Title | Adams, Fallan MED_2024 |
Alternative Title | Bridging the Gap in Transitional Information from Head Start to Kindergarten |
Creator | Adams, Fallan |
Collection Name | Master of Education |
Description | This project highlights a significant communication gap in transitional information sharing between preschool and kindergarten teachers in government-funded programs, with most kindergarten teachers not receiving the data preschool teachers believe they are providing. |
Abstract | This curriculum project has illuminated the ongoing communication gap between preschool and kindergarten teachers, particularly in government-funded programs like Title One and Head Start. Although Head Start and Title One teachers prepare transitional information for students entering kindergarten, this information often fails to reach kindergarten teachers. As the survey suggested, 80% of kindergarten teachers do not receive transitional information, even though 88.9% of preschool teachers believe that they are sharing it. |
Subject | Education, Early childhood; Head Start programs; Effective teaching |
Digital Publisher | Stewart Library, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, United States of America |
Date | 2024 |
Medium | Thesis |
Type | Text |
Access Extent | 895 KB; 32 page pdf |
Language | eng |
Rights | The author has granted Weber State University Archives a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce his or her theses, in whole or in part, in electronic or paper form and to make it available to the general public at no charge. The author retains all other rights. |
Source | University Archives Electronic Records: Master of Education. Stewart Library, Weber State University |
OCR Text | Show BRIDGING THE GAP 1 BRIDGING THE GAP 2 Bridging the Gap in Transitional Information from Head Start to Kindergarten Children attending schools situated in areas in which families are experiencing poverty run a greater risk of dropping out of school, lower academic achievement, and developing risky behaviors (Heers et al.,2016). Child poverty can have long term effects on the cognitive abilities of children as well as hinder a child’s chances of academic success (Black & Engle, 2008). Not only is poverty associated with the reduced cognitive abilities of children, but it can also have negative consequences for both the mental and physical health of children who are experiencing it (Racine, 2016). These risk factors follow children well into adulthood. To curb the negative effects of poverty on children, interventions can be implemented as students enter the preschool and elementary school setting (Bauer & Schanzenbach, 2016). However those interventions need to be shared during the critical transition period between the preschool years and when students enter elementary school (Cook & Coley, 2021). Having government-funded resources may help decrease the effects of poverty in low-income homes and communities. Programs like Head Start have been shown to increase overall academic performance in students who attended, compared to students who have similar backgrounds but did not attend Head Start (Magnuson & Shager, 2010). Research about families who participated in Early Head Start programs showed that by age three, students were better prepared for preschool in the measures of cognitive and language development, emotional engagement of parents, more ability to sustain attention with toys, and a lower rate of aggressive behaviors, compared to their peers who did not participate in Early Head Start programs (Black & Engle, 2008). For students living in poverty, full-day kindergarten programs have shown to achieve significantly higher scores on standardized testing in the areas of language arts and BRIDGING THE GAP 3 mathematics, compared to students with similar backgrounds who only attend a half-day kindergarten program (Schroeder, 2007). Because poverty can have long-lasting consequences on children, it is important to know that government-funded Head Start programs are designed to help address the disparities students are facing as they enter preschool (Bauer & Schanzenbach, 2016) However, those supports are not always implemented or shared with kindergarten teachers (Cook & Coley, 2019). Head Start teachers and kindergarten teachers do not have a universal transition plan for students coming into kindergarten from Head Start programs (Cook & Coley, 2019). Because students transitioning from Head Start to kindergarten face multiple risk factors, kindergarten teachers must be aware of where their Head Start students are academically and socially before entering kindergarten (Cook & Coley, 2019, Cook et al., 2019). A call for effective coordination to bridge the gaps between highly effective government-funded preschool programs and kindergarten entrance, in the area of sharing information about students is in order (Cook et al., 2019). Literature Review School Readiness School readiness has been a subject of concern for many years, but it has not been until more recently in the span of education that it has been as heavily researched. Programs for early interventions and school readiness started to develop in the mid 1960’s as politicians started to make policies involving the War on Poverty, thus passing the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (Kelly & Winter 2008). With growing concerns and growing bodies of research about the benefits of social programs for the economically disadvantaged came education reform in the form of early