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Show Front row left to right: Carol Parker, Barbara Pearce, Jean Drake, Elizabeth Wahlquist, Marion Brown, advisor; Beverly Graves, Illene Stanfield, Mary Walker, Coleen Burnett, Nelda Wardle. Second row: Carolyn Campbell, Marilyn Buss, Shirley Burns, Marilyn Cartwright, Bette Ann Miller, Marilyn Johns, Carol Van Drimmilen, Ann Howell, Beverly Randall, Marcia Saunders, Carol Thomas, Georgia Doty, Pat Edgely, Marion Ralph, Athleen Swenson, Joan Standing. Third row: Marion Reese, Joyce Bodily,. Dot Dean, Nannette Grey, Kay Jon Mildon, Marlene Wade, Pat Burrows, Catherine Batchelor, Karen Gates, Molli Ann Cragun, Madge Curran. The "Pink Ladies" of Sharmea have certainly enjoyed this year's fun and activities. Perhaps our most outstanding event was the "Collegiate Promenade," which we sponsored along with Alpha Rho. Also the parties, our essembly, talent show, and the banquets have kept us busy but very happy. The girls have been very cooperative, enthusiastic, and willing to help in every way possible this year, and even though the sophomores who leave are forgotten, the name of Sharmea will Iona be remembered. Sharmea's advisor is Marion Brown; president, Beverly Graves; Illene Stanfield, vice-president; Elizabeth Wahlquist, secretary, and Jean Drake, treasurer. These have been our well-loved leaders of the activities for the Pink Ladies this year. One of the most outstanding organizations sailing the Weber Sea is La Dianeda with navigator. Captain and full crew aboard. The accomplishments achieved by this organization have been many throughout the year. An assembly, dance and Easter Breakfast, plus parties have all been part of L. D.'s chartered course. With laughes, fun and all-around good times, these 39 girls prove to be 39 of the most versatile gals. Leading this crew are Karen Blair, president; Karen McKay, vice-president; Barbara Ballif, secretary; Valerie Egbert, treasurer, and Janet Gardner, reporter. Top from left to right: Marilyn Green, Janice Hurst, Jo Ann Wood, Barbara Tucker, Judy Hieney, Charlotte Stark, Eleanore Randall, Pat Erickson, Carolyn Harmer. Middle row: Joanne Russell, Jann Heiner, Evelyn Biehler, Carolyn Skeen, Wanda Lacey, Ruth Noe, Jean Bingham, Sharon Jensen. Front row: Barbara Rampton, Carol Johnson, Joan De Bloois, Janet Gardner, Karen McKay, Karen Blair, Barbara Baliff, Nona Empey, Noma Allen, Mildred Hipwell. Alpha Rho Omega has been as busy as a chemistry lab on fire this year with its many activities. The first big affair was a membership banquet during which fall pledges were made members. Also, this year was the beginning of the annual "Fellowship Banquet" at Weber College and Alpha Rho was the first club to sponsor it. Next, Alpha Rho and Sharmea presented the ever-popular "Collegiate Promenade" which was one of the best dances of the year. Last came the famous Bear Lake party. The men who survive start school again the fall quarter. Those in charge of activities this year were: President, Bill Maycock; vice-president, Doug Middleton; secretary, Lyle Tucker, and treasurer, Bill Underwood. Back row: Lynn Gwither, Paul Skyles, Glen Hogge, Gary Loosli, Ralph Randall. Middle: Ray Field, Glen Smith, Paul Jackson, Gerald Marshall, Bill Murdock, Jay Barker, Fred Rabe, Advisor. Front: Keith Knighton, Jerry Brett, Lee Erickson, Darrell Checketts, Glen Bridges, Bill Maycock, Lyle Tucker, Farrell Cook. Back row: Jay Anderson, Ron Hales, Glen Dickson, Don Mayfield, Ton Kerns, Jerry Hunt, Bill McMullen, Dex Farr, Lawrence Gee, Dale Johnson, Gary Henninger, Bruck Erickson, Doug Jensen. Third row: Jim Wheeler, Kaz Teramoto, Curtice Jones, Ray Coleman, Ralph Ingebretsen, Art Van Drimmelin, David Morrell, Bob Francis, Bill Barnes, Bob Burnside, Dick Brown, Marvin Hendersen. Second row: Garth Blanch, Roy Lewis, Val Thompson, Jack Brown, Leon Woodfield, Bert Hulet, Allen Dayley, Tom Burton, Don Garside, Gordon Clawson. Front: Allen Cook, Jay Butler, Dee Hadley, Harold Manning, Boyce Harris, Jim Parker, Jay Carlsen. The Phoenix motto can be exemplified by these few lines found in the Kinsey report: We don't smoke and we don't drink, But we could be arrested for what we think. In 1935, a few years after a certain club had been organized, the school had fallen into the depths of disillusionment and moral decay. Yes, there was a need for a change; and that change has been in existence ever since. PHOENIX. The general purpose of this organization has been to gather the fifty best Egyptian birdmen that their biased minds could find and sponsor parties, dances, contests, assemblies, banquets, and miscellaneous dirty shafts; and at the time of this writing they intend to cop the intra-mural sports cup for the third consecutive year. Naturally out of these undertakings, have come more serious things such as student government, scholarship, fraternal and school spirit. It took the Republicans twenty years before they could win an election with Ike; but the E boys will never do the same with Ethyl. Amen. |