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Show PIONEERS OF MORGAN COUNTY- PIONEERS OF MORGAN VALLEY by Camille Fry Wilde I have attempted to fmd names of the Pioneers who came to Morgan Valley before May 10, 1869. This undertaking was very challenging to me and has taken many frustrating, but enjoyable hours. Some of the people didn't stay long and moved to a different location. Others spent their remaining years here. In some cases their names were listed by nick names, some their full names, maiden names (women), some with a middle initial. Still other listed Father and family or Mother and family. There may be many duplications also. Ifl have overlooked any 011e, it was not deliberate. For all possible 1nistal{es I do • apologize. So1ne of the pioneers are buried iI1 Morgan County Cemeteries, some are not . Many 11ames might be considered early settlers coming after 1869, but they are still considered Pioneers in their own right. I express my appreciation to E1nma Loo Welch Bell and Vera Phillips Carter for helping me obtain many names. Sources of information: Pioneering Morgan County by Mary Chadwick A Noble Son by Truman G. Madsen Mountains Conquered by Morgan County Fine Arts History of Croydon, Utah by Jeff London, Eric and Nancy Wilde History of George Charles and Lucy Malinda Robinson Truner by Beth Turner History of Porterville by Grace Kilbourn D U P Building located i11 Morgan City Family History Building R Fry's by Camille F. Wilde The Toomer Hand Cart by Camille F. Wilde Mountain Green the Beautiful by Muriel Robinson Shupe History of Ford Dickson by Ford Dickson Our Heritage by tl1e Francis Family The Morgan Historical Society Morgan Co1111ty School B11ildings A. Jane Durra11t Adams Samuel Adams Thomas Adan1s Brother Ager (possibly John) Gunda Anderso11 John Anderson - Martha Hansen Anderson 0 laf B. A11derson Peter Anderson * Alice Ande1ton • *Isaac Anderton Nelson Arave Susanna Arave * They may have been residents of Henefer, Stmnnit Com1ty, Utah but were buried in the Croydon, Morgan County, Cemete1y. B. James Hyrum Baird Nick Barkdull J.S. Barrell Daniel Bertoch Elva Hampton Bertoch Sarah Ann Bertoch Johnny Binsley and Family Charles Blackwell Elizabeth Blackwell Ja11e P. Blackwell Joseph Blacl<Well Herny Bl11mill J a111es Bond Issac Bohman Martha Davis Bower William Bower George K. Bowerit1g Alice Peterson Boyden Charles Boyden Eliza Bradt Joseph Bradt William Bridges E1nily Jane Cottrell Brough Jane Patterso11 Brough Sa1nuel Brough Thomas Bro11gh William G. Brougl1 L11cinda Brown Daniel Bull Elizabeth Tantum Bull Bullis Family FredBmu1 Mary At111 Bunn Charles Bunting Isabell B 1mting Sarah Emma Baker Butters • • I *Thomas Otley Butters David B. Bybee *Rode tl1e first train tl1ro11gh Morgan C. John Ca1neron Robert Campbell James Carrigan Lois Bent Carrigan Ellen Masser Carter Samuel Carter Sarah Davis Roberts Carter William Carter John Caste Ann Richardson Chapii1 Uriah Calvin Chapin William Cl1ap1nan L. P. Christensen La11ra Bratton Porter Cherry John Cherry Annie Waldron Clark Ezra Clark Fred Clark (Frederick William Clark) David Clawson Harriet Cordelia S1nith Clawson Clayton Family Tho1nas Cooke Catherine Coolbear David Coolbear Thomas Colburn Gibson Condie Thomas Condie Solomo11 Conley William Cooper Bridge·Lt Cottom James Cottom George Criddle Amelia Croft John Croft · Ebenzer Cro11ch Elizabeth Crouch • • D. Ted Dalton Joe Darke Elizabeth Dearden William Dearden Albert Douglas Dickson Billa Dickson Eliza Ann Preston Durrant James Durrant Lorenzo Heber Durrant Margaret Cotton Durrant Mary Ann Morris Dtu·rant Phebe Durrant William Durrant 'E Jane Hales Eddington Sarah Toomer Eddington Williain Eddi11gto11 L.P. Edholm Solomon Edwards F William Farrell Nathaniel Herny Felt Sarah Jane Taylor Florence Henry Florence John Ford Sr. Rebecca Chandler Ford Esther Charlotte E1nily Wiesbrodt Francis Joseph