Medium upload: Wall Avenue Baptist Young People's Union Minutes

Title Medium upload: Wall Avenue Baptist Young People's Union Minutes
Transcript NZBC_0130; mrs Helen Edwards; 2940 Stevens; 3304 J; Rev. Gray; 136 W-Binford; mr Ben Higdon; ; NZBC_0131; miss Carrie Anne mcKnight; miss Florence Fay mcKnight; ; NZBC_0132; mrs Anna mae Polk; 2201 Lincoln Avenue; ; 2692 m; Vice-President; mr. George Smith; 2714 Wall ave; 2568; miss Helen Thompson; 2714 Wall; 2568; program Chairman; mr. Bert Tolliver; 134-25th st-Alpine Hotel; Chaplain; ; NZBC_0133; mr. Willie Williams; 2703 Wall ave; Bhone 1130; mrs Delcie Wood; 2046 Quincy; secretary; mrs. minnie White; La France Hotel; ; NZBC_0134; The Wall Avenue Baptist Young People's Union met on August 20, 1939 at 6:30 Pm. The Vice President opened the meeting with devotions. We sang "He Leadeth me", followed by prayer by Reverent Blake. Then we sang "I must tell Jesus" and repeated in unison the Twenty Third Psalm. Sister Delcia Wood was elected Secretary. Brother Tolliver was appointed Chaplain. ; ; The Vice president asked for suggestions for B.Y.P.U. meetings. Reverend Blake offered several suggestions and instructed us on the work the B.Y.P.U. would first study. It was about the first Church. The Vice Pres. led a discussion on future [strikeout: further] programs. Rev. Blake accepted the responsibility of being the leader until we should decide to do otherwise. The lesson was found in Acts 2:42-47 and Reverent Blake [strikeout: red] read it and it will be reviewed next meeting. Plans were made to buy literature and a banner. Collection was taken and amounted to forty-five cents. A contest was suggested. We were dismissed by the pastor. ; Sister Anna mae Polk; Vice President; Sister Delcie Wood; Secretary; ; NZBC_0135; ; The meeting on Sept. 17, 1939 was in the form of a lesson study, with preliminary study of the early church. ; Sister Anna may Polk; Vice President; Sister Delcie Wood; Secretary; ; NZBC_0136; September 24, 1939; ; The Wall Avenue Baptist Young People's Union met on the above date. Opening song was "God Will Take Care of you." Prayer by Brother Tolliver. "Jesus is All The World To me" was sung next. Reverent Blake then prayed, and followed this with leading the study of the lesson "The Early Church" It was very interesting. Then the Vice President Sister Polk took charge. She introduced the visitors, mrs. Lowder, mrs. Brown, and mrs. Golden. Collection was 65 cents. Reverent Blake gave the lesson for next meeting to be found in St. Matthew sixth chapter verses one to seven. Reverent Blake dismissed us. ; Sister; Polk; Vice President; Sister Delcie Wood; Secretary; ; NZBC_0137; Oct. 1, 1939; ; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. met on the above date with the song. In the Garden followed by Prayer by Sister Susan Brown. The lesson was led Sister Zelda Cassell. It was found in St. Matthew 6 chapter first to eighth verses The lesson for next meeting was given as St. Matthew 6th chapter, 9th to 23 verses. Collection taken was sixty eight cents and was turned over to the Treasurer mrs Susan Brown. We dismissed by singing Doxology.; Sister; Polk; Vice-President; Sister Delcia Wood; Secretary; ; NZBC_0138; Oct. 8, 1939; ; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. met on the above Date at 7:00 P.m. We opened with "Jesus Is All the World To me." Prayer by Reverent Blake, followed by the song "Open My Eyes" The minutes of all previous meetings were read and approved as corrected. Sister Polk asked for program suggestions. Sister Helen Thompson was elected program chairman. We discussed a contest to be planned in the future. We were turned over to Sister Cassell for the lesson found in St. Matthew sixth ch. 9-23 verses. The lesson for next meeting was given for study as St. Matthew sixth chapter the twenty fourth to thirty fourth verses inclusive. Collection taken up was sixty-five cents. mrs. Edwards was asked to say a few words. We closed with singing, "Blest Be The Tie That Binds."; Sister Anna mae Polk; Vice President; Sister Delcie Wood; Secretary; ; NZBC_0139; Oct 15, 1939; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. met on The above date. The opening Song was "Must Jesus Bear the cross alone?" The twenty Third Psalm was repeated in unison. Brother Higdon offered prayer. We then sang "Jesus Paid It All" The minutes were omitted. The Chairman of the Program Committee took charge and rendered a special Program. Instrumental solo by Carrie Ann mcKnight, a reading by Florence Fay mcKnight, Solo by mrs Cope. The lesson was taught by Reverent Blake, the Pastor. It was found in the sixth chapter of St. Matthew the 24th and the 25th verses. next Sunday we will study the rest of the chapter. The vice-president introduced visitors to the B.Y.P.U. They were mrs Hamilton, mrs Brown, Mrs. Cope and mr. Higdon. Collection taken was $1.25. We were dismissed by Rev. Blake. ; Signed,; Vice President; Anna mae Polk; Secretary; Delcie Wood; ; NZBC_0140; Oct. 2, 1939; ; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. was opened on the above date by Sister Susan Brown in the absence of the President and the Vice President. We sang "Shine on me," followed by Scripture lesson ready by Reverend Blake. 