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Show THE CALENDAR sinee the Coumeil ef Nice im A.D. $23, when the gule fee Easter Day was established amd the Equinex eacurred om March 21; hence Bep- The Egyptiams determined the true lemgth of the yoar-—365,24z days and divided it inte 12 months of 30 days each. The 5 extra days (er 6 extra days in Leap Yoars) were devoted co festival helidays. The menath was divided into three 10-day periods. sember 3, 1752, was called September 14, and at the same time the commencement of the legal year was changed from March 23 to Jemuary 1, se that the year 1731 lese the momths ef January and After the conquest of Egypt, Julius Caesar, im 46 B.C. adopted the Egyptian calemdar for the Reman Empire, except, says George Kastman, that he did net sentinue the equal months ef the Egyptians. He distributed the 5 extra days throughout the year by adding ome day te every ether month, Jamuary, March, May, July, i 9: and Nevember, amd teck one day eff February. In 28 month B.C., ef Augustus his Caesar, in order birth (August) Julius Caesar (July) and alee to be knowm the calendar, meved Preperty equal days owners quarters im the the 29th whe caused by September his and there day rented first quarter by moving as te have im the change, in third. S$1st te October 3ist. months te come tegether, amd a further November 3ist to December 31st. days birth in the moath as having of altered te August. quarter as there the the in history of February by 93 were as many objected would te Augustus was ua- been The Greece the enlendar The the eslendar, ie sald day that and the accumulation, Gregory's adepted purpose the present was to it is pointed out by keep rule for Leap the Equinex to Year. the It same ef the year. Of the centurial 400 thencefosward Grogoriam minutes, years. Year may years enly those which are exactly divisible by eomtained 366 days. The length ef the meas therefore 12 seconds, and be set adopted by im of the A.D., Japaa im between 1873, by the Parliament im 1917, by the Reumania im 1919, aad by 19235, Hebrews whem was made he adepted legal by Con- Christianity. veferm Fixed Calemdar, prometed by Geerge Rastmas amd hie associates, is ome of the mest active of projects Fixed urged upes Calendar Congress. provides a year of 13 meathe ef 4 weeks each, the weeks cemsisting, as now, of 7 days. Eastman, had areunted to 16 days, amd Pope Gregory XIII in thet year ordered the 10 days betweea October 5 and October 15 dropped from in 321 International The added a Seturday. 1582, Church week Tho International Rochester, N. ¥., lated By was difference Sabbath. July. year. Greek 7-day the Great The calendar of the two Caesars, Julius and Augustus, was based upom a 365-23 day year, with a Leap Year every fourth year. The actual year is 365.242 days, therefore, .008 ef a dey was accums every Calendar The The Romans used an 8-day week prier to the Christian Era. The eighth day was Market Day. The 7-day week was legalized by Constaatine. The Pagan Sun's Day made the Lerd’s Day oz Christian 96 moving the Mosaic stamtine two 51-day by and The of made Gregorian Chinese Republic im 1912, by the Turkish Zeviet Government of Russia in 1918, by compromised That caused change the have February and the first 24 days ef March. Julien aad Gregorian Calendars is 13 days. down at the errer will amoust 365 days, 3 heurs, to ene day 49 im 5,000 The Gregorian Calendar was introduced lets England and her eoleniostu 1732 at which time the Equinex had vetregraded 11 days meath, and each week, Each month, suggests The aad ends with begins with a Sunday, aad day dated World om @ L2-moath The extra June at the close of the year, te be known as December 29, as the aighth day in thet week. Im Leap Years, im the Imtermational Fixed Calender what is sow ealled February 29, weuld be Leap-Day, oad, as such, would become June 22. Year-Day, am between of 28 days constituce only 364 days, Hast- as 13 meathe Inasmuch mam te be called Gel, Is inserted League Association Calendar basis, “to of Nations eng of its committees, om feeming the calender into many countries, amd meet has been for gevising the year requirements.” engaged an imquiry the = plan has medera for several years, through ae te the practicability of ro hes spread agitation for amd against |