hughes Bene ition... oe. ccc cece cee cevccccccsssee cee tee cee ees Pastor Derrel Hughes are $15.00 and youth tickets (18 & younger) are $10.00. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, Usher President, for more information. Second Paradise, Baptist Utah, Church Challenge Competitions Church will be sponsoring three on April 22" competitions June 24", and September I 6" in each from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Each event will include games, fun, food, and Christian fellowship for the whole family. Pleasé see the church bulletin board for more information. Calling All Congregational Vocalists! Efforts are underway to establish an “Inspirational Gospel Choir” to sing during Sunday worship services. If you are interested in becoming a member, please sign up on the sheet located on the Usher’s credenza at the rear of the sanctuary. Please see Bro. Thomas White for more information. Us Again” Scripture REAING 1... 6. ce cee eee veces tee eeeeeeeees Pastor Derrel Hughes Altar CL Calvary Pastor’s Anniversary Calvary Baptist Church (SLC) will be celebrating Rey. 125" Church Anniversary The First Baptist Church of Ogden has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their 125" Anniversary on Sunday, May 7", at 5:00 p.m. They would like our choir to participate in song as well. Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast The Mission Ministry of Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, May cia 8:00 — 10:00 a.m., at the O’Jam Grill. Tickets are $10.00 per person. Please call Sis. Anete Foster at 773-3843 for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) We Y NZBC Church Anniversary will culminate our Spring revival and 50" Golden Church Anniversary at this location on this afternoon, April 9", at 3:30 p.m. Our celebration Power of the Church” [Acts 1:8]. theme is, “Activate the Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (SLO), will be our Anniversary guest speaker. Unity Church Anniversary Unity Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their Church Anniversary also on this afternoon, April 9", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “A Church Reaching for the Mark” [Philippians 3:12-14]. Rev. Charles Petty, Pastor of Second Baptist Church, will be their Anniversary Service guest speaker. Drama Ministry Easter Presentation Our Drama Ministry has been diligently practicing for their Annual Easter Performance on Saturday, April I 5", at 6:30 p.m. and again on Easter Sunday, April 16", at 3:30 p.m. The performance will feature the events of the Last Supper! All members are encouraged to come out and support our Drama Ministry and bring a friend. Please see Bro. Charles Dalton, Bro. Dennis Carpenter or Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more info. NAACP Monthly Meeting The Ogden Branch of the NAACP will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, April I 0, 6:30 — 8:00 p.m. ,at the Marshall White Center. There are a number of civil rights issues currently affecting our community and the NAACP needs your input and support. Please call 394-4734 for more information. Noonday Bible Study Reminder Remember the Wednesday, April 12", noonday Bible study will begin at 12:30 p.m. due to Rev. Hughes’ monthly ecumenical meeting commitment. Please adjust your schedules accordingly. Any members Upcoming Celebration Chairpersons interested in serving. as chair and/or co-chair of our upcoming Men’s & Women’s Day Celebrations are asked to contact the church office for an appointment with Rev. Hughes ASAP. Leader: Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Today we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Congregation: Hosanna! the name of the Lord! Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in Leader: Jesus humbly rode into Jerusalem on a donkey for the Feast of the Passover. The crowds spread their cloaks on the road and laid palms to prepare the way for His victorious coming. Congregation: Rejoice! The King arrives! Leader: Five hundred years before Jesus, the prophet Zechariah told of the Messiah's coming in humility and peace. Congregation: Rejoice! Rejoice! The triumphant King has come! Leader: victories, On the journey to liberation from sin, we celebrate Christ’s sorrowfully contemplate resurrection, the ultimate victory. Congregation: His sacrifice, and we revel in His We remember the long road to freedom that our ancestors traveled, filled with triumphs, death, and new life. Leader: Ride on, King Jesus! Ride on, conquering King! Congregation: Jesus came “to bring good news to the poor; to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind; and to let the oppressed go free.” Leader: With excitement and joy, we welcome You into our lives. With loud hosannas, we join You on Your march toward liberation, justice, Congregation: Rejoice! Rejoice! and love for all people. The triumphant King has come! Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 VERSE 1: We praise Thee O God, for the Son of T: ny kelove; for Jesus who died and is now gone above. CHORUS: Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Revive us again. VERSE 2: Bro. Benny Hall Hallelujah, amen! We praise Thee O God, for Thy Spirit of light; Who has shown us our Savior and scattered our night. CHORUS: Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Hallelujah, amen! Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Revive us again. | Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Lenora Burton Mt. View Health Services «« Dea. Bentley Christy Bro. Clifton Hester Washington Terrace Nursing Center Wasatch Care Center VERSE 3: All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain; Who has borne all our sins and has cleansed every stain. CHORUS: Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Revive us again. Hallelujah, amen! CHORUS: Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Revive us again. Hallelujah, Thought for the Day... or’ WZ Vee | SY. , Bro. Bob Simmons Bro. Marion Carter Bro. Jerry Carter, Jr. Bro. Willie Daniels VERSE 4: Revive us again, fill each heart with Thy love; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey.” (Zechariah 9:9) amen! SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Tommie Watkins — Dea. Ray Finn Bro. Homer Washington Sis. Martha Greene Sis. Renae Owens Sis. Debra Ashford Sis. Bobbie McQueen -6 Sis. Carrie Price -« Bro. Charlie Reynolds SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Georgia Harper Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Irene Turner Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Dynetta Bumpers _ Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Julie Alexander Sis. Mina Arreola Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Doris Green Sis. Jerry Johnson The Martin Family Sis. Viola McKenzie Sis. Mary Griffin’s Mother Sis. Gwen Jackson MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Prince House — Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Tucker, Myles, Nelson, Griffin and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! 2B Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Mill Creek Youth Bible Studies: Mondays (Boys) at 7:00 p.m. & Wednesdays (Girls) at 7:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon [2"“ Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.] & 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3 Male Chorus Rehearsal: & 4" Saturdays of each month. 2” Saturday of each month. _ Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Usher Board Meeting: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. 3’ Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m., 1“ & 2" Saturdays: Youth Dancers at 2:00 p.m. & Youth Step Team at 3:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every fourth Saturday at 11:30 a.m. New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly “Church Bulletin” Format (Sunday) Template , , 20 Order of Worship Baptismal Litany ..(As Needed)... 00.0.0 occ ces cen csc coe cee Baptismal Scripture ..(As Needed)... cen ee wa (Matthew 3: 1-6) Congregational Devotion _, eane s CH, ... vos ane one nan nee aan ene see ones WOTSHID 0. oes ose cece cov cee ces coe ses ces seceseeeceee CallQI] toto Worsh Pec Sel] (Reading Title: e Ds © a Nine Sot Model Prayer ............Hymn # 528 .. sath Team eo oD ton ie afar fom Ff) LLU {Se 2 oF hall is et LZ (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) [Please Stand] Day, ue) eacons oa ae f Prayer Of INVOCATION 0.00. 660 cee cee ces cue vee Responsive Reading (No. Rev. Ame tiaghes J “Congregation (U1 — r Announcements & Welcome of Visitors .............. Z dis WK £ Lt A 2 Pastoral REMarks 2.0... 00. .0e cee cesses csc see cen ces tases ees Rey. Derre tughes Congregational Hymn (No. Hymn Title: |‘ (“This Is My Mission’ 7 | f, 5° D coeanmens seen ‘ie, 5 // yn. Congregation Ae. L. Z. Lin aia.** Scripture Reading ....... [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering... 2.0ccc.00 cee vee coe oes Musical Selection 002 .0..0. 60 cee vec vec cee es Altea Cal o . soe esse cesses cesses sos sos ses ses san san sae een en { aicfety a 72OO (L Ay eld leg Deacons (.‘ley, g (ln, te, Musical Selection ............ Nise. f. hus , Message...... ........ (Subject: Invitation to Discipleship ... 2. 0.0.00 0 coe coc cee veeee. Z Ge Le Holy Communion (1* Sundays Only) .............. —_ Benediction 2.2... cee ccc ccc cee coc cce cue coc vee coe sec une cue eee (As of June 13, 2005) _ ‘Ez f bey se 12FS _ . ( Cen | ba a ; | b (eed ees ; S S ond Q, = Ln ~~ x = s SSw ™ &§ Q ~ S S\ % For God so loved the world, that he gave h is's On only begotten Son, that whosoever beli but have everlasting life * NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 935 Lincoln Avenue s Ogden, Utah 84401 Reverend Derrel A. Hughes, Pastor Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com THIRD SUNDAY qrha g 4a THE Rohini nan 4a ee “a » APRIL 16, 2006 CHURCH [BUILT BY FAITH” Mn Mn 4 (801) 392-3433 Minin Mn niin Minn Pn inn Paik Cant eat ea ea a pists A paapaapaapaanians ais?alasOH ay SET SET SEE SEU EV EV EV GAT spe My a a ya ya ORDER ae ae vj if 7 a ya ya EUV SEL G a ae tJ v= a ELS i OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion .............0.00000 Deacons & Praise Team Call 10 WOISNID...is cocci sisccasscege Rev. Cal Carter Prayer Of INVOCGHION «..