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Show 26 EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT CHORISTERS' CLASS. Realizing the great need of competent conductors of music, a choristers' class will be organized in which will be taught the principles of singing, conducting, and chorus work. The object is to develop men who shall be able to conduct music successfully in a ward capacity. Only those who receive calls from the President of the Stake will be entitled to take this course. The regular entrance fee of ten dollars will be required, the members having the privilege of registering for other studies for which they are prepared. PREPARATORY BRANCHES. GRAMMAR.Goudy's English Grammar. Abundant practice in composition work. Five three-quarter hour recitations per week throughout the year. ARITHMETIC II.Hall's Arithmatic completed. Wentworth's High School Arithmetic for supplementary work. Five three-quarter hour recitations per week throughout the year. GEOGRAPHY.Tarr and McMurry's Complete Geography with special reference to Utah and Weber County. Five half-hour recitations per week throughout the year. DRAWING.Work from objects, with some attention to decorative design and historic ornament. Two hour recitations per week throughout the year. PENMANSHIP.Vertical and slanting penmanship. Five quarter hour recitations per week throughout the year. ORTHOGRAPHY.This study is required of all Preparatory students. Five quarter hour recitations per week throughout the year. READING.Selections from standard authors. Five three-quarter hour recitations per week throughout the year. HISTORY.Fiske's U. S. History. Five half-hour recitations per week throughout the year. WEBER STAKE ACADEMY 27 COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE.After the mastery of letter forms and fundamental principles of letter writing the student is given practical work in conducting all kinds of business correspondence. BOOKKEEPING.A practical course where work is entirely individual. The student is employed as bookeeper in what is first a simple business, and through the services of a kind and instructive employer and by learning to do by doing, he developes proficiency as he grows with the business. A thorough study is made of basic principles and underlying rules. COMMERCIAL LAW.This course comprises a study of those matters of law that have constant application to business life; constracts, negotiable instruments, liens, guaranty and suretyship, interest and usury, sale of personal and real property, warranty, bailment, agency, partership, joint stock companies and corporations, insurance, common carriers, attachment, stop-page in transit, real estate, banking, taxes, distribution after death, property rights, etc. COMMERCIAL GGOGRAPHY.A study of the commerce and leading industries of the world, treating of the influence of geographical location, relief, soils, and climate, in determing the character of natural resources; the development of greater industries; the location of commercial and industrial centers; and routes of trade. HISTORY OF COMMERCE.The test in commercial geography persupposes some general knowledge of political and commercial history as preliminary to the study of the present trend of commerce; for this reason the history of commerce is given. The origin, early development, and growth of commerce is studied and its influence upon the world's civilization is traced, ending with the two great eras: the age of steam and the age of electricity. OFFICE PRATICE AND BANKING.This is a continuation of Bookkeeping. Higher, more complicated and special forms |