childhood interventions, specifically the start of Head Start programs (Snow, BRIDGING THE GAP 4 2006). Head Start began as a way to give families living in poverty comprehensive health services and family economic empowerment, but as research grew about the importance of school readiness, Head Start programs shifted their focus to improving school readiness to children living in poverty, specifically in the areas of development, targeting math and reading (Geronimo & Acevedo-Garcia, 2016). Researchers have shown that chronically poor students tend to have lower test scores in comparison to wealthier students (Michelmore, 2017). However, not only is chronic poverty an issue, but also the timing of when students experience poverty. When students are disadvantaged at an early age, they have been shown to have worse outcomes in adulthood than students who were disadvantaged at later ages (Michelmore, 2017). Knowing that the timing of when a student experiences impoverishment is important, it is imperative to help curve the effects of poverty in young children as they approach school age. Data has shown that children's school readiness skills as they enter school are highly correlated with later academic skills and to improve educational outcomes, one must focus on the skills needed to be successful in school during the early childhood years (Snow, 2017). There is a strong correlation between students' poverty levels and their ability to meet the expectations to be deemed “ready for school”. Poverty is not only measured by finances but also by access to resources. Black and Engle (2008), defined poverty as capability deprivation, meaning that people and families living in poverty do not have the same access to resources that make it easier to thrive in society as their more affluent counterparts (Barnett, 1998; Black & Engle, 2008; Magnuson & Shager, 2010; Lacour & Tissington, 2011). Some of the resources families in poverty lack are material assets, social belonging, cultural identity, respect and BRIDGING THE GAP 5 dignity, support systems, positive relationships, knowledge of hidden rules, and access to information and education (Black & Engle, 2008). School readiness is defined as a range of skills students must have to be successful in school. The skills that are focused on are cognition, social and behavioral, self-regulation, and executive functioning (EF) (Knight et al., 2019). If students are not provided opportunities to use and practice these skills, they are less likely to achieve school readiness and success. Students living in poverty have less access to resources, thus giving them less exposure to the things that will help them become ready for school and be successful in life (Black & Engle, 2008). Social Emotional Functioning and School Readiness The effects of poverty go beyond academic achievement. In a study examining the effects of poverty and behavior trajectories from the age of a year and a half to eight years of age, the authors found that students who are consistently exposed to the effects of poverty not only have higher levels of behavior problems in the areas of hyperactivity and opposition, those behaviors have a higher rate of acceleration between the years of one and a half years old to five years old, compared to their more affluent peers (Mazza et al., 2016). Knowing that students who experience poverty often struggle with social-emotional skills, it is important to address these deficiencies by identifying what it is students should be able to do as they enter the school settings. The main areas of social-emotional functioning in regards to school readiness are social behavior ( social competence, and control of impulses), learning behavior (curiosity, engagement, and ability to focus), and positive relationships with peers and teachers (Nix et al., 2016). When students enter kindergarten with little to no social-emotional skills, teachers then have to redirect their teaching and focus from academic achievement to more behavioral BRIDGING THE GAP 6 management (Rimm-Kaufman et al., 2000, Whitted, 2011). Kindergarten teachers have reported that one-quarter of their students were unable to sit still, work independently without distractions, and follow directions. They also reported that approximately half of their students were unable to use the basic regulatory competencies needed to maintain focus in the classroom and stay engaged in learning (Bulotsky-Shearer & Frantuzzo, 2010). Many kindergarten teachers are reporting that one of the most substantial challenges in teaching kindergarten, is the lack of social-emotional maturity, not the cognitive skills students have coming into kindergarten (Whitted, 2011). Knowing where students have come from, what they have achieved in their Head Start programs and what skills they still struggle with, as well as any interventions that both worked and failed would be valuable information as students transition from the preschool classroom to the elementary classroom (, Cook & Coley, 2019; Ehrlich et al., 2021) Students in Poverty Experience Multiple Risk Factors The effects of poverty can have ongoing consequences for the families who are experiencing these disparities. Black and Engle (2008) examined the effects of poverty on a child's development, as well as the effects poverty has on short -and long-term educational outcomes, and concluded that poverty has a significant negative impact on the development of children. Similarly, Magnuson and Shager (2010) found that children experiencing