<..sececccseeae a ed Rey. Cal Carter Responsive KeQding......605.ci00 ee Sis. Camille Blacken “Resurrection Sunday (Easter!)”’ RIGO! FIVER 6 sciccevssivcnass Hymn No. 526........Min. Lillie Holman “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........ Sis. Charlean Wilson Min. Lillie Holman PASTORAL REMAGIKS .s. 5 56cccis ssc ee Pastor Derrel Hughes Congregational Hymn........ (NO. 102 Jinicchnan . Congregation DOS “He Lives” ROUAING ooyoisk iach iin [Please Stand] Pastor Derrel Hughes Tithes and Offering....... Rev. Michelle Boyer, Deacons & Ushers VETTE SELECGION 6:50. 5iss sin Ge escieigaci cee .New Zion Mass Choir EE oe ssid asd Min. Stanley Ellington kc s.icR New Zion Mass Choir A. AA. ae iain eee Pastor Derrel Hughes MAIC BOlOCH DOTIION Invitation to: DISCIDIGSRID:..iiiiciiaeeas Pastor Derrel Hughes BOnCUICHON Gs lid aed Pastor Derrel Hughes dik f =e it ‘Resurrection Sunday” eS ae Leader 0 n that Easter moming, as the sun was dawning, ay Jesus rose triumphantly from the dead. The earth shook as the angel rolled the stone away. Congregation: No grave could hold His body down. He is risen. He is risen indeed! Leader: As Mary Magdalene and the other Mary looked on in fear, the Risen Lord revealed Himself to them, and they departed with great joy. Congregation: Rejoice! And again | say rejoice! For Christ Jesus has broken the curse of death and destroyed the power that it once had over us. Leader: Although we live in a world filled with moral decay and violence, and although we were stripped of our original culture and our past as a people, we, like Christ, can be resurrected. Congregation: Give glory to God, who humbled Himself, even to death on a cross. Give glory to the exalted Christ! Leader: The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is now given to each of us and to all those who believe on Him. Congregation: Let us receive this spiritual power and use it wisely for the liberation of all God’s people. Leader: Let us make a joyful noise unto the Lord. For there is none like Him who can break the chain of oppression, evil, and the grave. He is risen and is seated at the right hand of God. Congregation: “Worthy is the Lamb that was slaughtered to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” Leader: Who is worthy? Christ is worthy. “Because He lives, | can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because | know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” Congregation: “Who is worthy? The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, conquered, so that He can open the scroll and its seven seals.” Leader: Who is worthy? The One seated on the throne and the Lamb. be all blessing and honor and glory and might! Congregation: He is worthy! The Risen Christ! Praise Him! Praise His Holy Name! To them The Resurrected One! VERSE I: I serve a risen Savior, He’s in the world ce I know that He is living, whatever men may say; I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer; And just the time I need Him, He’s always near. CHORUS: He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. lives, He lives, salvation to impart! lives; He lives within my heart. He He You ask me how I know He VERSE 2: In all the world around me, I see His loving care; And tho my heart grows weary, I never will despair; I know that He is leading thru all the stormy blast; The day of His appearing, will come at last. CHORUS: He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives; He lives within my heart. VERSE 3: Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, lift up your voice and sing; Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King! The hope of all who seek Him, the help of all who find; None loving, so good and kind. other is so CHORUS: He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives; He lives within my heart. Thought for the Day... . © e He He “The great example is our Lord, of overcoming power; The strength that brought Him from the grave gives hope in life’s dark hour.” “Jesus died to save us and lives to keep us!” Sis. Martha Luke is (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Sis. Lenora Burton Sis. Tommie Watkins Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn — Dea. Ray Finn Mt. View Health Services «« Dea. Bentley Christy Bro. Clifton Hester Washington Terrace Nursing Center Wasatch Care Center Bro. Bob Simmons Bro. Marion Carter Bro. Jerry Carter, Jr. Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Homer Washington Sis. Martha Greene Sis. Renae Owens Sis. Debra Ashford Sis. Bobbie McQueen <6 Sis. Carrie Price -« Bro. Charlie Reynolds SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Irene Turner Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Julie Alexander Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Viola McKenzie Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers _ Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Mina Arreola Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Doris Green The Martin Family Sis. Gwen Jackson MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Dora Herrera Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House — Bro. Chris Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Nelson, Mother D. Griffin’s, Dea. & Sis. Griffin’s, Scott and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. bereavement. May God bless and comfort you in your time Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! of IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... Drama Ministry Easter Presentation Our Drama Ministry will present their Annual Easter Performance on this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. and you won't want to miss their depiction of the Last Supper! All members are encouraged to come out and support our Drama Ministry and bring a friend. There Deacon/Trustee Board Meeting will be a combined Deacon Monday, April I 7" at 6:00 p.m. and Trustee Board meeting on All deacons and trustees are asked to attend. Please see Dr. Donald Carpenter for more information. Upcoming Celebration Chairpersons Any members interested in serving as chair and/or co-chair of our upcoming Men’s & Women’s Day Celebrations are asked to contact the church office for an appointment with Rev. Hughes ASAP. Church Business Meeting There will be a church business meeting on this Thursday, April 20", beginning with prayer at 6:30 p.m., followed by the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Members desiring a copy of our “draft” by-laws may stop by the church office to pick up a copy for review and discussion prior to the meeting. Please see Bro. Thomas White, By-Laws Committee Chairman, for more info. Bethel Spring Revival The Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Pocatello, ID, has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their Spring Revival, April 19" 21", at 6:30 p.m. nightly. Their guest revivalist will be Rev. James Gates, one of our former Associate Pastors. Their revival theme is, “Regenerated with a Purpose” [Philippians 1:6]. Calvary Pastor’s Anniversary Calvary Baptist Church (SLC) will be celebrating Rev. and Sis. Davis’ 32" Anniversary on Sunday, April 23”, at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “Worthy of Double Honor” [1 Timothy 5:17 & Titus 3:2]. Their celebration speaker will be Rev. Dr. Steve Hall, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, in Houston, TX. ANNOUNCEMENTS The IGBC (Continued) IGBC Usher’s Banquet Usher’s Auxiliary will have their _ Annual 2006 Banquet on Friday, April 28", 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. The theme is, “Serving Boldly Through Christ” [1 John 4:17]. It’s not too late to purchase your tickets! Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, Usher President, or one of our ushers for more information. Church Challenge Competitions Second Baptist Church will be sponsoring three competitions in Paradise, Utah, on April aa. June oe", and September 16", each from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Each event will include games, fun, food, and Christian fellowship for the whole family. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. Calling All Congregational Vocalists ! We're still attempting to establish an “Inspirational Gospel Choir’? to sing during Sunday worship services. If you are interested in becoming a member, please sign up on the sheet located on the Usher’s credenza at the rear of the sanctuary. Please see Bro. Thomas White for more information. The Utah 36” Annual Women’s Convention Jurisdiction Women’s Department’s Convention will convene May 2” — 5" at Griffin Memorial COGIC with a musical on May 2”, at 7:30 p.m. Their theme is, “Holding On to the Reins of Holiness” [Hebrews 12:14]. Please see the invitation letter posted on the church bulletin board for specific events and times. 125" Church Anniversary The First Baptist Church of Ogden has invited New Zion to Join them in celebrating their 125" Anniversary on Sunday, May 7", at 5:00 p.m. They would like our choir to participate in song as well. Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast The Mission Ministry of Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, May 13, 8:00 — 10:00 a.m., at the O’Jam Grill. Tickets are $10.00 per person. Please call Sis. Anete Foster at 773-3843 for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & T raining.”’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: _Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING RS Sunday School: “* Sunday Worship Service: “* Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. < Mill Creek Youth Bible Studies: ** Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. “* Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study “* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon [2” Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.] & 6:30 p.m. “* Choir Rehearsals: ‘“¢ Male Chorus Rehearsal: ** Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: ‘* Usher Board Meeting: “* Youth Practices: Youth Choir (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. 1°, 3 Mondays (Boys) at 7:00 p.m. & Wednesdays (Girls) at 7:00 p.m. & 4" Saturdays of each month. 2" Saturday of each month. Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. 3" Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m., 1" & 2" Saturdays: Youth Dancers at 2:00 p.m. & Youth Step Team at 3:00 p.m. ** U3765 CHRISTIAN ART® Youth Ushers Meeting: Every fourth Saturday at 11:30 a.m. WARNER PRESS ade inin USA Made © Warner Press, Inc All rights reserved Design by Curtis D. Corzine Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. 6é The Church Bu ult By Fa ith” ’38 Devel Ul Hughes, Sastor Ogden, Utah Lo) ahaN = 84401 F (801) 39 2 433 Tel ephone: (801) 392-2211 * Fax: : con Cae ele bi 4 venue »~ a #’ The Resurrection of Christ .... Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. And they entered in, and found not the body of Jesus Christ. And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments: and as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, “Why seek ye the living among the dead?” He is not here, but is risen: remember how He spake unto you when He was yet in Galilee, saying, “The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.” And they remembered His words, and returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest. It was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles. (Luke 24:1-10) ie NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Vy EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE TN Re Te I sg fas cay es ee ead TT sigs DPV bs dass di da evian caesar std Gu dst CON GTERATONGL FIVIM i co dh kien cenbine vans aes ed) ve peat cnc ee ih suaww ent Pastor Derrel Hughes yeah iS adn ens mds bro d ad paniuasel 6 avon svuasue eeu weel is Deacons EON F oi oi aysi chews (iectak denssaw vees panueuecunee Congregation “Because He Lives”’ [Please Stand] OO EN TE IRM Tk TANI MP TNRRAAEE SO UMREIIME TR I ON MPRA Resurrection Message: “The Seven Last Utterances of Christ” oo hs oo wc veh Tau ocd unde y UuUeen us peeudp ed En yebvnsuev beset acdiabesnase luc Min. Vincent Walker asl bes 5.554 46 ee bora apice vice ps vapabal cde OPA N GALAN dso 4h Shu bance cabinet anasto Rev. Robert Hall PRU SEE lo ao i oud eon cede taudss Liu vrsicds CUM bul aie ns cova ouuei os vkokaagruEeod oaaiienous Min. Stanley Ellington aN a orn tacos cecp oC y aud ng Ue uM ead ndes Gab GGA LdyntanssHuN de ecwae Min. Lillie Holman es eae di 50) sans Nos SE Gp ucts LAM IGA eae Ca aides ced Ou ala GR Cas de I eu adeces bask Rev. Betty Hall TRE Ae RR EU seh da bes aon ie, pid or ak oh Bekns pes Neeebal au uncs doya Wiad Wuan ores wud eudancih Lide cian acLcouons Rev. Michelle Boyer Ce REE REED A PRMEMNoy sic cv cect ceri acs ban) el ch Puc dun ddd waptesat ic hao eee dices sounsnuelecuc idee odes Rev. Cal Carter PPR IN iL hy acta rans can bpe wed capiouteiiiubud was cacdabanbews pac ccsuab aia Pastor Derrel Hughes PEIFAO ss inte ks ke wha cps poral cdo bk es ile cs Ia Cn huis pus cE Lan ada gi ova elated Pastor Derrel Hughes “But now ts Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruits of them that slept.’’ (I Corinthians 15:20) + a “Because He Lives” and forgive; He lived and VERSE 1: God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus; He came to love, heal, died to buy my pardon. An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives. CHORUS: Because He lives, I can face tomorrow; Because He lives all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future; And life is worth the living just because He lives. VERSE 2: How sweet to hold a newborn baby, and feel the pride and joy He gives; But greater still the calm assurance; This child can face uncertain days because He lives. CHORUS: Because He lives, I can face tomorrow; Because He lives all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future; And life is worth the living just because He lives. VERSE 3: And then one day, I'll cross the river; I'll fight life’s final ware with pain; And then as death gives way to vict’ry; I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives. CHORUS: Because He lives, I can face tomorrow; Because He lives all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future; And life is worth the living just because He lives. ts NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH .2935 Lincoln Avenue ~~ Ogden, Utah 84401 ANNOUNCEMENTS Reverend Derrel A. Hughes, Pastor Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com The IGBC SA SERRE BCE oN 4 on Cex 4 “a F AA Ce v4 et a ie Jackie Jones, information. “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” Ce AA SNe a BE AAA Ce a v4 am Th a ia A BBB A ORDER i a Cy ie a ae CA v4 Be ia) “ye at “Ne Pat “3 Usher’s Auxiliary will have their President, or one of our ushers for more Church Challenge Competitions et Ty Second Baptist Church will be sponsoring three competitions in Paradise, Utah, on April 22", June 24", and September 16”, each OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion ...............6066 Deacons & Praise Team Call to WOrship..........cccccccececcececseccuscecucesescuess Rev. Cal Carter Prayer Of INVOCATION ......ccccccccceeeeeseecsccsccccsccensneeees Rev. Cal Carter Responsive Reading. ........ccccccccecceecceeeeceeees Sis. Camille Blacken “Resurrection Sunday (Easter!)” Model Prayer .............0664. Hymn No. 528........Min. Lillie Holman “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........ Sis. Charlean Wilson Min. Lillie Holman Pastoral Remarks ..........0.cccccccceceeeeeeeeeess Pastor Derrel Hughes Congregational Hymn........ (NG. LOZ )rcssevivssscrsezere> .Congregation: “He Lives” Scripture Reading ..........0.0ccceeeeeseeeeeeeeeeee bastor Derrel Hughes [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering....... Rev. Michelle Boyer, Deacons & Ushers MEVMSIGGL SAUCGHION, wssscesessawecsasnsinmassacenasnese ies .New Zion Mass Choir Altar Call... 0. ccc cc cccccccsescccccecceceeeeesececceseeeeees Min. Stanley Ellington Musical Selection n......cccccccccccesseccccceeseeceeeeeees New Zion Mass Choir SCION. 0... ccc cec ence ncenceecencenceceeeeeeceseeseesens Pastor Derrel Hughes Invitation to Discipleship.............. 00.00 00000 Pastor Derrel Hughes Benedictiony........ Usher aeanbappa poo ppapao ea paaphaphanhaphay BO BRO BRO BEEBE Bt BB f GN IGBC Usher’s Banquet Annual 2006 Banquet on Friday, April 28", 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. The theme is, “Serving Boldly Through Christ” [1 John 4:17]. It’s not too late to purchase your tickets! Please see Sis. THIRD SUNDAY » APRIL 16, 2006 Sohophapoapes Gans (Continued) ccc cece ccc cseecccceseeccesseuseues Pastor Derrel Hughes from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Each event will include games, fun, food, and Christian fellowship for the whole family. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. Calling All Congregational Vocalists ! We’re still attempting to establish an “Inspirational Gospel Choir” to sing during Sunday worship services. If you are interested in becoming a member, please sign up on the sheet located on the Usher’s credenza at the rear of the Thomas White for more information. sanctuary. Please see Bro. 36" Annual Women’s Convention The Utah Jurisdiction Women’s Department’s Convention will convene May 2” — 5", at Griffin Memorial COGIC with a musical on May 2”, at 7:30 p.m. Their theme is, “Holding On to the Reins of Holiness” [Hebrews 12:14]. Please see the invitation letter posted on the church bulletin board for specific events and times. 125" Church Anniversary The First Baptist Church of Ogden has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their 125" Anniversary on Sunday, May 7°, at 5:00 p.m. They would like our choir to participate in song as well. Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast The Mission Ministry of Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, May 13", 8:00 — 10:00 a.m., at the O’Jam Grill. Tickets are $10.00 per person. Please call Sis. Anete Foster at 773-3843 for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) % IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... Drama Ministry Easter Presentation Our Drama Ministry will present their Annual Easter Performance on this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. and you won't want to miss their depiction of the Last Supper! All members are encouraged to come out and support our Drama Ministry and bring a friend. Deacon/Trustee Board Meeting There will be a combined Deacon and Trustee Board meeting on Monday, April 17, at 6:00 p.m. All deacons and trustees are asked to attend. Please see Dr. Donald Carpenter for more information. Any members tf ~* ma “Resurrection Sunday” # pas tS rrose Leeder ~D n that Easter morning, as the sun was dawning, doo Jesus 783 triumphantly from the dead. The earth shook as the angel rolled the stone away. Congregation: No grave could hold His body down. He is risen. He is risen indeed! Leader: As Mary Magdalene and the other Mary looked on in fear, the Risen Lord revealed Himself to them, and they departed with great joy. Congregation: Rejoice! And again | say rejoice! For Christ Jesus has broken the curse of death and destroyed the power that it once had over us. Leader: Although we live in a world filled with moral decay and violence, and although we were stripped of our original culture and our past as a people, we, Upcoming Celebration Chairpersons interested in serving as chair and/or co-chair of our like Christ, can be resurrected. upcoming Men’s & Women’s Day Celebrations are asked to contact the church office for an appointment with Rev. Hughes ASAP. Congregation: Give glory to God, who humbled Himself, even to death on a cross. Give glory to the exalted Christ! Church Business Meeting There will be a church business meeting on this Thursday, April 20", beginning with prayer at 6:30 p.m., followed by the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Members desiring a copy of our “draft”? by-laws may stop by the church office to pick up a copy for review and discussion prior to the Leader: The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is now given to each of us and to all those who believe on Him. meeting. Please see Bro. Chairman, for more info. Thomas White, By-Laws Bethel Spring Revival The Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Pocatello, Committee Congregation: Let us receive this spiritual power