Title | Box 44, Folder 11: Church programs, December 2006 |
Contributors | New Zion Baptist Church |
Description | Church programs, December 2006 |
Subject | Worship programs; Advertising--Churches; Church announcements; Church anniversaries |
Keyword | Programs |
Digital Publisher | Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date | 2006 |
Date Digital | 2023; 2024 |
Item Size | 11x8.5 inches |
Medium | Programs; Documents |
Spatial Coverage | Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type | Image/StillImage |
Access Extent | image/jpg |
Conversion Specifications | Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL, a Epson Expression 12000XL scanner, and Epson FastFoto scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG files were then created for general use. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit New Zion Baptist Church, Ogden, Utah and Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information: |
Sponsorship/Funding | Available through grant funding by the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board |
Source | New Zion Baptist Church Records; Box 44, Folder 11 |
OCR Text | Show NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 935 Lincoln Avenue -«« Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com FIRST SUNDAY (801) 392-3433 » DECEMBER 3, 2006 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” jus jus jue je Se ORDER jus jue jus jus jue OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion .............000008 Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship & INVOCQHOR wikis scsic ok. .Rev. Betty Hall ReSPONSIVE KeGGNE Ss. -hsc. i nena: Rev. Betty Hall “The Church Covenant” Model Prayer <ciccctis.cvise AAV, DEO ios sao o0 5 Rev. Betty Hall “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Roberta Dixon Sis. Betty Smauldon Congregational Hyman...........(No. 147).................. Congregation “Nothing But the Blood” Tithes and Offering.............. Rev. Betty Hall, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selection siiciuacdiinknie eo .New Zion Mass Choir WRQPCAN fo ccc cnc nna Rev. Betty Hall PEUSICGS DELECTION Gaiisd ds icvisss-00sscevetek aang it New Zion Mass Choir POTINOR GBS: 6. csa5icts octixtheiee cee ees INVUOLION 1O-DISCIDIOSIND sti Sai Gee FIR COPURUINON 5S A he ea es KR Cal Carre Rev. Cal Carter Rev. Cal Carter “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, And on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, We do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ. We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love, to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain to worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine: To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations. We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements and exemplary in our deportment; To avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger. To abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; To remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; To be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rule of our Savior to secure it without delay. (All Together) We moreover engage that when we remove from this place, we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word. =eY ‘(| “Nothing But the Blood” VERSE 1: What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. CHORUS: Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus. VERSE 2: For my pardon this I see, nothing but the blood of Jesus; For my cleansing, this my plea — Nothing but the blood of Jesus. CHORUS: Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus. VERSE 3: Nothing can for sin atone, nothing but the blood of Jesus; Naught of good that I have done —hace. but the blood of Jesus. CHORUS: Oh precious is the flow that makes me white snow; No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus. as VERSE 4: This is all my hope and peace, nothing but the blood of Jesus; This is all my righteousness — Nothing but the blood of Jesus. CHORUS: Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus. Thought for the Day... “Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me on the cross at Calvary; Help me to always remember what You did to set me free!” “Remembering Christ’s death for us Should cause us to live for Him.” Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Sis. Lenora Burton SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Tommie Watkins Sis. Mattie Kelly Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn — Dea. Ray Finn Mt. View Health Services « Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center -« Sis. Carrie Price Aspen Care Center -«« Sis. Blondell Butler Wasatch Care Center -« Dea. J.C. Wilder SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Georgia Harper Dea. Barry Gillis Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Gwen Jackson Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Kendra Bumpers Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Dynetta Bumpers — Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Doris Green Bro. Joseph Raymond Sis. Erica Brown, CA Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Delores H. Bennett Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Jimmy Bell Bro. Abrom Scott Sis. Norvelle Walton Bro. H.C. Massey Bro. Keith Lamb Bro. Jeffrey Fason & Family Sis. Doris Jones, VA Dea. Carl Walters Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Sis. Nichole Martin — Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Prince House __ Sis. Kali Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Allen, Bush and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT .S.... NZBC Executive Board Meeting ~~ There will be a church Executive Board meeting on Monday, December 4", at 6:30 p.m. All church ministry and auxiliary officers are asked to be in attendance. Please see Dea. Kenneth Wilder for more information. CWU Advent Tea The Ogden Chapter of Church Women United will be celebrating the Christmas holiday season with their Annual Advent Tea on Saturday, December 9", 1:00 p.m., at the First Presbyterian Church in Ogden. There will be delicious food, fellowship and clothing/toy donations will be accepted for needy community children. Dixon, Deaconess information. Virgia Wilder or Min. Please see Sis. Roberta Lillie Holman for more | Emmanuel Men’s & Women’s Day Emmanuel COGIC has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their Annual Men’s & Women’s Day on Sunday, December 10". Their observance theme is, “Men and Women Risen with Christ Seeking Those Things Above” [Colossians 3:1]. Missionary Brenda Allen will be their 11:00 a.m. service speaker and Elder Bobby Allen will be their 3:30 p.m. service speaker. Unity Women’s Day Unity Baptist Church will celebrate their Annual Women’s Day also on Sunday, December 10. Their program theme is, “Women Working, Not by Might, Nor by Power, But by the Spirit of the Lord” [Zechariah 4:6b]. Their 11:00 a.m. service speakers will be Sisters Paulette Mouton, Kaylynn Boon and Auzsha Gardner; and their 3:30 p.m. service speaker will be Sis. Willene Davis, First Lady of Calvary Baptist Church. Deacon/Trustee Board Meeting There will be a Deacon and Trustee Board meeting on Monday, December 11", at 6:30 p.m. All trustees and deacons are asked to be in attendance. Please see Dr. Donald Carpenter for more information. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Church Business Meeting There will be a church business meeting on Thursday, December 14", at 6:00 p.m. All church officers, ministry leaders and members are encouraged to be in attendance as there are a number of pertinent issues to be addressed. Christmas Performance and Church Fellowship Our Drama Ministry Annual Christmas Performance will be held on Saturday, December 16", at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday, December 17“ at 3:30 p.m. Our Christmas Church Family Fellowship will be held immediately following the Sunday 3:30 p.m. performance. Members are encouraged to bring their favorite holiday dish. Please see Sis. Tammy Larry or Min. Lillie Holman for more information. Performance rehearsals are still ongoing and dates/times are listed on the church bulletin board. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., Bro. Charles Dalton or Rey. Betty Hall for more information. Youth Day Extravaganza True Vine Baptist Church will present their annual Youth Day Extravaganza on Sunday, December I “6 at 3:30 p.m. Their annual theme is, “It’s All About Jesus” [John 14:6] and their extravaganza theme is, “Make a Joyful Noise” [Psalm 100:1]. Tara Bolden at 309-6037 for more information. Please contact Sis. Second Baptist Christmas Program Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Annual Christmas Play entitled, “Christmas or CHRISTmas?” on Sunday, December 17", at 6:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served following the presentation. New Zion Annual Watch Night Service will hold our Annual Watch Night Service on Sunday, December 31". The service theme will be “The Seven Deadly Sins” [Proverbs 6:16-19]. The service will begin with a fellowship meal at 10:00 p.m. followed by the worship service at 11:00 p.m. The ministers of Second Baptist Church will join with our ministers to preach on each of the sins. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Mass Choir Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before 1° Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Usher Board Meeting: 1" & 4" Thursday of each month. 3” Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3” Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 4" Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Van Ministry Drivers: 726-5428 & Dea. Designed by Paul T. Gant, Art & Design © 2002 Broadman & Holman Supplies Nashville, Tennessee Printed in U.S.A. Dea. Wilson English (H): 773-1984 (C): oe MAN “aes (C): 725-7913 Scripture from NIV 0-8054-3823-8 Si YE \ N99 7 NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Lincoln Avenue «« Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-221] Fax: newzionut@aol.com FIRST SUNDAY (801) 392-3433 » DECEMBER 3, 2006 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” ORDER OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion .............0.6006 Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship & INVOCATION ...........ccceeeeeeeeeeeeeee .Rev. Betty Hall Responsive ROAdINQ.........cccssseeeeceeccccceeeessseseeceeeecs Rev. Betty Hall “The Church Covenant” Model Prayer ...........66.... Hymn No. 528...........44. Rev. Betty Hall “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of VisSitors............ Sis. Roberta Dixon Sis. Betty Smauldon Congregational HYMN cscs ccces(NO.1A47)osccccssessssss.. Congregation “Nothing But the Blood” Tithes and Offering.............. Rev. Betty Hall, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selection .....ccccccccccccccssssssesseeeeeeeees .New Zion Mass Choir Altar CAL occ cccecccssscccccccccesseccccccceeseeecccceeeeeeeeceeeuaeees Rev. Betty Hall Musical Selection .n...ccccccccccccccccccccccccceeceeeeeees New Zion Mass Choir OTTO ss wseeccarsaritiannsaetmerttetheriinviestxerensinre aia eY, Got Caner PAVILION. 10: DISCIDLOSTID os can cas canesanccenaaceeseesasess Rev. Cal Carter POU COTATIOM ssssstas cc scensnnwin nsccwanwnaisaneseesicawesiea Rey. Cal Carter “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Church Business Meeting There will be a church business meeting on Thursday, December 14, at 6:00 p.m. All church officers, ministry leaders and members are encouraged to be in attendance as there are a number of pertinent issues to be addressed. Christmas Performance and Church Fellowship Our Drama Ministry Annual Christmas Performance will be held on Saturday, December I 6", at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday, December I 7" at 3:30 p.m. Our Christmas Church Family Fellowship will be held immediately following the Sunday 3:30 p.m. performance. Members are encouraged to bring their favorite holiday dish. Please see Sis. Tammy Larry or Min. Lillie Holman for more information. Performance rehearsals are still ongoing and dates/times are listed on the church bulletin board. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Charles Dalton or Rev. Betty Hall for more information. Sr., Bro. Youth Day Extravaganza True Vine Baptist Church will present their annual Youth Day Extravaganza on Sunday, December 17“, at 3:30 p.m. Their annual theme is, “It’s All About Jesus” [John 14:6] and their extravaganza theme is, “Make a Joyful Noise” [Psalm 100:1]._ Please contact Sis. Tara Bolden at 309-6037 for more information. Second Baptist Christmas Program Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Annual Christmas Play entitled, “Christmas or CHRISTmas?” on Sunday, December 17", at 6:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served following the presentation. Annual Watch Night Service New Zion will hold our Annual Watch Night Service on Sunday, December 31". The service theme will be “The Seven Deadly Sins” [Proverbs 6:16-19]. The service will begin with a fellowship meal at 10:00 p.m. followed by the worship service at 11:00 p.m. The ministers of Second Baptist Church will join with our ministers to preach on each of the sins. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.’’) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT S.... | <Z FET he Church Covenant <Z Se NZBC Executive Board Meeting There will be a church Executive Board meeting on Monday, December 4", at 6:30 p.m. All church ministry and auxiliary officers are asked to be in attendance. Please see Dea. Kenneth Wilder for more information. And on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, CWU Advent Tea We do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most The Ogden Chapter of Church Women United will be celebrating the Christmas holiday season with their Annual Advent Tea on Saturday, December 9", 1:00 p.m., at the First Presbyterian Church in Ogden. There will be delicious food, fellowship and clothing/toy donations will be accepted for needy community children. Please see Sis. Roberta Dixon, Deaconess Virgia Wilder or Min. Lillie Holman for more information. Emmanuel Men’s & Women’s Day Emmanuel COGIC has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their Annual Men’s & Women’s Day on Sunday, December 10". Their observance theme is, “Men and Women Risen with Christ Seeking Those Things Above” [Colossians 3:1]. Missionary Brenda Allen will be their 11:00 a.m. service speaker and Elder Bobby Allen will be their 3:30 p.m. service speaker. Unity Women’s Day Unity Baptist Church will celebrate their Annual Women’s Day also on Sunday, December I 0”. Their program theme is, “Women Working, Not by Might, Nor by Power, But by the Spirit of the Lord” [Zechariah 4:6b]. Their 11:00 a.m. service speakers will be Sisters Paulette Mouton, Kaylynn Boon and Auzsha Gardner; and their 3:30 p.m. service speaker will be Sis. Willene Davis, First Lady of Calvary Baptist Church. Deacon/Trustee Board Meeting There will be a Deacon and Trustee Board meeting on Monday, December 11", at 6:30 p.m. All trustees and deacons are asked to be in attendance. Please see Dr. Donald Carpenter for more information. Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ. We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love, to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowleage, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain to worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine: To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations. We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements and exemplary in our deportment; To avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger. To abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; To remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; To be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rule of our Savior to secure it without delay. (All Together) We moreover engage that when we remove from this place, we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word. ; 4 | “Nothing But the Blood” Deaconess Martha Luke |q Chairperson, Sunshine Committee VERSE 1: What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. CHORUS: Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus. VERSE 2: For my pardon this I see, nothing but the blood of Jesus; For my cleansing, this my plea — Nothing but the blood of Jesus. CHORUS: snow; Oh precious is the flow that makes me white No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus. as as VERSE 4: This is all my hope and peace, nothing but the blood of Jesus; This is all my righteousness — Nothing but the blood of Jesus. CHORUS: Oh precious is the flow that makes me white snow; No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus. Thought for the Day... “Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me on the cross at Calvary; Help me to always remember what You did to set me free!” “Remembering Christ’s death for us Should cause us to live for Him.” SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Benny Hall Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Lenora Burton Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn Sis. Tommie Watkins Sis. Mattie Kelly Mt. View Health Services -« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center Aspen Care Center « Sis. Carrie Price -« Sis. Blondell Butler Wasatch Care Center «<« Dea. J.C. Wilder SPECIAL PRAYER VERSE 3: Nothing can for sin atone, nothing but the blood of Jesus; Naught of good that I have done — Nothing but the blood of Jesus. CHORUS: Oh precious is the flow that makes me white snow; No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus. (801) 782-8337 as Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Doris Green Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Joseph Raymond Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Erica Brown, CA Bro. Abrom Scott Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Jimmy Bell Sis. Norvelle Walton Bro. H.C. Massey Bro. Keith Lamb Bro. Jeffrey Fason & Family Sis. Doris Jones, VA Dea. Carl Walters Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House __ Sis. Kali Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Allen, Bush and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! a Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: Fe WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Mass Choir Rehearsal: Saturday before 1° Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Usher Board Meeting: 1° & 4" Thursday of each month. 3™ Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3” Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 4" Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (H): 773-1984 (C): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (C): 725-7913 New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 - Weekly “Church Bulletin” Format Template $e (Sunday) Onreenkyu 3, 2006 Order of Worship Baptism. ..(As needed)... 0. ccc cee ccccc ee cee cunceccee cee nee ees N/A Baptismal Scripture ..(As Needed)... 11. cc. ccc vee cee vee eee DV/4 (Matthew 3:1-6) : Congregational Devotion 0. ... cee ccc cee cee coc vee cee eee. Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship & Prayer of Invocation... ........... U Responsive Reading (No. (Reading Title: Model Prayer | = —_).. (f LULL Is WOI1LU/ i+ ) Lees. Di ............Hymn #528 .. (“Let the Ward | Natl. en U, Bett phat “fr | Stand) / Dett tty of My Mouth”) [Please wg Announcements & Welcome of Visitors ...... 100... es At Ne CL, ober ta D | one S16 Det, Srnveecders Congregational Hymn (No. X?'/_).. Congregation Q +4 hy. de OL - 0 ) { Rutt Lt - Bled 0 Hymn Title: DY (“This Is My Mission” —5 Sundays Only) mat Tithes and Offering ... 110.6. cee cee cee Dy bt eel & Deacons Was Coie Musical Selection 00... ccc cee ccc ccc cun cee cee cue cee vee cues Fwd Altar Call oo. ccc cec ccc ccc cue cee ccc cee cue cee uee cue cenueecueees mst | Betty MUSICEL SELECTION sos 0s. sas-son es avasus tir severe veneen vem Moe C104 MESSAGE oe cee ec cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee uue cee see eua uae tees see. Invitation to Discipleship ... 1.0.00 ccc ccc cee cee cee eevee. AS ; Cn (vy Holy Communion (1* Sundays Only) ......... 0... kU | (/ tel (1 “tyr BeNeCiction 0. cee cee ccc cec cen cee cee cen cee cee cae eee cee eae ees (As of October 27, 2006) CIO) Na | ue 5 (444 CL _ | (None (wv iter Lf Tbe. lA on he ee a m v5 — NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue -«« Ogden, Utah Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com SECOND SUNDAY 84401 (801) 392-3433 » DECEMBER 10, 2006 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” ORDER pas OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion ...............000+. Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship & Invocation icine ee Rev. Cal Carter Responsive Reading. hic A0, S68). 2... “The Majesty of God” Model Prayer }. sissies AN NO: DIR Rev. Cal Carter Rev. Cal Carter “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Roberta Dixon Deaconess Pam Latson Congregational Hymn...........(NO. 61).........:000000.... Congregation “Joy to the World” Tithes and Offering............. Rev. Cal Carter, Deacons & Ushers MUSICEU SEIECHOR 3.6. ey ee CR aaa 5s. Fess hin ee .New Zion Male Chorus seers Ht Rev. Cal Carter DAMSICU GECTIONE S iiias soddensti New Zion Male Chorus DONINOMNE iia oi a A. :. Miia FRVIUGSOE. 10 LIISCIDUESIND oi ius bi BONE MICHOR ici hee a ak DIE eee Bis Min. Lillie Holman Min. Lillie Holman “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve”’ The Majesty of God (Psalm 8) O Lord our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Who hast set Thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast Thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that Thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. When | consider Thy heavens, the works of Thy moon and stars, which Thou hast ordained. What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? that Thou visitest him? fingers, the And the son of man, For Thou has made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet. All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field: the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. (All Together) O Lord our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Halleliijah! VERSE receive heaven 1: Joy to the world, her King; Let every the Lord is come! heart prepare and nature sing, and heaven Him Let earth room, and and nature sing; And heaven, and heaven nature sing. VERSE 2: Joy to earth, the Savior reigns! Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains, repeat the sound joy, repeat the sounding joy; Repeat, repeat the sounding Joy. VERSE 3: No more let sins and sorrows grow! Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow, far as the curse is found, far as the curse is found; Far as, far as the curse is found. VERSE 4: He rules the world with truth and grace! And makes the nations prove; The glories of His righteousness, and wonders of His love, and wonders of His love; And wonders, and wonders of His love. Thought for the Day! Ten rules for joyous living.... (1) Give something away. (2) Do a kind deed. (3) Give thanks always. (4) Work with vim and vigor. (5) Visit the elderly and learn from their experiences. (6) Laugh often — it’s life’s lubricant. (7) Look intently in the face of a baby and marvel. (8) Pray to know God’s way. (9) Plan as though you will live forever — you will. (10) Live as though today is your last day on earth. “The joy of the Lord is our strength!” New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah * 392-2211 Christmas Food Basket Blessing Request Form The congregation of New Zion Baptist Church would like to reach out to you and your family this Christmas Holiday season with a special blessing. The Lord has abundantly blessed us and we, in turn, want to be a blessing to you. To assist us in this endeavor, we need the following information: Family Name: Date: Address: Home Telephone: Family Size: (adults) (children) Basket will be ready for pick-up on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Office. “He who gives to the needy will lack nothing.” Proverbs 29:27a a alas al eal New Zion Baptist Church Christmas Food Basket Blessings The Holiday Season is upon us once again. It is a time of family, celebration and most importantly an opportunity to turn our attention to the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As we enjoy this joyous time of the year, the New Zion Baptist Church is requesting your assistance in making this season enjoyable for those who are in need. What better way to model Jesus Christ’s example of giving and celebrate His birthday than by providing Christmas Food Baskets to those in need! We have begun collecting nonperishable food items (can/dry goods, etc.) in the gift-wrapped boxes located in the vestibule entrance of the church. If you desire to provide a monetary donation, please feel free to do so; all such donations should be given to Min. Lillie Holman, Mission Ministry President. The deadline for submission of all donations is Monday, December 18, 2006. If you would like to receive a Christmas Basket blessing or know someone who is in need, please complete the information on the back of this announcement and submit it to Min. Lillie Holman, Mission Ministry President, or Sis. Lucy Jones, Mission Vice President, by the above submission deadline date. It is our prayer that God will continue to richly bless you and yours for joining with us to demonstrate His divine love, caring and faithfulness this Christmas Holiday season. “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.” Acts 4:32 Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Sis. Lenora Burton SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Tommie Watkins Sis. Mattie Kelly Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn Mt. View Health Services -« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center « Sis. Carrie Price Aspen Care Center -« Sis. Blondell Butler Wasatch Care Center -«« Dea. J.C. Wilder SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Georgia Harper Dea. Barry Gillis Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Gwen Jackson Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Kendra Bumpers Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Dynetta Bumpers — Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Doris Green Bro. Joseph Raymond Sis. Erica Brown, CA Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Delores H. Bennett Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Jimmy Bell Bro. Abrom Scott Sis. Norvelle Walton Bro. H.C. Massey Bro. Keith Lamb Bro. Jeffrey Fason & Family Sis. Doris Jones, VA Dea. Carl Walters The Apadapa Family Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Prince House Sis. Kali Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Allen, Bush, Carter and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! /Nx= IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... Deaconess Board Meeting 4 ~~ There will be a brief Deaconess Board meeting immediately following today’s worship service. All deaconess are asked to remain in the sanctuary for this meeting. Emmanuel Men’s & Women’s Day Emmanuel COGIC will present their Annual Men’s & Women’s Day on today, December 10. Their observance theme is, “Men and Women Risen with Christ Seeking Those Things Above” [Colossians 3:1]. Missionary Brenda Allen is their 11:00 a.m. service speaker and Elder Bobby Allen will be their 3:30 p.m. service speaker. Unity Women’s Day Unity Baptist Church will celebrate their Annual Women’s Day also on today, December 10". Their program theme is, “Women Working, Not by Might, Nor by Power, But by the Spirit of the Lord” [Zechariah 4:6b]. Their 11:00 a.m. service speakers are Sisters Paulette Mouton, Kaylynn 3:30 p.m. service speaker Baptist Church. Boon and Auzsha will be Sis. Willene Gardner; Davis, and their of Calvary Deacon/Trustee Board Meeting There will be a Deacon and Trustee Board meeting on Monday, December 11", at 6:30 p.m. All trustees and deacons are asked to be in attendance. Please see Dr. Donald Carpenter for more info. Church Business Meeting There will be a church business meeting on Thursday, December 14", at 6:00 p.m. All church officers, ministry leaders and members are encouraged to be in attendance. Usher Board Meeting There will be an Usher Board meeting on Saturday, December 1 6", at 11:00 a.m. All senior and junior ushers are asked to attend. NOTE: the new church Nurse on Duty Schedule is as follows: I Sunday: Deaconess Roberta Williams; 2" Sunday: Sis. Roberta Dixon; 3” Sunday: Sis. Trish Broadnax; 4" Sunday: Rev. Betty Hall; and 5” Sunday: Deaconess Isabel Brigham. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, Usher President, for more info. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Walters’ Family Farewell There will be an informal farewell dinner for Dea. Brian and Deaconess Kari Walters and family on Saturday, December 16", 6:00 p.m., at the Sizzler Restaurant in Layton (on North Hill Field Road near Layton Hills Mall). All members are encouraged to come out and bid them a heartfelt, Christian farewell. They will be departing the area going to Wright Patterson AFB, OH, on December 26". Please see Dea. Dale Griffin for more information. Christmas Presentation & Church Fellowship Our Drama Ministry Annual Christmas Performance will be held on Sunday, December 17” at 3:30 p.m. Qur Christmas Church Family Fellowship will be held immediately following the Sunday 3:30 p.m. performance. Members are encouraged to bring their favorite holiday dish. Please see Sis. Tammy Larry or Min. Lillie Holman for more information. Performance rehearsals are still ongoing and dates/times are listed on the church bulletin board. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., Bro. Charles Dalton or Rev. Betty. Hall for more information. Youth Day Extravaganza True Vine Baptist Church will present their annual Youth Day Extravaganza on Sunday, December 17, at 3:30 p.m. Their annual theme is, “It’s All About Jesus” [John 14:6] and their extravaganza theme is, “Make a Joyful Noise” [Psalm 100:1]. Second Baptist Christmas Program Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Annual Christmas Play entitled, “Christmas or CHRISTmas?” on Sunday, December 17", at 6:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served following the presentation. Annual Watch Night Service New Zion will hold our Annual Watch Night Service on Sunday, December 31". The service theme will be “The Seven Deadly Sins” [Proverbs 6:16-19]. The service will begin with a fellowship meal at 10:00 p.m. followed by the worship service at 11:00 p.m. The ministers of Second Baptist Church will join with our ministers to preach on each of the sins. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.’’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: E ron OF £O WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. oO #z x SoO & w QF oO 7 x = © @ Mission & Laymen Training: af a Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. = © Mass Choir Rehearsal: Saturday before 1 Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Usher Board Meeting: 1" & 4" Thursday of each month. 3™ Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3” Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 4" Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (H): 773-1984 (C): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (C): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: Sis. Roberta Dixon WARNER PRESS Made in USA © Warner Press, Inc All rights reserved Background Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Inset photo © 2004 Design Pics Inc Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: oO Design by John Silvey Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. CHRISTIAN ART® @ Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. U3427 O Os *: xo _ ; 5 | , @ 2, aR eo) NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue -« Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: (801) 392-3433 newzionuta@aol.com ¥ SECOND SUNDAY » DECEMBER 10, 2006 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” ORDER OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion ....................Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship & INVOCATION .......60ccccccccceseeeeeeee Rev. Cal Carter Responsive Reading... ......... (NO. 589).......cccccceeeee Rev. Cal Carter “The Majesty of God” Model Prayer ..............44: Hymn No. 528............Rev. Cal Carter “Let the V’ords of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Roberta Dixon Deaconess Pam Latson Congregational Hymn........... (NO. 61)... “Joy to the World” 0. ceeccceseeeeees Congregation Tithes and Offering.............Rev. Cal Carter, Deacons & Ushers ITUSTOGE SCLC CHORE a eion sccscannansiarassananemsnwmies 4 6 New Zion Male Chorus Altar Call... coccc cccccccccccceceecccecccee ese eeeeeeeeeeeesaeeneeeeeees Rev. Cal Carter ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Walters’ Family Farewell There will be an informal farewell dinner for Dea. Brian and Deaconess Kari Walters and family on Saturday, December 16", 6:00 p.m., at the Sizzler Restaurant in Layton Christmas Presentation & Church Fellowship Our Drama Ministry Annual Christmas Performance will be held on Sunday, December I 7" at 3:30 p.m. Our Christmas Church Family Fellowship will be held immediately following the Sunday 3:30 p.m. performance. Members are encouraged to bring their favorite holiday dish. Please see Sis. Tammy Larry or Min. Lillie Holman for more information. Performance rehearsals are still ongoing and dates/times are listed on the church bulletin board. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., Bro. Charles Dalton or Rev. Betty Hall for more information. Youth Day Extravaganza True Vine Baptist Church will present their annual Youth Day Extravaganza on Sunday, December I 7 at 3:30 p.m. Their annual theme is, “It’s All About Jesus” [John 14:6] and their extravaganza theme is, “Make a Joyful Noise” [Psalm 100:1]. Second Baptist Christmas Program Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Annual Christmas Play entitled, “Christmas or CHRISTmas?” on Sunday, December 17", at 6:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served following the presentation. Musical Selection..........cccccccccceeeeeecceeeeeeeeees New Zion Male Chorus SOV MON 0. cee cee cee cee cee eee see c eee eeeeeeceesaaeeeeeseesaeeeeeees Min. Lillie Holman Invitation to Discipleship.. ... 00. 000 000 cc ceeee veeee. Min. Lillie Holman Benediction. ......0..cccccccccecccecccueccueccuuccceceueceeceues Min. Lillie Holman “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” (on North Hill Field Road near Layton Hills Mall). All members are encouraged to come out and bid them a heartfelt, Christian farewell. They will be departing the area going to Wright Patterson AFB, OH, on December 26". Please see Dea. Dale Griffin for more information. New Annual Watch Night Service Zion will hold our Annual Watch Night Service on Sunday, December 31°. The service theme will be “The Seven Deadly Sins” [Proverbs 6:16-19]. The service will begin with a fellowship meal at 10:00 p.m. followed by the worship service at 11:00 p.m. The ministers of Second Baptist Church will join with our ministers to preach on each of the sins. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) Ms pore FN i. a a er e, ee, el inernooro tad Le Raecec, eece <2 Deaconess Board Meeting There will be a brief Deaconess Board meeting immediately 4 following today’s worship service. All deaconess are asked to remain in the sanctuary for this meeting. Emmanuel Men’s & Women’s Day Emmanuel COGIC will present their Annual Men’s & Women’s Day on today, December 10. Their observance theme is, “Men and Women Risen with Christ Seeking Those Things Above” [Colossians 3:I]. Missionary Brenda Allen is their 11:00 a.m. service speaker and Elder Bobby Allen will be their 3:30 p.m. service speaker. Unity Women’s Day Unity Baptist Church will celebrate their Annual on today, December 10. Women’s Day also Their program theme is, “Women Working, Not by Might, Nor by Power, [Zechariah 4:6b]. Their 11:00 But a.m. by the Spirit of the Lord” service speakers are Sisters Paulette Mouton, Kaylynn Boon and Auzsha Gardner; and their 3:30 p.m. service speaker will be Sis. Willene Davis, of Calvary Baptist Church. | Deacon/Trustee Board Meeting There will be a Deacon and Trustee Board meeting on Monday, December 11", at 6:30 p.m. All trustees and deacons are asked to be in attendance. Please see Dr. Donald Carpenter for more info. Church Business Meeting There will be a church business meeting on Thursday, December I ra at 6:00 p.m. All church officers, ministry leaders and members are encouraged to be in attendance. Usher Board Meeting There will be an Usher Board meeting on Saturday, December I 6" at 11:00 a.m. All senior and junior ushers are asked to attend. NOTE: the new church Nurse on Duty Schedule is as follows: 1% Sunday: Deaconess Roberta Williams; 2"“ Sunday: Sis. Roberta Dixon; 3" Sunday: Sis. Trish Broadnax; 4" Sunday: Rey. Betty Hall; and 5“ Sunday: Deaconess Isabel Brigham. Usher President, for more info. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, The Majesty of God (Psalm 8) O Lord our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Who hast set Thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast Thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that Thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. When | consider Thy heavens, the works of Thy fingers, the moon and stars, which Thou hast ordained. What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? that Thou visitest him? And the son of man, For Thou has made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet. All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. (All Together) O Lord our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee VERSE 1: Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing; And heaven, and heaven nature sing. VERSE 2: Joy to earth, the Savior reigns! Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains, repeat the sound joy, repeat the sounding joy; Repeat, repeat the sounding joy. VERSE 3: No more let sins and sorrows grow! Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow, far as the curse is found, far as the curse is found; Far as, far as the curse is found. VERSE 4: He rules the world with truth and grace! And makes the nations prove; The glories of His righteousness, and wonders of His love, and wonders of His love; And wonders, and wonders of His love. Thought for the Day! Ten rules for joyous living.... (1) Give something away. (2) Do a kind deed. (3) Give thanks always. (4) Work with vim and vigor. (5) Visit the elderly and learn from their experiences. (6) Laugh often — it’s life’s lubricant. (7) Look intently in the face of a baby and marvel. (8) Pray to know God’s way. (9) Plan as though you will live forever — you will. (10) Live as though today is your last day on earth. “The joy of the Lord ts our strength!” (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Lenora Burton Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn Sis. Tommie Watkins Sis. Mattie Kelly Mt. View Health Services <« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center -« Sis. Carrie Price Aspen Care Center -«<« Sis. Blondell Butler Wasatch Care Center «<« Dea. J.C. Wilder SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Erica Brown, Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS CA Sis. Doris Green Bro. Joseph Raymond Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Jimmy Bell Bro. Abrom Scott Sis. Norvelle Walton Bro. H.C. Massey Bro. Keith Lamb Bro. Jeffrey Fason & Family Sis. Doris Jones, VA Dea. Carl Walters The Apadapa Family Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House Sis. Kali Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Allen, Bush, Carter and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Mass Choir Rehearsal: Saturday before 1 Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Usher Board Meeting: 1“ & 4° Thursday of each month. 3’ Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4 Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3" Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 4" Saturday at 11:30 a.m. +,¢ Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (H): 773-1984 (C): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (C): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: Sis. Roberta Dixon New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly “Church Bulletin” Format T. emplate Sc Ci O/ (Sunday) Loe E/E 10 , 2006 Order of Worship Baptism...(As needed)... 06. ccc cee ccccc cee vue cee cesses sen cee ees \f) [A Baptismal Scripture ..(As Needed)... 00. TT) / fA 000. sec cee vee oes (Matthew 3:1- 6) Congregational Devotion Call to Worship & Prayer ...... Deacons & Praise Team hkInvocation... ..... ota 666 6.. Responsive Reading (No. O67) 7 (Reading Title: wy), Uywit Y/ :an Model Prayer ............ Hymn # 528 0.0... (1 Gl [' CV tbr plu. (’ iL CO Wt) roJoh) " (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) [Please Stand] 4 | | Announcements & Welcome of Visitors ... ...... ....- g [oreac ONLES Congregational Hymn_(No. (L / ).. yitth? . De mea Detor {} NW lata / ) Congregation/ vl C ab WL) ( WIT) V & Deacons Hymn Title: i ply > Vp LLive Lo 7 (“This Is My Missién”~ 5" Sundays Only) pions tand] / pe Tithes ANd OffFCrING 60. cee cce cee cee cee cee eee cee cee eee eens ME » | (nl Musical Selection 00... ccc ccc cec cee cee cee cen cee cee cue eee ast) kbs Uf bpeige Altar Call cic cic cec ccc ccc cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee eee oly) (4b (Yy Ht) Musical Selection 0c ccc ccc cc cee cee cen cee cee cee eee eee aes C/I) [Lape NY XXY (1 Invitation to Discipleship ... 00. 01. cee ccc ccc vee cee coven vo iW, dil Cte nat Holy Communion (1 Sundays Only) ..............Benediction 12. ccc ccc ccc ccc ccc cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cee cence: (As of October 27, 2006) \ (Lvmls Dy/ yey ah (Lee df ob nay 7) /4 hin Bile Wobinar ER, FATH ING _ EVERLAST LIFTING OUR SPIRITS a | F | HE IS THE PRINCE OF PEAC COMFORTING OUR: 3. : . & « 2 A= we ie ~NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue -«« Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 — Fax: (801) 392-3433 \ newzionut@aol.com THIRD SUNDAY » DECEMBER 17, 2006 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” %) %) %) %) %) %) ORDER %) 3%) %) %) %) %) OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion: ax... ...s.c0d6i ces Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship & INVOCATION .........0.00cc0eeeess Rev. Michelle Boyer Responsive Reading............