poverty are exposed to a variety of risk factors they may not encounter if they did not come from economically disadvantaged homes. These included increased family stress due to economic hardships, lack of language-rich households, and educational gaps for the children. Moreover, children who are raised in low-income families are found to be at risk for academic and social problems. They are also found to have poorer health and well-being in comparison to their BRIDGING THE GAP 7 wealthier peers, these factors often undermine educational achievement in children living in poverty (Black & Engle, 2008). Under the circumstances in which poverty affects families, many of these students who are experiencing poverty enter school not having experienced rich learning environments, previously listed risk factors. “When risk occurs during preschool years, they can have long-lasting consequences” (Black & Engle, 2008). Poverty affects overall academic achievement as manifested through a variety of factors such as lower IQ, higher percentage of dropouts, and lower overall academic achievement compared to their more affluent peers (Barnett, 1998, Campbell & Romey, 1994, Magnuson & Shager, 2010). Because students growing up in poverty have multiple risk factors, parents are often overwhelmed and may not be able to interact with their children in a way that helps develop their social emotional development in an effective way to be able to withstand the demands of what is expected in a structured school environment (Kaiser & Delaney, 1996, Rimm-Kaufman & Pianta 2006, Whitten, 2011). When students are unable or unwilling to follow the rules and guidelines provided by a structured learning environment, it often hinders relationship building, creates alienation, and can foster an environment of self-deprecation, particularly when students are in social situations. This becomes even more problematic, when not properly addressed by a teacher who is equipped to meet the social emotional needs of the student (Chang, 2006, Whitten 2011). Understanding what social emotional needs need to be addressed for students entering kindergarten is a critical piece of information kindergarten teachers should know, to start addressing social emotional concerns from the start of the school year (Bulotsky-Shearer & Fantuzzo, 2011). Early Childhood Interventions and Programs for Social Emotional and Academic Success BRIDGING THE GAP 8 When addressing early childhood poverty and the potential effects it has on the educational outcomes of students, it is important to know that there are currently government funded programs that help address and reduce the risk factors mentioned previously in this research. Baken, Brown & Downing 2017, analyzed a series of data from the article “The Long-Term Cognitive and Academic Effects of Early Childhood Education on Children in Poverty'', a landmark article written on the topic of early childhood education and poverty, written by W.S Barnett in 1998. Baken et al.found that in the last 20 years from their analysis that a number of studies confirm Barnett's claim that children who live in poverty and attend a quality preschool program do experience long-lasting effects, particularly in the areas of learning, higher school achievement, lower rates of high school dropouts, lower juvenile arrests, welfare assistance as adults, and higher instances of wealth in early adulthood (Baken et al., 2017; Barnett, 1998; Campbell & Romey, 1994; Campbell et al., 2012; Magnuson & Shager, 2010). In essence, when the effects of poverty are addressed in young children, those children have higher rates of success in the areas of social emotional well-being and overall success than students from similar demographics that did not receive early interventions. In a separate study, Campbell et al., (2012) reported a follow-up from the Abecedarian Project, a longitudinal study that examined four cohorts of individuals, born between 1972 and 1977. Campbell et al. examined the long-term outcomes of high-quality early childhood education programs on students living in poverty. Children were assigned either to a research-based educational childcare program, where they attended high-quality instruction from infancy through kindergarten, or they were assigned to a controlled group. Success was measured by years of education, high school graduation, employment, job prestige, earned income, use of public assistance, head of household, criminal behavior, marriage and family BRIDGING THE GAP 9 status, and health status. In most categories, the intervention group excelled over the control group at the age of 30, specifically in graduation rates, employment, physical health, and educational attainment. The benefits of long-term early interventions on children from economically disadvantaged situations have a positive impact not only on students but also on families, decreasing stress by addressing childcare needs (Black & Engle, 2008; Campbell & Ramey, 1994). Early Head Start and Head Start programs have also adopted a social emotional curriculum to help students achieve executive functioning skills (EF) (Anderson et al., 2022; Anderson et al., 2020). In Head Start, EF skills are defined as a series of mental processes needed for an individual to be able to be aware of and control their thoughts and behaviors (Anderson et al., 2020). As mentioned previously, students who grow up with multiple risk factors, surrounding the effects of poverty, typically have a harder time not only academically