and use it wisely for the liberation of all God’s people. Leader: Let us make a joyful noise unto the Lord. For there is none like Him who can break the chain of oppression, evil, and the grave. at the right hand of God. ID, has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their Spring Revival, April 19 — 21", at 6:30 p.m. nightly. Their guest revivalist will be Rev. James Gates, one of our former Associate Pastors. Their revival theme is, “Regenerated with a Purpose” [Philippians 1:6]. Calvary Pastor’s Anniversary Calvary Baptist Church (SLC) will be celebrating Rev. and Sis. Davis’ 32" Anniversary on Sunday, April 23", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “Worthy of Double Honor” [1 Timothy 5:17 & Titus 3:2]. Their celebration speaker will be Rev. Dr. Steve Hall, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, in Houston, TX. Congregation: He is risen and is seated “Worthy is the Lamb that was slaughtered to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” Leader: Who is worthy? Christ is worthy. “Because He lives, | can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because | know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” Congregation: “Who is worthy? The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, conquered, so that He can open the scroll and its seven seals.” Leader: Who is worthy? The One seated on the throne and the Lamb. be all blessing and honor and glory and might! Congregation: He is worthy! The Risen Christ! Praise Him! Praise His Holy Name! To them The Resurrected One! today; I know that He is living, whatever men may say; I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer; And just the time I need Him, He’s always near. | CHORUS: He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Benny Hall Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Georgia Allen Bro. Johnnie Dixon — Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Lenora Burton Sis. Tommie Watkins — Dea. Ray Finn Mt. View Health Services «« Dea. Bentley Christy Bro. Clifton Hester lives; He lives within my heart. VERSE 2: In all the world around me, Washington Terrace Nursing Center I see His loving care; And tho my heart grows weary, I never will despair; I know that He is leading thru all the stormy blast; The day of His appearing, will come at last. CHORUS: He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives; He lives within my heart. VERSE 3: Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, lift up your voice and sing; Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King! The hope of all who seek Him, the help of all who find; None other is so loving, so good and kind. CHORUS: He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives; He lives within my heart. Wasatch Care Center | oe, = ee “The great example is our Lord, of overcoming power; -< Bro. Charlie Reynolds SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Bro. Bob Simmons Bro. Marion Carter Bro. Jerry Carter, Jr. Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Homer Washington Sis. Martha Greene Sis. Renae Owens Sis. Debra Ashford Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Mina Arreola Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Doris Green Sis. Viola McKenzie Sis. Gwen Jackson Sis. Irene Turner Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Julie Alexander Sis. Artysha Daxter The Martin Family Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Bobbie McQueen MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House _ Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans Thought for the Day... ee -<« Sis. Carrie Price | BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Nelson, Mother D. Griffin’s, Dea. & Sis. Griffin’s, Scott and all the families who have had loved ones recently » The strength that brought Him from the pass “Jesus died to save us and lives to keep us!” Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! grave gives hope in life’s dark hour.” away. bereavement. May God bless and comfort you in your time of Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Mill Creek Youth Bible Studies: Mondays (Boys) at 7:00 p.m. & Wednesdays (Girls) at 7:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon [2" Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.] & 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3 Male Chorus Rehearsal: & 4" Saturdays of each month. 2" Saturday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Usher Board Meeting: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. 3™ Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m., 1" & 2" Saturdays: Youth Dancers at 2:00 p.m. & Youth Step Team at 3:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every fourth Saturday at 11:30 a.m. New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 Sreekly “Church Bulletin - Det 4, Template — {1 [| fuk (Sunday) Order of Worship Baptismal Litany ..(As Needed)... 77307720050-2-2--: Baptismal Scripture ..(As Needed).. Congregational Devotion Rey. Derrel Hughes an (Matthew 3:1. 1-6) 0.00. .0. 00 00c ccc cos eee cue cee. ‘ os ( Call to Worship 2... ccc ccc ces coc cee cee coe vee see see cence ees ).. _ [Please Stand] 4 Box <—— <a _ ™ Var _< Bae. [Please Stand] Responsive Reading (No. (Reading Title: & Praise Team LX Prayer Of INVOCATION 00. 0.4. occ coc cee cs cee sue cv see ese cence i Deacons Model Prayer. ...........HyYMN #528 oc coc ces sec cues (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) [Please Stand] Announcements & Welcome of Visitors ...... ... ..... > Los ; ( Ne Pastoral REMATES 00... cc coc cce ces cee vee ses cee ces cesses ens Rev. Derrel Hughes | Congregational Hymn Congregation uf (No. | (’ Hymn Title: L{ —_— (“This Is My Mission” — Scripture Reading ... 1.0... 0.0... Zz. NY 2 Altar Call oc csc ccc cs sos sos sss sss sss sin sts see sec ses eee cece Musical Selection 02.0.0 .0. ccc cee css ves coe cen ee cence sees MeSSAQC 0... sec cee cee cee can cee cee cus ene cee cee cee en ane anes is C V1. 4 Dao? At Cle C yD, C tA S fey, (Subject: Ses Invitation to Discipleship ... 2.0... 60.000 coc coe eee eeeee CA 4 > fesy Holy Communion (1* Sundays Only) ............... cnn (As of June 13, 2005) 606 S88 ee 28 BHF Cee Cee Ses BO Ons Boe / . OF & Deacons Musical Selection 01 oc. ccc coc coc ccc cue ses eee see ees ose cee. sea ? { F* Tithes and Offering 0... ccc ccc cee cee sen eee e Benediction “a Cee Bee BBS “ Ae : [-" ; { 64, Lt | fUs6¢ Z te vy a Le GS ff 4 ae ( ee if a i Lies le C = f _i La { . bet ey ” (Ue eet . NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 935 Lincoln Avenue = Ogden, Utah 84401 Reverend Derrel A. Hughes, Pastor Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com FOURTH SUNDAY » APRIL 23, 2006 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” ORDER OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion .............00.000 Deacons & Praise Team CAH 10 WOISTID cisiicisessCiisn eee Rev. Michelle Boyer Prayer OF INVOCATION: 6oi65 cists tee Rev. Michelle Boyer Responsive Reading.......... (NO. DORR ei ce, Min. Lillie Holman “Christ’s Concern for Children” Moalel Prayetcc: ccccsssnees eo ELON ING ee “Let the Words of My Mouth” Rev. Cal Carter Announcements & Welcome of ViSitors............- Sis. Amaya Taylor PaSst0ral ROmarnks 3s. iicitiie Gi Ra Pastor Derrel Hughes Congregational Hymn........ (No: 17 Dn “Never Alone” .Congregation Scripture REQding 2, satis i .sks herve Pastor Derrel Hughes [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering............ Rev. Robert Hall, Deacons & Ushers MUSICGLSORCCION PR .New Zion Youth Choir nace ain Pastor Derrel Hughes MUSICAL SOICCHON os as ican New Zion Youth Choir DOTTNOTG i Pastor Derrel Hughes ATT CG ier 355 cae i ei ain a sh ee Invitation to Discipleship...............0.0000008- Pastor Derrel Hughes TOROGICHON, Bic ities icienn od tHe ee Pastor Derrel Hughes “Christ’s Concern for Children” (Matthew 18:1-6, 10; Mark 9:37 & 10:13-16) At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, | say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for | say to you, that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who Is in heaven. Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me. Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them: for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, | say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. (Together) And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them. VERSE 1: I’ve seen the lightning flashing and heard the thunder roll, I’ve felt sin’s breakers dashing, which tried to conquer my soul; I’ve heard the voice of my Savior, He bid me still fight on—He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. | CHORUS: No, never alone; No, never alone—He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. No, never alone; No, never alone—He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. VERSE 2: The world’s fierce winds are blowing, temptation’s sharp and keen; I have a peace in knowing My Savior stands between; He stands to shield me from danger, when all my friends are gone—He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. CHORUS: No, never alone; No, never alone—He never to leave me, never to leave me alone. promised No, never alone; No, never alone—He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. VERSE 3: When in affliction’s valley, I tread the road of care, My Savior helps me to carry the cross so heavy to bear; Tho all around me is darkness and earthly joys are flown—My Savior whispers His promise, never to leave me alone. CHORUS: No, never alone; No, never alone—He never to leave me, never to leave me alone. promised No, never alone; No, never alone—He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. Thought for the Day... —\@ “The best inheritance we can give our children is a genuine desire to know God and a sincere thirst for His precious Word!” Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Lenora Burton SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Sis. Tommie Watkins Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn Mt. View Health Services <« Dea. Bentley Christy Bro. Clifton Hester Washington Terrace Nursing Center Wasatch Care Center Bro. Bob Simmons Bro. Marion Carter Bro. Jerry Carter, Jr. Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Homer Washington Sis. Martha Greene Sis. Renae Owens Sis. Debra Ashford Sis. Bobbie McQueen « « Sis. Carrie Price Bro. Charlie Reynolds SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Irene Turner Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Julie Alexander Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Viola McKenzie Bro. Micah Reynolds Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers _ Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Mina Arreola Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Doris Green The Martin Family Sis. Gwen Jackson MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Sis. Nichole Martin — Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Prince House — Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Nelson, Mother D. Griffin’s, Dea. & Sis. Griffin’s, Scott and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. bereavement. May God bless and comfort you in your time Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! of IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... FY / _ Calvary Rev. Calvary Pastor’s Anniversary Baptist and Sis. Church Davis’? (SLC) 32" will be celebrating Anniversary on this afternoon, April 23, at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “Worthy of Double Honor” [1 Timothy 5:17 & Titus 3:2]. Their celebration speaker will be Rev. Dr. Steve Hall, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, in Houston, TX. Please see Dea. Wilson English or Dea. Benny Frazier if you would like to ride on the church van to this celebration. IGBC Usher’s Banquet The IGBC Usher’s Auxiliary will have their Annual 2006 Banquet on Friday, April 28", 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. The theme is, “Serving Boldly Through Christ” [1 John 4:17]. It’s not too late to purchase your tickets! Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, Usher President, or one of our ushers for more information. Embry Chapel Women in White Embry Chapel A.M.E. Mission Ministry has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their Annual Sunday, April 30", at 3:30 p.m. Women in White Program on Their program theme is, “God’s Word, God’s Will & God’s Way” and their guest speaker will be Sis. Addie Tillman Norling of Park Chapel A.M.E. Church in Oakland, CA. Please contact Sis. Dorothy Holston, more info. Any members Missionary President, for Upcoming Celebration Chairpersons interested in serving as chair and/or co-chair of our upcoming Men’s & Women’s Day Celebrations are asked to contact the church office for an appointment with Rev. Hughes as soon as possible. Church Missing Property Our church is missing two utility work saws and our electric base guitar. If any member has borrowed these items, you are asked to please return them to the church office as soon as possible as the church has need of them. Your prompt compliance is most appreciated. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) The ae Utah 36" Annual Women’s Convention Jurisdiction Women’s Department’s Velitiatlan 7 will convene May 2” — 5", at Griffin Memorial COGIC with a musical on May 2” at 7:30 p.m. Their theme is, “Holding On to the Reins of Holiness” [Hebrews 12:14]. Please see the invitation letter posted on the church bulletin board for specific events and times. 125 Church Anniversary The First Baptist Church oF Ogden has invited New Zion to Join them in celebrating their 125" Anniversary on Sunday, May 7", at 5:00 p.m. They would like our choir to participate in song as well. Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast The Mission Ministry of Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, May 13", 8:00 — 10:00 a.m., at the O’Jam Grill. Tickets are $10.00 per person. Please call Sis. Anete Foster at 773-3843 for more info. Lost & Found Items The following lost and found items are in the church office: (1) a pair of men’s eyeglasses (2) a pair of women’s beige sun glasses, and (3) a gold women’s watch. Please stop by the church office to view and/or retrieve these items as soon as possible if you have lost them. Second Baptist Church Challenge Competitions Church will be sponsoring three competitions in Paradise, Utah, on June 24 and September 16, each from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Each event will include games, fun, food, and Christian fellowship for the whole family. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. Calling All Congregational Vocalists ! We’re still attempting to establish an “Inspirational Gospel Choir” to sing during Sunday worship services. If you are interested in becoming a member, please sign up on the sheet located on the Usher’s credenza at the rear of the sanctuary. Please see Bro. Thomas White for more information. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING « Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Mill Creek Youth Bible Studies: Mondays (Boys) at 7:00 p.m. & Wednesdays (Girls) at 7:00 p.m. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Noon [2 Choir Rehearsals: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.] & 6:30 p.m. 1", 3" & 4" Saturdays of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: 2" Saturday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Usher Board Meeting: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. 3’ Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m., 1" & 2™ Saturdays: Youth Dancers at 2:00 p.m. & Youth Step Team at 3:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: U7248 “CHRISTIAN ART’® Every fourth Saturday at 11:30 a.m. QS Vv Dee iy —— Made ade inin USA © Warner Press, Inc. Design by John Silvey Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study Photo © TSM / Ariel Skelley, 1998. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. New Zion Baptist Church “The Church Built By Faith” Annual Easter Extravaganza o& Performances Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:30 p.m. Easter Sunday, April 16, 2006 2 3:30 p.m. Reverend Derrel A. Hughes, Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 (801) 392-2211 nuipadakicackc teed al wets belies NAVINI oo as bs hh nda nse rt Bro. Dupreit Nunn ee Sis. Jolicia Sattiewhite Musical Saxophone Solo ..........ccccccccccccccccccccccccccseesees Bro. Cordel Jones Easter Recitations (Part One) “BOLGUSEC OF LOVE iicieins A sedcs Bier hasceses Bro. Deshawn Cooley “Tnank (1 Lord cs ies <<< Biess 6s vconect Sis. Renae Hutchinson “Bly Bittle Bei i caus tisces i chaser aos eins Bro. Jadon Odom Bro. Jordan Odom OS VOM ics bun iets veiled Sh dates do se Bro. D-Andre Nunn “WPRY Jesus CQMe” 5.5 cisic is sds a tae eines Sis. Andelina Lucero WEE© AIADOTUGRE” ooo vc cu se cn. css ons tibiae tons ceases sas Sis. Kiara Puente WAUSIONT BONO oo ik 5s os caede cries tin stins 06s lau cp visto Sis. Arica Carpenter Easter Recitations (Part Two) “His Message of Love’ & Song ............ Sis. Kimbryanna Smith CA Day (0: Cele ate® ay civic ccs ccecsse's chicvetsnpnce se Bro. Vidal Jones "0OY. TOE WULAAGL 055 ic cisesgccdeccictniyescasek Bro. James Neal “HROCHUSE 110 DAVOS” is oso Fovinn ses ve vedsendsraues Bro. Kirkland Smith PEMSICOL SOO oo hie iis eis es es ios (a ER Sis. Betty Smauldon Bro. Marcus Smauldon, Saxophonist PI I, 8 ooo ios oo dak oa eR GL Choir oS Easter Dramatization “As I Have Loved You” PUAN EC TISE os occncee os Sess ncangeibte vedo teieass Bro. Jason Prince PORE GET, odie vies obs 0 <ddsceie capaws es Bro. Dennis Carpenter MI FOTOS oo 5 ci cn va ease od caso ehk ces ces eee Dea. Dale Griffin FETORELO FORE: 6 ic. Gdao nine 0 0 <0 chd aii dap doen ts Bro. Cordel Jones Apostle Andrew ........ccccceseccccceess Bro. Joe Sattiewhite, IV ADOC RIGISIOW 6 iS Biss 6 oe5s v cetinv evens Dea. Kenneth Wilder Apostle Bartholomew ............ccceeccccscees Bro. Danny Nunn Apostle TROMGS .. iste is es Dea. Wilson English Apostle Simon (Zealot) ..........ccceeecceeee Bro. Thomas White I FI i vg sk cwik's oh civ ek cd padeenssee Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr. Apostle Judas (IScartot) ...........cceeeeeees Dea. Benny Frazier Apostle Thaddaeus ..............ceeceeeeees Bro. Steve Carpenter FREWRIIIONS 0) EPISCHIIOS TDD 55 big os 5 6 ca is ih 6 oi dda si cdan inno teas Minister/Deacon BS os ee ree eee or ere ie err moe Pastor Derrel Hughes The members of the New Zion Baptist Church would like to thank and acknowledge each of you for your continual prayers and support of our Drama Ministry. As you have experienced, we have been abundantly blessed with Drama Ministry members who have graciously given of their valuable time, talents and gifts to exalt the glorious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please know that your attendance of our 2006 Annual Easter Extravaganza is most appreciated. Because of you, this event has been a memorable, spirit-filled time of Christian fellowship, worship and praise! It is our prayer that God will continue to bless and keep you and lift up His countenance upon you. NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH \e 32935 Lincoln Avenue =~ Ogden, Utah Reverend Derrel A. Hughes, Pastor ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 — Fax: (801) 392-3433 FOURTH SUNDAY =» APRIL 23, 2006 newzionut@aol.com “THE CHURCH ORDER BUILT BY FAITH” 125" Church Anniversary The First Baptist Church Of Ogden has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their 125" Anniversary on Sunday, May 7, at 5:00 p.m. They would like our choir to participate in song as well. OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion ... ... 00. 0c. oe: Deacons & Praise Team CEM 10 WOPSTIB seis crm aca vs ence stanne sme van ktm 88 Rev. Michelle Boyer Prayer Of INVOCAtION ... .....cccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeteteeeees Rev. Michelle Boyer Responsive Reading.......... (No. 598).............Min. Lillie Holman “Christ’s Concern for Children” Model Prayer .............6064: FPYINA INO. DLZG ses sas. citnnns Rev. Cal Carter “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............: Sis. Amaya Taylor Pastoral Remarks ........... Congregational Hymn... ...Pastor Derrel Hughes (No. . 2? 