Hackett, Brittany_MENG_2013

Title Hackett, Brittany_MENG_2013
Alternative Title Poems from Poems: Intertextuality
Creator Hackett, Brittany
Collection Name Master of English
Description "No creative writing, whether poetry or prose, is created in a vacuum, but is rather an intertextual web of quotations, imitations, and influences. ... Along with the examination of secondary sources dealing specifically with intertextuality, I have asked two well-known contemporary poets, David Lee and Mary Elizabeth Gillilan, their views on intertextuality and how such can be incorporated into poetry interpretation and writing."
Subject Creative writing; Intertextuality; Writing
Keywords prose; poetry; theatre; Contemporary poets
Digital Publisher Stewart Library, Weber State University
Date 2013
Language eng
Rights The author has granted Weber State University Archives a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce their theses, in whole or in part, in electronic or paper form and to make it available to the general public at no charge. The author retains all other rights.
Source University Archives Electronic Records; Master of Arts in English. Stewart Library, Weber State University
OCR Text Show
Format application/pdf
ARK ark:/87278/s6arnstm
Setname wsu_smt
ID 96687
Reference URL https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6arnstm