but also with EF skills. There has been a growing body of research that suggests that with proper interventions in the fields of social emotional learning, at preschool age, gives children who face multiple risk factors important EF skills, which in turn allows them to be more successful in school both academically as well as social emotionally (Anderson et al., 2022; Anderson et al., 2020; Nix et al., 2016). Moreover, knowing if students still lack these EF skills coming into kindergarten will allow teachers to better address the needs of their students by knowing if they need to have targeted interventions ready as the school year approaches (Bulotsky-Shearer & Fantuzzo, 2011). A Call for Effective Communication Students entering kindergarten who have multiple risk factors due to poverty have a harder time in school in the area of academic achievement and social emotional development BRIDGING THE GAP 10 (Montes et al., 2012, Rimm-Kaufman et al., 2000, Whitted, 2011) Knowing that Head Start programs serve some of our most underserved communities with children coming into kindergarten exhibiting a multitude of risk factors is important for kindergarten teachers to know and understand what areas a student may need additional support in (Cook & Coley, 2019, Cook, et al., 2019). Currently there is a lack of transitional information being given to elementary school teachers about the academic and social emotional proficiency of students coming into kindergarten (Early et al., 2001, Tarullo et al., 2021). It has been reported that only twenty five percent of all Head Start programs reported having the same transitions and coordination practices as one another, suggesting that there is no universal practice for sharing transitional information from Head Start to public school teachers (Cook & Coley, 2021). Government funded preschool programs need a uniform way to transfer information about students coming into government funded elementary school programs (Cook et al., 2021). When Head Start teachers can share information with kindergarten teachers about student behaviors, academic learning, and interventions used both successful and failed, kindergarten teachers are more prepared to give targeted interventions from the start of the school year (Bulotsky-Shearer & Frantuzzo, 2011; Tarullo et al., 2021). Within many elementary schools, teachers have effective ways of communicating the diverse needs and concerns they have for their students. This often occurs in pre-referral intervention teams or (PIT) (Burns et al., 2005; Lhospital & Gregory, 2009). PIT teams are put into place when teachers have academic or behavioral concerns for their students. They can take those concerns to a panel of their colleagues and as a group, they can collectively brainstorm ideas of how to effectively help the student (Burns et al., 2005). These brainstorming sessions are BRIDGING THE GAP 11 often documented and easily shared with those involved in the process. It is the general education teacher's responsibility to address the needs of hard to-teach students. Knowing what areas a student struggles with and being able to discuss those issues with other teaching professionals, allows for a better understanding of what has and has not worked for the student in the past (Sindelar, 1992). Having a PIT program, and allowing teachers to share valuable information with colleagues, not only increases the chances of positive behavior changes as well as better academic outcomes but also helps relieve the stress on educators as they are instructing hard-to-teach students (Lhospital & Gregory, 2009). Having a way to collaborate with Head Start teachers as kindergarten students make the transition from preschool to elementary school about academic concerns, interventions used, and what behavior supports a student will need, will help in a smoother transition from Head Start to Kindergarten. However some barriers do exist, there is often tension between those who feel like instruction and behavior management of young children should be geared toward developmentally appropriate practice, mostly see in the Head Start programs, opposed to the academic alignment of standards that elementary school teachers and staff gear their instruction towards (Cohen-Vogel et al., 2020, Tarullo et al., 2021). There has been heavy debate whether or not Head Start programs and kindergarten should align their academic and social standards (Cohen-Vogel et al., 2020, Tarullo et al., 2021). Some argue that preschool standards need to be more rigorous to keep up with the academic demands that kindergarten students are expected to do, while others believe that kindergarten standards are to rigorous, and we need to develop more developmentally appropriate approaches to teaching young children (Cohen-Vogel et al., 2020, Vitiello et al., 2020). Because of the lack of alignment between standards, little research has BRIDGING THE GAP 12 been done on the potential effectiveness of sharing information during the transition from Head Start Programs to Kindergarten (Cohen-Vogel et al., 2020, Vitiello et al., 2020). Purpose There is currently no universal way of sharing information from preschool teachers to kindergarten teachers (Early et al., 2001; Tarullo et al., 2021). The purpose of this curriculum project is to identify the informational breakdown and create possible solutions for bridging the gap between students exiting Head Start and Title One classrooms and entering kindergarten. Method I distributed a survey to