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Show poone': : SCOTT HARDWARE COMPANY “SERVICE, 526 IN 1 F R i, MOUNTAIN WE KNOW HOW” ) 4 The Most Complete Stock of Hardware in Utah 4) Tel 2414 Washington Av. | ephone | | 7 90 CLARKS) oe OGDEN > — _a| 0 610). 0). *« PRECEDING THE if | ; A uifh a GOL Rtg ere ABU ae 4 tly se a | | hh a — aa | ya Cc Oo | j rip . no’ mn | + mi Pee i. me tay, ot f Th), ve: Funeral Directors Aut hy!| na a) ti | ® A waciniment quip Open Day and Night | 195 24th _ St. . me OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY she ist teae “Christensen 237 24th Street U . st Vacant. 1441 AV intersects. * : owe inter Brock ee. Elnora. Chris St 17th 18th > 2015ae Pa ALL sHutchings Wm lh E, Emil oe Chre ea s R. *Hutchens Norman Chadwick Benj 4th st intersects r * Syonce Pane a # *Bramwell Wm P *Smuin Henry W. 599 610 a te t hp St 1aun sc49 chee G. coos Hansen Anne, 2046 Eos 2050 2065 ec 3065 — Erlach intersects. 2071 er ee r wm *Rinie Mrs ei Godfrey Wanda y zd. 2071 2074 (rear) *Darney a 2086 bea ae Ward Frank 1. Dickerson Paul B. 2ist st intersects. Southwick Jas 0. 2108 Ered SAG Barrett Wm EGE Leo, *Longstroth 12th gt eae 2122 Dutson. Mrs "Nellie - 2128 .: Pendroy Ploneer ers Since 1849 P. FULLER PAINTS, picks OILS AND & H.c « ©. Chapin , Roy All Mak ae Sold. Rented and Repal epalred W ; Alma, 7 | Propr. Allen John Mrs.E Sylvia ; : *Johnson Mrs Marta : 4th St intersects career P HOUSE s a 3 q 4 ig *Thompson Wm T *Pitt Jas Ho ‘Wardle Elton w. 8th st intersects 10th st int RITER WwW. Gane Wee, *Enstisn Johnrea oy 3 %9 |«© *Dabb 73 a & t I. ine ae Mrs Minnie. Chrastanee : | TYPE- *Philpott_ Walter “M* oar 8 : OGDEN Oberg Albt. Yeon eee 2047 Bell Cornelius, Telford Sterlin D. a Went, =¥ rence W. euartin Clemence *Anderson Ephraim H. D Sonteu Thos H. re 2088 EE ; *LarsonS JasAmosA. J. fanc Applian fogs feee i Barat a x 7045 2046 intersects. and Shaw Francis Deveraux Jos, aac st st intersects: ; 19th st intersects. 20th st intersects. Perter Omni Garner Alma DA. ae j . Wi B. 303 309 MT , | OMe ee st intersects. st intersects, tWoodbury LeRoy 9 I | I R. intersects, Yaconys Waldramoo Jos cc oi 2d st intersects. 3d st interescts eee cor; i, ; - Mrs Jennie L, tBrown Mrs Mi = Buckley Blechert Ww R ome Ars Mayme, (ye) Tean M. Wit. 303 313 330 e r 1c . Religare: ycunger aca Mrs Boece Ww 5 2 6 el ae ‘ Richards Edwd A. *Urry Wm Carver Earl S. 724 PHONE |! yy} INDICATES 1443 1445 ADAMS = ‘4d a . ei NAMES WCross25thE stJos,intersects. 4 = nT ie, / w 1928), eae a 4 a- eo. Mii, ibs Nhae iy Bnei HB ap ch ea Undertakers Ube Ha Bibieves | is . abeti For location or discription of Streets, Avenues, “1 AY. 160 a MN aes Secured, st intersects. 170 180 4 [> 9 iPeele 24th cea 'on Me. Alta. #Ficld Mrs Cath. ; ‘ 4 ites. hie, POM me $08 : Se eTTE Le ty eg 7 Lae Hi PED Guu etegee W a4i2 > = 4 Sion. meyer | md binge BH 627 GUIDE HOUSEHOLDERS eto = Petti_ Chas. a | raat i: AWM Ave. i HB) Wegner: gph nny tee 2470 Washington : a ‘the cee Geran et are arranged in alphabetical order numerical order and opposite the number is printed thee ane Gk tee en ores Elect ee. To oot the occupation of householders dor eae poop =e cesetioe THE le CITY Ms caiiosns (Copyright the following list, the Stree Mout n resard. to location: hames fines mes _ (pages re HUH: at on rins\V/\ppare ty s THE HOUSEHOLDERS DIRECTORY = a Misi WHEHERE pet Typewriter Sundstrand . —> CO Adding. Machines [j 2422 ese BR | Manutecturers Pi PLATE AND WINDOW axa “Fuller” Varnishes Oe eaeWashington . Avenite6 (2 Pure Prepared _ Paint, Telephones 390-391 | : ,2, (foam Klesel Ave. Tel. 236 | 0p 0-emoeuscem ie« |