7v. 116 Psalm Then we sang "Pass me not" followed by prayer by Sister Brown. The meeting was then turned over to the Program Chairman, Helen Thompson who read [strikeout: gave] a paper on [strikeout: reading] The meaning of the B.Y.P.U." George Huff rendered a solo "He Lifted me." Then we had a reading by Delcia Wood, & then an instrumental solo by Zelda Cassell, "To A Rising Sun." next we had a Reading by Florence Fay mcKnight, "Seein' Things At night." The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. The B.Y.P.U. was then Turned over to the class leader. We studied the 26th to the 34th verses of the sixth chapter of ST. Matthew. next Sunday's lesson was assigned as the first 12 verses of the Seventh chapter of St. Matthew. Brother Higdon took up collection which amounted to $1.00 which was turned over to the treasurer along with the collections taken up when the treasurer was absent. Rev. Blake dismissed us. ; Acting President; Sister Susan Brown; Secretary; Sister Delcia Wood; ; NZBC_0141; Oct 22 Ms; Received from Mrs. Words Rusdon Secretary of B.Y.P.W three dollars. $3 Ro/102; Mrs Susan Brown Treasure; 29,1939; Met on the; The president; Ting was in; Sung com; As given by; The next ; And we repeated as lord's prayer. The minutes were read and adopted as read. In the afence of the prog out who was all and the meeting wass turned over to the class leader. The Lesson was assigned for next meeting as st. luke first chapter beginning with the fifth were collection taken by Brother Hegdon amounted to $1.05 1.07 We sang in dismissed blest be the tie that binds. Rev Blake programmed benediction acting president; Sister Lesson Brown; Sister Delas Wood; ; NZBC_0142; November 5, 1939; The Wall avenue B.Y.P.U met on the above date by singing "This so my Story". We infested the 23rd psalm in union and were then led in prayer by Sister Lusan Brown. We then sang "Jesus, like a shepherd lead us. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted as resad. It was suggested by mao Brown that we have a Tea. It was moved and seconded that we do so. We decided to have the tea on Sunday, November 12 at 2:30-6:30P.M. Flame were made and a list of supplies as promised for donation The program chairman was adopted to forefate a program for the tea. The meeting was turned over to the program chairman who gave us a vocal solo. Mrs Edwardo next read a paperon; Song, Huff gave a paper on how cigarettes effect the youth. Then we had an essay read by mr. McCoy. The program chairman turned the meeting back into the the hands of the vice resident, The class leader then too change and as time was limited she reviewed the lesson we studied last Sunday. Next Sunday we will study the lesson originally assigned for Tonight. Brother Higson took the offering which amounted to $1.25 visitors were introduced. Mr. W.. Williams expressed his desire to become a member to the Ro. P. U. M McCay also was introduced we were dismissed.; ; U.President; ; Sister polk; ; Sec; ; ; Lister wood; NZBC_0143; Nov. 12,1939; The Wal Ave. B.Y.P.U. met on the above date. We opened singing "life Leadeth Me" we reapeted the 23rd Psalm in unison. Brother Higdon lead us in prayer. We sag "Blessed assurance" The minutes were read and adopted as read. The meeting was turned over to the program chia==airman. Mrs Cassell gave us a vocal solo, "It is Well With my Soul" mrs. Cofe sang "not the one" mis Sowin and Miss THopson sang, " The Unclouded day," in a duet. The meeting was turned back into the hands of the vice president who announced the unfinished tea proceeda $5.20 so far. The meeting was turned over to the class leader. We studied the first chapter of St. Luke verses 5-32/ after an interesting discussion of the lesson we were assigned verses 33-43 of the same chapter of next Sunday. Collaberation takens amounted to $0.65 We were then dismissed by singing "Blest be the tie that binds" Rev. Blake pronounced benediction; ; Vice President; ; Sister Anna magPolk; Secretary Sister Delcia wood.; ; NZBC_0144; Nov. 12, 1939; ; The Vice president called a special meeting of the B.Y.P.U immediately after church to decide about the money raised for coal by the tea stamounted to $5.90.; Thepresident asked the pleasure of the B.Y.P.U; miss caissell moved the money made be turned over to the church. It was seconded by mr. Williamo was thanked for the use of his name. we were adjorned; ; Vice President Anna Mae Polk; ; Secretary Delas Wood; Nov. 19. 