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Show a Postage Subject eee | i { i | ; Fee fa eee ‘ Pah AS e ee FS =e - oa ; po = + a tat Ss Ssive Ree. or ort : = E ===. x ~ res haw a ~ a : Nee 2 Ol — Ser Pe ae me ~ ; eS Ri eo ee 7 — = a TE _oo <r Se ee A nae Fas Es Bg bo one Stee Sra ee EROS = = cS RTT a = = —— ae ee ere = eS ee SAP = non ceca e oe: > e ee pee a ote ae eS en eee eee <4 or fraction. SECOND CLASS: Newspapers, magazines and periodicals, Ic. for each 2 oz. or fraction. THIRD CLASS: Merchandise and printed matter weighing 8 oz. or less, 1c. for each 2 oz. or fraction. Special rate of Ic. for each 2 oz. or fraction for printed books and catalogs of 24 pages or more. FOURTH CLASS: Parcel post covers matter weighing over 8 oz. (except Ist and 2nd class). Zone rates apply. SPECIAL HANDLING: Provides a means for securing same fast transit and delivery on fourth class parcels as is accorded letter mail. The additional fee is 10c. for packages of 2 lbs. or less; 15c. over 2 Ibs. and up to 10 Ibs., 20c. over 10 Ibs. If ordinary postage stamps are used, packages must be endorsed: ‘‘Special Handling”’ SPECIAL DELIVERY: Fee additional to postage. First Class up to 2 Ibs. 10c.; over 2 lbs. and up to 10 ibs. 20c., over 10 Ibs. 25c. Other Classes up to 2 Ibs. 15c, over 2 Ibs. and up to 10 Ibs. 25c., over 10 Ibs. 35c., (includes special handling). If ordinary postage stamps are used, package or letter must be endorsed: ‘Special Delivery’”’. REGISTRY MAIL: First class (sealed) Indemnity to $50, 15c.; to $100, 20c.; to $200, 30c. : to $300, 40c.; to $400, 50c.; to $500, 60c.; to $600, 70c.; _ Second and Third Class matter valued in excess of ee * ~ - ' ennarets a Pe against inspection. Letters 2c.for each oz. or fraction. Post Cards (private mailing cards) Ic. each. Postal Cards (Government) Ic. each. AIR MAIL: 5c. for first oz., 10c. for each additional oz. to $700, 80c.; to $800, 90c.; to $1000, $1.00. ee — ; Tk oe Sea « ee SS . Sa c oe cpr ecatniteetie matinee 2 Pee 2 —— —— . DOMESTIC FIRST CLASS: Written matter and matter sealed Fees: 5c., value to $5; 8c., above $5 to $25; Ses. tea x ee 7 A - oe ee SAUER SURE a Consult Postmaster INSURANCE: Ee aw oe to change; $100 is subject to first class. = a KeVy Rates For third and fourth class mail only. 10c., above $25 to $50; 25c., above $50 to $100; 30c., above $100 to $150; 35c., above $150 to $200. at c. each. RECEIPTS: For insured or registered mail, COLLECT ON DELIVERY: All classes of mail. Fees: 2c. up to $10 collection; 15c. to $50; 25c. to $100; 35c to $150; 45c. to $200. C. O. D. fees insure articles for actual value according to fee paid. |