Title | Box 9, Folder 9: Christian education administration workshop, 1974 |
Contributors | New Zion Baptist Church |
Description | Christian education administration workshop, 1974 |
Subject | Education |
Keyword | Education |
Digital Publisher | Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date | 1974 |
Date Digital | 2023; 2024 |
Item Size | 11x8.5 inches |
Medium | Documents; Booklets |
Spatial Coverage | Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type | Image/StillImage |
Access Extent | image/jpg |
Conversion Specifications | Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL, a Epson Expression 12000XL scanner, and Epson FastFoto scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Photoshop. JPG files were then created for general use. |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit New Zion Baptist Church, Ogden, Utah and Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information: |
Sponsorship/Funding | Available through grant funding by the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board |
Source | New Zion Baptist Church Records; Box 09, Folder 9 |
OCR Text | Show \ i EHEISTIAN EDUCATION ABMINISTRATION ef WORKSHOP the NEW ZIGN BAPTISH CHURCH 2935 Lineela Ave 10 SECTION JUNE 1974 f ADMINISTERING THE PROGRAM GF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Mertha Deeeon H. George Graham Anderson Chairman, Deacen Beard nav Willie Davis, Paster ADMINISTERING THE PROGRAM GF CHRISTIAN ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION WORKSHOP THE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONGRESS GF CHRISTIAN EDUGATION In this section ef the Werkshep we shall be cencerned with the administration of the program of Christian Education and interpret it as the task of the whele church and not just the Church Sehool. We shall endeavor te define certain terms and relate them toe the everall program of Christian Education, [We will leok at the admin-} strative task ef the total pregram keeping in mind that cur basic purpese always is to help each person in the Church to dedicate him self to Christ and to develop the understanding, the attitudes and the skills and that he needs in his in order relationship with to be Christian others. This in hia statement persenal by Lee J. Gable as what we mean by Christian Nartures "Christian Nurture Threugh the Church, has been iife given in hie book Christian Education belongs te the whele church and every church organization and activity should contribute to the Christian murture of the people who are involved in it. The church that seeks be bring carefully the Christian heritage of its ebjectives. different stagee fer all of them. inte People the lives are of people must different and they think are at of advancement, but the ultimate goal is the same The church seeks to bring each of them into a conscious relatieoship te God as Father sad to Jesus Shrige as his~ Saviour and Lord. It seeks to draw them inte respensible partici- patien seek will in the Christian to help reavlt them family to develep and in the Christian Christien in Christian decieions faith and and conduct. Church. We cheracter which _ Preparation in Church membership is a task in which adult religiqus attitudes that all Christians have a part. Churches are giving more time today te the preparation of adultes fer Church membership, whether being transferred or on confession of faith. Many people carry far inte their lives sre childish and depend- ent, or adolescent and rebellious. The variations ef adults axperdences and understanding suggest a less structured and more conver= sational appreach in infermal groups in which participants ask and answer questicens. These segsions will help ts inform the member of the work of the church and to relate himself to it. Suth groups will give seme the opportunity of discussing and asking questions about things, the doctrine, snd working s of the chureh that he would not inquire about er seek te uaderstand in congregational groups. The entire membership needs to face constantly its responsibilities for the congregation must be a vital members are to and service. What Education find adequate is your church in the church? nurture doing Christian for fellowship continued in developing growth | a gregram if new in faith of Christien | ae P< 3 5 5 Z 2%\ or 3 eS, ; Cp “Ree Cony, e 2 ¥ — a2 CHURCH of Miesions, Service e 4 , Ge!vf aa ‘oor > 4 a | — sg Ie iN &] p A & 28 ¥ - a So 4 B e HOUND xvauns aH Wha, oo % | &BF& | ‘OOHOS 2, Teaching Gutreach and = \ oor \ engaged in Worship cn Evangeli sos or? oe ® Christian Faith TREC p or pe 4 Fellowship ees “XD & “Lo "% % @5, — To, Fae Pte, “s “we : %, Wien? . The Chureh is not may work hie will. Christien work. en end in itself, Te achieve hut an instrument ite purpose, through which Ged the church must be active in This leads to a variety of efferts which constitute its As in let Cor. 12, there are diversities of offices and tetal program. : tasks, but ail are members of one boly. This diagram showe the unity of purpose aml program, with diversity ef greups and activities. 