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Show Wider ¢ Eon aime ae Se esos. a v Onseakrd (C) Christensen; | i f | “Weber - Weber 1s, Tatermenotate “Upton 2 ow 0. +s, Dien ne Ticks wni wets oh i hoenix wae ‘eder 42. Snow Young college Weber 7, Aggie I i| 4. 0, RO tee freshmen | | 0. sy Weds col- (for wickets Wener ¢, Idaho southern branch 2 ie) 46, Ricks f eis 0. = we de Bake } Snow 19 fontac normal 55, a ee Weber 6, B. ¥. U, crete $. Weber 20, Albion Weber 20, Brow eollene 6. eber 12, Idaho southern branch a ei atinm et » on eaten es e St ag: oer C Before OTT cc Sith Olorfy Sensational Gang be oot fom ie pai So Po é Sen ad n A bd Conference c f i ¥s at ’ 7 { Bramwell Machine giciks 32 Points i in Two é 28 Competition; Champions Start Plaj Sectional Contest, With | McKinley T¢ reek pean ».......- , SUNDAY EAE NOVEMBER 1 seta Offers Fige . , hive roof GRID BATTLE SM Co HAMBER OFFERS. cas : bof ui fea! AND ‘WEBER SUPPORT i+ | matbax nvaranc, pecoenen 1 ime 7) Rs BS . fe } “ be leadli Hine Fes Feature svat 1a to nee mee Jato: ron ‘triny of Wet oreo «, (ol omanengectiaea me '1N”: ‘ of th ‘ Bs OBRINT ’ (ee ¢ 7 rec ot Mat ie Ke rere PAREW. BLL she necking ial : f people eat :es = , Hy. t paNnon- Wena SOLECe j ERTHANA cas = ae , FOOTBALL e ONIGHT 30¢ Fach, eee = nay Witten s nnnecon reat Hordl Ss VG CO : haeGame ) _ NOVEMBER 21 198 : “TOSTASSITS 10s, j a3 ‘alcolm Watsies st Waard _ Timesers Boyd aa Eyes nt Ghar Doxey. INER IN-GRID CAME to a 66 c of ihex 4 Wil. gees fie7s = nee 4 Attack’ | ic, stain 10, se nigliggn re. é STs et ee ae C. Seat, q Se i Purple Ontplays Visitors in First Half, ne in Last Two Periods {dahoans Lose BallOn onBe: bs our-yard Line; Contest Provides Thrills, 3 li: WEBER ~ ‘BER College woleskin’By AL WARDE warsiors N battled. the strong and cs ; . 5 ee, Pocatello Machi M ne | ; x i Maw10k. an me Ray act: fais umpire, : Nita ‘ a8 re thr 3; Pa) iL Grid 1 Record. Weber Tou With Idaho ? x oe : ; ae Sr B ae : attle Colorful Wi Ppaiaant Pe aoe a Vi | a : pe @ Show Fine : . Py. THE OGDEN BTANDARD-EXAMINER Defensive Stren" ro ibd GE ina Webereber Closes Closes S Season W, With | Witdeat waneReterec, icks “2 to 7 a * rather n reais cat S Te) ; SHE tee OGDEN sr foaRpaicawnen ee5 pean anne: SS aN Te Yr. 22 Remaining games on achaduie: | Pcie Hin 2 oF $8 ee st pres 4: °% 6. weber 18, Albion Weber 34, Snow o F mee en ’ . * d is, WW Veber Weber ees Walters Weber £4, Westminster Weber Woettr i t eS jim i ce Serra 1 me a Cae | } i SRD VICTORY ‘eber 6. Albion 6 (tie! ye 83, Idaho southern branch ‘ ea Alblon 6. . a etter; | ° weJone eee ; title). Sloscaswe? 31 2stSluues RE , cs (3), % aoemeer len ier mountain enroled ‘er Ora ae Vaan | the Re Hereee > (ate {sanized American to Boose Te thant focbait Fae pee ete kaw en -= Smit asbany ihe Sirs seiting i ‘Tipek foreee oftick: a in ne crore 8 my } ie eee fee t we wee ee support of Saaoue men and nae inWere of Aickets sae the ee Si % eS e : * ' =, 2= 7= %y Xs : , : aie {een ie gl CEs - x: re: ie ing "ing ro ‘ : 2 ” ee | Z oe) en, n ee x a ‘ keorletge of Weber colle ed see Sete a ‘< Z = i: : Smokers’ ce This store | 1 replete in supplies for. the MAN WHO SMOKES, ; ae, ventions! toosatt | A On NC prorsan CoM ae hantpiorInterrtountal calewe e anne for’ a con e fn December 1 there.| ce Honotal all “ae oes wpe tie eh * Utes ne ae heen : con / cack, a The fer): ching ia the fear eo The Football Team © fF Webe or College, Oxdem the bern look Uke - = em, 15 : | Which, / 4 ie, uo th f . 4 f ae to Rules t have to weer did theg have to he in “gnitorms that ions T ee, £ the, “—_— ee Ce t the a ws. cn ’ An 4 Tha 2. DLis A, ae P bn __THE ——~. un grt fh teSTO 45 : 19 serge <p ay Kot sd ; ; OGDEN DEN Sonsten ne ee ZY f id ‘ he HAVE;: bela, STANDAI TANDARD EXAMINER ert e Sey WELCOME IAT-orten 7 HE EH BURKS CAN GIVE, aioe : LS fy 2 te LP ornna p ae e ; nisin 80 =YOU . e , a A oe fe : Gade . HERE’S HOPY : Xmas ye J. Wg yar KKe hie Lb. ae ci beat 9 oes O24 ing According \ strategy. es : Le {? inestions. Tesstite f wn. roves a 3 Weber Further Opsct ‘ fi \ ¢ Rte 2 909 OL» Ase) ae Tee (Wneaa) Yj, lane Qa % Micks Anxious To With ae Doan : : me ae xg? ¥ See. te ay ee:ae 4 Se . . . * ey h we . Fe ri 3 PK ie ‘ ay OS an eK er : = ewe : ; fis its fle ~ mc fi Ya 5 AS e : ee ‘ x hens .: SP es 2 try a 2 ese Early vors Two-Year fe Home Footbal fullet- Kelly Cod wastes St Set HONE ee ee RSE. Or SOCIETY. VOTES. BRAS ae SALEDAR rhe S anxious See will be played fies are ae fiin eee } sea wnusually bright, = hext “ u : v |