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Show eS ee RT ge 4 ft s FB (ret ieghs — : Th MN ee . Bt: Tye is a Le a ith i2 as Beas ae ¥4 ot tS ; tet the "aoe felts 4 . $n, 95 See ga ee . M 45 ; . rth het . be? A Le ee Ub ~'s ay baj . ; : Se he he ¢ at ; “ 4 MS Kae. a bel rs RD ea eS A . LAR Mote 2 eer S ie. AE SP fh Ap ® thria oS oa Ge ee et ae ie ‘ a2 Hs Oe Me, Ek ie “ye Se ORS ealaes Pet Cad Opes Fo gee te ae : Nae +e See Ake A eS ‘. i Re. ht a BNR a ? a Ju ¥ ‘ C.o Gam eh e RE 4g Ee, Meas Bhs etion eae Conceivably every one of these members might have become fruitful disciples if Bs had only received the on As Pastor, I am responsible for feeding the flock of God.; and capa the saints; (Ephesians 4:12). Iam also aware of the fact that we are in need of a long range training program which will include a number of National Baptist certified study courses. Courses that will; 1. Strengthen us as disciples of Christ. 2. Enhance evangelism, induce recruitment, and retention. 3. Develop qualified instructors within our congregation. 4. Provide departmental/auxiliary training as required. 5. Provide doctrinal studies such as; the doctrines of: (Salvation, Baptism, Prayer, and Baptist Belief). In view of these facts, I am recommending that this training program be adopted, and Course #208 1. Recommended Courses are as follows: and # 209; Baptist Doctrine #208 Adults - This course will allow us to examine the basic teaching of Baptist faith. We will be able to explore each doctrine and the Biblical basis for our doctrinal position. | 2. #209 Youth- This course will acquaint our youth with the Biblical a for Baptist faith ‘ad practices. Using a language and logic best suited for youth. 3. Projected courses for the future: Leadership/Deacon training, and the Doctrine of Salvation. LONG RANGE GOAL: As your Pastor, I solicit your prayers that in 5-7 years, God will allow us to develop this program into a Christian School where both, the youth and adults will be able to worship God and further their education. oO Submitted; can: Oyo GPF r out ee Fah tt \5 training. implemented on March 17, 1999. a Se ate : te ts ota i i age ee privileges. They have accepted Christ as Savior and have been baptized in obedience to God’ S$ command, but they can scarcely be expected to know how to live the Christian life and to Nees e | efficient Christians without adequate training. Due to a lack of proper training many members _ become insecure, inactive, and eventually seek religious services elsewhere. : —_— Ses a oes wee Senay”2 Yous, 0 VPAGR Te Many Christians, on coming into the’ church, have" a very vague notion or thelroP rk REA Pas Dig (S86 Be Ce was sae | yy «x eee ee eared a8 p z git ss , US ty od STN ea Se *. ra Sars pee Oeee SS Saad Se a seal oy EO Pha A AY ix A en ees} Se laa NM are ee S RS De tee a Sages i) a ties SR Baeee eh WE A, ie tin ST) aur gD: ov 7 ia es oA RA 9 A BsBee BRB A vine nyaedee : 3% fe 472. sy Sak cate . Eaonrete nCe ketal! as Pea. yh : ee Pe Et e AW t . AP? 3S yiio Ee Peete ed APR Lea * OS MRR OMS Ne zy Ve - x Maes Ripe SP Pits ; BA, ie . at eS Ney pine ae el . abe 4 % SSN Phe os ’ sf Be ANTE Meee Fog ss Pi Be tap. EN Ge > . nny gaaes oa et Fees ae ’ bith. a) €. SARA nth " YS ug he § f st oe Dar ee ey YAO Yeos J oe ce CBN) FES SF iy ; * . Miyey a Sei Soe gt NARs Secadl PAPAS ; eeAe 4 ae ‘ Bathe ¥ i + ¥ ‘ |