Meyer, Virginia Biddle_OH9_051, video clip

Title Meyer, Virginia Biddle_OH9_051, video clip
Creator Weber State University, Stewart Library: Oral History Program.
Contributors Meyer, Virginia Biddle, Interviewee; Rands, Lorriem Interviewer; Baird, Raegan, Video Technician
Collection Name Weber and Davis County Community Oral Histories
Description The Weber and Davis County Communities Oral History Collection includes interviews of citizens from several different walks of life. These interviews were conducted by Stewart Library personnel, Weber State faculty and students, and other members of the community. The histories cover various topics and chronicle the personal everday life experiences and other recollections regarding the history of the Weber and Davis County areas.
Abstract The following is an oral history interview with Virginia (Ginny) Biddle Meyer, conducted in three sessions between June 30 and July 26, 2023 by Lorrie Rands. Ginny shares part of her life story, starting with her birth in 1924 and ending shortly after her return from Germany in 1950. She discusses her experiences growing up in Ogden, Utah, attending Stanford University and with World War II. She also talks about her experiences being an army wife after the war. Also present is audio and video technician Raegan Baird. The following is a video clip of an oral history interview. A full transcript of the interview is available.
Relation A full transcript is available at:
Image Captions Virgnia Biddle Ogden High year book photos, circa 1942; Ginny Biddle Meyer 6 July 2023
Subject Ogden, Utah--History; Great Depression; International Order of Job's Daughters; Freemason; World War, 1939-1945
Digital Publisher Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University.
Date 2023
Temporal Coverage 1924; 1925; 1926; 1927; 1928; 1929; 1930; 1931; 1932; 1933; 1934; 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1939; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961; 1962; 1963; 1964; 1965; 1966; 1967; 1968; 1969; 1970; 1971; 1972; 1973; 1974; 1975; 1976; 1977; 1978; 1979; 1980; 1981; 1982; 1983; 1984; 1985; 1986; 1987; 1988; 1989; 1990; 1991; 1992; 1993; 1994; 1995; 1996; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023
Medium oral histories (literary genre)
Spatial Coverage Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States; Santa Monica, Los Angeles County, California, United States; Fort Riley; Geary County, Kansas, United States; Grafenwohn, Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Bavaria, Geremany; Kitzingen, Kitzingen, Bavaria, Germany
Type Text
Access Extent Video clip is an mp4 00:03:20 duration, 183 MB
Conversion Specifications Video Clip was created using Canva and Adobe Premiere Pro; Exported as an H.268, Preset was Match Source-High bitrate
Language eng
Rights Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. For further information:
Source Meyer, Virginia Biddle OH9_051 Oral Histories; Special Collections and University Archives, Weber State University.
Format video/mp4
ARK ark:/87278/s61qqy8m
Setname wsu_webda_oh
ID 143573
Reference URL