Title | Date | Type | Setname | ||
751 | 1945-1946 Catalogue of the Weber College | 1945; 1946 | Text | wsu_cat | |
752 | 1946 | 1946 | Text | wsu_ucc_min | |
753 | 1946 Emily Almira C. Rich Diary | 1946 | Text | wsu_rich | |
754 | 1946 Scribulus Autumn | 1946 | Text | wsu_olp | |
755 | 1946-1947 Catalogue of the Weber College | 1946; 1947 | Text | wsu_cat | |
756 | 1947 | 1947 | Text | wsu_ucc_min | |
757 | 1947 Emily Almira C. Rich Diary | 1947 | Text | wsu_rich | |
758 | 1947 Scribulus Fall | 1947 | Text | wsu_olp | |
759 | 1947 Scribulus Spring Centennial Issue | 1947 | Text | wsu_olp | |
760 | 1947 Scribulus Winter | 1947 | Text | wsu_olp | |
761 | 1947 The Acorn | 1947 | Text; Image/StillImage | wsu_year | |
762 | 1947-1948 Catalogue of the Weber College | 1947; 1948 | Text | wsu_cat | |
763 | 1947-1948 Catalogue of the Weber College Evening School | 1947; 1948 | Text | wsu_cat | |
764 | 1948 | 1948 | Text | wsu_ucc_min | |
765 | 1948 Edward I. Rich Diary | 1948 | Text | wsu_rich | |
766 | 1948 Scribulus Autumn | 1948 | Text | wsu_olp | |
767 | 1948 Scribulus Winter | 1948 | Text | wsu_olp | |
768 | 1948 The Acorn | 1948 | Text; Image/StillImage | wsu_year | |
769 | 1948 The New Touch | 1948 | Text | wsu_olp | |
770 | 1948 The Selector | 1948 | Text | wsu_olp | |
771 | 1948 Weber Alumnus | 1948 | Text | wsu_alumni | |
772 | 1948-11-10 Reed K Storey to Elizabeth D Shaw | 1948 | Text | wsu_dfp | |
773 | 1948-1949 Catalogue of the Weber College | 1948; 1949 | Text | wsu_cat | |
774 | 1949 | 1949 | Text | wsu_ucc_min | |
775 | 1949 Edward I. Rich Diary | 1949 | Text | wsu_rich |