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Show FOREWORD Another college year has worn itself into the ancient planks of the West Central; a thousand more odors have blended into the atmosphere of the Moench, and Lawrence Stone has graduated. It was a close race, but it was finally decided that the C. I. has had more wear than the library. This has been a year of rare accomplishments. Bruce Wallace mastered a cornet duet; Rulon Garfield had a date with a girl; the musettes got an encore; Mr. Buss wore a white shirt; Olene Smith went with Charlie Lindquist; L. D. won a baseball game, and Jerry Nilsson made Mr. Kelly laugh. However, Doc. Young's dream is still a phantom hope. Our school colors are not chartreuse and cerece, but still Purple and White. On the following pages you'll be face to face with the people who have helped prove Darwin's theory. Scribulus-Acorn Editor Jo Anne Cliften Associate Editors Darlene Powell Joan Williamsen Sports Editor Gordon Allred Contributors Shirley Kinsey Louise Smith Anne Rasmussen llamae Hansen Art Editor Clarence Socwell Lettering Don Ellis Cartoons and Cover Ken Williams Photography Jim Nelson Rulon Scott Grover Sparkman Janet Knowles Edward Dean Wayne Russell Earl Duerden Fred Stutznegger Harris Craig Dena Morrelli Business Manager Jack Porter Editorial Adviser Helen Mally Art Adviser Farrell Collett Photography Adviser Fred Rabe Business Adviser Talmadge DeLange CLASSES PAGE Contents .................................................................. 1 The Big Five .......................................................... 2 Sophomore Class .................................................... 4 Freshman Class ......................................................14 Activities ................................................................26 EVENTS Evening in Paris ....................................................27 Student Prince........................................................28 A Heavy Date With Pop ....................................31 Letters for Ladies .................................................32 In the Cellar..........................................................33 Spring Fling............................................................34 FEATURES Music! Music! Music! ........................................35 Home Was Never Like This ..............................36 It Happens At Weber............................................38 New Campus-Coming Up ..................................40 Hot Fists in Action ..............................................42 Swing in Spring ...................................................43 Ready, Set- ............................................................44 SCRIBULUS-ACORN, magazine of contemporary art, photography, and letters, published by the ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF WEBER COLLEGE, Ogden, Utah, Spring 1950. Spring 1950 |