
Title Bateman_Karen_MED_2023
Alternative Title Experiencing Grief in a School Setting: Teachers Perspectives on Student Experiences
Creator Bateman, Karen
Collection Name Master of Education
Description The following Master of Education thesis reviews the effects of grief and loss on school-aged children and adolescents as well as the lack of teacher training for dealing with their student's symptoms of grief and loss in the classroom.
Abstract This paper is a review of the effects of grief and loss on school-aged children and adolescents as well as the lack of teacher training for dealing with their student's symptoms of grief and loss in the classroom. Additionally, the study includes an explanation of the nature of the problem and why this study is valuable to the development of grief and loss training. The literature review is broken down into a review of the research on loss, grief, bereavement, and mourning. Next, a brief assessment of the ways children process death is included, as well as the possible consequences of childhood loss, including psychological, emotional, and physical problems. School responses to student grief as well as effects on teachers is examined. Data was gathered using interviews conducted with three teachers. A brief synopsis of the themes that emerged from the data is presented, giving their experiences with students in their classrooms due to COVID-19, as well as their perspectives of grief and loss training. Finally, this paper includes a discussion of the importance of providing teachers with basic training on how to deal with students who are experiencing grief and loss in their lives.
Subject Education, Secondary; Emotions; Grief; Career development
Keywords grief; elementary education; teacher training; secondary education; trauma
Digital Publisher Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University.
Date 2023
Medium Theses
Type Text
Access Extent 32 page pdf; 312 KB
Language eng
Rights The author has granted Weber State University Archives a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce their theses, in whole or in part, in electronic or paper form and to make it available to the general public at no charge. The author retains all other rights.
Source University Archives Electronic Records: Master of Education. Stewart Library, Weber State University
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Format application/pdf
ARK ark:/87278/s6b9hezk
Setname wsu_smt
ID 114152
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