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Show YY t MEMORANDUM X)$ George Anderson Chairman New Zion FROM: of Deacon Board Baptist Church Donald R. Carpenter Chairman of Nonimation Committee New Zion Baptist Church DATE: = November 4, 1985 SUBJECT: Nomination of Nomination Committee Members Donald Carpenter, Jessie R. Tucker, *Deloris Hill. *Otis Officers For for Church Year The "1985" Church Chairperson, Bently Walton, Sher ey Brown. *Martha Organization y | 1986 Christy, Graham, Year: Willie Lorenzo T.. Mae Bell Chairpersons 1. General Mission President........ Modestine Carpenter 2. Sunday School Superintendent..... Selma Hutchinson 3. - B.D. Us. Presigent icyi. ok. eweesee Shirley Brown Auxiliary Departments Chairpersons Chairman of DeaconsS........ce.e0. George Anderson Chairperson of Deaconess......... Georgia Allen Mentor Usher Board. ..ccccccstcece Clydis Finn Junior Usher Boards... i. cece eck Sheila Tucker SOC CROLL oy a i ocecgies aot oa .-.-eNorvelle Walton tS 6 ee er Walter Allen POUT PUMEIC CHOLES ee chee meee Gerod Sawyer Layman President.......s.ceeecees Marion Carter SEMIOR CLEMO 6 6 ioe die cs se celbdese Florine Revnolds PRI SOS oss oS BG so coc ees 8 wes Roberta Dixon Board of Christian Education: -Dula Brock Board of Evangelism.......00.6.. REV Reginald Clinton * Members did not attend any committee's meetings. Allen, Sr. Page Two Nomination Committee's Report Administrative 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. Boards Chairpersons Chairperson of Trustee Board..... James Dixon Chairperson of Finance........... Frank Sattiewhite ClO Ks eee ceivesccdecgececcoese Shirley Brow Financial Secretary...........e.- Dula Brock Treasurer..... Tir Tiree rrr ee Dellie C. Tee Committee's Chairpersons 21. Benovelent Flower Chairperson....Bessye 22. Decoration Chairperson........... Jimmie 23. . Sick Committee sis... ccc ccccccccess Willie 24. Publicity/Announcement Ch........ Edward 25. Minister of MuSic.........ccceee Donald Bartlett Tee Bell Martin Taylor R. Carpenter Recommendations 1. It is recommended that the nomination committee for 1986 will consist of Donald R. Carpenter, Chairperson, Jessie Tucker, L.T7. Bell, Shirley Brown, Bentley Christy, Willie Mae Allen, Adline Jackson, Gerod Sawyer, and Ruth Cato. It was the feelings of the committee that that some of the officers hold an elected office too long. Therefore, it is recommended that the Deacons look into the feasibility of limiting the number of years that a person stay in a key position. (e.g no longer than four years). 3. The conmittee felt that major church position. would not best interest of the church. Therefore, it is It is recommended for Trustee So Board. 1 year por. 0 rh the as Woodward | in should not hold more that one year, it was felt that changes recommended that Mrs Kitty Steward start actively training in the Church Clerk's and financial secretary's position. She will serve ssistant in both positions for training purposes. the 5. be an individual However, this e.g. the trustee. ia ay eet trustees Walton Tt is recommended e.g. Men for that Day, a X we would the nominating Women Day names etc. on alternating trustee, and older members submitting KeytM \ be placed 3 year Therefore ‘ , responsibility Days. that have committee Bell two terms year new members oa trustee, | left on for continuity. Lun be charged with for Chairpersons for all the Annual 55: Ah se r bilacs fo ; \ TO: Fyre Deacon George Anderson Chairman, Deacon Board New Zion Baptist Church & Dr. Date: Subject SPTES COOED CESES CFEEE SORES CE5EE SEESE s CEEEE GEEEE GEEET The Donald R. Carpenter Chairman Nomination November 6, i986 Officers for the GEESE SEEEE GOES GEESE CONSE GEESE SFEEE SOREF GETEE SEEED CFEEE COEEE GEESE Comnittee met Conmittee Church SEGRE GEERT SORES GUEST SFTEE CEEET SEES EFEEE GEETE CFSE Year CFTR SNES SFFET GFEET CFEEE on Wednesday, For Church 1986/87 CERES HHUET GOTET GEEEE HEEEE FHEEE GFE8 October HEETE SHEET GERET FEES FTEET GREET HONEY 29, FETE COOEE 1986 HOTET Geeee GHeee 4 ta consider potential officers for the church year 1986/87. Committee members present were: Dr. Donald R. Carpenter, Mrs. Shirley Brown, Mr. L.T. Bell, Mrs. Ruth Cato, Mrs. Adline Jackson, Mr. Bently Christy, and Mrs. Willie Mae Allen. Members