kindergarten teachers and educators from government-funded preschool programs, including Head Start and Title One preschool programs, to gather their insights on the most critical information to share and the most effective methods for doing so. The results will help identify communication gaps and offer potential solutions for effectively sharing key information between preschool and kindergarten teachers. Sample The sample for this study included Title One teachers, Head Start teachers and kindergarten teachers from the Davis School District. Eight individuals participated in the preschool teacher survey, 7 of which were Head Start and Title One teachers, one of which was the education manager of Head Start and Title One programs. Currently, the district has 23 Head Start and Title One teachers, the 7 teachers who participated in this research represent approximately 30.43% of that group. To reach kindergarten teachers, the study needed to be distributed by individual principals, who shared it with their respective kindergarten staff. Participation was voluntary. Of the 201 kindergarten teachers in the district, 35 chose to participate, accounting for 17.41% of the total kindergarten teacher population. Among the BRIDGING THE GAP 13 participants, three teachers were unsure whether they had received students who had attended a Title One or Head Start program, but they still provided input regarding the usefulness of transitional information. Procedure Two separate surveys were developed. The Title One/Head Start survey focused on the tools used to collect student data and the transitional practices implemented as students move from preschool to kindergarten. The kindergarten teacher survey aimed to determine whether teachers received students from government-funded preschool programs and what, if any, transitional information was provided when these students entered kindergarten and how valuable teachers felt that information could be. The survey questions assessed the types of transitional information being shared. The survey questions and research project were submitted to the Davis School District Department of Assessments and Research for approval. Once approved, the surveys were distributed to individual principals and directors, who were responsible for forwarding them to teachers. However, no information was available on how many principals and directors shared the surveys with their teachers. The project took place in June and July of 2024, during the Davis School District’s summer break, which appeared to impact participation. Of the 35 kindergarten teacher participants, 10 responded during this period. Only one Head Start/Title One teacher completed the survey in the initial round. The survey was redistributed on August 24th, which led to an increase in participation. The survey was a combination of short essay questions and multiplechoice questions. BRIDGING THE GAP 14 Survey Results Out of the 35 kindergarten teachers surveyed, 80% reported having students from Title One or Head Start programs, while the remaining 20% were unsure. When asked if they received transitional information from preschool teachers (excluding IEPs), 2.86% said it did not apply, 80% said they did not receive transitional information, 5.71% said they did, and another 5.71% reported sometimes receiving this information. Among the 7 Title One and Head Start teachers surveyed, 88.9% said they shared transitional information in the form of a packet or digital document, while 11.9% said they did not but believed it would be beneficial. This suggests a potential information gap between kindergarten teachers and Head Start and Title One teachers. When asked if having transitional information would be helpful as students enter kindergarten, 82.86% of teachers said yes, many noting that it would assist with group placements and behavior plans if needed. Another 11.43% said sometimes, depending on the student's needs. Meanwhile, 2.86% said no, explaining that students often change quickly over the school year and summer, and 2.86% did not respond. Regarding the importance of transitional information, 82.86% of kindergarten teachers rated it as very important, 14.29% said it was moderately important, and 2.86% felt it was not important at all. This indicates that most teachers acknowledge the importance of having transitional information when students begin kindergarten. When preschool teachers were asked about the biggest challenge in sharing transitional information with kindergarten teachers, 28.57% reported that principals and secretaries were not passing along the information, and 28.57% said the question did not apply to them. Another 14.29% stated it would be helpful to clarify what information needs to be shared and how much BRIDGING THE GAP 15 time teachers have to process it. Additionally, 14.29% identified not knowing the student’s school placement as a barrier, 14.29% said more effective transition tools are needed, and 28.57% pointed to time availability as the greatest obstacle to sharing transitional information. The survey indicated that Davis School District Head Start and Title One teachers have differing opinions on the biggest challenge in sharing transitional information. However, most indicated that either there was no challenge or that the information they prepared was not being passed on to kindergarten teachers by school office administrators. The survey revealed a communication gap between kindergarten and preschool teachers regarding the sharing of transitional