Enoch Francis Sa1nt1el Francis. Sr. Samuel Francis Jr. Sarah Ja11e Ursenbacl1 Francis Ann Blackmore Rawle Fry Richard Fry • • G. Edward Geary , Wife and 5 children Hyrum Geary Tl1omas Geary Williatn George Emily George John Gibby and wife AIU1 Kingman Giles John Henry Giles Louisa Candy Giles Charlton Goldsberry George D. Grant John Green Margaret Green Sarah Jane Greenwell Green Ambrose Gree11well Jacob Grover Thomas Grover H. Henry Hales Stephe11 Hales JohnK. Hall Hammond Family James Hansen Elisha Phillbrook Hardy Jesse Haven John Hayes John Heath Josephine Heath Adelgunda Ditzel Heiner ' Amelia Heiner Antl1ony Heiner Clarrisa Marina Rogers Heiner Daniel Heiner Emma AlU1 Heiner Eliza Heiner Elizabeth Heiner • • Fanny Parks Taggart Heiner George Heiner Johann Heiner J oln1 Heiner Mary Henderson Heiner Martha Ann Steve11 Heiner Martin Heiner Mary Heiner Sarah Jane Coulam Heiner Sarah JaneTaggart Heiner Susanna Catherine Heiner J olm Heath Fanny HemmiI1g Willia1n Hermning Issac Hemmingway Jonathon Hemmingway David Henderson John W . Hess Benjamin Hibbard George Higley Nancy Higley Mary Hibbard Higley Thomas Higley Anna Hilton He111·y Hinmai1 Morgan Hinman Janetta McNiven Hogg Robert Hogg Sr. Holmes Fanuly J oln1 Hopkin Martl1a Housely Hopkin Mary Ellen Pennington Hopkin William Hopkin Edward Hunter I. J. Niels C. Jensen Maren Kerstena Jensen Weaver Jensen • - K. Electa Granteer Kilburn Eli Kilbourn Ozias I(ilborun Jr. Soplnonia Olive Stol(er Kilbou1n Catherine Campbell Kippen James Kippen George Knight L. August Lambert Thomas Lerwill Col. Jessie C .. Little Eliza Greenwood French Little Mary Maria Holbrook Little Ann Toomer Fry Littlefield, Mary, David, Lydia, Joseph, Elijah, and E1nily, (twins) Hannal1 Elizabeth Smith London John London James Lythgoe • M. Bertha Katrina Hansen Madsen James H. Madsen Manhard Family Mary Madsen Soren Madsen Dorothy Norwood Marker J.M. McFarland • McLean family Mary Catheri11e Green Meacha1n Almie Mecham Elizabeth Bovee Mecha1n Hannah Ladd Tyler Mecl1am John T. Mecha1n J osepl1ine Mecha1n Martha Pascoe Richards Mecham Matilda Ann Tuttle Mecham • r - - - - - - ti: Sarah Mecham Sarah M. Tuttle MecI1a1n Phile1non C. Merrill Thol.na s Mills (die d o n tl.te plains possibly em·o 1.1te to M o rgan) Sarah Elizabeth Robe1is Mikesell Willard Mikesell Willard Richard Mikesell Jane Mitchell Issac Morris I Andrew Mo11:ensen He11ry Mortensen N. Anders Nelson Anna Maria Nelson Caroline Olson Nelson Matilda Marie Nelso11 I(aren Marie Jens en Nelson Waldemar T. Nelson Ira Newton Caroline Williams Nicholas John Nicholas Andrew Nielsen D01ihea Nielsen Mina Gibby Nielsen Neils Neilson Peter Nielsen Chloe Norton Norwood Richard Norwood ' 0 Fannie Higgenbottom Olpin Henry Olpin Saral1 Ann White Olpi11 At1ders Olsen Helena Anderson Olsen Elizabeth Owens P. • • • • Ua Rutha Steward Pahner Thomas Palmer Sr. John D. Parke1· Eliza Parker William Parker Wyman Parker Mrs. Parkinson Miller Parrish Ane Margrethe Baltzarsdatt Pederson Soren Pederson. Annie J. Mary Peterson Ann Patten Peterson Baltzer Peterson .. - Charles Screeve Peterson (Buried in Arizona) Katrina Johnson Peterson Matilda Nielson Peterso11 Mette Margrett J11lsens Peterson Niels Joel or Jule Peterson Peter Peterson ' Ann Drinkwater Phillips Edward Webb Phillips Hyrum Phillips John Phillips Lorenzo Pl1illips Thomas Phillips Alma Porter· Betsy Amelia White Porter Chauncey W a1Tiner Porter Electa Elizabeth Porter Electa Maria Kilbourn Porter Eliza Bratton Porter Elizabeth Bailey Porter Elizabeth Bratton Porter Lyman Wright Porter Joht1 Preside11t Porter Sr. John Pr~siden Porter Jr. Joseph Rich Porter • Joseph R. Porter Olive Mevina Kilbourn Porter Priscilla Porter · Nancy Rich Porte1· Nancy Warriner Porter Sanford Coulson Po1ier Sanford Porter Jr. • • Sanford Porter Sr. Sarah Catherine Emmett Porter Mary Graves Bratton Porter Wyman Porter Martha Alimark Priest