(NO. 588).......066. Rev. Michelle Boyer “Praising the Lord” Model Prayer .............:... Hymn No. 528......Rev. Michelle Boyer “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........ Sis. Charlene Wilson Deaconess Mary Griffin Congregational Hymn...........(NO. 58)..........000000.... Congregation “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” Tithes and Offering....... Rev. Michelle Boyer, Deacons & Ushers NERS Re DRLCCHON ois. obit cai. eee .New Zion Women’s Chorus Ret) a yee iad aRGiuatiaawes ne Rev. Michelle Boyer WRIEHE BEIECTIONE, oo vii seis cshiikdionsescaceiint New Zion Women’s Chorus ITI. <6. 58) thle sss Citas te tersssestitecwckes a DHGNLE) Denies Invitation to Discipleship.........................Min. Stanley Ellington BOOT OM ce agi tA cia aie ee Min. Stanley Ellington “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve”’ Praising the Lord (Psalm 147) Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful. The Lord builds up Jerusalem; He gathers together the outcasts of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite. The Lord lifts up the humble; He casts the wicked down to the ground. Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praises on the harp to our God, Who covers the heavens with clouds, Who prepares rain for the earth, Who makes grass to grow on the mountains. the beasts its food, and to the young ravens that cry. He gives to He does not delight in the strength of the horse; He takes no pleasure in the legs of aman. The Lord takes pleasure in them who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy. Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion! For He has strengthened the bars of your gates; He has blessed your children within you. He makes peace in your borders, and fills you with the finest of wheat. He sends out His command to the earth; His word runs very swiftly. He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes; He casts out His hail like morsels; who can stand before His cold? He sends out His word and melts them; He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow. (AL Together) He declares His word to Jacob, His statutes and His judgments to Israel. He has not dealt thus with any nation; and as for His Judgments, they have not known them. Praise the Lord! “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” VERSE 1: Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King; Peace on earth and mercy mild; God and _ sinner reconciled. Joyful all ye nations rise, join the triumph of the skies; With the angelic hosts proclaim, “Christ is born in Bethlehem.” Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King. VERSE 2: Christ by highest heav’n adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord; Late in time behold His come, offspring of a virgin’s womb. Veiled in flesh the God-head see, hail the incarnate Deity; Pleased as man with men to men appear, Jesus our Immanuel here. Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King. VERSE 3: Hail the heav’n born Prince of Peace! Hail the Son of righteousness! Light and life to all He brings, risen with healing in His wings. Mild He lays His glory by, born that man no more may die; Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth. Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King. VERSE 4: Come, desire of nations, come! Fix in us Thy humble home; Rise the woman’s conquering seed, bruise in us the serpent’s head. Adam’s likeness now efface, stamp Thine image in its place; Second Adam from above, re-instate us in Thy love. Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King. Thought for the Day! Remember there is hope, there is forgiveness ... There is salvation, because of one ... Our Messiah, Jesus. May His holy spirit help you to live ... Help you to trust... In His Holy Name. Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Sis. Lenora Burton SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Mattie Kelly Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn Manorcare Heath Services «<« Sis. Tommie Watkins Mt. View Health Services «« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center -« Sis. Carrie Price Aspen Care Center - Sis. Blondell Butler Wasatch Care Center «<« Dea. J.C. Wilder SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Georgia Harper Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Gwen Jackson Sis. Lucy Donaldson Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Doris Green Sis. Erica Brown, CA Sis. Artysha Daxter Bro.-Dan Harris, AL Sis. Jimmy Bell Sis. Norvelle Walton Bro. H.C. Massey Bro. Jeffrey Fason & Family Sis. Doris Jones, VA Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA The Apadapa Family Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers _ Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Joseph Raymond Sis. Delores H. Bennett Bro. Abrom Scott Bro. Keith Lamb Dea. Carl Walters Sis. Zetta Browning MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Prince House Sis. Kali Smauldon Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Allen, Bush, Carter, Wallace and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS .... Christmas Program & Church Fellowship Our Drama Ministry Annual Christmas Program Church program. Family be held on this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Fellowship will Our Christmas will be held immediately following our Please remember to bring your favorite holiday dish or food item. Hope to see you there! Youth Day Extravaganza True Vine Baptist Church will present their annual Youth Day Extravaganza also on this afternoon, at 3:30 p.m. Their annual theme is, “It’s All About Jesus” [John 14:6] and their extravaganza theme is, “Make a Joyful Noise” [Psalm 100:1]. Second Baptist Christmas Program Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Annual Christmas Play entitled, “Christmas or CHRISTmas?” this evening at 6:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served following the presentation. “Gift of Love” Christmas Dinner Project Success and the Marshall White Center will provide their Annual Christmas Dinner on Thursday, December 21", 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the Marshall White Center. There will also be entertainment, clothing distribution and a visit from Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus. Volunteers are needed as well. Meals will be delivered to the homebound and disabled by calling in advance to either Project Success Office, 394-0924, or the Marshall White Center, 629-8341. Cancellation of NZBC Meetings & Studies Due to the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays, the following weekly church meetings will be cancelled for the next two weeks: (1) Laymen & Mission meetings on December 19" and both Bible studies on December 20" and (2) Laymen & Mission meetings on December 26” and both Bible studies on December 27". Please make note of these cancellation dates. All meetings will resume at their regularly scheduled dates and times the first week of January 2007. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) NZBC Youth Leadership Training There will be a Youth Leadership Training session on Saturday, December 30", 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall. The training theme is, “Search for Me with All Your Heart’ [Jeremiah 29:13]. Min. Stanley Ellington will conduct the training designed for young adults and youth ages 10 and up. Emphasis will be placed on spiritual journaling and its importance to Christian maturity and spiritual growth. All young adults and youth within the age category are encouraged to attend and bring a friend. Youth from our local community churches will also be invited. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. There will also be an Interim Youth Advisory planning meeting on Wednesday, December 20", at 6:00 p.m. see members of the Interim Youth Holman for more information. New Advisory Group or Min. Annual Watch Night Service Zion will hold our Annual Watch Night Service.on Please Lillie Sunday, December 31". The service theme will be “The Seven Deadly Sins” [Proverbs 6:16-19]. The service will begin with a fellowship meal at 10:00 p.m. followed by the worship service at 11:00 p.m. The ministers of Second Baptist Church preach on each of the sins. The Weber State will join with our ministers WSU Gospel Music Festival University Gospel Music Festival to Committee is preparing for their 7” Annual “Make a Joyful Noise” Gospel Music Festival. This event will be held on Friday, January 26, 2007, 7:30 p.m., at the Austad Auditorium of the Val. A. Browning Center. church has also been invited to perform. attend this spirit-filled event. Mark your calendars Our (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) Ard’ Remember Jesus is the reason for the season! to Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Every Tuesday at 6:00 p:m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Mass Choir Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before 1" Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Usher Board Meeting: 1° & 4" Thursday of each month. 3™ Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4 Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3” Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 4" Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (H): 773-1984 (C): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (C): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: U3428 CHRISTIAN ART® Sis. Trish Broadnax WARNER PRESS Made in USA ©Warner Press, Inc All rights reserved Paraphrased by Rebecca Mission & Laymen Training: Barlow Jordan Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Photo by Nancy Matthews Sunday Worship Service: Design by Curtis D. Corzine Sunday School: NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue «« Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-221] Fax: (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com THIRD SUNDAY » DECEMBER 17, 2006 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) NZBC Youth Leadership Training There will be a Youth Leadership Training session on Saturday, December 30", 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall. The training theme is, “Search for Me with All Your Heart” [Jeremiah 29:13]. Min. Stanley Ellington will conduct the training designed for young adults and youth ages 10 and up. spiritual journaling and its importance Emphasis will be placed on to Christian maturity and spiritual growth. All young adults and youth within the age category ORDER OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion ............0.0.006- Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship & INVOCATION .............00eeeeeee Rev. Michelle Boyer Responsive Reading............(No. 588)........... Rev. Michelle Boyer “Praising the Lord” Model Prayer ...........006.4. Hymn No. 528......Rev. Michelle Boyer “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........ Sis. Charlene Wilson Deaconess Mary Griffin Congregational Hymn...........(NO. 58)............00+... Congregation are encouraged to attend and bring a friend. see members information. of Musical Selection .........cccccccccceeeeeeeeees .New Zion Women’s Chorus our local community churches will also be invited. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. There will also be an Interim Youth Advisory planning meeting on Wednesday, December 20", at 6:00 p.m. Please the Interim Youth Advisory Group for more Annual Watch Night Service New Zion will hold our Annual Watch Night Service on Sunday, December 31°. The service theme will be “The Seven Deadly Sins” [Proverbs 6:16-19]. The service will begin with a fellowship meal at 10:00 p.m. followed by the worship service at 11:00 p.m. The ministers of Second Baptist Church will join with our ministers to preach on each of the sins. “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”’ Tithes and Offering....... Rev. Michelle Boyer, Deacons & Ushers Youth from The Weber State WSU Gospel Music Festival University Gospel Music Festival Committee is preparing for their 7” Annual “Make a Joyful Noise” Gospel Music Festival. This event will be held on Friday, January 26, 2007, 7:30 Altar Call 0. ccc cece cccccseccccccccccssssesecccccsessseseceees Rev. Michelle Boyer p.m., at the Austad Auditorium of the Val. A. Browning Center. Musical Selection.......cccccccccccccceceeeceeees New Zion Women’s Chorus attend this spirit-filled event. DOP (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) occa sna nuns cranss na parmenccomommivemctts SIONICY Eu mreton church has also been invited to perform. Mark your calendars Invitation to Discipleship.........................Min. Stanley Ellington Benediction ......cccccccccccccccccssssessessseccccecceseaens Min. Stanley Ellington “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” Remember Jesus is the reason for the season! Our to IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT S.... Praising the Lord Christmas Program & Church Fellowship Church Our Drama Ministry Annual Christmas Program will be held on this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Our Christmas Family Fellowship will be held immediately following our program. Please remember to bring your favorite holiday dish or food item. Hope to see you there! (Psalm 147) Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful. The Lord builds up Jerusalem; He gathers together the outcasts of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Youth Day Extravaganza True Vine Baptist Church will present their annual Youth Day Extravaganza also on this afternoon, at 3:30 p.m. Their annual He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite. The Lord lifts up the humble; He casts the wicked down to the ground. theme is, “Make a Joyful Noise” [Psalm 100:1]. Christmas Play