27)...re | “Never Alone” Congregation OPEC A BOOGIE ius can cca won seven uae sama memes: Pastor Derrel Hughes [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering... t 36" Annual Women’s Convention The Utah Jurisdiction Women’s Department’s Convention will convene May 2” — 5", at Griffin Memorial COGIC with a musical on May 2” at 7:30 p.m. Their theme is, “Holding On to the Reins of Holiness” [Hebrews 12:14]. Please see the invitation letter posted on the church bulletin board for specific events and times. ..... 0... Rev. Robert Hall, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selection ..........ccccccccccceeeeeeeeeee tee ee New Zion Youth Choir Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast The Mission Ministry of Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, May 13, 8:00 — 10:00 a.m., at the O’Jam Grill. Tickets are $10.00 per person. Please call Sis. Anete Foster at 773-3843 for more info. Lost & Found Items The following lost and found items are in the church office: (1) a pair of men’s eyeglasses (2) a pair of women’s beige sun glasses, and (3) a gold women’s watch. Please stop by the church office to view and/or retrieve these items as soon as possible if you have lost them. Church Challenge Competitions Second Baptist Church will be sponsoring three competitions in Paradise, Utah, on June 24" and September 16", each from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Each event will include games, fun, food, and Christian fellowship for the whole family. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. Invitation to Discipleship..... 0.0... ..............Pastor Derrel Hughes Calling All Congregational Vocalists! We ’re still attempting to establish an “Inspirational Gospel Choir” to sing during Sunday worship services. If you are interested in becoming a member, please sign up on the sheet located on the Usher’s credenza at the rear of the sanctuary. Please see Bro. Thomas White for more information. PT (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) Altar CALL oo. cece ccc ccccccceccteeeeeeeceeeeeeeeeneneeneees Pastor Derrel Hughes Musical Selection ........cccccccccccccceseeeeeeeeeeeeees New Zion Youth Choir SCVMON 0. voc cece cee cee cee cee tee tee ee tee teeeeee eee eeeeePastor Derrel Hughes Otis waist emia onmamcrminnsticeaie Sine os wae ase Pastor Derrel Hughes IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... s Calvary “Christ’s Concern for Children” Calvary Pastor’s Anniversary Baptist Church (SLC) will be celebrating (Matthew 18:1-6, 10; Mark 9:37 & 10:13-16) Rev. and Sis. Davis’ 32"° Anniversary on this afternoon, April 23, at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” celebration speaker will be Rev. Dr. Steve Hall, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, in Houston, TX. Please see Dea. Wilson English or Dea. Benny Frazier if you would like to ride on the church van to this celebration. Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and Wy) ‘ “Worthy of Double Honor” [1 Timothy 5:17 & Titus 3:2]. Their IGBC Usher’s Banquet The IGBC Usher’s Auxiliary will have their Annual 2006 Banquet on Friday, April 28", 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. The theme is, “Serving Boldly Through Christ” [1 John 4:17]. It’s not too late to purchase your tickets! Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, Usher President, or one of our ushers for more information. Embry Chapel Women in White Embry Chapel A.M.E. Mission Ministry has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their Annual Women in White Program on Sunday, April 30", at 3:30 p.m. Their program theme is, “God’s Word, God’s Will & God’s Way” and their guest speaker will be Sis. Addie Tillman Norling of Park Chapel A.M.E. Church in Oakland, CA. Please contact Sis. Dorothy Holston, more info. Any members Missionary President, for Upcoming Celebration Chairpersons interested in serving as chair and/or co-chair of our upcoming Men’s & Women’s Day Celebrations are asked to contact the church office for an appointment with Rev. Hughes as soon as possible. Church Missing Property Our church is missing two utility work saws and our electric base guitar. If any member has borrowed these items, you are asked to please return them to the church office as soon as possible as the church has need of them. Your prompt compliance is most appreciated. said, “Assuredly, | say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for | say to you, that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who Is in heaven. Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me. Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them: for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, | say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. (Together) And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them. AQFOnO-OrOa | AOFOnO sada “Never Alone” VERSE 1: I’ve seen the lightning flashing thunder roll, I’ve felt sin’s breakers dashing, and heard the which tried to conquer my soul; I’ve heard the voice of my Savior, He bid me still fight on—He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. CHORUS: No, never alone; No, never never to leave me, never to leave me alone. alone—He promised No, never alone; No, never alone—He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Lenora Burton SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Tommie Watkins — Dea. Ray Finn Mt. View Health Services -<« Dea. Bentley Christy Bro. Clifton Hester Washington Terrace Nursing Center VERSE 2: The world’s fierce winds are blowing, temptation’s sharp and keen; I have a peace in knowing My Savior stands between; He stands to shield me from danger, when me alone. CHORUS: No, never alone; No, never alone—He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. No, never alone; No, never alone—He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. VERSE 3: When in affliction’s valley, I tread the road of care, My Savior helps me to carry the cross so heavy to bear; Tho all around me is darkness and earthly joys are flown—My Savior whispers His promise, never to leave me alone. CHORUS: No, never alone; No, never never to leave me, never to leave me alone. alone—He promised No, never alone; No, never alone—He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. Sis. Carrie Price Wasatch Care Center -« Bro. Charlie Reynolds all my friends are gone—He promised never to leave me, never to leave -6 Bro. Bob Simmons Bro. Marion Carter Bro. Jerry Carter, Jr. Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Homer Washington Sis. Martha Greene Sis. Renae Owens Sis. Debra Ashford Sis. Bobbie McQueen SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Georgia Harper Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Ada Gillis ' Sis. Irene Turner Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Dynetta Bumpers — Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Julie Alexander Sis. Mina Arreola Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Doris Green Sis. Jerry Johnson The Martin Family Sis. Viola McKenzie Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Micah Reynolds MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House _ Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Thought for the Day... — he best inheritance we can give our children 2) Is a genuine desire to know God anda sincere thirst for His precious Word!” Please be in prayer for the Nelson, Mother D. Griffin’s, Dea. & Sis. Griffin’s, Scott and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Mill Creek Youth Bible Studies: Mondays (Boys) at 7:00 p.m. & Wednesdays (Girls) at 7:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon [2" Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.] & 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3 & 4" Saturdays of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: 2" Saturday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Usher Board Meeting: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. 3” Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m., 1 & 2" Saturdays: Youth Dancers at 2:00 p.m. & Youth Step Team at 3:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every fourth Saturday at 11:30 a.m. New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly “Church Y IT; Form at Template (Sunday) Order of Worship Baptismal Litany ..(As Needed)... 00. 60. .00 coe ces see coe cee Baptismal Scripture ..(As Needed)... - — (Matthew 3: 1-6) Congregational Devotion Rev. Derrel Hughes — ... se sobiaib ae inns wmamnncsneoens _Degcons & joo Team Call to WOrship eee ccc coc ccc coc cee cae ce vse succes vee cus ee. Prayer of Invocation .. Responsive Reading (No. t ef (Reading Title: “ - | (Please Stand] wes { C ease Stand wf on, (2rhr_ a CZ CO eV. WN L, A y. b2r lL ff pet Zon ae al us YA been YAN Model Prayer ............ Hymn #528 oo. coc cec coe Congregation Announcements & Welcome of Visitors ..... ff Way LA Lic] [ QD (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) [Please Stand] Pastoral REMAPKS 00... 60sec ces coves cus cee see cen see es ens Congregational Hymn Hymn Title: (“This Is My / a a aa | issi 1s Only) [Please Stand Scripture Reading ..... Musical Selection ! CO Ce - Be — , - _ | ae ans oe as leSS —— 10.0. coc 0... ccc vec coc one Bp Congregation ii Tithes and Offering ........04.. Please Stand) St UA rfer Rey. ‘Derrel Hughes VC _— on”?— Lou LL Te Lf Y . her fl Altar Call oo. cic cec cee cen ccc cee ces cee cee cee cee cae us eee eee ee. KosS /.. hd. C4 Le Musical Selection 00.1. ...cce csc cee cee cece cen aee cen see, | Message..... EC a) , Ly show bees tenets ee eee snes. (Subject: Invitation to Discipleship 0.00 ... 20.00. cee cen vee ences. Holy Communion (1* Sundays Only) ............... Benediction 00... cee cee ccc coc cee cov cue coc cue cee nee coe eee cee (As of June 13, 2005) v4 e EHV Leh € /acons NE. ence | a aa Los, Zaghias Meas LA stor — Ta fan L_ Hushes S v we © a 5 Oq vo fa z a remains in love remains 1n God. Ll John 4 16 NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 935 Lincoln Avenue = Ogden, Utah 84401 Reverend Derrel A. Hughes, Pastor Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com FIFTH SUNDAY » APRIL 30, 2006 ! i don HE : Cn BapUSIN 3 i560 ORDER BULLS ae PACT OF WORSHIP ok ae ee Baptisinat Scripturés,. : Pastor Derrel Hughes ..cc.