10 June NEY ZION BAPTISH CHURCH 1974 f o 2935 Linceln Ave 7 ‘ WHY A GHURGH SHOULD HAVE A PROGRAM CHRISTIAN OF EDUCATION 1 GOR. CHAPTER THE THE CHURCH CHURCH THE OF Sis ONE THE ¥ 12 FOUNDATION BODY OF CHRIST CHRISTIANS ARE MEMBERS CHRIST Martha H. BODY Grehen, Bre George Chairwoman Anderson Chairman, Deacon Beard Rev Willie Davis, Paster f i f i 4 PASTORS CHURCH SGHCOL SUPERINTENDENS AND TEACHERS BAPTLST PRALNING UNION DIRECTOR GENERAL MISSIOM PRESIDENT USHER BOARD PRESIDENT MUSIC DEPARTMENT PRESIDENTS DIRECTORS ORGANIST PIANISTS ALL CLUBS PRESIDENTS INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (All of the above of the Board) constitute individuals the Organization GOAL PRACTICAL EVERY STEPS MEMBER AN TOWARD UNITY ESSENTIAL PART OF THE ASSURING INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPATION CHURCH It is act a depart Christian Educatien is Christian living. ment ef the church but the tetal pregram ef the church is educational. Every sermon, every All experience is a teaching-learming experience. In every area of the life of the peaching experience is education. The church is to be the church and church we are Sealing with peeple. in the home, on the job and impliment to experience provide guidance and hour of worship, or the > the just The church is not into everyday life. worship service aswe se often refer to it, for the service begins whea We come to learm to meditate, to pray, but we depart the worship ends. of learning is doing. end the for to serve Hes our church program It is possidle thst we have not learned? When this takes place fallen short of a teaching-learning experience? and we have worshiped end learmed then we are ready to do semething However, we find that tco We are ready to become invelved. about it. many of us are not willing im the church but in all to become things in any way because we den’t want This is true net caly involved. ‘the church must involved. we will mot to become speak up, or act or move divect us in beceming invelved we must remind that threugh Chrisé Jesus men and Ged are reconciled end lead us inte mot lecking on man where he As human beings it is curs to find then, is but where he aught te be. treat them lova them and seek to involve them and ourselves wherever we are fox there is line that divides iifa~all Life is sacred before Ged. Iu administering the program ef Christian Education it is impertart that we consider the total program of the chureh end plen to include all We will nead te plem fer our adults, senior groups and all age levels. eitizens, and young adults; our youth and eur children, aed there will be breakdowns in each of these areas as indicated cn the charts. ADULTS; Ae this time we Find many older edults they etill need and expect the church te xeach them. anvolving your senior citizens, your active older adults must be included in eur churches and Variceus activities shut-fia adults as well as your in the total program of the church. the Your young sdults, married couples and single adults, ere coming to of all in but religious only not s themselve chureh seeking guidance for in will We planaing. its in them life and the church must provide fer eur emall greup sessiens provide a pregram for these age Levels. What are ve doieg YOUTH: the high spiritual values that for our youth? they can carry Arse we developing in then over into all of life? This is our responsibility and eur pregram of Christian Education must Our Yeuth committee will consider this is their group provide for them. 8388SL0R3o CHILDREN: Aum impertant committee of the Board is the Children's Work Gemmittee which will etrive to establish a church pregram for the Children's group children in all organizations invelwing children. of our section will deal with such in the sessions. They are te be found in every successful Church. Four indispensables are progran, morale orgenization, ef these is leadership. : greatest the leadership; but and : fhe securing of able leaders