information. While 80% of kindergarten teachers reported having students from Title One or Head Start programs, the same percentage said they did not receive transitional information from preschool teachers. In contrast, 88.9% of Title One and Head Start teachers stated they provided this information, typically in the form of packets or digital documents. Most kindergarten teachers (82.86%) agreed that transitional information would be helpful, particularly for group placements and behavior plans. However, challenges were noted by preschool teachers, with 28.57% citing that school office administrators were not passing along the information. Other challenges included unclear guidelines, time constraints, and not knowing the student's school placement. These findings suggest differing perspectives on the challenges and effectiveness of sharing transitional information. Limitations This study faced several limitations, primarily related to timing, participation rates, and sample size. The process of obtaining approval from the Davis School District took approximately three weeks, after which individual principals and directors had to be contacted in order to gain permission for their teachers to participate. Since the study took place during the BRIDGING THE GAP 16 summer break, response rates were lower than anticipated, as many principals and directors did not respond to the initial survey request making it necessary for multiple follow-ups via phone calls, voicemails, and emails. Another limitation was low participation. Ultimately, only 30% of Title One and Head Start teachers and 17.41% of kindergarten teachers participated, limiting the study’s generalizability. Conducting the study during the academic year might have yielded better engagement and more representative data. Additionally, expanding the study beyond the Davis School District to include a larger and more diverse sample would offer deeper insights into communication challenges and help identify patterns across different educational contexts. Conclusion of Survey Research shows that as many as 95% of federally funded preschool programs implement a formal transition process for students moving from preschool to kindergarten (Cook & Coley, 2021). However, the consistency of the transition information varies. While the research presented here has several limitations, a recurring theme aligns with findings from other studies. Both Head Start and Title One programs supply the necessary information for transitioning students, but there appears to be a communication breakdown when it comes to kindergarten teachers receiving that information (Ehrlich et al., 2021). One of the main challenges is the disparity in governance structures, accountability measures, and educational philosophies between Head Start and elementary schools (Vitiello et al., 2020). This disconnect can result in a lack of continuity and communication, making it difficult for teachers to build on students' progress in preschool. Although government funded preschool programs are mandated to share information, there is little to no oversight as to what is done with that information once it is shared with public schools (Ehrlich et al., 2021). BRIDGING THE GAP 17 Discussion Student Outcomes In regards to the impact on student outcome the survey results revealed that 82.86% of kindergarten teachers believe transitional information is crucial, indicating that effective communication can facilitate smoother transitions, support better group placements, and enable tailored behavior management strategies. This finding aligns with existing research which emphasizes the long-term benefits of early interventions on academic, social and behavioral outcomes (Barnett, 1998; Campbell et al., 2012; Magnuson & Shager, 2010). Effective transitional information is a starting point in creating targeted, effective interventions. Having fluid communication between Head Start/Title One teachers and kindergarten teachers will not only improve student outcomes but also reduce teacher stress by enabling more efficient planning and individual support for each child (Bulotsky-Shearer & Fantuzzo, 2011; Cook et al. 2021). The lack of standardized procedures for information sharing contributes to the informational gap that exists between government funded preschools and kindergarten classrooms. Without a standardized approach to transferring information, the continuity of support from preschool to kindergarten is hindered. Kindergarten teachers are unable to fluidly build on the foundational skills developed in early education programs, because no transitional information is given (Early et al. 2001; Tarullo et al. 2021) Mismatched Perceptions In examining the transitional process from preschool to kindergarten, a noticeable mismatch in perception arises between preschool and kindergarten teachers. Preschool teachers BRIDGING THE GAP 18 generally feel they are actively sharing information about their students, and they believe that kindergarten teachers are receiving that information. However most kindergarten teachers report that they do not receive the transitional information they need. This disconnect can be attributed to several factors: school administrators may not pass along information, unclear guidelines on what specific data should be shared and the process of sharing that data, as well as time constraints that make it challenging for teachers to process the information effectively. These factors contribute to a gap in continuity, potentially