+:ssesun tare a (Matthew 3:1-6) Sis. Pamela Latson Congregational Devotion .....Mission, Deaconess & Praise Team Call to WOrship.. .....:scckacs eee Min. Lillie Holman Prayer of Invocation ...4....c«s«i age Min. Lillie Holman Responsive Reading......(No. 571)...Deaconess Selma Hutchinson “The Model Prayer” MOOG! PIAVER jcc Hymn No. 528......Rev. Michelle Boyer “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors.....Deaconess Alice Glenn Sis. Sharon Smauldon Pastoral ROMGIRS 06.666 Re Pastor Derrel Hughes Congregational Hymn............ vesseeeeeeeeees» CONQTE LATION Scripture R€GQdiA2 260.550 3 eee Deaconess Mary Griffin oT his Is My Mitiion . [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering...... Sis. Alice Sattiewhite, Deacons & Ushers Miisical Selection sai inSos Bestes«. .New Zion Women’s Chorus Aug? CON i. Bios tins asic ct Ce a Deaconess Bertha Elliott MENSICUE SOLECROR: Gi cs tsscas stiches New Zion Women’s Chorus BOOT ci ssc ess Pastor Derrel Hughes Invitation 10 Disciplesnip:.....06. . éckses eigenen Pastor Derrel Hughes BORCGICNUOE. |. 305 i sno d0dbs Wisnniees ee Pastor Derrel Hughes = “The Model Prayer” (Luke 11:1 & Matthew 6:5-15) <Z Le : Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, | say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. In this manner, therefore, pray: Your name. in heaven. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. (Together) But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. “This Is My Mission” hy (Sung to the tune of “Blessed Assurance”) VERSE 1: Blessed with His goodness, blessed with His love; Blessed with His showers that come from above. Blessed with His sunshine, everywhere. blessed with His air; I'll go on helping CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the This is my mission, this is my prayer: needy, everywhere. Helping the needy, everywhere. God gives the courage, faith leads the way; VERSE 2: Onward we travel happy and gay; Thinking of others, willing to share; Taking God’s message everywhere. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the This is my mission, this is my prayer: needy, everywhere. Helping the needy, everywhere. VERSE 3: Re-mem-bering others, whenever I pray; Looking to Jesus, He is the way; Onward I travel, He’s by my side; I'll never falter, He is my guide. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the This is my mission, this is my prayer: needy, everywhere. Helping the needy, everywhere. Thought for the Day... “Missionaries are women, Missionaries are men, Missionaries are children ... Each of them has the truth of God’s Word to proclaim to all until time, as we know it, shall end!” Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 | | SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Sis. Lenora Burton Sis. Tommie Watkins Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn Mt. View Health Services «4 Dea. Bentley Christy Bro. Clifton Hester Washington Terrace Nursing Center Wasatch Care Center Bro. Bob Simmons Bro. Marion Carter Bro. Jerry Carter, Jr. Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Homer Washington Sis. Martha Greene Sis. Renae Owens Sis. Debra Ashford Sis. Bobbie McQueen -« Sis. Carrie Price -«« Bro. Charlie Reynolds SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Georgia Harper Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Irene Turner Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Dynetta Bumpers — Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Julie Alexander Sis. Mina Arreola Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Doris Green Sis. Jerry Johnson The Martin Family Sis. Viola McKenzie Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Micah Reynolds MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Sis. Nichole Martin — Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House _ Bro. Chris Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Nelson, Mother D. Griffin’s, Dea. & Sis. Griffin’s, Scott and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. bereavement. May God bless and comfort you in your time Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! of IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... Embry Chapel Women in White Embry Chapel A.M.E. Mission Ministry has invited s =— =New Zion to join them in celebrating their Annual Welnan in White Program on this afternoon, April 30", at 3:30 p.m. Their program theme is, “God’s Word, God’s Will & God’s Way” and their guest speaker will be Sis. Addie Tillman Norling of Park Chapel A.M.E. Church in Oakland, CA. 36" Annual Women’s Convention The Utah Jurisdiction Women’s Department’s Convention will convene 2 May 2” — 5". at Griffin Memorial COGIC with a musical on May 2”, at 7:30 p.m. Holiness’ [Hebrews Their theme is, “Holding On to the Reins of 12:14]. Our New Zion choir will also be participating in their Musical on May 2". Please see the invitation letter posted on the church bulletin board for specific events and times. 125" Church Anniversary The First Baptist Church oF Ogden has invited New Zion to Join them in celebrating their 125" Anniversary on Sunday, May 7, at 5:00 p.m. Our New Zion choir, the Second Baptist Church choir aa others will render celebration in song to commemorate their Anniversary. Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast The Mission Ministry of Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, May 13, 8:00— 10:00 a.m., at the O’Jam Grill. Tickets are $10.00 per person. Griffin Please call Sis. Anete Foster at 773-3843 for more info. Griffin Memorial Church Anniversary Memorial COGIC will be celebrating their 60‘ Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 28", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is “Stay with the Ship” [Acts 27:31]. Their anniversary guest speaker will be Rev. Charles Petty, Pastor of Second Baptist Church. Upcoming Celebration Chairpersons Any members interested in serving as chair and/or co-chair of our upcoming Men’s & Women’s Day Celebrations are asked to contact the church office for an appointment with Rev. Hughes as soon as possible. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) : New Pilgrim Pastor’s Anniversary | New Pilgrim Baptist Church will be celebrating Rev. eas Hodges’ git Anniversary on Sunday, May 21", at 3:30 p.m. Pastor Hughes will be their celebration guest speaker. details will be forthcoming shortly. & Sis. Our own Additional NZBC Vacation Bible School Our Vacation Bible School will be held June 5-9, 2006, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. nightly. [Acts 1:8]. A This year’s theme is “Power On! With Jesus” ministry leaders’/auxiliary committee officers’ coordination meeting will be held on Friday, May 12", at 6:00 p.m. A teachers’ planning meeting will be held on Sctaides. May 20", at 10:00 a.m. As the Holy Spirit prompts you to serve in a particular capacity or should you have any questions, please contact Min. Stanley Ellington, VBS Director, at 690-1528. Church Missing Property Our church is missing two utility work saws and our electric base guitar. If any member has borrowed these items, you are asked to please return them to the church office ASAP as the church has need of them. Your prompt compliance is most appreciated. Lost & Found Items The following lost and found items are in the church office: (1) a pair of women’s beige sun glasses, and (2) a gold women’s watch. Please stop by the church office to pick these items if you have lost them. Church Challenge Competitions Second Baptist Church will be sponsoring their next two competitions in Paradise, Utah, on June 24 and September 16", each from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Each event will include games, fun, food, and Christian fellowship for the whole family. bulletin board for more information. Please see the church Calling All Vocalists ! If you are interested in becoming a member of our “Inspirational Gospel Choir,” to sing on Sundays, please sign up on the sheet located on the Usher’s credenza at the rear of the sanctuary. Please see Bro. Thomas White for more information. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: X Ae SAYS 7 os WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING “* Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. “* Sunday Worship Service: “* Mission & Laymen Training: “¢ Mill Creek Youth Bible Studies: “* Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. ** Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study “* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: “* Choir Rehearsals: “* Male Chorus Rehearsal: “* Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: ‘“* Usher Board Meeting: “+ Youth Practices: Youth Choir Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Mondays (Boys) at 7:00 p.m. & Wednesdays (Girls) at 7:00 p.m. Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon [2” Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.] & 7:00 p.m. 1°, 3" & 4" Saturdays of each month. 2” Saturday of each month. Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. 3” Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. on 3” & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m., 1 & 2" Saturdays: Youth Dancers at 2:00 p.m. & Youth Step Team at 3:00 p.m. Designed “* Youth Ushers Meeting: by Jennifer J. Allison © 2004Broadman & Holman Supplies Nashville, Tennessee Printed in the U.S.A. BF BROADMAN HOLMAN SUPPLIES Saturday at 11:30 a.m. 0-8054-3871-8 www.broadmanholman.com | NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH \vgz2935 Lincoln Avenue »~ Ogden, Utah Reverend Derrel A. Hughes, Pastor Telephone: (801) 392-2211] ax: (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com FIFTH SUNDAY 84401 =» APRIL 30, 2006 aos CERISE SEA SDE ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) ' _— New Pilgrim New Pilgrim Pastor’s Anniversary . Baptist Church will be celebrating Rev. Corey Hodges’ 8" Anniversary on Sunday, May 21", at 3:30 p.m. Pastor Hughes will be their celebration guest speaker. details will be forthcoming shortly. BAL NZBC & Sis. Our own Additional Vacation Bible School Our Vacation Bible School will be held June 5-9, 2006, 6:00 p.m. to Baptism .. ORDER Baptismal Scripture .. OF WORSHIP ...Pastor Derrel Hughes ... Sis. Pamela Latson "(Matthew 3: L- 6) Congregational Devotion .....Mission, Deaconess & Praise Team Call to Worship.......... ...Min. Lillie Holman 8:00 p.m. nightly. This year’s theme is “Power On! With Jesus” [Acts 1:8]. A_ ministry leaders’/auxiliary committee officers’ coordination meeting will be held on Friday, May 12", at 6:00 p.m. A teachers’ planning meeting will be held on Saturday, May 20", at 10:00 a.m. As the Holy Spirit prompts you to serve in a particular capacity or should you have any questions, Stanley Ellington, VBS Director, at 690-1528. please contact Min. Model Prayer ..............04.. Hymn No. 528......Rev. Michelle Boyer Church Missing Property Our church is missing two utility work saws and our electric base guitar. If any member has borrowed these items, you are asked to please return them to the church office ASAP as the church has need of them. Your prompt compliance is most appreciated. Announcements & Welcome of Visitors.....Deaconess Alice Glenn Sis. Sharon Smauldon Pastoral Remarks... 