1939; The wall ave B.Y.P.U met on the above date. We sang "almost persuaded." Then we repeated the 23rd psalm followed by prayer by sister Susan Brown. Next we sang "Coming Home" The minutes were read and adopted with correction. As others was no program we were turned over ot the class leader for out lesson. After an interesting study of St. Luke Chapter 1, verses 32-75. The Lesson assigned for nex Sun was verses 76 through the chapter collection taken amounted to $1.35. Visitors were introduced mrs Bradshaw spoke a few words and wished us well. The Vice President spoke of the expense of the B.Y.P.U and asked us to pray for the further guidance of the lord we sang Best be the Tie that Binds. Rev Blake asked fothe benediction; ; Vice President Sister Annamae Polk; Secretary Sister Delcie wood; ; NZBC_0145; Dec. 3, 1939; The wall avenue B.Y.P.U met on the above date. We opened by singing ; Next we repeated the 23 psaml in unison followed by the lords prayer. We sang "Sun shine in the Soul. We discussed the B.Y.P.U having a Christmas program on Christmas eve instead of a regular meeting. It was so moved and seconded. The motion was carried. The Pres identappointed mrs Edwards and Mrs wood to decorate the tree. Rev Blake volunteered to buy the tree. It was moved + seconded that $3.50 be voted out of the treasury for Christmas tree decorations. The motion was carried. Plans were made ot have copies of carols available for the program. Miss Thompson and Miss Cassell. Volunteered to provide them. The secretary was asked to have a list of names ready to pull next Sunday. There was no limit in prices fixed for gifts. Mrs Edwards suggested a gift be given to Mrs Cofe . Mrs. Edwards was appointed chairman of the B.Y>P.U sick committee. St was moved and seconded that $1.00 be withdrawn from the treasurey for flowers of a plant for sister Cofe. The program chairman took charge and miss cassell gave a reading.The Ppresident took charge again and we had a short song service. Collection taken amounted to $1.90 we sang" bleed be the ire. Rev Blacke pronounced benediction; ; V.Pres. Sister anna maePolk; Secry Sister Delice Wood; ; NZBC_0146; Dec 10, 1939; The Wall Ave B.Y.P.U met on the above date we opened by singing " Pass me not". Sister brown lead us in prayer. We sang : my jesus love thee" We had the reading of the minutes of the last meeting whichwere accepted as read. The Christmas decoration committee decide to withdraw the money allotted _ voted out last meeting. St was voted that we withdraw $4.00 to pay a bill at Boylee for the church. A report on Christmas candies and nuts was promised next wee. The sick committee chairman mad her report. The meetin was turned over to the class elader. We studied the second chapter of St. Luke, from the quite to thefifteenth verses. Lesson assigned for next meeting was given from the sixteenth verse on. We passed names for gifts to be taken amounted to $1/20 we sang "Blest be the tie that Binds" Reverend Blake pronounced benediction; ; V.Pres Anna MaePolk; ; Secretary Delcie Wood; ; NZBC_0147; Dec 17 1939; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U met on the above date by singing "St Jesus Now With me" we repeated the 23rd psalm in unison. Rev gray led us in prayer next we sang "pass me not" The minutes of the previous meetin were read and accepted as read. We discussed the candies for the Christmas tree program Rev Blake assured us he would be responsible for he candy & nuts. The program chairman made a report on the program for Christmas Eve. Rev Gray volunteered to assist in the cleaning up of the church. Collection amounted to $1.00 We turned the meeting over ot Rev. Blake; V.Pres Anna MaePolk; Secy Delcie Wood; Dec. 17. 1939; There was a call meeting after church it was voted to withdraw $7.51 from the trearuy for a Christmas present for the pastor. The meeting was adjourned; V.Pres Anna MaePolk; Secy Delcie Wood; NZBC_0148; Dec. 24, 1939; The meeting on this date was in the form of a Christmas service and there was no business meeting.; ; ; ; V. President; Collection .56; ; Anna May Polk; ; ; ; Secretary; ; ; ; Delcie Wood; Dec. 31, 1939; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. opened on the above date with the song "I need Thee Every Hour." We repeated The Lord's Prayer in unison. Then we sang, "He Lifted Me" The minutes were read and accepted as read. We discussed the election of officers. It was decided to hold the election next Sunday. We talked about projects to raise money. [Strikeout Then] we decided to continue the lesson from the [strikeout last] place we left off for the New Year. The president then asked us for any words we wished to say for the good of the B.Y.P.U. Reverend Blake showed us the present he received from the B.Y.P.U. as collection was lifted; which amounted to .80. We dismissed by singing Blest Be The Tie. Rev Blake pronounced benediction.; ; ; ; V. Pres.; ; ; ; Anna May Polk; ; ; ; Secy.; ; ; ; Delcie Wood; ; NZBC_0149; January 7, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. met on the above date. We opened by singing "my Jesus, I Love Thee." We repeated the 23rd Psalm in unison. We were led in Prayer by Miss Thompson. We sang "my Faith Looks Up To Thee." The minutes were ^read & adopted as read. The motion was carried that all offices be declared vacant. Rev. Blake was made chairman. The officers were elected as follows