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Show J. H. HANNAN TEL. 2-16-53 450 CALZ. INDEP. COLIMA, COLIMA MEXICO Colima, 20 Oct. 1971 Mr. Weston Bourret, Vice President, Utah Const. & Mining Co., California St., San Francisco, Calif. Dear Wes: Just a note about mining in Mexico..... When we talked of all of this in Las Vegas, I was much surprised by the figure you mentioned for the participation by mining in the G.N.P. of Mexico, prepared by one of the New York banks, and made the comment that it seemed much below similar information I had seen recently. Just to check my memory I looked up the recent article on such data for all of Latin America, and I attach a copy of the page listing the various countries and that portion of overall data concerning mining. This gives 4.4% for mining in Mxico in 1970. I will be interested in reading the article that you had, and offered to send to me. It was a pleasure to be with you and Laura in Las Vegas I am still laughing about the guy who wouldn't believe that you really intended to buy the 210 ton truck J Sincerely, Attach: Xerox of pg.69, "Progreso", of Sept. 1971. UTAH INTERNATIONAL INC. (FORMERLY UTAH CONSTRUCTION & MINING CO.) 550 CALIFORNIA STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94104 CABLE ADDRESS: UTAHINTL (415) 981-1515 October 28, 1971 Mr. J. H. Hannan Consulting Engineer 450 Calz, Indep. Colima, Colima Mexico Dear Jim: True to my promise, I am enclosing herewith economic report on Mexico prepared by the First National City Bank. This report was released in late September of this year, consequently, it is fairly up to date. If you will turn to the bottom of page 31, you will note tab-ulation of gross domestic product, by industries, for an 11-year period ending 1970. The source of the information is the Bank of Mexico. For the past three or four years minings' contribution to GDP is only 1.0%. A more realistic way of calculating mining production is simply to take actual production figures as reported by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, assign a value per pound or ton for each commodity, multiply it out and arrive at a total value figure for each commodity. Enclosed herewith is a xerox copy of page 86 which appears in the annual statistical report of the Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior. Also, according to the Bank of Mexico current GDP is 423 billion pesos, equivalent to 33.8 billion dollars. Similarly real GDP in terms of 1960 prices is 298 billion pesos, or 23.8 billion dollars. Assuming that the Bank of Mexico's percentage for mining is approxi-mately correct, then the contribution of mining to GDP would amount to some 330 million dollars actual or 230 million dollars deflated to 1960 prices. It is also interesting to note that in the course of my research I have found the figures published by the Mexican Chamber of Commerce to be very unreliable, particularly in terms of the contribution of mining to GNP. Unfortunately, I shall be away from the office all next week attending a geological conference in Washington, D.C., which means I must set aside at the moment research on Mexico. However, while there I shall talk to someone in the Department of Commerce for clarification on Mexico's mineral output. Enjoyed very much seeing you in Las Vegas and hope we don't have to wait so many years for the next visit. Sincerely, Weston Bourret Vice President WB:cp Enc. 2 MINERIA Aunque la minora se increment en alrededor del 4,6% y por lo tanto a ritmo superior al del ao pasado, que fue del 3.8%, continu a la zaga de los otros sectores. La produccin vari de conformidad con los factores de cada pas y con las condiciones del mercado mundial, en que los precios se redujeron por causa de la disminucin de la demanda, resultado en gran parte del letargo econmico de Estados Unidos. Por otra parte, la demanda de combustibles, especialmente de petrleo, aument mucho porque tambin aumentaron las necesidades de energa en todo el mundo. En Chile, dificultades tcnicas, los nuevos programas de inversiones y las huelgas se aunaron para frenar la produccin. En Per, mejor la produccin de hierro y cobre pero la del plomo y el zinc creci menos que la del promedio del sector. La produccin minera de Colombia descendi tambin, con excepcin del petrleo. Aunque la produccin de petrleo aument significativamente en Argentina, Colombia y particularmente en Venezuela por haberse levantado algunas de las restricciones a la importacin en Estados Unidos, la de Bolivia merm. Este ao se espera que contine au-mentando gracias a las nuevas exploraciones y al alza de los precios mundiales. "PIB" refers to "Producto Interno Bruto" translated as our more common expression of "Gross Nat-ional Product". "PROGRESO" is special publication covering the development of Latin America, industry, agriculture, mining, and trade in general; pub-lished by VISION, INC., Vision Bldg., 635 Madison Ave., N. Y. CRECIMIENTO ANUAL ANNUAL GROWTH OF MINING DE LA MINERIA Percentage PORCENTAJE 1960-65 1965-68 1969 1970 ARGENTINA 9,0 10,1 5,5 10,0 BOLIVIA 5,2 15,0 11,8 7,6 BRASIL 6,1 14,7 11,7 COLOMBIA 4,0 2,0 17,0 3,2 COSTA RICA* 10,0 10,3 8,2 8,4 CHILE 5,0 3,8 2,5 0,4 ECUADOR 1,0 7,4 4,7 EL SALVADOR 2,2 7,1 GUATEMALA 3,6 7,2 33,3 HAITI 6,9 1,7 53,1 HONDURAS 17,8 8,3 5,4 5,2 MEXICO 5,7 7,6 5,2 7,3 NICARAGUA 4,1 0,3 9,3 PANAMA 9,1 7,3 9,5 PARAGUAY 7,7 17,6 8,8 8,0 PERU 5,1 2,3 1,6 3,8 R. DOMINICANA 1,0 5,9 10,2 2,8 URUGUAY* 1,0 0,8 4,8 5,2 VENEZUELA 3,7_1,0_0,4_4,1 * INCLUSO LAS MANUFACTURAS PARTICIPACION PARTICIPATION OF MINING IN DE LA MINERIA THE "GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT". EN EL"PIB" Percentage PORCENTAJE 1965 1968 1969 1970 ARGENTINA 1,4 1,7 1,7 1,8 BOLIVIA 10,2 12,9 13,9 14,1 BRASIL 0,5 0,7 0,6 0,6 COLOMBIA 3,8 3,1 3,4 3,1 COSTA RICA* 17,5 19.1 19,4 19,6 CHILE 9,8 9,7 9,7 9,5 ECUADOR 2,0 2,2 2,2 EL SALVADOR 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 GUATEMALA 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 HAITI 0,7 0,6 0,9 HONDURAS 1,5 1,6 1,6 1,6 _MEXICO 4,4_4,5_4,4_4,4 NICARAGUA 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,1 PANAMA 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 PARAGUAY 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 PERU 7,0 6,9 6,7 6,5 R. DOMINICANA 1,0 1,6 1,6 1,6 URUGUAY* 21,2 22,4 22,1 22,3 VENEZUELA 23,3 21,4 20,7 20,4 * INCLUSO LAS MANUFACTURAS FUENTE: CEPAL, ESTUDIO ECONOMICO DE AMERICA LATINA 1970 Magazine "PROGRESO", of- SEPTIEMBRE 1971 69 |