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Show CONSTITUTION Of esamble: Ben Lomond High School Associated Students We, the students of Ben Lomond High School in order to provide for student participation in school government, establish better understanding between faculty and students, provide closer relations between the students and the community, and insure a sincere respect for law and order, do hereby establish and ordain this constitution for student government in Ben Lomond High School. ep I Membership: , Section 1. All students attending the Ben Lomond High School shall-be members of this association by payment of the student body fees as prescribed yearly. Section 2. All faculty members shall be honorary members of this association. e lI Officers: Section 1. the officers of this association shall be president, Vice-president, secretary, and historian. Section 2. fhe faculty advisor to the Student Council shall be the advisor to the Student Body Officers. Section 3. Eligibility: a. The candidate must be a member of the associated students of Ben Lomond High School. b. A student body officer shall serve during his or her senior year. Cc. Section wien . The candidates shall average B grades of nomination, and shall maintain at during the term of office. Duties: &. The president shall submit an annual at the close of his term of office. Summarize the work of the president, be C. and give hew student The president d. i rs = ' M Meese lee see PTAA aA will shall preside be a guide over all assemblies board and all to the of the student executive committees of which he is an ex-officio member. The vice-president shall assume, temporarily, the duties of the president during his absence. The vice-president Shall be a member of the Social, and chairman of the Assembly de that officers, written report This report should student council, Student bedy and all meetings of the Student Executive Board and Student Council. ‘The president shall be an ex-officio member of Finance, Social, Assembly, Election, and Pep assembly committees. He will also be an ex-officio member of all Clans. the president has the right to vote as a member in student council, y recommendations during the year least a B average committees. |