is the prime problem in every local chureh. trained There is no ether factor that even eppreaches it. leadership is the master key that opens every door. deveted, Able, A leader is Whet does the work “leadership” mesnt What is a leader? ends. one, whe guides his fellewers toward desired A leader is ens whe is chiefly respensible fox the strategy, the program, and the wafelding plans that lead to achievement and viétery. A leader is ene whe in the comradeship ef the greup counsels and guides” his followers toward geals co-eperatively chosen and freely embraced. A leader is a guide who helps his followerecouredes reach a desired a chosen aim, and get a worthwhile job dene well. by a group of ministers es one “-esponsible for objective, echieve A leader was defined individual fermilating policy, administering program, and discharging respousibilities demanding initiative and ekiil. One of authorities creative most the ablest, “Ascording on leadership W. Randolph Thornton, says in democratic group procedures, the leader leader. to become responsible for the development and achieve the program and plans." 4s not to deminate ite goals. any of which gresp function or a series be perfermed does not say "Get Going”; te guide but rather by an member instead he says “at's the ef the Gei"* be led by in achieving is a shared greup should define own strategy, that the eppointed the the group thinking of its ‘This is saying Leadership msy well ‘The group rather then his own. its purposes te the latest help should field, in the leadership oz elected leader of shared functions, He assumes that his group. leader The He considers them partners fellewers are working with him, net fer him. in the work and sees to it that they share in the rewards and giorities He is not interested in having ‘The leader cam be led. the team spirit. | his own way, but in finding the best way. are 3 Seme of the leaders’ Ministeriel, which and activity | chief duties includes the verfied 3 minister. and services in the local church rendered by the : Executive, covering the work of directers ef Christiane Education certain other steffi members. Secretarial, which deals with stenegraphic services and records. Administrative, which fuvelwes leadership of chureh beards, org anizations, and committees. , feaching, in church scheol and other educational groups. Visitation, fer purposes of evangelism, recruitment, friendship parish group ectivities, Vinencial, which embraces the financial affairs ef the church. Counseling, for a ministry of guidance and encouragement. Music, plenning the musical life of the satire church. and | men all church Worship, for Training in leadership, dividual devotions. services for : the and groups, total church. together with ine | 4 devout end de> The genius ef Christian leadership is found in ing laymen es his Jesus himself set the Example by cheos -woted laity. Christ As the supreme leader of all Christians, Jesus disciples. They also are believers. erdained all men to the priesthood of all & sacrificial as ioa vecat ministers, whe ought always to yvegard their wan has a Every mankind. offering to God for the well-being ef all time and of Every man has a tribute Every man hee e task. gelent. feet ef che Son of God. talent which, if he is feithful, he lays at the tian leader What are some of the worthy qualities which a Chris add ethers to want ay youmm Here a few might be expected to possess? im the space om the right. Loyalty to Jesus Christ Love of Christ's Church Devotion te the work Reguler attendance of the Church at church Christian habits and ideals Personality Leadership well abeve the avarage Ability to work with others Meral integrity Willingness to take and discharge responsibility Geod bussiness judgnent Reputation that commands raspect in the church and comunity Success im his chosen vyecation falent iu line with the proposed task. Whet is the progrem of work of the lecal church? Education and the church scheel, 2. 1. Worshize and preaching. Te is¢ Under these four Christian serviee. Christien fellowship and 4. 