for 1940:; President... Sis. Anna Mae Polk; V. President.... Sis. Helen Thompson; Secretary... Sis Delcie Wood; Assist. Secretary...; Treasurer...... Sis Susan Brown; Pianist...... Sis Zelda Cassell; Program Chairman.... Sis. Helen Thompson; Chaplain... Bro Bert Tolliver; Miss Thompson made suggestions about bible verses and prayer. Our President also suggested a new way for saying verses. It was moved and seconded that we try sentence prayer for awhile. It was carried. We elected as leader of the Class lesson Sister Zelda Cassell. The meeting was turned over to the Class Leader. The lesson was found in St. Luke, 2nd chapter, 15 verse. We studied through the 32 verse. Our lesson will begin with the 33 verse next Sunday. Our offering amounted to .70. Our president introduced Miss Charline McClellen. We had an announcement of the coming to Salt Lake of Roland Hayes. We sang Blest be The Tie That Binds. Rev Blake pronounced benediction.; ; ; ; President; ; ; ; Anna May Polk; ; ; ; Secretary; ; ; ; Delcie Wood; ; NZBC_0150; January 14, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. met on the above date. The President asked Miss Thompson, The Vice President to preside. We opened with the song, "Oh Happy Day." The Vice President read the 142 Psalm. We had a lovely sentence prayer contributed to by each member of the B.Y.P.U. Next we sang," If Jesus Goes With Me." The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted as read. We had a motion that Sis. Helen Edwards be assistant secy. It was carried. A motion was made that Sister Helen Edwards be reelected as chairman of the sick committee. We took up a suggestion for a sleigh ride with chili for refreshment. Miss Thompson suggested that we plan an entertainment for each month. The program in the form of a bible drill was given. Miss Thompson won the bible drill. We had a review of the previous lesson. Offering amounted to .55. We sang "Blest Be The Tie That Binds." Rev Blake pronounced Benediction.; ; ; ; President; ; ; ; Anna Mae Polk; ; ; ; Secretary; ; ; ; Delcie Wood; ; NZBC_0151; Ogden Utah Jan 21, 1940; The Wall Ave. B.Y.P.U. met on the above date with the president presiding. The meeting were opened with Song "My faith looks up to thee. We repeated the twenty thirty Psalms Song. Sentence prayer next. Song Brighter the Coner. Minutes of the previous meeting read and adopted. Mrs Casell stated that she only find out from on eperson whom the B.Y.P.U. Can rent a sleigh because it havent been [strikeout enghs] enough snow for the other people whom she contact to take their sleigh. Mr Williams stated that he would see about a sleigh and report back to the B.Y.P.U. next Sunday evening in the meeting. It was suggested by the group that the B.Y.P.U. place something on the order of a Trip Around the World. The president suggested that the B.U.P.U. go to the parsonage and clean once or twice a month. She also suggested we put a kitchen floor and linoleum in. Mr. William said he would be willing to pay one third of the amount incurred. The pastor said the kitchen [circled ceiling] needs plastering and new [strikeout pills] ceilings. He said he would be glad to do the plastering and lathing. Mrs. Polk also mentioned the great need for a bathroom. We though we would wait for estimates; and figure how much we could afford to take care of. After much discussion, we decided that it would be better to tear ^down the whole house, in the spring, and rebuild it into a three room and bath, cottage, using as much of the lumber from the house itself as possible. Mr. Williams offered his time and service, as much as possible. It was tabled for further discussion and plans. Mrs. Henry was a visitor.; Jan. 21-Continued; Collection was .70.; A motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Tolliver that $2.50 be withdrawn from the treasury for the light and water bills. The motion was carried. ; Mrs. Polk suggested that since the sentence prayers have been so effective in out B.Y.P.U., we have them before church services. Also, that Mr. Tolliver, our chaplain, start the prayers, and the president, or vice-president close them.; We were not formally dismissed. We went right into church services.; ; ; ; Mrs. Anna Polk, president; ; ; ; Miss Zelda Cassell, acting as sec.; ; NZBC_0152; Chili-; Fishing pond-Miss Cassell; Candy; Fortune telling; Apron and necktie treats; ; Chili{Mrs Brown; ; ; Tickets; ; ; ; ; 12-Mr Tolliver; ; ; ; ; 5-Mrs Brown; ; ; ; ; 40-Rev. blake; Fishing Pond{Miss Cassell; -Mr Smith; ; ; ; ; 10-Miss Thompson; ; ; ; ; 10-Miss Cassell; ; ; ; ; 5-Mrs. Wood; Aprons and{Miss Thompson; neckties; or bouteniere; Tickets.; ; Ice Cream{Rev. Blake - 1 Gal.; & {Mrs. Polk-Mr. Tolliver; Cake; [Miss Thompson-cake; ; Fortune Telling - Mrs. Wood (?); ; Candy{Miss Thompson (?) - Mrs Stevens; ; Tickets; ; NZBC_0153; Brought before B.Y. Women, that they get together once ^or twice a month & clean parsonage; also B.Y. to put a floor & linoleum in parsonage kitchen.; Mrs. Henry offered help.; estimates asked for