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Show Merlon Stevenson and his Weber men, who have won this year the seventh consecutive Junior College championship. Left - Joe Clapier (captain) Right -Jim Russell (capt.). Top-WEBER FOOTBALL TEAM, Left to right, top row-Alvin Steed, Jack Doxev, Ernest Tarran. Francis Hearn, Elton Knapp, Wallace Peterson, Don Chambers, David Doxey, August Ahlf, Merlon Stevenson (Coach). Second Row-Frank Read, Jim Russell, William Hickman, Ray Anderson, Jim Francs, Owen Wangsgard, Albert Saunders. Front Row-Melvin Chugg, Jay London, Wesley King, L. Stevens, Keola Murphy, Joe Clapier. Second Row-Joe Clapier (Captain), Merlon Stevenson Weber's Director of Athletics: Jim Russell (Captain). Third Row-Middle picture-Kent and Tom, Cheer Leaders. Outside pictures-Enroute to Cedar City. In the fourth and last quarter Weber opened up with a passing attack. Ing intercepted one of Jim Russell's long passes on Weber's thirty yard line, and on the next play, Dod, McKinley back, raced to the goal on a deceptive cut back play. On the kick off Clapier fumbled and Silva, who had been playing real football at tackle, recovered the ball for McKinley. Raymond completed a pass to Dod who was stopped by Hearn after carrying the ball twenty yards closer to Weber's goal. Ing hit the line for four yards and Raymond added another touchdown to his credit on the next play. With three minutes left, the Weber team tried desperately to score. Peterson, Weber's end, recovered a McKinley fumble to give Weber possession of the ball. Clapier heaved a thirty-five yard pass to Saunders, who leaped high in the air, snatched the ball and set out hot foot for the goal with six McKiney men on his heels. I don't believe Paddock could have caught Saunders on that run. This completed the scoring and McKinley walked off the field on the long end of a 26 to 12 score. November 2nd, Weber entertained at Lorin Farr Park with another intersectional game. This time with the Montana School of Mines, a four year college from Butte, Montana. Weber entered the game underdogs as seven of the regular players were barred from the game for breaking training rules. The scant dozen students who had faith enough in the men to come out to the game, saw a sadly crippled team scratch and fight their way to a 6-12 victory. Albert Saunders tore loose with a fifty-five yard run and was brought to a halt on the Mine's three yard line. From there Russell went over to score. In the second quarter Weber, using passes, end runs and the famous "Stevenson spread," carried the ball to the Mine's five yard line. From there Russell bucked his way over. In the fourth quarter the Mines played their best football. Opening up with a series of passes and end runs, they carried the ball the length of the field for a touchdown. The game ended with Weber in possession of the ball in mid field. In this game not a single substitution was made. It was the same eleven men who started the game that walked and limped off the field when the game was ended. On November 9, Weber played her first league game at Ogden with Albion Normal College of Idaho. In this game Jim Russell made all of Weber's points. Four touchdowns and two points were chalked up to him when the game ended. Some say the score was: Jim Russell-26; Albion-19. In the first quarter Saunders cut loose with a forty- five yard run to place the ball on Albion's ten yard line. From there Russell crossed the goal line to score. Not to be outdone, Clapier sprinted fifty yards on the Stevenson spread to place the ball once more within scoring distance; Russell then tallied another touchdown and booted a drop kick for the extra point. In the second quarter Knapp was sent off the field for "slugging"; (it looked unintentional to the writer who was close enough to see it all), and Weber was penalized half the length of their goal. Thomas, of Albion made use of this "break" to list a touchdown. Line smashes and passes placed Weber in scoring distance in the third quarter. Russell traveled nine yards around left end to score, and drop kicked for the extra point. In the fourth quarter Weber was given a man sized scare. Albion opened up a series of passes that swept Weber off her feet long enough for Albion to make two touchdowns. This made the score read 19-20 for Weber. Don Chambers then intercepted an Albion pass on Albion's forty yard line, and Weber pushed down the field to where Russell could register his fourth and last touchdown. |