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Show Wednesday, January POSTAGE RATES FOR UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS Ce IAM OCR MC TL a we ot wed bie ee ee Sak 364 Days New Year’s Day mee a mere 6 mies per oz. 2c Wie WUihil CAOCEETS, CEC) 6) iin ks Ke sins eget es weelalens First oz. 5c. each additional oz. 10c Local or drop letters (where no free delivery) ..... 0... eee en ee cee eecnees per oz.Ic Second class (newspapers, periodicals) regardless of weight or distance... .each 2 oz. Ic Third class (advertising, samples, etc.) 8oz. and under..............0.... 2 oz. lic Third class (books, catalogues, 24 page) 8 oz. and under................... 2 oz. 1c Fourth class (all matter except first and second class) over 8 oz. P. P. rates Postal cards, Government, Ne (reply cards 2c) eee is 2.2... cic eee a ‘ei aie Wik lee APMC OR cece cco ceweseenees tc MR MaROre iw a kel ete Mallee 0... cee eee eee eee Registration fee (extra postage) for $50 value........... ‘ . . i es MMMM RS Ce MOS cae a an An Ae OB en ah Ml RE EIEBEMEM, oS See is a RR ts ard: die ty we eG ae ARTS ea ice ok ee Limit ofindemnity Return Special C e Special 2ib. Money Postal Ic 1Sce 20c 10c $1000 vaceints fot Pedisteted MME. 6k sce i Seis en's owe ane eb eae Os awe oes 3c Delivery (extra postage) 2 lbs. and under......... PURE eed woes 10c = re ua aver 7 ibs. up to 10 Ihe. 2. SA Siaiae 20c wh 7 m ONE 5 Tra ss eee iM Eeeee 25c Delivery (extra postage) 2nd, 3rd, and 4thclass. ..... 2... eee eee eee re eee 15c; 2-10Ilb. 25c; over10lbs. 35c. orders (inquire at P. O.) Savings (inquire at P. O.) PARCEL POST FOR UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS Weight limit, 70 pounds 300 miles, 50 pounds over 300 miles. Size, length and girth combined 84 inches. For parcels 8 ounces or less 1}c each 2 ounces, over 8 ounces zone rates. Distances First Pound Local (within P.O. District) ..........4.5. Ma ia! Within fn et ra " UG ee oe SA ieee SOE te OS aN 0 A te 8 O8 ie ON A OAs: ea ee RE Pl ES a Cree Be TOO ALOE kk aie hs ea m ie nce Additional 1c2lbs. ee ky uy aly ge ren AS LE Be Me cuits 4c a Be gee TUR 6c PE ecee ite 8c .** aha a a eee BM Oe ks ka alee we es ee eee eee PR eee ire gig 'b ila Packages of mail matter can be insured up to $5in value for 5c; up to $25 value for 8c; up to $50 value for 10c;and up to $100 value for 25c (Domestic Insurance.) Return receipt 3c additional. ae ie eo ica ke ele ee a 12c Ct. DE, eesnld SIO: collec thee cee ry eae Thad UU Eo RE CaS ee TIE CaN at and ae bY 15c _ a OF Baral gre OU Mie aa aI GE elena ane GL age U akg 25c SPECIAL DELIVERY PARCEL POST 15c ed ee eee eas be Fema Oe nk is oe ee Re yeh Ga SB og ee ee kas wwe Na vis ba bank oo 4 Ze GR os Over? the upto 10 Woe... Eats eee Ute eel a N48 35c oon a ds hs 0b 0 wie odin ele CO a RR OUR Cree TO bao SPECIAL HANDLING 10c ae Ww 8 acd a nena en a et igs sa cv gis b's alia oa Wis Ge DT ene ei bw ele ood 15c ai oa wis WS ee 66 ks Civer 2 ibs and wo to 10 Bs... 20c 9 Se We WK Sg eC A PAR hy TL a a raid FON Rae es oc goo Saline RIK A eo he FOREIGN COUNTRIES *Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, *Bolivia, *Brazil, British Guiana, British Honduras, Caicos Island, *Canada, Cayman Islands, *Chile, “Colombia, Cook Islands, *Costa Rica, *Cuba, *Dominican Republic, Dutch West Indies, *Ecuador, England, *Guatemala, *Haiti, Republic of *Honduras, Ireland, Jamaica, *Labrador, Leeward Islands, *Mexico, *Newfoundland, New Zealand, *Nicaragua, *Panama, *Paraguay, *Peru, *Salvador (El), Samoa Western (British), Scotland, *Spain, Tobago, Trinidad, Turks Islands, *Uruguay, Wales, and Windward Islands. De a Oe i tha ee aOR a 6 AT ae ee a ea Wales > per oz 2c > a oe a ew eRe ee be be bn oo hs oop Uaioe ss Ic 7 SPrsatal cared (rents CATAS BO). sn 6 cee ews nae Additional information apply at Post Office. ~ or fraction 3c pets each additional oz ...... cece cece ee ence ence eens 3c = me emereee ve: ees gS See es os 2c Bide ee Postal cards (reply Cards 4€) o..0 06.6 oc boi ie OR a cde ao Kip able A Bimini o Oow 46, el 0 8's 2 oz ic alae WRG RR nak Wabi ee Me PA Parcel Post (inquire at P.O.) f wttutes Cot tetiet COUNETIOS «6.6.66 os 6 oss eV AUS S eee 008 CREAMER OR cea cs first oz 5c Postal cards for other countries (reply cards 6c) 1, 1930 tocome |