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This Collection consists of a 119 page Scrapbook put together by members of the Weber College Whip Club, the school's pep club, covering the years between 1946 and 1955. Included are a full listing of yearly pledges, 27 football programs, newspaper clippings concerning charity and sports events, 10 invitations, menus, 7 letters, 15 photographs, and a biography of the Whip Club by Norma Manning. |
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Show Rallies, Parades On Event Lineup; Ten Colleges Represented in ConfabSPECIAL Martha Graham was elected Homecoming Queen in elections Monday, Jack Critchlow, ASWC president, said today.Chosen to attend Miss Graham in her royal duties were Peggy Wood and Patsy Pollard, Critchlow said.By Gerrie ReeseThe purple and white welcome mat was rolled out for Weber alumni last night when Weber college homecoming events began with an alumni banquet.The annual banquet was under the direction of Bruce Jenkins and Lydia Tanner, alumni association members.Pep RallyFollowing the banquet a pep rally was held around a large bonfire in the college parking lot. Special pep songs and musical numbers were provided by the Dorian singers directed by Roland Perry.The Weber college band, directed by Delmar Dickson and Don Soel- berg, also participated in the rally. Refreshments were served to all who attended by Whip club girls. Ted Warner was in charge of refreshments."Greater Weber" AssemblyAn assembly at 10:30 a. m. touched off a full schedule of activities slated for today. Talks by Ray Wilkinson, alumni association president; George Larkin, vice president and Henry A. Dixon, Weber col-lege president, highlighted the assembly program. Theme of the program was "A Greater Weber Col-lege" which is the general theme of the homecoming event.Music for the assembly was furnished by the Dorian singers and Musettes. LaRue Daniels and Jean- ette Morrell were in charge of the assembly.Snake Dance and RallyA pep rally and snake dance will immediately follow the assembly. Jay Jensen, cheer leader, will lead Weber students through downtown Ogden.A special feature of the downtown rally will be a serenade of business houses by the Dorian sing-ers. Special pep songs have been prepared for the occasion.Two ParadesTwo parades featuring floats entered by Weber college social and professional clubs and other campus organizations are scheduled for today. The first will begin at 3 p. m.The second parade will form at the college at 6:30 p. m. and will move down Washington boulevard to Ogden stadium where the homecoming football battle between Weber and Fullerton, Calif, will begin at 8 p. m.(Cont. on Page 3, CoL 5)"Conferences of student leaders is a means of securing for college students the greatest good from out of class activities," President Henry A. Dixon told junior college goodwill delegates from five states at a joint meeting today.The more than 50 delegates and faculty advisors arrived at Weber college yesterday for the Inter- mountain Junior College Goodwill conference which will continue through today and Saturday.Ten Colleges Represented The ten junior colleges represented in the convention include Casper, Wyoming; Southern Idaho College of Education, Albion, Idaho; Phoenix, Arizona; Mesa college, Grand Junction, Colo., Sterling college, Colo, and Snow, BAC, Dixie, Carbon and Weber colleges, Utah.Registration of delegates was held at Bertha Eccles hall Thursday. Following registration the del-egates toured Ogden city and Ogden canyon.Opening Meeting The opening meeting of the convention featured talks by Weber college President Henry A. Dixon and Dean of Men William D. Stratford. Musical selections by Weber students were also presented.Pres. Dixon stated that out of class activities developed through student conferences can be effec-tive laboratories for practicing democratic living and leadership.Panel Discussions Following the joint meeting delegates attended panel discussions of problems relating to student government, assemblies, publications, athletics, and awards. Chairmen of the different discussion groups were furnished by represented schools.Discussions by all groups will continue at 1:30 p. m., today and at 9 a. m., Saturday. A final report will be given by all groups at a joint meeting immediately following group discussions Saturday. Resolutions will be submitted and acted on by the convention.Concluding Banquet Concluding event of the conference will be a banquet in the Weber college cafeteria at noon Saturday.Delegates will be guests of the college tonight at the homecoming football game in Ogden stadium, and at the homecoming dance in the college ballroom following the game. |