Mr. Wms.; ; "Travel ^the Valentine Way!"; (Round the World); Booths:; Fortune Telling-fortunes for a nickel; ; ; (already bought); Comic Valentines; Valentine Candies; ; NZBC_0154; Jan. 28, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. opened on the above date by Singing, Since Jesus Came Into My Heart. Rev. Blake red the 27th Psalm. We sang Sunshine In The Soul, followed by sentence prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. We discussed the sleigh ride and due to the cost it was dropped. We discussed the trip around the world and were in favor of having a Valentine bazaar in the basement of the church and eliminate the going from house to house. Rev Blake said it wouldn't be difficult to prepare the basement. Mr. Tolliver offered to help. They decided to have the bazaar on the 13th. We discussed the bazaar further and several of the members deicded which booths they wanted. We were to discuss the bazaar further later. Visitors were introduced and welcomed. The offering amounted to 85. We had a Bible drill in which Miss Thompson had the highest score. We sang Blest Be The Tie Reverend Blake pronounced Benediction.; Vice President; Helen Thompson; Secretary; Delcie Wood; ; NZBC_0155; February 4, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. opened on the above date by singing My Faith Looks Up To Thee. The President read the 100 Psalm, 5 verses. We followed this with sentence prayer. We sang Jesus, Lover of Soul. The minuted of the previous meeting were read and adopted as read. Miss Thompson reported on the apron and neckties for the bazaar. We discussed tickets. Rev. Blake reported on the Ice cream and promised to be responsible for the cream. Rev Blake and Mr. Tolliver said they would clean the basement this week. We are to have a report on ticket sales next Sunday. The offering amounted to 65. We sang Blest Be The Tie That Binds. Rev. Blake pronounced Benediction.; President; Anna May Polk; Secretary; Delcie Wood; ; NZBC_0156; Feb. 11, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. opened on the above date by singing "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart." We repeated the 23rd Psalm in union, followed by sentence prayer. Then we sang "Let The Lower Lights Be Burning." The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted as read.; The report of ticket sales is as follows.; Mrs. Wood - 4 tickets - .20 turned over to treas.; Mrs. Brown - 4 tickets - .20 " " " "; Mr. Tolliver - 12 tickets - .60 " " " "; Mrs. Polk - 6 tickets - .90; Rev. Blake - .55; Mis Cassell - 9 tickets - .45; Miss Thompson.; Mrs. White; Mrs. McKnight; Mr. Williams; Rev. Blake reported on the cream. He turned over money for it. He donated $1.00 personally Mr. Williams donated .25. A motion was made, seconded and carried that $.30 be withdrawn from the treasury for paper plates and spoons. Mrs. Polk promised to see if Mrs. Edwards would take over the fortune telling booth. Mrs. Polk promised to be responsible for the making of the fire.; ; NZBC_0157; Feb 18, 1940; The Wall Avenue Baptist Young People's Union met on the above date.; The opening song was "In the Garden." The 126th Psalm was read by The Reverend Blake. He offered prayer, also.; Our Lesson, which was taught by the Rev. Blake, was entitled "Sanctification." An interesting discussion was held.; Mrs. Polk sent twenty-cents on tickets.; The collection was 45 cents.; As the hour was so late, we went right into church services.; Acting secretary, Zelda Cassell.; ; NZBC_0158; Feb. 25, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. met on the above date with our vice-president, Miss Helen Thompson, presiding.; After our opening song,; Sentenced prayer was held.; We sand "Sweeter as the years go by." Miss Thompson read the first seven verses of the 14th chapter of St. John.; The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read.; A report of the sick was made, and it was decided the secretary should send "get well" cards to Mrs. Polk, Mr. Stanley Jones, and Mrs. Barnes. The Reverend Blake made a motion that 21¢ be drawn out for the cards & stamps. It was seconded by Mrs. Brown.; Mrs. Brown made a report on the carnival. A total of $7.56 was the gross return. The net return was $7.36.; We were dismissed by the pastor.; Miss Helen Thompson, vice-pres.; Miss Zelda Cassell, acting secretary.; ; NZBC_0159; 3 45; On tickets; 2 37; " ice; 41; fish; 23; Candy; 90; chili; (?) 7.36 all total; ; Feb 13 collected on tickets; ; White 20¢; ; Florence 20¢; ; [...]ay; ; Mrs. Brown 10¢; ; Carrie A[...] 