3, h may be listed. churc any broad divisions mest ef the unified program o£ stand Cut. which Stating this fm more detail here are progren features Christian Education , Masic Preeching Wership Missions and Renevelences Wemen's Work Youth activities Visitation Finance Preperty Fellowship Community Outreach ns relatio Public Counseling Membership Christian Vehering Veeatien and service Devotional life Secretarial ts & On the pages following we have some cheres which presen division chart oa ovarall view of the tetal program of the chureh, a Education age groups, and the functioning of the Board of Christian You will form gsuall work groups who will work in the locel Church. At the end of the work in certain phases of the total program. at the end ef this sessions you will copsider the problems preseated group work This together with your participation in the material, hop. Werks the ef will determine your completing this secticn és, 2 CHRISTLAN EDUCATION IN THE CHURCH The great objective in Christian Educatien ie the new All the materials and methuds of person in Jesua Christ. Christien Education therefore sheuld be such es are of service to Ged as he enters inte the life of growing persons, them from sin and empowering them @£ righteousness and service. The chart belew proposes threugh His Spirit a plan of the chureh lives through the Beard of Christian Education te promote or administer ef Christian Education in the local church. THE of Board ee Beard of | EDUCATION | CHILDREN’ s of WORK | Missionary of Prenetion Trustees © YOUTs WORK COUNCIL Board Commi ttee prograna ! _-apvzsory Commi ttee the PASTOR | CHRISTIAN saving fer Comission | | | Committee . oe ci sees SOL? LEADERSHIP MIS eggs EDUCATION ntee HIP sooc ARDS : | SPRA | WORK | (6 Tovah eoderth IC (S109) DoMewSs4 ny 1 Class : Med etetton — of A, B, | Assemble New Tw the +6) doef 4+ Smutre oe ‘7 People Tog ether TEestimenT headiersht Q Qsard mrubot sec, (s gat Si lance, Fah iJ ff. Chowk: of Ohrectia 0 ua, taught te ill Ll Momemws LT Develo prwT Cdyia c& ow stufes the Chak WHY A CHURCH SHOULD HAVE A PROGRAM oe... CHRISTIAN EDUCATION by L. Willis A, Snederass The Sunday School Publishing Beard of the National BSaptise® Convention, U. S. A., Tacorporated, Department ef Christian Education is iatereste d in’ cic e@cucaiional pregrem ef each church. We feel that many of cur chureh-es his sas. mexeély @n preaching alone, when in reality teaching membera to observe all that Jesus taught is being neglected. We are anxieus to heip any lecel congregation, that is interested were abe@ut Ghe special s tedy engresation. rY i ‘—. ces ot institute, comgress, ox aay other church body, Christien edexénian, ‘Our people need te be teueht — purpese and meaning ef the church. ‘eo understand this saquires 0 preparation, which invelves the total membership of each If yeu need ner in this area please write us that we may be ~ 22. 8érvice Se in : you. "e have listed below seme ef the essential peints in the puz pase of the chusen;/read carefully te see whether er not you need help in fulfilling Caese purpeses. ee GUAT TE FOROGEE op we cuNecH? ‘ik ‘o interpret religiote n its members threush preaching the ces pet, whten os g C s k; & as’ ees "may net be ever the listener's head and te provide study classes: New uvead gnc stacy the Bible, teacher development es « person and teaches, bP ceneunl leadership sae Ley ainistiy: education, helpine the chureh members at werk in beth Cavdstienstevardship and ene should interest the | 1 a a mo orevide training in worship _teught hoy te sing, pray, meditate learn and ee church sud many ether needed grov and as ge Christ tians, Laid an Gacbers t 4 ae ets thi and devotional life. eikecs need to be eccerding to age grovps. Worship hes quality as well as nesning fw the membership. The devotional life of cual thy conditions ene's life for church and comuunity service. g He Ss va paxenan the hoe LowshZp of menbere through orgenized accivities. according erest groups, including recreational and service groups. “< be cone ‘better acquainted, to feel more at houe, and creates | . 3 - : _— 1. Thewenmbers must be taught hew te love neighbors by eeeetang activities that Seo age ae stery of tove and deing for their neighbors. This requires training in - . ns, evangelism, seciel action, end the like. | Meabers should be — to be “ gauensd with weeds of their aun mex , and the unchurched pre & Ss... Seif te petwide training investment, im acquiring, ste = — | é ee ia a oro a oe: He ee es 5; oe ane a # ery er ——— os f s . # ee’ ee Cie 63 Sint Bs faa eo rue che of the te calc getcsacl a “Saude ‘calle for s t how té best de the; in other aspects ef Tife. ahhas eee. i f ~ s » » i a5: fea y \ ‘iy ‘ ek ee i dy 10 June NEW ZEON BAPTISH CHURCH 1974 2935 Linceln Ave WHY A CHURCH SHOULD PROGRAM CHRESTIAN THE THE CHURCH ONE 12 ~ FOUNDATION < OF CHRIST - THE CHRISTIANS ARE MEMBERS - OF Sis EDUCATION CHAPTER Martha THE A OF 1 GOR. CHURCH HAVE BODY CHRIST H. Grahen, BOSY - Chairwoman - Bro Geerge Anderson ~ Chairman, Deacon Board © Rew Willie Davis, Paster ‘N Mew =. ar ary 8 » Left (Ver Pt Ouro tls aes 74+/ Aim e GA, FOG TF IFT Cgtvrel & A vie INTRod UCti an ee tr ist 3 PreGfrfam Church — BoG rol of ithe ECducatiew Marthh Chor Cheistesyy Educate. | Jess 12 WM OrgivVatloW of He bard IV. QGUGCST IAW SS IEre Vv NVOt A UNO. T4Z@ 4 Erahan HEV, Wonmey | FUMPIONE Cnouwd es Wi thee Datkio period SundaY Gthocl. Nor 4 B2f4/1s7 Wraw|wF Wer A mIss1elv3 PY Church. Pregram INAV tHE Rey. Wittt'e BOociersy H.Grahgsm Chasfwamen HPavis | Pasloar Po PASTORS CHURCH SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENS AND TEACHERS BAPTIST TRAINING UNION DIRECTOR GENERAL MISSIOM PRESIDENT USHER BOARD PRESIDENT MUSIC DEPARTMENT PRESIDENTS | DIRECTORS ORGANIST PIANISTS ALL CLUBS PRESIDENTS INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (All of the above of the Beard) individuals constitute the Organization 7 GOAL PRACTICAL STEPS TOWARD UNITY EVERY MEMBER AN ESSENTIAL ASSURING INDIVIDUAL PART OF THE CupReH PARTICIPATION an living.— ‘It is not. a daca gram ef the ning experience. - In iS | ae + into asad and et life. people. £6. every area of the life The church is to be the of nal. eve Poe the pared then we are saeay to do ome We are ready to becen e involved. many of ue are net willing to im 2n ig educati Every sore a ence to impliment in the home, « The < huz is not et the hour of Wor : ‘and we have worshiped end about church the chureh but in all ehi any way because we don’t wa becone involved. | ‘to become However, ws - This is involved. The ve cs ieee mst i direct us in becoming involves ? mist remind that through Christe Jesus man and God are reconciled and lead us inte mot leoking on man where he 4g but where he ought to be. As hunan beings ié is curs to find then, — _——seweat them love them and seek to involve them and ourselves wherever we es are _ there is line chet divides life~all life is sacred before | Gee te 28 ee oe | Ia administering the pregos 7 am of Christian Edueation ‘oc oe im oS that we consider the totel pregram of the church and plan to include all groups and all age levels. We will need to plan for cur adults, wo eitizens, and young adults; our youth and cur children, and there oa oe be breakdowns oS in each of these areas as indicated 6n the — S ADULTS: Ae thie vie. we | find MARY older adults in our churches &nvolving your senior citizens, your shutein adults as well as yeur, they etill need end expect the church aetive older Your young = FOR: adults must be included adults, marcied couples te reach them. an So Various activities fo in the total program ef the ¢ urch. end single adults, are ecuing to the @hureh seeking guidance for themselves act only religisus but in all of : ‘Life and the church must provide for them ia its planning. We will in = - small greup sessions provide a isha for these age levels. : a —... What are | wee dois 2 er our youth? Are we sovateites a then the high spiritual values thet they can carry over into all of life? | This is our responsibility and our program of Christian Educaté ss prewide sessions. | fer then. Work Conmittee children fn all Our Feuth comm tree will consider this fas ‘oa ae on mizeei strive @ to avely: ie «a burch Bre | H ra 2 5 eee. —”~s ts : Your indiepensables are te be found in every successful Church. They are progrea, orgenization, of these is leadership. _ morale | end leadership; but the greatest 7 The seeuring of able leaders is the prime problem in every leeal church. trained one, There is no ether feetor that even approaches it. leadership is the master key that epens every decor. What is a leader? who guides his What does fellowers Able, the work "leadership" mean? toward desired ends, | deveted, A Leader is A leader is one who is chiefly responsible for the strategy, the pregran , and the unfolding plans that lead to achievement and wietery. A leader is ene who in the comradeship ef the gxcup counsels and guides his followers toward goals co-eperstively chosen and freely embrac ed. A leader is a guide who helps his followerecourades reach e desired objective, achieve a chosen aim, and get a worthwhile job dene well. A leader was defined by a group of ministers es eae “responsible fer formulating policy, administering progrem, and discharging individual responsibilities demanding initiative and skill, W. One of Randelph the ablest, Thernton, in domoeratic group most says creative authorities en leadership procedures, the leader "According should in the leadership