0.0.00 c0c ce cee cee trees es Pastor Derrel Hughes Lost & Found Items The following lost and found items are in the church office: (1) a pair of women’s beige sun glasses, and (2) a gold women’s watch. Please stop by the church office to pick these items if you have lost them. Prayer Of INVOCATION ... .occccccccceccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Min. Lillie Holman Responsive Reading......(No. 571)...Deaconess Selma Hutchinson “The Model Prayer” “Let the Words of My Mouth” Congregational HyMn... occ... ccc ccc coc ceveceeeeeceeeeeesseeeee Congregation [Please Stand] Church Challenge Competitions Second Baptist Church will be Sponsoring their next two competitions in Paradise, Utah, on June 24" and September 16", each from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Each event will include games, fun, food, and Christian fellowship for the whole family. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. Musical Selection. ............0000c0ccccccccceee. New Zion Women’s Chorus Sermon... re ...Pastor Derrel Hughes Calling All Vocalists! If you are interested in becoming a member of our “Inspirational Gospel Choir,” to sing on Sundays, please sign up on the sheet located on the Usher’s credenza at the rear of the sanctuary. Please see Bro. “This Is My Mission” Scripture REAAING 2.0.60 .6. coc cece cette veseeeees Deaconess Mary Griffin Tithes and Offering......Sis. Alice Sattiewhite, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selection .........000000ccccceee cceceee New Zion Women’s Chorus Altar Call oc coccc cccccccccccceececcecccececeeeeeerseees Deaconess Bertha Elliott veleetionst to5 Discipleship... Benediction... ... Pastor Derrel Hughes 0.0... cece ccc cccceeesseecce ve cee een eeee Pastor Derrel Hughes Thomas White for more information. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... “The Model Prayer” Embry Chapel Women in White Embry Chapel A.M.E. Mission Ministry has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their Annual Women in White Program on this afternoon, April 30", at 3:30 p.m. Their program theme is, “God’s Word, God’s Will & God’s Way” and their guest speaker will be Sis. Addie Tillman Norling of Park Chapel A.M.E. Church in Oakland, CA. (Luke 11:1 & Matthew 6:5-15) Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” will And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, | say to you, they have their reward. May 2”, at 7:30 p.m. Their theme is, “Holding On to the Reins of Holiness” [Hebrews 12:14]. Our New Zion choir will also be participating in their Musical on May 2". Please see the invitation letter posted on the church bulletin board for specific events and times. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. The 36" Annual Women’s Convention Utah Jurisdiction Women’s Department’s Convention convene May 2” — 5“, at Griffin Memorial COGIC with a musical on 125 Church Anniversary The First Baptist Church of Ogden has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their 125" Anniversary on Sunday, May 7, at 5:00 p.m. Our New Zion choir, the Second Baptist Church choir and others will render celebration in song to commemorate their Anniversary. Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast The Mission Ministry of Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Mother & Daughter Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, May 13”, 8:00 — 10:00 a.m., at the O’Jam Grill. per person. Tickets are $10.00 Please call Sis. Anete Foster at 773-3843 for more info. Griffin Memorial Church Anniversary Griffin Memorial COGIC will be celebrating their 60 Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 28", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is “Stay with the Ship” [Acts 27:31]. Their anniversary guest speaker will be Rev. Charles Petty, Pastor of Second Baptist Church. Any members Upcoming Celebration Chairpersons interested in serving as chair and/or co-chair of our upcoming Men’s & Women’s Day Celebrations are asked to contact the church office for an appointment with Rev. Hughes as soon as possible. And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be !’ke them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. In this manner, therefore, pray: Your name. in heaven. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom forever. Amen. and the power and the glory For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. (Iogether) But if you do not forgive men Father forgive your trespasses. their trespasses, neither will your ““This Is My Mission” Sis. Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (Sung to the tune of “Blessed Assurance”) VERSE 1: Blessed with His goodness, (801) 782-8337 blessed with His love; Blessed with His showers that come from above. Blessed with His sunshine, blessed with His air; I’ll go on helping everywhere. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. VERSE 2: God gives the courage, faith leads the way; Onward we travel happy and gay; Thinking of others, willing to share; Taking God’s message everywhere. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. VERSE 3: Re-mem-bering others, whenever I pray; Looking to Jesus, He is the way; Onward I travel, He’s by my side; I’ll never falter, He is my guide. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. Thought for the Day... “Missionaries are women, Missionaries are men, Missionaries are children ... Each of them has the truth of God’s Word to proclaim to all until time, as we know it, shall end!” Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Lenora Burton SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelley Sis. Clydies Finn Sis. Tommie Watkins — Dea. Ray Finn Mt. View Health Services <« Dea. Bentley Christy Bro. Clifton Hester Washington Terrace Nursing Center Wasatch Care Center Bro. Bob Simmons -« -« Bro. Charlie Reynolds SPECIAL PRAYER Bro. Marion Carter Bro. Jerry Carter, Jr. Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Homer Washington Sis. Martha Greene Sis. Renae Owens Sis. Debra Ashford Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Carrie Price Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Julie Alexander Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Lucy Donaldson Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Mina Arreola Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Doris Green Sis. Irene Turner Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Viola McKenzie Bro. Micah Reynolds Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers The Martin Family Sis. Gwen Jackson MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House _ Bro. Chris Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Nelson, Mother D. Griffin’s, Dea. & Sis. Griffin’s, Scott and all the families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Mill Creek Youth Bible Studies: Mondays (Boys) at 7:00 p.m. & Wednesdays (Girls) at 7:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon [2"“ Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.] & 7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsals: 1°, 3 Male Chorus Rehearsal: & 4" Saturdays of each month. 2” Saturday of each month. Academic Mentoring & Tutoring: Usher Board Meeting: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. 3™ Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3" & 4° Saturdays at 1:00 p.m., I“ & 2" Saturdays: Youth Dancers at 2:00 p.m. & Youth Step Team at 3:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every fourth Saturday at 11:30 a.m. 5 Ww 1 (A077 \ New Zion Baptist Church 4 Wy 56 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 Y ioe Weekly “Church Bulletin” Format Template overt WD) (Sunday) (10 /) ~p Order of Worshi f Baptismal Litany ..(As Needed)... 10. 00.00. ccc vec cee cee oe. , 200683 Peud— P eSCig cB dh Hughes Baptismal Scripture ..(As Needed)... yy (Matthew 3: 1-6) Congregational Devotion 00... oo. co coc cee ccc cee see canes fs im ZB a i Call to Worship ............ Prayer Of INVOCATION 00.1.0 60. 60. cee vee cee sun cee ee (Reading Title: Model Prayer ® / L - ............Hymn # 528 .. ; Congregation NCeaw: (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) [Please fend, (No. f “Ot? 4 000... 00. 00sec cee vse cee see ees Congregational Hymn " eT Lie St) Announcements & Welcome ofVisitors .. Pastoral Remark j Rev. Derrel Hughes D icesedtaesmees Bhabita od Congregation Hymn Title: (“This Is My Mission” — 5* Sundays Only) [Please Stary d] SCripture REAGING 00... cee cec cee cee cee use cen see cee ens cees ZPAZ, [Please Stand] | Tithes and Offering oo. coc coc ccc csc ces cae succes ce eee coeee Musical Selection 22... cee ccc ccc coc ccc cee coe vee occ eee ccc, Dk Altar Call] oc cec ccc ccc cee ccc cee cee see cee cee eee cee ccc cce gs Musical Selection ....00000 ...0 0 cee.oes — Naw MOSSE 20. ook coc vec vec cee cee sun vee see eee coe cee eee eee ces ccs [ tia. fF - p Wg i], gyi gee i Cl (O} \ nous Tarkio, €. Invitation to Discipleship ... 002... .0. 00 ces coc ces coeees Holy Communion (1* Sundays Only) ............... (As of June 13, 2005) pe i Fo /) oth (Subject: BON@dictiOn 0... coe cee see cen ces cas cee cee censuses eae eee ees LSS ! ra a Lome IMs 4x be ay tx ie Se Magl ) MS |
Format | application/pdf |
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