Title | Box 45, Folder 9: Church programs, April - May 2008 |
Contributors | New Zion Baptist Church |
Description | Church programs, April - May 2008 |
Subject | Worship programs; Advertising--Churches; Church announcements; Church anniversaries |
Keyword | Programs |
Digital Publisher | Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date | 2008 |
Date Digital | 2023; 2024 |
Item Size | 11x8.5 inches |
Medium | Programs; Documents |
Spatial Coverage | Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type | Image/StillImage |
Access Extent | image/jpg |
Conversion Specifications | Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL, a Epson Expression 12000XL scanner, and Epson FastFoto scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG files were then created for general use. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit New Zion Baptist Church, Ogden, Utah and Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information: |
Sponsorship/Funding | Available through grant funding by the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board |
Source | New Zion Baptist Church Records; Box 45, Folder 9 |
OCR Text | Show NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” ~ Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah Telephone: FIRST (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com 8440] (801) 392-3433 SUNDAY s APRIL 6, 2008 ORDER OF WORSHIP Call to WOrSNIp....ccccccccecccccc cee eeeecceceeeeeeeeeaes Min. Stanley Ellington Congregational DeVOTION ......cccccccccseescccccceeeeeeeceeeeenaaseeees Deacons New Zion Mission StateMent.............cc000c000 Min. Stanley Ellington Model Prayer .............. (Hymn No. 528)....Min. Stanley Ellington “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Amber McCoy Tithes and Offering.....Min. Stanley Ellington, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selections .......ccccccccccccsvseccceseeeeeeees New Zion Senior Choir PIIION ins vas sina euros sen’ secasa lenacmoasites snd ameanatclvadod ce Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Invitation to Discipleship.............00000000 0000 Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Special Prayer/Altar Call ....ccccccccccceeeeeeeees Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Holy COMMUNION. ......0ccccccceesecccceeeeeeceeeeeees Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” “Ie cVN \e New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah (SOL) 84401 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. o ~—— ~~ — — 4 i]| — Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (SOL) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen _ Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Johnnie Dixon Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Ruby Hester _ Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Davis Hospital & Medical Center «& Bro. Richard Nelson Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «& Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services «& Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center «6 Sis. Carrie Price SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Marlene Whiteman Sis. Erica Brown, CA Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Jones, VA Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Sis. Mary Kirkpatrick,OH — Bro. Brian Daniels Bro. Doug Carpenter Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon Sis. Jerry Johnson — Bro. Davis Tucker Sis. Viola Clark, LA Sis. Betty Moore The Donaldson Family — Sis. Mary Woodall Bro. Bobby Smauldon — Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Doris Green Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Delores H. Benne Sis. Alicia Taylor Bro. Benny Hall The Bumpers Family Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Sis. Eula L. Griffin, GA Bro. Jimmy Ross Sis. Marvie Ellington The John White Fami Bro. Johnny Carpenter Sis. Hortencia White Far Bro. Ellison Lockett Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Kali Smauldon, SC — Trinity MBC Sis. Laticia Anderson Sis. Bobbie Branch MILITARY/ARMED Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams FORCES Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House Sis. Ashelei Davis Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson, Ellington, Holston, Lilly and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “The God of love and peace shall be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. % | / It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage Of our take-home response to what God is saying. try it and see? Why not Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: ett _ Application for My Life: ly nily 1. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) New Zion Youth Department Presents .... me, i/ Mother’s Day “Honor/In Memory Booklets” Soe> Honor the special Mother in your life by submitting her name to be published in a Mother’s Day Booklet created by the New Zion Youth Department Advisors. Please submit as many names and the types of honor as you wish to Sis. Sabrina Davis or any of the Youth Advisors before Sunday, April 27, 2008. Name: Relationship: Type of Honor: From: (Circle One) Jn Loving Memory Expectant Special Other Special Other Your Name(s): Name: Relationship: Type of Honor: From: In Honor (Circle One) Jn Loving Memory In Honor Expectant Your Name(s): Your donation of $2.00 per submitted name will fund New Zion’s youth activities. Thank you for supporting the youth of our church. “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he ts old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS. MPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... Church Nursery Grand Opening Our newly refurbished church Nursery is officially open for operation on today! First Sunday nursery monitors will be Bro. Dennis Carpenter and Sis. Alice Sattiewhite. Second Sunday monitors will be Sis. Connie House and Deaconess Betty Nunn. A heartfelt “God bless you” goes out to all the members of our Youth Department for their faithful service. 16" Revival & Church Anniversary Unity Baptist Church will celebrate their 16" Church Anniversary with a Revival April 7” — 11", at 6:45 p.m. nightly, and a Anniversary Service on Sunday, April 13", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “When a Church is of One Accord Focusing on Praising God—He Adds to the Church” [Acts 2:4647]. Their revivalist will be Rev. T.P. Fields, Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Union City, CA, and their Anniversary Service speaker will be Rev. Charles Petty, Pastor of Second Baptist Church. Our New Zion choir has been invited to render musical selections on Monday evening, April 7". Members desiring church _van_transportation to Unity should _be_at_the church by 5:45 p.m. Pastor Anniversary St. Paul has invited New Zion to join them in their 7 Anniversary Celebration of Rev. Michael and First Lady Annette Ross which will be held on Sunday, April 13", at 3:00 p.m. Their celebration theme is, “Supporting Your Pastor” [Hebrews 13:7-18]. Their celebration guest speaker will be Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. ** Special Acknowledgement Bro. H.C. Massey and family would like to express their sincere appreciation to Pastor Bruce Davis, First Lady Sabrina Davis and the entire congregation of New Zion for their prayers, support and attendance of the Senior Villa Rededication Celebration held on this past Wednesday, April 2". The Senior Villa will now be known as the “H.C. Massey Senior Villa Apartments” in recognition of Bro. Massey’s outstanding contributions as a local community activist, businessman, entrepreneur and mighty man of God. A special acknowledgement is extended to Dr. Donald Carpenter, OWCAP and members of the Senior Villa Executive Board for spearheading this rededication initiative. ANNOUNCEMENTS % (Continued) ** 2008 Far West Regional Workshop Cf bp Reminder : |one The 2008 Walter Cade Jr., Far West Regional Laymen’s Workshop will be held on April 18-20, 2008 at the Red Lion Hotel in Salt Lake City. The workshop will begin on Friday evening, April 18", featuring our youth in various events; on Saturday, April 19", there will be biblical training sessions for both laymen and women and inspirational luncheons followed by special fellowship events, one for the laymen and one for the women. Saturday evening will conclude with a banquet which will feature our_own Pastor Bruce Davis_as keynote speaker. Sunday morning, April 20", will open with a sunrise worship & breakfast service. A number of the pastors in attendance will be preaching during the 11:00 worship services at various IGBC churches in Ogden & Salt Lake. Please see Dea. Wilder, Dea. English, Sis. Brock or Min. Holman for more information. Pastor Anniversary Calvary will be celebrating Rev. France and Sis. Willene Davis’ 34% year as Pastor and First Lady. Their theme is, “A Man of Purpose — A Man of Prayer” [Psalm 55:17]. Their celebration will commence with a “Sweet Hour of Prayer” service on Saturday, April 26", 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. On Sunday, April 27" 8:00 a.m. service, Rev. Jerome Council of Miami, FL, will be their guest preacher and their 3:30 p.m. Anniversary Program guest speaker will be Pastor Emeritus L.K. Curry of Chicago, IL, formerly of New Zion Baptist Church. Church Bible Study Update Our weekly Evening Bible Studies will be held in the “church sanctuary” to accommodate the increased attendance .... to God be the glory! We are currently about to conclude a spirit-filled, in-depth study of the Book of Philippians, Chapter I. Come join us as we continue to glean what the Apostle Paul is writing to the Philippians and us today! ** Youth Step Team Calling all youth who would like to become a member of our New Zion Step Team! Efforts are underway to establish a new Step Team with the assistance of some of the Clearfield Job Corp young people. Practices will be held on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. The Youth Department is looking for youth ages 13 and older to become members of the team. Please see Bro. Dennis Carpenter, our New Zion Youth Director, for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for a “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) ne ras WEEKLY REMINDERS Sunday School: (For All & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Senior Choir Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before 1 Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2° Sunday of each month. 3 Sunday of the month. 3 Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3" & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3" Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3" Saturday at 12:00 Noon Youth Advisors Meeting: Every 1° & 3 Monday at 6:00 p.m. Photography Senior Ushers Meeting: 2"; Thursday ve & Saturday Vy before each De Photo by Fine IMAGE Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Deacons Training: 1” Thursday after 1° Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428& Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: Sis. Trish Broadnax Thought for the Day... “He who does not take his cross we and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” (Matthew 10:38) “4 fter all that Christ has done or us, how can we do less than give Him our best!” & U4802 CHRISTIAN ART ™ WARNER PRESS Made in USA ©Warner Press, Inc All rights reserved Design by Larry Stuart Associate Pastors Training: 1 Monday after 1° Sunday at 6:00 p.m. ~K. NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: FIRST (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionutaaol.com (801) 392-3433 SUNDAY s APRIL 6, 2008 ORDER OF WORSHIP Call to Worship.......... Cele Se eens Ser ees Min. Stanley Ellington Coneresntiongl DeEvGHON ors. ococ cw ces Fees cadets heeds Deacons New Zion Mission Statement.............0.000000 Min. Stanley Ellington Model Prayer .............. (Hymn No. 528)....Min. Stanley Ellington “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Amber McCoy Tithes and Offering.....Min. Stanley Ellington, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selections. 2 ives cing cacti New Zion Senior Choir SONI a a Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Invitation to Discipleship. .............66c000000: Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Special Praver/Attar Call Holy COmMMUIION..... => 3. 2 Se Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” pReminder> Tome ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) © Se— ** 2008 Far West Regional Workshop me 9 The 2008 Walter Cade Jr., Far West Regional Laymen’s Worksies will be held on April 18-20, 2008 at the Red Lion Hotel in Salt Lake City. The workshop will begin on Friday evening, April 18", featuring our youth in various events; on Saturday, April 19", there will be biblical training sessions for both laymen and women and inspirational luncheons followed by special fellowship events, one for the laymen and one for the women. Saturday evening will conclude with a banquet which will feature our_own Pastor Bruce Davis as keynote speaker. Sunday morning, April 20", will open with a sunrise worship & breakfast service. A number of the pastors in attendance will be preaching during the 11:00 worship services at various IGBC churches in Ogden & Salt Lake. Please see Dea. Wilder, Dea. English, Sis. Brock or Min. Holman for more information. Pastor Anniversary Calvary will be celebrating Rev. France and Sis. Willene Davis’ 34” year as Pastor and First Lady. Their theme is, “A Man of Purpose — A Man of Prayer” [Psalm 55:17]. Their celebration will commence with a “Sweet Hour of Prayer” service on Saturday, April 26", 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. On Sunday, April 27" 8:00 a.m. service, Rev. Jerome Council of Miami, FL, will be their guest preacher and their 3:30 p.m. Anniversary Program guest speaker will be Pastor Emeritus L.K. Curry of Chicago, IL, formerly of New Zion Baptist Church. Church Bible Study Update Our weekly Evening Bible Studies will be held in the “church sanctuary” to accommodate the increased attendance .... to God be the glory! We are currently about to conclude a spirit-filled, in-depth study of the Book of Philippians, Chapter I. Come join us as we continue to glean what the Apostle Paul is writing to the Philippians and us today! ** Youth Step Team Calling all youth who would like to become a member of our New Zion Step Team! Efforts are underway to establish a new Step Team with the assistance of some of the Clearfield Job Corp young people. Practices will be held on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. The Youth Department is looking for youth ages 13 and older to become members of the team. Please see Bro. Dennis Carpenter, our New Zion Youth Director, for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training. ”) . ENTS... M E C N U O ANN RTANTNursery Grand Opening OChurch % Reminder > > MP Our newly refurbished church Nursery is officially open = for operation on today! First Sunday nursery monitors will be Bro. Dennis Carpenter and Sis. Alice Sattiewhite. Second Sunday monitors will be Sis. Connie House and Deaconess Betty Nunn. A heartfelt “God bless you” goes out to all the members of our Youth Department for their faithful service. 16" Revival & Church Anniversary - Unity Baptist Church will celebrate their 16" Church Anniversary with a Revival April 7" — 11", at 6:45 p.m. nightly, and a Anniversary Service on Sunday, April 13", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “When a Church is of One Accord Focusing on Praising God—He Adds to the Church” [Acts 2:4647]. Their revivalist will be Rev. T.P. Fields, Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Union City, CA, and their Anniversary Service speaker will be Rev. Charles Petty, Pastor of Second Baptist Church. Our New Zion choir has_been invited to render musical selections on Monday evening, April 7”. Members _ desiring church _van_ transportation to Unity should be at _the church by 5:45 p.m. Pastor Anniversary St. Paul has invited New Zion to join them in their 7 Anniversary Celebration of Rev. Michael and First Lady Annette Ross which will be held on Sunday, April 13", at 3:00 p.m. Their celebration theme is, “Supporting Your Pastor” [Hebrews 13:7-18]. Their celebration guest speaker will be Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. ** Special Acknowledgement Bro. H.C. Massey and family would like to express their sincere appreciation to Pastor Bruce Davis, First Lady Sabrina Davis and the entire congregation of New Zion for their prayers, support and attendance of the Senior Villa Rededication Celebration held on this past Wednesday, April 2". The Senior Villa will now be known as the “H.C. Massey Senior Villa Apartments” in recognition of Bro. Massey’s outstanding contributions as a local community activist, businessman, entrepreneur and mighty man of God. A special acknowledgement is extended to Dr. Donald Carpenter, OWCAP and members of the Senior Villa Executive Board for spearheading this rededication initiative. New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 (SOL) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. aE at Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 ‘@ / tata SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Davis Hospital & Medical Center -« Bro. Richard Nelson Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «« Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services <« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center -6 Sis. Carrie Price Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Marlene Whiteman Sis. Erica Brown, C4 Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Jones, VA Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Sis. Mary Kirkpatrick,OH Bro. Brian Daniels Bro. Doug Carpenter Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Viola Clark, LA The Donaldson Family Bro. Bobby Smauldon Bro. Davis Tucker Sis. Betty Moore Sis. Mary Woodall Bro. Prince House Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Ashelei Davis try it and see? Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Doris Green Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Artysha Daxter Bro. Benny Hall Sis. Alicia Taylor Bro. Jeffrey Ellis The Bumpers Family Bro. Jimmy Ross Sis. Eula L. Griffin, GA The John White Family Sis. Marvie Ellington Hortencia White Family Sis. _ Carpenter Johnny Bro. Bro. Anton Swain Bro. Ellison Lockett Trinity MBC Sis. Kali Smauldon, SC Sis. Bobbie Branch Sis. Laticia Anderson MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson “/ Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take-home response to what God is saying. Why not Sis. Dora Herrera Application for My Life: 1. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? Sis. Tonya Evans Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson, Ellington, Holston, Lilly and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “The God of love and peace shall be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) “* Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. “* Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. “* Mission & Laymen Training: “* Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. “* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. “* Senior Choir Rehearsal: “+ Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2” Sunday of each month. “+ Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: “+ Senior Ushers Meeting: “+ Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4 Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2” & 3” Mondays at 6:00 p.m. “+ Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3” Saturday at 12:00 Noon “+ Youth Advisors Meeting: Every 1“ & 3” Monday at 6:00 p.m. Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Saturday before 1" Sunday of each month. 2" Thursday & Saturday before each 3” Sunday of the month. 3™ Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. ‘“* Associate Pastors Training: 1" Monday after 1“ Sunday at 6:00 p.m. “* Deacons Training: 1" Thursday after 1" Sunday at 6:30 p.m. “* Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 “* Church Nurse on Duty: Sis. Trish Broadnax Thought for the Day... 1 a S¥% Pp “He who does not take his cross \y and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” (Matthew 10:38) “After all that Christ has done or us, How can we do less than give Him our best!” NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Telephone: (801) 392-3433 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah (801) 392-2211 Fax: 84401 newzionut@daol.com SECOND SUNDAY =» APRIL 13, 2008 ORDER OF WORSHIP Call to WOrSNIp.........cccccccecccccccceeseececeeneeeeeeeanees Min. Lillie Holman Congregational Devotion .........ccccccssecccccnseccceeneseseeeessensees Deacons New Zion Mission Statement............ccc00ccceeeeeee Min. Lillie Holman Model Prayer ...........4. (Hymn No. 528)........+. Min. Lillie Holman “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Roberta Dixon Tithes and Offering.......... Min. Lillie Holman, Deacons & Ushers Musical S€leCtions. 0.000000 éscssstdssisetsas sacedeee: New Zion Male Chorus SCV PIOVE onivc veaienvccinanda tech Pads tan seniecaicares ings ibsicvoeds Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Invitation to Discipleship..............cccccceeee Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Special Prayer/A liar Cay vice cascscactvees Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. BONCAICTION cic sinks Se venelthce sevice oh lot dadyes ocBigeks cones Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” st. == New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 (SOT) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement ee We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. \) y~ — Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Ruby Hester _ Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Ogden Regional Medical Center & Sis. Isabel Brigham Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «& Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services & Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center & Sis. Carrie Price SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Marlene Whiteman Sis. Erica Brown, CA Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Jones, VA Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Sis. Mary Kirkpatrick,OH — Bro. Brian Daniels Bro. Doug Carpenter — Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Davis Tucker Sis. Viola Clark, LA Sis. Betty Moore The Donaldson Family — Sis. Mary Woodall Bro. Bobby Smauldon — Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Doris Green Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Delores H. Benn Sis. Alicia Taylor Bro. Benny Hall The Bumpers Family Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Sis. Eula L. Griffin, GA Bro. Jimmy Ross Sis. Marvie Ellington The John White Fami Bro. Johnny Carpenter Sis. Hortencia White Fa Bro. Ellison Lockett Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Kali Smauldon, SC — Trinity MBC Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon _ Sis. Laticia Anderson Sis. Bobbie Branch MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House _ Sis. Ashelei Davis Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson, Ellington, Holston, Lilly and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “The God of love and peace shall be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11) May Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! \\ Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... = A | It is reported that we forget 90% “) / of what we hear. It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take-home response to what God is saying. Why not try it and see? Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: tt Vy ily Application for My Life: 1. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) New Zion Youth Department Presents .... Wotlier 3 Day Honor Mother’s Day “Honor/In Memory Booklets” the special Mother in your life by submitting her name created by the New Zion Youth Department Advisors. am. to be published in a Mother’s Day Booklet Please submit as many names and the types of honor as you wish to Sis. Sabrina Davis or any of the Youth Advisors before Sunday, April 27, 2008. Name: Relationship: Type of Honor: From: (Circle One) In Loving Memory Expectant Special Other Special Other Your Name(s): Name: Relationship: Type of Honor: From: In Honor (Circle One) In Loving Memory In Honor — Expectant Your Name(s): Your donation of $2.00 per submitted name will fund New Zion’s youth activities. Thank you for supporting the youth of our church. “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS. ct Ron Wet Tuk a Settee” ama ena IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... 16" Church Anniversary §=(Unity Baptist Church will celebrate their 16" Church Anniversary this afternoon, April 13", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “When a Church is of One Accord Focusing on Praising God—He Adds to the Church” [Acts 2:46-47]. Their guest speaker will be Rev. Charles Petty, Pastor of Second Baptist Church. Pastor Anniversary St. Paul has invited New Zion to join them in their 7" Anniversary Celebration of Rev. Michael and First Lady Annette Ross which will be held on also on this afternoon, April 13", at 3:00 p.m. Their celebration theme is, “Supporting Your Pastor” [Hebrews 13:7-18]. Their celebration guest speaker will be Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. 2008 Far West Regional Workshop The 2008 Walter Cade Jr., Far West Regional Laymen’s Workshop will be held on April 18-20, 2008 at the Red Lion Hotel in Salt Lake City. The workshop will begin on Friday evening, April 18", featuring our youth in various events; on Saturday, April 19", there will be biblical training sessions for both laymen and women and inspirational luncheons followed by special fellowship events, one for the laymen and one for the women. Saturday evening will conclude with a banquet which will feature our_own Pastor Bruce Davis as keynote speaker. Sunday morning, April 20", will open with a sunrise worship & breakfast service. A number of the pastors in attendance will be preaching during the 11:00 worship services at various IGBC churches in Ogden & Salt Lake. Please see Dea. Wilder, Dea. English, Sis. Brock or Min. Holman for more information. ** Women’s Chorus Rehearsal The Women’s Chorus will be rehearsing on Thursday, April 17, at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 19", at 11:00 a.m. Please see Sis. Delores Hill Women's Chorus President, for more info. ** Meeting with the Men Attention all New Zion men! Pastor Davis would like to meet with all the men of New Zion after morning worship services on fourth Sunday, April 27". Men of all ages are encouraged to attend this meeting. Please see Pastor Davis or Dea. English for more information. ANNOUNCEMENTS | | | | — (Continued) Pastor Anniversary ) Calvary will be celebrating Rev. France and Sis. Willene Davis’ 34°" year as Pastor and First Lady. Their theme is, “A Man of Purpose — A Man of Prayer” [Psalm 55:17]. Their celebration will commence with a “Sweet Hour of Prayer” service on Saturday, April 26", 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. On Sunday, April 27" 8:00 a.m. service, Rev. Jerome Council of Miami, FL, will be their guest preacher and their 3:30 p.m. Anniversary Program guest speaker will be Pastor Emeritus L.K. Curry of Chicago, IL, formerly of New Zion Baptist Church. ** 38" Annual Women’s Convention The 38" Annual Utah Jurisdiction Women’s Convention will be held at Griffin Memorial COGIC, April 29" thru May 2". Their theme is, “Bold Soldiers for Jesus Taking the Kingdom | | 11:12 & Ephesians 6:13-18]. There will be a musical on Tuesday evening, April 29", at 7:30 p.m., to usher in the convention and New Zion has been invited to sing. Workshops for the entire family will be held nightly, 7:00 — 8:00 p.m. beginning April 30", followed by worship services. more information. | | by Force” [Matthew Please contact Sis. Shirley Miller at 479-4961 for Church Bible Study Update Our weekly Evening Bible Studies will be held in the “church sanctuary” to accommodate the increased attendance .... to God be the glory! We have just concluded a spirit-filled, in-depth study of the Book of Philippians, Chapter 1, and are about to break the seal on Chapter 2. Come join us as we continue to glean what the Apostle Paul is writing to the Philippians and us today! Youth Step Team Calling all youth who would like to become a member of our New Zion Step Team! | Efforts are underway to establish a new Step Team with the assistance of some of the Clearfield Job Corp young people. Practices will be held on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. The Youth Department is looking for youth ages 13 and older to become members of the team. Please see Bro. Dennis Carpenter, our New Zion Youth Director, for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for EEE “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) eS f af Phony WEEKLY REMINDERS \/ o,° Sunday School: \/ +,° Sunday Worship Service: & SPIRITUAL TRAINING (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Mission & Laymen Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Senior Choir Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before 1° Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Senior Ushers Meeting: 2" Thursday & Saturday before each 3 Sunday of the month. 3” Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3 Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3" Saturday at 12:00 Noon Youth Advisors Meeting: Every 1" & 3’ Monday at 6:00 p.m. Associate Pastors Training: 1" Monday after 1° Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Deacons Training: 1” Thursday after 1° Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: Sis. Roberta Dixon Thought for the Day... | = |p “The Lamb of God was crucified, ’ And penalty of sin was paid, 3 God’s holiness was satisfied when all our sins on Christ were laid.” QVoVoVroy “The cross of Christ reveals God’s love at its best and man’s sin at its worst!” exmitage sv Gr, . <3 HERMITAGE” ART No. 9285 Illustration by Brenda Joysmith © Litho U.S.A. NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com (801) 392-3433 SECOND SUNDAY s APRIL 13, 2008 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Pastor Anniversary a) Calvary will be celebrating Rev. France and Sis. Willene Davis’ 34" year as Pastor and First Lady. Their theme is, “A Man of Purpose — A Man of Prayer” [Psalm 55:17]. Their celebration will commence with a “Sweet Hour of Prayer” service on Saturday, April 26", 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. On Sunday, April 27" 8:00 a.m. service, Rev. Jerome Council of Miami, FL, will be their guest preacher and their 3:30 p.m. Anniversary Program guest speaker will be Pastor Emeritus L.K. Curry of Chicago, IL, formerly of New Zion Baptist Church. ** 38" Annual Women’s Convention The 38" Annual Utah Jurisdiction Women’s Convention will be held at ORDER OF WORSHIP COLL 1: WON STD sain cose vases neers nine nw nia snis alos so isiaae Min. Lillie Holman Congregational Devotion ..........ccccccccccteettte teenies Deacons New Zion Mission StateMmen..............0:000eeeeeeees Min. Lillie Holman Model Prayer ...........+- (Hymn No. 528)........-: Min. Lillie Holman “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors...........- Sis. Roberta Dixon Tithes and Offering.......... Min. Lillie Holman, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selections. ...........c0ccccecceveteeeeeeeeeees New Zion Male Chorus STILT acme rams Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. sine saci essa comrsnenhe roensndtomsesemastascisn Invitation to Discipleship...............000000000 Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Special Prayer/Altar Call ........0ccccccccsseee Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Benediction ......ccccccccccccccsseeeeeeeeceeeneeeeeeeeeees Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” Griffin Memorial COGIC, April 29" thru May 2". Their theme is, “Bold Soldiers for Jesus Taking the Kingdom by Force” [Matthew There will be_a_ musical on Tuesday 11:12 & Ephesians 6:13-18]. evening, April 29", at 7:30 p.m.,_to_usher_in the convention and New Zion has been invited to sing. Workshops for the entire family will be held nightly, 7:00 — 8:00 p.m. beginning April 30", followed by worship Please contact Sis. Shirley Miller at 479-4961 for more services. | information. Church Bible Study Update Our weekly Evening Bible Studies will be held in the “church sanctuary” to accommodate the increased attendance .... to God be the glory! We have just concluded a spirit-filled, in-depth study of the Book of Philippians, Chapter 1, and are about to break the seal on Chapter 2. Come join us as we continue to glean what the Apostle Paul is writing to the Philippians and us today! Youth Step Team Calling all youth who would like to become a member of our New Zion Step Team! Efforts are underway to establish a new Step Team with the assistance of some of the Clearfield Job Corp young people. Practices will be held on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. The Youth Department is looking for youth ages 13 and older to become members of the team. Please see Bro. Dennis Carpenter, our New Zion Youth Director, for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS... 16" Church Anniversary =” Unity Baptist Church will celebrate their 16" Church Anniversary this afternoon, April 13", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “When a Church is of One Accord Focusing on Praising God— He Adds to the Church” [Acts 2:46-47]. Their guest speaker will be Rev. Charles Petty, Pastor of Second Baptist Church. Pastor Anniversary St. Paul has invited New Zion to join them in their 7 Anniversary Celebration of Rev. Michael and First Lady Annette Ross which will be held on also on this afternoon, April 13", at 3:00 p.m. 2008 Far West Regional Workshop The 2008 Walter Cade Jr., Far West Regional Laymen’s Workshop will be held on April 18-20, 2008 at the Red Lion Hotel in Salt Lake City. The workshop will begin on Friday evening, April 18", featuring our youth in events; on Saturday, April 1 9" there will be biblical training sessions for both laymen and women and inspirational luncheons followed by special fellowship events, one for the laymen and one for the women. Saturday evening will conclude witha banquet which will feature our_own Pastor Bruce Davis as keynote speaker. Sunday morning, April 20' " will open with a sunrise worship & breakfast service. A number of the pastors in attendance will be preaching during the 11:00 worship services at various IGBC churches in Ogden & Salt Lake. Please see Dea. Sis. Brock or Min. Holman for more information. Wilder, Dea. English, ** Women’s Chorus Rehearsal The Women’s Chorus will be rehearsing on Thursday, April 17", at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 19", at 11:00 a.m. Please see Sis. Delores Hill, Women’s Chorus President, for more info. ** Meeting with the Men Attention all New Zion men! Pastor Davis would like to meet with all the men of New Zion after morning worship services on fourth Sunday, April 27". Men of all ages are encouraged to attend this meeting. Pastor Davis or Dea. English for more information. 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 (SOI) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement Their celebration theme is, “Supporting Your Pastor” [Hebrews 13:7-18]. Their celebration guest speaker will be Rev. France Davis, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. various New Zion Baptist Church Please see We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Senior Choir Rehearsal: Saturday before 1 Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2"“ Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Senior Ushers Meeting: 2" Thursday & Saturday before each 3” Sunday of the month. 3” Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2” & 3™ Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3” Saturday at 12:00 Noon Youth Advisors Meeting: Every I“ & 3” Monday at 6:00 p.m. Associate Pastors Training: 1“ Monday after I" Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Deacons Training: 1" Thursday after I" Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: Sis. Roberta Dixon Thought for the Day ... 7. “The Lamb of God was crucified, And penalty of sin was paid, God’s holiness was satisfied when all our sins on Christ were laid.” hehehe “The cross of Christ reveals God’s love at its best and man’s sin at its worst!” Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Sis. Georgia Allen Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Jimmie Bell Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Ruby Hester Dea. Ray Finn Ogden Regional Medical Center -& Sis. Isabel Brigham Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center ~< Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services -« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Viola Clark, LA Bro. Davis Tucker Sis. Betty Moore Sis. Mary Woodall Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Delores H. Bennett Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Bro. Jimmy Ross The John White Family Sis. Hortencia White Family Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Ashelei Davis Why not Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: Application for My Life: I. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? Bro. Anton Swain Trinity MBC Sis. Bobbie Branch MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Bro. Prince House of our take-home response to what God is saying. try it and see? «6 Sis. Carrie Price Sis. Gwen Jackson The Donaldson Family Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Bobby Smauldon Sis. Marlene Whiteman Sis. Doris Green Sis. Erica Brown, CA Sis. Artysha Daxter Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Alicia Taylor Sis. Doris Jones, VA The Bumpers Family Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Eula L. Griffin, GA Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Sis. Marvie Ellington Sis. Mary Kirkpatrick,OH — Bro. Johnny Carpenter Bro. Brian Daniels Bro. Ellison Lockett Bro. Doug Carpenter Sis. Kali Smauldon, SC Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon Sis. Laticia Anderson Bro. Larry Dawson Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage Sis. Dora Herrera 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? Sis. Tonya Evans Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson, Ellington, Holston, Lilly and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “The God of love and peace shall be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) LOGE THER ~—y © a an Bee tEM Al | OVE Z NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” ~ Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com THIRD 84401 (801) 392-3433 SUNDAY =» APRIL 20, 2008 Nia \Dn ull tty! My oy > GREE COST OST r ce cg td i ds sss i (ys Rev. Cal Carter Congrecational Devotion: 2.3 Sic lk ea ee Deacons New ZION NALSSION SHGICHUBNE, 66 cc. sencccs 00s o0ckdneenina Rey. Cal Carter Model PRAVER a is (finn No. 328). ce “Let the Words of My Mouth” Rev. Cal Carter Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Amber McCoy Tithes and Offering...........0664: Rey. Cal Carter, Deacons & Ushers WEUSICAL SOPECTION SG ees fois. esessschivs New Zion Women’s Chorus OMIT ck shad nce a dueseceaen salt Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. eine gC INVILALION 10 LIISCIDIGSTRAD, os Vivnsce ss cnesedsscses Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. DEC CHALE PAVCTT AFG. OOM CHI CTI his cat eeliccsecsa resists ches Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. ie pal teenies tnanses somata Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. “Enter to Worship iP ... Depart to Serve” P tc, New Zion Baptist Church \ 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 hw CQ (SOT) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. — 7~ TP Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen | Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly _ Sis. Georgia Allen Bro. Johnnie Dixon Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Jimmie Bell Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Ruby Hester Dea. Ray Finn Bro. Richard Nelson Den. Bina McCowan Ogden Regional Medical Center & Sis. Isabel Brigham Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «& Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services «& Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center «6 Sis. Carrie Price Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Davis Tucker Sis. Viola Clark, LA Sis. Betty Moore Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels The Donaldson Family — Sis. Mary Woodall Bro. Bobby Smauldon — Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Jones, VA Sis. Alicia Taylor The Bumpers Family Sis. Marlene Whiteman Sis. Erica Brown, CA Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Doris Green Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Eula L. Griffin, GA Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Sis. Marvie Ellington Sis. Mary Kirkpatrick,OH — Bro. Johnny Carpenter Bro. Brian Daniels Bro. Ellison Lockett Bro. Arnet Anderson, CA Sis. Kali Smauldon, SC. Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon — Sis. Laticia Anderson Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Delores H. Bennett Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Bro. Jimmy Ross The John White Family Sis. Hortencia White Family Bro. Anton Swain Trinity MBC Sis. Bobbie Branch MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Nichole Martin bro. Prince House Sis. Ashelei Davis Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson, Ellington, Holston, Lilly and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “The God of love and peace shall be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! —}\0 — Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... % \ ay & ® “/ | / It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take-home response to what God is saying. Why not try it and see? Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: Application for My Life: 4 lily 1. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) ' 2 ; a " - —™. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS... ** New Pilgrim 10" Bible Institute New Pilgrim will host their 10" Annual Bible Institute, April 21" — 25", from 6:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. nightly. Their guest lecturer for this event will be Dr. Keith McGee of Messiah Temple Missionary Baptist Church of Chicago, IL. The Institute will feature a number of workshops designed for the entire family. The cost is $35.00 per person, plus books. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. The monthly ** Associate Pastor Training Associate Pastors Training has been rescheduled to Friday, April 2s". at 6:00 p.m. due to the church’s recent invitation to Unity Baptist Church's 16" Annual Revival service on Monday, April ‘es Pastor Anniversary Calvary will be celebrating Rev. France and Sis. Willene Davis’ 34" year as Pastor and First Lady. Their theme is, “A Man of Purpose — A Man of Prayer” [Psalm 55:17]. Their celebration will commence with a “Sweet Hour of Prayer” service on Saturday, April 26", 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. On Sunday, April 27" 8:00 a.m. service, Rev. Jerome Council of Miami, FL, will be their guest preacher and their 3:30 p.m. Anniversary Program guest speaker will be Pastor Emeritus L.K. Curry of Chicago, IL, formerly of New Zion Baptist Church. Meeting with the Men Attention all New Zion men! Pastor Davis would like to meet with all the men of New Zion after morning worship services on fourth Sunday, April 27". Men of all ages are encouraged to attend this meeting. Please see Pastor Davis or Dea. English for more information. ** New Zion VBS Planning Meeting The Sunday School Department will be holding a Vacation Bible School Planning meeting on Monday, April 28", at 6:30 p.m. All members interested in serving as teachers or participating in our upcoming Vacation Bible School this year in June are encouraged to attend this meeting. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more information. (Continued) A 38" Annual Women’s Convention CS ANNOUNCEMENTS ic | | ' hie The 38" Annual Utah Jurisdiction Women’s Convention will be held at Griffin Memorial COGIC, April 29%" thru May 2". Their theme is, “Bold Soldiers for Jesus Taking the Kingdom by Force” [Matthew T1:12 & Ephesians 6:13-18]. There will be_a_ musical _on_ Tuesday evening, April 29", at_7:30 p.m... to_usher_in_ the convention and New Zion has been invited to sing. Workshops for the entire family will be held nightly, services. 7:00 — 8:00 p.m. beginning April 30", followed by worship Please contact Sis. Shirley Miller at 479-4961 for more info. ** Inaugural Luncheon The Utah Jurisdiction Church of God In Christ Department of Women would like to invite New Zion to the Inaugural Luncheon for their newly installed Supervisor, Mother Carolyn Smith 12:00 p.m., at the Castlebrook Reception on Saturday, May 3", & Event Center in Layton. Their luncheon theme is, “Shower of Blessings” [Ezekiel 34:26]. Their guest speaker will be Sis. Vanessa Macklin, wife of the 2" Assistant to the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ, Bishop J.W. Macklin. The cost is $40.00 per person. Please RSVP. to Sis. Shirley Miller at 479-4961 by April 25". Our weekly Church Bible Study Update Evening Bible sanctuary” to accommodate Studies will be held in the the increased attendance “church .... to God be the glory! We have just concluded a spirit-filled, in-depth study ofthe Book of Philippians, Chapter 1, and are about to break the seal on Chapter 2. Come join us as we continue to glean what the Apostle Paul is writing to the Philippians and us today! Youth Step Team Calling all youth who would like to become a member of our New Zion Step Team! Efforts are underway to establish a new Step Team with the assistance of some of the Clearfield Job Corp young people. Practices will be held on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. The Youth Department is looking for youth ages 13 and older to become members of the team. Please see Bro. Dennis Carpenter, our New Zion Youth Director, for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) oe WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. “+ Sunday School: “* Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. “* Mission & Laymen Training: “* Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. “* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: “* Senior Choir Rehearsal: “¢ Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. “* Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: “+ Senior Ushers Meeting: “+ Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3" Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Kid's Choir on 3" & 4" Saturdays at 12:00 Noon “+ Youth Ushers Meeting: “+ Youth Advisors Meeting: “* Associate Pastors Training: 1° Monday after 1° Sunday at 6:00 p.m. “+ Deacons Training: 1° Thursday after 1° Sunday at 6:30 p.m. “* Van Ministry Drivers: “* Church Nurse on Duty: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before 1” Sunday of each month. ; d 1 . 2° Thursday & Saturday before each 3” Sunday of the month. ° 1 > 3° Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Every 3” Saturday at 12:00 Noon Every 1 & 3’ Monday at 6:00 p.m. Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Deaconess Roberta Williams Thought for the Day ... )>» OME: SHetleliih! “We can do whatever God wants us to do ifif we on His p power to do it.” we depend dep KRRERK “It’s God who strengthens and sustains us!” ™ U7465 CHRISTIAN ART® WARNER PRESS Made in USA © Warner Press, Inc All rights reserved Photo © Design Pics.com oer Design by Curtis D. Corzine I) NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: THIRD (801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com (801) 392-3433 SUNDAY s APRIL 20, 2008 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) 38” Annual Women’s Convention " Griffin Memorial COGIC, April 29" thru May 2". Their theme is, The 38" Annual Utah Jurisdiction Women’s Convention will be held at¢ “Bold Soldiers for Jesus Taking the Kingdom by Force” [Matthew I1:12 & Ephesians 6:13-18]. There will be a musical _on Tuesday evening, April 29", at 7:30 p.m., to usher_in the convention and New Zion has been invited to sing. Workshops for the entire family will be held nightly, 7:00 — 8:00 p.m. beginning April 30", followed by worship services. Please contact Sis. Shirley Miller at 479-4961 for more info. ** Inaugural Luncheon Call tO WOrsHIP..........ccccccccceccccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeceeceee. Rev. Cal Carter Congregational Devotion ...........cccccccceeeeceeccececececeeeeeceeens Deacons New Zion Mission Statement.............0.00000000cccceeeee Rev. Cal Carter Model Prayer .............. (Hymn No. 528)..........0066. Rev. Cal Carter “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Amber McCoy Tithes and Offering..........0000.: Rev. Cal Carter, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selections. ..............000000cccccceee. New Zion Women’s Chorus SOV MON oo. e cece cece cece cece cece ee ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeueneeeeeee: Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Invitation to Discipleship.............000c0000000 Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Special Prayer/Altar Call ....ccccccccccceceeeeeee. Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. PICTONOa sscie sss sna tins dts annnnnnnonauiewne nove mene es Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” The Utah Jurisdiction Church of God In Christ Department of Women would like to invite New Zion to the Inaugural Luncheon for their newly installed Supervisor, Mother Carolyn Smith on Saturday, May 3", 12:00 p.m., at the Castlebrook Reception & Event Center in Layton. Their luncheon theme is, “Shower of Blessings” [Ezekiel 34:26]. Their guest speaker will be Sis. Vanessa Macklin, wife of the 2" Assistant to the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ, Bishop J.W. Macklin. The cost is $40.00 per person. Please RSVP to Sis. Shirley Miller at 479-4961 by April 25”. Church Bible Study Update Our weekly Evening Bible Studies will be held in the “church sanctuary” to accommodate the increased attendance .... to God be the glory! We have just concluded a spirit-filled, in-depth study of the Book of Philippians, Chapter 1, and are about to break the seal on Chapter 2. Come join us as we continue to glean what the Apostle Paul is writing to the Philippians and us today! Youth Step Team Calling all youth who would like to become a member of our New Zion Step Team! Efforts are underway to establish a new Step Team with the assistance of some of the Clearfield Job Corp young people. Practices will be held on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. The Youth Department is looking for youth ages 13 and older to become members of the team. Please see Bro. Dennis Carpenter, our New Zion Youth Director, for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”’) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS... ** New Pilgrim 10" Bible Institute New Pilgrim will host their 10" Annual Bible Institute, April 21% — 25", from 6:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. nightly. Their guest lecturer for this event will be Dr. Keith McGee of Messiah Temple Missionary Baptist Church of Chicago, IL. The Institute will feature a number of workshops designed for the entire family. The cost is $35.00 per person, plus books. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. ** Associate Pastor Training The monthly Associate Pastors Training has been rescheduled to Friday, April 25, at 6:00 p.m. due to the church’s recent invitation to New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 (SOL) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement Unity Baptist Church’s 16 Annual Revival service on Monday, April 7 Pastor Anniversary Calvary will be celebrating Rev. France and Sis. Willene Davis’ 34” year as Pastor and First Lady. Their theme is, “A Man of Purpose — A Man of Prayer” [Psalm 55:17]. Their celebration will commence with a “Sweet Hour of Prayer” service on Saturday, April 26", 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. On Sunday, April 27 8:00 a.m. service, Rev. Jerome Council of Miami, FL, will be their guest preacher and their 3:30 p.m. Anniversary Program guest speaker will be Pastor Emeritus L.K. Curry of Chicago, IL, formerly of New Zion Baptist Church. Meeting with the Men Attention all New Zion men! Pastor Davis would like to meet with all the men of New Zion after morning worship services on fourth Sunday, April 27". Men of all ages are encouraged to attend this meeting. Please see Pastor Davis or Dea. English for more information. ** New Zion VBS Planning Meeting The Sunday School Department will be holding a Vacation Bible School Planning meeting on Monday, April 28", at 6:30 p.m. All members interested in serving as teachers or participating in our upcoming Vacation Bible School this year in June are encouraged to attend this meeting. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more information. We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. ap al Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly _ Sis. Georgia Allen Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Jimmie Bell Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Ruby Hester Dea. Ray Finn Bro. Richard Nelson Den. Bina McCowan Ogden Regional Medical Center <& Sis. Isabel Brigham Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center -<« Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services « Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center -6 Sis. Carrie Price Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Gwen Jackson Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Viola Clark, LA Bro. Willie Daniels Sis. Marlene Whiteman Sis. Erica Brown, CA Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Jones, VA Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Sis. Mary Kirkpatrick,OH — Bro. Brian Daniels Bro. Arnet Anderson, CA Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon The Donaldson Family Bro. Davis Tucker Sis. Betty Moore of our take-home response to what God is saying. try it and see? Why not Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: _ Sis. Mary Woodall Bro. Bobby Smauldon — Bro. L.C. Watson Sis. Doris Green Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Delores H. Bennett Sis. Alicia Taylor Bro. Benny Hall The Bumpers Family Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Sis. Eula L. Griffin, GA Bro. Jimmy Ross Sis. Marvie Ellington The John White Family Bro. Johnny Carpenter _ Sis. Hortencia White Family Bro. Ellison Lockett Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Kali Smauldon, SC Application for My Life: I. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? Trinity MBC Sis. Laticia Anderson Sis. Bobbie Branch MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Ashelei Davis Sis. Tonya Evans Bro. Prince House Sis. Dora Herrera 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson, Ellington, Holston, Lilly and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “The God of love and peace shall be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Senior Choir Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before 1" Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2“ Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Senior Ushers Meeting: 3" 2" Thursday & Saturday before each 3” Sunday of the month. Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4° Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2"“ & 3" Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Kid’s Choir on 3 & 4 Saturdays at 12:00 Noon Youth Ushers Meeting: Youth Advisors Meeting: Every 3” Saturday at 12:00 Noon Every 1“ & 3 Monday at 6:00 p.m. Associate Pastors Training: 1“ Monday after 1° Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Deacons Training: 1“ Thursday after 1" Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: Deaconess Roberta Williams Thought for the Day... “We can do whatever God wants us to do if we depend on His power to do it.” RREKK “It’s God who strengthens and sustains us!” he = Wer N+ LF . NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” over end (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah Telephone: (S801) 392-2211 Fax: newzionut@aol.com 84401 (801) 392-3433 FOURTH SUNDAY s» APRIL 27, 2008 ORDER OF WORSHIP 3 a Min. Stanley Ellington CAGW FTOCESSIONG Sic New Zion Combined Youth Choir Cali to WOrShID. cia Congregational Devotion ntact ae Youth & Deacons New Zion Mission Statement...............c00000+ Min. Stanley Ellington NMOGEl LTAVEr So a (Hymn No. 528)....Min. Stanley Ellington “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors......... Sis. Desiray Phillips Sis. Stephani Bolton-House LEMP OICGL TIURCE ooo eh iss cic New Zion Dance Team (Under the Direction of Sis. LaTanya Stephens) Tithes and Offering.....Min. Stanley Ellington, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selections. .. 