Title |
1928 Annie Taylor Dee Diary |
Creator |
Dee, Annie Taylor, 1852-1934 |
Description |
This collection consists of diaries written by Annie Taylor Dee and her daughter, Annie Maude Dee Porter from 1915-1964. The daily journal entries contain valuable information and insight concerning the Dee family and the numerous projects they were involved with. These projects included the Child Culture Club, the Berthana Dance Hall, and business information on various professional interests of the family. |
Subject |
Ogden (Utah)--History; Ogden (Utah)--Social life and customs; Diaries; Dee, Annie Taylor, 1852-1934; Porter, Annie Maude Dee, 1875-1964; Family history |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA |
Date Original |
1928 |
Date |
1928 |
Date Digital |
2011 |
Temporal Coverage |
1915-1964 |
Item Size |
4.25"x5.75" |
Medium |
Bound Diary |
Item Description |
Blue and black mottled leather cover with gold embossed lettering on the front. |
Conservation Notes |
Leather is worn off at the top and bottom of the spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/5779206, 41.223, -111.97383 |
Type |
Text |
Conversion Specifications |
Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. JPG and PDF files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit the Special Collections Department, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Source |
Special Collections Department, Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Format |
application/pdf |
ark:/87278/s610yg64 |
Setname |
wsu_ann |
ID |
2552 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s610yg64 |
Title |
111_August 5-6 |
Creator |
Dee, Annie Taylor, 1852-1934 |
Description |
This collection consists of diaries written by Annie Taylor Dee and her daughter, Annie Maude Dee Porter from 1915-1964. The daily journal entries contain valuable information and insight concerning the Dee family and the numerous projects they were involved with. These projects included the Child Culture Club, the Berthana Dance Hall, and business information on various professional interests of the family. |
Subject |
Ogden (Utah)--History; Ogden (Utah)--Social life and customs; Diaries; Dee, Annie Taylor, 1852-1934; Porter, Annie Maude Dee, 1875-1964; Family history |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA |
Date Original |
1928 |
Date |
1928 |
Date Digital |
2011 |
Item Size |
4.25"x5.75" |
Type |
Text |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit the Special Collections Department, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Source |
Special Collections Department, Stewart Library, Weber State University |
OCR Text |
Show eet aah si ei. 4 Fa cin at ele eae a Ser = on es or “ ee ‘i _- a ae So == <5 _ ot a eae 0 . zo nee ae 4 ' 3 \ Rp etre = <8 eee ee a ee = ee ee er aN eT ? = Oe SS a aL 24 Nera ee enee a ol 5 ye ea et oe fake Si Sn RAE ar ; ReSB BB clirtip’ a ee Sas ve RT ee 5 ba : : en : a oe em ee . a= ae.” aa6 352k ; oe beheld pe ais.. ~—oe ee te oie ne Se ee e Ee “eae ng ee ee ais ies ee PEAS nme meres inne Nee Ret ae ee er z woe 1 enereseee ene, ee eT OT PEA oe e =o ear ‘eres Oe a “a = Pee oe > o = ——— : ae ln + hig gli > sete a eee SP a ea on nena en he ee a IS gee se aes ieee aa setts ee Ss ee noes = F3 vaWA ims PK Sat eee Nee a a me eg ¥ 2 _ . ee .. lane a es a PRL reerisones re od PS eee I et a eee FI cn ney Gia ee ae Pe ~ ane Fee eae Sele eas a eI ee rs Peano? ae eae, Se ee ms erent eTa OE ey a: aaa! a eeeiadhenah ec > iad ar nes PT a ae a ge Oe Seiin RL aie Furor mee: * a neds a, _* . oa Pa ‘ 7 - 9 vee eatin acs STONE a i. an a te) oe Ree Sunday 5, 1928 Y 1928 “i MY ’ Monday 6, asta 20 a7 bh j |
Format |
application/pdf |
Setname |
wsu_ann |
ID |
4520 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s610yg64/4520 |