William Priest William Probert Q. R. Mads Peter Rassmussen Karen Pederson Rass1nussen Richard Rawle Sarah Ann Sweetland Rawle Adria Brough Rich Adria E . Rich E1nn1a Elizsabeth He1runing Ricl1 Florence Bratton Porter Rich. John Henry Rich Sr Lydia Po11d Rich Nancy Rich Thomas Rich John T. Richards Martha Bascoe Richards Robert Richardson Henry Rideol1t Elizabeth Robison Richardson George Roberts Hattie Starkins Robe1is John Heber Robinson Sr. John· Heber Robinso11 Jr. Lucinda V. Roberts Robinson Daniel Robison Margaret Smith Robison Rachel Smith Robiso11 William Robison Henry Rock Leannah Rock Peter Rock Jr. William Rock Thomas Rogers Amanda Melvina France Rollins Steuben Rollins • • August Edward Rose George A. Rose Mary Ann Brot1gh Rose Mary Lena Brink Rose Olof Anderson Rose Sarah Rose Tho1nas F. Rose Alexander Ross David J. Ross William Carmer Rounds Jane Eliza Rounds S. David Albert Sanders Lucy Grover Sanders Arimatha Mecha1n Sanberg Levis Savage Phillip Schop Jay William Seamon John Sea1non Jarome Seamon William Secrist Charles Shill George Shill Mr. Sholes ( Monday Town Store owner) Dewey Shurtleff Opl1elia Stoddard Shurtleff Alex Sim Catheri11e Sim Willia1n Sim William J. Sim Janet Eddie Si1n James Si1ns Sarah Aleander Sims George Simmons Mary Ann Ford Si1111nons John Simmons Ben Simons Alma Smith Benjamin Franklin Smith* Elinor Carter S1nith Eliza Robinson S1nith George Washington Smith* • Hilda Cordelia Thurston Sn1ith Lot Smith Mary Ann Si1runons Smith Mary Hibbert S1nith Nancy Smith Nathaniel Smith Samuel S1nith Tl1a11 Smith Willard Gelbert Snuth William S1nith , William Smith S1·. William Smith Jr. Edward Spackman Thomas Spackman Eliza Drake Spaulding Elizabeth Wright Corey Spaulding Ira Eli Spauldi11g Aaron Spencer J osepl1 Spendlove Aaron S1nithers Richard Staples Louisa Field Staples Harriet Steed Joseph Steed Josephine Steed William Steed Elizabeth T. Stodda1·d Mable Mariah Stoddard Oscar Orlando Stoddard Fanny Staples Stua1t James R. Stua1t - Emma Staples Hutchison Sttiart Charles Ephraim Swan Roswell Stevens *The sa1ne 1nan T. Cla1risa Ma1il1a Rogers Taggart Fanny Parks Taggart George Herny Taggart George Washington Tagga1i Jessica McNiven Taggart • di Alice Taylor Caroline K. Taylor Joseph Hyrum Taylor Steven King Taylor Esther Emma Terry George Thackeray Elizabeth Smitl1 Tht1rston Helen Davis Thurston Rosetta Bull Tht1rston Thomas Jefferson Tl1urston ( bm·ied in St. George) Elizabeth Smith Thursto11 Hele11 Davis Thurston George Tonks Martha Derricott Tonks Willia1n Henry Tonks Willia1n T 011.ks James Toomer Charles Jabez Toone Emma Prosser Toone Ham1ah Webb Toone Jemima Cook Toone John Toone William Henry Toone James Tucker Rebecca Tucker Am1a Bosch Turner Charles Turner Elizabeth Wilkins Tt1rner Hannah Ringrose Tun1er Jones Tt1rner u. Eliza Durrant Ursenbacl( Octave Ursenback V . w. Abiah Wadsworth Catherine Moore Wadsworth Eliza Wadsworth ~ • • '1111 Dr. Thomas Shore Wadsworth Mr. Walcott Ann Dewhurst Waldron Gillispie Walter Waldron Charles Alzono Wal ton W ardley Family Anna Weed Harriet Nash Welch ( can·ied a 9 mon. old baby across the Plains) Mary Ja11e Cook Toomer Welch Mary Loiza Hinckley Welch Thomas Friday Welch Thomas Robert Green Welch (T.R.G. Welch) Charles Henry John West Eliza Dangerfield West Margaret Eliza Felt West Thomas West Alfred White Alfred George White Elizabeth Warn White Ellen Wllite Fred White Frederick William White John White Thomas White William White William Edward White Willia1n I. White A1mie Hall Whitear Eli Whittier (Whitear) Elle11 Whitear Maria Brooks Whitear Ann Williams (Olsen) Daniel Willia1ns Mary Ann, Joseph, Jane, Hyrum, and wife Harriett Willia1ns Eliza McCaustland Willia1ns Eliza S. Anderton Williams Harriett Thursto11 Willia1ns Jane Carter Southam Williams Joseph Willia1ns Sr. Joshua Williams James Wilson Henry Wise and fa1nily Anna Woods or Wood John Woodl • • |