to the help the field, latest thinkiag group define and achieve its purposes rather than his ewe, The group should be led by the leader. te become responsible for the davelopment of its own Strategy, program and plans.” This is saying that the appeinted or elected leader is net to dominate the group but rather te guide the group in echieving ies goals. Leadership is a shared function er a series of shared functicas, — auy of which may well be performed by an member of the group. The ieader — does not say "Get Going"; instead he says “let's Go!" He assumes that his follewers are working with him, net for him. He considera then partners in the work and sees to it that they shere in the rewards end glorifies the team spirit. The leader can be led. He is not interested in having his ewn way, but im finding the best way. are2 Seme of the leaders’ chief duties and activity in the lecal church Ministerial, which includes the varied services rendered by the mivister. Executive, covering the work of directors ef Christian Education and certein other staff members, Secretarial, which deals with stenegraphic services and recerds. Administrative, which invelves leadership of church beards, org: anizations, and cemnittess. 7 oy Teaching, in church school and other educational groups. Visitation, for purposes of evangelism, recruitment, friendship and parish group activities, : Financial, which embraces Counseling, for Music, planning the financial affairs of the church, a ministry of guidance and encouragement. the musical life of the entire church. Worship, for Treining in leadership, dividual devotions. a11 church services ead groups > together for tetal the with in- church. the genius of Christian leadership is found in a devout and deo voted laity. Jesus himself set whe éught alweya to regard the Example by checsing Laymen as his disciples. As the supreme leader of 211 Christians, ordeined all men to the priesthood of sll believers. Jesus Christ They also are offering Every man has ministers, talent. to God fer the well-being Every man hes talent wnich, a task. their vocation cf a11 mankind. Every man has if he is faithful, he lays ag a sacrificial «2 tribute of time a and at the feat ef the Son of Ged. What are some of the worthy qualities which ea Christian leader might be expected to possess? Here a few yoummay want to add ethers im the on the right. space Leyalty te Jesus Love of Chrise’s te Devotion Christ Church the work Regular sttendance of the Church at church Christian habits and ideals Personality Leadership well abeve the average Ability to work with others Meral integrity Geod bussiness Willingness Reputation to take and discharge responsibility judgment that commands respect im the church and community Success felent in his chosen vecation im line with the proposed task. What is the program of work of the lecal church? Zt iet 1. Wershize and preaching. 2. Education and the church seheel. 3. Chrietian fellowship end 4. Christian service. Under these four bread divisions mest ef the unified program of any chureh may be listed. Stating this fm more detail here are program features which stand out. Worship Preaching Music Youth activities Wemen’s Work Missions Fellowship Property Finance Membership Counseling Christien Veeatien and service Ushering Publie relations PDevetionsl life | Christian Education and Henevelences Vasitation — Community Ouereach Secreterial On the pages following we have some charts which presents a overall view of the tetal program of the church, a division chart on age groups, aud the functioning of the Board of Christian Rducation in the local Church. You will form small work groups who will work im certain phases of the total program. At the end ef the work sessions you will censider the preblems preseated at the end of this material, This together with your participation in the group work will datermins your completing this section ef the Werkshop. 4 The great ebjective The chart belaw in Christian Kducatien ie the new ef All the materials and methids person in Jesue Christ. service 2 = of are as such be Christian Education therefore should saving s, person g to Cod as he enters into the life of growin s them frem sin and empowering them through His Spirit for live ef righteousness and service. — Board of Christian proposes a plan of Education to promote the or church ef Christian Education in the local church. © “ADVISORY - , through the administer the —- COUNCIL progres a : - |
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