06. o.s60ck0650. New Zion Combined Youth Choir Ag4 2 aI, BS TE RL Hh DE Oe CRE sp Ry ae RPE tT Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Invitation to: DiISCIDIESNAD. ......06.00055. cece ces Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. opectal Frayer/aitar CGH ....... 4. Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. BONO TCHR Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. ee iets as eee “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” ® “Kk; ‘> \ CH New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 (SOT) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement . We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. e fy, — ee, Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen _ Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Johnnie Dixon Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Ruby Hester Bro. Richard Nelson _ Sis. Isabel Brigham _ Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Sis. Bina McCowan Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «& Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services & Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center 6 Sis. Carrie Price SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Jones, VA Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Eula Griffin, GA Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Bro. Brian Daniels Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Betty Moore Sis. Viola Clark, LA Sis. Mary Woodall The Donaldson Family — Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Bobby Smauldon _ Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Doris Green Sis. Delores Bennett Sis. Artysha Daxter Bro. Benny Hall Sis. Alicia Taylor Bro. Jeffrey Ellis The Bumpers Family Bro. Johnny Carpenter Bro. Ellison Lockett Sis. Marvie Ellington Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Bobbie Branch Sis. Laticia Anderson Bro. Jimmy Ross Bro. Arnet Anderson, CA MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Please be in prayer for Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House _ Sis. Ashelei Davis the Hutchinson, — Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans Ellington, Holston, Lilly, Watkins and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “The God of love and peace shall be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! + fe’ \\ | Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... = It is reported that we forget 90% “S/ try it and see? \\| l ‘% ay | of what we hear. It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take-home response to what God is saying. Why not Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: i Application for My Life: I. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... Pastor Anniversary Calvary will be celebrating Rev. France and Sis. Willene Davis’ 34” year as Pastor and First Lady on this afternoon, April 27, at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “A Man of Purpose — A Man of Prayer” [Psalm 55:17]. Their celebration guest speaker will be Pastor Emeritus L.K. Curry of Chicago, IL, formerly of New Zion Baptist Church. Meeting with the Men Attention all New Zion men! Pastor Davis would like to meet with all the men of New Zion after our worship service on today. Men of all ages are encouraged to attend this meeting. Please see Pastor Davis or Dea. English for more info. New Zion VBS Planning Meeting The Sunday School Department will be holding a Vacation Bible School Planning meeting on Monday, April 28", at 6:30 p.m. All members upcoming interested in serving as teachers Vacation Bible School which or participating in our will be held June 2”-6", 2008, are encouraged to attend this meeting. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., Sunday School Superintendent, for more information. 38” Annual Women’s Convention The 38" Annual Utah Jurisdiction Women’s Convention will be held at Griffin Memorial COGIC, April 29" thru May 2". Their theme is, “Bold Soldiers for Jesus Taking the Kingdom by Force” [Matthew 11:12 & Ephesians 6:13-18]. There will be _a_musical_on_ Tuesday evening, April 29", at 7:30 p.m., to usher in the convention and New Zion has been invited to sing. Workshops for the entire family will be held nightly, 7:00 — 8:00 p.m. beginning April 30", followed by worship Services. ** Church Women United Meeting The Ogden Unit of Church Women United host their annual May Friendship Day Celebration on Saturday, May 3", 10:00 a.m., at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Ogden. Women of all ages are encouraged to attend. Please see Min. Lillie Holman, Sis. Roberta Dixon or Deaconess Virgia Wilder for more information. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Inaugural Luncheon The Utah Jurisdiction Church of God In Christ Department of Women would like to invite New Zion to the Inaugural Luncheon for their newly installed Supervisor, Mother Carolyn Smith on Saturday, May 3", 12:00 p.m., at the Castlebrook Reception & Event Center in Layton. Their luncheon theme is, “Shower of Blessings” [Ezekiel 34:26]. Their guest speaker will be Sis. Vanessa Macklin, wife of the 2" Assistant to the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ, Bishop J.W. Macklin. The cost is $40.00 per person. Please RSVP. to Sis. Shirley Miller at 479-4961 by April 25". ** IGBC Executive Board Meetings The IGBC Executive Board meeting will be held on Monday, April 23°. 6:30 p.m. at True Vine Baptist Church and the May Quarterly Board meeting will be held on Saturday, May 10", 8:00 a.m., at New Hope Baptist Church in Rock Springs, WY. ** IGBC Ushers & Nurses Banquet The IGBC Usher & Nurses Auxiliary will host their Annual Banquet on Friday, May %", 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. Their banquet theme is, “Giving God Your All” [1 Timothy 4:12-15]. Their guest speaker will be Rev. W. L. Stafford, Sr. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and $15.00 for youth. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, our Usher President, one of our ushers or the church bulletin board for more info. ** Installation of New Zion Church Officers The installation of all New Zion 2008 church officers will be performed on Sunday, May 11", during our morning worship services. All elected 2008 officers are asked to be in attendance. Please see Pastor Davis or Bro. Willie Brock, Nominating Committee Chairman, for more information. ** Youth Activities (1) Our Nursery Ministry needs adult volunteers for 3 and 4" Sundays. (2) Calling all youth, ages 13 and older, who would like to become a member of our New Zion Step Team! Practices are being held on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. Please see Bro. Dennis Carpenter, our Youth Director, or one of our youth liaisons for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL Sunday School: (For All TRAINING Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. “* Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. “* Mission & Laymen “* Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. “* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon “* Senior Choir Rehearsal: ** Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2° Sunday of each month. “* Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: “+ Senior Ushers Meeting: “+ Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4 Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3’ Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Kid’s Choir each Saturday before the 3’ & 4" Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before I Sunday of each month. ] ‘ 2 Thursday & Saturday before each d 3” Sunday of the month. ] > 3” Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Sundays at 12:00 Noon “+ Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3 Saturday at 12:00 Noon “+ Youth Advisors Meeting: ** Associate Pastors Training: 1” Monday after 1° Sunday at 6:00 p.m. ** Deacons Training: 1” Thursday after 1° Sunday at 6:30 p.m. “* Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or “* Church Nurse on Duty: Every 1° & 3’ Monday at 6:00 p.m. (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Deaconess Mary Griffin Thought for the Day “Remember....the family that PRAYS together STAYS together!” Thom Hooke, photographerys +1 deon, photostyAd -4}: © 2000 Broadman & Holman Supplies, Nashville, Tennessee Printed in U.S.A. BROADMAN HOLMAN SUPPLIES Scripture from NIV 0-8054-3661-8 Date NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 Weekly Offering Sunday School $ Name Tithes $ Special $ Building Fund S Offering $ “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him.” I Cor. 16:2 NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue «« Ogden, Utah 8440] Telephone: (801) 392-221] Fax: newzionut@aol.com (801) 392-3433 FOURTH SUNDAY s APRIL 27, 2008 ORDER (OF WORSHIP Call t0 WOrshIp......ccccccccccccecccccccccccceceeeeeeees Min. Stanley Ellington Choir Processional ..............0664: New Zion Combined Youth Choir Congregational DevotioNn.............60000ccccccccccceceees Youth & Deacons New Zion Mission Statement.................000... Min. Stanley Ellington ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) Inaugural Luncheon The Utah Jurisdiction Church of God In Christ Department of Women would like to invite New Zion to the Inaugural Luncheon for their newly installed Supervisor, Mother Carolyn Smith on Saturday, May 3", 12:00 p.m., at the Castlebrook Reception & Event Center in Layton. Their luncheon theme is, “Shower of Blessings” [Ezekiel 34:26]. Their guest speaker will be Sis. Vanessa Macklin, wife of the 2" Assistant to the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ, Bishop J.W. Macklin. The cost is $40.00 per person. Please RSVP to Sis. Shirley Miller at 479-4961 by April 25”. ** IGBC Executive Board Meetings The IGBC Executive Board meeting will be held on Monday, April 28", 6:30 p.m. at True Vine Baptist Church and the May Quarterly Board meeting will be held on Saturday, May 10, 8:00 a.m., at New Hope Baptist Church in Rock Springs, WY. ** IGBC Ushers & Nurses Banquet Announcements & Welcome of Visitors......... Sis. Desiray Phillips Sis. Stephani Bolton-House The IGBC Usher & Nurses Auxiliary will host their Annual Banquet on Friday, May 9", 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. Their banquet theme is, “Giving God Your All” [1 Timothy 4:12-15]. Their guest speaker will be Rev. W. L. Stafford, Sr. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and $15.00 for youth. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, our Usher President, one of our ushers or the church bulletin board for more info. Liturgical Dance ..........00000cccccc cece cece ee eeeeeees New Zion Dance Team ** Installation of New Zion Church Officers Model Prayer .............. (Hymn No. 528)....Min. Stanley Ellington “Let the Words of My Mouth” (Under the Direction of Sis. LaTanya Stephens) Tithes and Offering.....Min. Stanley Ellington, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selections..................... New Zion Combined Youth Choir SOV MON Looe cece ccc cc cece cece cece eeeeeeeeeceecececeeeneeneee: Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Invitation to Discipleship..........000000000000004 Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. The installation of all New Zion 2008 church officers will be performed on Sunday, May 11", during our morning worship services. All elected 2008 officers are asked to be in attendance. Please see Pastor Davis or Bro. Willie Brock, Nominating Committee Chairman, for more information. ** Youth Activities (1) Our Nursery Ministry needs adult volunteers for 3” and 4" Sundays. (2) Calling all youth, ages 13 and older, who would like to Benediction............... 00... ccc ccceeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeee: Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. become a member of our New Zion Step Team! Practices are being held on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. Please see Bro. Dennis Carpenter, our Youth Director, or one of our youth liaisons for more info. “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training. ”) Special Prayer/Altar Calll ......ccccccccccccccceees Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS. ... Calvary will be Pastor Anniversary celebrating Rev. France and New Zion Baptist Church Sis. Willene Davis’ 34" year as Pastor and First Lady on this afternoon, April 27", at 3:30 p.m. Their theme is, “A Man of Purpose — A Man of Prayer” [Psalm 55:17]. Their celebration guest speaker will be Pastor Emeritus L.K. Curry of Chicago, IL, formerly of New Zion Baptist Church. Meeting with the Men Attention all New Zion men! Pastor Davis would like to meet with all the men of New Zion after our worship service on today. Men of all ages are encouraged to attend this meeting. Please see Pastor Davis or Dea. English for more info. New Zion VBS Planning Meeting The Sunday School Department will be holding a Vacation Bible School Planning meeting on Monday, April 28", at 6:30 p.m. All members interested in serving as teachers or participating in our upcoming Vacation Bible School which will be held June 2"*-6", 2008, are encouraged to attend this meeting. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., Sunday School Superintendent, for more information. 38" Annual Women’s Convention The 38" Annual Utah Jurisdiction Women’s Convention will be held at Griffin Memorial COGIC, April 29" thru May 2". Their theme is, “Bold Soldiers for Jesus Taking the Kingdom by Force” [Matthew 11:12 & Ephesians 6:13-18]. There will be_a_ musical on Tuesday evening, April 29%", at_7:30 p.m., to usher_in the convention and New Zion has been invited to sing. Workshops for the entire family will be held nightly, 7:00 — 8:00 p.m. beginning April 30”, followed by worship Services. ** Church Women United Meeting The Ogden Unit of Church Women United host their annual May Friendship Day Celebration on Saturday, May 3", 10:00 a.m., at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Ogden. Women of all ages are encouraged to attend. Please see Min. Lillie Holman, Sis. Roberta Dixon or Deaconess Virgia Wilder for more information. 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah (SOL) 84401 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. Deaconess Martha Luke Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take-home response to what God is saying. Why not try it and see? SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Richard Nelson _ Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Isabel Brigham Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Sis. Bina McCowan Scriptures: Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «s Sis. Dorothy Barlin Subject: Mt. View Health Services « Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center -6 Sis. Carrie Price Sis. Patricia English, GA SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Mary Woodall Viola Clark, LA Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Delores Bennett Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Bro. Johnny Carpenter Sis. Marvie Ellington Sis. Bobbie Branch Sis. Doris Green Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Alicia Taylor The Bumpers Family Bro. Ellison Lockett Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Laticia Anderson Bro. Arnet Anderson, Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: Sis. Betty Moore The Donaldson Family Bro. Bobby Smauldon Sis. Doris Jones, VA Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Eula Griffin, GA Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Bro. Brian Daniels Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon It has Bro. Jimmy Ross Application for My Life: I. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? CA MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House — Sis. Ashelei Davis — Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? Sis. Tonya Evans Please be in prayer for the Hutchinson, Ellington, Holston, Lilly, Watkins and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May bereavement. God bless, comfort and keep you in your “The God of love and peace shall be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11) time Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! of “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Senior Choir Rehearsal: Saturday before 1" Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Senior Ushers Meeting: 2” Thursday & Saturday before each 3” Sunday of the month. 3" Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3" & 4 Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2” & 3" Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Kid’s Choir each Saturday before the 3” & 4" Sundays at 12:00 Noon Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3" Saturday at 12:00 Noon Youth Advisors Meeting: Every 1“ & 3" Monday at 6:00 p.m. Associate Pastors Training: 1“ Monday after 1“ Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Deacons Training: 1“ Thursday after 1° Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: Deaconess Mary Griffin Thought for the Day “Remember....the family that PRAYS together STAYS together!” FaithC lipart NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 E-Mail: newzionut@aol.com Fax: (801) 392-3433 & Website: newzionut.com vanes ceceeieeeed wo MAY 4, —_— ORDER OF WORSHIP Call to Worship. ...................cccccccvvveeeeseeeeseeeeeees Min. Lillie Holman Choir Processional .................0...000vvveeveeees New Zion Senior Choir 1312] 0) 01] re ANNOUNCEMENTS re ** Sorority 2 gt" Anniversary The - Ogden Alumnae New Zion Mission Statement.............0000000cccceees Min. Lillie Holman Model Prayer .............. (Hymn No. 528).......... Min. Lillie Holman Tithes and Offering.......... Min. Lillie Holman, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selections. ..........00ccccccccccveeeeceeeeeees New Zion Senior Choir SOVINON. cece cc cevececcccccceeeeeecsecesseeeeseesaneeeeess Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Invitation to Discipleship............000....000060. Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta will be celebrating celebration highlight will be their Scholarship/Anniversary Ball on Saturday, May 17, with a 6:00 p.m. social hour and program at 7:00 p.m., at the Salt Lake City Marriott Center. The ball tickets are $45.00 per person with proceeds going towards their annual scholarships to deserving African American high school seniors embarking on a college education. Please contact Ms. Letitia Marsh at (801) 544-4593 for more information. ** Northern Utah Health Fair There will be a Heath Fair on Saturday, May 17", 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the Marshall White Center. The 10:00 a.m. keynote program speaker will be Mother Love, National Spokesperson for Diabetes. Please see Sis. Sarah McClellan, contact Sis. Betty Sawyer at 394-0924 or view the flyer on the church bulletin board for more info. ** Church Anniversary Griffin Memorial COGIC has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their 62"“ Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 25", at 3:30 p.m. Their service theme is, “A Tree That Withers Will Blossom Again” [Job 14:7-9] and their guest speaker will be Elder Henry McAllister, Pastor of Finley Temple COGIC. “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Amber McCoy | their 20 Anniversary with a number of events on May 16" & 17". Their Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Congregational Devotion. .............cccccccccccceeveeeeeceeeeseeeeseees Deacons (Continued) ** New Zion Vacation Bible School The Sunday School Department will be presenting our 2008 Vacation Bible School, June 2-6, 2008, 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. nightly. This year’s theme is, “Adventures in Faith --Heroes of Faith”[Hebrews Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more information. Embry ** Embry Chapel Church Anniversary Chapel AME Church will celebrate their 100 11:1-2]. Church Anniversary June 4-8, 2008. Nightly services will be held June 4" — 6", Holy COMMUNION. 00.00.0002... ccc c cee eee e cece eeeeeee. Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. at 7:00 p.m.; a Historical Banquet will be held on Saturday, June 7" at the Ramada Inn in Layton [tickets are $25.00 per person]; and a culminating Celebration Service will be held on Sunday, June 8", at 3:30 p.m. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training. ”) Special Prayer/Altar Call .........000..ccccccceee Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... a IGBC Ushers & Nurses Banquet The IGBC Usher & Nurses Auxiliary will host their Annual Banquet on Friday, May gi! 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. Their banquet theme is, “Giving God Your All” [1 Timothy 4:12-15]. Their guest speaker will be Rev. W. L. Stafford, Sr. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and $15.00 for youth. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, our Usher President, the church bulletin board for more info. one of our ushers or Installation of New Zion Church Officers The installation of all New Zion 2008 church officers will be performed on Sunday, May 11", during our morning worship services. All elected 2008 officers are asked to be in attendance. ** New Church Pictorial Directory A new pictorial directory of our church will be coming soon! The goal is to have each family’s portrait included in our 2008 directory. Those families who have their picture taken will receive a FREE color directory and a FREE &x10 color portrait. Appointments can be made each Sunday in May. Please sign up as soon as possible to fit your schedule. Please see the flyers posted on the bulletin boards in our vestibule and fellowship hall for portrait dates and times. You may also contact Sis. Roberta Dixon at 544-9769 for more information. ** Pastor Anniversary New Pilgrim Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate the 10 Anniversary of Rev. Corey Hodges on Sunday, May 18", at 3:00 p.m. They are also hosting a special banquet to honor Rev. Hodges on Friday, May 1 g*, 7:00 p.m., at the Salt Lake City Marriott Center at 75 South West Temple. Banquet tickets are $50.00 per person. A souvenir booklet is also being prepared. Please contact their church office at (SO1) 969-4681, ext. 21, for more information. ** Upcoming IGBC Activities The IGBC Quarterly Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 10", 9:00 a.m., at New Hope Baptist Church in Rock Springs, WY, and their Annual Congress of Christian Education Conference will be held May 14-16, 2008, at Calvary Baptist Church. More info will be forthcoming. ‘lk. New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah (SOL) 84401 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. Deaconess Martha Luke Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... Chairperson, Sunshine Committee It is reported that we forget 90% (801) 782-8337 Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn McKay Dee Hospital -& Sis. Sally Holmes Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «<« Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services « Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center Sis. Patricia English, GA of our take-home response to what God is saying. try it and see? Sis. Viola Clark, LA Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Green VA Subject: Sis. Betty Moore Sis. Mary Woodall Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Delores Bennett Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Bro. Johnny Carpenter Sis. Marvie Ellington Sis. Bobbie Branch The Donaldson Family Bro. Bobby Smauldon Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Eula Griffin, GA Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Bro. Brian Daniels Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon Scriptures: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: Sis. Jerry Johnson Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Doris Jones, Why not +6 Sis. Carrie Price SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Ruby Hester Bro. Richard Nelson of what we hear. Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Alicia Taylor The Bumpers Family Bro. Ellison Lockett Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Laticia Anderson Application for My Life: I. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? Bro. Jimmy Ross MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House _ Sis. Ashelei Davis Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? Please be in prayer for the Lilly, Watkins, Swain and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “LT will not leave you comfortless: (John 14:18) I will come to you.” Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. “* Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. ** Mission & Laymen Training: “* Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. “* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. “* Senior Choir Rehearsal: “+ Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2"“ Sunday of each month. “+ Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: “+ Senior Ushers Meeting: “+ Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2” & 3" Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Saturday before 1“ Sunday of each month. 2" Thursday & Saturday before each 3’ Sunday of the month. 3" Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Kid’s Choir each Saturday before the 3” & 4” Sundays at 12:00 Noon “+ Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3" Saturday at 12:00 Noon “+ Youth Advisors Meeting: Every I“ & 3™ Monday at 6:00 p.m. “* Associate Pastors Training: 1“ Monday after 1° Sunday at 6:00 p.m. “* Deacons Training: 1 Thursday after 1“ Sunday at 6:30 p.m: “* Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or “* Church Nurse on Duty: (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Sis. Trish Broadnax Thought for the Day & All & P20 JL, “Worthy is God of our worship, / Worthy is He of our praise, Vagnify Him with thanksgiving, Gladly our voices we raise.” Wwe want [O See Your face. This is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance 1 Corinthians of me. 11:24 ms lee NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH ~ Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah Telephone: (801) 392-2211 E-Mail: newzionut@aol.com ORDER 84401] Fax: (801) 392-3433 & Website: newzionut.com OF WORSHIP CALE 16. WOTSRID iis iis teisicea aa Min. Lillie Holman CROP PrOocesstOndl Gen a New Zion Senior Choir PODUSINS 56. Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. GRR cee Congregational Devotion. .....oicic65..c he Deacons New Zion Mission Statement, .cickccnes.sishoe Min. Lillie Holman MOGRE PROVE! .i.i.cccsce (Hymn No. 528).........- Min. Lillie Holman “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors............ Sis. Amber McCoy Tithes and Offering.......... Min. Lillie Holman, Deacons & Ushers ERECT CII ids ohooh cgsdbes cckecevis ccdabeb cutis New Zion Senior Choir as pcb udinciencassoieeiva su saedes aun Gian Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr." IRVIRGEOR 10 LASCIDIOSNID.....5..0<.000s cece Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Special Frayer/Aitar Cal .:.....:..0..:dsieseaia Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. EIOLY. COMMUPAON,. 5 fsnidieriad snisss. cases Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” fy New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah (SOL) 84401 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement until it covers the earth. — [) \ We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith FZ —— — ™—— Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly _ Sis. Georgia Allen Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Bro. Richard Nelson McKay Dee Hospital -«& Sis. Sally Holmes Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «<& Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services «& Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center «6 Sis. Carrie Price SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Jones, VA Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Eula Griffin, GA Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Bro. Brian Daniels Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon — Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Betty Moore Sis. Viola Clark, LA Sis. Mary Woodall The Donaldson Family — Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Bobby Smauldon _ Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Doris Green Sis. Delores Bennett Sis. Artysha Daxter Bro. Benny Hall Sis. Alicia Taylor Bro. Jeffrey Ellis The Bumpers Family Bro. Johnny Carpenter Bro. Ellison Lockett Sis. Marvie Ellington Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Bobbie Branch Sis. Laticia Anderson Bro. Jimmy Ross MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House Bro. Mychael Williams _ Sis. Ashelei Davis Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans Please be in prayer for the Lilly, Watkins, Swain and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “T will not leave you comfortless: (John 14:18) I will come to you.” Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! i Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... | % \ “eG | | It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take-home response to what God is saying. Why not try it and see? Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: Application for My Life: 1. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... The IGBC IGBC Ushers & Nurses Banquet Usher & Nurses Auxiliary will host their Annual Banquet on Friday, May 9", 7:00 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church. Their banquet theme is, “Giving God Your All” [1 Timothy 4:12-15]. Their guest speaker will be Rev. W. L. Stafford, Sr. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and $15.00 for youth. Please see Sis. Jackie Jones, our Usher President, one of our ushers or the church bulletin board for more info. Installation of New Zion Church Officers The installation of all New Zion 2008 church officers will be performed on Sunday, May 11”, during our morning worship services. All elected 2008 officers are asked to be in attendance. ** New Church Pictorial Directory A new pictorial directory of our church will be coming soon! The goal is to have each family’s portrait included in our 2008 directory. Those families who have their picture taken will receive a FREE color directory and a FREE &x10 color portrait. Appointments can be made each Sunday in May. Please sign up as soon as possible to fit your schedule. Please see the flyers posted on the bulletin boards in our vestibule and fellowship hall for portrait dates and times. You may also contact Sis. Roberta Dixon at 544-9769 for more information. ** Pastor Anniversary New Pilgrim Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate the 10" Anniversary of Rev. Corey Hodges on Sunday, May 18", at 3:00 p.m. They are also hosting a special banquet to honor Rev. Hodges on Friday, May 16", 7:00 p.m., at the Salt Lake City Marriott Center at 75 South West Temple. Banquet tickets are $50.00 per person. A souvenir booklet is also being prepared. Please contact their church office at (801) 969-4681, ext. 21, for more information. ** Upcoming IGBC Activities The IGBC Quarterly Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 10", 9:00 a.m., at New Hope Baptist Church in Rock Springs, WY, and their Annual Congress of Christian Education Conference will be held May 14-16, 2008, at Calvary Baptist Church. More info will be forthcoming. ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 The Ogden Alumnae (Continued) ** Sorority 20" Anniversary Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta will be celebrating their 20" Anniversary with a number of events on May 16" & 17". Their celebration highlight will he their Scholarship/Anniversary Ball on Saturday, May 17", with a 6:00 p.m. social hour and program at 7:00 p.m., at the Salt Lake City Marriott Center. The ball tickets are $45.00 per person with proceeds going towards their annual scholarships to deserving African American high school seniors embarking on a college education. Please contact Ms. Letitia Marsh at (S801) 544-4593 for more information. ** Northern Utah Health Fair There will be a Heath Fair on Saturday, May I 7" 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the Marshall White Center. The 10:00 a.m. keynote program speaker will be Mother Love, National Spokesperson for Diabetes. Please see Sis. Sarah McClellan, contact Sis. Betty Sawyer at 394-0924 or view the flyer on the church bulletin board for more info. Griffin. Memorial ** Church Anniversary COGIC has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their 62"“ Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 25", at 3:30 p.m. Their service theme is, “A Tree That Withers Will Blossom Again” [Job 14:7-9] and their guest speaker will be Elder Henry McAllister, Pastor of Finley Temple COGIC. ** New Zion Vacation Bible School The Sunday School Department will be presenting our 2008 Vacation Bible School, June 2-6, 2008, 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. nightly. This year’s theme is, “Adventures in Faith --Heroes of Faith”[Hebrews 11:1-2]. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more information. Embry ** Embry Chapel Church Anniversary Chapel AME Church Anniversary June 4-8, 2008. will celebrate their 100" Church Nightly services will be held June 4" — 6", at 7:00 p.m.; a Historical Banquet will be held on Saturday, June 7 at the Ramada Inn in Layton [tickets are $25.00 per person]; and a culminating 3:30 p.m. Celebration Service will be held on Sunday, June a Please see the church bulletin board for more information. at (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) WEEKLY REMINDERS Sunday School: & SPIRITUAL (For All Ages) Sunday Worship Service: Mission & Laymen TRAINING Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Training: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Saturday ashi 1™ Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before ‘ . Senior Ushers Meeting: Sunday of each month. 2" Thursday & Saturday before each 3’ Sunday of the month. d | 3° Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4 Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3” Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Kid’s Choir each Saturday before the 3” & 4" Sundays at 12:00 Noon Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3" Saturday at 12:00 Noon Youth Advisors Meeting: Every 1" & 3 Monday at 6:00 p.m. Associate Pastors Training: 1 Monday after 1” Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Deacons Training: 1° Thursday after 1° Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: & Att U4804 CHRISTIAN ART® Sis. Trish Broadnax Thought for the Day.... & “Worthy is God of our worship, Worthy is He of our praise, Pa: [ Magnify Him with thanksgiving, Gladly our Ries we raise.” WARNER PRESS Made in USA ©Warner Press, Inc All rights reserved Potography by Al Riccio Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: 2 Design by John Silvey Senior Choir Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah Telephone: (801) 392-2211 84401 | Fax: (801) 392-3433 E-Mail: newzionut@aol.com F & Website: newzionut.com \ SECOND SUNDAY &» MAY 11, 2008 Mother's Day Mother's Day Mother's Day Mother's Day ORDER Call ION OTSAID...6. 46.000. Se OF WORSHIP a a Rev. Cal Carter CHOW PTOCESSIONAL vias ccs hatte ts adc ee Conese cational LICVOTION, ci.issis be. cased New ZION MISSION, SLALCMIBRE Ks MGGEP ET AVET iis cocks iscsi New Zion Male Chorus ss ee ced AGS. cosvivs Sai te (IVAN INO. IZO);.. “Let the Words of .iiiccis. sea My Mouth” Deacons Rev. Cal Carter Rev. Cal Carter Announcements & Welcome Of ViSHO'S.:.:....:..Gudistccna niin ae Sis. Roberta Dixon INSGUANON OF GPCR CAGES Joi iis ai. ots casio eg ite TEES kc eee Rev. Cal Carter, Deacons & Ushers tile ceda indie bsiak oss oalatn-ss et eee New Zion Male Chorus es Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Oe DISTAL BORIS PE FETE 5. cee iii VE ns tis i RN ua oo Naa HO CS esis id AAPG Ne A a igs ssn talus PCH er 5650.65 Sais ec PCH TION, isc 8 oi ns Hoss See Ueveices scuhis Gaerne cei Se Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. bes soiled Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. hve Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. eas Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” ° New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 (SOT) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (SOT) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Richard Nelson Sis. Georgia Allen Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Sally Holmes Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Sis. Betty Smauldon Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «& Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services & Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center «6 Sis. Carrie Price SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Viola Clark, LA The Donaldson Family Bro. Bobby Smauldon Sis. Doris Green Sis. Betty Moore Sis. Mary Woodall Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Delores Bennett Sis. Doris Jones, Sis. Artysha Daxter Bro. Benny Hall Sis. Alicia Taylor The Bumpers Family Bro. Ellison Lockett Bro. Anton Swain Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Bro. Johnny Carpenter Sis. Marvie Ellington Sis. Bobbie Branch Sis. Laticia Anderson Bro. Jimmy Ross VA Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Eula Griffin, GA Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, Bro. Brian Daniels VA Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams MILITARY/ARMED Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House Sis. Ashelei Davis FORCES Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans Please be in prayer for the Lilly, Watkins, Swain and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces.” (Isaiah 25:8) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... & \ It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. NA saying. /* a, | taking will double the percentage Why not try it and see? It has been suggested that note of our take-home response to what God is Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: Application for My Life: 1. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) te ON New Zion Baptist Church 2008 Church Leader Installation Litany Sunday, May 11, 2008 You have accepted the office to which you have been elected or appointed. Do you promise, with the Lord as your helper, to faithfully fulfill its duties? We do, and we ask all other officers to receive us as fellow laborers with God. Pray now for the faith and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the boldness of Peter, for the evangelistic zeal of Philip, for the administrative insight of Priscilla and Aquila and for the wisdom of Paul. Jethro counseled Moses that the task before him was too enormous for him alone. We acknowledge the same. We ask for your prayers, support, encouragement and cooperation. God has endowed each of us with unique gifts and talents for the edification of the church and the work of the ministry. Will you accept this church office in proportion to your faith to prophesy, to minister, to teach, to exhort, to give liberally, to lend with diligence, and to show mercy with cheerfulness? We accept our offices with every intention to use our talents to lead God’s people according to our discernment of God’s will. Remember those who were judges in Israel and leaders in the New Testament church. Remember our mothers and fathers in the faith, our ancestors who built and carried the church. They accomplished much, for they were rich in faith, wisdom and courage. We give thanks for their example, their competence, and their steadfast commitment. (Over) Do you covenant and promise that you will walk together in love for one another, and exercise affectionate care and watchfulness over all those given to your charge? We will faithfully admonish and entreat one another as occasion may require. We will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, nor neglect to pray for ourselves and others. We will strive to maintain the high standards of our offices so that the ministries of our church may be strengthened. Will you, according to your abilities and opportunities, show good to all, especially in helping to extend the gospel in it purity and power to the whole human family? Will you regularly support the work of the church by systematic contributions both spiritual and financial? We will support our church amid good and ill report. We will humbly and earnestly seek to live to the glory of God, and to be directed by the Holy Spirit. May God uphold you and direct you as you go forth! Praise be to God! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... | in Mother’s Day Fellowship Mmashk | , ten fon) ote A To honor all the mothers within our New Zion church family, the men will be serving a “Mother’s Day Fellowship Brunch” immediately following today’s worship service. All mothers are invited to attend. New Church Pictorial Directory A new pictorial directory of our church will be coming soon! The goal is to have each family’s portrait included in our 2008 directory. Those families who have their picture taken will receive a FREE color directory and a FREE 8x10 color portrait. Appointments can be made each Sunday in May. Please sign up as soon as possible to fit your schedule. Please see the flyers posted on the bulletin boards in our vestibule and fellowship hall for portrait dates and times. You may also contact Sis. Roberta Dixon at 544-9769 for more information. ** NZBC Deaconess Meeting There will be a Deaconess Meeting on Monday, May 12", at 6:00 p.m. encouraged to be in attendance. All deaconess are Please contact Deaconess Selma Hutchinson, Deaconess President, should you have any questions. The IGBC IGBC Congress of Christian Education Conference hold their Annual Congress of Christian Education Conference May 2008, at Calvary Baptist Church from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. nightly. certified classes will be held and are open Both certified and non- to all ministry leaders and church Please contact Rev. Lamar Jackson, Pastor of True Vine Baptist 15-17, — members. Church and IGBC Dean of | Christian Education, for registration fees and additional information. ** Women’s Choir Rehearsal The Women’s Chorus will be rehearsing on Thursday, May 15”, at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, May 17", at 11:00 a.m. more information. Please see Deaconess Delores Hill, Women’s Chorus President, for Pastor Anniversary New Pilgrim Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate the 10" Anniversary of Rev. Corey & First Lady Benita Hodges on Sunday, May 1 8", at 3:00 p.m. They are also hosting a special banquet to honor Rev. Hodges on Friday, May 16, 7:00 p.m., at the Salt Lake City Marriott Center at 75 South West Temple. Banquet tickets are $50.00 per person. A souvenir booklet is also being prepared. office at (SOL) 969-4681, ext. 21, for more information. Please contact their church | | ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) ** 68” Church Anniversary Emmanuel Church of God in Christ has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate their 68 h Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 18", at 3:30 p.m. Their celebration theme is, “Emmanuel; A Church Planted Together in the Likeness of Christ” [Romans 6:5] and Rey. Lamar Jackson, Pastor of True Vine Baptist Church, will be their guest speaker. The Ogden Alumnae with a number Sorority 20" Anniversary Chapter of Delta Sigma of events on May 16" & Theta will be celebrating their 20" Anniversary 17". Their celebration highlight will be their Scholarship/Anniversary Ball on Saturday, May 17", with a 6:00 p.m. social hour and program at 7:00 p.m., at the Salt Lake City Marriott Center. The ball tickets are $45.00 per person with proceeds going towards their annual scholarships to deserving African American high school seniors embarking on a college education. Please contact Ms. Letitia Marsh at (801) 544-4593 for more information. There will be a Heath Northern Utah Health Fair Fair on Saturday, May I 7" 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the Marshall White Center. The 10:00 a.m. keynote program speaker will be Mother Love, Talk Show & Radio Host, and National African American SpoDiabetes. Please see Sis. Sarah McClellan, contact Sis. Betty Sawyer at 394-0924, or view the flyer on the church bulletin board for more information. Church Anniversary Griffin Memorial COGIC has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their 62" Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 25", at 3:30 p.m. Their service theme is, “A Tree That Withers Will Blossom Again” [Job 14:7-9] and their guest speaker will be Elder Henry McAllister, Pastor of Finley Temple COGIC. New Zion Vacation Bible School The Sunday School Department will be presenting our 2008 Vacation Bible School, June 2-6, 2008, 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. nightly. This year’s theme is, “Adventures in Faith --Heroes of Faith” [Hebrews 11:1-2]. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more information. Embry Chapel Church Anniversary Embry Chapel AME Church will celebrate their 100" Church Anniversary June 4-8, 2008. Nightly services will be held June 4" — 6", at 7:00 p.m.; a Historical Banquet will be held on Saturday, June 7 at the Holiday Garden Inn in Layton, 762 Heritage Park Blvd., [tickets are $25.00 per person]; and a culminating Celebration Service will be held on Sunday, June 8", at 3:30 p.m. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) -. 4 1 fue WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING “* Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. “* Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. “* Mission & Laymen Training: “* Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. “* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: “* Senior Choir Rehearsal: “* Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2° Sunday of each month. “* Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: “+ Senior Ushers Meeting: “+ Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3" Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Kid’s Choir each Saturday before the 3” & 4" (Mission) Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. (Laymen) 4" Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before 1 Sunday of each month. ] . 2" Thursday & Saturday before each 3" d Sunday of the month. 3” Friday of every month at 6:00 p.m. Sundays at 12:00 Noon “+ Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3” Saturday at 12:00 Noon “+ Youth Advisors Meeting: Every 1° & 3 Monday at 6:00 p.m. “+ Associate Pastors Training: 1° Monday after I™ Sunday at 6:00 p.m. “* Deacons Training: 1” Thursday after 1° Sunday at 6:30 p.m. “* Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 “* Church Nurse on Duty: Sis. Roberta Dixon Thought for the Day .... “A Mother’s love runs deep & is patient, || A Mother’s love is forgiving & encouraging, A Mother’s love is faithful & never ending, A Mother’s love is a gift from God.” HERMITAGE ART No. 9425L “Litho U.S.A NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS “The Church Built By Faith” : Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah 8440] SECOND SUNDAY » MAY 11, 2008 The Ogden Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta will be celebrating their 20" Anniversary with a number of events on May 16" & 17". Their celebration highlight will be their Scholarship/Anniversary Ball on Saturday, May 17", with a 6:00 p.m. social hour and program at 7:00 p.m., at the Salt Lake City Marriott Center. The ball tickets are $45.00 per person with proceeds going towards their annual scholarships to deserving African American high school seniors embarking on a college education. Please contact Ms. Letitia Marsh at (801) 544-4593 for more information. iis tes ee A Fax: (801) 392-3433 & Website: newzionut.com Call DO VY OPS iG CPOE PP OCE ISIN cs ore reacicsecetict dmlocccdsnangall ves nincwrneedainad New Zion Male Chorus CONGPERALIONGEL DEVOTOI. (5 ih ei gti asc sins Rev. Cal Carter cacicnvcet ios wokieasensdbss i ssdhnadioesnbsdorbesnrlnemvaehconceeeil Deacons New Zion Mission Statement...........cccccccccccsssssssssscsssccsssscssseccsesscsessccsessees Rev. Cal Carter i cictateiticycalslonccstiiiisees PRI Tags since civ nSerenscisien Rev. Cal Carter “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome Of Visitors sciicercckcesicisitisssstecscdsvateivessdete Sis. Roberta Dixon Installation Of CRUPCHIt GARCEPS «.......0ccccccevecnccnsssacereivsesocenseonsnnds Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. LURES ONE COT oicocricss ccnaa DEMISUOTE CTO seo cei gure eso ect, brite umn cieedt teas tinttaivelua aici New Zion Male Chorus TTT ** 68" Church Anniversary Enupaeeeel Church of God in Christ has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate their 68 Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 1 8" at 3:30 p.m. Their celebration theme is, Telephone: (801) 392-2211 E-Mail: newzionut@aol.com MOGEL PPAR (Continued) Rey. Cal Carter, Deacons & Ushers ie nex sii ipenlelg Ucoteabiihony tea Micisimcsetactezaleeap ne Md eae abe APPPTETLON £0) TITS CHIP SIIID a5 ele Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. i cits in acs baiaadiegan vical aesoaiadsdsanisen Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. PEC PPOVORTALIE CE 5 sic coca cds eae ocendtieorecsssedp andi Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. I UE hg, sssieinsaecicaphiecRedtich ted inieeahic and ante dee Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” “Emmanuel: A Church Planted Together in the Likeness of Christ” [Romans 6:5] and Rey. Lamar Jackson, Pastor of True Vine Baptist Church, will be their guest speaker. Sorority 20" Anniversary Northern Utah Health Fair There will be a Heath Fair on Saturday, May 17, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the Marshall White Center. The 10:00 a.m. keynote program speaker will be Mother Love, Talk Show & Radio Host, and National African American SpoDiabetes. Please see Sis. Sarah McClellan, contact Sis. Betty Sawyer at 394-0924, or view the flyer on the church bulletin board for more information. Church Anniversary Griffin Memorial COGIC has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their 62" Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 25", at 3:30 p.m. Their service theme is, “A Tree That Withers Will Blossom Again” [Job 14:7-9] and their guest speaker will be Elder Henry McAllister, Pastor of Finley Temple COGIC. New Zion Vacation Bible School The Sunday School Department will be presenting our 2008 Vacation Bible School, June 2-6, 2008, 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. nightly. This year’s theme is, “Adventures in Faith --Heroes of Faith” [Hebrews 11;1-2]. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more information. Embry Chapel AME Embry Chapel Church Anniversary Church will celebrate their 100 Church Anniversary June 4-8, 2008. Nightly services will be held June 4" — 6", at 7:00 p.m.; a Historical Banquet will be held on Saturday, June 7" at the Holiday Garden Inn in Layton, 762 Heritage Park Blvd., [tickets are $25.00 per person]; and a culminating Celebration Service will be held on Sunday, June eat 3:30 p.m. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT S.... Mother’s Day Fellowship i OS To honor all the mothers within our New Zion church family, the men will be serving a “Mother’s Day Fellowship Brunch” immediately following today’s worship service. All mothers are invited to attend. New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 (801) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor New Church Pictorial Directory A new pictorial directory of our church will be coming soon! The goal is to have each family’s portrait included in our 2008 directory. Those families who have their picture taken will receive a FREE color directory and a FREE &x10 color portrait. Appointments can be made each Sunday in May. Please sign up as soon as possible to fit your schedule. Please see the flyers posted on the bulletin boards in our vestibule and fellowship hall for portrait dates and times. You may also contact Sis. Roberta Dixon at 544-9769 for more information. ** NZBC Deaconess Meeting There will be a Deaconess Meeting on Monday, May 12", at 6:00 p.m. All deaconess are encouraged to be in attendance. Please contact Deaconess Selma Hutchinson, Deaconess President, should you have any questions. IGBC Congress of Christian Education Conference The IGBC hold their Annual Congress of Christian Education Conference May 15-17, 2008, at Calvary Baptist Church from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. nightly. Both certified and noncertified classes will be held and are open to all ministry leaders and church members. Please contact Rev. Lamar Jackson, Pastor of True Vine Baptist Church and IGBC Dean of Christian Education, for registration fees and additional information. ** Women’s Choir Rehearsal The Women’s Chorus will be rehearsing on Thursday, May 15", at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, May 17, at 11:00 a.m. Please see Deaconess Delores Hill, Women’s Chorus President, for more information. Pastor Anniversary New Pilgrim Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate the 10" Anniversary of Rev. Corey & First Lady Benita Hodges on Sunday, May 1 8", at 3:00 p.m. They are also hosting a special banquet to honor Rev. Hodges on Friday, May 1 6", 7:00 p.m., at the Salt Lake City Marriott Center at 75 South West Temple. Banquet tickets are $50.00 per person. A souvenir booklet is also being prepared. Please contact their church office at (801) 969-4681, ext. 21, for more information. Mission Statement >t We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. mg Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN Sis. Bobbie McQueen Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Richard Nelson AT Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. HOME Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Sally Holmes Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Sis. Betty Smauldon Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «& Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services « Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center +6 Sis. Carrie Price Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Jones, VA Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Eula Griffin, GA Sis. pare Bumfry, VA Bro. Brian Daniels Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Viola Clark, LA The Donaldson Family Bro. Bobby Smauldon Sis. Doris Green Sis. Artysha Daxter Sis. Alicia Taylor The Bumpers Famil Bro. Ellison laa Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Laticia Anderson Sis. Betty Moore Sis. Mary Woodall Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Delores Bennett Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Bro. Johnny Carpenter Sis. ‘Mevie Euincton Sis. Bobbie Branch Bro. Jimmy Ross MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House Sis. Ashelei Davis It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take-home response to what God is Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans eS Scriptures: BOR ane Stet ae nee , So Outiiacagaaeee Bouts ge Screyiive #gserenves: ft a : Application for My Life: : : F I. