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Show | RATES POSTAGE Air mail (letters, etc.) .. 2.06. eae es First oz. 5c. each additional oz. 10c Local or drop letters (where no free delivery)...............055 per oz. Ic Second class (newspapers, periodicals) regardless of weight ig a ow hab MIA Ri poe) mele eh mane ae Ose Ow © « each 2 oz. Ic ie eT ........ 2 oz. léc Third class (advertising, samples, etc.) 8o0z.and under Third class (books, catalogues, 24 page) 8 oz. and under ........ 2 oz. Ic Fourth class (all matter except first and second class) over 8 oz. P. P. rates eee eee 2. cece cece .. (reply cards 2c)...... Postal cards, Government, SL ROe OAM Registration fee 7 1 a Cee BAUMAN A receipts Return mail. .. 2. i ae 2 aI agg arg 6 20c LAU SE kes ain «0 10c ee eee et eee ees 3c eee (extra postage) 2 Ibs. and under......... First { ..10c over 2 Ibs. up to 10 lbs... .Class \ ..20c " rf meee “ip “ if . a i A Rte ee ew ees PURE aS for registered a ay aa Be i Limit of indemnity $1000 Special Delivery o Ic hee Mie RAS ee ie Slyke ee oy i ah Ose hae ea WR We ome ts sg wig « Ff postage) for oo MORO OO COTO (extra RO Ist Day ( Wi 3 ERO per oz. 2c OK CER OE aa bck + a ee ke we itek Cams TOOOee. BER ,| POSSESSIONS AND STATES UNITED. FOR atk at Mail | TI Bare ..25c Special Delivery (extra postage) 2nd, 3rd, and 4th class. ...........-..4+: 35c. ‘over10lbs. 25c; 2-10lbs. 15c; 2ibs. . UNITED FOR STATES AND TO BE OEE ia ak aii os ea ke ewes 13sec Packages $25 value for 8c; up to $50 value for 10c; up to $150.00 for 30c; and up to $200.00 for 35c; turn receipt 3c additional. ds be Py Ae ce BD SIO °° COO CHION. . ibis ea a ee BH ae | r iO aN ie al ln a a PH I “ Per a el nN MC rr ae “iy i ie ees es *.. “GO a hare Wa Whig ations wb to $100 (Domestic value for 25c; up Insurance.) Re- 12c ee aie ela oan ee WA ae 15c pci Wrinkle ad an hea 25c as SR aa ae i RRP MB yey ee Se SRE Tg oS 35c ise Wl a Bele x Le eI aR ae 45c SPECIAL DELIVERY PARCEL POST 15c ORME Maem trie ia wi TebyarnwyE Eg! ir gyi! TS OS Se 25c EO PER 6 ss aie akc aoa. 8 cies a 8/8 90 ol nl een eee ety oe ae ee ea US iglda Tattle aah i an 35c ee a ee eee eee Ne SPECIAL HANDLING 10c ant marae yrs ph IMP rn La ee SY OS are 15c tee, td 89) TO. LOUIS. os ogo eke ne nano b bok: bia lele ie hl a eee 20c eile Cale gb allele vaigteny |e alarm ok) Wea en nD nada Ee NNT Continued on Back Waste Leaf : i i 7 | ‘ } 4 , : A 6 Que y ~~ ¢ lyyv | ‘ 11- 4) Aa br CO 4 POSSESSIONS of mail matter can be insured up to $5 in value for 5c; up to ae f : Ahh Aeriik Dron rp 4 i Size, Weight limit, 70 pounds 300 miles, 50 pounds over 300 miles. length and girth combined 84 inches... For parcels 8 ounces or less 1}c each 2 ounces, over 8 ounces zone rates. Additional First Pound Distancces Local (within P. O. Disrtict).......... FO. i pie wae Ic 2 lbs. pe alee 1c 1 lb. a eS Ts Lies i ns BAN 20 TEE WIRE ed Me eee ee WO ee Oe een kee ar Gee hy eb lalb o's eee ote Dee Bi. Seek pee 6e.5° hy Pi Oe ees a ae ee Ce aidean 6c." . NUTaha aan G6 |. pa Gite Ge..." 49 SE F idiswale ui ec ewe ee es BAR ic eee ie A | 7 , Aen 364 Days to come f 4 a 1, 1931 New Year’s Day . | é POST 4 January , 4 Money orders (inquire at P. O.) Postal Savings (inquire at P.O.) PARCEL Thursday, Bi al. (/ : . |