entitled, “Christmas or CHRISTmas?” this evening Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praises on the harp to our God, Who covers the heavens with clouds, Who prepares rain for the earth, Who makes grass to grow on the mountains. He gives to the beasts its food, and to the young ravens that cry. “Gift of Love” Christmas Dinner He does not delight in the strength of the horse; He takes no pleasure in the legs of aman. The Lord takes pleasure in them who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy. theme is, “It’s All About Jesus” [John 14:6] and their extravaganza Second Baptist Christmas Program Second Baptist Church has invited New Zion to attend their Annual at 6:30 p.m. presentation. refreshments Light will be served following the Project Success and the Marshall White Center will provide their Annual Christmas Dinner on Thursday, December 21", 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the Marshall White Center. There will also be entertainment, clothing distribution and a visit from Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus. Volunteers are needed as well. Meals will be delivered to the homebound and disabled by calling in advance to either Project Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion! For He has strengthened the bars of your gates; He has blessed your children within you. He makes peace in your borders, and fills you with the finest of wheat. Cancellation of NZBC Meetings & Studies He sends out His command to the earth; His word runs very swiftly. He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes; He casts out His hail like morsels; who can stand before His cold? Laymen & Mission meetings on December 19" and both Bible studies He sends out His word and melts them; He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow. Success Office, 394-0924, or the Marshall White Center, 629-834]. Due to the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays, the following weekly church meetings will be cancelled for the next two weeks: (1) on December 20" and (2) Laymen & Mission meetings on December 26" and both Bible studies on December 27". Please make note of these cancellation dates. All meetings will resume at their regularly scheduled dates and times the first week of January 2007. (Al Together) He declares His word to Jacob, His statutes and His judgments to Israel. He has not dealt thus with any nation; and as for His Judgments, they have not known them. Praise the Lord! “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” VERSE 1: Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King; Peace on earth and mercy mild; God and _ sinner reconciled. Joyful all ye nations rise, join the triumph of the skies; With the angelic hosts proclaim, “Christ is born in Bethlehem.” Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King. VERSE 2: Christ by highest heav’n adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord; Late in time behold His come, offspring of a virgin’s womb. Veiled in flesh the God-head see, hail the incarnate Deity; Pleased as man with men to men appear, Jesus our Immanuel here. Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King. VERSE 3: Hail the heav’n born Prince of Peace! Hail the Son of righteousness! Light and life to all He brings, risen with healing in His wings. Mild He lays His glory by, born that man no more may die; Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth. Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King. VERSE 4: Come, desire of nations, come! Fix in us Thy humble home; Rise the woman’s conquering seed, bruise in us the serpent’s head. Adam’s likeness now efface, stamp Thine image in its place; Second Adam from above, re-instate us in Thy love. Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King. Thought for the Day! Remember there is hope, there is forgiveness ... There is salvation, because of one ... Our Messiah, Jesus. May His holy spirit help you to live ... Help you to trust... In His Holy Name. Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Lenora Burton Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Mattie Kelly Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn Manorcare Heath Services « Sis. Tommie Watkins Mt. View Health Services «« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center -« Sis. Carrie Price Aspen Care Center -« Sis. Blondell Butler Wasatch Care Center -«« Dea. J.C. Wilder SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Georgia Harper Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Doris Green Sis. Artysha Daxter Bro. Joseph Raymond Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Lucy Donaldson _ Sis. Dynetta Bumpers — Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Jimmy Bell Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Erica Brown, CA Sis. Norvelle Walton Bro. H.C. Massey Bro. Jeffrey Fason & Family Sis. Doris Jones, VA Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA The Apadapa Family Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Delores H. Bennett Bro. Abrom Scott Bro. Keith Lamb Dea. Carl Walters Sis. Zetta Browning MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Nichole Martin — Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House Sis. Kali Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Allen, Bush, Carter, Wallace and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. and comfort you in your time of bereavement. May God bless Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Mass Choir Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before 1° Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Usher Board Meeting: 1° & 4" Thursday of each month. 3" Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3" Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 4" Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (H): 773-1984 (C): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (C): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: Sis. Trish Broadnax New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly “Church Bulletin” Format Template A LU. (Sunday) QLYE/ ) WO [7 2006 Order of Worship Baptism. ..(AS needed) 0.0... ccc cee cecec vee cee uee cosesn ee cen eee D/A Baptismal Scripture ..(As Needed) 0 0. . c00 ccc ccc cee cee eee (Matthew 3:1-6) N/A Congregational Devotion ..... Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship & Prayer of InInvocation... v1.20.++.ay IlJU Responsive Raney (No. | Be U Wai (Chl[| P/ /€) ba yA) opel" ) © 558 ).. (Reading Title: Hha Pra stage Model Prayer ............ Hymn # 528 .. (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) ibase _— a Announcements & Welcome of Visitors .. bel. gS /S (C he ( le ‘Ss, WA? IU ichelle, Dor Ch) IQ) lene LO, ley ) Dow OHOSS /} ig Congregational nals (No. Hymn Title: 9, ly | Vie XS Pa Tithes And Offering ... 1c ccc ccc sec vee cee cee cee cee cee ees Musical Selection 0... ccc cec ccc cee ccc vee cee cee cen eee cues, THREDZIN Musical Selection occ. ccc vec coc ccc cue cee cee ues cee cee cues ee Invitation to Discipleship 100... cee ccc cee vee cee vee ceeees (As of October 27, 2006) Bui ) & Deacons Udy) )MEQ)S Choeces \\ | cl) Ue) Bey iWiteyvadion LOomes)& (“oeus VM (JL - Stan ley Elin: bY) kn. Sian| lev el hyn f) Z _ Sian eu e Hinx hor Holy Communion (1% Sundays Only) ..........0.... PROBATEON: sacs sssuairaen Cevcins. soe ekwasn one eneinee su05%9 xis avi Chi el le) Bove oy hele chy _ 7 (“This Is My Mission” — 5“ Sundays Only) (ohn 0 XX 1, fin Congress Hendict Chinytle€Siny Altar Call D WA ——— HANKS BE UNTO GOD C eae FOR HIS UNSPEAKABLE CORINTHIANS 97:15 GIFT. NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue » Ogden, Utah Telephone: (801) 392-2211 «6 Fax: newzionut@aol.com 84401 (801) 392-3433 FOURTH SUNDAY s DECEMBER 24, 2006 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” Conereeational, DevOnion ci sisecac ccs taswehdnsa oaik dais tkaes'sd dad sasess Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship & INVOCATION .......cccccsesssscccnnsseccccneseeeeeceecaeeeseeeeanseees Min. Lillie Holman RESPONSIVE RCAGING: cx tinestnasvstsvicsintstes wvasveldebipins delbasibsevenaten wawsdsesdndsaves Min. Lillie Holman “Christmas” Model Prayer ...ccscscccssestecenessccsseescs Hymn No. 528.....0cc cece cence eeeees Min. Lillie Holman “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome Of ViSILOTS.........cc::scccccssseseeeeseeeceenneeees Sis. Jalessa Simpson Bro. Deontae Frazier Liturgical: DANCE ...0..ccecsciesceriesnecisusvesvecussvesccecesoescseessecs New Zion Dance Ministry Congregational Hymn...............++- saaiteten 6) (CP) ee “O Come All Ye Faithful” ee eee Congregation Tithes and Offering........cccceceeees ese dunbaseseigs Min. Lillie Holman, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selection .....ccccccsssccccccssseccccnsccccccssscccaeesececsuessseeaaaesseeees .New Zion Senior Choir ALICE CALL vc sesosissvivntsomtspiocvcnesentina inane deddpnns aegeranmenisuaslssdvenennpas ves caiewane’s pit Min. Lillie Holman Musical Selection.......cccccssccccccccssseccccccesssesccnensseccecaseeseseneaaeeeeeeaes New Zion Senior Choir SCTMON. 1.0... ec ec eeee neers sri‘ ohane see Eats ciel dated ome meutetiaclsuers nce aioe emaiswaseanniaes doess Rev. Robert Hall Invitation to Disciplesnip.........ccccccccccccccncccenceceneeeeceneeenaenaeensesees Rev. Robert Hall BR CHVCTICTION svccasiot, esos npin’ teinasinss abalvsng veng pda boadsensve Gates apd demesaepenanaupe asada vsangnballel Rev. Robert Hall “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” Chistmas The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them light has shined. This is the good news: the Anointed Messiah has come, and with Him is the triumph of redeeming love. Thanks be to God, for the gift of your Son, Jesus, the light in the darkness and hope of the world, you have sent to save humanity. And she gave birth to her firstborn Son and wrapped Him in bands of cloth, and laid Him in a manager, because there was no place for them in the inn. His name shall be called Immanuel, meaning, “God with us.” Do not be afraid for | am bringing you good news of a great joy for all people: for to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. With all the angels, we praise your name, and tell the world the wondrous story of your birth. Sweet little Jesus boy, born in a manager, sweet little holy child, we didnt know who you was. Quietly you came to us. You came with power that we may share Your power; humble, that the poor and lowly might see their greatness; destined for a cross, that all might have life eternal. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. The work of Christmas is to find the lost, heal the broken, feed the hungry, release the captive, rebuild the nations, bring peace among the people, and make music in the heart. (Together) Come celebrate, sing carols, decorate trees, and prepare a feast. the new-born King! O come let us adore Him. the Lord. Glory , glory to O come let us adore Him, Christ, VERSE I: O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, come ye, of come ye to Bethelehem; Come and behold Him, born the King of angels. O come let us adore Him, Lord. O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ, the VERSE 2: Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation, sing all ye bright hosts of heav’n above; Glory to God, all glory in the highest. O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord. VERSE 3: Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning, Jesus, to Thee be all glory giv’n; Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing. O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord. REPEAT VERSE I: O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, come ye, of come ye to Bethelehem; Come and behold Him, born the King of angels. O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord. Thought for the Day... God gave His only begotten Son to us ... What can we give back to God this Christmas in honor of His glorious gift of Jesus Christ? NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly Offering Sunday School > Name Tithes Special Building Fund Offering > “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him.” I Cor. 16:2 Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 | SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Lenora Burton Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Mattie Kelly Dea. J. C. Wilder Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn Manorcare Heath Services -«« Sis. Tommie Watkins Mt. View Health Services -«« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center « Sis. Carrie Price Aspen Care Center -« Sis. Blondell Butler Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Erica Brown, CA Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Norvelle Walton SPECIAL PRAYER | Bro. Jeffrey Fason & Family Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA a Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Doris Green Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Jimmy Bell Bro. H.C. Massey Sis. Doris Jones, VA The Apadapa Family Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ada Gillis ‘Sis. Kendra Bumpers Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Joseph Raymond Sis. Delores H. Bennett Bro. Abrom Scott Bro. Keith Lamb Dea. Carl Walters Sis. Zetta Browning MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House Sis. Kali Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Allen, Bush, Carter, Wallace, Anderson and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... NZBC Youth Leadership Training _ Lhere will be a Youth Leadership Training session on Saturday, t@> December 30", 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall. sy, The training theme is, “Search for Me with All Your Heart” [Jeremiah 29:13]. Min. Stanley Ellington will conduct the training designed for young adults and youth ages 10 and up. Emphasis will be placed on spiritual journaling and its importance to Christian maturity and spiritual growth. All young adults and youth within the age category are encouraged to attend and bring a friend. Youth from our local community churches have also been invited. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please see members of the Interim Youth Advisory Group or Min. Lillie Holman for more information. Annual Watch Night Service New Zion will hold our Annual Watch Night Service on Sunday, December 31". The service theme will be “The Seven Deadly Sins” [Proverbs 6:16-19]. The service will begin with a fellowship meal at 10:00 p.m. followed by the worship service at 11:00 p.m. The ministers of Second Baptist Church will join with our ministers to preach on each of the sins. WSU Gospel Music Festival The Weber State University Gospel Music Festival Committee is preparing for their 7" Annual “Make a Joyful Noise” Gospel Music Festival. This event will be held on Friday, January 26, 2007, 7:30 p.m., at the Austad Auditorium of the Val. A. Browning Center. Our church has also been invited to perform. Mark your calendars to attend this spirit-filled event. Birth Acknowledgement Congratulations to Sis. Amaya Taylor and the Taylor family on the birth of a beautiful, healthy baby girl! Her name is Makayla Jaden Taylor and she entered the world on this past Monday, December 18" at 10:13 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces. Both baby and mother are at home and doing well. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Christmas Acknowledgements The coordinators of our annual Christmas food box event would like express our heartfelt appreciation to all our church family members who donated nonperishable food items, monetary donations, and their time to assist in the preparation and pick-up/delivery of 55 food boxes given to those in need in our church and local community families, as well as gifts of love for our sick & shut-in and our convalescent home members this Christmas holiday season. We also want to express a special “thank you” to Dr. Donald Carpenter and the OWCAP and the Associated Foods Distributors for their donation of a large variety of nonperishable food items. We could not have accomplished this very successful outreach without the numerous prayers, you all!! donations and support of As Proverbs 29:27a states, “He who gives to the needy will lack nothing” and God keeps His promises!!! (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before 1° Sunday of each month. Design by Christian Elden Mass Choir Rehearsal: Photo © Design Pics.com Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: 1° & 4" Thursday of each month. Usher Board Meeting: 3” Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1 :00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2"4 & 3” Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 4" Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (H): 773-1984 (C): 726- 5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (C): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: U3446L CHRISTIAN ART® Rev. Betty Hall WARNER PRESS Made in USA © Warner Press, Inc All rights reserved —f—= NEWZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue ys Ogden, Utah Telephone: (801) 392-2211 4 Fax: 84401 Call to Worship & INVOCATION .......ccccsssssssssssssccccceeeccececeeeeseeessssssnnees Min. Lillie Holman RESPONSIVE REQOING 50's cxassiasunssensinacinesite stodhsbysiesonsbihivdidlionagaatiesaasioas? Min. Lillie Holman “Christmas” ING: BLO i.sccbanisndiuasdoaninnds Min. Lillie Holman “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome Of ViSitOP........ccccccccceesesseeeensennnneeeeees Sis. Jalessa Simpson Bro. Deontae Frazier EXCUPBICAL DENCE ici. occ cas ocweis anes dadcassea veins es ees teense sven sassaees New Zion Dance Ministry Congregational Hymn..........sss0sseeees (INO, OO) atiaudee motoats ne maeanpspomiegees Congregation “O Come All Ye Faithful” Tithes and Offering......ccccccccccecscncnencecececeeees Min. Lillie Holman, Deacons & Ushers MUSiIcAlI SelCtiON .....ccscssssssssssssssssssssssssssssessesssseeeessseesesseeeeeeeeeees .New Zion Senior Choir PAVED GOL! soa ictinins + (Contin Fee 2-2 (801) 392-3433 Congregational Devotion rea stint mamiinstie ealengecuaaanpeiigsa aaeeees Deacons & Praise Team Model Prayer ........ccsssssssseseeseseesenees PIV RYIRTSERF TRIS IRD R AQORI ANNO NORAAR ATS Si¥ivFe ‘+ BEB #i1F 222i 7 £2 snips ven ssten'tind dinesihtslaandstonssldhssanaan'smtaivad unnashiedbliswsws sackaps vadawe Min. Lillie Holman Musical Selection .....ccccccccccsssccccccecssssssssccececeesssssssssaeeeeeesessessnanees New Zion Senior Choir DOOM scivcms'ta nis viepsiohsbaniwxdeaaiinteuindasd tunities secensasadiensniny eau sipmsivhanansnwhsawnvoss Rev. Robert Hall Invitation to Discipleship...........cccccccecceceneecececeuees setdeieedion ara aes Rev. Robert Hall PCE GICIION wacsitweesthdswposolia Satins nedpisinesies conn Eiasaneuandowssiidadehd saunadinonsadiaxswsnsunentl Rev. Robert Hall “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve”’ The coordinators of our annual Christmas food box our heartfelt appreciation to all our church family members who donated nonperishable food items, monetary donations, and their time to assist in the preparation and pick-up/delivery of 55 food boxes given to those in need in our church and local community families, as well as gifts of love for our sick & shut-in and our convalescent home members this Christmas holiday season. We also want to express a special “thank you” to Dr. Donald Carpenter and the OWCAP and the Associated Foods Distributors for their donation of a large variety of nonperishable food items. We could not have accomplished this very successful outreach without the numerous prayers, donations and support of you_all!! As Proverbs 29:27a states, “He who gives to the needy will lack nothing” and God keeps His promises!!! Fz T/A 2iVii Bed # % Ferri2g DP =BfY ef Ae (FEV RALLY BTS FESR fer’ * ref 22 & £FeH2F 5- § A i EBT WY ?¥ prs iV # ie :Fth7 fers YOUTH 2 ¥s AS AS @ AIVIVOF = £ z.:- Be] ¢ = I= BIB YFwisy NOK WAAR Bri ieee. iAITS if rERY UIE e z= # nares f 2-222 @gmerconin 2.2 EF —— 2 i fiFegeui’ FEF =e = + a wre % 3 ERS ns EE = AJPeees oe i rainine £ - There will be a Youth Leadership Training session on Saturday, December 30", 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall. <x The training theme is, “Search for Me with All Your Heart” [Jeremiah 29:13]. Min. Stanley Ellington will conduct the training designed for young adults and youth ages 10 and up. Emphasis will be placed on spiritual journaling and its importance to Christian maturity and spiritual growth. All young adults and youth within the age category are encouraged to attend and bring a friend. Youth from our local community churches have also been invited. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please see members of the Interim Youth Advisory Group or Min. Lillie Holman for more information. New Zion will hold our Annual Watch Night Service on Sunday, December 31”. The service theme will be “The Seven Deadly Sins” [Proverbs 6:16-19]. The service will begin with a fellowship meal at 10:00 p.m. followed by the worship service at 11:00 p.m. The ministers of Second Baptist Church will join with our ministers to preach on each of the sins. Ber2gt ea/;% 3€/ rr 2/7 #4 2 eZbC F S78 F COS pei £Ss ¥ Aer cie x MUSIC Po f¢ F €Sttve gecife aise z 2 The Weber State University Gospel Music Festival Committee is preparing for their 7” Annual “Make a Joyful Noise” Gospel Music Festival. This event will be held on Friday, January 26, 2007, 7:30 p.m., at the Austad Auditorium of the Val. A. Browning Center. Our church has also been invited to perform. Mark your calendars to attend this spirit-filled event. e+ 3 2 =e = z fe gee is AO ge ir es 724422 gigtee +2si Bes si see Birth Acknowledgement Pe Et his Core 23 z Congratulations to Sis. Amaya Taylor and the Taylor family on the birth of a beautiful, healthy baby girl! Her name is Makayla Jaden T. aylor and she entered the world on this past Monday, December 18" at 10:13 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces. Both baby and mother are at home and doing well. The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them light has shined. This is the good news: the Anointed Messiah has come, and with Him is the triumph of redeeming love. Thanks be to God, for the gift of your Son, Jesus, the light in the darkness and hope of the world, you have sent to save humanity. And she gave birth to her firstborn Son and wrapped Him in bands of cloth, and laid Him in a manager, because there was no place for them in the inn. His name Shall be called Immanuel, meaning, “God with us.” Do not be afraid for | am bringing you good news of a great joy for all people: for to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. With all the angels, we praise your name, and tell the world the wondrous Story of your birth. Sweet little Jesus boy, born in a manager, sweet little holy child, we didn’t know who you was. Quietly you came to us. You came with power that we may share Your power; humble, that the poor and lowly might see their greatness; destined for a Cross, that all might have life eternal. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. The work of Christmas is to find the lost, heal the broken, feed the hungry, release the captive, rebuild the nations, bring peace among the people, and make music in the heart. . Zz eg = Kiadether (2UHCOU iC! | 4 é / —" Te se = Come celebrate, sing carols, decorate trees, and prepare a feast. the new-born King! the Lord. O come let us adore Him. Glory , glory to O come let us adore Him, Christ, Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 sE Is Ocome, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, come ye, of come ye to> Bethelehem: Come and behold Him, born the King of angels. O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord. | Fk 2: Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation, sing all ye bright hosts of heav’ n abou: Glory to God, all glory in the highest. O come let us adore Him, fi O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord. Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning, Jesus, to Thee be all sion giv’n; Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing. adore Him, Lord. O come Al let us adore Him, O come let us O come let us adore Him, Christ, the ’ £: Ocome, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, come ye, of come ye to Bethelchem: Come come O come let us adore Him, and behold Him, born the King of angels. let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord. Thought for the Day... O come O let us adore Him, SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Mattie Kelly Dea. J. C. Wilder Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Lenora Burton Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn Manorcare Heath Services -6 Sis. Tommie Watkins Mt. View Health Services « Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center 6 Sis. Carrie Price Aspen Care Center -s Sis. Blondell Butler SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Erica Brown, CA Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Norvelle Walton Bro. Jeffrey Fason & Family Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Doris Green Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Jimmy Bell Bro. H.C. Massey Sis. Doris Jones, VA The Apadapa Family Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Joseph Raymond Sis. Delores H. Bennett Bro. Abrom Scott Bro. Keith Lamb Dea. Carl Walters Sis. Zetta Browning MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Kali Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Allen, Bush, Carter, Wallace, Anderson and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! Messagé Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: WEEKLY REMINDERS Sunday School: & SPIRITUAL TRAINING (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Mass Choir Rehearsal: Saturday before 1" Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: 1° & 4 Thursday of each month. Usher Board Meeting: 3" Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2™ & 3™ Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 4" Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Church Nurse on Duty: Dea. Wilson English (H): 773-1984 (C): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (C): 725-7913 Rev. Betty Hall New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly “Church Bulletin” Format Template Order of Worship Baptism ...(As needed)... ... cc. cee cesce cee vue cen scccss cae cen ues N/A Baptismal Scripture ..(As Needed)... 7) / {t+ Congregational Devotion oR H (Matthew 3: -1- 6) . ... 61. ccc ccc cec cee cee cee cee ceees Deacons a \ aise Team Call to Worship & Prayer of Invocation / Vw Responsive Reading (No. Jin . jeune ) acs eats aeseesn [Please Stand] (Reading Title: Model Prayer ............ Hymn #528 .. ee of My Mouth”) [Please otandy Announcements & Welcome of Visitors , A itiurguel LAINE Congregational tiymn Hymn Title: © (“This Is My © Hol) rey) ) (“Let the Words ; lic (J ¥p/ IVE) oo —— (No. 29] (on fie LU Da LW Me. LCC Ao) cnn Bis | qi / (64 Sar Deontne LPP Congregation/ / {i I} \ lye da Nndal lu Chey. | OIVAY) ! Sundays Only) [Please Stand] Tithes And Offering oo. ccc ccc ccc ccc ccc ccc cee cee cee cee cues MN Musical Selection 02. ccc ccc coc ccc vec ccc cue coc cue cee cee cece Ve00 Zion) Se/ Ok: Altar Call vecceccscteccescessivssctssiviticececee.. WN Musical Selection Vouv 21k) 0. cc ccc cee ccc cee cee cue cee cen cee cu cess }\ lila(Le Horan Sts tu Kohet Invitation to Discipleship 00... 00. ccc cee cee cee cee cence tN bit Holy Communion (1* Sundays Only) —__ al | At | BONEAICHON sss.wei ve meanivn.as diate xen axnuve ove rnnnee ooovens & Deacons Chore cic Homan MeOSSAQC oo eee cee cee cee cen cee cee cus cee senses cee een eue cen eens (As of October 27, 2006) IPSey J INQZe Was Ce AUATD, CtOt) ).. Sy ye (f onc Ha LL Holt ké ty. ki hy vt Ha (L WAS THE WoRD, AND THE WorpD WAS WITH GOD, AND THE WorD ervey ess LIFES THE LIGHT OF AND was Gop. THE MEN. LIFE WAS Joun 1:1, 4 Sxg4—-F= ~NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah Telephone: (801) 392-221] Fax: newzionut@aol.com 84401 (801) 392-3433 ) FIFTH SUNDAY » DECEMBER 31, 2006 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” ORDER OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion .....Mission, Deaconess & Praise Team Call to Worship & Invocation ............0000000. Min. Stanley Ellington Responsive Reading...........