absent: Mr. Gerod Sawyer, and Mr. Jessie (excused). Tucker Recommendations Financial Secretary Church Director Ly Mrs. Clerk Sup. Sunday School President of Mission President Laymern President Senior Choir Male Chorus Young Adult Minister of President Senior Chairperson Chairperson Chairpersen Chairperson a The abeyance Ff Music Usher Sea owing ta the ‘e l - Wat kis cememmeo Frank Mies. Dula Mr. Mr. Walter Allen een E=—= Geroad Sawyer day Mr. Harry Woodward ful Edward Taylor Shirley itl. Sattiewhit © meee Ov Brow — Rech eee. eal Mes. Selma Hutchirsen Nomination from Floor ame 2th vive. Marion Carter _=—=—_———z7/ Mrs. Clara Gree SS Choir Board Mes. Church Decoration Sick Committee Benevolent /F lower La Soom due Tommie Wé Me. Mrs. B.T.U. President President 1986/87: lrwv™ Deacon George And Yn Vrs, Georgia oe mr. T. Bell Sr Mv. Willie Broc Nemination from floor Chairman Deacen Board Chairpersen Deaconess Board Chairperson Trustee Board Chairperson Finance Committee Chairperson Christian Ed Treasurer Year prencih eek committees lack of Clydis Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Ww er Adline Willie Bessye fro Ws et activities Firn | Jackson & Martin &£ Bartlettip cansidered this S—— past dbp. ae lt —= = — Phoacd | and church held iv year. It was the feeling of the cammittee that they could be activated when a pastor is selected for the church. The Committees are: Senior Citizen Club, Nurse Guild, and Board of Evangelism. The Junior Usher Board was mot considered because it fall under the Senior Usher Board as the case is with the Youth Department being under the Mission. The changes from the church year 1983/86 reflects a 43% change in administrative heads of organization. The would appear ta be an appropriate shift far the church year 1986/87. ‘6 ot % Recommendations This complete from the nomination the work of the the hed?’ tel nomination ru Therefore, the recommendation is anather committee for the church The OJ to duties be The of clearly defined ined. appointments clarifications. to Are the committee: that year tur tr 7 Trustee appointments committee. the church 1986/87. feee [yrs uJ Board made need for select secretary need OA gor fe we AMD AL) | a lifetime or should they be selected on a year to year basis from this committee? There was a recommendation passed by the church that trustees be placed cm a one year, two year, and three year term. This was never done agcording to an action taken Independent by the Recommenations from fi The armouncements need to be part of the church service. last task completed a pe Gywhret eget in the Dr. Donald moved back The sermon church rth R. Carpenter to the begirning need to be the service. fy tae) Pui fee —__ church, ) hb [ Pi I would suggest that all deacens become involved in the devotional process. It would give "power" and show “unity” during the devotional period if they all stand together. Under the current structure, you have the same persans leading devation the majority of the time. This would give some variety ta the process. Dear your Deacon Anderson, Rnelosed is a list consideration. of recommendations by the | Trustee Board for K RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CHURCH: 1. Church cleanup day!!!! All The until All members bags and to are asked to bring yard have trucks available!! Sis Watkins and Sis. Lewis items will to participate. need attention! tools, be in Sat. April llth, cleaning rags, buckets, trash of Potluck for the day. with law, charge the Get curtains made. Bathrooms: men's need plumbing work. (Bro. Gus Bell; 782-5461) Left stairway at bottom, carpet is torn Pipe leading from pool needs replacing, (Bro. Carter) Paint outside and patch. Outdoor carpet on steps Sidewalk and building cement patched Vestible, Pastor's needs left side to built Church wis. A ramp within thirty A. A Trustee Fellowship 4. Take Purchase a be carpet office. days. to for be is coming handicap held, our First Sunday a refrigerator. Fpr oy aloose. Fellowship (B-Mart) accessibility inviting a look at the proposed rezoning and Lincoln. (Bro. Massey) 5.Reinstate j~6. following are 9am beh O ks lpm. members city-wide issue Potluck for a to comply trustees. processing Dinners. | and (Sis. plant Lewis) LOGS: SEALS on 30th eT ber Peon |