Title | Smith and Edwards Artifacts |
Creator | C. Jouffray |
Contributors | Smith & Edwards |
Description | Smith and Edwards Artifacts |
Subject | Military surpluses; Western riding--Equipment and supplies |
Digital Publisher | Stewart Library, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA |
Date Digital | 2015 |
Medium | Photogrphay |
Spatial Coverage | Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/5779206, 41.223, -111.97383 |
Type | Image/StillImage |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit Smith and Edwards. |
Source | Smith and Edwards |
Format | image/jpeg |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6j51f8e |
Setname | wsu_vhm |
ID | 98418 |
Reference URL | https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6j51f8e |
Title | Combat Meal in a Box Side |
Creator | C. Jouffray |
Contributors | Smith & Edwards |
Description | Smith and Edwards Artifacts |
Subject | WWII; combat rations |
Digital Publisher | Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Date Original | 2015 |
Date | 2015 |
Date Digital | 2015 |
Temporal Coverage | Circa 1940 |
Item Description | WWII U.S.military rations |
Spatial Coverage | Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/5779206, 41.223, -111.97383 |
Type | Image/StillImage |
Language | eng |
Rights | Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit Smith and Edwards. |
Source | located at Smith & Edwards, Ogden Utah |
Format | image/jpeg |
Setname | wsu_vhm |
ID | 98807 |
Reference URL | https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6j51f8e/98807 |