(No. 564).........Min. Stanley Ellington “The Missionary Church” Model Prayer ....... msgeiGen Hymn No. 528...Min. Stanley Ellington “Let the Words of My Mouth’? : Announcements & Welcome of Visitors.......Sis. Sharon Smauldon Sis. Lucy Jones Congregational HYMN. ..........scsccsceseccsseessesseesse CONQYE Qation eess “This is My Mission” Tithes and Offering....Min. Stanley Ellington, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selection .....cccccccccccccccccceceee. .New Zion Women’s Chorus Altar Call 0... ..ccccccccecscccccccccccccssessesssssccccceees Min. Stanley Ellington Musical Selection .......c.cccccccccccccceccuceese New Zion Women’s Chorus NOTION «saw ass vainuen naw nasvos sisisseerenevneneneansnasenveneravienssumlt€Vs Deity Hal Invitation to Discipleship.............c.cs1cccececececececes Rev. Betty Hall BeCN€dICTION...........0csseeeveessssssssssscsecsncccceceessceseseeceeees Rev. Betty Hall “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” The Missionary Church (Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15-16; John 17:18-21 & Acts 13:1-5) But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. As thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have | also sent them into the world. And for their sakes | sanctify Myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray | for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in Me, and | in Thee, that they also may be one in Us: that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me. Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto | have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands upon them, they sent them away. So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, Seleucia; and from thence they sailed to Cyprus. departed unto (All Together) And, when they were at Salamis, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews: and they had also John to their minister. “This Is My Mission”’ (Sung to the tune of “Blessed Assurance”) ‘ : } VERSE ' 1: Blessed with His goodness, blessed with His love; Blessed with His showers that come from above. Blessed with His sunshine, blessed with His air; I’ll go on helping everywhere. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. VERSE 2: God gives the courage, faith leads the way; Onward we travel happy and gay; Thinking of others, willing to share; Taking God’s message everywhere. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. VERSE 3: Re-mem-bering others, whenever I pray; Looking to Jesus, He is the way; Onward I travel, He’s by my side; I'll never falter, He is my guide. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. Thought for the Day! Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!” As we come to the close of another prosperous year, may your upcoming new year be breath-takingly blessed! Today’s: Sermon December 31, 2006 7 Steps Into 2007 — Psalm 37:23 Intro: The steps of a good man are (ordered) by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Amplified: said directed and established by the Lord. Step 1 Fret not thyself Ps. 37:1 Step 2 Trust in the Lord Ps. 37:3 Step 3 Delight yourself in the Lord Ps.37:4 Step 4 Dedicate Commit thy way unto the Lord Ps.37:5 Step 5 Rest in the Lord Ps.37:7 Step 6 Cease from anger Ps. 37:8 Step 7 Keep your steps in order Ps.37:23 Decide Direction Desire Divide Discipline DieDaily Zz Practical Life Note: Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Benny Hall Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Lenora Burton Sis. Mattie Kelly Dea. J.C. Wilder Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn Manorcare Heath Services -«« Sis. Tommie Watkins Mt. View Health Services -« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center -6 Sis. Carrie Price Aspen Care Center - Sis. Blondell Butler SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Lucy Donaldson Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Erica Brown, CA Sis. Doris Green Sis. Artysha Daxter Bro. Joseph Raymond Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Jimmy Bell Bro. Abrom Scott Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Dynetta Bumpers _ Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Norvelle Walton Bro. H.C. Massey Bro. Jeffrey Fason & Family Sis. Doris Jones, VA Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Bro. Keith Lamb The Apadapa Family Sis. Zetta Browning MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Nichole Martin — Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House __ Sis. Kali Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Allen, Bush, Carter, Wallace, Anderson and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! % _ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... _ = Annual Watch Night Service : _ . New Zion will celebrate the conclusion of the old year and the entrance into the new year with our Annual Watch Night Service on this evening, December 31”. The service theme will be “The Seven Deadly Sins” [Proverbs 6:16-19]. The service will begin with a fellowship meal at 10:00 p.m. followed by the worship service at 11:00 p.m. Min. Bobby Porter and Rev. Charles Johnson of Second Baptist Church will join with our ministers to preach on each of the sins. We hope you're able to join with us as we usher in the New Year! Church Women United Annual Meeting The Ogden Unit of Church Women United will hold their Annual Meeting on Saturday, January 13”, at 9:30 a.m. here at New Zion. our The Mission is requesting the assistance of the women in church family to assist us in hosting this meeting by attending and bringing a covered dish. This will be an excellent opportunity to attend and find out more about this organization of Christian women. Please see Min. Lillie Holman, Sis. Roberta Dixon or Deaconess Virgia Wilder for more information. WSU Gospel Music Festival The Weber State University Gospel Music Festival Committee is preparing for their 7 Annual “Make a Joyful Noise” Gospel Music Festival. This event will be held on Friday, January 26, 2007, 7:30 p.m., at the Austad Auditorium of the Val. A. Browning Center. Our church has also been invited to perform. Mark your calendars to attend this spirit-filled event. Birth Acknowledgement Congratulations to Sis. Amaya Taylor and the Taylor family on the birth of a beautiful, healthy baby girl! Her name is Makayla Jaden Taylor and she entered the world on Monday, 18" at 10:13 p.m. December She weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces. baby, mother and family are doing well. Both © | ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Annual Gospel Extravaganza Hill AFB’s Black History Month Committee has invited New Zion to attend their Annual Gospel Extravaganza which will be held | on Friday, February 2” 7:00 p.m., at the Base Chapel. They | have also invited our choir to render musical selections. Please contact Rev. (CMSgt) Roosevelt Neely at 940-7905 for more information. | Sunshine Ministry Visitations | Members desiring or who know of anyone who desires visitations on Saturday afternoons by our Sunshine Ministry should contact | Deaconess Martha Luke, Ministry Chairperson, at the telephone number listed in our church bulletin. She and ministry members would be glad to include additional members or anyone (they do not necessarily have to be a member of New Zion) to their list of members they visit regularly. ® May you have a spirit-filled, blessed and joyous New Year! (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) Message Subject: Scripture Reference: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Mass Choir Rehearsal: Saturday before 1" Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2"° Sunday of each month Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Usher Board Meeting: 1° & 4" Thursday of each month 3" Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4'" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3" Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 4" Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (H): 773-1984 (C): 726-5425 & Dea. Benny Frazier (C): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: U3426 CHRISTIAN ART® woes WARNER PRESS Isabel Brigham Made in USA ©Warner Press, Inc All rights reserved Design by Curtis D. Corzine Sunday School: TRAINING Photo by Nancy Matthews WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL Photo credit: © Corbis Stock Market © corbis.com Notes/Life Application: NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com ¥ FIFTH SUNDAY » DECEMBER 31, 2006 “THE CHURCH BUILT BY FAITH” ORDER OF WORSHIP Congregational Devotion .....Mission, Deaconess & Praise Team Call to Worship & Invocation ............000000 Min. Stanley Ellington Responsive Reading........... (No. 564)......... Min. Stanley Ellington “The Missionary Church” Model Prayer .........1000064. Hymn No. 528...Min. Stanley Ellington ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Annual Gospel Extravaganza Hill AFB’s Black History Month Committee has invited New Zion to attend their Annual Gospel Extravaganza which will be held on Friday, February 2"", 7:00 p.m., at the Base Chapel. They have also invited our choir to render musical selections. Please contact Rev. (CMSgt) Roosevelt Neely at 940-7905 for more information. Sunshine Ministry Visitations Members desiring or who know of anyone who desires visitations on Saturday afternoons by our Sunshine Ministry should contact Deaconess Martha Luke, Ministry Chairperson, at the telephone number listed in our church bulletin. She and ministry members would be glad to include additional members or anyone (they do not necessarily have to be a member of New Zion) to their list of members they visit regularly. “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors.......Sis. Sharon Smauldon Sis. Lucy Jones May you have a spirit-filled, blessed and joyous New Year! Congregational HyYMn.... .....ccccccccccccssee cece ceetteeeeeee ens Congregation “This is My Mission” Tithes and Offering....Min. Stanley Ellington, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selection .0......ccccccccccccceeeeeee ees New Zion Women’s Chorus Altar CALL oo. cece ccccccccccccccccccceeeessteeeseeeeeeeenaes Min. Stanley Ellington Musical Selection......ccccccccccccccccccceceeees New Zion Women’s Chorus SOV INON oe occ vec vec vec ceecee see ueeeeeceeeesseeseceseeeaaeseeeeeeeaaees Rev. Betty Hall Invitation to Discipleship.. 0.0... cece cesee eee cee eee eee eee REV. Betty Hall BON @CICTIONL ....cccccccc cece ec eeeecccccccccee eee eeeeeeeeeeeenaaaneeees Rev. Betty Hall “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS... Annual Watch Night Service New Zion will celebrate the conclusion of the old year and the entrance into the new year with our Annual Watch Night Service on this evening, December 31”. 6:16-19]. The service will begin with a fellowship meal at 10:00 The service theme will be “The Seven Deadly Sins” [Proverbs p.m. followed by the worship service at 11:00 p.m. Min. Bobby Porter and Rev. Charles Johnson of Second Baptist Church will Join with our ministers to preach on each of the sins. We hope you re able to join with us as we usher in the New Year! Church Women United Annual Meeting The Ogden Unit of Church Women United will hold their Annual Meeting on Saturday, January 13", at 9:30 a.m. here at New Zion. The Mission is requesting the assistance of the women in our church family to assist us in hosting this meeting by attending and bringing a covered dish. This will be an excellent opportunity to attend and find out more about this organization of Christian women. Please see Min. Lillie Holman, Sis. Roberta Dixon or Deaconess Virgia Wilder for more information. WSU Gospel Music Festival The Weber State University Gospel Music Festival Committee is preparing for their 7 Annual “Make a Joyful Noise” Gospel Music Festival. This event will be held on Friday, January 26, 2007, 7:30 p.m., at the Austad Auditorium of the Val. A. Browning Center. Our church has also been invited to perform. Mark your calendars to attend this spirit-filled event. Birth Acknowledgement Congratulations to Sis. Amaya Taylor and the Taylor family on the birth of a beautiful, healthy baby girl! Her name is Makayla Jaden Taylor and she entered the world on Monday, December 18" at 10:13 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces. Both baby, mother and family are doing well. The Missionary Church (Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15-16; John 17:18-21 & Acts 13:1-5) But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. As thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have! also sent them into the world. And for their sakes | sanctify Myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray | for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in Me, and | in Thee, that they also may be one in Us: that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me. Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto | have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands upon them, they sent them away. | So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, Seleucia; and from thence they sailed to Cyprus. departed unto (All Together) And, when they were at Salamis, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews: and they had also John to their minister. Deaconess Martha Luke “This Is My Mission” Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 (Sung to the tune of “Blessed Assurance”) VERSE 1: Blessed with His goodness, blessed with His love; Blessed with His showers that come from above. Blessed with His sunshine, blessed with His air; I'll go on helping everywhere. SHUT-IN AT HOME Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Lenora Burton Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Mattie Kelly Dea. J.C. Wilder Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Clydies Finn Dea. Ray Finn CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. Manorcare Heath Services -« Sis. Tommie Watkins Mt. View Health Services « Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center -« Sis. Carrie Price Aspen Care Center -« Sis. Blondell Butler VERSE 2: God gives the courage, faith leads the way; Onward we travel happy and gay; Thinking of others, willing to share; Taking God’s message everywhere. SPECIAL PRAYER CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. VERSE 3: Re-mem-bering others, whenever I pray; Looking to Jesus, He is the way; Onward I travel, He’s by my side; I'll never falter, He is my guide. CHORUS: This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. This is my mission, this is my prayer: Helping the needy, everywhere. Thought for the Day! Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!” As we come to the close of another prosperous year, may your upcoming new year be breath-takingly blessed! Sis. Georgia Harper Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Lucy Donaldson Sis. Dynetta Bumpers Sis. Doris Green Sis. Ethel Dixon, KS Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Erica Brown, CA Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Jimmy Bell Sis. Norvelle Walton Bro. H.C. Massey Bro. Jeffrey Fason & Family Sis. Doris Jones, VA Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Dea. Barry Gillis Sis. Ada Gillis Sis. Kendra Bumpers Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Joseph Raymond Sis. Delores H. Bennett Bro. Abrom Scott Bro. Keith Lamb The Apadapa Family Sis. Zetta Browning MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House _ Sis. Kali Smauldon Sis. Marlicia (Necie) Wilkens Sis. Tonya Carpenter-Evans BEREAVEMENT Please be in prayer for the Allen, Bush, Carter, Wallace, Anderson and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless and comfort you in your time of bereavement. Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! Message Subject: Scripture Reference: Notes/Life Application: &6)& WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING “* Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. “* Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. “* Mission & Laymen Training: “* Wasatch Care Center Worship Service: Every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. “* Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. “* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: “* Mass Choir Rehearsal: Saturday before 1° Sunday of each month. “+ Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. “+ Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: “+ Usher Board Meeting: “+ Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & “+ Youth Ushers Meeting: “* Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (H): 773-1984 (C): “* Church Nurse on Duty: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. 1° & 4" Thursday of each month. 3 Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Youth Dancers on 2" & 3" Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Every 4" Saturday at 11:30 a.m. 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (C): 725-7913 Deaconess Isabel Brigham New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly “Church Bulletin” Format Template 3 ft (Sunday) dees NL 3/ - 2006 Order of Worship Baptism...(As needed)... 0.0 ccc ccc ccccc cee cen cee seccee aus canes 7) lA Baptismal Scripture ..(As Needed)... AW bees (Matthew 3: 1- 6) i Congregational Devotion 0. ... ccc ccc cee vee cee cee cen eeee: Deacons & Praise Team Call to Worship & Prayer of Invocation... ..........- Wn. S kin) [é if a /, 117WU TY ) Responsive Reading (No. YN 5 fa/ let) €( (114i Dy ? tx SOY ).. lease Stand] cae | (Reading Title: wo) uy) Veter Ke sCC/ C/ Liwel/!) Model Prayer ............ Hymn # 528 .. — ) ZI Ww. (“Let the Words of My Mouth”) [Please Stand] Announcements & Welcome of Visitors ... 0.1... .660. 4, D7 S / QW) ji ] CY eL/ apy ) Berna hy » 2/6 A d up her lg Congregational Hymn (No. Hymn Title: "D 42 ).. 12 FI leg Congregation/ 5 Netiy) YW)\- fav) by ¢//1/) yh a “ (“This Is My Mission” — 5" Sunday§ Only) [Please Stand] Tithes and Offering sm leindssvindsssemisone crest IM Musical Selection 0.1.1. ccc cee cec vec vec cee cee cee cee cee sees Altar Call oc cic ccc ccc cee cee cee cee cus cus cee cas cee cae cee cen ees Musical Selection Dyas lay E/N PUR. Deacons ww 0,(/r) mn DNENS WV lin. (Yn IAS LD, EM yy ty YY wipe 1. ccc ccc ccc ccc ccc coc uee can cee cen cee cue, Aw 2) City) Noten MCSSAGC oc vee coc ccc ccc cec ves ces vee cee cee eee cee cee cee cue anes ARR et J fe L “ Invitation to Discipleship 0.4... 10. ccc vee cee cen cee ceeees ht ti LLLE_, Holy Communion (1" Sundays Only) ............... _ BOCNECAICHION 00. oc ccc ccc cue vec cue cee cue cue cue ce (As of October 27, 2006) 1 /A Sy tty Male. New Zion Baptist Church Combined Annual Watch Night Service i ae so tomemee ee e: e “aay 7 eS ae 8Z ee Sg eta i E a Sunday, December 31, 2006 10:00 p.m. 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 ” ed a Si am pieanes s E : — ail ae ee : ee Ec Ss 4: ial ——* ee 2 ae aes a; .a me he) ; NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” 2935 Lincoln Avenue Telephone: (801) 392-2211 »~ Ogden, Utah Fax: 84401 (801) 392-3433 newzionut@aol.com WATCH NIGHT SERVICE Sunday, December 31, 2006 a: + a aru x OPV oes Yor + Breakfast Fellowship at 10:00 p.m. & Worship Service at 11:00 p.m. a * ert Pion COL 16 FOr ORDER ts i BPCVONIOR sii ah EH c.g} Morr a ie a# * EU Wes Yoo a * ao ary Pion * Mc as OF WORSHIP Si sss Min. Stanley Ellington ss Deacons & Praise leam Congregational Hymn............ FO. IF fe oss 5 icvastviiws Congregation POSIT , “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross” Aes hh isd ea ees Congregation Congregational Hymn............ (NO. B95); ites. “I Am on the Battlefield for My Lord” Congregation Sermonettes: “The Seven Deadly Sins” (Proverbs 6:16-19) “A Prome GA 66 io ss. as Min. Bobby Porter (Second Baptist) “A Lyi Fee ivsssiisiccs cans Rey. Charles Johnson (Second Baptist) “Hands that Shed Innocent Blood” ....Rev. Michelle Boyer (New Zion) “A Heart that Devises Wickedness”’ ...... Rey. Robert Hall (New Zion) “Feet Swift to Run to Mischief” ............. Rev. Betty Hall (New Zion) “A False Witness that Speaks Lies” ...Min. Lillie Holman (New Zion) “Qne Who Sows Discord Among the Brethern”..Reyv. Cal Carter (New Zion) LE VIREELA 1 CTS FeO, 65 i Ba PEE, oi RR cos sxckyss Fare is aes A cdc iran Dea. Kenneth ea Minister Wilder, Chairman NZBC Deacon Board Min. Stanley Ellington “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” 150:6) ' v —. & q3 ab ¥ . 4 a cs "4 = 2 fs VERSE 1: Jesus, keep me near the cross, there a precious fountain; Free to all a healing stream, flows from Calvary’s mountain. CHORUS: In the cross, in the cross; Be my glory ever. my raptured soul shall find, rest beyond the river. Till VERSE 2: Near the cross, a trembling soul, love and mercy found me; There the Bright and Morning Star, sheds its beams around me. CHORUS: In the cross, in the cross; Be my glory ever. my raptured soul shall find, rest beyond the river. Till VERSE 3: Near the cross, O Lamb of God, bring its scenes before me; Help me walk from day to day, with its shadows o'er me. CHORUS: In the cross, in the cross; Be my glory ever. my raptured soul shall find, rest beyond the river. Till VERSE 4: Near the cross I'll watch and wait, hoping, trusting ever; Till I reach the golden strand, just beyond the river. CHORUS: In the cross, in the cross; Be my glory ever. my raptured soul shall find, rest beyond the river. Till “1 Am on the Battlefield for My Lord” VERSE 1: I was alone and idle, I was a sinner too, I heard a voice from heaven say there is work to do; I took my Master’s hand, and I joined the Christian band; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. CHORUS: Iam on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. VERSE 2: I left my friends and kindred bound for the Promised Land, the grace of God upon me, the Bible in my hand; In distant lands I trod, crying sinner come I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. to God;. CHORUS: I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. VERSE 3: Now when I met my Savior, I met Him with a smile, He healed my wounded spirit, and owned me as His child; around the throne of grace, He appoints my soul a place; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. CHORUS: I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. A New Year’s Prayer Almighty and most merciful Father, who hast given us grace in times past, and hast mercifully brought us to see the end of another year, grant that we may continue to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Thy dear Son. Lead us forward by the Spirit from strength to strength, that we may more perfectly serve Thee and attain a more lively hope of Thy mercy in Christ Jesus. Quicken our dull hearts, inspire us with warmer affections for Thee, O God, and for Thy Heavenly truth. Stir up the gift that is in us, and pour down from above more abundant gifts of grace, that we may make progress in heavenly things. Increase our faith as thou dost increase our years, and the longer we are suffered to abide on earth, the better may our service be, the more willing our obedience, the more consistent our daily lives, the more complete our devotion to Thee. Grant this our prayer, O Gracious Father, which we humbly offer at the throne of grace, in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, and our Lord and Savior. NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith”’ 2935 Lincoln Avenue Telephone: (801) 392-2211 »~ Ogden, Utah A New Year’s Prayer 84401 — Fax: (801) 392-3433 Almighty and most merciful Father, newzionut@aol.com who hast given us grace in times past, WATCH NIGHT SERVICE Sunday, December 31, 2006 Breakfast Fellowship at 10:00 p.m. & Worship Service at 11:00 p.m. * * * * oe * gt Fry Neo Yoors 8 Haves Soo Ylore 8 Hovey Neo Yrors 8 Havey low Yrores s * € * * * =: ORDER OF WORSHIP Call to Worship...........0.0000cccccececec ces eecees Min. Stanley Ellington OVO) 1) ee Deacons & Praise Team Congregational Hymn............ (NO. 94)... ccc ccc cece cues Congregation “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross”’ TESTIMONIALS 0.2.0... ccc ccc cece cc cece cnc cee scuccusceuseuees Congregation Congregational Hymn............ (No. 493)................. Congregation “1 Am on the Battlefield for My Lord” Sermonettes: “The Seven Deadly Sins” (Proverbs 6:16-19) “A Proud Look”? ...................2.4.. Min. Bobby Porter (Second Baptist) “A Lying Tongue” ................ Rey. Charles Johnson (Second Baptist) “Hands that Shed Innocent Blood” ....Rev. Michelle Boyer (New Zion) “A Heart that Devises Wickedness”’ ...... Rey. Robert Hall (New “Feet Swift to Run to Mischief” ............. Rev. Betty Hall (New “A False Witness that Speaks Lies” ...Min. Lillie Holman (New “One Who Sows Discord Among the Brethern”..Rev. Cal Carter (New Zion) Zion) Zion) Zion) Invitation to Discipleship. ...........ccccccccseeeeeeeeeeeececeeeeeeeeeess Minister TTBUIIIG setcnsamsxtissnansicnnionthewedierinrss Dea. Kenneth Wilder, Chairman NZBC Deacon Board Benediction, ..........0. 60.0 cece eee ccecsceeceseeess Min. Stanley Ellington “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” yo 150:6) and hast mercifully brought us to see the end of another year, grant that we may continue to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Thy dear Son. Lead us forward by the Spirit from strength to strength, that we may more perfectly serve Thee and attain a more lively hope of Thy mercy in Christ Jesus. Quicken our dull hearts, inspire us with warmer affections for Thee, O God, and for Thy Heavenly truth. Stir up the gift that is in us, and pour down from above more abundant gifts of grace, that we may make progress in heavenly things. Increase our faith as thou dost increase our years, and the longer we are suffered to abide on earth, the better may our service be, the more willing our obedience, the more consistent our daily lives, the more complete our devotion to Thee. Grant this our prayer, O Gracious Father, which we humbly offer at the throne of grace, in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, and our Lord and Savior. New Zion Baptist Church Combined Annual Watch Night Service Sunday, December 31, 2006 10:00 p.m. 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 VERSE 1: Jesus, keep me near the cross, there a precious fountain; Free to all a healing stream, flows from Calvary’s mountain. CHORUS: In the cross, in the cross; Be my glory ever. Till my raptured soul shall find, rest beyond the river. VERSE 2: Near the cross, a trembling soul, love and mercy found me; There the Bright and Morning Star, sheds its beams around me. CHORUS: In the cross, in the cross; Be my glory ever. my raptured soul shall find, rest beyond the river. Till VERSE 3: Near the cross, O Lamb of God, bring its scenes before me; Help me walk from day to day, with its shadows o’er me. CHORUS: In the cross, in the cross; Be my glory ever. my raptured soul shall find, rest beyond the river. Till VERSE 4: Near the cross I'll watch and wait, hoping, trusting ever; Till I reach the golden strand, just beyond the river. CHORUS: In the cross, in the cross; Be my glory ever. my raptured soul shall find, rest beyond the river. Till “I Am on the Battlefield for My Lord” VERSE I; I was alone and idle, I was a sinner too, I heard a voice from heaven say there is work to do; I took my Master’s hand, and I joined the Christian band; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. CHORUS: I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. VERSE 2: I left my friends and kindred bound for the Promised Land, the grace of God upon me, the Bible in my hand; In distant lands I trod,.crying sinner come I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. to God; CHORUS: Iam on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. VERSE 3: Now when I met my Savior, I met Him with a smile, He healed my wounded spirit, and owned me as His child; around the throne of grace, He appoints my soul a place; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. CHORUS: I am on the battlefield for my Lord, I’m on the battlefield for my Lord; I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die; I’m on the battlefield for my Lord. |
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