affecting student support during the transitional phase between preschool and kindergarten. This mismatch in perception and practices of informational sharing is consistent with the findings of Early, Pianta, Taylor, and Cox (2001) and Tarullo, Aikens, Malone, Klein, and Acosta (2021) who highlighted similar challenges in effective data transfer between preschool and kindergarten environments. Recommendations Several recommendations are proposed to improve the preschool-to-kindergarten transition process. First, fostering stronger collaboration between preschool and kindergarten educators through shared training or planning sessions could enhance communication practices through shared experiences and expectations. Such collaboration could help align expectations and ensure important transitional information is communicated consistently. This can be done as a workshop that meets once a year to help identify informational gaps as curriculum and standards change and what academic and behavioral information teachers may need as they plan for incoming students. Additionally, piloting an expansion of the digital tools already used by K-12 teachers in Davis School District, including Head Start and Title One teachers, could help BRIDGING THE GAP 19 identify any technical or logistical challenges that may arise. This pilot phase would also support efforts to define and standardize the information sharing process across schools. Extend Access to Digital Intervention Tools Given that my data focuses on the Davis School District, I propose two potential solutions. First, Davis School District teachers already have access to a district-wide digital intervention tool that facilitates information sharing between teachers. Extending this tool to Title One and Head Start teachers would streamline communication, reducing the current reliance on paper documentation. This would ensure that teachers, regardless of which Davis School District school a student transitions to, have access to both academic and behavioral interventions used during preschool. To implement the proposed solution of extending access to the district-wide digital intervention tool to Title One and Head Start teachers, it would be necessary to start by assessing the current system and identifying what requirements are needed to make this tool accessible to government-funded preschool teachers. This will involve reviewing the existing digital intervention tool in the Davis School District to understand how it supports information sharing. Additionally, it’s important to identify the specific needs of Title One and Head Start teachers by gathering feedback on what data (academic, behavioral, etc.) would be useful for them and pinpointing any gaps in the current system. Currently, Davis School District teachers have access to an intervention tool that is geared towards K-12 students. So, understanding what specific interventions government funded preschools use would be essential in making this tool accessible. BRIDGING THE GAP 20 After assessing the needs of preschool teachers, the next step is to gain approval and support from the school district’s administration. When presenting the benefits of extending access to this tool for government funded Davis School District preschool teachers, it’s essential to emphasize how a digital platform can enhance the continuity of care for students transitioning from preschool to elementary school. Additionally, it will be important to highlight how the intervention tool can reduce the administrative burden by eliminating paper documentation, which can be a key factor in getting the support for this proposal. After securing approval, it would be essential to work with IT administrators to extend access to Title One and Head Start teachers. This includes ensuring they have the correct permissions to view and input relevant data while maintaining student privacy and data security. The tool structure already supports seamless information sharing, so making sure all Davis School District preschool teachers have access to this will eliminate the current barrier to knowing what schools incoming kindergarten students are going to, assuming they remain in the Davis School District. Currently, teachers in the Davis School District are not trained on this intervention tool; however, it is user-friendly and self-explanatory. Once preschool teachers gain access to this digital tool, it will be important to measure the ease with which information is being shared. Gathering feedback from Title One, Head Start, and elementary school teachers during the first year will help provide valuable insights into whether the system meets their needs and improves communication. Based on this feedback, any necessary adjustments can be made. BRIDGING THE GAP 21 Mandate Sharing of Transitional Information As mentioned, most Title One and Head Start teachers are mandated to create transitional information. However, once that information is transferred out of the hands of preschool teachers, there is little or no oversight. With this being said, my second proposition is that I recommend implementing a mandate to ensure that kindergarten teachers receive the transitional information given by our Tile One and Head Start teachers. Although my research uncovered only minimal findings, it did highlight that kindergarten teachers believe receiving transitional information would enhance student learning. A communication gap still exists despite federal guidelines ensuring that Head Start and Title One