1 - 25 of 9
Number of results to display per page
1 Collins, Bettie Jean OH19_0632019Text; Image/StillImage; Image/MovingImagewsu_bs_oh
2 Crawford, Claudia, and Halverson, Claudette OH20_002, video clip2023Image/MovingImage; Image/StillImage; Text; Soundwsu_webda_oh
3 D'Agnillo, Elaine OH19_0722019Text; Image/StillImage; Image/MovingImagewsu_bs_oh
4 Huggins, Ira OH4_028 video clip1981Image/MovingImage; Soundwsu_oh
5 Medina, Irene OH19_0742019Text; Image/StillImage; Image/MovingImagewsu_bs_oh
6 Miller Sisters OH9_027 video clip2011Image/MovingImagewsu_webda_oh
7 Sessions, Gene OH3_047 video clip2021Image/MovingImage; Soundwsu_oh
8 Waterfall, Clarence OH3_0522021Text; Image/StillImage; Image/MovingImagewsu_oh
9 Witten, Lee OH20_014, video clip2023Image/MovingImage; Image/StillImage; Text; Soundwsu_webda_oh
1 - 25 of 9