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Show : 1930 a En a i Metro-Surance INSURANCE METRO-SURANCE maximum affords the of — its dealings. ; ization. METRO-SURANCE is insurance raised to new levels of service, security and foresightedness. q of the defense- a friend of the less woman— helpless child, and of the hour of need. METRO-SURANCE strong man | 4 q a Faith”across the face of every policy. Insurance, the co-operative modern method of 3 that prompt aid will be vitally needed at some time in every man’s life. believes cae inemergencies gear sini se oleh § “Good Faith”, has acquired andholdsthe great- est of all insurance assets, an army of satisfied Policy Holders. J. Score Rowe, President. 4 i | WTF —-- 9 3 RIE ) AOE et 2 OO tr} Yc r ‘q 9) 3 4 x 6 4 11/12/13 : 25/26/27 oe Cabaetes M\ Sune , T WIT hell ol danedes eens ee 3) 4) 5 a cs 12 | | 19 ) e e Jeer TTIW —-— September - T S Ul M'TIWITIF a 123i ah 45 7 ‘ a Se! ‘7 : a 2 - aaa = 24/25|26 41 9/10 11/12 16|17|18/19 Mas rp Ale ee i | — ments December ___Wove mber |S is 910)11} 14/15,16/17/18 MT sSiIM/TIWITIF aa. sont oto seer orm etre ane sok TIS GIO aloes SO 1 ..| 4 7| 2) 3) 910/11 1 2) 3) 4) 5 8) 9\10)11 14/15'16/17/18/19 21 22'23,24'25 16117/1 2728 29 30 31), 8 ome 8 i ad August brs) 8} 6 IRE 9 vs 28|29130 3 fe T|W|T|F/S EY SS a 13\14 oS Pam 18/19|20 es penne a2 ¢ ERE. , tl ¢ 7 ; 6 ete ee ee te 20/2 i a I 3 October a | ER 1930; ect | | 7 me |W 21 . M|T G empES ¢ tats 22|23/24 ep ; bem march ‘i 8 9110 14/1516117 | @ -aTRES 29|30). Phe CRE 8G em 17 iibdinsteaiss narrow technical interpretation of its policies. to the principle of dealing with 21 © -S =| Gia gee 5 3 M|T|W\T | RE February July “he gives twice who gives quickly,” and places its reputation for “Good Faith” high aboveany its publicin EE MT 21/22/2324 mitigating misfortune, isbasedonthe certainty by itsunfaltering adherence METRO-SURANCE, Ee 0) em 8) 910 15.1617 | 4 smile”—its contracts are the clearest that words can devise—then it writes “Good | q in his believes in “paying with : T W T 1) TF FY ORF ne ee April ‘pls . Insurance, man’s collective effort toward warding off the blows of fate, is the best ES rete ele ade. - | ) q 7 8 ee 21/22/23 . q © Insurance against casualties marks a long upward step in man’s rise from savagery to civil- > ea 28:99 30 q © the accidents of activity, the catastrophes of ree the enlightened “Good Faith” of ORR HE Bee dh 2 6| 7| 8| 9 141516 | a Swear ome: Oem Anno Bomini ¢ ARN <> + 2 certo 4 eaten T M|T|W| tot, a protection against the carelessnessof humanity, ° Ce | i to the uncertainties of human life. METRO-SURANCE is insurance from which all uncertainties have been eliminated. 2 came o January | |4 is foresight and prudence applied Sem 23 24 25.26.27 282912829 30°31. 30 Mr D.BY WALKER-LONGFELLOW Co., Boston, Mass. war 8 yah |