teachers provide this information. To implement the proposed solution of mandating that transitional information from Title One and Head Start teachers is effectively communicated to kindergarten teachers, I believe a structured approach is necessary. If my first proposed solution is not plausible, this can be done through engaging all relevant stakeholders, including Title One and Head Start teachers, kindergarten teachers, school administrators, and district officials. Organizing meetings or focus groups between the stakeholders will help gather input on the proposed mandate and emphasize the importance of effective communication during student transitions. Next, we can create a standardized document sharing process and access transitional information. This could involve developing templates or digital forms to ensure consistency in the information shared and establishing a timeline for when this information should be communicated, such as during specific periods leading up to the kindergarten school year. Having oversight can help ensure that the information already being taken and shared by BRIDGING THE GAP 22 preschool teachers makes it into the hands of kindergarten teachers, who then can decide whether or not they choose to access the information being shared by preschool teachers. Conclusion of Research Project This curriculum project has illuminated the ongoing communication gap between preschool and kindergarten teachers, particularly in government-funded programs like Title One and Head Start. Although Head Start and Title One teachers prepare transitional information for students entering kindergarten, this information often fails to reach kindergarten teachers. As the survey suggested, 80% of kindergarten teachers do not receive transitional information, even though 88.9% of preschool teachers believe that they are sharing it. The proposed solution aims to address these disparities by allowing preschool teachers digital access to existing district-wide tools. This could streamline communication and reduce the reliance on paper documentation. Additionally, having a system in place that oversees the transfer of transitional information would help ensure that valuable information is given to kindergarten teachers. By implementing these recommendations, Davis School District can bridge the communication gap between federally funded preschool programs and kindergarten. These solutions will promote continuity in student outcomes by enabling preschool teachers to share transnational information effectively, allowing kindergarten teachers to implement necessary interventions at the start of the school year. This proposed recommendation aligns with existing research that highlights the long-term benefits of early interventions and behavioral supports as students transition from preschool to kindergarten. BRIDGING THE GAP 23 References Bakken, L., Brown, N., & Downing, B. (2017). Early childhood education: The long-term benefits. 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Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 52, 44-56. BRIDGING THE GAP 27 Appendix A Research Approval BRIDGING THE GAP 28 Appendix B First Email Contacting Principals for permission to Distribute Survey July 22, 2024 BRIDGING THE GAP 29 Appendix C Second Email Contacting Principles for Permission to Distribute Survey August 24th, 2024. Appendix D Email sent to Davis School Districts Title One and Head Start Teacher Director BRIDGING THE GAP 30 Appendix E Kindergarten Teacher Survey Questions 1. What state and School District do you work in? 2. What is your current job title? 3. Have you taught kindergarten before? 4. Have you received students from Title One preschools or Head Start programs? 5. When Students enter kindergarten from Head Start or other government funded preschool programs are you given transitional information, outside of a current IEP if one exists? 6. If yes, is this information easy to access? 7. If given transitional information about a student, how are you presented with the information? If no information is given, please indicate that on the form. 8. Do you feel like transitional information from government funded programs would be valuable information to have? Please explain or put does not apply on the form. 9. Have you ever felt like if you had known about a student's abilities or behaviors in advance, you could have been better prepared to implement appropriate interventions? 10. How important is it to you to have transitional information about your students? BRIDGING THE GAP 31 Appendix F Preschool Teacher Survey Questions 1. Do you teach preschool in a government funded program such as Head Start or Title one preschool programs? 2. What state and school district do you work in? 3. What is your job title? 4. What type of documentation do you use to document behaviors and behavior interventions in your classroom? 5. When students transition into kindergarten, do you share transitional information with kindergarten teachers? 6. If you answered yes, how do you share transitional information with kindergarten teachers? Do you share information about all your students, or some? 7. If information is not being shared with kindergarten teachers or only sometimes shared, what do you feel like is the hardest challenge in getting kindergarten teachers transitional information? BRIDGING THE GAP 32 Appendix G Kindergarten Survey Results Spreadsheet Appendix H Preschool Survey Spreadsheet Results |
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