35¢; .85; ; NZBC_0160; ; Get well cards; ; Mrs Barnes - 2614 Wall; Stanley Jones - 2564 Wall; Mrs. Polk 2201; ; Lucille Reed visitor; Mrs. Jones "; " William "; McDaniels "; ; 79¢; 33/3; ; NZBC_0161; March 3, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. opened on the above date by singing I Love To Tell The Story. In the absence of both the president and the Vice president, Mrs. Susan Brown was in the chair. She read from the scripture 1st Corinthian 10th Chapter. We sang "Savior like a Shepherd." Next we had sentence prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted as read. We were asked for suggestions for an affair for raising money. We discussed both an egg hunt & a roller skating party. We were decidedly in favor of the latter. Mrs. Brown promised to ask Mr Williams and Ms Stewart about the skating rink. In view of the lateness of the hour we omitted the lesson. The offering amounted to .45. Mrs. Polk sent .15 to be turned in on tickets for the bazaar. Rev. Blake pronounced benediction.; Acting president; ; ; ; ; Mrs. Susan Brown; ; ; ; ; Secretary; ; ; ; ; Mrs. Delcie Wood; ; NZBC_0162; March 10, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. met on the above date. We opened by singing "Shine On Me". The Vice President who was in the choir read from the scripture the 27 chapter of Matthew 1-10 verses. We followed this with sentence prayer. Next we sang "I Love To Tell The Story". The minutes of the previous meeting were read and a motion was carried that they be accepted. A report of the ill was asked for and Mrs. Polk, Mrs. McKnight, Mrs. White, & Mrs. Barnes were reported ill. A report on the skating party was made and dropped as impractical. Miss Thompson suggested a wiener roast, it was discussed. It was decided to have the roast at the home of Mrs. Wood. We made plans for the wiener roast. Mrs. Brown suggested flowers for Mrs. Polk. The motion was made & carried that we present $1 to Mrs. Polk. Offering amounted to $.55. We sang Blest Be The Tie That Binds. We repeated the mispah. ; ; ; ; ; Vice President; ; ; ; ; Helen Thompson; ; ; ; ; Secretary; ; ; ; ; Delcie Wood; ; NZBC_0163; March 17, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. met on the above date. We opened by singing Jesus, Savor, Pilot me. Scripture reading was by the Vice President who was in the choir. It was from St. John 14 chap. 1-7 verses. This was followed by sentence prayer. We sang, "Shine On Me." The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted as read. A report was asked of the sick. Brother Higdon was ill & Mrs. Barnes was reported as improving. A partial report of the wiener roast was made. $2.50 was turned over to the treasurer. We had encouraging remarks by several members. Mrs. Brown suggested some token of friendship and appreciation be presented to Miss Cassell as a going away gift. The Vice President and Mr. Tolliver also agreed with the suggestions. Mr. Tolliver asked us to pray for the progress of the church. Miss Cassell remarked on the joy of working in the Wall Avenue Church and B.Y.P.U. We decided to have the going-away social on Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. at Mrs. Wood's home. Mr. Tolliver volunteered to bring ice cream. Miss Thompson volunteered a cake. We planned to have a Dutch lunch. Mrs. Wood volunteered potato chips. The meeting was turned over to the Class Leader. She read the story of Christ's Triumphant entry into Jerusalem. From the 19 chapter of St. Luke, beginning with the 28 verse. The president was welcomed back after her illness. Miss Cassell orally resigned as teacher & organist. It was so ; ; NZBC_0164; moved and the motion was carried. Mrs. Polk turned in her ticket money which amounted to .90. The offering amounted to .45. Mrs. Polk suggested a fashion show. It was suggested that we prepare it for the week following Easter. We had remarks by Rev. Blake. He turned over for the wiener roast 1.00. We sang Blest Be The Tie That Binds. Benediction was pronounced by Rev. Blake.; ; ; ; ; Vice President; ; ; ; ; Helen Thompson; ; ; ; ; Secretary; ; ; ; ; Delcie Wood; March 24, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. met on the above date. We opened by singing God Will Take Care of You. The president read the 43rd Psalm. We followed this with sentence prayer. Then we sang "I need Thee Every Hour." The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted as read. Reports on the wiener roast were asked for but were unfinished. Mrs. Polk gave a report on the fashion show. The tickets have been ordered for it, practice has been set, and a pianist is needed. Mrs. Bess Williams consented to play. It was moved and seconded that $3.34 be withdrawn from the treasury for a gift for Miss Cassell. The motion was carried. A motion was carried that $2.00 be withdrawn for the style show. Rev. Blake was appointed teacher. It was decided to sell refreshments at the style show. Offering amounted to .21. We repeated the mispah. ; ; ; ; ; President; ; ; ; ; Anna Polk; ; ; ; ; Secretary; ; ; ; ; Delcie Wood; ; NZBC_0165; March 31, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. met on the above date by singing "Jesus Is All The World To Me." The President read a scripture lesson from 7th Chapter of Matthew 4 verses. It was followed by sentence prayer. We sang It Is Well With My Soul. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Reports were asked for on the wiener roast. $.40 was reported. Mr. Tolliver reported $.10 also. Report on the style show was asked for $8.35 was reported and was voted turned over to the treasury. The report was unfinished. We discussed a plan to give something to the participants. Mrs. Polk said ^she personally had planned something for the children. It was decided to withdraw $2.00 for tokens of appreciation to Mrs. Estes and Mrs. Finch. A motion was so made and the motion was carried. A motion was made & seconded that Miss Thompson & Mrs Polk assist Mrs. Wood in purchasing gifts for the ladies. A report of all moneys was asked for on the first Sunday. We discussed programs for the future. *Offering amounted to $.55 The president made some inspiring remarks. We were dismissed by a benediction by Rev. Blake.; ; ; ; ; President; *Rev Blake assigned the ; Anna Polk; lesson for nest Sunday.; ; Secretary; We will again study; ; Delcie Wood; the first Church. The ; lesson is found in the second chapter of acts the 41-47 verses.; ; NZBC_0166; April 7, 1940; The Wall Avenue B.Y.P.U. met on the above date we opened by singing 2 songs. Rev. Blake read scripture, 8 verses of the III Psalm. We sang "I Need Thee Every Hour. Following this we had prayer by Rev. Blake. We sang "Almost Persuaded." We had sentence prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and voted received as read. We had a lesson study. It was found in Acts 41-47 verses. We sang "What A Friend." The lesson for next Sunday was assigned. It will be Acts 2 ch. beginning with the 45 verse. Offering amounted to $.50. Mrs. Finch was a visitor and made a few remarks. She expressed her thanks for the gift the B.Y.P.U. gave her in appreciation for the work she was kind enough to do on the style show. We dismissed by singing Doxology and Rev. Blake pronounced benediction.; Acting chairman; NZBC_0167; April 14, 1940; ; The Wall Avenue Baptist B.Y.P.U. met on the above date singing [illegible] ^Scripture Reading by Pres., Mrs. Polk-Matt 5-1:12 Sentence Prayer. Sing [Jesus Is All The World To Me] Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Unfinished business-Reports on Weiner Roast and Style Show. no report. New business. The W.P.C. of the A.M.E. church is giving a carnival April 26-27 We are to have a booth-the booth will be decided on next week. Rev. Blake mentioned the last the Rev. L. K. William and party ^Good Will Law would be on April 23rd. Mrs Brown suggested the cleaning of the church. The B.Y. will pay for the room for the good Will Lawsuit. Mrs. Polk, the president, mentioned that Prs. Higdon asked for her resignation as president of the B.Y.P.U. [illegible] by Rev. Blake, Mrs. Brown, [strikeout Rev.] Mr. Toliver and Mrs. Polk. It was moved & seconded that $1 be drawn from the treasure for Mr Hamilton who is ill. Moved and 2nd that $4 be drawn from treasure to pay an church insurance/Home Mission Band in S.L. City. It was moved & 2nd that 2.50 be drawn from Treasure for light and water bill. It was moved and seconded that Mrs. O. Wiadr ^recognition as secretary be accepted. It was moved & 2nd that Carrei and me tonight be secretary. Conviction; ; NZBC_0168; Oct. 24, 1943; The Wall Ave Baptist BYPU met on the above Date House call to order by the Pastor with singing Jesus is all the world to me. Prayer by the Pastor after singing Let the Lower light Be Burning The house was open for business Report from the membership comitt new member E. Valetine Sis. Gillon Bro. Thompson Motion and second that the report coming from the member ship comitt would be received Brother Thompson to Sister Bailey and sister Valetine Sis Gillion to Sis. Thompson Brother Thompson chairma of Social Comitt No Report. Motion and second to draw money from the treasure to buy a record book for the bypu. Bible Director had a wonderful lesson the quiz member had a wonderful lesson program Comitt omitt for no 2 Mrs Valetine will be our Bible Driller for next Sunday. Bible Drill was fine. ; Report from lach group; Group no 1; people present 5; ; ; call. 95; Group no 2; ; people present 5; ; ; call 59; ; ; total call $1.54; Rev Connor act as Pres.; Nealie Mae Thompson act Sec.; ; NZBC_0169; Money Raised; Money Paid out; ; ; ; at; ; ; ; for; nov 12 1939; 5 90 tea; nov 12 1939; 5 75 coal; Feb 11 1940; 2 90 Tickets bazaar Dec 3 1939; 3 50 Christmas tree [illegible]; mar. 13 1940; 4 76 bazaar; Dec 3 1939 ; 1 00 flowers; mar 3 1940; 15 tickets bazaar Dec 10 1939; 4 00 Boyle; [strikeout: Feb 25 1940 debit 21 sick cards] Dec 17 1939; 1 55 shirt for pastor; mar 17 1940; 2 50 wiener roast Feb. 11 1940; .30 plates & spoons; mar 17 1940; 1.90 "; ; mar. 10 1940; 1 00 for mrs Polk; mar 31 1940; 40 "; ; mar 24 1940; 3.00 gift; " " " ; ; 8 45 style show; " " " ; ; 2.00 tickets; Feb 18; ; 20 tickets; " " " ; ; 31 mrs Polk; April 14; ; 7 50; ; mar 31 1940; 2 00 gifts; ; ; ; ; Feb 25 1940; 21 sick cards; ; ; ; ; jan 21 1940; 2 50 light & water; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 21.39; ; ; ; ; ; ; Collections; ; ; 50; 1939; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 21 89; Aug. 20; ; .45; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 