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? Please be in prayer for the Lilly, Watkins, Swain and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces.” (Isaiah 25:8) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) ie & Del \ Re WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING ** Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. “* Sunday Worship Service: “* Mission & Laymen “* Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. “* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: “* Senior Choir Rehearsal: “+ Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. “+ Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: 2" Thursday & Saturday before each 3” Sunday of the month. “+ Senior Ushers Meeting: 3” Friday of every month at 6:00 p.m. “+ Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3” Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Kid’s Choir each Saturday before the 3" & 4" Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Training: (Mission) Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. (Laymen) 4" Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before 1° Sunday of each month. Sundays at 12:00 Noon “+ Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3” Saturday at 12:00 Noon “* Youth Advisors Meeting: Every I“ & 3’ Monday at 6:00 p.m. “* Associate Pastors Training: 1° Monday after 1° Sunday at 6:00 p.m. “* Deacons Training: 1° Thursday after 1° Sunday at 6:30 p.m. “* Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 ** Church Nurse on Duty: Sis. Roberta Dixon Thought for the Day .... “A Mother’s love runs deep & is patient, A Mother’s love is forgiving & encouraging, A Mother’s love is faithful & never ending, A Mother’s love is a gift from God.” ? —J corinthi ODS 2 9 NIV aA NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” ~ Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah Telephone: (801) 392-2211 Fax: E-Mail: newzionut@aol.com * »! f i em Lg & af a ia a a Oe f a a a ‘ ae > wo F geno “7 a ht Ls ' ORDER Call to Worship. cow CHOI FTOCESSONGES * "ea r ¢ 9 MAY BS »* wet . ge Conoregational De@vOltOnc a ee 18, 2008 4 5 a & ‘ aa “ - <: . a MO b . at a ens, ra” OF WORSHIP ee. GF (801) 392-3433 & Website: newzionut.com THIRD SUNDAY » ee 8440] Min. Stanley Ellington oe New Zion Women’s Chorus icissitc ccd. ct se Deacons New Zion Mission Statement..................0006. Min. Stanley Ellington MoGgeL Prayer’... gan sa (Hymn No. 528)....Min. Stanley Ellington “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........ Sis. Alice Sattiewhite Tithes and Offering....Min. Stanley Ellington, Deacons & Ushers Musival S€lecueR gir DOEMIONG ol iiss distin il scence New Zion Women’s Chorus ee IRVITELION LODIISCIDICSAII oie cos oi sco esis ena he Min. Lillie Holman pete PREVEN/ ALIGHT is pT Min. Lillie Holman ck BS. acco dcseee se Min. Lillie Holman TE 6) | SIE SO aE Se Ra ONE Se Min. Lillie Holman “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” t’ New Zion Baptist Church 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 (SOIT) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. — 2. he oa _.. TP Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen | Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Ruby Hester Bro. Richard Nelson _ Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Sis. Betty Smauldon Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «& Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services « Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Gwen Jackson 6 SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Viola Clark, LA Sis. Betty Moore Sis. Mary Woodall The Donaldson Family Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Bobby Smauldon Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Green Sis. Doris Jones, VA Sis. Artysha Daxter Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Alicia Taylor Sis. Eula Griffin, GA The Bumpers Family Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA — Bro. Ellison Lockett Bro. Brian Daniels Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon _— Sis. Laticia Anderson Bro. DeWayne Carrington — Bro. Robert Taylor Sis. Shenoa Taylor MILITARY/ARMED Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Carrie Price — Bro. L.C. Watson _ Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Delores Bennett Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Bro. Johnny Carpenter Sis. Marvie Ellington Sis. Bobbie Branch Bro. Jimmy Ross Sis. Kim Brehm FORCES Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House _ Sis. Ashelei Davis — Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans Please be in prayer for the Lilly, Watkins, Swain and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces.” (Isaiah 25:8) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! o = Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... Le % i \| ee a) / It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take-home response to what God is saying. Why not try it and see? Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: Application for My Life: I. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) Our Church Directory... \ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS... v) They, New Church Pictorial Directory <n a Cx > Jz) Lin Lor ) ~ Anew pictorial directory of our church will be coming soon! The goal is to have each family’s portrait included in our 2008 directory. Those families who have their picture taken will receive a FREE color directory and a FREE 8x10 color portrait. Appointments can be made each Sunday in May at the table located in the church vestibule. Please sign up as soon as possible to fit your schedule. You may also contact Sis. Roberta Dixon at 544-9769 for more information. 68" Church Anniversary Emmanuel Church of God in Christ has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate their 68" Church Anniversar ‘y also on this afternoon, May 18", at 3:30 p.m. Their celebration theme is, “Emmanuel: A Church Planted Together in the Likeness of Christ” [Romans 6:5] and Rev. Lamar Jackson, Pastor of True Vine Baptist Church, will be their guest speaker. Pastor Anniversary New Pilgrim Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate the 10 Anniversar ‘y of Rev. Corey Hodges on. this afternoon, May 18", at 3:00 p.m. ** VBS Planning Meeting There will be a Vacation Bible School planning meeting on Monday, May 19", at 6:00 p.m. attend this meeting. information. All teachers and volunteers are encour ‘aged to Please see Dea. Harry Church Anniversary Nunn, Sr., for more Griffin Memorial C OGIC has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their 62" Church Anniversai ‘y on Sunday, May 2a, al 3:30 p.m. Their service theme is, “A Tree That Withers Will Blossom Again” [Job 14:7-9] and their guest speaker will be Elder Henry McAllister, Pastor of Finley Temple COGIC. 2$. \ ate AY, | be ANNOUNCEMENTS _ (Continued) Cy VeSped EN ** Youth Activities eal The New Zion Youth Department will be electing youth officers; the positions are: President, Vice President and Secretary. Interested youth may contact any youth advisor for more info and a nomination form. The Youth Department will also start a “second step team” for ages 13 and below with practices to begin in two weeks. Please contact Bro. Dennis Carpenter, Youth Director, for more info. ** 1" Church Anniversary The Lighthouse Ministries Christian Center (Revs. Robert & Betty Hall) will be celebrating their First Church Anniversary on Sunday, June 1", at 3:30 p.m. Their celebration theme is, “Elevate Your Praise” [Joshua 6:20]. Their guest speaker will be Bishop Bobby Allen, Pastor of Griffin Memorial Church of God In Christ. Our Male Chorus has been invited to render musical selections during this celebration. New Zion Vacation Bible School The Sunday School Department will be presenting our 2008 Vacation Bible School, June 2-6, 2008, 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. nightly. This year’s theme is, “Adventures in Faith --Heroes of Faith”{Hebrews Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more information. Embry Chapel Embry Chapel Church Anniversary AME Church will celebrate their 100" 11:1-2}. Church Anniversary June 4-8, 2008. Nightly services will be held June 4" — 6", at 7:00 p.m.; a Historical Banquet will be held on Saturday, June 7 at the Holiday Garden Inn in Layton, 762 Heritage Park Blvd., [tickets are $25.00 per person]; and a culminating Celebration Service will be held on Sunday, June 8" at 3:30 p.m. for more information. Please see the church bulletin board ** 56" Church Anniversary Ebenezer Church of God In Christ has invited New Zion to join them in the celebration of their 56" Church Anniversary on Sunday, June 8", 3:30 p.m.,[820 South 300 East in Salt Lake]. There service theme is, The Church: Triumphant” [2 Corinthians 2:14]. Their guest speaker will be Elder Dwayne Patterson, Pastor of Community Church of God In Christ, in Idaho Falls, ID. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) WEEKLY REMINDERS Sunday School: & SPIRITUAL TRAINING (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mill Creek Youth Bible Study: Every Monday at 7:00 p.m. Mission & Laymen Training: (Mission) Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. (Laymen) 4" Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Senior Choir Rehearsal: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before I” Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Senior Ushers Meeting:& 2” nd Thursday & Saturday before each 3" d Sunday of the month. 3" SaturdayyOof each month at 11:00 a.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3" Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Kid’s Choir each Saturday before the 3” & 4" Sundays at 12:00 Noon Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3’ Saturday at 12:00 Noon Youth Advisors Meeting: Every 1° & 3" Monday at 6:00 p.m. Associate Pastors Training: 1° Monday after 1” Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Deacons Training: 1° Thursday after 1° Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: Armourbearer: Deaconess Roberta Williams Bro. Benny Crawford Thought for the Day .... “The Bible ts to a thirsty soul what water is to a barren land.” “My word .... Shal{hot return to Me void.” (I, 55:11) 4350-90 BROADMAN HOLMAN SUPPLIES 0-8054-0510-0 NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue -«« Ogden, Utah Telephone: (S01) 392-2211 E-Mail: newzionut@aol.com Fax: (801) 392-3433 & Website: newzionut.com THIRD SUNDAY =~ MAY ISS 84401] 18, 2008 i ORDER OF WORSHIP Call to Worship. .........cccccccccccccccceceeeceeeeeeeeeees Min. Stanley Ellington Choir Processional ........00.00.00ccccccceceee New Zion ANNOUNCEMENTS . ** Youth Activities r he New Zion Youth Department will be electing youth offiicers,; the positions are: President, Vice President and Secretary. Interested youth may contact any youth advisor for more info and a nomination form. The Youth Department will also start a “second step team” for ages 13 and below with practices to begin in two weeks. Please contact Bro. Dennis Carpenter, Youth Director, for more info. ** 1 Church Anniversary The Lighthouse Ministries Christian Center (Revs. Robert & Betty Hall) will be celebrating their First Church Anniversary on Sunday, June 1", at 3:30 p.m. Their celebration theme is, “Elevate Your Praise” [Joshua 6:20]. Their guest speaker will be Bishop Bobby Allen, Pastor of Griffin Memorial Church of God In Christ. Our Male Chorus has been invited to render musical selections during this celebration. Women’s Chorus Congregational Devotionn......c...cccccccccccccccecceeececeeeeeesssstees Deacons New Zion Mission Statement.........0.......0006+. Min. Stanley Ellington Model Prayer .............. (Hymn No. 528)....Min. Stanley Ellington “Let the Words of My Mouth” (Continued) New Zion Vacation Bible School The Sunday School Department will be presenting our 2008 Bible School, June 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. Embry Embry Chapel Church Anniversary AME Church will celebrate their 100 2-6, 2008, nightly. This year’s theme is, “Adventures in Faith --Heroes of Faith”[Hebrews Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more information. Chapel Vacation 11:1-2]. Church Musical Selections...............0ccceeeeeseeee New Zion Women’s Chorus Anniversary June 4-8, 2008. Nightly services will be held June 4“ — 6", at 7:00 p.m.; a Historical Banquet will be held on Saturday, June 7 at the Holiday Garden Inn in Layton, 762 Heritage Park Blvd., [tickets are $25.09 per person]; and a culminating Celebration Service will be held on Sunday, June 8", at 3:30 p.m. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. SCVNON Le cececccccccccccceccccccecesseessessssstesseseeeeeeeceeeee: Min. Lillie Holman ** 56” Church Anniversary Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........ Sis. Alice Sattiewhite Tithes and Offering....Min. Stanley Ellington, Deacons & Ushers [Invitation to Discipleship.........0.000ccccccccceee eee Min. Lillie Holman Special Prayer/Altar Call ....cccccccccccccceeeeecccceeees Min. Lillie Holman Benediction........ccccccccccccccsessceeeeecsvsssssseceeseeeeeens Min. Lillie Holman “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” Ebenezer Church of God In Christ has invited New Zion to join them in the celebration of their 56" Church Anniversary on Sunday, June 8", 3:30 p.m.,[{820 South 300 East in Salt Lake]. There service theme is, The Church: Triumphant” [2 Corinthians 2:14]. Their guest speaker will be Elder Dwayne Patterson, Pastor of Community Church of God In Christ, in Idaho Falls, ID. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training. ”) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... New Zion Baptist Church New Church Pictorial Directory 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 (SOIT) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor A new pictorial directory of our church will be coming soon! The goal is to have each family’s portrait included in our 2008 directory. Those families who have their picture taken will receive a FREE color directory and a FREE &x10 color portrait. Appointments can be made each Sunday in May at the table located in the church soon as possible to fit your schedule. vestibule. Please sign up as You may also contact Sis. Roberta Dixon at 544-9769 for more information. Mission Statement 68" Church Anniversary Emmanuel Church of God in Christ has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate their 68" Church Anniversary also on _ this afternoon, May 18", at 3:30 p.m. Their celebration theme is, “Emmanuel: A Church Planted Together in the Likeness of Christ” [Romans 6:5] and Rev. Lamar Jackson, Pastor of True Vine Baptist Church, will be their guest speaker. Pastor Anniversary New Pilgrim Baptist Church has invited New Zion to join them as they celebrate the 10" Anniversary of Rev. Corey Hodges on _ this afternoon, May 18 . at 3:00 p.m. ** VBS Planning Meeting There will be a Vacation Bible School planning meeting on Monday, May 19", at 6:00 p.m. All teachers and volunteers are encouraged to attend this Griffin Memorial information. meeting. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Church Anniversary COGIC has invited New Zion Sr., for to join more them in celebrating their 62" Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 25", at 3:30 p.m. Their service theme is, “A Tree That Withers Will Blossom Again” [Job 14:7-9] and their guest speaker will be Elder Henry McAllister, Pastor of Finley Temple COGIC. We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. Deaconess Martha Luke Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take-home response to what God is saying. Why not try it and see? SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen Bro. Johnnie Dixon Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Richard Nelson Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Ruby Hester Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Sis. Betty Smauldon Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center ~< Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services <« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center +6 Sis. Carrie Price Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Sis. Betty Moore Sis. Mary Woodall Viola Clark, LA Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels The Donaldson Family Bro. Bobby Smauldon Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Jones, VA Sis. Doris Green Sis. Artysha Daxter It has Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Delores Bennett Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Alicia Taylor Sis. Eula Griffin, GA The Bumpers Family Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA _ Bro. Ellison Lockett Bro. Brian Daniels Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon Sis. Laticia Anderson Bro. DeWayne Carrington — Bro. Robert Taylor Sis. Shenoa Taylor Bro. Johnny Carpenter Sis. Marvie Ellington Sis. Bobbie Branch Bro. Jimmy Ross Application for My Life: I. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? Sis. Kim Brehm MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House _ Sis. Ashelei Davis Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? Please be in prayer for the Lilly, Watkins, Swain and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God bless, comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces.” (Isaiah 25:8) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING Sunday School: (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Mill Creek Youth Bible Study: Every Monday at 7:00 p.m. Mission & Laymen Training: (Mission) Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. (Laymen) 4" Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Senior Choir Rehearsal: Saturday before 1° Sunday of each month. Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Senior Ushers Meeting: 2" Thursday & Saturday before each 3’@ Sunday of the month. 3™ Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3” Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Kid’s Choir each Saturday before the 3” & 4" Sundays at 12:00 Noon Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3" Saturday at 12:00 Noon Youth Advisors Meeting: Every 1 & 3 Monday at 6:00 p.m. Associate Pastors Training: 1° Monday after 1° Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Deacons Training: 1" Thursday after 1° Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Church Nurse on Duty: Deaconess Roberta Williams oo Armourbearer: Bro. Benny Crawford Thought for the Day..... “The Bible is to a thirsty soul what water is to a barren land.” “My word .... shall not return to Me void.” (Isaiah 55:11) Accept my instruct 10n instead of silver, and knowledge rather than pure gold. For wisdom is better than p recious stones, and nothing desirable can compare with it. PROVERBS8 LQ= 11 an ke NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Built By Faith” ~ Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah Telephone: (801) 392-2211 E-Mail: newzionut@aol.com FOURTH Cali: 10: WOrsniD... Fax: (801) 392-3433 & Website: newzionut.com SUNDAY » Soe See Choir Processigndl & 233 jie, Conerevational DevOtion.< , MAY 25, — ORDER OF WORSHIP 2. 84401 Min. Lillie Holman New Zion Youth Choir as. o.cas ea Youth & Deacons New Zion Mission Statement.............ccccceeecceeees Min. Lillie Holman NIGdEl FTOVET 2c... (Hymn NO. 328). 20.800. Min. Lillie Holman “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........ Sis. Racquel Blacken Sis. Jakhari’ Albritton Step Performance ...... The Alpha & Omega Step Team LAN RICG DIGHEE.. oss os ssGe New Zion Dance Team Baccalaureate Service ............ Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Tithes and Offering.......... Min. Lillie Holman, Deacons & Ushers REUSICGE GINOCTIONS 23 a OPI oo, ccd ae a New Zion Youth Choir i Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Invitation tO LFISCIDICSIIID 5. onc cds cnssacaisodan. Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. ORCC PIPETTE BORECICHON. GG ooo ni fit vec cposiects Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. fn cia Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. “Enter to Worship ... Depart to Serve” | | atoNa New Zion Baptist Church Ks \ 2935 Lincoln Avenue : \ Ogden, Utah 84401 (SOT) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor Mission Statement We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. wikis 7~ AP — Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee (801) 782-8337 SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen _ Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Johnnie Dixon Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Thelma Tucker Bro. Richard Nelson Sis. Ruby Hester _ Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Sis. Betty Smauldon Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center «& Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services « Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center «6 Sis. Carrie Price SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Patricia English, GA Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Betty Moore Bro. Marion Carter Sis. Viola Clark, LA Sis. Mary Woodall Sis. Gwen Jackson The Donaldson Family — Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Willie Daniels Bro. Bobby Smauldon _ Bro. Griffin Brock Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Green Sis. Delores Bennett Sis. Doris Jones, VA Sis. Artysha Daxter Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Alicia Taylor Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Sis. Eula Griffin, GA The Bumpers Family Bro. Johnny Carpenter Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA Bro. Ellison Lockett Sis. Marvie Ellington Bro. Brian Daniels Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Bobbie Branch Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon _ Sis. Laticia Anderson Bro. Jimmy Ross Bro. DeWayne Carrington — Bro. Robert Taylor Sis. Kim Brehm Sis. Shenoa Taylor MILITARY/ARMED Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams FORCES Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House Sis. Ashelei Davis Watkins, — Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans Please be in prayer for the Lilly, Swain, Dabney, Dixon, away. May God comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. Cottrell and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass “He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces.” (Isaiah 25:8) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! | | N | Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... It is reported that we forget 90% of what we hear. It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take-home response to what God is saying. Why not try it and see? Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: Application for My Life: 1. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) \ FY \ 2 iL: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... New Church Pictorial Directory ge pe | : , A new pictorial directory of our church will be coming soon! The goal is to have each family’s portrait included in our 2008 directory. Those families who have their picture taken will receive a FREE color directory and a FREE 8x10 color portrait. Appointments can be made each Sunday in May at the table located in the church vestibule. Please sign up as soon as possible to fit your schedule. You may also contact Sis. Roberta Dixon at 544-9769 for more information. ** Meeting with the Women Attention all New Zion women! There will be a brief meeting immediately following today’s worship service to discuss an upcoming event. Women of all ages are encouraged to participate. Please see Sis. Sabrina Davis, Deaconess Selma Hutchinson or Min. Lillie Holman for more info. Griffin Memorial Church Anniversary COGIC has invited New Zion to join them in celebrating their 62" Church Anniversary on this afternoon, May 25", at 3:30 p.m. Their service theme is, “A Tree That Withers Will Blossom Again” [Job 14:7-9] and their guest speaker will be Elder Henry McAllister, Pastor of Finley Temple COGIC. ** Associate Pastors Training The monthly Associate Pastors Training will be held on Thursday, May 29", at 6:00 p.m. All associate pastors are asked to be in attendance. 1” Church Anniversary The Lighthouse Ministries Christian Center (Revs. Robert & Betty Hall) will be celebrating their First Church Anniversary on Sunday, June 1", at 3:30 p.m. Their celebration theme is, “Elevate Your Praise” [Joshua 6:20]. Their guest speaker will be Bishop Bobby Allen, Pastor of Griffin Memorial Church of God In Christ. Our Male Chorus has been invited to render musical selections during this celebration. AXE ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued) \ {XEL. Youth Activities : The New Zion Youth Department will be electing youth offi icers; the positions are: President, Vice President and Secretary. Interested youth may contact any youth advisor for more info and a nomination form. The Youth Department will also start a “second step team” for ages 13 and below with practices to begin in two weeks. Please contact Bro. Dennis Carpenter, Youth Director, for more info. The Sunday Vacation New Zion Vacation Bible School School Department is making preparations for our 2008 Bible School, June 2-6, 2008, 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. nightly. This year’s theme is, “Adventures in Faith --Heroes of Faith” [Hebrews 11:1-2]. There will also be a Fellowship Picnic on Saturday, June 7", 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at Jefferson Park on Grant Avenue, to close out this year’s VBS. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more information. Embry Chapel Embry Chapel Church Anniversary AME Church will celebrate their 100 Church Anniversary June 4-8, 2008. Nightly services will be held June 4" — 6", at 7:00 p.m.; a Historical Banquet will be held on Saturday, June 7, 7:00 p.m., at the Hilton Gardens Inn in Layton, 762 Heritage Park Blvd., [tickets are $25.00 per person]; and a culminating Celebration Service will be held on Sunday, June 8", at 3:30 p.m. Please see the church bulletin board for more information. 56" Church Anniversary Ebenezer Church of God In Christ has invited New Zion to join them in the celebration of their 56" Church Anniversary on Sunday, June 8", 3:30 p.m.,{820 South 300 East in Salt Lake]. There service theme is, The Church: Triumphant” [2 Corinthians 2:14]. Their guest speaker will be Elder Dwayne Patterson, Pastor of Community Church of God In Christ, in Idaho Falls, ID. ** ESTARL Religious Scholarship Award The Order of the Eastern Star of Utah is seeking applicants for their Eastern Star Training Award for Religious Leadership Scholarships. Interested members may contact Ms. Nancy Strader, 2008 Committee Chairperson, at (S01) 278-5776, or the church office for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) | | TAT ee mag ea ge, ee gg WEEKLY REMINDERS Sunday School: & SPIRITUAL TRAINING (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. “* Sunday Worship Service: “* Mill Creek Youth Bible Study: *“* Mission & Laymen Training: (Mission) Every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. (Laymen) 4" Thursday at 7:00 p.m. “* Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. “* Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: “* Senior Choir Rehearsal: “* Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2"° Sunday of each month. ** Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: “* Senior Ushers Meeting: “+ Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3 & 4" Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & Youth Dancers on 2" & 3” Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Kid’s Choir each Saturday before the 3’ & 4" + Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Every Monday at 7:00 p.m. Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. Saturday before 1” Sunday of each month. ‘ 3° . ‘d 2° 3 nd ‘d ] F Thursday & Saturday before each Sunday of the month. + Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Sundays at 12:00 Noon “+ Youth Ushers Meeting: Every 3’ Saturday at 12:00 Noon “+ Youth Advisors Meeting: Every 1" & 3’ Monday at 6:00 p.m. “* Associate Pastors Training: 1” Monday after 1" Sunday at 6:00 p.m. “* Deacons Training: 1” Thursday after I™ Sunday at 6:30 p.m. “* Orientation Teachers Meeting: 1° Tuesday of the month at 5:15 p.m. “* Van Ministry Drivers: Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 “* Church Nurse on Duty: “* Armourbearer: Deaconess Mary Griffin Bro. Benny Crawford Thought for the Day.... y “Lord God encamp Your angels around our graduates and youth as they venture far and near; May they feel You love and protection, and hav eed to fear.” 4 TFS Designed by JenniferJ. Allison © 2005 Broad Printed in the U.S.A. & Hol Nashville, laniaaees rasa Suppli Pogt a reir SUPPLIES ; atten cripture é from casio 0-8054-5944-8 www.broadmanholman.com June 2-6, 2008 (Monday through Friday) New Zion baptist Church (2935 Lincoln Avenue * Ogden, Utah * 392-2211) % i BL ita a Boy eae ihe aN oR Re OE cu yet il Sout \ ow a 4S, ‘ gpa . & tty 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. \ ow Talia ts the assurance cY things hoped fer, the conviction oY tntnags het seen. fadeed, by faith our ancestors received appreval. ehbrews T1st-2, NRSV wma NEW ZION BAPTIST CHURCH We “The Church Built By Faith” Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor 2935 Lincoln Avenue « Ogden, Utah 84401 Telephone: (801) 392-2211 E-Mail: newzionut@aol.com FOURTH SUNDAY ax: (801) 392-3433 & Website: newzionut.com mar 2008 fy he Mab Zion Youth Department will be electing youth office icers,; the positions are: President, Vice President and Secretary. Interested youth may contact any youth advisor for more info and a nomination form. The Youth Department will also start a “second step team” for ages 13 and below with practices to begin in two weeks. Please contact Bro. Dennis Carpenter, Youth Director, for more info. The Sunday New Zion Vacation Bible School School Department is making preparations for our 2008 Vacation Bible School, June 2-6, 2008, 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. nightly. This year’s theme is, “Adventures in Faith --Heroes of Faith” [Hebrews Call to Worship..........cccccccccceceeceeesesseseeeeeeeceeeees Min. Lillie Holman Choir Processional ...........ccccccccccceeveeeveeeeees New Zion Youth Choir 11:1-2]. There will also be a Fellowship Picnic on Saturday, June 7", 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at Jefferson Park on Grant Avenue, to close out this year’s VBS. Please see Dea. Harry Nunn, Sr., for more information. Congregational Devotion. .........000....000000eeceee eee Youth & Deacons New Zion Mission Statement...........000002..00000004- Min. Lillie Holman Model Prayer .............. (Hymn No. 528).......... Min. Lillie Holman “Let the Words of My Mouth” Announcements & Welcome of Visitors........ Sis. Racquel Blacken Sis. Jakhari’ Albritton Step Performance ...... The Alpha & Omega Step Team Liturgical Dane ........0.... 000000 New Zion Dance Team Baccalaureate Service ............ Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Tithes and Offering.......... Min. Lillie Holman, Deacons & Ushers Musical Selections ....00........cccccc cece ce eeeeeeeeeees New Zion Youth Choir NY 1/116) | Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Invitation to Discipleship...........00....00000004- Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. Special Prayer/Altar Call .........00...ccc000c00 Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. BORCGICHION ..0isccn.cs0chacansaseeigostesianyeddiebareen Pastor Bruce Davis, Sr. “Enter to Worship .. . Depart to Serve” Embry Chapel Embry Chapel Church Anniversary AME Church will celebrate their 100" Church Anniversary June 4-8, 2008. Nightly services will be held June 4" — 6", at 7:00 p.m.; a Historical Banquet will be held on Saturday, June yn 7:00 p.m., at the Hilton Gardens Inn in Layton, 762 Heritage Park Blvd., [tickets are $25.00 per person]; and a culminating Celebration Service will be held on Sunday, June 8" church bulletin board for more information. at 3:30 p.m. Please see the ** 56" Church Anniversary Ebenezer Church of God In Christ has invited New Zion to join them in the celebration of their 56" Church Anniversary on Sunday, June 8", 3:30 p.m.,[820 South 300 East in Salt Lake]. There service theme is, The Church: Triumphant” [2 Corinthians 2:14]. Their guest speaker will be Elder Dwayne Patterson, Pastor of Community Church of God In Christ, in Idaho Falls, ID. ** ESTARL Religious Scholarship Award The Order of the Eastern Star of Utah is seeking applicants for their Eastern Star Training Award for Religious Leadership Scholarships. Interested members may contact Ms. Nancy Strader, 2008 Committee Chairperson, at (801) 278-5776, or the church office for more info. (Please see the back of the bulletin for “Weekly Reminders & Training.”) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.... New Zion Baptist Church New Church Pictorial Directory A new pictorial directory of our church will be coming soon! The goal is to have each family’s portrait included in our 2008 directory. Those families who have their picture taken will receive a FREE color directory and a FREE 8x10 color portrait. Appointments can be made each Sunday in May at the table located in the church vestibule. Please sign up as soon as possible to fit your schedule. You may also contact Sis. Roberta Dixon at 544-9769 for more information. ** Meeting with the Women all New Zion women! There will be Attention Lillie Holman for more info. Griffin Memorial Deaconess Selma Hutchinson Church Anniversary COGIC has invited New Zion to join or Min. them in celebrating their 62" Church Anniversary on this afternoon, May a" Tree That Will at 3:30 p.m. Their service theme is, “A Withers Blossom Again” [Job 14:7-9] and their guest speaker will be Elder Henry McAllister, Pastor of Finley Temple COGIC. ** Associate Pastors Training The monthly Associate Pastors Training will be held on Thursday, May 29", at 6:00 p.m. All associate pastors are asked to be in attendance. The Lighthouse 1 Church Anniversary Ministries Christian Center (Revs. Robert & Betty of God In Christ. Our Hall) will be celebrating their First Church Anniversary on Sunday, June 1”, at 3:30 p.m. Their celebration theme is, “Elevate Your Praise” [Joshua 6:20]. Their guest speaker will be Bishop Bobby Allen, Pastor of Griffin Memorial Church Male Chorus has been invited to render musical selections during this celebration. Mission Statement a brief meeting immediately following today’s worship service to discuss an upcoming event. Women of all ages are encouraged to participate. Please see Sis. Sabrina Davis, 2935 Lincoln Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401 (SOT) 392-2211 Reverend (Dr.) Bruce Davis, Sr., Senior Pastor We are servants of the wise and unwise indebted to worship, educate, proclaim and minister this fellowship of Christian faith until it covers the earth. Deaconess Martha Luke Chairperson, Sunshine Committee Hearing God’s Word in the Sermons .... It is reported that we forget 90% (801) 782-8337 Sis. Georgia Allen Sis. Jimmie Bell Dea. Ray Finn Sis. Betty Smauldon Mt. Ogden Rehabilitation Center -«s Sis. Dorothy Barlin Mt. View Health Services <« Dea. Bentley Christy Washington Terrace Nursing Center -« Sis. Carrie Price Sis. Patricia English, GA Bro. Marion Carter SPECIAL PRAYER Sis. Jerry Johnson Sis. Betty Moore The Donaldson Family Bro. Bobby Smauldon Bro. Dan Harris, AL Sis. Doris Green of our take-home response to what God is saying. try it and see? Why not Scriptures: Subject: Outline of Main Points and Scripture References: Sis. Mary Woodall Sis. Viola Clark, LA Sis. Gwen Jackson Bro. Willie Daniels It has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage SHUT-IN AT HOME Sis. Bobbie McQueen Sis. Mattie Mae Kelly Bro. Johnnie Dixon _ Bro. Clifton Hester Sis. Thelma Tucker Sis. Ruby Hester Bro. Richard Nelson of what we hear. Bro. L.C. Watson Bro. Griffin Brock Sis. Delores Bennett Bro. Benny Hall Bro. Jeffrey Ellis Bro. Johnny Carpenter Sis. Marvie Ellington Sis. Bobbie Branch Sis. Doris Jones, VA Sis. Artysha Daxter Bro. Chris Boor Sis. Alicia Taylor Sis. Eula Griffin, GA The Bumpers Family Sis. Jacqueline Bumfry, VA _ Bro. Ellison Lockett Bro. Brian Daniels Bro. Anton Swain Sis. Cherise Weatherspoon Sis. Laticia Anderson Bro. DeWayne Carrington — Bro. Robert Taylor Sis. Shenoa Taylor Bro. Jimmy Ross Application for My Life: I. What did God say specifically to me during the sermon? Sis. Kim Brehm MILITARY/ARMED FORCES Bro. Turon Humphrey Bro. Larry Dawson Bro. Mychael Williams Please Sis. Nichole Martin Bro. Prince House _ Sis. Ashelei Davis be in prayer for the Lilly, Bro. Bishop Tillman Sis. Dora Herrera Sis. Tonya Evans Watkins, Swain, Dabney, 2. Is there anything which God would have me to do? Dixon, Cottrell and all other families who have had loved ones recently pass away. May God comfort and keep you in your time of bereavement. “He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces.” (Isaiah 25:8) Your sympathy expressions and prayers are most appreciated! “Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying .... ‘Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.’ ” (Jeremiah 30:2) * ,° Sunday School: 7 +? Sunday Worship Service: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. ¢ +° Mill Creek Youth Bible Study: Every Monday at 7:00 p.m. 7 *,° WEEKLY REMINDERS & SPIRITUAL TRAINING (For All Ages) Every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m. Mission & Laymen Training: (Mission) Every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. (Laymen) 4" Thursday at 7:00 p.m. 7 o,° Male Chorus Rehearsal: Saturday before 2" Sunday of each month. Women’s Chorus Rehearsal: Senior Ushers Meeting: Youth Practices: Youth Choir on 3” & 4° Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. & + Senior Choir Rehearsal: *, ¢ Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon & 7:00 p.m. 7 o* ** o +,° Sunday School Teachers Meeting/Training: Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. prior to Bible Study. 7 *,° ** Saturday before 1“ Sunday of each month. 2" Thursday & Saturday before each 3” Sunday of the month. 3” Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. + *,° Youth Ushers Meeting: o ,° Youth Advisors Meeting: 7 *,° Associate Pastors Training: 1“ Monday after 1“ Sunday at 6:00 p.m. 7 o,° Deacons Training: 1“ Thursday after I“ Sunday at 6:30 p.m. o *,° Orientation Teachers Meeting: 1° Tuesday of the month at 5:15 p.m. 7 o,° Youth Dancers on 2" & 3" Mondays at 6:00 p.m. Kid’s Choir each Saturday before the 3” & 4" Sundays at 12:00 Noon Every 3" Saturday at 12:00 Noon Van Ministry Drivers: Every 1" & 3” Monday at 6:00 p.m. Dea. Wilson English (Home): 773-1894 or 7 o,° Church Nurse on Duty: J o,° (Cell): 726-5428 & Dea. Benny Frazier (Cell): 725-7913 Armourbearer: Deaconess Mary Griffin Bro. Benny Crawford Thought for the Day .... Le “Lord God encamp Your angels around our y 4 § raduates and youth as they venture far and near; May they feel Your love and protection, TFS and have no need to fear.” |
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