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Show < 4 j APY. pe oy Tre. CAPITAL U, AND U NDIVIDED Prorits, $260, 000. S&S. DEPOSITORY. David y Tay Wat, Opelen, . . .LIGLs 8, Eccles, Baxer Dear ; Ay Lity, Or. Sir: | he ‘ SRE oe Stratford obtaining & Son list their on of the affairs Hand, asseésmenm—ese stand as and liabilities due for Amounts due on 20 3556.00__ leave face Pus then of 000. cover goods, to : owe as be 15,810.00 | all excess good deducted the and while think for amounts the there amounts above accounts shovld they mentioned will appear - it would — on the be atleast from not collect or to % collection. amount of money furniture to make purchased at will thev if know to Wish ies part these $29,810.00 collect fairly of expenses for ee | ’ can $2500. sufficient ‘ to $14,000.00 notes, $7,990.00 of an them Now 2 Ss they one $37,800.00 Total, Providing ‘@ } $17,464.00 | Total, Amounts of follows: be food; £0 oyerain Clee Stock a payment the be of their bills time the said centage vou would new use to allowed whi {~- Jpon ch ; a thev incorporation goss| aaa; S wal a ea oo eae fa, hers 2 , +* . ee at Ags say Tsa + + E 4 { into effect, your notes or if not what per require paid upon Mac yi and that due the q teeptate Bereotne bank. Thev also wish ‘to ; will the take at von san Ber the new Vours concern.{ Kindly truby, ; * + . $ . : 3 ‘ . ay ~ a» st i aan 2 wo mA wd of? , * { ‘ ¥ ' >. © 4 who-2 on- ;« caa: t know oa (fon + 5 : y 7 et , ‘ ‘ ; A ’ = . l fot ‘ Wh, .* , + i kar ee ’ “se /; an ‘ uN - Me * iad . lew. 5 ~ _ Ay < es AG? ‘ 7“ sit Le ‘ S§ hear from ae |