22; Sept 24; ; .65; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 22 11; Oct 1; ; .68; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 7.50; Oct 8; ; .65; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 14.61; Oct 15; ; 1.25; Oct 22; ; 1.00; Oct 29; ; 1.03; nov. 5; ; 1.25; nov 12; ; .62 5.90 paid out 5.75 for coal; nov. 19; ; 1.35; Dec. 3; ; 1.00 4.50 paid out for flowers & Christm; ; ; money in treasury to date $5 62; ; ; total paid out to date $10 25; ; ; money taken in all totaled 15 87; Dec. 10; ; $1 20; Dec. 17; ; 1 00; Dec 24; ; 56; Dec 31; ; .80; Jan 7 1940; .70; Jan 14; ; .55; Jan 21; ; .70; Jan 28; ; .85; Feb 4; ; .65; Feb 11; ; .00; Feb 18; ; .45; Feb 25; ; .71; mar. 3; ; .45; mar 10; ; .55; mar 17; ; .45; march 24; .21; march 31; .55; money in Treasury to date $21.39; april 7 1940; 50; " 14 1940; 22; ; NZBC_0170; September 29-44; Pastor Aid: Beg. leif to report for the month of September. ; Number in Roll 25; number of meeting held 2; number attended meeting 12; amount of money raised through the regular source was $1.96-; throught Special efford. 4.10; ; ; ; $6.91; Amt. to be turned ovr in This meeting is 4.91; ; ; ; ; ; $2.00; Bol. on Hond; Sis. M. Flowers Pres.; Sis. P. O. Connor Sec'y.; Rev. Jesse L. Connor Pastor; Sis Ione Hinton Treas.; ; NZBC_0171; May 5, 1914; Opened by Pastor singing I Shall Not Be Moved Gal. 6 : 1-7 Prayer by Deacon hemis. Meeting opened [strikeout: illegible] our For business. ^[illegible] not and [illegible] nrading up last meeting the Pastor read in the Danernmenh of our Church. Recommendation [strikeout: illegible] from Ieran Board adopted by church. New Business; [strikeout: No] S. S. O Tejarh. ; $5.52; ; ; B. T. U ; - ; 10.86; ; ; chair; -; 9.98; ; ; mis & Ed. - ; [strikeout: 14.92] 7.42; ; ; W., M. S. - ; 28.30; ; ; Recogie - ; 61.75; ; ; Sunshine; 5.22; Sis Cage cone 142. hol. ave Jinnuce. Clerk regent. No Fall call. 5th. Kerni Maued K 2nd Lie that Sis Cage resume reogrebate a a trusted of church. Sis Helens deacon lewis wadid co William; Highare; Eage; Cook; Gillean; Dennis; Ran for Burcena weekly Pastor Granny; Sis Lannae; Bro Lewis; Sis Clath; "Whete; "Lee; :Cage; :Lawler; :Huff; "Cremtau; :H. William; "F William; N.A.A.C.P. request & Mech ave mete a maned &2d March [ILLEGIBLE] Monthly meeting in church Pray Blex Bethlee; ; NZBC_0172; New Members for Agul0 Mrs. M. Howers; Miss Mary Ameteg; Mr. OraWelliams; Bro. Mitchell; Sis. Beemin; Owr Eddward Crowder; Dav Welleam Cain; ; NZBC_0173; Rev by [ILLEGIBLE]; 1; By. Et. Deace-; 6; Lost by letter; 2; By death; 1; ; NZBC_0174; $10.43; 96.51; 41.59; 138.10; 4.00; 27.74; 17.30; 1.79; $30.83; 4.00; 26.8; 51.11; Resign to of ending $41.59; Brat Fold 96.51; Balance $138.10; Truestee came be accepted as a whole the resign fae the last payment of the above 8 1958 was rerenik of 1 march be loved on [ILLEGIBLE] remarks were given by pastor connor of the church.; Sept, 27,1944; The Wall Ave Baptist Church and called to its regular business meeting by Pastor, Jo L. Connor, afterwards made many At the [ILLEGIBLE] 14.40 [ILLEGIBLE] area enielee. The Pastor agreed thee meeting for business All Mistare were termitted to atay to business meeting marched I had that misstee of forcenning meeting be a day [ILLEGIBLE] 3.90; B.Y.P.U 10.48; Missionary day 18.36; A Anin 1.115; Pastor Aid 4.91 Pastor; Minutes elaborate 7.68; Remaining to offering $41.59; Moved o lord all [ILLEGIBLE] report be accepted in moved of that missionary variety lee luthriged to reassigned of [ILLEGIBLE]living room foor furnature were porgmog L. The Plan to [ILLEGIBLE] for [ILLEGIBLE] try is to game 50 members caise $0 grich Snened of 2nd all recommodation fom deacon [ILLEGIBLE]see O.J Conner Moel; ; NZBC_0175; 23; 4.20; .75; .77; 22.69; 25.0; 29.19; 10.00; 5.00; 10.00; 87-60; ; NZBC_0176; Mar_3,1944; Wall Ave Baptist; Opened singing Dannisce march there; 148; Life [ILLEGIBLE] Hal 6:1:1 [ILLEGIBLE] by Moderator meeting gained afar fereinean. All [ILLEGIBLE]. Of teen reading of minutes of fresign meeting niece adopted as read. Face cace of members. Reyach of organation members no money from secondary febae; Pchain-.90; B.T.U-2.23; Mission-8.64; Mist ed.-2.87; Maneta 2nd that add report to be adopted treasure report; 14.923 adah raised; 155.22 and disboarced; 293.53 bach and in secy; Recommendations from deneger of trustee mared a 2nd that recommended carrer be accepted remember by Rev Connor; Marched at 2nd sis hugg be recharged from [ILLEGIBLE] each; Received reprogramed is [ILLEGIBLE] march of 2nd that clerk mute an adev to.; March 2nd that church pay for Mark Lax w one for church [ILLEGIBLE]; Sis H. tenort; Brothe 2nd restoration [ILLEGIBLE] main; ; NZBC_0177; Sis Luarch. Sis Homie Hufy are treasure; 229.74; 09.58; 617.3; 22974; 61.75; 2949
Contributors New Zion Baptist Church
Description Notebook with meeting minutes from the Wall Avenue Baptist Young People's Union meetings and addresses.
Subject Church records and registers; Church history
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