Smith, Robert B. OH3_016

Title Smith, Robert B. OH3_016
Creator Weber State University, Stewart Library: Oral History Program
Contributors Licona, Ruby
Collection Name Weber State University Oral Histories
Description The Weber State University Oral History Project began conducting interviews with key Weber State University faculty, administrators, staff and students, in Fall 2007. The program focuses primarily on obtaining a historical record of the school along with important developments since the school gained university status in 1990. The interviews explore the process of achieving university status, as well as major issues including accreditation, diversity, faculty governance, changes in leadership, curricular developments, etc.
Image Captions Robert B. Smith
Biographical/Historical Note The following is an oral history interview with Robert B. Smith. Dr. Smith served as vice president for the Academic Affairs office of Weber State University from 1981 to 1996 and was instrumental in the institution's transition from a college to a university. In the interview, Dr. Smith recounts his experiences with the university, including changes that were made in computing, diversity, night school programs, graduate studies, and the university's general organization. The interview was conducted by Ruby Licona on May 31, 2011 in Dr. Smith's home in Idyllwild, California.
Subject Ogden (Utah); Oral history; Weber State College; Weber State University
Digital Publisher Stewart Library, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA
Date 2011
Date Digital 2012
Medium Oral History
Type Text
Conversion Specifications Video was recorded with a VHS Video Recorder. Transcribed by Megan Rohr using WAVpedal 5 Copyrighted by The Programmers' Consortium Inc. Digital reformatting by Kimberly Lynne.
Language eng
Rights Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes, please credit University Archives, Stewart Library; Weber State University.
Source Smith, Robert B. OH3_016; University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University
OCR Text Show
Format application/pdf
ARK ark:/87278/s625yrhw
Setname wsu_oh
ID 111850
Reference URL