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Show 372 UTAH GAZETTEER. O Olsen L., farmer, 2 wd, s of 1st. Olsen R., farmer or laborer, 1 wd, 3d, bet. H and I. Olsen John, laborer, 2 wd, se cor. 5th and D. Olsen O. P., carpenter, 1 wd, 3d, bet. H and I. Olsen N., carpenter, 2 wd. Olsen C. F., carpenter, 1 wd, ss 3d, bet. H and I. Olsen O. H., laborer, 3 wd, ne cor. 10th and F. Olsen Mrs. A., widow, 3 wd, es F, bet. 9th and 10th. Ormstad Mrs. S., widow, 1 wd, ss 5th, bet. K and L. Omansen N., mason, 2 wd, ss 3d, bet. A and B. Orsted Frederick, laborer at factory, 4 wd, sw cor. 11th and M. Orser Evert, stock raiser, 2 wd, sw cor. 5th and D. Osterloh H . E., city bakery, ns Centre, bet. I and J. Outhouse John W., carpenter, 3 wd, se cor. E and 12th. Owen John, carpenter, 2 wd, sw cor. 3d and E. P Pace W. B., miner, 2 wd, sw cor. 4th and E. Park William, farmer, 2 wd, nw cor. 1st and E. Park Louisa, widow, 2 wd, nw cor. 1st and E. Park Joseph, brickmaker, 2 wd, ss 1st. Patten Thomas, carpenter, D, near 2d. Paxman Wm. R. H., bookkeeper, 1 wd, cor. 2d and H. Paxman Moroni, carpenter, 1 wd, sw cor. 6th and H. Pearce Benjamin, farmer, 4th, bet. O and P. Pearce A., weaver, 4th, bet. O and P. Peay Edward, farmer, 2 wd, sw cor. 4th and C. Peay Peter, farmer, 2 wd, sw cor. 4th and C. Peay George T., farmer, 2 wd, se cor. 7th and A. Peay George T., Jr., farmer, 2 wd, se cor. 7th and A. Peay F., farmer, 2 wd, ns 1st. PECK E. M., blacksmith, 2 wd, sw cor. 5th and F. Pembroke G., jeweler, se cor. 12th and H. Penrod E., farmer, 3 wd, nw cor. 8th and G. Penrod D., farmer, 3 wd, nw cor. 8th and G. Perry F., miller, 3 wd, ns 9th, bet. C and D. Perry Frank, farmer, 3 wd, ns 9th, bet. C and D. Perry Edward, farmer, 3 wd, ns 9th, bet. C and D. Peters John, U. C. Railway agent, J, cor. 4th. Petersen N. P., carpenter, 1 wd, J, cor. 2d. Peterson Hannah, widow, 2 wd, nw cor. 1st and B. Peterson Nels, laborer, 2 wd, ne cor. 1st and B. Peterson S., tailor, 4 wd, se cor. 12th and M. Peterson Anton, wagon maker, 2 wd, 7th. bet. A and B. Phillips G. D., lumberman, 15th, near M. PIKE W. R., M. D., physician and surgeon, nw cor. 4th and J. Pope George, laborer, 4 wd, se cor. 12th and L. Potter John, farmer, 1 wd, cor. 2d. Poulson N., farmer, 3 wd, es C, bet. 9th and 10th. Pratt Samuel, farmer, 4 wd, ws 7th, bet. H and I. Pyne Samuel, tailor, 4 wd, sw cor. 8th and L. Provo Theatre, I, bet. 7th and 8th. PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE, C. E. Shoebridge, proprietor, Centre, bet. H and I. PROVO CO-OP. INSTITUTION, general merchandise, N. C. Larsen, superintendent, ne cor. Centre and J. UTAH GAZETTEER. 373 Provo Manufacturing Co., mercantile department, general merchandise, Reed Smoot, superintendent, Centre, bet. J and K. Provo Manufacturing Co., woolen goods, R. Smoot, supt., cor. 9th and H. Provo Lumber, Manufacturing and Building Co., H. H. Cluff, superintendent, opposite railroad depot. Provo Billiard Hall, S. M. Duggins, proprietor, ns Centre, bet. I and J. Provo Livery Stable J. B. McCauslin, proprietor, ne cor. Centre and H. Provo West Co-op, gen'l mdse., R. C. Kirkwood, supt., Centre,bet. E and F. Provo West Co-op., shoe department, R. C. Kirkwood, superintendent, ns Centre, bet. H and I. Provo Co-op. Institution, wholesale dept., opposite D. & R. G. depot. Q Quinney Mary Ann, widow, 2 wd, sw cor. 5th and D. R Rasmus J. C., farmer, 3 wd, ws C, bet. 9th and 10th. Rasmussen Andrew, farmer, 1 wd, G, bet. 2d and 3d. Rasten Ulef C., farmer, 3 wd, ws 7th, n of 14th. Rawlings George, farmer, 4 wd, nw cor. 12th and M. Rawlings E. B., plasterer, 4 wd, nw cor. M and 12th. Rawlings William S., farmer, 4 wd, nw cor. M and 12th. Rawlings H. E., barber, ns Centre, bet. H and I. Redfield C. N., deputy marshal, 1 wd, se cor. 5th and L. Reese Thomas, presser, 2 wd, sw cor. 6th and D. Revior J., sheepman, 4 wd, 15th, near M. Riggs John, doctor, 2 wd, nw cor. F and 6th. Richerson J. F., laborer, 4 wd, ss 12th, above M. Richards George A., manager Smoot & Co.'s drug store, Excelsior House. Richmond Joseph B., farmer, 3 wd, upper end of E. Richardson J. F., brick maker, 4 wd, ss 12th, bet. M and N. Rickards Mrs. A., widow, 4 wd, sw cor. 11th and K. Rickards L., laborer, 4 wd, sw cor. 11th and K. Roberts W. D. F., farmer, 3 wd, sw cor. 9th and E. Roberts B., farmer, 1 wd, 6th, bet. M and N. Roberts B. M., farmer, 1 wd, sw cor. 6th and I. Roberts Samuel K., farmer, 1 wd, I, bet. 5th and 6th. Robbins Hannah, widow, 2 wd, s of 1st. Robbins Adam, mason's tender, 2 wd, s of 1st. Robbins Lyman, laborer, 2 wd, s of 1st. Rogers Ellen, widow, 2 wd, 6th, bet. C and D. Rogers William D., miner, 2 wd, 6th, bet. C and D. Rogers David, carpenter, 4 wd, J, bet. 9th and 10th. Romerill Charles, shoemaker, 2 wd, se cor. 3d and E. Rosengren C., railroader, 2 wd, ns 1st, bet. C D. Rupper Jacob, basket maker, 1 wd, ne cor. 2d and G. Rushton F., gunsmith, ns Centre, bet. I and J. Rumel F, for U. C. R'y. and D. & R. G. R'y. S Samuelsen I. M., carpenter, 1 wd, cor. 4th and 1st. Saunders H., carpenter, 1 wd, nw cor. 5th and L. Sawyer Joseph, fruit grower, 2 wd, sw cor. 5th and C. Scott A. H., laborer, 2 wd, ss 1st. Scott Sarah, widow, 2 wd, s of 1st. Scott C., farmer, 2 wd, s of 1st. Scott Walter, farmer, 2 wd, ss 1st. 47 |