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Show 12 ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT. Two of the following, elective: U. S. History, Plane Geometry, Solid Geometry, Physics, Astronomy, Elocution. The figures indicate the number of three-quarter hour recitations per week. Courses of Instruction. THEOLOGY. The theological course is arranged with a view to prepare students for missionary labors both at home and abroad, to establish faith in the hearts of the students, and to cultivate pure and moral principles in order to fortify them against the vices and evil allurements of the age. The historical part of the Book of Mormon and the most important principles and doctrines contained therein will be considered in the preparatory course. In the advanced department the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price are used. The doctrines of these sacred records are compared, their principles expounded and choice passages bearing upon the same are committed to memory. It is designed to cover first, the historic, prophetic and moral parts of these books; second, the principles and ordinances of the gospel; third, the Priesthoods with quorum organizations and duties; fourth, missionary experiences in preaching and expounding the Gospel in its purity, giving the student such practical experience as will enable him to do the greatest amount of good in the missionary field. SUNDAY SCHOOL COURSE. The Sunday School Course as mapped out and granted by the Sunday School Union Board to be taught in the Weber Stake Academy is continued. To this all are admitted who furnish recommends from their superintendents endorsed by their bishops. The course will begin November 2, 1898, and end June 9, 1899. The first term will be devoted to the theory of teaching; the second, to practice; and the third, to the acquisition of theological matter and the practical application of the same. PREPARATORY BRANCHES. Grammar, (Seventh Grade.)Reed and Kellogg's graded lessons in English, and composition throughout the year. Five weekly recitations. WEBER STAKE ACADEMY. 13 Grammar, (Eighth Grade.)- Reed and Kellogg's higher lessons in English, complete. Abundant practice in composition work throughout the year. Five recitations per week. Geography.Frye's Complete Geography with special reference to Utah and Weber county. Three recitations per week throughout the year. Drawing.Two weekly recitations. Work from objects with some attention to decorative design and historical ornament. Penmanship.Vertical and slanting penmanship. Two recitations per week. Special caligraphy classes will be organized for the benefit of bookkeeping students and others. Music.One recitation per week. "The Academy Song Bock" is used and extra drill in choral work given to those prepared. Orthography.This study is required of all preparatory students. Seventy Lessons in Spelling. Daily recitations throughout the year. Reading.Daily recitations throughout the year. Franklin Fifth Reader and supplementary reading. Elocution.Special attention will be given to Voice Culture, Articulation and the rendering of Literary Selections. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Phonography.The training in this branch is sufficient to make good practical stenographers. Daily recitations in class and ample individual drill will be given. Text books: Pitman and Howard's "Manual of Phonography," "Reporter's Companion," etc. Typewriting.A systematic course of lessons in correspondence, legal and commercial, will be given throughout the year. Bookkeeping.The system is the Ellis famous method of "Learning to do by doing." The student is brought into direct contact with drafts, bills, receipts, notes, checks and all classes of commercial papers until he becomes familiar with their form and use. Commercial Law.This course teaches the laws governing trade and finance, how to draw up papers in legal form, common usages and practice pertaining to contracts, agency, partnership, negotiable paper, in fact everything relating to transactions between man and man. The law will be discussed with reference to the Utah code. Business Economics.The economic laws of trade, with an outline of the principles of political economy applied to commerce, and business methods are discussed. |